Reviews from owners about dachshunds: the pet’s character traits and conditions of its maintenance

The Dachshund is an amazing dog with an unusual, recognizable appearance and high intelligence. Her short-legged, elongated body often evokes affection. This is an intelligent, active and cheerful animal that has become a favorite of many dog ​​breeders. Dachshunds are hunting breeds, but they easily get along in a city apartment, becoming a companion and devoted friend. Many who are charmed by the intelligent, attentive look of this dog want to have such a pet. But before you do this, you need to study the characteristics of the breed, the advantages and disadvantages of the dachshund, and the nuances of caring for it.
  • History of the breed
  • Dachshund: types and types
      Smooth-haired dachshund
  • Longhaired dachshund
  • Wire-haired dachshund
  • Varieties of dachshunds by size
  • Description of the dachshund dog
      Breed standard
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Dachshund colors
  • Character
      Education and training
  • Features of caring for a dachshund dog
      What to feed your dachshund
  • Health
  • How to choose a dachshund puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Activityin the house3.2
    on the street3.6
    Dominationin family1.9
    over dogs2.7
    Defending your territoryfrom people2.8
    from dogs3.2
    Sociabilityin family4.8
    with strangers3.4
    with dogs3.2
    Concentrationin family1.2
    in front of strangers2
    with dogs1.8
    Aggressivenessin family1.4
    to strangers2.6
    to the dogs2.8
    to cats3.1
    Family behaviorcalmness4.1
    demand for affection4.6
    excessive barking3.3
    behavioral breakdowns2.4
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.1
    over 4 years old3.8
    Institutional usewatchman4.5

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Jack Russell Terrier, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Miniature Pinscher, Beagle, English Cocker Spaniel.

    General characteristics of the dachshund

    The dachshund is a long, short-legged dog. Its charm and attractive face make it one of the most popular breeds. She has been on the top lists for many years. This is a smart, agile dog with an intelligent, attentive look and small size. She is not picky about her contents and is devoted to her owner.

    Characteristics of representatives of the breed.

    AggressivenessShe is considered one of the most aggressive towards strangers
    ActivityActive, cheerful, playful
    NoiseLoves to bark, has a shrill voice
    Need for careEasy to use, doesn't shed much
    IntelligenceVery smart, observant, quick-witted
    TrainingDifficult to train due to high intelligence and desire to dominate, can make decisions independently and will not obey if he considers the command unnecessary
    HealthAverage, congenital diseases are common
    FriendlinessKind only to members of her own family, does not favor strangers
    Working qualitiesGood hunting qualities, protects the owner, but a poor guard
    Where can I keepEasily adapts to any conditions
    Features of feedingUnpretentious in choosing food, eats everything

    Why this breed is so popular can be seen in the photographs.


    Dachshund in a jump

    Dachshund face

    There are several features and interesting facts that distinguish Dachshund dogs from others.

    • She was bred for burrow hunting. Among all hunting dogs, this is the smallest. But she is strong, resilient, smart and can make her own decisions. Can hunt badgers and hares.
    • Hunting instincts are very strong, so you only need to walk your pet on a leash. Otherwise, he will rush after all small animals and birds. Although these dogs are usually friends with other pets.
    • This dog has very strong paws and loves to dig. Therefore, when keeping a private house in the yard, it is better not to leave your pet unattended.
    • Representatives of the breed are characterized by a high life expectancy. They live on average 15 years. There are many long-lived dachshunds who have lived longer than 20 years.
    • The dachshund dog became the first mascot of the Olympic Games. Even the marathon route resembled the outline of her body.
    • This dog is very gluttonous. He eats as much as they give and asks for more. Because of this, representatives of the breed are prone to weight gain.
    • Dachshunds are restless and big fans of jumping. But due to the nature of their structure, they are prone to injury. Therefore, you should not allow them to jump from a height or stand on their hind legs.
    • The Dachshund is a very sociable dog. She needs constant attention. She is very loyal and loves her owner, but she needs to reciprocate.


