Toy Fox Terrier - standards, main qualities of dogs, training, education

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* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Toy Fox Terrier dog breed . You can send us photos of your animals by email, and we will post them on the website. Don't forget to send your pet's name.

Other breed names:

American Toy Fox Terrier


* We invite you to watch a video about the Toy Fox Terrier . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Toy Fox Terrier looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of toy fox terriers
  • Toy Fox Terrier - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of Toy Fox Terriers
  • Character and habits of toy fox terriers
  • Interesting facts about Toy Fox Terriers
  • Pros and cons of Toy Fox Terriers
  • Breeding Toy Fox Terriers
  • Caring for Toy Fox Terriers
  • Diet of Toy Fox Terriers
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Toy Fox Terrier - price and how to buy correctly

Description of character

As already noted, in terms of character and habits, a small fox terrier is capable of giving a head start to much larger hunting dogs. But at the same time, this breed also has many acquired traits of decorative companion dogs. In addition, with proper upbringing, you can minimize negative qualities and raise an almost ideal pet. But is it so easy to curb the temper of the Amertoi? Let's find out.


By nature, American Toy Terriers have a craving for energetic knowledge of the world around them. Like all hunting dogs, these pets are inquisitive, very active, attentive, decisive and smart. By the way, in terms of mental insight, the Amertoi are ahead of many other representatives of the “terrier” group.

These dogs are also very playful and cheerful. They love to surprise and amuse their owners with unusual antics, tricks, and petty pranks. As a true born hunter, the American Fox Toy Terrier loves long walks, during which he can jump, run and frolic to his heart's content. But when walking, you should supervise your pet so that he does not accidentally get carried away by the excitement of the hunt for cats or birds.

The watchdog skills of dogs deserve special attention. In emergency situations, any amerta barks loudly, warning the owner of impending danger. These dogs a priori perceive strangers with a bit of suspicion, so it is quite possible to appoint a pet as a guard for your belongings, for example, when traveling to the river or sea. Moreover, one of the natural qualities of the breed is fearlessness.

And in conclusion, we note that despite their modest dimensions, American Toy Terriers are distinguished by their developed endurance. These dogs are able to overcome fairly long distances and perform any long-term work. But you still need to try to accustom your pet to it.

Related article:

Russian spaniel - description of the breed, pros and cons, characteristics, colors . Perhaps, while reading about the Toy Fox Terrier, it will also be interesting to learn about the Russian Spaniel breed, which is written about in detail in a separate article.

Perception of training

From the point of view of the educational process, the description of the American Toy Terrier breed is twofold. Some pets have a developed “stubbornness gene”: they are capricious and argue about almost any reason. Others, on the contrary, are flexible and obedient. In fact, this difference is largely justified by the fact that owners are sometimes irresponsible in raising their pet.

Amertois are characterized by a tendency to dominate, so it is very important to start socializing the puppy in a timely manner. This process usually begins when the dog is 2-3 months old. First of all, you need to show your pet that the person is the head of the house. The owner decides what the dog does. At the first stage, the puppy is taught the simplest actions:

  • Feedback on the nickname;
  • Wearing a collar and leash;
  • Walking behavior;
  • Hygienic procedures;
  • Rest in your own bed.

After mastering the basic skills, they gradually move on to learning training commands with the pet. The breed is distinguished by high mental abilities, so dog training is easy and successful. But it is important to observe some subtleties of training.

The American Fox Terrier does not like coercion and is very offended by even the slightest punishment. Therefore, you need to be patient when training your pet. You cannot punish a dog and it is highly undesirable to raise your voice. Any violence is completely prohibited, but encouragement, on the contrary, is encouraged. The amerta carried out the order given - treat your friend with a tasty treat, praise him, pat him on the head. The dog is capricious or does not yet understand the meaning of the command - ignore the stubborn behavior and insist on your own. As a last resort, reschedule the lesson for another time if the pet is completely out of sorts.

In general, American Toys enjoy learning, and with the right attitude towards training, these dogs can achieve a lot. There are known cases when they were made into circus performers: the dogs walked on ropes, did somersaults, followed commands and demonstrated various tricks. If desired, with the help of education, you can even correct some of the individuals’ shortcomings: wean them from loud barking, whims, and hunting small “game.”

History of the origin of toy fox terriers

The Smooth Fox Terrier was first recorded in the 1500s. This breed was developed and bred to help people while hunting. The dogs chased the foxes out of their holes. At that time, this breed did not have clear standards, because its representatives had completely different sizes. Some were tall and weighed about nine kilograms, while others rarely reached three kilograms in weight.

