Thai cat: history of the breed, characteristics, care and breeding

At first glance, a Thai cat can be confused with a Siamese “sister” - due to its similar color. In fact, these are different breeds that differ both in appearance and in character. What are the specific features of the Thais and how not to confuse them with the Siamese?

What specific signs indicate that this is not a Siamese, but a Thai cat?

  • Torso . For the Thais, it is stockier and squat, the body is more powerful and even more massive. Whereas the Siamese is graceful and elongated, one might say elegant.
  • Head . Thai cats have a round face with rounded ears. And Siamese cats have a slightly elongated, wedge-shaped head with pointed ears.
  • Tail . This part of the body also differs in both breeds. Thais have slightly bushier tails with rounded tips, while Siamese have smooth tails with a pointed tip.
  • Limbs . As in the case of the body, representatives of the Thai breed have more powerful and slightly shorter paws, while their Siamese “brothers” are more graceful and longer.
  • Wool . To the touch, Thai cats' fur coat resembles a plush one, it is softer and more pleasant. Siamese cats have coarser fur and a slightly different structure.

Also, these two breeds are distinguished from each other by their eyes: in Thais they are large and round, while in Siamese they are slightly slanted, as if pointed. But eye color can vary.

Education and training

Despite their generally docile nature, Himalayan cats are in no hurry to join the educational process.
For this reason, basic etiquette standards need to be instilled in an animal from a very early age - an adult Siamese who has managed to master bad habits, unfortunately, cannot be re-educated. After the kitten has been socialized and accustomed to its new home, immediately begin developing its toilet habits. The tray should be located in the most calm and quiet place and in no case next to the food bowl. The little Himalayan should be placed on the tray immediately after sleep and active play. To make sure your baby understands that the toilet belongs only to him, it is recommended to put a piece of cloth in the litter that you used to wipe up the puddle left by your pet. At the same time, wean your animal from the habit of sharpening its claws on furniture, but first buy a scratching post. If after this the kitten encroaches on the upholstery, sprinkle water on it when you catch it sabotaging, and then send it back to the scratching post.

Are you used to leaving aromatic delicacies on the table? Get ready for your cat to taste them! Himalayans, of course, are passive companions, but they cannot resist a tasty treat left unattended. You need to wean your ward off jumping on the table immediately and unconditionally. Firstly, do not leave meat products on the kitchen surface so as not to tempt your furry. Secondly, try to make sure that this piece of furniture evokes unpleasant associations in the animal. For example, treat it with products that have a strong menthol or citrus scent, which cats hate. You can also place strips of tape on the table, sticky side up, to “catch” the prankster with them.

Teaching a Himalayan cat funny tricks is difficult and essentially unnecessary, but if you decide to play the role of a great trainer, stock up on deli meats. Make allowances for the fact that cats are not dogs; they will not strain solely out of a desire to please you. An important nuance is to clearly convey to the animal what is expected of it. For example, if you want to teach a cat to sit on command, then you first need to demonstrate a treat, and then gently persuade the fluffy to the required position, rewarding it with a delicacy for doing so. Some owners use catnip as a training stimulus. This is the easiest path that experts do not recommend taking.

It is also useful to slightly modify the method with tasty rewards by adding a clicker to the treat. Click the device while the command is being executed, and then, if the task is completed, treat the cat with a treat. Soon the fluffy will understand that the sound of the clicker is followed by encouragement, and will fulfill the requirements more readily. By the way, if you notice that the cat is sincerely resisting your commands and is trying to leave, you should not try to suppress his will. Exercise only when the cat is ready to study and no more than once a day - in a 15-minute lesson, the breed exhausts its internal resource and needs a long rest.

adopted a Thai kitten

Hello! We adopted a Thai kitten 3 days ago. The baby is very affectionate, constantly asks to be held, and immediately squeaks if we disappear from his field of vision. He goes into the litter box more or less when you put him there several times. But the problem is this: he wakes up 2 times a night and starts gnawing his hands, scratching, we wake up. The husband is nervous, says why we took it, and wants to give it to the former owner. He says he can’t go anywhere with him, he can’t leave him for long. But we go to work and leave him alone for 10 hours. I don’t know what to do, and I want to, and it’s a pain, and it’s a pity to give, and it’s a pity for him that he’s always alone. Maybe the little one will forget us for now... but my conscience does not give me peace(

There are so many topics here by the author about young cats, read them. He gets enough sleep while you are at work, of course he is active at night. And it will be like this for a long time. Possibly up to a year.

It’s terrible that the poor animal has to stay alone for so long. give it away. definitely.

Well, after all, many people go to work, and the animals are left alone at home?

Well, after all, many people go to work, and the animals are left alone at home?

Yes. And everyone has the same problems. The kitten jumps around its owners at night, hunting for arms and legs sticking out from under the blanket.

I also think, I just need to endure this time, I just really feel sorry for him, and I’m ashamed that such thoughts are creeping into my head, it just doesn’t give me peace and I’m worried

Well, ******* like your husband shouldn’t have animals in the first place. Why did you take the baby, seeing in advance what kind of person your husband is? Give the poor animal to KIND people. I have a Thai cat, 10 years old, the smartest animal, the smartest.

Try to tire him out in the evening with games and races. He needs more toys; cats also love to chase the beam from a laser pointer. Buy this thing, your cat will be delighted. Wrap him up in the evening so that he sleeps better and give him more food in the evening (only after games) and so that he also has food at night, watch.

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Dear Marie! My husband is the kindest person I know. He would never hurt an animal. We were just very worried, we didn’t expect it to be so small. He still doesn’t know how to eat on his own, we hand feed him. Better yet, tell me how to teach him to eat from a bowl himself?

Why did you take such a little one? What kind of breeder is there that gives away such babies? It’s easy to teach: just poke it with your muzzle and he’ll understand. Another thing is that now he can’t eat almost anything except his mother’s milk.

The breeder said that he was 1.5-2 months old, I called her later, he is still just a baby, of course, we give him pate and warm milk and liquid soup. And I poked him with my muzzle, he looked somehow without enthusiasm and did not approach her

p10 how then do you feed? I don’t understand, you give him pate, but he doesn’t eat it?

Kitten and litter box.

The kitten is not growing

We adopted a kitten and now we don’t know what to do with it! Please advise

adopted an ordinary kitten from a family

I adopted a kitten and don’t know what to do with it? I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything!

