What is the best dog to have in a private home with children?

Choosing a pet is a responsible matter. Especially if we are talking about a dog that will be friends with children. The requirements for such a pet are multiplied many times over, because the dog must be not only a reliable defender, but also a tactful friend in outdoor games. There are many candidates for the role of a furry companion. A list of the best dog breeds for your family will help you choose the right pet.

A dog for the family

Breed #1: Golden Retriever

The list of the best domestic breeds should start with this smart beauty. The Golden Retriever has long earned the reputation of a loyal friend, even among those who have never owned dogs.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its acute intelligence. The retriever understands not only commands, but also facial expressions and voice intonations. The dog's character is characterized by maximum philanthropy. The entire life of a retriever revolves around the affairs of its owner. If a child becomes the owner of the pet, the lives of both will take on unexpected colors.

In England there is a wonderful tradition of buying a puppy when a child is born in the house. If a second baby appears in the family, the British get another dog. A Golden Retriever is ideal for this role. Kind, as if woven from a rainbow, this dog indulges all the whims of its young owner. In addition, the size of the breed allows it to withstand all the nuances of friendship with a baby. The retriever copes well with the role of a nanny. He is careful in his movements and knows how to play with little ones.

The Golden Retriever has the maximum love for humanity

When choosing a dog for a large family, a retriever will be an ideal pet. This dog does not choose his “favorite” owner, but pays attention to everyone. He will walk with the elders, comfort the little ones, and raise the cat.

Like any breed, the retriever has a number of advantages. But the precious dog also has its drawbacks.

Peaceful disposition and agreeablenessHigh price
Sharp mind, quick learnerKindness that prevents the breed from becoming a guard
Lack of aggressionDislike of cramped spaces
Unlimited love for childrenThe wool of this breed is an allergen


1. American Cocker Spaniel 2. Australian Silkie Terrier 3. Pomeranian Spitz 4. Labrador Retriever
From a psychological point of view, having a pet in the family, with the right approach, has a very positive effect on the development of the child. He becomes more responsible, more attentive, and develops communication skills. The child shares his problems, fears with him, plays and looks after him. But not every breed of dog can be chosen for an apartment and a child. Below are some candidates for the title of your pet, which, from the point of view of specialists in various fields (veterinarians, professional breeders, child psychologists), are recommended for such conditions.

Again, it is important to understand that animals, even within a particular breed, can be different in character, temperament, and trainability. For this reason, it is best to adopt a puppy initially

If at any point in time you detect even the slightest signs of aggression towards your child, immediately seek advice from specialists, such as canine psychologists or experienced veterinarians. It is clear that a person, his life and health, always remain a priority.

Breed No. 2: Labrador

Another faithful friend for a large family. Compared to a retriever, this pet is less fluffy and a little shorter than its “big brother”.

The most striking feature of the Labrador is its maternal instinct. At the same time, both boys and girls include nanny mode. Once in a team with a child, the dog will never let him get bored again. This is a faithful companion in any children's undertaking, be it stealing cookies from the shelf or swimming in a puddle. By the way, the breed senses danger a mile away, so the dog immediately stops any threat to safety.

The most striking trait of a Labrador is its maternal instinct.

Labradors love to please their owner. Even the smallest one. The dog really enjoys performing tricks and fetching the ball. They get along well with other pets in the house. Even if you have to cohabit with a cat, the Labrador will be the standard of tact and patience.

A large family is Labrador's paradise. Everyone needs to be licked, everyone needs to wag their tail. And how much attention! The breed simply dissolves in universal love, rolling around in compliments like a dumpling in butter.

The Labrador has its strengths, but it also has its weaknesses. Before purchasing a puppy, you should definitely read this list.


  1. Labrador is a concentrate of goodness and love. Thanks to its angelic character, the breed can be purchased even by those with very small children.
  2. Trains quickly and with pleasure.
  3. Short hair makes grooming much easier.

The disadvantages of the breed include some disadvantages of keeping and raising a Labrador:

  1. Long and frequent walks.
  2. Energy and permanent damage to property.
  3. Considerable dimensions and quantity of feed consumed.

Video - All about the Labrador breed

Australian Shepherd

Such shepherds are otherwise called Ossies. Since ancient times, they have been important companions of shepherds, whom they literally follow on their heels. This provides pets with high activity, endurance and hard work. Australian Shepherds can help a farming family. In addition, they get along well with “neighbors” in the form of other dogs and cats, and also quickly become attached to children. Such dogs become an indispensable play companion for small children, but their friendliness towards people has a logical framework: pets treat strangers with suspicion.

