What kind of dog to have in an apartment for a child: 30 suitable breeds and all the subtleties of a good choice

Dogs are one of the most popular pets for families with children around the world.
And this is not without reason, because these are loving, faithful friends and excellent companions who will help teach a child not only responsibility, but also unconditional love. The secret is to find the perfect breed for your family that will best suit your lifestyle.

When choosing a dog for a child, you should take into account a large number of factors. Pay attention to the dog's size, temperament, activity level, health and grooming needs. Well, we hope that our selection will help you make the right choice.

  • Small dog breeds for children
  • Medium dog breeds for children
  • Large breeds of dogs for children

Suitable breeds

There are quite a lot of them. Let's briefly look at 30 that are suitable for keeping in an apartment with children of different ages.

Little ones

They do not take up much space in the house, eat little and usually do not require long walks. But even a small dog will have to be raised, socialized and taught basic commands in the first year of life. Otherwise, his behavior will become problematic.


Miniature decorative dogs with a brave character. Very loyal, often even jealous. Sometimes they choose the main favorite from the family.

Chicks don't need long walks. But they do not like to stay alone at home for a long time: they constantly need communication with their owners.

Chihuahuas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties and come in a variety of colors. They vary in size.

Russian toy terrier

Many people confuse him with the Chihuahua. It is not difficult to distinguish them. Chicks have an apple-shaped head, bulging eyes, and a stocky body. The little toys are built more elegantly: they resemble a fawn with large ears.

Toys come in different colors, short-haired and long-haired. By nature, the dogs are active, very emotional, sociable, affectionate and playful. Not bad watchmen.

Yorkshire Terrier

A small decorative dog with a spectacular appearance. Yorkies are very energetic, playful, hardy, and smart. Excellent companions for everyone: children, adults and the elderly. But to keep your Yorkie from being mischievous at home, you will have to train him.

Long fur requires careful care. To make their lives easier, most owners give their pets a haircut: there are dozens of models. Dogs shed minimally, and their fur is considered low-allergenic.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A toy spaniel with an affectionate, energetic character and charming appearance. The dogs are smart, friendly, and well trained.

Tireless participants in children's games, as well as listeners and consolers. They love communication and tactile contact, so it is recommended to bring them into large families, where they will be provided with attention and petting and hugging.

They don’t tolerate loneliness well, they can cause destruction at home.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke and Cardigan)

Small shepherd dogs with an elongated body and short legs. The Pembroke and Cardigan varieties are similar in appearance and character. Dogs are very charming. They captivate with their good nature and intelligence: they love children, get along with cats, and are easy to train.

Sometimes the shepherd awakens in the pet, then he begins to bite family members, especially children, on the heels: this is how he gathers the herd. It is better to wean yourself from this habit immediately.

Dogs love their owners very much and need communication. They willingly play with children and tolerate their affection.

Welsh Corgis should be protected from jumping from heights: due to their long body and short legs, there is a high risk of injuring the spine. But they can run around to their heart's content.

Maltese (Maltese dog)

A small dog with a luxurious white coat. A very sociable, inquisitive, playful dog. Loves to bark from excess of feelings.

She loves to communicate with her owners and is good with children. Good-natured towards other pets.

Maltese doesn’t like to sit at home alone for a long time: he starts to get bored, he might spoil something or chew on it.

The coat requires care, but can be cut shorter. The Maltese hardly sheds and is a low-allergenic breed.

Bichon Frize (French lapdog)

Cute dog with white curly fur. Kind, affectionate, playful and very energetic. He gets along well with children, is very sociable, and loves to bark loudly.

The Bichon is not suitable for busy people who are away from home for a long time: the dog will feel sad when alone.

Bichons have no dog odor, hardly shed, and are a hypoallergenic breed.

Pomeranian Spitz

A baby with a luxurious thick fur coat. She loves her owners, gets along well with children, but does not like and will not tolerate familiar treatment.

