Instructions for the use of serenia in cats. Calculate the optimal dose of the drug in cats. Study the breadth of the antiemetic effect of serenia in felinology. Improve therapy effectiveness by 200%

  • VetConsultPlus
  • Informational portal
  • Veterinary drug
  • Name of the drug: Serenia (in Latin CERENIA)
  • Active ingredient: maropitant
  • Neurokinin (NK1) receptor antagonist
  • Antiemetic drug for cats
  • Has some anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, antipruritic and antitussive effects
  • Used to treat various pathologies in cats
  • Serenium is available in tablets and injection solution
  • DOSE: treatment and prevention of vomiting in cats - injection form 1 mg/kg, oral - 2 mg/kg.

Sereniya is an effective anti-vomiting drug for cats.

According to the instructions, serenia for cats

- This is a very important drug that should be in any veterinary clinic. Vomiting is not only an unattractive word, but also a very unpleasant circumstance. When it comes to cats, vomiting happens when they have an upset stomach, resulting in vomiting after feeding. Since cats are curious little creatures, they are obliged to try to end at least one of their nine mythical lives.

Do you have a cat that is experiencing nausea? Is your kitten vomiting lately? Is this abnormal behavior for your little pet? Not sure what to do when it comes to solving your furball's vomiting problem? Then this instruction was written especially for you. You may or may not have heard of an antiemetic drug called Serenia? We will try to resolve any questions regarding the use of this drug in cats.

Description of the product

In pharmacies, the drug "Serenia" is presented in two dosage forms - tablets and solution. The medication in tablet form contains 100, 150, 375 and 1000 mg of the active substance, in solution form - 10 mg/ml. The pronounced effect of maropitanate citrate is achieved 45 minutes after subcutaneous administration and 2 hours after oral administration. In addition to the main component and saline solution, the composition is represented by sulfabutyl ether, sodium cyclodextrin, and metacresol. As auxiliary ingredients, the tablets contain lactose, stearate, E110 dye, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose. The drug is low-toxic, gradually accumulates in the body, but does not pose a serious danger to the cat.

Motion sickness (Seasickness) and nausea: what are the causes of acute vomiting in cats

Whether your kitten accidentally licks and swallows a piece of fur or your furry friend bites off a small piece of artificial decorative wood, cats get into all sorts of mischief. Have you ever seen a picture of a cat and a ball of yarn? You probably know that cats can swallow long strings.

If you don't supervise cats closely enough, cats will chew wires, eat cords, and ingest all sorts of foreign objects. Vomiting in cats can also be the result of a very large hairball stuck in the esophagus or pharynx.

However, vomiting is not just a symptom. Cats can vomit for many other reasons. From urinary tract diseases and diabetes to infections, helminths, and cancer, cats are animals that are highly susceptible to vomiting. One of the most common causes of vomiting in cats is motion sickness. Although motion sickness occurs much less frequently in cats than in dogs.

If you're wondering what motion sickness is, you can think of it as that feeling you get on a really bumpy train ride. Seasickness refers to a feeling of heaviness in your stomach when your environment disturbs your inner balance. Then nausea and sometimes vomiting occurs.

Seasickness is usually accompanied by:

  • Vocalization
  • The desire to hide under dressers or in corners and other hard-to-reach places
  • Vomiting, of course
  • Diarrhea or strange behavior in the bathroom
  • Salivation
  • Inability to stay still for long, to the point of complete restlessness
  • Stress and anxiety about certain situations
  • Seasickness is no fun. Not for cats. Not for people.
  • Luckily, Serenia exists to help you and your cat cope with vomiting and nausea.

Veterinarian's opinion

Vitaly Borisovich

I work in a veterinary clinic and my colleagues and I often discuss various drugs for treating animals. Not long ago they talked about Serenia, which is given to pets to eliminate vomiting. This is an effective drug that can stop vomiting of any origin, even that caused by disorders of the vestibular system. Serenia begins to act quickly, and none of us have encountered any side effects from taking it. In most cases, people bring cats to us with viral infections and gastrointestinal problems. And we prescribe taking this medicine in combination with other drugs for one or a couple of days, and in especially serious cases, when vomiting becomes protracted, we extend the course to five days. Some cat owners like to prescribe treatment for their pets on their own, without rushing to consult with us, and this only causes harm. After all, there are diseases in which the administration of an antiemetic is a mandatory condition of treatment to prevent dehydration, and ordinary people (not veterinarians) may not know about this. And for those cats that do not tolerate transportation well, Sereniya tablets are excellent.

When to use gray cat?

Serenia should be used in this case

if your cat has nausea or motion sickness symptoms. There are parameters that you should follow in terms of Serenia dosages and how often you should give them the medication. Serenia is a medicine that you should keep in mind and use only as directed by your veterinarian.

