Does sterilized dogs go into heat: the possibility of estrus and its symptoms

Inexperienced dog breeders often ask the same question: “Is a sterilized dog in heat ?” In this article we will consider not only the phenomenon of sterilization of cables or females as such, but also tell you about when the operation should be performed, to whom and by what methods. After all, the question is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

    So, for example, a list of dogs that simply need sterilization:
  • Firstly, this

    who are simply not born to be bred in the future. This applies to both mestizos and purebred dogs.

  • Mongrels and homeless people

    , after all, it is better for everyone if they do not have offspring, who will be born not only in hunger, but also with disabilities and diseases.

  • Dogs that have
    a deviation in the genetic code.

It is clear that this is talking about both sexes, but when talking about sterilization, one cannot fail to mention and talk about why this operation exists in principle and why it is used.

When is the best time to sterilize a dog?

Of course, for the operation to be successful, it must be performed by an experienced veterinarian who has already done similar things. After all, this is the only way to avoid the risk of developing consequences and aggravating the consequences. In this article we will also talk about the most correct time to choose for sterilization . informational purposes only

and an experienced veterinarian will provide detailed information. It is he who will decide when, in relation to the individual characteristics of the dog’s body, it is better to carry out the operation. Right now you can get expert advice by dialing the number of the YA-VET veterinary clinic listed on the website. Telephone consultation is free. The time is chosen relative to when the estrus was and will be: before the procedure, after or directly during the estrus period. Why does the question arise: is it possible for a sterilized dog to go into heat?

Misconceptions of novice dog breeders

In the specific field of dog breeders, there are myths and misconceptions, which, among other things, are related to the reproductive function of pets. And, of course, many of them are myths because they are absurd and stupid, for example:

1Many people argue that the dog Mother
must give birth to at least one puppy . Allegedly, not only her psychological state will be in order, but also her physical state. However, we hasten to assure that the dog will not have problems on any of these sides if she does not give birth! This is not a person who is worried about the fact that he does not have children. It is enough for a dog to be well-fed and have an owner to feel happy and prosperous!
Childbirth can only be harmful to health if there were complications during it.
If it wasn’t, then it doesn’t have any positive effect anyway. 2 A male dog should have a female at least once in his life, in this way he will improve his health, become stronger, more confident and courageous. They also say that he becomes cheeky and will look for a bitch at every turn. After all, he has already tasted the sweet fruit, which means he will certainly want to do it again. However, it is worth saying that a cable that has been mated treats females calmly . Moreover, it is much calmer than it was before mating. He also does not become courageous and, in general, all this does not affect his body.

Remember that if the dog is a breeding dog and you want to get puppies and future offspring, then it is better not to sterilize it. If you don’t want to or the dog is sick with something and is able to pass on these genes to offspring, then it is better to carry out a sterilization procedure. However, there are some peculiarities: the health of different sexes is different and each has its own specifics of the operation.

Anti-estrus medications

There are two types of drugs used in veterinary medicine:

  • hormonal, disrupting estrus;
  • non-hormonal, reducing the pet’s libido and arousal.

Hormonal drugs to stop estrus

Drugs in this group interrupt and prevent estrus. But, they cannot be used uncontrollably and constantly, like contraceptives. Only a veterinarian should prescribe hormonal medications. They are introduced according to the scheme. Once the drugs wear off, dogs go through a natural estrous cycle. These products are not an alternative to sterilization. They are used with caution due to the high risk of complications .

This method of reversible contraception is recommended for use in isolated cases when the estrous cycle falls at an inconvenient time for the owners. Most often it is done to dogs during foster care, before exhibitions, competitions or while traveling. Sometimes hormonal drugs are prescribed for medicinal purposes. Hormonal drugs are not used if estrus has already occurred.