Breed #3: Newfoundland

This huge handsome man wins hearts at the first meeting. Appearances in his case are deceiving. A huge head of fur and great height are just a cover for the kindest canine soul in the world.

Of course, the diver, as the Newfoundland is often called, will need space for activity. In an apartment, such a pet will be cramped and bored. But even having an excellent lawn at its disposal, the dog will need constant communication with people.

Divers are kindly willful and very social. They enjoy communicating with adults and little owners equally. But still, you should not buy such a pet until the younger family members reach the age of three.

Raising a Newfoundland is specific. The dog is very smart and even wise. The diver always has his own personal opinion, which often does not coincide with the point of view of the owner. Therefore, this dog carries out commands every other time. And only the most interesting ones.

Newfoundland is the kindest canine soul in the world

Therefore, among the disadvantages of the breed, it is worth noting long training and reluctance to enter into conflicts with offenders. This breed is not suitable as a watchdog, since the diver will not bark at those entering the house.

The diver's willful charisma cannot be compared with his merits. The Newfoundland is a sociable and active dog. He is also an excellent nanny and a loyal friend for kids.

This breed is suitable for those who love to communicate with pets. Divers need attention like they need fresh air. Alone, this dog languishes, becoming depressed and apathetic.

Characteristics of the Newfoundland


Circus performers and acrobats often appear in circus programs, television programs, and street performances. This is because the breed is distinguished by excellent mental abilities and quick learning. They are flexible, happy to serve people, and enjoy attention. It should be noted that Poodles look decent.

These dogs are often recommended for older people. Pets become real plush toys - gentle and affectionate. They do not need frequent or long walks, but their curly coat requires significant care.

The variability of the breed can be considered a separate advantage. A person can choose the appropriate size, color and type of coat.

  • Dogs get along well with children, but their fragile nervous system often malfunctions. Poodles are not recommended for families with children who do not know how to handle pets, run around a lot and make noise.
  • They are usually kept in an apartment. Complex wool constantly gets dirty and tangled. Dogs are suitable for calm people with plenty of free time and with older, responsible, quiet children.

Breed #4: Bernese Mountain Dog

The popularity of the breed began with the appearance of the TV series “Happy Together”. After meeting the on-screen Baron, dog lovers rushed to look for the good-natured tricolor dog. And for good reason, because you won’t find a better pet for your home.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a huge, furry machine whose fuel is human love. Most likely, this is the only breed that is ready to obey commands not for food, but for attention.

The Bernese dog is designed to bring joy to any home. Ideally, it will be a suburban area where a huge dog can stretch its paws. The breed is classified as a farming breed, so in addition to its guardian instinct, the Sennenhund is sure to be distinguished by its utmost devotion.

The breed has a special attitude towards children. The motto of the Bernese dog is that there are never too many games. The pet can spend hours playing with children, having a lot of fun in the noisy fuss. Since this breed is large, it is recommended to buy such a puppy after the child reaches the age of five. And it's not even about the teeth. Their dog never misuses them. The only thing this pet can do is accidentally crush his young comrade.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is designed to bring joy to any home.

The Bernese breed is a colorful pet. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

KindnessLong-term training
Love for childrenLaziness
Quick witsFrequent walks
SociabilityConstant need for communication

Dog intelligence

Canadian neuropsychologist and passionate dog fan Stanley Coren spent his entire life studying the behavior and relationships with humans of representatives of different breeds. The professor identified 3 components of dog intelligence:

  • Instincts are innate, genetically determined skills and abilities.
  • Adaptation is the ability to solve problems in non-standard situations of everyday life.
  • Obedience is the ability to understand a person, remember and follow commands, and enjoy learning.

In 1994, Koren compiled a scale of the intellectual level of more than a hundred breeds, combining animals into 6 groups. The first included dogs with exceptional abilities, the last - with very low learning ability. The professor took as a basis the third component of intelligence - obedience. Instincts and adaptive talents were not taken into account.

During the research, he surveyed judges of kennel clubs in Canada and the USA and received 199 detailed responses. Dog handlers assessed the breeds according to two criteria: the ability to remember new commands and the ability to immediately carry out already mastered ones.