Spitz barks frequently and loudly. They show good security qualities.

Despite its touching appearance, the Pomeranian has a stubborn character. Education must be consistent, otherwise the pet will take power into its own paws.


Great for keeping in an apartment with children. He has a balanced, calm disposition. The dog is funny, friendly and sociable.

Puppies are active and playful, while adult pets prefer quiet walks and short runs. And rightly so: heavy loads are dangerous for them.

Dogs don't just bark. They are happy to lie next to their owner. They love to eat, but you shouldn’t overfeed them: there is a high risk of obesity.

Pugs need temperature control: overheating and hypothermia threaten their lives.

Poodle (toy and miniature)

Extraordinarily sweet, intelligent, emotional dogs with beautiful curly hair. They are distinguished by their good nature, playful disposition, get along well with children and are excellent companions.

Small poodle varieties can be more timid than their larger counterparts. This can be corrected by proper socialization. Poodles are obedient and easy to train.

They cannot stand harsh treatment or punishment.

Wool requires grooming and trimming. The breed is considered hypoallergenic.

Italian Greyhound

A miniature representative of greyhounds with an aristocratic appearance. Italian Greyhounds love their owners very much, need communication, and love tactile contact.

Dogs are emotional, curious and energetic. They will willingly play outdoor games with children. But they can also do harm, so you shouldn’t spoil them.

Italian Greyhounds are in good health. But in puppyhood, you should take care of the fragile bones.


If you like medium-sized dogs, then take a look at the following list of 9 breeds. Perhaps one of them will suit you.

French Bulldog

Charming and friendly, Bulka will become an excellent friend to a grown-up child, who will not bother him with unpleasant pranks. The dog is sociable and cannot imagine life without close communication with his owners.

Bulldogs are smart, but can be stubborn. The owner will have to be smart and patient in training.

Bulldogs do not need long walks; a little activity is enough for them. Some people don’t like their slobbering, but dogs don’t bother their owners with needless barking.

They do not tolerate heat well and need air conditioning.

English bulldog

An adorably terrifying dog, muscular, intelligent and unflappable. Cute lazy, stubborn, fat and charming. A loyal friend and protector of the owners.

Children are treated warmly and with love. He tolerates their squeezing and is even ready to play.

But to a greater extent he is a homebody. Enjoys lying next to the owners' sofa. He doesn't need long walks, but exercise walks are important for his health.

He can be stubborn and lazy. His mentor must be patient, persistent and preferably experienced.

Disadvantages include drooling, snoring, a tendency to flatulence and obesity. But for lovers of the breed, the benefits outweigh.

Chinese Crested

Loving and loyal dogs with an unusual appearance. Sociable, affectionate, gentle and even dependent on the attention of their owners. They get along well with children who already know how to communicate properly with a pet.

There are naked and downy varieties. Both require careful coat and skin care. The dog's fur does not have a dog smell and almost does not shed.

The breed is not suitable for busy people: pets do not tolerate long-term loneliness, which they notify neighbors about by howling.

The “crested” ones should be protected from overheating and hypothermia, and the hairless variety should also be protected from skin damage and sunburn.

Poodle (small)

Smart, friendly dog ​​with an elegant appearance. Active, affectionate, obedient, tireless participant in children's games.

The dog is well trained and tries to please its owner. You can do agility with it.

Spaniels (English and American Cocker Spaniels, Russian Hunting Spaniels)

These hunting dogs are distinguished by their good-natured disposition, intelligence and energy. Properly raised pets will become good friends for a child.

Dogs are inquisitive, love walks, active games, and willingly frolic with children. However, they will not tolerate discomfort and pain; they can fight back.

English and American spaniels can bite a child when playing: this behavior should be stopped immediately.

The long coat of Cocker Spaniels, especially American ones, requires careful grooming. It’s easier in this regard with a Russian spaniel.

Some Spaniel breeders believe that of the 3 varieties, it is the Russian Hunting Spaniel that is distinguished by the greatest friendliness and obedience.


