Black Terrier - appearance, secrets of keeping. Origin story, pros and cons of character

Based on their use, dogs are classified into three main groups.
The first group includes four-legged animals intended for hunting. The second is made up of service and sports dogs, and the third is home to decorative dogs. Terriers are classified as a hunting group; in pursuit of prey, their responsibilities include pursuing mammals living underground, that is, rodents and other burrowing animals. These dogs are incredibly loyal and brave, they simply exude love for their owners, but even the smallest representatives of this class have not lost their hunting instincts.

History of the appearance of the Black Terrier breed

Stalin himself participated in breeding the breed. He ordered to breed a breed that would be hardy, tireless, have increased performance, would be powerful, strong and would serve in the most extreme conditions. Moreover, the dog must be universal. By the way, the black terrier is also called Stalin's dog.

The scientists completed the task 100%.

  • In order for the order to be carried out in the shortest possible time, breeding began immediately.
  • 17 breeds took part in obtaining the new dog. And already in 1957, a new representative of the Russian Black Terrier (RBC) breed was presented.

The dog was accepted in Russia, then they became acquainted with it in Europe, and after that Russian black terriers began to conquer the United States. Here we had to wait, the States did not want to accept the new breed. But after 11 years of resistance, they too surrendered.

And only in 2004 the dog was registered in all world registers as a protective guard dog.

Fox terrier

Fox Terriers were bred to hunt foxes underground in order to pull the fox out of the hole. Accordingly, the size of the dog and the structure of its body were “adjusted” to this task. A narrow head and shoulders, a long neck - everything was supposed to make his work easier for the fox terrier.

Considering that for the British, fox hunting is a national hobby, fox terriers were loved, bred, and improved the breed. In addition to body structure, breeders sought to achieve a predominance of white in color. You cannot shoot a white dog in the turmoil of a hunt instead of a red fox.

Fox terrier

The standards for rough-haired and smooth-haired foxes are different in the FCI, but in general the dogs are similar, like siblings. In principle, they do not differ in anything except wool. It’s a matter of taste what kind of Fox the future owner wants to have—one with smooth, soft fur, or one with hard fur. Foxes, like Airedales, have shaggy funny beards. Fox Terriers also have an interesting tail, reminiscent of a ship's mast. Also for a reason. If necessary, the foxie can be pulled out of the fox hole by its tail.

Fox Terriers are fearless; they are not afraid to get into a fight with an opponent larger and stronger than themselves.

Appearance of the Black Terrier

If you look at a photo of a black terrier, you can see a charismatic giant, tense in a black, wavy fur coat. At the withers, males reach 76 cm, and such a handsome man can weigh up to 60 kg. Girls look more graceful - only up to 72 cm, with a weight of up to 50 kg.

When describing the Black Terrier breed, one cannot help but mention the black bangs that cover the eyes, long mustache and beard. They make the dog strict, if not angry. In fact, the dog has a very kind character.

  • The head is powerful, moderately wide, without much relief. The muzzle is not long.
  • The teeth are strong and fit tightly together.
  • The ears are triangular, enveloped, tightly pressed to the head at the edges.
  • The eyes are oval, dark brown, the eyelid does not droop.
  • The nose is black and large.
  • The neck is strong, smoothly transitions into a powerful, strong body. The chest is deep. Legs are straight and straight. Moreover, the front paws are larger than the hind paws.
  • Saber-shaped tail. However, in Russia the tails of this breed are docked.
  • The wool is exclusively black. Only a small amount of gray hair is allowed, and only if it occupies no more than one third of the animal’s body.

West Hallen White

The first impression is a snow-white bear cub with black eyes and a black nose. Westies are adorable, as anyone who has seen them will tell you. Those who like the films about Asterix and Obelix will immediately recognize the dog that was the constant companion of the Gallic heroes.

They are very temperamental, inquisitive, energetic; There is no place in the house where a curious nose would not poke its head. Don’t be offended by your child for chewed furniture, shoes, or torn wallpaper. It’s better to provide him with more toys, and to be safe, put expensive shoes higher up. The dog will grow up, and the period of irrepressible “gnaw everything you see” will pass. Animals (especially when they are young) are capable of running around the house, garden, and countryside all day long.

