Anchovy fish - detailed characteristics of the fish: what it looks like, what it eats and when reproduction occurs + tips on how to catch

What kind of fish is anchovy?

Hamsa is a European seafood that is native to the coast. Fish live in schools. As soon as the external temperature rises, fish can be observed in the Azov, Baltic and North Seas. It differs from sprat, sprat and other varieties of small fish not only in its external part, but also in its beneficial effect on the body. The fish looks like this:

  • the corners of the mouth end further than the far part of the eyes, which distinguishes seafood from other small fish;
  • Usually the body length of a specimen is about 19 cm, but most often there are individuals whose body length is 15 cm;
  • on the sides it boasts a bright gray color, and on the back the scales are light green, on the abdominal part they are white-silver.

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Specimens are active in bodies of water whose temperature fluctuates up to 25°. Flocks swim on the surface layer of water near the shore. As soon as cold weather sets in, they lie deep. There are several varieties of anchovy. The main ones are Azov and Black Sea.

Black Sea

Black Sea anchovy is a subtype of anchovy. They live on the Black Sea coast. In summer and spring, it can be observed on the surface layer of water. Most of all, in warm times, fish can be observed in its northern and western regions.

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This distribution of juicy Black Sea anchovy in the sea is due to the fact that these areas contain a large amount of zooplankton. It is plankton that anchovy feeds on. Also, small individuals like to be introduced precisely under such conditions. This variety is popular. Seagulls, mackerel and dolphins feed on anchovy.


The Azov anchovy lives only in the coastal zones of the Azov Sea. A large number of flocks can only be seen in summer. The main differences from other types of anchovy are:

  • the body has a more whitish color;
  • The dimensions of the individual are much smaller, since it grows no more than 8 cm in length.

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Azov anchovy is caught for consumption.


Moving on to the description of a fish such as anchovy, it is worth noting that this marine inhabitant is often called the European anchovy.

Pisces has a number of characteristics:

  • the dorsal fin has 1.7 or 13 rays;
  • the number of vertebrae varies from 43 to 47;
  • the number of gill rakers reaches 70 pieces.

The size of the fish depends on its variety. The Atlantic and Mediterranean anchovy are considered the largest (19-20 cm), the smallest species is the Azov one. The average length of such a fish is 12 cm.

The dorsal area ranges from blue-black (Black Sea anchovy) to deep red (Atlantic).


The habitat of anchovy is extremely extensive. The seafood is usually seen in the Atlantic Ocean. Often seen in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. In summer, when it is warm, fish often swim into the Baltic and Azov seas. It is possible to meet individuals even off the coast of the North Sea.

The fish can survive at different temperatures: from +5 to +28°. At this time, individuals are at the surface of the water. As soon as cold weather sets in, the fish lie in the depths. In the Mediterranean Sea, the product arrives at a depth of 150 to 200 m, and the acceptable depth for fish in the Black Sea is 70 m.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016 08:21 + in the quote book “Please enroll me in the sect of anchovy fans.” Hamsa in Crimea. Autumn poutine 1.

“I tried lightly salted anchovy at the market and was drooling by the time I brought it home. I have heard the word “anchovy” a hundred times, and probably even seen it. But I haven't tried it. For me, anchovy is the same as sprat or capelin, that is, something inedible and suitable only for feeding cats. And here, in Crimea, I see that anchovy is not just a fish, but a whole cult. Well, like in St. Petersburg, smelt. The media are discussing catch quotas and market prices for anchovy. And grandmothers in stores already in October begin to ask sellers why there is no anchovy, because the fishing has already begun. To understand this phenomenon, I went to Google about anchovy. And I found out that anchovy has nothing to do with sprat or capelin, but in fact it is a European anchovy - a delicious fish, the meat of which contains a bunch of useful and health-improving substances. And anchovy is also very tasty. Anchovy is brought to us in Old Crimea from Kerch; it is now coming en masse through the strait. The seller at the market had two types of anchovy: one that was salted in a barrel by fishermen, and the other, which was bought fresh from fishermen and salted at home. The first was a little saltier than the second and cost 130 rubles/kg; and the second cost 150 rubles/kg and there is almost no salt in it - practically raw fish. I took both. I started with lightly salted. The taste is divine. Please enroll me in the sect of anchovy fans. Here they write poems and sing songs about anchovy. I tried to lose weight, to look like the Creator. I thought only about high things. But anchovy came from the Sea of ​​Azov - I clicked my tongue. Chicken is nice to a Jew. For the French - a croissant. But, like lard for a Ukrainian, anchovy is for Kerchan. CHORUS: Hamsa! My anchovy! You're like honey! Praise be to the anchovy! Hamse banzai! Catch her! Carcass, salt, bite! And thank the Creator for the fact that there is anchovy in the sea! After all, Her Majesty Khamsa came to save Kerch in the days of universal troubles for breakfast and lunch. Like lard for a Ukrainian, like baklava for a Turk, a croissant for a Frenchman, and anchovy for a Kerchanin. CHORUS. Who said that Kerchan residents are like everyone else? Yes, we are a separate nation, Surviving on a single anchovy During the years of all apocalypses. Krymchak is not tired of pilaf, and katsap is not tired of cabbage soup and porridge. A yogi is waiting for God, a ghoul is waiting for war, And Kerch sings: “Khamsa!” Khamsa Vasily Nesterenko Crimea. Sea of ​​Azov. The village of Zolotoye. It’s November, it’s much colder outside, so we assumed there would be fish. We stayed at the La Grace Hotel. We are lucky, most Crimean hotels close for the winter, but La Grace is an exception. In the evening we clarified the location of the fishing camp. Morning, eight o'clock, we had just woken up, and the fishermen had already arrived in three boats with fish from the first cut. There is rarely a press here; the media rarely writes about people in working professions. Anchovy is loaded into boxes with a “shovel” like this. Then the boxes with anchovy are carried along the shore to the sorting machine. There were two machines. One is in working order, the second is planned to be launched in the near future. Anchovy is poured out of the boxes onto a sorting machine. All this makes noise, splashes, and spins. And in some amazing way, part of the fish is distributed to the right, the one that is larger. And the smaller one falls straight down. One of the fishermen proudly showed me the anchovy on his palm, on the palm of a real fisherman. Afterwards, the anchovy is weighed and taken to the markets of Crimea. The woman who was on the scale told me that anchovy is delicious not only when salted, but also fried, and stewed, it is very tasty, there are many recipes. And also Andrey’s video “Crimeans, catch fish on store shelves, they have just arrived in our cities and towns. Autumn fishing season, fishing camp. Golden. Kerch Peninsula. Crimea." The fish is beautiful and looks appetizing. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to buy and cook on the way, so a day later we’re home, we’ll go to the market for fish))) Fishing camp Zolotoe. Kerch 2.