At that time, small, sleek fox terriers were more valuable. These are dogs with an inexhaustible source of energy. They were always ready for any adventure: defending a home, hunting rats or fighting a dog. Large representatives of the breed were less active. However, both small and large fox terriers were registered by the Kennel Club as one breed in 1912. Only twenty-four years later these dogs were separated.

Owners of the former began asking for the separation of small and large fox terriers in 1920. But these requests were not heard immediately. Only in 1936 did small fox terriers become a separate breed and received the name: “toy fox terrier”. The American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed even later - in 2003. Despite this, discussions about the size of such fox terriers took a long time.

Some breeders believed that the Toy Fox Terrier lacked height. Others tried to add the blood of other dogs, for example, Chihuahuas, to the breed. But for most owners of small fox terriers, these ideas were unacceptable. They didn't want to spoil the breed's gene pool. As a result, the OKS agreed with the latter and it was decided that the dogs should remain the same size. In 1960, the breed's stud book was closed.

History of the breed

At the end of the 18th century, a breed called the Smooth Fox Terrier was developed. Then fox hunting in England became popular; hunters needed a dog that would help drive foxes and badgers out of their shelters.

Fox hunting is in the blood of foxes

There are few records of breeders on the development of the breed from that time. However, Smooth Fox Terriers have not changed much since then. Over several centuries, through crossing, the breed developed.

More white pigment appeared in the color, and the shape of the head acquired the classic shape that is characteristic of modern individuals.

These are noble and intelligent animals with a strong build.

Interesting! Fox Terrier Caesar was the favorite of the English King Edward VII. On the dog’s collar was the inscription “I am Caesar. I belong to the king." After the death of the king, in 1910, the grieving pet followed the funeral procession along with everyone else.

The dog was so attached to its owner that it followed the funeral procession along with everyone else.

In the 1920s, the Smooth Fox Terrier became one of the most recognized purebred dogs. As pets, they became popular in the 1930s with the detective film The Thin Man.

A television fox terrier named Asta played the role perfectly, and the breed's popularity soared.

Toy Fox Terrier - description of the breed

The Toy Fox Terrier has harmonious external characteristics:

  • Small head;
  • Muscular body;
  • Almond-shaped eyes;
  • Triangular ears;
  • Slender limbs.

This American dog is quite small, but slender, agile and strong. Its height usually does not exceed thirty centimeters. He has a slender body with pronounced muscle relief. The Toy Fox Terrier weighs up to three kilograms. Despite its modest size, this animal is quite strong, has developed muscles, a straight back and a deep chest. The stomach is taut.

The head harmoniously complements the body - it is small and wedge-shaped. The animal's muzzle is elongated, narrowing towards the nose. The dog's bite is correct and scissor-shaped. The Fox Terrier's jaws are well developed, quite strong and grasping. It is not easy for prey to escape from them. The neck goes well with a small head. She is muscular and has a graceful curve. There is no dewlap at the neck.

Toy Fox Terriers have very beautiful eyes. They are medium in size and almond-shaped. The eye color of dogs of this breed may differ only slightly: from dark brown to hazel. The dog's eyes always sparkle and look interested. Triangular ears are a special feature of the breed. They are very similar to the ears of bats. To the touch, the animal's ears resemble a very thin sheet of wood.

Particular attention should be paid to the dog's limbs. In a real Toy Fox Terrier they are almost perfectly straight, slender and graceful. The dog has well-developed hips. The dog's tail is set high. From birth it is shortened. The fox's paws are oval in shape. The fingers are always tightly clenched into a ball. Representatives of this breed have very strong nails and well-developed paw pads.

Popular colors of Toy Fox Terriers

The body of the American Toy Fox Terrier is densely covered with hair. The coat of this dog looks like satin - it is very shiny and smooth to the touch. This dog's coat is short, which helps it easily penetrate narrow fox holes when hunting. The coat is slightly longer only in the neck and shoulders. The thick cover reliably protects the animal’s thin but elastic skin from scratches and various injuries.

By the condition of the coat and skin, you can recognize a faulty breed. If a puppy has sagging skin, lack of elasticity or dull fur, then these are significant shortcomings of the breed. An unacceptable factor is wool with a wave. Such a puppy cannot belong to the Toy Fox Terrier breed and in the future he will not be allowed to participate in official shows or any competitions.

Toy Fox Terriers have a naturally harmonious coat color. The predominant color in it must be white. Several options are allowed for combining white with brown, black, black and tan, black and red at the same time. The most popular today are tri-colored puppies. In this case, the body is painted white with black spots and red markings on the face.