    The main advantage of this breed is that dachshunds are very smart. They quickly understand what is required of them and easily adapt to any situation. The dachshund is suitable for keeping in a private house or in a city apartment. This is an ideal pet for older people who can give it attention. Several positive qualities explain why dog ​​breeders love the dachshund so much:

    • Several varieties and different colors allow you to choose a dog you like;
    • very smart, independent, have a strong personality;
    • strongly attached to the owner, faithful and devoted;
    • this is a cheerful, playful and affectionate pet;
    • due to its small size, the dachshund does not require much space or serious physical activity;
    • bravely rush to protect the owner;
    • this is a good hunting dog;
    • protects the house, responding to strange sounds;
    • It does not require special care.


    Homebodies, inactive people, or those who are constantly away from home should not get a dachshund. These pets do not like to be left alone, they can become aggressive and noisy, and chew things. Dachshund dogs also have other disadvantages:

    • often stubborn, like to dominate;
    • difficult to train, obey only an authoritative owner;
    • touchy;
    • may be aggressive towards strangers;
    • they bite painfully and can even bite the owner or family member;
    • unclean;
    • very noisy, can bark at any sound;
    • if let off the leash, they will hunt small animals; in the village they can strangle poultry;
    • Dachshunds are big eaters, so they are prone to obesity;
    • often suffer from spinal diseases.

    You can clearly see the breed, its advantages and interesting facts in the video.

    History of the breed

    This oldest burrow breed originated in Germany. Although such short-legged dogs can be found in ancient Egyptian images. But they started breeding only in the 16th century in South Saxony. Ancient German hunting dogs – Brackets – took part in the breeding. These were hounds, and a new breed was bred to hunt badgers.

    The dog turned out to be very smart, loyal, and hardy. Therefore, by the 17th century it became popular in Germany. It was convenient to keep it in your house or city apartment. Gradually the breed began to spread throughout Europe. At that time there was no single breeding line; different breeders paid attention to different qualities. Therefore, several types of dachshunds appeared. The breed standard was first adopted in 1870. The dachshund was recognized as a hunting burrowing dog and was placed in a separate group.

    The first representatives of this breed appeared in Russia in the 18th century. But they became popular only a hundred years later. At that time, most people kept a dachshund as a pet. Although they also used it for burrow hunting. By the end of World War II, the breed was almost exterminated. But now they are the most popular and widespread pets all over the world.

    General health problems

    Responsible breeders strive to maintain the highest breed standards set by kennel clubs such as the AKC. Dogs bred to these standards are less likely to inherit the condition.

    However, this breed may have some hereditary health problems that you should be aware of:

    Intervertebral disc diseases



    Dilatation of the stomach - volvulus

    Dachshund: types and types

    According to modern classification, 9 varieties of the breed are officially recognized: 3 based on coat characteristics and 3 based on size.

    Smooth-haired dachshund

    This is the most common and ancient variety of the breed. There is a version that the smooth-haired dachshund was bred by crossing a pinscher and a basset hound. Its main features are a long, elongated body, short, hard hair that fits tightly to the skin. It is shiny, thick, up to 2 cm long. Skin lesions are noticeable on the paws.

    The smooth-haired dog seems clumsy, but it is very active, playful, and has not lost its hunting skills. It is popular due to its high intelligence, independence and attractive appearance. Caring for this variety is simple - the wool can be easily wiped with a damp cloth.

    Photo of the smooth-haired variety.

    Smooth-haired dachshunds

    Longhaired dachshund

    After crossing smooth-haired dogs with cocker spaniels, a long-haired variety of dachshunds appeared. Its characteristic feature is its unusual coat. The coat and undercoat are also smooth and adhere well to the skin. It is especially long at the bottom of the tail. There are featherings on the paws, fringe on the ears and neck.

    The long-haired dachshund is now popular as a decorative pet. It is rarely used for hunting. Their long, soft fur gets tangled quickly. But the beautiful appearance of these dogs is appreciated. Coat with a silky shine, smart eyes, big ears - many people like this.