We feed only from hands, he eats from hands, but there is a bowl with the same food five centimeters away, but he doesn’t eat from there

We live with a Thai cat, he is 6 years old; he came into our house as a two-month-old kitten. I cried at night for 2 weeks, couldn’t get used to the new home, hid from strangers for a very long time, but we survived everything together. I have already been accustomed to a tray and dry food, it is not difficult, the main thing is patience and under no circumstances beat the animal, believe me, with the right approach, read special literature, you will achieve a positive result in a couple of days. Young cats are very playful, they have different characters, like people, but with age they become calm and imposing) As for the fact that he is lonely alone, if he had his way, our cat would go to work with us, but alas, he can’t), but in the evening he gives your love and affection accumulated during the day)

About love and affection - you noticed this correctly. This cannot be taken away from them) my mother is a Scot, that’s not a weasel about him) and this one is on our heels, but he doesn’t hide from us, on the contrary) he gallops like a baby elephant, and at work my heart bleeds, how is he there alone, we are still We close the rooms from him, he lives in the hallway and in the kitchen, in the rooms there is a new sofa and curtains, so I’m afraid that he will tear

We feed only from hands, he eats from hands, but there is a bowl with the same food five centimeters away, but he doesn’t eat from there

Well, it’s okay, when he grows up, he’ll start eating from the plate. Still small

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Get used to the claw grinder right away. Go to the cat forum, there is a lot of advice there. Just don’t create diaries and don’t post photos, there are such inadequacies there. Just read what interests you

Thank you very much! I haven’t slept for three nights now, I’m so worried about him

Dear Marie! My husband is the kindest person I know. He would never hurt an animal. We were just very worried, we didn’t expect it to be so small. He still doesn’t know how to eat on his own, we hand feed him. Better yet, tell me how to teach him to eat from a bowl himself?

the kindest husband for whom a small kitten will prevent him from traveling)))). DO NOT console yourself. How many months is the kitten? We got ours when we were a month and a half old. I started going to the litter box right away, never walked past it. Thais are one of the most intelligent cat breeds. What do you feed? You need to feed him cottage cheese mixed with rice, such as porridge. He won’t be able to eat pieces yet. Do not feed with ready-made industrial food, Thais are prone to kidney diseases - they can’t have this rubbish. A little later, take good minced beef or chicken and mix it with boiled rice like porridge. Regarding sleep, they gave you the right advice here - tire him out with games in the evening and put a warm bottle or heating pad in a cover on his bed so that he doesn’t freeze at night. Kids are very cold.

He sleeps with us because when we leave him he screams. Should I just boil the rice? Doesn't it need to be crushed?

He sleeps with us because when we leave him he screams. Should I just boil the rice? Doesn't it need to be crushed?

he screams from loneliness. Simply cook the rice until soft. We gave our Thai a brother when he was one year old. Now the two of them prance like horses. BUT it was easier for me - I don’t work, I was with him all the time. This is a very cool breed, they are even more dogs than cats in behavior. They can guard the house, they can bring fetch. They love communication very much, they chat constantly. And don’t forget to always have some water with him. He apparently sleeps all day - you’re not at home, and naturally walks around at night.

Thank you very much! I haven’t slept for three nights now, I’m so worried about him

Do not worry. He’s just not used to the new place yet, and neither are you. We adopted our Bengal when he was less than 2 months old. He screamed 24 hours a day, but Bengals still have the same voice. Didn't let me sleep. The very next day I regretted taking him (this is honest). But how can you give such a baby away? We endured it. Now we have a 2-year-old handsome and smart boy. I can’t even imagine how we would live without him. Love and patience. And everything will be fine with you.

There is water and milk, he only prefers milk for now. We don’t need the second one, it would be better to educate him) well, while we’re not there, he has nothing to do, apparently he’s sleeping.

What do you use to iron your clothes?

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Colors of Thai cats with photos

A Thai cat can have several shades of color, but there is one pattern - the body is the same color, and the tips of the paws and tail, ears and muzzle (mask) will always differ from the body.

Let's look at photographs with possible colors that nature has endowed the Thai breed with.

  • Chocolate point (chocolate) is distinguished by a darkish (ivory) body shade and a light brown color of the muzzle, paws, ears and tail.
  • Blue point (blue point) has a bluish tint to the body with dark gray shades of the tail, paws, muzzle and ears.
  • Cream point (cream) is distinguished by a white with a hint of cream color with a distinct (darker, sometimes striped) shade on the limbs and face.
  • Tortie point is the color of the limbs in a tortoiseshell color with standard shades (white, brownish) of the body. The tortoiseshell shade can be in combinations of black with red, gray or cream shades.
  • Lilac point (lilac) color is distinguished by a cool shade with lilac on the limbs and muzzle.
  • Fawn point (white). White color in combination with grayish-bluish shades on the face and limbs is quite rare.
  • Red point is a red tint on the limbs, ears and muzzle with a white body color.
  • Tabby point is distinguished by the fact that the limbs, ears and muzzle are striped, and the body is white.
  • Seal point is a rather interesting color, where the limbs and muzzle are dark brown. This cat's face is almost black.

Origin story

Thai cats were the favorites of kings in ancient times. In addition, they were considered a kind of “guards” of the monasteries, and as a reward for their devotion, as legend says, they were endowed with blue eyes the color of a clear sky. The heroes of the tales, the Thais, were descendants of the elusive cats of ancient Ayutthaya, the historical capital of Thailand. They protected monasteries and temples, as well as master's houses from evil spirits, so animals were deified and treated with respect. Specific historical information about the Thais has not been preserved. This is perhaps the most ancient breed, the origin of which is shrouded in mystery.

Thai cats, known for their affectionate obedience and ability to sincerely love a person, have long attracted the interest of breeders. Anyone who has ever adopted a Thai cat is unlikely to choose a cat of a different breed in the future. They settle so firmly in the heart.

The homeland of Thai cats, not surprisingly, is Thailand.

The earliest mentions of cats similar in appearance to the Thai date back to the fourteenth century. The first specimens of Thai cats were brought to Europe in 1870, when Europeans became interested in such an exquisite breed. There is an opinion that the king of Siam gave the cat Pho and the cat Mia (the first Thai cats) to the British general Owen Gould, who brought them to Great Britain, thereby laying the foundation for a new breed.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, cats came from Great Britain to America. The fashion for Thai cats reached Russia in the mid-60s of the twentieth century.

Video about the Thai cat breed (Traditional Siamese cat):

History of the origin of the breed, its distribution and official recognition

The Thai cat is an aboriginal breed, originally from the Hindustan Peninsula. The oldest images of a cat of a characteristic phenotype date back to the 14th century and are illustrations to the ancient manuscript “Smut-hoi” (“Book of Poems about Cats”) from Ayutthaya, which contains not only images, but also detailed text descriptions of Thai cats. The manuscript is kept in Bangkok, in the National Laboratory Museum. Over the past half a thousand years, the phenotype has remained virtually unchanged - in photographs of the late 19th century, representatives of this breed look almost the same as their modern descendants.