Drugs that stop estrus:

  • Kovinar (Netherlands). Injectable contraceptive to prevent estrus and treat false pregnancy. The active ingredient of the drug (prolygestone) is a steroid hormone. This substance suppresses the production of sex hormones in the bitch. Price: 20 ml. – from 1800 to 2200 rub.
  • Sex Control (Russia). Domestic contraceptive in tablets and drops. The active ingredient of the drug is the hormonal substance megestrol acetate. Prescribed to female dogs to delay and interrupt estrus. Prescribed by a veterinarian. Dosage is calculated by weight. Course admission required. Price: pack of 10 tablets. – 120 rub.; drops 5 ml. – 115 rub.
  • Sex Barrier (Russia). A drug with a contraceptive effect. Available in drops and tablet form. Interrupts sexual heat and normalizes the dog's behavior. Price: pack of 10 tablets. – 170 rub.; drops 3 ml. – 245 rub.
  • Stop Intimate Api San (Russia). Hormonal agent for regulating sexual desire. Available in tablet form. It is given orally to female dogs to delay or interrupt estrus. Price: pack of 12 tablets. – 190 rub.
  • CounterSex Neo (Russia). Veterinary contraceptive pills and drops. Inhibits reproductive function, regulates sexual desire. Use orally as prescribed by a veterinarian. Price: bottle 2 ml. – 128 rub., pack of 10 tablets. – 77 rub.
  • EKS-5 and EKS-7.5 (Russia). An effective remedy for suppressing ovulation, correcting behavior and suppressing sexual desire. The composition of the drugs is identical, differing only in the dosage of the active substance (megestrol acetate). Price: 5 ml bottle. – 280 rub., pack of 10 tablets. – 105 rub.
  • Pillkan 5 (France). A drug with an antiovulation effect is prescribed for a one-time cessation of estrus or its delay. Has a hormonal basis. Available in the form of sugar cubes, which are dissolved in food or water or given by hand. Price: pack 8 cu. – 550 rub.
  • Ovostop (Russia). The new generation contraceptive is available in the form of drops on the withers in pipettes. Suppresses the onset of ovulation, corrects behavior. Price: pack 2 pip. – 315 rub.


Like all hormonal drugs, contraceptives for dogs have contraindications:

  1. Lactation period.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Neoplasms (benign and malignant).
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  6. Urolithiasis disease.
  7. First heat.
  8. Diseases of the mammary glands and genital organs.
  9. Concomitant use with corticosteroids is prohibited.

Side effect of hormonal drugs

You need to take hormonal contraceptives according to the regimen prescribed by your veterinarian. During treatment, the dog must be shown to a doctor in order to determine therapeutic effectiveness and timely detection of side effects.

  1. Swelling of the mammary glands.
  2. Lethargy and apathy.
  3. Increased appetite.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Development of pathologies of the genital area.
  6. Decreased immunity to sexually transmitted infections.


It is unacceptable to give dogs drugs of this group, based on reviews from owners and data from free sources. Hormonal medications should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Drops, tablets and suspensions to reduce sexual arousal

Drugs in this group do not stop estrus. They reduce the dog’s emotional arousal and help the animal survive this period more easily and calmly.

Means to reduce sexual arousal:

  • Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops (Australia). The best herbal preparation for eliminating behavioral disorders of a hormonal nature: estrus, false pregnancy, postpartum condition. Price: bottle 25 ml. – 2700 rub.
  • Da-ba Relax Plus (Latvia). A sedative improves the functioning of the nervous system. Helps the dog survive stress during estrus. Price: pack of 30 tablets. – 450 rub.
  • Stop Stress Api San (Russia). Drops to reduce sexual arousal and correct dog behavior. Price: bottle 15 ml. – 260 rub.

How to discourage male dogs from the current female

To reduce the interest of male dogs in a walking bitch, you can use veterinary agents to neutralize the odor.

Remedies to reduce the interest of male dogs during heat:

  • Canina Dog-Stop Spray (Germany). The spray is sprayed onto the dog's backside, tail and thighs. Repeat the treatment twice a day: morning and evening. The spray effectively stops the odor emanating from a female dog in heat. Stops unwanted advances from male dogs. Price: bottle 100 ml. – 1050 rub.
  • Antikobelin. (Russia). Deodorizing spray that removes the smell of bitches in heat. Twice a day you need to treat the dog's tail, hind legs, and perineum. Price: bottle 150 ml. – 180 rub.
  • DOG STOP FORTE (Germany). Dragee to reduce the specific odor of a bitch during heat. Herbal preparation. During estrus, daily intake is necessary. Price: pack of 60 tablets – 1200 rub.