    Photo of the longhaired variety.

    Longhaired dachshund

    Wire-haired dachshund

    This is the rarest variety of the breed. Just as smart and quick-witted, it differs from the standard dachshund only in its specific appearance. She has a hard, shaggy coat that looks like wire, and the undercoat is thick and dense. The hairs on the head become especially brittle. The eyebrows are bushy, and the muzzle appears square due to the characteristic beard and mustache.

    The wire-haired dachshund appeared after crossing smooth-haired dachshunds with terriers. Therefore, they have improved hunting qualities. It is more often used for hunting than other varieties. The hard, dense fur does not get wet and protects the animal from sharp branches.

    Photo of the wire-haired variety.

    Wirehaired dachshund

    Varieties of dachshunds by size

    Dachshunds are small dogs, their weight does not exceed 9 kg, and their height at the withers is 27 cm. But there are several varieties in size.

    • Standard rates are the most common. These are the dogs that can often be found in the city or countryside. They come in smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired varieties.
    • The dwarf dachshund was bred for more efficient hunting, since the standard dachshunds could not fit into all holes. The parameter by which an animal is assigned to this group is not the size, but the volume of the sternum. For such small dachshunds it is 30-35 cm. Unlike standard representatives of the breed, they are more cunning, aggressive and intelligent.
    • The rabbit dachshund was bred in the 19th century specifically to hunt rabbits. To do this, they crossed Toy Terriers and Small Pinschers. In order for the dog to crawl into the narrowest holes, we reduced its size. This mini dachshund weighs no more than 4 kg and has a chest circumference of up to 30 cm.

    Dogs of the mini variety appear small even in comparison with other representatives of the breed.

    Dachshund mini


    It's time to remember that the limousine dog belongs to the hunters. This means that the walks will not be calm: rushing headlong behind fluttering ears and wildly flickering paws, try not to teach your pet to respond to obscene words. In addition to the ears and paws, the kit includes a spout that penetrates sand and snow with equal ease.

    It's funny to watch how a dachshund carefully plunges its nose into the snow, freezes, raises its head, snorts noisily and continues its search elsewhere. Then he suddenly begins to actively dig, imagining that a delicious fox is hiding somewhere very close. I think that dachshunds can serve the national economy for digging trenches and pits.

    Description of the dachshund dog

    The Dachshund is the most recognizable breed in the world. Even those who are far from dog breeding know what it looks like. There are many jokes about her funny appearance: she is called “a sausage with legs” or “half a dog in height and one and a half dogs in length.” And the official description of the breed most often includes the following characteristics:

    • long body;
    • short legs;
    • large floppy ears;
    • elongated muzzle.

    Breed standard

    After the adoption of the first standard, the description of the breed did not change much. The modern standard was adopted in 2001.

    The size of the dog depends on its variety. Typically, height at the withers ranges from 12 to 27 cm, chest girth up to 47 cm. Weight also depends on gender: males reach 9-12 kg, females up to 6-7 kg. Dwarf varieties weigh 7 and 6 kg, respectively, and rabbit varieties - 4 and 3.5 kg. But most often the size of this dog is determined not by height or weight, but by chest girth. For the rabbit variety it should be up to 30 cm, for the dwarf variety 30-35, for the standard variety - 35-47 cm.


    The head is graceful, proportional to the body, in the shape of a wedge. The muzzle is long, the stop is smooth. The nose is large, black or brown. The jaws are strong, the teeth are strong, the bite is scissor. The eyes are oval, wide-set, dark. All dachshunds have high ears. They are hanging, rounded at the ends.


    The body is muscular, elongated. The neck is long and straight. The chest is wide and protruding. The line of the back slopes only slightly towards the croup. The lower back is flat, also long, the stomach is tucked. The dachshund's tail is of medium length, set low, the tip slightly curved upward.


