Main stages, suitable age and problems when breeding a French Bulldog

Mating of French bulldogs should occur on certain days and only from the right age. These are dogs whose breeding is considered not the easiest process. The owner must take into account the nuances of character, breed characteristics, date and duration of estrus. It is necessary to monitor the health of both the dog and the bitch, and help immediately at the moment of mating, especially if this is the first time for the animals.

Suitable age

It is recommended to untie a French Bulldog bitch no earlier than at the age of one and a half years. If you mate immediately after the first heat, there is a high probability that the dog will stop developing and will not survive childbirth well. The most appropriate moment is starting from the third heat. Puberty of males ends by the first year of life, females - earlier, by 6 months. Before breeding an animal, you need to make sure that the required estrus phase has arrived. There are several of them:

  1. The first 9 days are proestrus. The bitch shows interest in males, but mating should not be allowed at this moment.
  2. From 9 to 14 days - estrus. This is the most suitable period for mating. Bitches are ovulating.
  3. After the 14th day - metestrus. The dog's behavior is changing, there is still discharge, but it aggressively drives away male dogs and does not experience sexual desire.

As can be seen from these periods, the dog needs to be bred from the ninth to the fourteenth day of estrus, so the owner must record the stages of estrus by day.

If, nevertheless, the moment to start counting was missed, then you can determine the appropriate moment by eye, by the dog’s behavior: it will sit down, when you stroke the back towards the tail, it raises its tail and crouches, without touching its backside to the ground.

But if, when you touch the loop (the genital organ of French bulldogs), its edges move apart spontaneously, then it means that the time has come, you can’t hesitate. Male French Bulldogs are usually bred by age two.

Complications during childbirth

Above, we looked at the process of normal childbirth, when the bitch gives birth on her own, and the owner only encourages her or calms her down and accepts the puppies. But due to the fact that French bulldogs have a specific skull structure, and they themselves have a tendency to obesity, this process does not always go without any problems.

So, what are the complications during childbirth in French bulldogs?

Weak contractions or pushing

Most often this happens when there are dead puppies in the uterus or when the bitch is overfed and not trained enough - excess weight and weak muscles weaken labor. Only a veterinarian can determine the reason for this. And he, if necessary, will give the bitch an injection to stimulate labor.

Too big puppy

A very common complication in French bulldog bitches, since puppies have very large foreheads, which is why they often get stuck in the birth canal . There is only one thing that can help here - a caesarean section.

Incorrect position of puppies

You can try to correct their situation. Only this should be done exclusively by a veterinarian, who, after giving the bitch anesthesia and waiting for the muscles to relax, can try to turn the puppies so that they lie correctly.

Strange discharge

They can appear if a puppy or placenta remains in the uterus. Such discharge is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Ectopic pregnancy

With it, one or more puppies develop not in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity. In this case, only immediate surgery can save the dog, after which the bitch will require long-term treatment.

Lack of milk

In this case, you need to call a veterinarian to give the bitch a special injection.

Breeding Features

To obtain purebred individuals, you need to make sure that both French bulldogs are of good blood, have documents and meet breed standards.
Both animals should be moderately well-fed and not overfed.

Because this has a bad effect on the male’s ability to fertilize, and for the female it means a difficult pregnancy and childbirth.

It is believed that for this breed it is good to make a pair of a smaller male and a larger female.

This will help avoid the birth of very large puppies, which often causes problems during childbirth. Bitches have a hereditary tendency to fertility; the ability to bear offspring well and give birth without complications is genetically transmitted to them. And the character of the male is an important factor in the mating process. Mutual sympathy is encouraged in dog couples; if both animals show interest in each other and not aggression, the mating will be calmer.

How to understand that the female is ready to mate:

  1. Her appetite changes. Wants to eat more or, on the contrary, refuses to eat.
  2. Flirts with male dogs, takes characteristic poses.
  3. The loop noticeably increases in size and becomes softer.

What to look for when choosing a mating partner:

  1. Origin, titles, relatives of the dog.
  2. His state of health (including the presence of hereditary problems).
  3. The dog has reached the age of two.
  4. If the bitch is having her first mating, it is best to use an experienced male.

How many puppies are there usually in a litter?

On average, a bulldog gives birth to 6 or 7 puppies, but their number may be more or less depending on heredity, conditions of keeping the dog, age and state of health.


French bulldogs are not considered the easiest breed to breed.

But, if the owner of a truly magnificent dog has a desire to get no less wonderful offspring from his pet, then he needs to approach this issue extremely responsibly already at the stage of selecting a partner.

In the future, after mating, it is necessary to provide the bulldog with proper maintenance and feeding..