Breed No. 5: Bullmastiff

This serious and even menacing-looking dog conceals an unusually kind and patient heart. Owners of the breed claim that the bullmastiff cannot be a pet. Because this is a real family member.

As David Hancock said, the bullmastiff is the lion of the dog world. Proud and poised, he exudes self-confidence with every step. The meaning of this dog's life is the safety of the owner.

The calmness of the breed is closely intertwined with a certain laziness. Don't expect the dog to run around at breakneck speed. Even when playing with a child, the breed adheres to the role of a polite observer. At the same time, the bullmastiff has angelic patience. The dog will remain calm even if the baby climbs onto his back along with his friends.

The meaning of a bullmastiff's life is the safety of the owner

Of course, you cannot leave a small child alone with a bullmastiff, as with other breeds. A dog will never harm an innocent person. But you can’t expect the grace of a doe from such a massive dog.

When buying a puppy, keep in mind that the breed needs careful training. The Bullmastiff is strong-willed and strong, so from the first days it must feel the authority of its owner. Otherwise, you may end up with a spoiled dog whose tune the whole family will dance to. Lovers of easy-going dogs should pay attention to other breeds.

Characteristics of the bullmastiff dog breed

Pros and cons of buying a four-legged friend

Four-legged friends can do a lot of good and just as much harm. The animal may become:

  • an excellent housekeeper;
  • protector in the yard and on the street;
  • property guard;
  • bloodhound.

In addition, pets brighten up the everyday life of lonely people and give positive emotions. If there is a child in the house, then puppies can teach children responsibility and care.

As for the negative side, unfortunately it also exists. A good dog is a well-mannered animal; if you don’t exercise it, it will behave like a hooligan, spoil things and furniture, and try to steal food from the table.

Thoroughbred representatives are very expensive, so the costs will be significant.
In addition, a lot of time and effort will be spent on your pet. Note! Any dog, regardless of where it is kept, in a country house or apartment, requires serious training. Otherwise, it can be dangerous both for the owners and for the people around them.

Breed No. 6: Miniature Schnauzer

This is exactly the case when a compact dog combines the best “family” qualities. The breed was bred for the purpose of hunting rats. The bearded German also copes well with the role of a watchman.

As a pet, the Miniature Schnauzer is a cheerful and active companion in any undertaking. He will catch up with the bike as happily as he will lie next to “his” person on the sofa.

All events in the life of the German breed are accompanied by barking. This is important to know for those who are planning to place a puppy in an apartment. To avoid troubles, the miniature should be raised patiently from the first days. In addition to constant repetition of commands, the dog also requires physical activity. As they say, a good schnauzer is a tired schnauzer.

As for friendship with children, the miniature has his own approach to the educational process. Most likely, the trainer will not be a child, but a puppy. The breed is very inquisitive and assertive. Even after receiving a ban, the miniature will definitely find an opportunity to explore the forbidden zone.

The Miniature Schnauzer is a cheerful and active companion

The compact breed will serve as an excellent guard for any home. As a loyal friend, this dog is suitable for families with several children. For this pet, there is no activity sweeter than children's fuss.

A playful and charismatic dog will bring zest to any home. And the best reward for him will be the love of the owner.

Alaskan Malamute

Although the Alaskan Malamute was bred to hunt large predators such as bear or seal, it has now evolved into a completely domestic pet with a gentle disposition and is suitable for living in an active family.

Representatives of the breed are friendly by nature. They tend to perceive strangers as friends rather than enemies, which is why Alaskan Malamutes are not suitable as guard dogs.

Breed overview

  • Group : workers (AKS)
  • Height at withers: 55.8-68.6 cm
  • Weight : 34-45.4 kg
  • Wool : dense two-layer wool of various colors.
  • Lifespan : 10-12 years

Breed No. 7: Setter

A dog from Ireland is an ideal option for families with children. This breed is extremely active and does not know how to get bored. She will teach the owner to enjoy nature and take long walks. If there is not enough time for promenades, children can easily cope with walking.

The Setter is a very original dog. Hunter's blood forces the dog to roam the open spaces, and in the absence of space to run, to rush around with the kids. But this is not a nanny. This is the same eccentric and restless child.

Setter is an ideal option for families with children

The breed is suitable for those who love to communicate with dogs and are ready to raise a setter from scratch. Puppies of the breed are complex only in that their cunning often overcomes the desire to please the owner. Setters need strict discipline and lots of attention.