A hunting dog with an energetic, playful and sociable character. A fidget who doesn't like loneliness.

Dogs need regular active walks and physical exercise, which will save the owner’s apartment from destruction. The dog is always happy to run and play with children outside. Just first you will have to properly practice the “Come to me!” command with your pet, otherwise he may chase a pigeon or cat and get lost.

It is better not to have cats, birds or other small animals with them: beagles have too strong a hunting instinct.

Criteria for choosing a four-legged friend for a child

The choice of a four-legged friend should always be approached responsibly, especially when it comes to a child. First, it is worth considering the following criteria: character, size, gender and the presence of allergies in the child.


Dogs, like people, can be different. Kind, serious, active, capricious and calm. If your child likes to spend time outside, play in the sandbox and climb slides, then you should give preference to a large, fluffy and active dog.

For diligent guys, you can choose a small but patient dog.

You should first pay attention to how well the animal and the child get along and only then proceed to purchase.


Most often, children choose big dogs. They are soft, fluffy and kind. Large pets are easy to play with, so they are ready to patiently endure all the torment.

Large dogs are also ready to ensure the safety of the owner and, as practice shows, behind a large body hides a vulnerable and very faithful soul.

Small dogs are more capricious. They tire quickly and due to their small size, these small creatures are very easy to harm.

Male or female

The gender of the pet plays an important role. In addition, it has a significant impact on the appearance of the pet. Bitches are smaller in size and visually more pleasing to the eye. Males are stronger, have a prominent chest and are less capricious. In addition, the owner of the bitch will have to take care of future offspring.

Girls get along better with kids, while boys like to take care only of themselves.

Difficult rocks

It is difficult for a novice dog breeder without experience to raise a pet prone to dominance and making its own decisions. Aboriginal, fighting, and service dogs are distinguished by these qualities:

  • likes;
  • husky;
  • Alaskan Malamute;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Shiba Inu;
  • Basenji;
  • Doberman;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Ridgeback;
  • Cane Corso;
  • bull terrier;
  • pit bull;
  • Great Danes;
  • boxer.

Examples of successful experiences of these dogs living in families with children do not negate the potential danger of these breeds. Plus, they require much more effort to train than family companion dogs.

Welsh Corgi

This breed previously served humans as a shepherd and watchman. Its representatives are very friendly, full of love for life and positivity. They love to communicate with children and obey their commands, the set of which, thanks to the high intelligence of the animal, can be very wide.

In relation to the youngest members of the “pack”, corgis behave as guardians and protectors. Feel free to go about your business - the dog will not take his eyes off your little fidget.

For children under 7 years old

A dog always means additional troubles and expenses. Therefore, you need to think about whether you have enough strength and resources not only for a small child, but also for a pet. Their communication will have to be constantly monitored.

Miniature decorative breeds are not suitable for children. Small dogs are often nervous and jealous, and are easily injured. Larger friendly pets are good:

  • lapdog;
  • pug;
  • poodles (small and large);
  • Welsh Corgi;
  • Labrador;
  • Golden retriever;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Bernese Mountain Dog.

While a child is 1, 2 or even 3 years old, it is difficult to explain to him how to properly communicate with a dog. Children from 4–5 years old can already learn the rules of handling four-legged animals:

  • do not grab the tail, ears, muzzle;
  • do not bother while eating and sleeping;
  • do not touch suddenly from the back;
  • pet and play taking into account the dog’s wishes;
  • do not frighten, do not tease;
  • do not shout;
  • don't hit.

At 6–7 years old, a child is quite capable of helping to feed and care for a pet. Walk your pet under adult supervision if you are able to keep it on a leash.


It’s a shame that you don’t meet representatives of this breed on the street as often as they deserve. Newfoundlands are notoriously good-natured dogs, for whom it is completely unusual to show aggression towards people or animals. Having a phlegmatic character, the Newfoundland will tenderly endure the pranks of even the most restless children.