Compliance with these conditions helps to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth and contributes to the birth of full-fledged, healthy puppies.

Preparation stages

Since the dog owner usually knows in advance that the bitch will be bred in a future heat, he should take care of the health of the animal.
About a month before the upcoming heat, take your dog to the vet.

Treat for parasites (worms, etc.), vaccinate if necessary.

If the bitch is overweight, you need to stick to a diet, bringing her to the desired state. As soon as estrus begins, vitamin and mineral complexes are added to the dog’s diet. This will help during pregnancy and childbirth in the future. Immediately before mating, the dog needs to be given a good walk and fed no earlier than three hours before mating. It is best to carry out mating in the male’s territory, this will allow him to feel confident.

The room where mating takes place must be spacious, safe, without extraneous noise, objects, other animals, and the floor must not be slippery.

Basic rules, instructions

There are two ways to carry out mating: manually, with the help of the owners, or without it, when the dogs do it on their own. Experts recommend turning to the second method more often, and resorting to the help of owners only if the dogs categorically refuse to breed themselves. The animals are introduced to each other and then left alone. You need to periodically check how the process is going. If circumstances go well, the animals will do everything themselves. But if this does not happen, the female is stubborn, aggressive, the male is smaller and cannot get closer, the dogs need help.

Instructions on how to do this:

  1. The dogs are taken to a place designated for mating and soft collars are put on them.
  2. The owner of the bitch holds her by the collar with one hand, and with the other under her belly, so that she cannot wriggle out when the dog begins to mount.
  3. The owner of the male guides the dog; if, due to the difference in size, the male does not reach the female, a stand is placed on him.
  4. As soon as the castle is formed, the dogs are turned in opposite directions, with their backs facing each other. They hold it so that the bitch does not wriggle out.
  5. If the dog is caught in a noose, but the lock does not happen, it is necessary to keep the dogs in this position for at least about 15 minutes, after which the dog is allowed to get off the bitch.
  6. Next, the owners draw up a mating certificate and a payment agreement.
  7. 1 - 2 days after the main mating, it is recommended to carry out a control mating, sometimes more than one, especially if there were doubts that everything went well. The second control mating takes place 1 - 2 days after the previous one.

Dogs cannot be forcibly pulled in different directions; they must free themselves from the castle on their own. The duration of this period is from 5 to 15 minutes, and sometimes up to an hour.

Mating dates should be entered into the calendar to know the approximate due date. After mating, animals need a walk and rest.

French bulldogs: general characteristics of the breed

French bulldog named Hammer

Despite their origin and ferocious appearance, these animals are very good-natured and sociable. This is a decorative dog, suitable for keeping in a city apartment. Does not require special care, gets along easily with all family members and other animals. The popularity of French bulldogs is explained by the following characteristics:

  • they do not need much physical activity, walking is enough;
  • rarely bark, non-aggressive;
  • very attached to all family members;
  • unpretentious, adapt to any conditions;
  • small stature suitable for keeping in a small apartment;
  • friendly and cautious by nature;
  • can be an ideal companion for a lonely pensioner;
  • do not require special care;
  • trainable, very smart;
  • there is a protective instinct;
  • life expectancy 10-12 years.

Relaxing in the grass

But the breed has its drawbacks; such pets are not suitable for everyone. They are very sociable and do not tolerate loneliness well, which can cause them to become aggressive. Therefore, it is better not to get such a breed for people who are at work all day. The French Bulldog is also not suitable for a person who loves perfect cleanliness. Many disadvantages include the fact that they shed, can drool, and often suffer from flatulence. The puppy must be trained with patience and persistence. After all, these dogs are smart, but very stubborn and independent.


Often, problems may arise during mating that can be resolved by the owner or an experienced dog breeder present at the mating.

Bitch is not given for mating

This can happen if the dog is not ready for mating, is afraid of its partner, or feels unwell. At the beginning of the acquaintance, the female may growl at the male and not give in, but this should pass. If she does not allow the male dog to mount, then you need to calm her down. You need to put on a muzzle and sit down with your muzzle between your knees. There is no need to press hard and cover the dog with your body and legs; the male must have access to her. The bitch should be calmed down.

When the male has sexual intercourse, she may begin to struggle (if the sensation is painful for the dog, she is afraid). Then you should hold the dog under the stomach with your hand and do not let it sit or lie down. You need to hold the bitch tightly. Subsequently, the animal will calm down. The response to the male's friction and his orgasm is the bitch's own orgasm, after which the penis is clamped by the walls of the vagina. This condition is called gluing and is completely natural.

The male shows no interest

This can happen if the male is young and is mating for the first time.
The owner should encourage the dog, help him climb onto the bitch, placing his paws on the croup.