Among the advantages of the breed, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. Extreme energy. The setter never sits still. This is a born hunter and an extremely inquisitive creature.
  2. A huge heart overflowing with love for children. You won't find a better friend for a school-age child. This is an ideal companion in games and walks.
  3. Kindness. No matter how strict a setter’s upbringing may be, he always looks at his owner as if he were some kind of angel of the dog world. The dog knows how to forgive everything, including squeezing, affection and childish games.

The disadvantages of the breed are mainly related to grooming. Long hair on the paws and ears requires constant attention from the owner.

Characteristics of the Irish Setter

Disadvantages of the breed:

  1. Grooming and bathing.
  2. Insatiable appetite.
  3. The cunning of the breed and the complexity of education.
  4. The need for multi-kilometer runs.


Despite their "cool" nickname, Boxers are actually incredibly sweet, attention-loving dogs. Boxers respond very well to positive attention but can be a bit excitable, so consider training if you have very young children or if your Boxer tends to jump on people. Boxers are often very good with children and have a protective instinct for the family.

Breed overview:

  • Group : working
  • Height : from 55 to 63 cm at the shoulder
  • Weight : from 22 to 36 kg
  • Coat and Color : Short coat of spotted, fawn and white colors with a black mask or white markings
  • Lifespan : 10 to 12 years

Breed No. 8: Collie

Another serial heroine and the dream of all children of the 90s. The famous Lassie won the hearts of many. She was even lucky enough to live with some of them. The Collie breed has fully lived up to its movie role. This is a loving and intelligent pet with a very positive filling.

The Collie is the star of the dog world. This is an exemplary student in training and a responsible participant in any action. The breed has long occupied pride of place in the lists of the best furry nannies. The innate sense of responsibility does not allow the dog to gape even for a minute while the baby is playing nearby.

This breed is quite graceful and neat, so you should not be afraid of its large dimensions. The dog will never knock over a child through negligence, much less touch him with his wagging tail. But the dog will selflessly protect the baby from danger.

Collies have long occupied pride of place in the lists of the best furry nannies.

The best pastime for a collie is entertaining walks. The breed is ideal for large active families. The dog will happily accompany any event, be it ice skating or football battles.

The advantage of the breed is its boundless calmness. It seems impossible to get this dog mad. Waiting for pranks from her - even more so. But one of the disadvantages you should definitely take into account is long hair, which is by no means hypoallergenic.

German dog

Calm, loyal and growing up to 200 pounds, the Great Dane is called the gentle giant of the canine world. Despite their impressive royal size, these dogs are not very active and do not require frequent walks as adults.

Great Danes love children, but require supervision because... can knock a child down in an accidental collision.

Breed overview

  • Group : workers (AKS)
  • Height at withers: 71-86.4 cm
  • Weight : 45-90 kg
  • Coat : short, smooth, colored yellow, fawn, blue, black or brindle.
  • Lifespan : 6-8 years

Breed No. 9: Husky

Such an exquisite combination of grace, intelligence and conceit exists in only one copy in nature. And this is an incomparable husky. Sweet, charming and active, she will be the best companion dog for any family.

The husky's character is unique. She loves communication, cannot imagine herself without a person, but does not make an idol out of the owner. The truth is clearly imprinted in the consciousness of the Siberian breed: man is a partner. Therefore, it is easier to negotiate with a husky than to train it.

Husky will be the best companion dog for any family

The same applies to education. Only mutual respect will help the owner establish contact with the pet. You shouldn’t poke your authority under your dog’s nose. The dog loves its owner by default, but will not obey meaningless commands.

This algorithm also applies to communication with children. The breed is suitable for families in which the youngest child is over 7 years old. The child should be explained how to properly handle the pet. If the “rules” are violated, the husky will not offend the foolish person, but will be removed from his company forever. To avoid dividing the house into two camps, the first meetings between the dog and the baby should be under the supervision of adults.

Husky is a sociable breed that is contraindicated in a chained lifestyle. If the puppy still lives in the yard, he needs long walks and communication.

Video - Siberian Husky: all about the dog breed

Basset Hound

The saddest dog in the world may become one of the best family pets . Bassets are distinguished by their calmness, balance and phlegmatism. But they are classified as hounds, therefore, following their hunting instincts, the dogs become overly curious and active. Although, with age, pets still prefer to lie down next to their owner rather than take a walk in the yard.