A child will definitely want to pet this dog endlessly, because thanks to its thick fur, the animal resembles a teddy bear. Children constantly want to cuddle, cuddle and cuddle the Newfoundland, who puts up with it... with great pleasure!

For children 7–14 years old

At this age, children are already more conscious. The entire list of 30 breeds will do here. It all depends on your capabilities, preferences, lifestyle and character of the child.

Every child and every family will find a pet to their liking. For an active child of 8, 10 or 12 years old, a spaniel, beagle, collie and other temperamental breeds are good. A pug or an English bulldog will be a friend to a calm child. For children who are interested in agility classes, poodles and shelties are suitable.

Yorkshire Terrier

If your family has children, but the living space is limited to a few rooms in an apartment in a high-rise building, this is not a reason to give up the pleasure of having a good – cheerful and cheerful – four-legged friend for your children.

Yorkie is a cutie that you want to cuddle all the time. It must be borne in mind that due to its fragile, miniature physique, it is important to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier for children of reasonable age who will handle this “positive furball” carefully.

For children 15 years and older

Giving a dog for a teenager's birthday is a great idea. But only if the child himself wants and is ready to spend a lot of time working with the dog.

Imposing a pet on a child to teach him responsibility is a bad idea. Responsibility is fostered through the example of parents and the desire of the child to communicate with the animal.

It is also worth assessing how the pet fits into the teenager’s plans in the next 10–15 years, which is approximately how long a dog will live. Even if the child has a great desire to take care of the dog, but there is no time, it is better to wait for better times.

German Shepherd

This incredibly loyal dog is simply created to protect your baby. She is distinguished by her enviable friendliness and desire to protect her family. If you train your shepherd correctly and spend enough time outside with it, the dog will respond with unparalleled dedication and become a true friend for your child.

It is interesting that the shepherd is not only one of the kindest breeds, but also the most reasonable of all. Before committing this or that act and deciding on something, an animal will think a hundred times. Therefore, if a dog decides to attack a person who, in its opinion, is dangerous for the owner, there is hardly any doubt about the advisability of this.


Any dog ​​can pose a danger to a child. Even the smallest one. Therefore, you should carefully approach the purchase of a pet: look for conscientious breeders, choose a pet with a stable psyche.

Plus, the pet will have to be trained and socialized. After all, even a purebred puppy needs training so that its behavior is manageable.

Labrador Retriever

This is a textbook breed of dog for the whole family. The Labrador is friendly towards children and behaves very calmly around them. Even if your baby is capricious, the dog is unlikely to show intolerance towards him. Moreover, she will be happy to tinker with him and participate in his fun.

For an older child, a Labrador will also be very interesting. Thanks to their outstanding intelligence, dogs of this breed are easy to train, so following commands will bring great pleasure to both the pet and its little owner.

Thanks to the developed parental instinct, a representative of the breed can become a wonderful nanny who will always be on the alert if something threatens the child.

Hypoallergenic dogs

Is it possible to get a dog for a child with allergies? It’s impossible to say for sure. Each person's reaction to a particular dog is individual. Hypoallergenic breeds are simply those breeds that spread fewer allergens around them.

It is preferable that the dog hardly sheds. Smooth-haired dogs without thick undercoat are also suitable. Breeds with increased salivation, such as bulldogs, are not suitable.

Here is a sample list of suitable breeds:

  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • smooth-haired chihuahua;
  • smooth-haired toy terrier;
  • Italian Greyhound;
  • poodles;
  • Bichon Frize;
  • Maltese;
  • Chinese Crested.

It is believed that females are less allergenic than males.

It is advisable that the child spend at least 1–2 hours in the home of the owners of the chosen breed or with the breeders. If there is no negative reaction, then there is a chance that the allergy will not arise in the future.


The Beagle is another ideal dog for a child. She loves playing together, so your child will not be bored in her company. Distinguished by their sociable disposition and mobility, beagles are, however, very calm.