    The limbs are very short, muscular, with wide, strong bones, located parallel. The front ones are a little crooked, which does not prevent this dog from running fast. They are slightly shorter than the rear ones and more powerful. The dachshund's paws are gathered into a ball, with well-defined pads and large, strong claws. With their help, the dog quickly digs deep holes.

    The photographs show how unusual the dachshund looks.

    Appearance of a dachshund

    Dachshund colors

    There are several most common colors. Black, red, brown, and two-color dachshunds are popular. Colors can be like this:

    • red dachshunds have shades of fawn, dark, brownish or yellow;
    • There are two-color colors - black with red, brown with gray, gray with yellow markings;
    • brindle, spotted or marbled patterns combine the same standard shades.

    White dachshunds are not recognized as a standard. Such albinos with light eyes and a pink nose are considered a deviation. And the wire-haired variety has its own color - boar.

    The white dog looks unusual.

    White dachshund

    Interesting marble pattern in the color of the dog.

    Marbled dachshund


    This is a very kind, smart dog. That's why single people and families with children start it. But her specialty is that she is a hunting dog. Even the mini varieties were bred not for the sofa, but for hunting rabbits. Due to this origin, adult dachshunds have several specific character traits.

    • Independence is explained by the fact that a burrowing dog must hunt the animal itself and make decisions when the person is not around. Therefore, adult pets are quite capricious. They understand everything, know the commands, but do not always follow them.
    • Curiosity is one of the main qualities of dachshunds. They examine everything, sniff every new object that appears in the house.
    • Very active and playful, these pets are always ready to run, play with other animals or with their owner. Despite their short legs, dachshunds move quickly and do not like to sit still.
    • They become very attached to their owner, love him, constantly showing him off. They require affection and lick. These are gentle, affectionate pets who love to relax on the couch.
    • These little dogs are very adventurous and fearless. They can attack dogs larger than themselves and bark at a cat for hours. When the hunting instinct awakens in them, they do not pay attention to anything around them.
    • An adult dog is amazingly smart. These pets are smart, inventive and artistic. In communication, only authority is recognized. If the owner even once allows weakness, especially with a puppy, the dog will not obey.
    • Dachshunds behave differently with children. They usually do not listen to younger family members, not considering them as authority. Sometimes they can even show aggression. But often the pet becomes attached to the baby and then protects him.

    Education and training

    You need to raise a puppy from the first days of his appearance in the house. It will be impossible to retrain an adult dog later. The pet will obey if the owner managed to establish contact with it. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, but do not always follow commands. Therefore, it is not recommended for indecisive and inexperienced people to have such a dog.

    A small puppy must first be taught the rules of behavior: accustomed to a place, a toilet, behavior in the house and on a walk. During training, reward your pet for correctly following commands. You cannot physically punish a dachshund; it will stop trusting its owner.


    An undoubted discovery for you will be that this sausage with legs also likes to sleep comfortably. It takes superhuman willpower and a wagon of patience not to give her a chance to win a place on the bed from her childhood. Whining, night raids and sabotage await you, just don’t try to give in, because then you will have only one thing left - when you discuss your pet with the same victim, ask: “Does yours sleep entirely under the covers or does she also prefer her butt on the pillow?”

    Features of caring for a dachshund dog

    Those who buy a dachshund should be aware of its features. Such dogs live well in a city apartment, even a small one. But you immediately need to create suitable conditions for her. There must be a soft place, preferably a house, in which the pet can hide. Immediately after the puppy arrives in the house, you need to remove all small things. After all, dachshunds chew everything they come across. It is necessary to hide food and food - these dogs are prone to theft.

    You need to walk your pet twice a day for at least an hour. The collar does not fit the dachshund; she takes it off easily. That's why they walk with a special harness. In cold or rainy weather, it is advisable to wear overalls for your pet when walking.

    For the same reason, it is not recommended to leave your pet unattended for a long time. This dog can seriously misbehave: dig up the sofa, peel off the wallpaper, chew the shoes he finds. Due to their strong jaws, ordinary toys are not suitable for them; they quickly chew them to shreds.