These pets cause virtually no problems. They are non-conflict, react calmly to cats and small animals, and are often lazy to play pranks. However, Bassets are quite stubborn and difficult to train. It takes a lot of effort to raise a dog. Even toilet training will take a long time.

  • Dogs are loving, affectionate and gentle. They capture a person’s mood and always support the owner. They love children and tolerate any mischief. Suitable for both babies and teenagers, as they will be happy to play outside.
  • Despite the fact that they require careful care, it does not take much time. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and activity. One way or another, the owner should not be absent from work all the time, because the Basset needs constant attention. These animals are suitable for calm families who are willing to spend time and money on a dog.

Breed No. 10: St. Bernard

The power and strength of the St. Bernard is the ideal exterior for a “family” guard. But the breed’s character combines not only watchdog notes, but also selfless devotion.

On a note! Saint Bernard is an intelligent dog. She was used to expressing her joy modestly and silently. You can't expect any barking or frantic running from her. But do not confuse the dog’s passivity with indifference. Saint Bernard is noble to the tip of his tail, so he prefers to be politely present in any affairs of the owner.

Loneliness and boredom hurt the furry soul, so the breed is suitable as a full member of the family, but does not tolerate enclosure life. The St. Bernard treats children not as an owner, but as a colleague in pranks. This is especially true for puppies who grow up surrounded by children. The character of this breed is woven from colossal patience. A dog will not harm a child, even if he gets waist-deep into its mouth.

St. Bernard is an excellent family guard

Advantages of the breed:

  1. Ability to pick up commands on the fly.
  2. Tactfulness towards the weak, awareness of one’s own size.
  3. Courage and willingness to defend “our own.”
  4. Get along well with any living creature in everyday life.
  5. Love for children.

Despite the numerous advantages, raising a St. Bernard also has some disadvantages. Most of them are associated with the wayward nature of the breed.

Cons of St. Bernard:

  1. Selectivity in teams. The dog will not blindly follow orders. She always thinks about her behavior and will not go against her own habits.
  2. The need for active training. Regular passive walking is not suitable for such a large pet. Physical activity should be regular and exhausting.
  3. Only affection and respect will help raise a wise dog from a St. Bernard. Aggression, as well as inexperienced training, will give birth to a wayward and stubborn pet.

St. Bernard's character

Saint Bernard is a unique cocktail of loyalty, keen intelligence and a dash of mischief. The proportions of these ingredients depend on the owner’s ability to respect the individuality of the pet.

Continental Toy Spaniel (Papillon)

The Papillon, despite its doll-like appearance and miniature size, is included in the list of the smartest dogs. The breed, whose name translates as “butterfly,” appeared in the 14th century in France. Unusual ears, reminiscent of butterfly wings, and an extraordinary mind quickly made Papillons the favorites of kings. These adorable babies were held by Henry IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette and Madame de Pompadour.

The Continental Toy Spaniel is an indoor toy breed designed for companionship and stress relief. The dog will be an excellent companion not only for royalty, but also for ordinary families with children. Papillons are friendly, cheerful and active, they charge others with positivity.

Papillon Lilin found its way into French chronicles. Henry III's pet met the king's killer with aggression and furious barking, not typical of the breed. For the sake of maintaining the decency of the audience, the servants were forced to take the baby out of the hall, where in a few minutes the murder took place, which led to a coup d'etat.


Miniature friends

Unfortunately, dreams of having a big dog are often dashed by cramped living conditions. Placing a St. Bernard or a collie in a small one-room apartment is not entirely unreasonable. But fortunately, nature has endowed even miniature canines with the most noble and enormous soul. And for those who want to acquire a faithful companion under five kilograms, there is a list of the best small dog breeds for the family.

Pomeranian Spitz

Small, round and funny, the Pomeranian makes a great pet for any family. This tiny dog, like a battery, charges the mood of everyone around him.

The Pomeranian makes a great pet for any family.

Spitz is an amazing breed. But don't delude yourself. A real dog's mood lives in a tiny ball of fur. The Pomeranian can be happy, sad and fool around. And his whole family will do this with him.

Owning a Spitz is recommended for families whose children are willing to take on part of the responsibilities for caring for the animal. The breed needs frequent walks, daily brushing and a lot of attention. The plush dog cannot stand loneliness, just like indifference.


Elegant and sophisticated, as if he came into the house from an exhibition, the poodle will set the tone for everyday life and color the weekends of any family. In the tiny head of any poodle, right under the pretty hairstyle, an insidious plan is brewing every hour. The breed simply cannot sit still and decorate the interior. She needs to rush, sniff and dig, like a bloodhound.