If even after this the dog does not understand what needs to be done, the animals are separated for a couple of hours, then brought together again.

After this, in most cases, the male begins to mount himself.

If this is not the first time a male dog has been mated, he is experienced, but refuses further action, which means that the day of estrus is determined incorrectly.

Males instantly react to the readiness of females, and if the period is not suitable, they will refuse mating.

Ejaculation outward

This happens if the dog is inexperienced. If the dog has made several attempts to seize the female and is unable to cope, ejaculation occurs externally. You cannot continue mating, the male is not ready for this. It is necessary to separate the animals into different rooms and repeat the mating after a few days.

No sticking

A lock is not necessary for pregnancy to occur. Even if there was no mating, fertilization can still occur. What to do if the lock does not happen? It is necessary to prevent the male from getting off the female; the dogs should be held in this position for about 15 minutes, then allowed to separate without sudden movements.

If mating does not occur, perhaps the day for mating was chosen incorrectly. It's better to do it again.

History of the breed

For French bulldogs, the history of the breed began in the 19th century in England. The goal of the breeders was to create a companion dog, guard dog and rat hunter for keeping in urban environments. They crossed English bulldogs with pugs, terriers and other decorative pets. Only the smallest representatives of the breeds were used for breeding. Dogs appeared that were bred by artisans to hunt rats.

At the end of the 19th century, the French bulldog breed came to France. Her unusual appearance, mischievous disposition and good-natured character are the reason for her popularity. She became fashionable in high society. Thanks to this, the French bulldog has spread throughout the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were recognized as a separate breed and classified as decorative dogs. They became especially popular in America.

Basking in the sun

In Russia, the French bulldog breed was first popular among the nobility. Chaliapin, the royal family, and other famous people had such a pet. But the history of its breeding in our country was not easy. Since the 1920s, this breed has almost disappeared. After all, she was considered elite, pets were expensive. After the war, there was only one French bulldog left in the whole country in Moscow. They began to breed them again only in the 60s.

Has fertilization occurred?

It will be possible to say that the dog has become pregnant no earlier than the fifth week after mating.
In the first month, no signs appear, the bitch’s behavior does not change.

In the second month, the nipples should swell, they will become pale pink, and clear vaginal discharge will appear.

During pregnancy, the belly will appear in the sixth week.

The behavior will change, the dog will look for a nesting place, shelter. At the eighth week you can already feel movement in the abdomen. This is the only guarantee of fertilization.

It is not recommended to breed a dog immediately after the first heat, at 6 months.

Pregnancy: how to care and what to feed

Pregnancy in French Bulldog bitches usually lasts from 53 to 70 days. In the case of medical indications for a cesarean section, an operation is performed, then delivery occurs on the day chosen by the doctor.

In the first stages of pregnancy, its signs are still very poorly expressed, so whether a bitch is pregnant or not can only be judged by excessive excitability and sensitivity to irritants, as well as a deterioration in appetite.

In the first three weeks of pregnancy, the bulldog’s routine and diet do not need to be changed. There is no need to force feed if you refuse food: the bitch herself knows when she can eat.

In the fourth week, a bitch who is fed natural food should begin to be given more protein foods and fresh greens , and a dog who eats ready-made food can be switched to food for pregnant dogs.

By the beginning of the fifth week, you need to more closely monitor the condition of the bitch. At this time, the nipples swell and colostrum begins to appear from them when pressed. Thread-like mucus is released from the loop.

IMPORTANT! If at any stage of pregnancy bloody, brown or dark green discharge begins, then you need to take your dog to the clinic without delay!

By the sixth week, the dog’s ribs are expanding and its belly is enlarging; it begins to look for a place for a den where it will raise its offspring.

The bitch is now fed 3 times a day, and starting from the seventh week, she is transferred to four feedings a day.

It is better not to reduce physical activity over time, but now walks with the dog should be leisurely; you should not force it to run a lot or, especially, jump.

You will also need to prepare a maternity box for the pet and, somewhere from the seventh or beginning of the eighth week, accustom the bulldog to it.

At the eighth week, the puppies begin to move. At this time it will be possible to determine how large the litter will be. The best way to do this is to do an ultrasound.

From the eighth week you need to stop giving your dog meat, replacing it with sea fish in a ratio of 1:1.5.

From the ninth week of pregnancy, the bulldog should be fed 4-6 times a day, with the daily intake reduced by about a quarter.

2 or 3 days before giving birth, in order to prevent eclampsia, you need to completely exclude fish from your diet. The dog should be fed frequently in small portions at this time.

The day before giving birth, the bitch usually refuses to eat on her own; in this case, there is no need to force feed her.

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