If you do not have the opportunity to buy drugs to neutralize the smell of the bitch, use a proven folk remedy - a concentrated decoction of bay leaves. You can use any eau de parfum for the same purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages of dog sterilization

Next, we will look at the pros and cons of the operation and figure out whether the effort and nerves are worth it, whether it pays off in the end, and whether the behavior of the animal as a whole changes.

Pros of sterilizing dogs. Why is it worth sterilizing?

First, let's talk about the pros and benefits of sterilization . If we talk about reviews from veterinarians, they highlight more advantages and are more likely to recommend carrying out the procedure if such a question arises. After all, females experience a so-called hormonal explosion at least twice a year; it begins during the period of estrus.

Hormones depend on the adrenal glands, so in general the hormones are in a calm state most of the time. Estrus is accompanied by molting, capricious behavior, the dog is disobedient, changes its mood sharply and sometimes even becomes aggressive , getting into fights with the owner or relatives. It is also worth noting that the dog begins to mark territory everywhere and even in the apartment. There are frequent cases of attempts to escape from supervision.

Thus, sterilization helps not only to solve problems with procreation, but also to eliminate changes in behavior during estrus, when the body is preparing for fertilization. The dog is calm, obedient, not nervous. Also, with the help of sterilization, any problems that are associated with hormonal levels and their deviation from the norm are treated. And it’s not so important whether it’s serious illnesses or simple outbursts that happen to every female from birth, because it’s so inherent in nature.

Among other things, the sterilization procedure is a powerful tool that can save an animal from various diseases and pathologies.

, which cannot be cured with medications.
We are talking about fasting, tumors, oncology, false pregnancy and many others. And if you remember that during periods of heat the animal is also uncontrollable and aggressive, then the operation is truly irreplaceable and useful, often capable of saving the pet’s life. Indeed, among females, mortality during estrus is especially high. If surgery is required immediately, then with the help of modern means it is performed even during estrus.

What happens to a dog after sterilization. Does a sterilized dog actually go into heat?

    As a result, it is worth saying that dog after sterilization:
  • The female's behavior becomes calm and balanced due to the fact that she is no longer exposed to sex hormones.
  • Estrus does not occur twice a year, the dog stops dirtying the floor and furniture, it is easier to move around or travel with her, or carry her in a car. There are certain cases that we will discuss further.
  • The dog stops shedding at least twice a year, as it did before.
  • The character itself and attitude towards the owner does not change.
  • There is no risk of pus forming in the uterus, which is often found in older dogs.
  • Also, the risk of getting neoplasms or malignant tumors on the uterus is significantly reduced, which guarantees a long and healthy life. After all, such problems occur in 80% of dogs without sterilization.

If he’s talking about males, then dogs undergo surgery a little differently

, because hormones and their work depend on the work of the testicles.
If the testes are also removed, then the aggression completely disappears, the dog is very calm even towards females. However, the attitude towards the owner and joy for life does not disappear anywhere.

Cons of sterilizing dogs

Of course, all operations have their own disadvantages and disadvantages, which it would be wrong not to mention:

First of all

It is worth saying that in order to remove testicles in males or internal organs in females,
anesthesia must be given
and the animal must be put into this state.
Breeds and genders tolerate anesthesia differently, and it also depends on age. Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to tell whether it is worth using anesthesia and, accordingly, performing an operation.
Because sometimes anesthesia can even lead to the death of a pet. If sterilization is carried out at a late age , a deviation in the form of urinary incontinence often occurs. According to statistics, about 20 percent of those who undergo surgery are susceptible to this problem.

In male dogs, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted.

, which also negatively affects the animal’s body. There is also a risk of getting bone cancer if spayed before the age of 1 year.

You should not sterilize an old dog , because the risk of getting abnormalities and disease is much higher than in young and strong pets, whose body is able to withstand such stress.