Fortunately, training is sweeter than honey for a poodle. Do not feed your curly-haired pet food, let him carry out the command. He happily carries out all orders, even if they are given by the smallest member of the family. Another favorite pastime of the curly-haired dog is fussing with babies.

The Poodle is an ideal pet for people with a sense of humor and a lot of energy.

Poodle, miniature or toy, it doesn’t matter - the ideal pet for people with a sense of humor and energy. He is active, restless and overly inventive.

Welsh Corgi

Corgi is a joy in the home. Corgi is a 24-hour party. This is a smart dog with the most unusual character. The breed is suitable for any family. Both experienced and novice dog breeders can cope with raising a red dog. He is obedient and savvy.

Interesting! There is a legend that this breed was once saddled by the fairies themselves. And then, having ridden their red backs to their heart’s content, the sorceresses gave the down-to-earth dog to the people. The mark from the saddle remained on the elongated body of these cute pets, just like the magical filling of these wonderful dogs.

Corgi is a smart dog for any family

The Welsh Corgi treats children with respect. The dog perceives any games with a child as the mission of his life. If you need to jump into a puddle, the dog will enter the water looking as if the life of his family depends on it. If he is given a toy, he will carry it across the entire park, proudly and even defiantly. After all, the young master himself entrusted him with this important mission!

The Corgi is a minimalist dog. Caring for the breed is simple, and communication is unobtrusive. This kid remembers commands the second time at most. And there’s no reason to punish him at all.


If there is very little space in the apartment, and the desire to have a dog no longer fits into the house, it’s time to get a Chihuahua. And you shouldn't look at your pet under a microscope. The charisma and nobility of this dog will be visible a mile away.

Kind, sweet and a little cunning - that's all about the Chihuahua. With its entire appearance, the breed reminds that the main thing in the world of dogs is not size, but courage. Throw yourself “with your fists” at the Great Dane? Easily! Bring a slipper that weighs more than a sneeze? Easily! The tiny dog ​​will do all this with inspiration and free of charge.

The Chihuahua has a kind, sweet and slightly cunning character.

Raising the breed is no different from training other indoor dogs. This is an obedient and sycophantic pet who will get a star from the sky for a piece of delicacy. What can we say about observing home etiquette?


This is not only an efficient, intelligent, but also a very beautiful breed of dog, which became famous thanks to the popular film “101 Dalmatians”. For many years, this dog helped people hunt, rescue and search for people, and earn money in various fields. He was photographed and filmed for advertising, demonstrated in the circus arena and simply loved.

The Dalmatian is an affectionate and loyal pet, which is quite easy to teach different commands, and even complex acrobatic tricks. He loves to study and perform in public. This dog has a truly noble character. He tends to empathize with people.

This spotted dog was bred in Croatia to accompany the carriage with the aristocrats sitting in it, thus emphasizing their status. He loves to walk in nature, swim and dig in the ground, so he is better suited to living in a house.

Which don't bark

There are few of these among indoor “types” of dogs, but there are still:

  • Basenji. These dogs don't actually bark, instead they... purr or howl if they're allowed to. True, this rumbling can also be very annoying. It is advisable to keep this pet in a relatively large apartment.
  • Bichon Frize
  • Or Chinese Shar Pei. His puppies are very attached to their owner. And it usually barks either during play, or when the owner is in real danger.
  • English bulldog. Despite the terrifying expression on their faces, these dogs are actually very cute. And, of course, they will not irritate their owners by barking.
  • Irish Setter.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Other breeds are not particularly suitable for apartments. It is better to keep a Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Mountain Dog, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Deerhound in a private house or in a fairly large apartment.

But these doggies will delight you with their vocal abilities:

  • Beagle,
  • Border Collie,
  • Brussels griffin,
  • Weimaraner,
  • West Terrier,
  • Drathaar,
  • Jack Russell Terrier,
  • York,
  • miniature pinscher,
  • American Cocker Spaniel,
  • Collie,
  • Kurzhaar,
  • Maltese,
  • Pekingese,
  • Pomeranian Spitz,
  • Poodle,
  • Russian toy terrier,
  • Samoyed husky,
  • Dachshund,
  • Fox terrier,
  • Miniature Schnauzer,
  • Chihuahua,
  • Shih Tzu.
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