Photo from Rose Tenent's book “The Book of the Siamese Cat”

Thai cats came to Britain at the end of the 19th century. Most likely, they were brought by members of the diplomatic mission. In 1892, the British felinologist Harrison Vere approved the standard of “royal cats from Siam.” In 1901, the English Siamese Cat Club was organized, and the following year the breed standard changed significantly, approaching the modern one.

It is important to note here that the breed, known today as Thai, was originally called Siamese, after the name of the country of origin, however, through the efforts of breeders, representatives of this breed received a number of significant differences, so that the modern Thai cat is a Siamese cat of the old, original type.

An image clearly illustrating the characteristic differences between Thai and Siamese cats

Siamese cats of the modern type were brought to America, where, as a result of further selection, the final phenotypic separation of Siamese and Thai cats took place. The original phenotype was preserved in Siam itself and, interestingly, in Russia, where Siamese cats appeared at the end of the 18th century. The meeting with them was described by Peter Pallas, who traveled through the southern provinces of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century. The cats he met lived in the Caspian village of Insar. They had a very dark color, but this is associated with a colder climate, because the color of the fur of Siamese cats depends on the ambient temperature.

Officially, Siamese cats came to Russia as a gift to Nicholas II from Chulalongkorn, King of Siam. Then the emperor was sent two hundred Siamese cats of the original phenotype, which became the basis of the population of these animals in Russia. Despite the fact that the official selection of representatives of this breed began only in the 80s of the twentieth century, they lived in many families, and they preferred to breed representatives of this breed with similar animals, so the breed retained its purity.

A characteristic representative of the Thai cat breed of the original phenotype

The breed standard was officially included in the WCF system in Germany in 1990. The name of the breed was chosen in honor of the modern name of the kingdom of Siam - Thailand.

The breed is considered closed, but with the participation of the local felinological club and independent experts, an outbred animal that meets the established breed standards can be recognized as purebred and receive a zero pedigree.


Thai cats get along well with other animals. These are sociable and friendly pets. They find a common language with dogs and cats of other breeds or relatives.

Thai cats and children

The breed can be called active; Thai cats are not averse to playing with children. Pets happily run after the light pointer and play outdoor games. Like all cats, they do not like excessive attention - the Thai will not allow himself to be cuddled and stroked against the grain.

Relationship with the owner

The devotion of Thai cats to their owner is comparable to the devotion of dogs. These are loyal pets that recognize their owner. They are waiting for a person, they miss him.

Thai cats love to be near their owner and try to respond to his remarks. The voice of Thai cats has several timbres and therefore it seems that it is conducting a dialogue with a person.

Thais are touchy and do not tolerate coercion. They react aggressively to anger and are able to stand up for themselves. They remember grievances and after an insult has been caused, it is difficult to restore the previous relationship with them.

Such a pet's commands should be taught patiently and lovingly. The Thai cat loves to be the center of attention, she likes when the owner talks to her, strokes her, and spends time near the pet.

Thai cats love to be held. They happily sleep on their laps. If the owner needs an affectionate and devoted cat, the Thai is an excellent choice.

Personality of Thai cats

These animals are very smart and quick-witted, which makes them capable of training. Intelligence and lively mind make them full members of the family. They are very devoted to their owner and literally try to accompany him everywhere. Thai cats certainly cannot be called cats that walk on their own. They need increased attention and affection, become truly attached to people and respond with sincere love and loyalty to good treatment.

A Thai cat can become a wonderful companion and friend for a child. They treat human cubs with understanding and will never respond with aggression to their pranks. These animals are very active and inquisitive, which makes them the main organizers of chaos in the house. If the window is not closed, they risk falling, because they will definitely check what is interesting there. When they see an unfamiliar object, they will do everything possible to reach it and study it carefully.

Thai cats willingly get along with other pets, but they still prefer the company of people. These animals are called “talking”, since they comment on all the events occurring in their lives with different intonations. If you get used to it, you can understand what your pet is talking about. Thai cats are easy to train, especially if you present everything as a game. They are also able to remember commands, learn to walk on a leash and quickly become accustomed to the litter tray.

In addition, these animals have an interesting feature in the control of their limbs - sometimes it seems that they control them like hands. For example, they may be able to open a door with their paw or get a treat from a hard-to-reach place. If you have the desire, you can quickly teach them to do various interesting things.

The Thai cat is able to quickly adapt to a new place of residence; the environment is not so important to her as her beloved owner is nearby. This feature makes it possible to travel with your cat, take her on business trips and move to a new home without fear of causing her stress. Despite their kindness, these pets have pride and self-esteem. They are very offended by bad treatment and meanness, and they also do not tolerate strangers on their territory.

Thai cat - reviews about the breed

  • + Leave a review

04/04/2021 at 11:45


Good afternoon. I want to write a short review about the Thai cat. My mother-in-law has a 2-year-old cat, she’s just a monster, often showing aggression towards her owner (she rinsed her leg once so that her father-in-law couldn’t get it off, a hematoma formed). She rushes at her grandchildren if she doesn’t understand something (for example, children playing with a balloon or slightly noisier games), if her mother-in-law scolds her, for example, for an upside-down flower, the cat remembers this and when the mother-in-law lies down on the sofa, the cat rushes onto her chest and almost choking, hissing. And today my husband and son came to visit my mother-in-law, the cat didn’t like something about me, she talked loudly, although before that when we arrived she tried to attack the children. At first she looked wary, then when I went down the corridor to the kitchen to drink water, this reptile grabbed my leg, then my arm and threw itself at my leg 4 more times until my husband and mother-in-law covered her with a blanket and locked her on the balcony. I love cats, but this is just a fiend and I believe that cats of this breed (I’m not saying that all of them, but the majority) are very aggressive, capricious and can be dangerous even for the owner. I highly recommend not getting one for families with children, because this breed is on your own.

06/22/2021 at 02:29


Hello, maybe I’m still wrong, but you’ve probably mixed up the breeds) Thai cats will never attack their owners, much less children (this has been proven more than once), most likely you have a Siamese cat, that’s exactly what they can rush at a person, be it the owner or the child. If a cat behaves like this, it means something very bad was done to her, either at an early age, which left her with trauma, or you annoyed her with something very much at a conscious age, which is why aggression occurs, they just don’t behave like that so aggressive. I hope it helped)

05.11.2021 at 17:14


No, that’s right, the Thai cat, like in the picture, was taken from a breeder, the cat has already rushed at her father-in-law, cutting her hands, and in general we try not to take children to visit our mother-in-law, I’m worried that it might attack her in the face. I understand that one time it can accidentally rush, but not at all people and new ones, including their owners, I’ve encountered many cats, but this one is just tough.

04/12/2020 at 11:59


He pees everywhere on the bed, on the carpet everywhere except his toilet. I regretted 100 times that I started it.