Read List of the best films about dogs - TOP 50

They love affection, so the beagle can become an enviable nanny for kids. But older children will also be interested in a pet that is well trained and obedient.

If you don’t like your dog to sleep with your son or daughter in the same bed, you need to accustom your beagle to this as early as possible - the dog is stubborn in its love for its little owner (although, as experience shows, 50% of pets sleep in bed with their owners , even if the first ones are against it).

Dog breeds for girls and boys

For girls, lap dogs, Toychiks, Chishkas, Yorkies, Chinese Crested, Poodles, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Shelties are suitable. They can be combed, decorated with bows, collars with rhinestones, or dressed in overalls in cool weather.

But a boy won’t really like walking with such dogs. Their friends may make fun of them. True, small and large poodles, shelties and even a lively Yorkie without a glamorous haircut can look quite organic next to a boy.

Boys will love Beagle, Spaniel, Labrador, Golden, German Shepherd. However, these and other breeds from our list are also popular with girls.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The character of this dog, which became popular after the airing of the series “Happy Together,” gives every reason to call the Mountain Dog the best family breed. Due to their sociability and kindness, as well as due to their “farming” nature, dogs become excellent nannies and shepherds for “these human fools.”

No, the mountain dog will not rush after your prankster’s skateboard - for this the dog is a little lazy, but “herding” and guarding your baby in the backyard is the highest pleasure for it.

Dog for special children

Today, dogs are used to improve the health of children with autism, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy. Communication, tactile contact and exercises with a dog reduce anxiety levels and help sensory development and socialization of such children.

For canistherapy, companion dogs with a stable psyche are used, often Labradors and Goldens, as well as dogs of various breeds that love to communicate specifically with children. Ideally, animals should be trained.

You can communicate with such dogs in special centers. Some parents want to bring such a pet into their apartment. However, here you need to remember that caring for a dog is an additional burden for adults.

Golden retriever

This dog will be an excellent companion for your child. Distinguished by their intelligence, kindness, patience and devotion, Golden Retrievers love to play with children, showing them the kind of tenderness that only dogs are capable of.

Representatives of the breed love to frolic in the water, so they will be your child’s constant companions in any body of water, be it a river, a lake or a country pool.

Most of all, the dog loves to fetch various objects - we can say that this ability is in its blood. This means that your child will have great pleasure training her.

Since these “golden” dogs love everything and everyone, and strive to put their head under any affectionate hand, they will get along well with your other pets, including cats, with whom they are very patient.

Gender question: boy or girl

It is believed that females are more flexible and affectionate than males. Although much depends on the character of the particular animal.

What difficulties may arise during walks? If unchecked, the cable will run after a bitch in heat or start a fight with other dogs. A pack of fighting males will gather around a female dog during the heat period: adults should walk the dog at this time.

If you plan to have a child walk with your pet, the animal can be spayed or neutered. This will reduce the risk of conflicts with other dogs.


This is a very smart, gentle and devoted animal that will get along well with a child of any age. Due to its developed intelligence, the dog is highly trainable, so if your child is involved in raising it, then the cute puppy will grow into a devoted, well-managed and obedient friend.

Collies are very hardy, which means that your child will be able to play with the dog until he gets tired, especially since the dog likes it. Representatives of the breed are characterized by a long coat, which needs to be looked after, but this will certainly not be a burden for the little owner - the collie will make you fall in love with it from the first meeting!


This little dog hides a significant personality. A good companion on children's walks, the pug gets along with both kids and teenagers due to its affectionate, friendly and playful disposition.

If your child is a homebody, feel free to get him a calm pug, with whom he does not need to go for long walks in any weather. The dog will keep company in children's games, every now and then sneezing, snorting, snoring and making other funny sounds that children are delighted with.

Jack Russell Terrier

This little “jumper” and merry fellow is known all over the world for the comedy “The Mask”. The dog will conquer any child's heart with its cheerful disposition and cheerfulness. This is unbridled energy - its surge will surprise even the most explosive fidget who cannot be kept in place.