West Highland White

West Hallen White Terriers were originally used by people to hunt foxes and small rodents. Like some terriers, the Westie's tail is straight, vertical, and simply a proud tail. Although the ancestors of dogs were often unceremoniously pulled out of a hole by foxes or badgers by this tail.

Now Westies are taken into the home as companion dogs. However, their restlessness and temperament are not suitable for a sleepy life on the couch. These dogs must run, jump, dig holes, and chase what they consider to be game. They are always happy to keep company with their owner and willingly play with children. However, West Hallen White Terriers do not tolerate excessive cuddling, which is often done by children. Such treatment can cause aggression on the part of the dog. This problem is easily solved: you just need to explain to the child how not to treat the dog.

Westies love to attract attention to their person, to receive kind words or a treat.

It’s better not to rush with treats. West Hallen White Terriers are often allergic, and you need to be careful with their diet. Allergies to high-protein foods, to chicken, are the scourge of Westies. Owners will have to carefully select food and experiment less with introducing new food.

Features of the Black Terrier breed

From 17 breeds, dog handlers chose the best qualities, so RCT combined:

  • Courage, bravery, fearlessness, which is why blacks have always been considered excellent guards;
  • Excellent learning ability. They are very easy to train, and they remember what was put into them until their last days;
  • Black Terrier puppies are socialized from a very early age, they are accustomed to people as early as possible, so the adult dog is unusually devoted to its owner and his family;
  • Despite the powerful body, the dog is mobile, runs fast, and is active;
  • Due to their size, strength and their protective qualities, blackies definitely require training; an untrained terrier can dominate;
  • This dog loves children and is friendly towards all family members;
  • Other pets are tolerated calmly - they are too confident in their abilities to get upset over trifles;
  • The dog hardly sheds, which is important;

It is important to remember that a black terrier cannot be put on a chain! A good-natured dog can be turned into an aggressor;

A very comfortable dog - he is calm with him, he quickly gets used to any climatic conditions, understands the situation well and can be a companion in any entertainment.


Staffordshire Terrier, also known as Amstaff. The dog was unlucky with the name of the breed. At first it was called Yankee Terrier, Pit Dog, American Bull Terrier. The dogs were used for dog fighting; there was no standard for the dog - the breed was not recognized by the FCI. But the selection work continued, and with the influx of pit bull terrier blood, the breed as a whole was completed.

There are many opinions about dogs of this breed. Protective dogs and killer dogs, which opinion is correct? Dogs are absolutely devoted to their owner, who raised them correctly from infancy. It's true. But members of the owner’s family, as a rule, are in third place for the Amstaff after the owner and the dog itself. Serious breeders do not recommend leaving Staffies with children, and this says a lot. Of course, terrible cases of staff attacks on people exist; they can be explained by poor upbringing, genetic abnormalities, or anything else. But there is no longer any point in explaining the attack that happened (for the victim). This is why the Staffordshire Terrier:

  • cannot be left with children;
  • Only a person well versed in the psychology of the breed should take such a dog;
  • you cannot choose a dog of this breed for the first time in your life;
  • constant, firm control of the owner must always be ensured.

Now think about whether you need this loaded pistol on legs, which can fire at any moment - and not where you want it.

We can list countries in which the ownership, sale, age of the owner and conditions of keeping this type of dog are strictly regulated. By the way, these restrictions also include a substantial amount of insurance liability. For those interested, this is:

  • Portugal;
  • Venezuela;
  • France;
  • Switzerland;
  • Norway;
  • Romania;
  • Italy and many other countries.

Important! It is not the dog's fault that a dog attacks a person! The person who did not raise the dog is guilty.


It is advisable to keep such a giant in a private house or in an enclosure. In a small city apartment there will be too little space for it. Besides, with such a fur coat, living in a room with radiators will be torture.

In addition to space, blackies require:

  • Grooming. Dogs are regularly combed (blackies themselves are not very fond of this procedure, so they need to be taught to comb from puppyhood). In addition to combing, it is necessary to trim (cut) the wool. For such procedures, it is better to immediately contact a specialist (groomer). The first haircut of a black terrier can be as early as 6 months of age;
  • Check your pet's eyes and ears regularly;
  • If the claws have grown too long, they are cut off with special tweezers (nail clippers);
  • All vaccinations should be given on time, we must not forget about parasites - they need to be poisoned at least 2 times a year, and also, the dog must be protected from ticks;
  • The owner must provide the dog with a full, active walk. The little one is taken outside only wearing a muzzle and on a short leash.