In second place in popularity is white and black and tan. These puppies have predominantly black hair on their heads. A prerequisite is the presence of tan spots in the area of ​​the jaws, eyebrows and cheekbones. White may be present as spots on the lower part of the muzzle. Puppies with a white-brown coat color are bought a little less often. Brown hair should predominate on their head.

Fox Terrier - owner reviews

Review of the fox terrier, writes Katya. We spontaneously bought our fox terrier named Frosya at the market and did not regret it one bit. The little furball has grown into a smart, cheerful, active and playful dog that behaves well even when left alone at home.

This breed does not shed much, so you won’t have to constantly clean the sofa and carpets of fur. We give our dog a haircut for the summer. Frosya does not quarrel with the cat (although she likes to steal dry food from her), loves boiled meat and cheese, but does not refuse other food. In general, we love her and recommend the Fox Terrier breed)

Review of the fox terrier, writes Anya. From my own experience, I can say that fox terriers are not for everyone. This is my second dog of this breed, the first one was wire-haired, now it is smooth-haired. Both are very energetic, stubborn and have a strong character, so they need to be raised from a young age.

If the puppy is not told what is and is not allowed, then it will be much more difficult to retrain an adult dog. I even taught my Lewis several commands, he grew up obedient and affectionate, although on walks he has so much energy that he could even go hunting) But usually we spend time playing “fetch the ball”, I throw it, he runs and fetch it.

Smooth fox terrier puppy *nickname Nos, 4 months), photo shared by Olya Nosova-Eliseeva.

The breed is not picky about food, and both the first dog (who is no longer with us) and Lewis did not refuse any food. There is also nothing difficult in grooming, especially with a smooth fox terrier. This concludes my review, take care of your pets!

Useful for the future owner:

  • What can and cannot be fed to a puppy (an example of a diet by age);
  • How to teach a puppy commands (“sit”, “come to me”, “no” and others);
  • Super premium dog food (list, rating, reviews).

Character and habits of toy fox terriers

It is quite difficult to find a smarter dog than a toy fox terrier. Although this is a small, but smart and quick-witted dog. It has the appearance of an ornamental breed, but the intelligence and courage of a huge dog. Representatives of this breed have a light, cheerful disposition. This dog almost never gets bored and is never in a bad mood. Even when feeling unwell, the animal will remain good-natured.

The Toy Fox Terrier is a family dog. She is devoted to her owner and skillfully finds a common language with other family members. These dogs get along great with children. However, with very tiny children, problems can sometimes arise. This dog will not tolerate discomfort or abuse. If the baby accidentally hurts the pet, it may snap back and even bite.

Most representatives of the Toy Fox Terrier breed have an easy-going, calm character. However, there are exceptions - impulsive and stubborn puppies. If you come across one, don't despair. These negative traits can easily be corrected by early socialization and proper upbringing. The puppy must know who is boss in the house. Then he will give up his attempts to claim leadership and begin to obey.

Another character trait of Toy Fox Terriers is cockiness. This is not their best quality. These little dogs often get into conflicts with other animals. At the same time, they are not worried about the size of their opponent. They will be eager to fight even with a very large dog. The owner of a fox terrier should take this fact into account when going out for a walk with him. Foxes also do not get along well with cats and birds.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Vintage photo of Kerry Blue

Photo 2. Kerry Blue Terrier at an exhibition

Photo 3. Blue terrier standing

Photo 4. Sad carrick put his muzzle on his paws

Photo 5. A couple of carricks sitting back to back

Photo 6. Kerry blue terrier on a walk

Interesting facts about Toy Fox Terriers

Despite the fact that Toy Fox Terriers were very rarely used for hunting, these animals did not lose their skills and instincts at all. Such a pet will definitely give chase to a cat, bird or rodent if it sees it on the street. It is better to walk the toy fox terrier on a leash if you do not want to then search for the dog throughout the area. Also, you should not house this pet with small pets.

Most Toy Fox Terriers are easy to train. They love to train, quickly learn commands, and show good results. But there is always an exception - stubborn and lazy puppies. The latter cannot be fought with aggression. The toy fox terrier needs to be interested. For example, create training for him in the form of a game. Then the pet will happily start training.

Toy Fox Terriers are wonderful companions. They can accompany their owner everywhere - on any journey. Due to its small size, such a dog is not prohibited from being taken on a plane or train or placed in a hotel room. The most important thing is to follow one rule - the toy fox terrier in a public place must be in a special carrying bag or in the arms of its owner.