06/22/2021 at 02:31


This behavior in a cat may be reflected by illness, I advise you to take it to the veterinarian just in case) And if it is a kitten, then you need to wait a little, and you will be able to accustom it to the litter box

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I read the negative reviews... I felt ashamed of these people, especially those who “gave away” (I think betrayed) their pets. My miracle (I named him Darren) appeared to me 4 years ago at the age of 2 months. Everything that is written about this breed is true. But let's not forget that every animal, like a person, has its own individuality, its own character. Darka and I went through everything: torn wallpaper, making ekkibano from rolls of toilet paper and documents, destroying indoor plants, a period of increased biteiness (until he was 2 years old, it lasted for about a month - he slept in an embrace with his own slipper, because this there was only one argument, otherwise he simply didn’t let me sleep and gave me a wake-up call at 5 am, regardless of the day of the week), a toilet in bed (and now periodically in this way they make me understand that I’m wrong) and much more. I believe that every animal, regardless of breed, requires an individual approach. Of course, it is better to immediately make it clear who is the alpha in your family, but at the same time do not constantly suppress the cat. In general, over 4 years we have studied each other’s character, habits and habits quite well. He defended his right to walk on his own (fortunately, the 1st floor goes out the window and comes back through the door. He managed to train all the neighbors to accompany him to our doors and call to have them open. He visited half of the entrance, and that’s how I met most of the neighbors) . I have never trained him, but at the moment he clearly makes me understand what he wants. If he needs to go outside, he comes up and lightly bites my legs, if he wants a tasty treat, he runs his paw along my leg without letting go of his claws, as if stroking it (his main food is dry, the tasty treat is spiders, usually given for good behavior), but if he wants me I went outside with him - he stood on his hind legs and hugged my leg tightly with his front legs. During this time, he taught me not to leave documents and papers in his access area, to put jewelry directly into the box, but at the same time there are enough open surfaces in the house where there are figurines or vases. He walks freely on these shelves and has never broken or even thrown them off. But when I put the headphones with MP3 on the shelf, they immediately ended up on the floor. This cat understands everything perfectly, but acts exclusively as he wants. I treat him like a member of the family. my alarm clock is set 15 minutes earlier - because the first thing I see when I open my eyes is Darya, who is waiting for me to wake up and take him in my arms with the obligatory scratching, then feeding him and then taking care of myself. I have allergies, including to animal fur, when the doctor told me that I needed to get rid of the cat... well, he doesn’t tell me that anymore. If you can set yourself up to treat your baby like a child who needs care, care, and love, then everything will be fine with you)



  • Soft, dense wool
  • beautiful color
  • affectionate.


  • It's lazy.

I got a Thai cat in 2004; in my experience, the breed requires a lot of attention to itself, is picky about food, sometimes allergies arise from some foods. As for their behavior: They get along well with children, and are suspicious of guests.



  • Playful
  • beautiful
  • smart
  • can be trained


  • No

I used to always have cats, but after my last beloved cat disappeared, I decided that I didn’t want any more pets.

And then for my birthday they brought me a small, white lump in a carrier.

With the arrival of the kitten, the house became so much fun. It was true that it was difficult to raise at first. Then she grew up and began to understand everything, but she still ruins the wallpaper. She was immediately toilet trained. As for food, there are no special problems. He eats mostly dry Royal Canin food (doesn’t eat anything else), buckwheat, loves oatmeal very much, and eats it for breakfast with me : -D doesn’t particularly like dairy products.

At 7-8 months she was in heat, these were terrible screams and screams that did not stop day or night, but we endured it (3 days)

I really like this breed. Playful, beautiful, sociable, understanding. You get so used to it that even when you let it out for a walk outside for a day, it becomes empty (

If you decide to get a Thai cat, you will not regret it, because you will have another friend)).



  • Darling, what to do))


  • Aggressiveness
  • excessive cleanliness

The animal is active and extremely aggressive. You cannot touch it, we warn guests immediately. She chases all the guys away, I can’t even meet my friends near the house, since we live on the first floor, and she watches. He constantly rushes around the corner, scratches, and if you pick him up he can seriously bite him. We are tolerant of our neighbors' children, but we try to stop contacts, because if they scratch us, we will have to answer. She is picky about food, willful, and clean. Before biting, lick your hand thoroughly. If you pet it, it will first scratch and then lick the place you touched. You can only iron if she comes herself.



  • Great for families with children and other animals


  • No cons

Real version of the kitten from the cartoon "A Kitten Named Woof"

A very beautiful chic breed. Charming blue eyes, simply mesmerizing. The character is simply wonderful, affectionate and smart. Perfect for a family with children and other animals. The Thai breed has one amazing feature: when they are born, only the tips of their ears, nose and paws are black, with age they become darker and darker. I had such a cat, although he was temporarily in my foster care, generally a problem-free animal and very smart, absolutely everything he was told. Just a find for families with children. It was such a pity to give it away, because it was simply impossible not to become attached to it.



  • beautiful
  • clean


  • vindictive and with a difficult character

The beauty of the Thai cat is undeniable and cannot be doubted. But the cat is very picky about food; if she doesn’t like something, she won’t eat it until the last minute, until you throw everything out of her plate. Mine only recognizes one owner and cannot stand small children who want to cuddle her. I don’t recommend getting one for people with small children who don’t yet know how to communicate with pets - a cat can easily scratch a child’s face. But the cat will not offend those whom she loves in life. She recognizes affection only when she wants it, if she is not in the “mood” it is better not to touch her at all. loves to play, hunt birds, and also chase the neighbor's cats - he can't stand rivals, heats are infrequent - once a year, so it doesn't bother him too much with kittens. It should be noted that this cat does not accept other cats in the house - it will kill or demonstratively leave the house. If you plan to have several cats, it is better to take both of them small so that they can get used to the fact that both are part of the family. He likes to sleep in soft places - most often on the bed and takes up a lot of space - I usually sleep somewhere on the edge and the cat sleeps on the entire bed. In addition, the cat is very vindictive; if you offend her, she can pee on the bed, although she herself is very clean and knows perfectly well where her toilet is.



  • she has no flaws!!!