According to the label, Serenia is an effective solution for vomiting and is also the only FDA-approved treatment for vomiting in cats. Sometimes vomiting is a problem in itself and in these cases, vomiting can be treated with serenia. In other cases, vomiting is simply a symptom of something more serious. Serenia can still help with the situation by stopping the vomiting and visiting a veterinarian to determine what is causing your pet's illness.


Serenia is a high quality drug, but it also has several contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • kittens are less than four months old;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Very carefully, under the supervision of a veterinarian, you can give the drug to animals with impaired liver function and cardiovascular diseases.

Be that as it may, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist to avoid bad consequences.

Are there any side effects of Serenium for cats?

Some warnings come with the use of Serenia and you should be aware of them. Even if you follow the appropriate dose based on your cat's body weight, serenia may cause other side effects.

Watch out for the following situations as they are directly related to the use of serenia in a cat:

  • Low energy behavior
  • Sudden diarrhea
  • Excessive dehydration
  • Vomiting that won't go away
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Slightly decreased appetite

Additionally, Serenia side effects for cats may also include a dull pain at the injection site. This, of course, only applies or is possible if your cat is receiving Serenia in an injectable form at a veterinary clinic.

Injecting at home video


All owners give tablets to cats in different ways, since there is no single option on how to do this. Now we will tell you about the main ways to take medications in tablet form.

1 way

  1. Wear disposable gloves.
  2. Remove the serenia tablet from the blister.
  3. Place the cat on your lap, preferably with the cat's muzzle located above body level.
  4. Open your pet's mouth and place the tablet on the root of your tongue with your other hand. Thanks to the swallowing reflex, he will swallow on his own.

Method 2

  1. Grind 1 piece and then stir in 5-10 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Draw the resulting solution into a syringe without a needle.
  3. Ask your loved ones to hold the mustache.
  4. Open its mouth with one hand and inject the suspension with the other. It is very important to spray the product directly onto the palate, in which case the medicine will definitely enter the esophagus.

3 way

  1. Crush the Serenium tablet.
  2. Take a small portion of food (minced meat, canned cat food or pate (chicken or goose liver) are great).
  3. Add the resulting powder to your food and mix well.
  4. Give your cat a bowl of food and make sure he eats everything. You should not leave the leftovers in the bowl as it will spoil after a few hours.
  5. After this, you need to wash the bowl with detergent.

How to give gray to a cat: different methods of administering medicine to cats

Serenia can be administered to a cat in two different ways.

If you are more comfortable, or if you are professionally unable to give Serenia, you can make an appointment at the clinic to have your cat receive the injection at the veterinarian's office. On the other hand, if you feel comfortable giving Serenia to your cat, you can do it from the comfort of your home using tablets.

There are two main ways to give Serenia tablets to cats. You can buy a device called a pill dispenser for obvious reasons. Essentially, this tool allows the pill to fall down the very back of your cat's throat and ensures that your cat swallows the pill. Another way to administer the cat pill is with your fingers, although this can sometimes be a slightly problematic approach.

Sometimes our fingers can get in the way because our hands are much larger than a cat's mouth. However, don't feel like you absolutely have to go out and buy a pill dispenser to get your cat to take Serenia pills. With patience and enough practice, your cat will get used to it and learn that this is just a new part of his or her daily life!

Serenia is generally used as a method of prevention

, which means you should definitely prescribe your pet's medication before motion sickness occurs. For example, if you are going on a road trip and expect your cat to feel nauseated as a result of the car ride, you should give your cat the appropriate dose of Cerenia Cat Nausea Prevention Tablets about two hours before the start of the trip.

It is also important to note that Serenia is best taken with cat food. Ironically, administering Serenia to your cat on an empty stomach may cause more nausea than allowing it to occur! Traveling on an empty stomach also reduces the likelihood of your cat vomiting.

Owner reviews

Karina, owner of 2 Persian cats:

“We were prescribed Serenia more than once for vomiting. Used for both cats. They tolerated it well. One injection is enough to forget about vomiting. We bought it at the clinic in syringes. The bottle is very expensive, and I don’t need that much medicine.”

Olga, owner of a 5-year-old cat:

“Our cat has a very sensitive food system, so vomiting is a common occurrence. In this regard, I had to try different antiemetic drugs, but I consider Serenia the best remedy. Always works with one application. The main disadvantage is the very high price. And, unfortunately, it is not always available in pharmacies in our provincial town. Sometimes I ask friends to bring them from the capital.”

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Compatibility, storage conditions and analogues

Some medications, with the permission of the veterinarian, can be taken by the animal in parallel with this one.
Complex effects of drugs on the animal’s body are allowed. “Serenium” is combined with antiparasitic and bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. However, before combining several medications and choosing analogues for your cat, you should consult with your veterinarian.

The medicine has no analogues, but you can choose a substitute, a drug with another main component, for example, Beaphar or human Dramamine. “Serenia” has a shelf life of 3 years, which after opening the package is reduced to 2 days. Storage should be ensured in a cool, dry place, protected from the sun and moisture, away from food and feed, out of reach of children and animals. The optimal temperature is 0–25 °C.

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