Read: Medium-sized dogs are ideal pets for an apartment

It is possible that such a tandem will cause a local disaster in your apartment, but the child’s emotions are worth it! He will be able to endlessly run and jump on the street to the cheerful squeals of his four-legged Energizer.

Jack Russell is a great opportunity to teach your child to go jogging in the morning. The pet will go crazy from such joint activity.


The ancestors of the Husky were a draft force, so feel free to get a representative of this breed for your bully and tomboy - a Husky will withstand anything! Completely devoid of aggression, a dog is not capable of harming a child.

A husky is in dire need of physical activity - you can go on bike rides, run, ski, and hike with your dog. Rest assured that the pet will not get tired even when its little owner is completely exhausted!

Irish Setter

Your child will show off his charge during a walk, because the setter would probably win a beauty contest among its relatives. You just want to touch his stunning fur, and the elegant gait of an exquisite hunting breed speaks volumes about his noble disposition. Thanks to its good-natured disposition, the setter is loved by the entire family.

An active junior schoolchild or teenager will definitely appreciate the “fiery” nature of this dog - this ball of energy literally ignites as soon as it gives free rein to its movements, its endurance and speed. Walking with these intellectuals and good-natured people is a pleasure.

Saint Bernard

Although the St. Bernard is a large and heavy dog, it has legendary fame behind it. These are rescue dogs, heroes who have pulled many people out from under the snow. Saint Bernards love children very much and, like real Dogs with a capital D, they are not offended by their children's antics.

Since the breed has distinct humane breed characteristics, its representatives will be happy to become part of your family and a nanny for your kids. It is interesting that the St. Bernard will never wake up his little charge by barking - he does this only as a last resort.

English pointer

The Pointer can also be classified as a family breed, ideal for families with children. Dogs adore babies and older children, taking an active part in their games.

The English Pointer can be called a universal companion, who feels equally at home with his little owner both on the street and at home. On the street, the dog is very active and moves a lot, but at home it behaves calmly and balanced, so you don’t have to be afraid that your pet will destroy the house during a fun game.

If you still haven’t decided which dog to get your child, consult with him, so you can choose the best option!

Sixth place – Doberman

The Doberman is an excellent home guard dog. This breed is a service breed, so these pets are very smart and quick-witted. The house is under the supervision of a Doberman and never receives unwanted guests. Having such a dog, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money and other valuables. In addition to its security abilities, the Doberman is an excellent companion and loyal friend.

Read more about the Doberman breed

8). Chow chow

These teddy bears create such a pleasant impression with their appearance that no one will suspect them of aggression. Despite their melancholic character, chow chows are capable of showing aggression when a stranger tries to make close contact or pet them.

They can also be aggressive when defending their opinions or defending their food. If a chow chow bites under these conditions, it will not feel remorse. Otherwise, they are sweet, loyal creatures and wonderful companions.

What to consider when raising a puppy

  • It is necessary to completely or at least partially limit the animal’s communication with strangers. In such conditions, the pet will treat every stranger with distrust and suspicion: without this feeling, full-fledged protection of the territory is impossible.
  • Don't forget to take your dog for walks and introduce him to new places. She must behave calmly and confidently in different situations.
  • A protective dog cannot help but be a leader. Allow the puppy to win games, but only until a certain age (6-7 months), otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop into aggression.

This is interesting! A good option for those who want to achieve ideal training are special courses in which the animal is taught obedience and following various commands.


Photo gallery

Photo 1. Dobermans in an autumn landscape

Photo 2. German Pinscher puppy with a toy Photo 3. Miniature Pinscher - puppies under care

Photo 4. Mountain hound – puppies posing

Photo 5. Komondor, like an explosion in a pasta factory

Photo 6. Leonberger on a winter walk

Photo 7. Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound – puppies Photo 8. Sulimov’s dog at work

Photo 9. The dog is resting

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