I want to write one story. I was about 8 years old at the time, I was walking with my friend on the street, and the neighbors had a cat, I don’t know what breed, well, for the life of me : ) Very similar to this beauty : ) So, it so happened that my friend took her in her arms, and the cat - it turned out that it was that kind of thing:) It started to jump out of my hands and scratched my friend)) And there was a scar above my lip:) As if it was not an ordinary scratch, but something more))



  • Blue eyes!!!
  • affectionate
  • devotion to the owner
  • smart
  • clean

When we adopted the kitten, we had never even heard of this breed, we just liked the colors of cats) But when they brought the kitten, we fell in love with her kind disposition. True, the first impression was rather ambiguous: long, skinny, crazy, she got up at 6 am regularly (!), and climbed into all the uncovered holes (under the closet, etc.) everyone was afraid that she might climb in and not get out, but it seemed to work out ) In general, we couldn’t wait for this miracle to finally grow up) And now this miracle is 3 years old) very kind (all my friends, when they come to visit, take her in their arms and walk with her, and she absolutely does not resist this), nor never (! ) in her life has she hissed or growled at anyone, she purrs very often) She loves to “talk”) To sum up the above: a very kind and affectionate cat, but if you have a stressful time, it’s better not to get one, the animal is sociable and will get bored , you might even get sick.



  • vociferous
  • smart
  • emotional


  • in the game he forgets and bites painfully
  • harmful
  • vindictive
  • complex nature

Hello my dears!

Let me make a reservation right away: I absolutely do not presume to say that absolutely all cats of this breed are the same as mine. I am simply describing my personal experience of keeping this breed. The story itself

About 2 years ago we bought a Thai kitten from a cattery (all as it should be). “A wonderful cat with expressive eyes, a beautiful color, a miracle of miracles,” they thought as they took him home.

Sleeping little monster. There were no problems with training him to use the tray and scratching post; the cat, whom we named Chester, turned out to be a very smart and quick-witted boy. He was not picky about food, he was fed royal canin, but he could sell his homeland for boiled chicken. A predator, he is a predator. He was not afraid of strangers, sniffed them with interest, bit them on the hands and tried to play. Talkative and terribly smart, he constantly meowed something, and with expressive intonation). Handsome, you can't say anything

Now let's talk about the bad.

The problems began when the cat was 8 months old (after castration). Circumstances (force majeure) developed in such a way that we had to go to another place once a week for the night, and left the cat at home with a supply of food and drink.

“Nothing will happen,” we thought, until one weekend the cat peed on our bed.

If you have never jumped up at 6 am on your longed-for day off because someone wrote on you, then you will not understand the feeling we experienced!!! Now I write about this with a smile, but at that time it was not funny.

All bedding, including the blanket and mattress, had to be either washed or thrown away! Hoping for a miracle and pouring almost half the bottle of Antigadin on all this, I loaded everything into the washing machine. Everything was completely changed, the bed was treated with Antigadin.

The next weekend the story repeated itself, but on different bedding. And then it started happening during the day. The cat had access to the toilet, but he chose to “go” on our bed.

I called a bunch of consultations, talked to the breeder, got a bunch of advice, but nothing helped. It's funny to remember

but we hissed at him, and left my husband’s “smelly” T-shirt to show who was in charge, and completely changed all the underwear so that there was no provoking smell.

Everything was to no avail. This went on for about 3 months. In the end, our nerves gave way, we found new owners and gave Chester to them. Someone may condemn, they say, I had to endure and fight.

Yeah, try to be patient when you wash the mattress 3 times a week BY HANDS, because it doesn’t fit in the washing machine! With all this, he remained affectionate, purred, caressed, but continued to take revenge. And whether it was revenge for the fact that we were leaving, or whether this had already become a habit for him, now we will no longer know.

We could not not leave, force majeure, force majeure circumstances. There was no way to take him with us.

My personal conclusion: we were not prepared for such a complex breed and simply could not “pull it down” in time. I will never get a Thai cat again and I don’t recommend it to anyone, we couldn’t handle it. I’m posting a couple of photos, you can admire the appearance of this “angel”.

And there, just like in the song:

“Think for yourself, decide for yourself, To have or not to have.”



  • Affectionate.


  • He marks everything and yells like a fool.

My cat is already 10 years old. A good, affectionate boy... but there is one very serious inconvenience - while he was young, he was a lighter, playful, affectionate. Having passed the 10-year mark, the cat began to manically mark everything in the house, he is not deprived of intimacy - his wife is always at hand, but apparently that’s not the point. So I run after him with a rag, wiping off the stains. We tried to punish - it was useless!!! (by the way, he had never marked before!) We love the cat like a child - well, what can we do - cleaning every day using different methods. And he started yelling like crazy in the morning at 6:00.

Irinka becoming

Our handsome guy came to our family at the age of 2 months, and we immediately fell in love with him, even my husband, who never liked cats, simply did not leave his side.

Our pet's name is Bublik, it's a cat-dog-child rolled into one, our breed is Thai Bobtail. When the kitten was half a year old, we moved from the apartment to live in a private house, so the cat immediately revealed itself in all its glory; it turned out to be a lover of climbing trees and generally frolicking on the street.

There is a forest next to the house and our whole family goes there and I am the husband and the bagel in front is like a dog. Thai cats are the most affectionate and loyal, they love their owner very much, and are very talkative. Moreover, they always ask to play with them, have a drink, or let them go outside, in different tones, and they are also very cunning. Every evening when my husband comes home from work, we sit down for dinner, a bagel always sits between us and starts begging, he eats any food poorly, but he can never refuse meat, he lives next door to the cat Yoska, he feels like a favorite, so he allows himself to always run around home and dump everything on the floor.

Thai cats are the best in the world (for me) and by the way, they are not at all offensive, they can look penetratingly into the eyes with their blue eyes for ten minutes and purr melodiously. We don’t have children yet, so the cat is like a child to us, and by the way, this child is already two years old))) I forgot to add the cat gets along very well with children)).

Girls, my first review, I mixed up the branch of a bobtail and just a Thai cat, don’t judge too harshly.



  • Smart
  • devoted
  • calm
  • It purrs beautifully and is very loud.


  • Needs brushing!

I have known my Leon since the first hours of his birth. It so happened that I didn’t want to part with him, and when all the kittens were distributed, my parents allowed me to keep my boy. Let me say right away that he is a real man. I chased all the yard cats and dogs, regardless of breed and size, while I was young. Now he is 14 years old. He eats fish, soup and basically anything you give him. He loves potatoes, both raw and baked and fried. When I was little I didn’t really like to play, but now this colossus rushes around for candy, laces, small balls and toy mice. He and the cat caught all the real ones a long time ago. We live on the first floor. These rodents used to gnaw passages towards us from the basement. Now I'm a student, but my devoted cat comes running to the sound of my voice every time I call my parents. And when I arrive, he sleeps only with me. By the way, he sleeps great, with his head on the pillow or on my arm, and he definitely needs to be covered with a blanket. When there were kittens, he, like a true caring father, came to them and washed them, endured squeezing and seeking milk from him)) By the way, he treats children with all the patience. But we do not allow our cats to be pulled by the tail or hurt, so they only pet him.

I advise everyone to get this wonderful breed! Or better yet, two at once!