The Yorkshire Terrier is considered one of the smallest breeds in the world. Funny dogs with silky long hair initially lived peacefully in the homes of workers and farmers in Yorkshire, fulfilling their direct duty - catching mice and rats.


“Advertising” for Yorkies was done by Queen Victoria of England, a great lover of dogs. With her light hand, the Yorks moved from modest homes to the citadel of the English monarchy - Buckingham Palace. Naturally, the ladies of the court immediately picked up the craze for cute dogs. Since then, Yorkshire terriers have been considered a part of high society. Dogs are often treated as living toys - dressed, cut, permed, and even manicured (or pedicured?).


Such a powerful animal requires high-quality food.

The owner has the right to choose what to feed - either prepared food or natural food. You can’t give natural food and ready-made food on the same day, and you can’t alternate between each other either. This will have a bad effect on the dog's gastrointestinal tract.

If the owner decides to buy food, then he needs to choose a line for large breeds. If the owner believes that it is better for him to feed his pet natural food, then he should prepare food specifically for the dog. Natural food does not eat scraps from the owner's table.

For the dog, porridge is cooked from buckwheat or rice, to which meat is added (rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef, veal or fish). Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini) are added to the porridge. Kefir or cottage cheese is given once a day. Raw eggs are given twice a week.

If the dog is fed natural food, then twice a year the owner must give the pet a course of fortification. The manufacturer adds them to ready-made food.

It is strictly forbidden to give:

  • Tubular bones - they can cut the esophagus, and the dog will die;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Sweets;
  • Spicy seasonings;
  • Chocolate;
  • Hot food can burn your insides, cold food can give you a cold.

Important rule: The dog should always have fresh water!


Erdeli are the largest of all terriers. They were originally bred to kill prey, which is why they have the largest teeth among the entire terrier family.

Dogs are not aggressive towards people, but are merciless and tireless when hunting.


The high intelligence of Airedale Terriers sometimes plays a cruel joke on them. The dog has already understood and learned (as he believes) the command, but the annoying owner makes him repeat the already boring exercise over and over again.

Airedales make good pet therapists. Dogs are patient, are not afraid of unfamiliar surroundings and allow themselves to be petted by strangers. Abroad, this type of therapy is finding more and more fans and scientific justification.

Erdeles need walks with good physical activity. The ideal option would be to let the dog off the leash and let the dog run around. Just don’t forget that the Airedale is a hunter by nature (he always remembers this).


If you want a truly good dog, then you should not look for the lowest prices.

The price of a black terrier may vary.

  • The most elite puppy costs from 25,000 rubles. This is not too high a price for an excellent protector, a wonderful guard and a devoted friend. Such a puppy has great prospects. He can become a champion, you can compete with him in competitions and all kinds of exhibitions. And this puppy can be the beginning for opening your own new kennel.
  • 17,000 - 20,000 rubles is the price of an ordinary puppy who will not grab stars from the sky, but can be a wonderful, loyal friend.
  • 12,000-17,000 - for this price you can buy a cross between a black and a mongrel. But that's not the worst thing. The scary thing is that such dogs may not be completely healthy. A sick pet is a very difficult burden for any owner.

Don't be fooled by cheap prices. When choosing, the most important criteria should be the health of the puppy and the integrity of the breeder.

Jack Russell

This breed became incredibly popular after the release of the film “The Mask”, and the demand for these “live animals” does not subside.

Jack Russells were bred for burrow hunting of foxes, badgers, and small rodents. Owners forget about this feature of terriers, but the dogs themselves remember it. Therefore, the hunting season for small domestic animals is always open for the Jack Russell Terrier.

Dogs are very active and mobile, they are real “energizers”. It is not advisable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle to own dogs of this breed. But for active people, athletes, as well as families with small children, dogs of this breed are ideal.