Should a dog be sterilized: conclusions

If we summarize the pros and cons, we get the following:

  • Spaying a female after her first heat at the right age will only make things better, reduce the risk of many diseases, and generally does not cause complications that cannot be corrected in a short time.
  • Surgical sterilization of cables can lead to health problems. However, age is not so important here.

Actions of the veterinarian

Unfortunately, not all identified causes are subject to elimination and drug correction. The usual response from owners of dogs that are in heat after sterilization is:

  1. Estrus due to inertia is excluded by assessing the period of time that has passed since the operation and the level of sex hormones in the blood.
  2. An ultrasound can be done to monitor the removal of the ovaries. But this diagnostic method is not suitable for small breeds of dogs - you need either an ultrasound diagnostic doctor of the highest category, or a serious and modern ultrasound machine with an increased field of view. Otherwise, identifying ovaries in small individuals is almost impossible. A reminiscent ovary and ectopia cannot be seen at all on an ultrasound under any conditions.
  3. Taking tests to identify possible tumor processes in the body.
  4. Determination of estradiol and progesterone levels in the blood without additional medication.
  5. Conducting hormonal tests, when blood is taken at rest and after stimulation with special drugs that affect sex hormones under certain circumstances. Assessing the difference. By the difference in levels, one can judge the presence of glandular tissue in the body, which can produce hormones - whether it is present or not. Alas, using these tests it is impossible to determine where exactly the ectopia is located if this has been confirmed by tests. This category of tests includes tests with gonadotropin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone.
  6. AMH test. Determines the presence of anti-Müllerian hormone in the blood, which can be used to determine whether sex hormones are secreted by reproductive organs or backup organs (adrenal glands, for example, or the hypothalamus). If the results show the presence of this hormone, then we are talking about ectopia or a residual ovary. Only the gonads produce it. If there is sexual activity, but there is no anti-Mullerian hormone, then the problem is different.
  7. Repeated surgery and additional removal of the remaining parts of the ovaries.
  8. Attempts to search for ectopia. These operations are performed very, very rarely. Ectopic ovarian tissue can be located anywhere inside. If the area is large, then a surgeon with extensive practical experience can try to look for it by literally searching through all the internal organs using a cavity approach. But it could be several cells - it is impossible for anyone to find them.
  9. Performing surgery to remove hormone-producing tumors.
  10. Medicinal corrections for hormonal duplication - “disconnection” from the reproductive cycles of organs that are not related to the reproductive system.
  11. If repeated operations are not possible, drug hormonal therapy is prescribed to correct the condition.

It is highly not advisable to give dogs any hormonal medications without consulting a specialist - there are side effects!

The procedure is set out in the order in which all medical diagnostic and therapeutic measures are usually carried out. But if at first the dog was observed in one place, and then the doctor was changed, but all the current test results of the animal are in hand, some points may be omitted.

So does a spayed dog go into heat?

The inability to have offspring is a 100% factor if the operation was done correctly. However, does a sterilized dog who has undergone the procedure go into heat? The answer is simple: it all depends on the method of intervention and surgery chosen by the veterinarian.

So, for example, there is a way to ligate the fallopian tubes, in which case the animal will not give birth , but all cycles remain the same, because she is simply sterilized. In other words, estrus will occur as regularly as before. At the level of instincts, a female in this state even wants mating. Of course, there will be no offspring, but this does not prevent the bitch from being ready for offspring.

If the owners decide to castrate the animal (this is when the ovaries and uterus are completely removed), there will be no offspring, no estrus, or any other signs. However, there are cases when the role of the ovaries is performed by the adrenal glands, so estrus can return

. Such cases are considered by the veterinarian separately in each case and the general decision on the procedure is also made by him.

Attention: false heat!

False estrus is typical for young unsterilized pets. Despite the symptoms being similar to the original, it does not provide for ovulation. The mating of animals these days is pointless. All efforts will be doomed to failure, since eggs ready for fertilization do not enter the fallopian tubes.

There is no need to be afraid of such a phenomenon. It is not dangerous to health and goes away on its own after some time.