Representatives of the Toy Fox Terrier breed are very susceptible to cold and drafts. Taking this into account, you should not place your dog’s bed near a window or door. Foxes can also catch a cold instantly if they go out for a walk with their owner in windy and rainy weather. You should not walk with this pet in the rain, and in winter it must be dressed in special warm dog clothes. She will be able to protect the toy fox terrier from colds.

Breed Features

Smooth Fox Terriers love to eat, which can cause them to become overweight. Be sure to watch their diet and provide regular exercise to keep them in shape.

You shouldn’t leave your Fox alone with your pets, “it’s their own fault, don’t let them interfere!”

The characteristics of representatives of this breed are:

  • There may be difficulties with training, but despite this, it is recommended to make efforts to train. Attend a special school with your puppy at a kennel club in your area of ​​residence.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that fox terriers bark a lot and shrilly.
  • The Fox Terrier should not be left alone with pets.
  • Dogs are very energetic and will need about 30 to 45 minutes of intense exercise daily. If they do not get the opportunity to burn their natural energy, they will begin to spend it in the wrong places, turning their housing into rubble.
  • They are loyal to family members and love to play. But sometimes, smooth fox terriers are too energetic when playing with small children, so their communication should not be left to chance.
  • They jump much higher than you can imagine. And they are also ready to constantly dig tunnels and holes under the fences - and all this in order to try to escape from the yard and take a walk to their heart's content.

After an active day, dogs need proper rest, and it doesn’t hurt the owners either

Pros and cons of Toy Fox Terriers

Advantages of Fox Terriers:

  1. Aesthetic appearance;
  2. Miniature sizes;
  3. Ease of caring for the dog;
  4. Good nature;
  5. Cheerful disposition.

Disadvantages of Fox Terriers:

  1. Stubbornness;
  2. Skeletal fragility;
  3. Excessive activity.

Toy Fox Terriers make excellent family pets. Previously, their main value lay in their excellent hunting skills. These dogs accompanied and helped hunters in catching small wild animals. Today, toy fox terriers have become pets and companion dogs. And they cope with this role perfectly! They adore their owner and know how to get along with children and the elderly.

Dog breeders really appreciate their cute, attractive appearance. These little dogs look touching. In addition, its miniature dimensions make this dog more mobile and convenient. She can easily live even in a small apartment. The Toy Fox Terrier does not require complex, expensive care. This is a fairly clean dog that does not require any special hygiene procedures.

The advantage of the breed is its cheerful, kind disposition. These dogs know how to cheer up, they love to play and almost never feel sad. Toy Fox Terriers are kind and quickly become attached to people. They adore their family and are always ready to defend it. But, of course, due to its modest dimensions, such a dog is no guard or protector. This must be taken into account when buying a puppy.

The disadvantage of the breed is the stubbornness that some puppies express during training. This can be dealt with by conducting classes in a playful way. Another disadvantage is the fragility of the skeleton. These dogs can receive various injuries and fractures. They should not jump from great heights. Excessive activity is another disadvantage of that Fox. Dogs require a lot of attention and do not like to sit still.

Breeding Toy Fox Terriers

Breeding Toy Fox Terriers is a labor-intensive and responsible process. It requires a lot of physical effort and material costs. However, this is quite a profitable business, because there is a huge demand for miniature toy fox terriers in our country. These little dogs are especially popular among girls. They are attracted by his cute and aesthetically attractive appearance, kind disposition and irrepressible energy.

In order for a female Toy Fox Terrier to successfully reproduce, she must be strong and weigh at least two kilograms. She should have a straight back, a voluminous chest, and strong bones. When choosing a female, her color, height, and character are important. Heredity should also not be overlooked. You need to thoroughly study the pedigree, understand what problems the dog’s closest relatives had.

Next you should look for a manufacturer - a male. The dog must fully meet the breed standards, have good heredity and good health. The male's height should not be large. You need to choose a small manufacturer. Then it will be easier for the bitch to bear and give birth to puppies. If this is not the first mating for a male dog, it is advisable to look at previous puppies and find out what problems arose.

A bitch should not become pregnant or give birth before her 15th month. Until this age, the dog has not yet grown stronger and its body has not been fully formed. Before breeding, both dogs should be taken to a veterinarian for a preventive examination and tests. If everything is in order with the Toy Fox Terriers, you can get down to business. Mating should be carried out in the dog's territory. After the first time, you should definitely arrange a second meeting.