    But if you raise a puppy correctly, an adult dog will not create any special problems. Caring for her is easy. You just need to wash your pet regularly, monitor the condition of the eyes, ears, and teeth. Wire-haired varieties need to be trimmed and their beard washed regularly, while long-haired varieties need to be combed. This dog grows claws on its front paws very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to trim them once a month.

    What to feed your dachshund

    Representatives of this breed can be fed both dry food and natural food. It is not advisable to choose economy or premium food. They contain a lot of grains and by-products. They will not bring any benefit to the animal. It is better to buy super premium or holistic food for your pet. They contain all the necessary nutrients and do not lead to weight gain.

    If it is possible to feed your pet natural food, you must give him lean meat, sea fish, rice or buckwheat, cottage cheese, yogurt, vegetables, and herbs. Rye crackers or dry cookies are suitable as a treat.


    Due to their body structure, dachshunds are susceptible to spinal diseases. They often have congenital discopathy. Against this background, by the age of 3-4 years, the pet develops an intervertebral hernia. This can cause the hind legs to become weak or the urination process to be disrupted. To avoid this, you need to prevent obesity and protect your pet from jumping from heights.

    Another problem often occurs in bitches. They have high hormonal levels, which can cause a false pregnancy to develop. Therefore, it is recommended to sterilize dogs that are not involved in breeding. And in males, due to a surge of hormones, high sexual activity develops.

    Adult dogs can also develop the following pathologies:

    • tartar, periodontal disease;
    • heart failure;
    • osteoporosis;
    • baldness;
    • ear mite;
    • diabetes.

    It is not recommended to treat your pet at home. You should definitely contact a veterinarian.

    The video will tell you how to care for your pet.


    The quality of the dog's menu determines its health. The breeders split into 2 camps. Some argue that dry food is the best option, while others argue by choosing natural products.


    • wings, stomachs, lungs, hearts;
    • fresh sea fish – once a week;
    • semolina, millet, oatmeal;
    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • dairy products.

    There are cases where dachshunds of irresponsible owners weigh 15 kg. Therefore, you need to calculate the calorie content of the menu, control the dog’s weight by month, you can read about this here.

    Expert opinion

    Anna Abramenko

    An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

    Ask a Question

    Your pet's food should be slightly salted. This is required for the proper development of the dachshund’s body.

    Those who prefer to pamper their pet with factory-made food should choose premium food. Cheap analogues will not work. The serving size is determined taking into account whether the fish is small or medium-sized, and also based on the table presented on the package.

    How to choose a dachshund puppy

    If you decide to buy a puppy of this breed, it is better to contact a nursery. In Moscow, a purebred dog with documents costs from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. Without documents you can buy a puppy for 10-20 thousand. But there is a danger of acquiring a mestizo. It is a crossbreed with other breeds. The most common mixed breeds are chihuahuas, spaniels, and toy terriers. Such a mixture can affect the character and health of the pet.

    In the photo you can see what mestizos will look like.

    Mixed dachshunds

    Mixed dachshunds

    Mixed dachshunds

    You should choose your puppy carefully. You should first study photographs of dogs, visit exhibitions, and read reviews about kennels. Having chosen a breeder, you need to visit him and check in what conditions the dogs live and what they eat. Before purchasing, check the condition of the baby’s teeth, eyes, ears, reaction to strangers, and activity.

    Before you decide to buy a puppy, you need to watch a video about this breed.

    A dachshund is a wonderful companion, a kind nanny for a child, a hunter and protector. There are people who are in love with this breed. But those who want to start it for the first time need to really assess their strength. This is a difficult pet to raise, wayward and intelligent. It is not suitable for indecisive people or homebodies. Therefore, before you buy a puppy, you need to think carefully.

    Owner reviews

    According to reviews from owners, the Dachshund will be an ideal companion for those owners who have a lot of free time to spend with their acquired pets. This dog is also good for hunters who regularly travel out of town to hunt rabbits or other animals that live in burrows. A properly trained dachshund will help its hunter owner return home with trophies.

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