If your pet has already been operated on, then you should start from the past tense. Critical days with a very recent surgical intervention are normal, as they are stimulated by previously produced hormones. After the hormonal levels stabilize, the situation returns to normal. Otherwise, you should contact your veterinarian.

When is the best time to sterilize a dog?

Another myth is the fact that castration is done at an early age. This is not true in all cases. The operation is performed at any age. Also, an animal does not have to bear offspring even once

, as some say. Usually the operation is performed before the first heat, this serves as an excellent prevention of many diseases. After all, there is not a single case of a dog getting sick, for example, with mammary cancer after sterilization before the first heat.

If the animal is already aged, then the operation is more complicated with preparation before. It is necessary to do certain tests and studies, perform an ECG on the dog and other actions so that the effects of anesthesia are minimal and the operation is successful.

Such decisions and examinations should be coordinated only with experienced veterinarians. Only the best specialists work in our veterinary clinic. With the service of calling a doctor to your home, the owner saves time! All studies are taken immediately on site using express tests. The operation is also performed at home. First, the veterinarian quartzes the room to disinfect it, and then begins the process. After the operation, the doctor will tell you how to care for your pet and will come after a while to check the dog’s health.

What should the owner do?

If after sterilization or castration the dog goes into heat, act according to the circumstances. In the first case, there is no need to worry, since this process will accompany the animal for the rest of its life. Only a few uncharacteristic symptoms may be cause for concern:

  • temperature increase;
  • refusal to eat;
  • change in volume and color of discharge to green or yellow;
  • the appearance of pus from the loop;
  • persistence of bleeding for more than 30 days in a row.

In the second case, it is better to immediately show the pet to the veterinarian, without waiting for the end of estrus. The only exception is 2-3 months after surgery, when a large-scale restructuring of the body occurs.

Does a spayed dog go into heat? Postoperative period

Above we discussed cases in which a sterilized dog may be in heat. Now let’s figure out what is important for the owner to know and do during the dog’s postoperative period. First of all, after the operation there is a recovery from anesthesia. It is worth being close to your pet, caring for it and supporting it, because it is difficult for a dog to recover from anesthesia . Pets react differently to anesthesia, depending on both the breed and the age of the animal. Anesthesia can last about 12 hours, and the minimum time is two hours.

Also turn the animal over every half hour while the pet is under anesthesia.

looked after for a week or more after surgery.

, treat with special solutions with an antiseptic so as not to introduce infection into the wound. If the seam remains red or wet, then you should call the veterinarian and he will arrive within an hour to check the dog’s health. If the seam is dry and healing, then there are no problems.

Remember that such operations should only be performed by a qualified veterinarian. Our expert always carries with him not only the necessary tools, but also papers and diplomas confirming his qualifications.

Another important aspect after surgery is the animal’s appetite . The animal should start eating food again after 3-5 days

, if this does not happen, then, again, you should call a doctor. Also, the doctor will definitely come if a suture needs to be removed after the operation.

After recovery, it is worth diversifying the diet and not overfeeding the animal . This is a general recommendation for all cases, but after surgery it is absolutely important to ensure that the suture does not come apart. It is also worth introducing new formats of games and entertainment on the street so that the animal has increased physical activity.

Ideal time for surgery

Veterinarians and breeders around the world agree that it is better to carry out surgical intervention at a very young age.

The ideal option is when all manipulations are performed on the puppy 4-6 months before the start of the reproductive system and the first hormonal release. This will have the least traumatic effect on the dog’s physical and psychological health.

However, this does not mean that older animals cannot undergo castration. Moreover, many bitches already in adulthood or even in old age are forcibly sent to the surgical table in order to avoid the development of serious diseases.

Questions that arise about sterilization. Is it possible for a spayed dog to go into heat?

  • Is chemical sterilization dangerous? Yes, because the drugs administered to the animal block hormones and this situation can provoke the appearance of a malignant tumor.
  • Should I spay during heat? It is better to consider each case and each situation individually. More often the procedure is done after the estrus ends.
  • Does a spayed dog go into heat? It depends on the operation, but in all cases this possibility is present. If the veterinarian said that there will be no heat, but it has started, then you should call the doctor and have him come to your house to examine your pet.

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