Diseases and possible defects

Like all purebred representatives of the cat family, Thais have specific diseases. They will not give them rest:

  • Asthma. The pathogen for a Thai can be tobacco smoke, deodorants, air fresheners, and ordinary dust.
  • Congenital heart defect. Causes developmental delays, reduces activity, and makes breathing difficult.
  • Subluxation of the sternum. A cosmetic hereditary disease that will only prevent the pet from receiving a certificate under the WCF system. It does not bring physical suffering.
  • Porphyria. A hereditary disease of both a dominant and recessive gene, causing a disruption in the synthesis of red blood cells.
  • Strabismus. Strabismus, desynchronization of the muscles that control the position of the cat's eyeballs. It may go away on its own with age.

Thai cat: care

A Thai kitten needs careful care. After a baby is separated from its mother, its owner becomes everything to it

Therefore, it is important to consider that the baby will not be able to spend time alone. When the Thai girl grows up, she will become independent and very helpful.

But at the first stage, the owner will have to be as close to the pet as possible.

As the cat ages, it becomes calmer

Therefore, it is important to accustom the animal to the tray and grind its claws on a scratching post or wood (and not on furniture) as early as possible.

Secret women's eyes are washed periodically. To do this, you can use a weak tincture of chamomile or tea. The cat's ears are cleaned once every 2 weeks using damp ear sticks.

After going outside, your pet's paws are always washed. You need to groom the coat (collect dead hair) every week.

How to care for a Thai cat

Thais do not require special attention in terms of grooming. It is enough just to observe basic hygiene, occasionally comb the animal’s fur and monitor its nutrition. The latter is especially important, but all components are important in care, so you should not neglect them.

Thai cats are quite unpretentious in everyday life


Thai cats love to bathe, but you shouldn’t do it frequently - once a month will be more than enough. During bathing, unless the veterinarian recommends otherwise, you can use any shampoo for cats.

Ears should be cleaned as they become dirty. As a rule, once a week is enough. Cleaning can be done using regular ear sticks. Before cleaning, the sticks should be slightly moistened with hydrogen peroxide and squeezed so that they are slightly damp. The structure of the cat's ear will not allow you to damage it, but you also do not need to insert the wand with excessive force.

Thai cats are recommended to brush their teeth. You can find a toothbrush and special toothpaste at any pet store. You need to clean it once a month.

Nail trimming may not be necessary at all. Being properly brought up, Thais are very tactful; if they have a scratching post, they are not inclined to sharpen their claws on furniture, and during games they do not release their claws. But if your pet still needs to trim its claws, carefully expose the claw and cut off the tip by 1-2 mm, without touching the pinkish core of the claw. For trimming, you can use nail clippers or special nippers sold in pet stores.

Caring for a Thai cat does not take much time

Thais have short hair and no undercoat, so you don’t need to comb them particularly carefully. Unless during the molting period. The rest of the time, one brushing per month with a stiff-bristled brush is sufficient. In addition, you can periodically stroke the cat with a damp hand, thus collecting excess fur.


In terms of organizing a latrine, the Thais have no exceptions - it all depends on the individual preferences of the cat and its owner. We can only recommend using trays with high sides or closed ones so that the filler does not scatter when buried.

Clay clumping or silica gel absorbent compounds can be used as filler. The first ones will be somewhat cheaper, but they are a little dusty. The latter are significantly more expensive, but they are better at retaining unpleasant odors and do not collect dust. You can choose based on your budget, personal experience and preferences of the animal itself.

Thai cats have no difficulty in litter training


This is the most important component of caring for cats. The health of the animal and its life expectancy directly depend on proper nutrition.

Never feed your animal from the table. Fatty, spicy, salty, sweet, cereal, and yeast foods are contraindicated for cats, i.e., most of the foods that people usually consume.

There are two main feeding options: home-cooked and commercially prepared feeds.

Nutrition is the main factor influencing the health of an animal

For an adult animal, the optimal diet is dry industrial food of extra-premium class. Their cost starts from about $10 per kg, but they do not contain unnecessary food additives, such as cereals, but they contain natural proteins, vitamins and microelements, and in balanced proportions. For most animals, Pro Plan, Pronature or a similar class of food is suitable. But Royal Canin, popular with many, has significantly deteriorated the quality of its products in the last couple of years, so its use is not recommended. The dosage depends on body weight and is indicated on the package.

Home cooking may include baked or stewed vegetables and fresh herbs - zucchini, carrots, beets, pumpkin, broccoli, parsley, lettuce and dill. However, the main element of the diet should be lean meat, optimally heat-treated chicken. You can also dilute your pet’s diet with medium-fat fermented milk products.

Please note that bones should not be given to cats, since cats do not chew food, as a result of which bones can injure the animal’s innards.

With natural feeding, a cat should absorb approximately 5% of its own weight per day. So, with a weight of 5 kg, an animal should consume 250 g of food. This mass can be distributed over 150 g of meat, 50 g of fermented milk products and 50 g of vegetables. Each meal can be flavored with a couple of drops of cold-pressed unrefined vegetable oil. Break it all down into two meals a day and the menu for your cat is ready.

Please note that Thai cats have an interesting feature - eating seafood contributes to the darkening of their fur.

For good health and beautiful appearance, the animal’s nutrition should be as balanced as possible.


In most cases, the health of Thai cats is stable and strong; they are unpretentious and do not require special care. But we cannot fail to mention a number of hereditary diseases identified by specialists in the Thai cat. This:

  • gingivitis;
  • cardiomyopathy, separately its hypertrophic type;
  • liver amyloidosis;
  • mammary tumors.

Their fur sheds very little. Therefore, if you get yourself such a cat, you will not face virtually any hardships because of her. As for feeding, there are two options:

  1. Feeding with natural products (seafood and liver are undesirable);
  2. Canned food and dry food.

Brief history of the breed

Thailand, which in ancient times was called Siam, is considered the homeland of these cats. The first mention of similar animals was found in the manuscript “Book of Poems about Cats,” which dates back to the 14th-15th centuries. and is kept in the National Library of Bangkok. In those days, they lived exclusively at Buddhist temples and royal palaces. These cats not only destroyed rodents, but also allegedly protected their owners from evil spirits. Therefore, they were carefully protected.

Unusual cats came to Europe only in the second half of the 19th century. The Thai king, as a sign of his highest mercy, presented the English diplomat Owen Gould with a pair of cats of this breed as a gift. Unusual animals with interesting colors have created a real sensation in the British capital. Having learned about this, the ruler of Siam, Chulalongkorn, presented the high-ranking British with several dozen purebred individuals, with which the targeted breeding of Thais in Europe began.

By the middle of the 20th century, cats gained popularity in the United States and quickly spread throughout the world.