Caring for Toy Fox Terriers

Unlike many other four-legged animals, the Toy Fox Terrier needs apartment living conditions. Such a dog cannot exist on the street or in a booth. It is sensitive to cold, drafts and heat. An apartment for a Fox does not have to be large. A dog can live even in a small one-room apartment, but on the condition that the owner walks it every day and exercises with it in the fresh air.

In appearance, Toy Fox Terriers are very reminiscent of decorative dogs that constantly need care. However, it is not. Fox Terriers are not picky.

Caring for them should include standard procedures:

  • The washing up;
  • Combing;
  • Cleaning eyes, ears, teeth;
  • Vaccination.

The dog's coat is smooth and thick. It is advisable to comb it daily with a special mitten. This will help get rid of “dead” hairs in a timely manner and stimulate the skin. There is no need to wash this dog often. You only need to wash your pet's paws every day after walking outside. The dog should be completely bathed as needed and only using a special dog shampoo.

In order for the coat to remain shiny and healthy, you need to choose the right diet for the Toy Fox Terrier. It must be balanced with all vitamins and microelements. An important part of caring for your dog is cleaning the eyes and ears. This must be done as soon as it gets dirty. You can usually clean your eyes and ears with warm water or a special lotion that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

If you do not allow dirt to accumulate in the eyes and ears, then your pet will not know what inflammatory processes are. The Toy Fox Terrier also needs periodic teeth cleaning. This should be done several times a week with a special brush or silicone attachment. Brushing will prevent the formation of tartar. In addition to brushing, you can give your pet dental treats.


Fox Terriers have a wayward character, so training with them can be quite difficult. The owner needs to be consistent and patient in order to achieve the desired result from the pet.

Training a puppy should begin from the first days of its stay in the family. At first, classes should not exceed 20 minutes, as it may be difficult for the baby to concentrate on something for a long time. They should be carried out 2-3 times a day, gradually consolidating the results obtained.

At first, commands will have to be repeated several times, but this will help your pet remember them for a long time and easily repeat them in the future. The animal happily accepts rewards in the form of treats or affection from the owner, but rudeness can cause protest on the part of the pet and reluctance to continue to engage.

Diet of Toy Fox Terriers

The undoubted advantage of the American Toy Fox Terrier breed is its miniature size. This dog eats little, which is very economical. You should choose the diet and type of food for your pet based on several nuances: the dog’s age, its health characteristics, veterinarian recommendations, and the owner’s personal preferences. There are two ways of feeding: natural food and purchased industrial feed.

Most breeders and veterinarians recommend feeding Toy Fox Terriers commercial food. It is convenient and completely suitable for this breed of dog. Industrial food, the class of which is not lower than premium, contains all the necessary elements for the body of miniature dogs. There are different types of food, and a veterinarian or breeder can help you choose the ideal one.

If there is no desire or opportunity to buy good industrial food for your pet, then you can switch it to natural food. However, natural nutrition does not involve feeding the dog from the table. The Toy Fox Terrier should not be given food that people are used to eating. These animals cannot eat sweet, salty or smoked foods. The menu for the dog must be developed individually.

The Toy Fox Terrier's diet should include the following foods: quail eggs, sea fish, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken yolks, fruits, vegetables, seaweed, porridge. All foods can be given either raw or cooked. They should not be seasoned, salted or fried. The pet's food should be as dietary as possible. Additionally, you need to purchase vitamins.

Diseases and health problems

The Toy Fox Terrier is a small breed of dog, but quite strong. These dogs can live for about fifteen years if they are properly cared for. The secret to longevity is vaccinations, moderate to constant exercise, a balanced diet and careful monitoring of your health. As you can see, a lot will depend on the owner of the pet.

Despite their naturally good health, these miniature dogs have their “weak” points. Thus, the weak point of fox terriers is their fragile skeleton. These dogs should not jump from great heights. They can break their legs. Another feature of the breed is its susceptibility to cold and drafts. Toy Fox Terriers can often suffer from colds. They need to be dressed warmly.

Many Toy Fox Terrier puppies are quite sensitive to food and medications. They suffer from allergies, which can manifest themselves simply as skin irritation, or can cause suffocation in the animal. In this case, treatment should consist of completely eliminating the allergen from the life of the pet. If this is not possible, then constant use of antiallergic drugs will be required.

Also, toy fox terriers may experience various ailments of the digestive tract and stomach. You cannot experiment with this dog's diet. It should be balanced, low-fat and dietary. To avoid problems with nutrition, you need to consult a doctor. Less commonly, puppies are diagnosed with eye diseases of varying severity. Some diseases lead to blindness of the animal.

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