Jack Russell

You can always take your child for a walk with the dog, which will benefit both. Do not trust dogs to very young children (under 5 years old) - the child does not yet understand that the dog is alive and may be in pain. The dog won’t understand why he can’t bite his annoying companion. Like most terriers, these dogs love to eat tasty food. Don't give in, otherwise bowel upset (and cleaning up fragrant liquid piles) will be the least of the bad consequences of overeating.

Photo of a dog of the Black Terrier breed

German Hunting Dog (Jagdterrier)

The main goal of the breeders was to develop an unpretentious hunting dog capable of working on land, in water, and also getting game out of holes.

The German Hunting Terrier, a variety of terriers that is versatile in its working qualities, is an absolutely reliable, well-managed breed of dog. Jagdterriers are very attached to their owners. However, it is not recommended to take it into a house where there are a lot of other animals (cats, birds, hamsters, etc.). German terriers have a highly developed hunting instinct, and he will immediately consider all small animals in the house to be his rightful prey.

Dogs are not friendly towards strangers and make good watchdogs.


Based on the type of coat, there are 2 varieties - smooth and wire-haired. The standard recognizes only one color - black and tan. Therefore, all Jagdterriers are very similar at first glance. But height can be from 28 to 40 cm, this is a fairly large “run-up”.

Like most terriers, the dog needs daily physical exercise, without which the dog will become nervous and restless. The ideal place to keep him is a house with constant access to the street, where the dog can run around to his heart's content.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a fighting dog. Today it is not recognized by the International Canine Federation and is prohibited for keeping in most EU countries.

Pitbulls grow up to 43-49 cm. Their weight ranges from 20 to 30 kg. They have a well-built muscular build, a large wedge-shaped head, a wide square muzzle with strong jaws. The eyes are almond-shaped, the ears are short, erect, and set high. American Pit Bulls have a short, hard coat with no undercoat. May vary in color.

By nature, American pit bull terriers are stubborn, active, fearless, loyal, and gentle towards their owner. Aggression from a pit bull can only come when the owner does not train him properly.

Did you know? In the USA and Russia, American pit bull terriers are often recruited to serve in law enforcement agencies. Their excellent sense of smell makes them excellent bloodhounds looking for drugs and explosive devices.

These dogs are not suitable for inexperienced owners, as they require education and skillful training, frequent exercise and long walks.

The lifespan of pit bulls is 10-15 years. The cost of puppies is 100-500 dollars.


The Boston Terrier breed originated in the United States in the 19th century, mainly from fighting dogs. Nevertheless, in character they are in no way like their ancestors. These small dogs, 23-38 cm tall and weighing 6.8-11 kg, resemble bulldogs with their muzzles and terriers with their bodies. Their muzzle is square, with a well-defined forehead, dark round eyes, medium-sized, erect, high-set ears, and a square, strong jaw. The head is placed on a high neck. Limbs are short and strong.

Boston Terriers are shorthaired and have no undercoat. The color of the coat is black and white, black and brown, and brindle.

Boston Terriers are cheerful and playful, gentle with their owners, independent, sometimes stubborn, and require socialization and early education. They get along great with children. They are suspicious of strangers, so they make good guards.

The lifespan of Boston Terriers is 12-15 years. Breeders estimate babies at 500-1700 dollars.

Did you know? The Boston Terrier is one of the twenty most popular breeds among Americans. In 1979, it was recognized as the official symbol of the state of Massachusetts.



Cairn Terriers are the “old-timers” among terriers. One of the very first terriers in the service of people, they helped in hunting foxes and rabbits.

Nowadays, Cairn Terriers are mainly used as companion dogs. They are smart, friendly to people, and sociable. Kerns are often selfish and persistently demand attention from their owners.


Very sensitive to praise and scolding of the owner. Praising dogs inspires and encourages them to follow commands. Rudeness, speaking in a raised voice, especially punishment, greatly offend the Kerns. In response to this attitude of the owner, stubborn dogs become disobedient and refuse to follow commands.

A good owner is guaranteed the faithful love of the core. However, this love is active, energetic, and will require a lot of active activities from the owner. The ultimate dream for the core would be a tourist owner. On hiking trips, all the dog’s needs will be fully satisfied.

The Cairn Terrier will not become a guard or protector, but it will definitely warn about the approach of a stranger.

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