Owners of Thai beauties are especially pleased with their friendly and helpful disposition , a trait characteristic of all Asian breeds.

These cats do not like to be alone, they become very animated at the sight of their owner and are ready to accompany him everywhere.

Some find themselves unable to appreciate the "pride" and willfulness of the Thais. Which is very strange, because in this they are very far from the prim Russian blue or the distrustful Persians. If they get offended, it’s always for good reason. In addition, they will never take revenge or maliciously do nasty things. True, it can take a long time to recover from a grudge.

If you have an oriental beauty with sapphire eyes living in your home, tell us about her! How did you get her, what do you feed her, what does she like to do, are there any special care and maintenance features? It's always interesting to learn things like this first-hand. In addition, despite the typical characteristics of the breed, each individual cat is unique, and can express its character in completely unexpected ways.


Previously, the Siamese and Thai cats were considered one breed, but they were soon divided into two different ones, although they still have a common ancestor - the traditional Siamese. Just a few years ago, many homes had Siamese cats. Or is it still Thai?

The fact is that these animals appeared hundreds of years ago in Thailand, which was previously called Siam (hence, as you might guess, the name) and they belong to the eastern group of breeds. After settling around the world, the breed was subjected to selection and thus varieties appeared in the appearance of animals. Scientists also noticed that the shade of wool and its density may depend on the climatic characteristics of the country in which this or that variety appeared. Today there are about 40 varieties of such cats in the world.

These cats have the same color, which is why they are confused. But in fact, they will be radically different, and it will not be difficult even for a child to notice the differences between them.

First of all, pay attention to the kitten’s head: one of the main features is hidden here. By the way, the ears are also a distinctive feature: the Thais have them proportional to the head and are rounded at the tips, while their Siamese relatives have simply huge ears compared to the head

By the way, the ears are also a distinctive feature: the Thais have them proportional to the head and are rounded at the tips; their Siamese relatives have simply huge ears compared to the head.

The Siamese and Thai cats also differ in their body, because in comparison with the Thai cat, the Siamese looks like Koschey the Immortal: a thin body, long paws and tail, and a weight of only 3-4 kg (the Thai has from 4 to 8 kilograms).

Similarities in appearance:

  • eye color - blue, rare for cats;
  • Thai and Siamese cats have a similar color: a characteristic dark mask on the face, while their coat color is light;
  • short hair.

To finally understand, we suggest looking in the photo at the differences between the Siamese and Thai cats. You probably won’t be able to confuse them now.

The differences between Siamese and Thai cats are noticeable not only in appearance - which is not at all strange. Since we’ve sorted out the description of the appearance, it’s time to move on.

Although they are often confused, the Siamese and Thai cats are also completely different in character. The Siamese cat differs from the Thai cat in its “dog-like” character: it is smart, attached to its owner, easy to train, but at the same time calm and quite jealous, although it can come to the owner’s defense. Thais are more affectionate, peace-loving, active, and just as loyal. They love care, are friendly and get along easily with other pets. It is also worth saying that there should be no problems when contacting children either - thanks to the affectionate and friendly nature, the baby will easily get along with the tailed family member.

After reading the description, you can easily name the traits that distinguish these two breeds, which means you can easily choose which cat you like best.

Thanks to its not too long coat, it is enough to stroke your furry friend once a week with a damp hand to collect lost hairs and save time on cleaning the house and protect your pet’s health. Of course, they need to be bathed from time to time, but the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the pet’s fur.

Hygiene procedures do not differ from those that owners carry out for representatives of other breeds, although the Siamese can show a restive character (but, to tell the truth, your pet will do just fine without a beauty salon).

We hope our short examination will help you make the right choice of a pet that will become not only a joy in the house, but also a full-fledged member of your family.

Characteristic physical features of the Thai cat

Thais are slender, fit, have pleasant, rounded outlines, developed muscles and very soft fur without undercoat. They are not prone to gaining excess weight; on the contrary, in most cases they are quite miniature. They weigh on average from 3 to 8 kg, height at the withers is about 30 cm.

Acromelanic coloring is a unique feature of Thai and Siamese cats. The painted parts are usually the paws, tail and muzzle. The main part of the body is predominantly white, the shades of which can vary within a very wide range, from almost white to chocolate. The only constant feature is blue eyes.

The most common colors of Thai cats using examples (gallery)

There are also other points: taupe, cinnamon, fawn, red, cream, tortie and brown. Each of them has several shades, but when viewed from the outside, they are all more or less dark shades of white, with various shades of other colors. Solids, that is, monochromatic animals, are found, but extremely rarely. There is a tortoiseshell point - tri-colored cats, with white, black and red spots in the colored parts of the body. There are also tabbies - the colored parts of their body have a characteristic stripe.

Thai cat, cream solid, with characteristic tabby stripes

How are Thai cats different from Siamese cats?

Through the efforts of breeders, Siamese have acquired extremely refined, pointed features. The body of the Siamese is more elongated and graceful, while the Thais look more massive and have denser bones. Siamese paws are thinner and more elongated. The tips of the ears of Siamese are pointed, those of Thais are rounded, and the ears of Siamese cats themselves are noticeably larger. The Siamese's muzzle has a wedge-shaped elongated shape, while that of the Thais has a rounded shape. The Siamese's eye shape is sharper, almond-shaped, while the Thai's eyes are round in shape.

In the photo on the left is a Thai cat, on the right is a Siamese

Breed characteristics

As the name suggests, Thais come from Thailand. They arose as a result of crossing a Siamese and a domestic cat. Hence the smooth features, rounded body shape and more familiar muzzle with tender cheeks and round eyes. They are also called “apple-headed Siamese”, sometimes traditionally, because it is believed that this is what the mustachioed quadrupeds that inhabited Thailand 600 years ago looked like.

The Thai cat is easy to distinguish from the Siamese. The latter has an elongated body, a pointed muzzle and long graceful limbs, slightly slanted eyes. Thais, on the contrary, have more rounded shapes and did not inherit the angularity of the Siamese, adopting only their color.

Characteristics of Thai cats:

  • Strong build, round body shape,
  • Round head with a small straight nose and plump cheeks,
  • Round blue eyes (Siamese have slanted eyes),
  • Color point color (light fur on the body, dark ears, paws and tail, mask on the face).

The colors of Thais are quite varied - chocolate, lilac, blue, white, red and cream point. The most common color for many lovers is cream color - like the kitten Woof from the famous cartoon. But other shades of fur are also officially recognized and included in the breed standard. The main condition is the presence of a mask and darkening on the ears, tail and paws.

Color of Thai cats

The color of the legs, tail and muzzle depends on the shade of the fur on the body. It can be white, cold blue, light beige, apricot and chocolate shades. In this case, the points are shaded in accordance with the color of the body. For example, with a lilac point, the body is silver-white, and the legs and tail are cool gray with a pink tint. The Thai cat has the following types of points:

  • cream;
  • chocolate;
  • blue;
  • caramel and others.

How much does a Thai cat cost?

  1. Price in Russia – 5000-30000 rubles.
  2. Price in Ukraine – 2000-10000 hryvnia.

The cost depends on which nursery to purchase the kitten from.

If you want to keep a purebred Thai cat at home, then it is important to make a purchase from a registered cattery, where breeders breed the breed professionally and are responsible for the health and quality of the offspring.


For a diet to be balanced, it must contain proteins, fats, and microelements. Therefore, it is important that the cat’s menu includes meat, dairy products, and cereals - if you feed your pet “human” food.

It is advisable to give fish infrequently or not at all, because the substances that make up it can lead to urolithiasis. If you decide to pamper a predator with fish, let it be marine specimens. It is better to cook fish, like meat products, a little to eliminate the risk of infection with parasites.

As for milk, be sure to monitor how your cat reacts to it - whether the milk causes stomach upsets, bloating, or diarrhea. Some cats, like people, are lactose intolerant, and milk in its pure form is contraindicated for them. But you can always successfully replace it with fermented milk products - cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream. Sometimes you can give kefir.

It is important to decide how you will feed the animal - specially prepared food or feed. Having chosen a diet, you need to stick to it and not jump from one to another - such jumps are harmful to the animal’s digestive system.

It is quite easy to purchase kittens of this breed in our country. Nurseries where they are bred exist in many large cities. The cost depends on the pedigree, appearance, skills of the cat and its status. On average, the amount will be from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles per exhibition animal. And a kitten for the soul can be purchased for 2,000 rubles.

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Thai kittens are very active and love to run around the house and play with people. They are quite voracious, and this is normal for a growing organism. Babies are usually given away at two months of age. At this time, they are already easily accustomed to the tray and scratching post.

Character traits

The character features of these purrs are their curiosity and obedience, which their owners really like. The muzzle almost always has an expression as if the cat is trying to understand what is happening, which encourages contact. She likes to participate in any activities of the household, but if you ask her not to interfere, she will accept this wish.

If an animal is locked indoors alone, it will meow pitifully. If the cat itself wants to be alone, it can go into an empty room and be there alone with its thoughts. When a kitten has just crossed the threshold of your home, its need for communication is extremely high. Leaving him alone while getting to know his new home in a confined space is categorically not recommended, otherwise it will be difficult for him to trust his new owners.

A non-conflict, playful Thai woman quickly finds contact with all family members, including children. In rare exceptions, too emotional purrs are jealous of their beloved owner or mistress and for this reason they do not like the child. Also, these proud creatures can be offended by children if they allow themselves to hurt them in games. You need to explain to your children that a cat must be treated with care, and demonstrate this by example. Typically, Thai women have nothing against dogs, so don’t worry if you already have a four-legged friend.

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Thai character

The Thai breed is easy to train; these cats like to bring their owner a ball, slippers and run after them when ordered. Thai pets will happily greet their owner from work and purr happily for a long time. Such cats are considered sociable and are uncomfortable being alone. Thais are considered smart cats. This is expressed in cleanliness, communication skills, and the ability to train. One of the traits of this particular breed is the ability to understand people well. They will immediately determine who is in charge in the family and will count the “leader” among their favorites. It is worth remembering that these felines do not like to sleep all day, they are restless and playful - they are unlikely to be suitable for the company of an elderly person.

Who are Thai cats suitable for?

The Thai breed will be a great find for single people and for large families with children and other animals. The main requirement is to give your pet enough time and attention. This animal will feel bad in a family of workaholics who spend a lot of time at work and not at home

Communication with people is important to them. It will be especially difficult if the owner often goes on business trips and the animal will have to be placed with his friends or relatives for a while

You should not get a cat if there are small animals in the apartment that could become easy prey for the cat.

Gray Thai cat.

Child Compatible

The Thai breed is distinguished by its friendliness, including towards children. You can leave your child with them without fear of bites or scratches. In situations where a child can hurt an animal, it will prefer to avoid the conflict and get into a fight.

Raising a pet

Thanks to their developed intelligence, these cats are trainable and even more amenable to education. To teach a cat simple commands and a tray, you just need to show the cat its place, the animal will quickly understand. As a rule, there are no problems with a cat going to the toilet in places that are not intended for this.

Thai kitten.

Owner reviews

The Thai cat is one of the few breeds that can be offered for keeping to both single people and families with children, but not to those who love solitude and peace. There is every reason to say this, as evidenced by reviews from the owners:

  • Many could not resist the curious look of the animal’s sky-blue eyes, as well as its pure white “fur coat.”
  • Some owners are simply perplexed by the incredible combination of soft, elegant forms and irrepressible, literally hurricane-like energy in the Thai cat. These cats have time everywhere, and there are no barriers for them.
  • Thai cats never let out their claws when playing with children, but they can easily call on adults for help if children need it.
  • Many owners are simply sure that such smart, affectionate and sociable cats, so attached to humans, simply do not exist.

Thai cats: photo, description of the breed, character. Thai breed cat

What is the difference between a Thai cat and a Siamese cat?

How does a Thai cat differ from a Siamese cat?

  1. Body. Thais have a stocky and strong body of average or larger than average size. Siamese cats have a flexible and slender body, slightly elongated.
  2. Head and profile. The Thai cat has a round head, without sharp protrusions. The profile looks like a convex smooth line. Siamese have a wedge-shaped, angular head. If you look at the animal directly, you can easily see a regular, dark-colored equilateral triangle located between the nose and ears. The profile of a Siamese cat has only a straight outline without soft transitions, bulges and depressions.
  3. Chin. Thai representatives have a round chin, Siamese have a narrow and inconspicuous chin.
  4. Neck. Thai cats have a short or medium neck, muscular and massive. Siamese have a graceful, long neck.
  5. Paws. Thai dogs have strong paws of medium or short length and rounded feet. Siamese have long slender legs with oval feet.
  6. Tail. Thai cats have a short tail, with a wide base and a pointed end. Siamese have a long and thin tail with a sharp tip.
  7. Eyes, eye shape. Thais have large round eyes. Siamese have slanted, almond-shaped eyes of medium size.
  8. Character. Thai cats do not conflict with other pets, do not attack small ones, and love children. Siamese dogs often show aggressiveness and unpredictability, they can bite and scratch a child, but at the same time they can also calmly play and have fun with him.

If you look at how the two representatives of Thai and Siamese cats are similar, you can note the color and eye color. The animals have light fur with brown, lilac, gray, black points and eyes ranging from pale blue to bright blue.

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