Anchovy: The nutritional properties of anchovy are as good as meat, and the fact that it can be eaten whole, along with the tender bones, adds an extra dose of calcium. The beneficial properties of small fish are due to the presence of vitamin PP and a number of microelements (zinc, chromium, fluorine, nickel and molybdenum). And Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the formation of blood clots, improving the lipid profile. In addition, the latest research proves that Omega-3 is also beneficial in its ability to prevent cancer.. 3.

The ancient Romans and Greeks respected anchovy for its positive effect on male potency 4.


Where is that skinny, bony mega-mini-herring keel! :)) Khamsichka is so plump, soft, with fat (very healthy!) in the barrels... uh... yes, on a little black bread with a thin layer of butter, through which the bread holes are visible - so, clean stick the anchovy to the bread. :) And this beauty must be on a small piece, so that you can put it in your mouth for one go... and a cup of aromatic coffee... or just a fresh, moderately strong tea... ohhh and beauty! :)) Food of the gods. :) And also maybe with boiled potatoes with dill and onions, and next to this little fish, sprinkled with oil and lemon juice... you can swallow your tongue with pleasure. :)) 8.




Look at the sides. Hamsa is larger than sprat and its barrel is rounder and it looks more oily. Yes, at the fish rows they will tell you what the difference is. :) But there is nothing to do with salting at all - rinse, drain the water thoroughly and for a kilo of anchovy I add about a tablespoon of coarse salt, or better yet good sea salt, with iodine, add salt, mix and for a day (you can even do a little less) in the refrigerator. And in a day you will be happy. :)) 18.



What, is there really no anchovy?!! And you’ve only heard about her?!.. O_o How do you live there, Katya?:) 21.


*Zolote is a village on the eastern edge of the Kazantip Bay (Sea of ​​Azov), near Cape Chagany. 3 km east of the cape is the site of the ancient settlement of Zolotoe (II-I centuries BC). In the Middle Ages, the village of Chegene (Gypsies) arose nearby, renamed in 1944. There is a small village in Crimea called Zolotoe, which few people know. It is located 14 kilometers from Kerch, on the southern edge of the Sea of ​​Azov. There is little civilization here - a few villages and boarding houses along the sea. And here you can catch goby fish, crazy from tourists, between the rocks, you can see Cape Kazantip with its legends in the sea haze on the left side of the horizon... there is very humid, somehow completely different air. Firstly, the sea. The name of the settlement speaks for itself, there is a golden, even orange beach, you will not see such sand anywhere else. And in contrast with the blue-green waves and white foam, it is simply unforgettable. There are a huge number of remains of large bivalve shells. But it’s worth watching how people who come to the sea for the first time look at small, tattered shells to understand that shells are cool. Any. To the side of Zolotoe you can find the ruins of a two-thousand-year-old tower, on the other side there is an ancient necropolis and the remains of an even more ancient settlement of ancient Taurus, but if you don’t know the coordinates, you won’t find them, so little remains of the ancient culture there. And this highest hill in the area has some special energy, where a magnificent view opens up for tens of kilometers around - the enemy will not approach unnoticed, but you can also saw and saw to the nearest stream. And how strong these people were! To go so far for drinking water... And there are also some special, small, tame mountains. That is, it seems like mountains, but you can climb each one with minimal preparation. These start east of Zolote, it's just a wonderful area. Comfortable well-trodden paths, the sea on the left, hills on the right, cliffs in places, steep descents in places to sandy coves by the sea, in which bright lights from tents glow. And the cars of their owners are 50 meters higher, on a slope, with their wheels supported by stones. 4 Dec. 2016 At the fish fair in Kerch, anchovy was bought for 40 rubles https://krymoteka .com/selo-zolotoe-vpechatleniya.html Photo by Irina Pavlenko November 6. 2016

Categories:Crimea /Poems about Crimea Crimea /Kerch Crimea /Villages of Crimea Music Health Recipes

Villages of Crimea Crimea S. Zolotoye (Chegen) in Crimea Kerch Hamsa in Crimea autumn Putin in Crimea Poems about Crimea Potency Health Recipes

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Features of nutrition and reproduction

The fish moves in waters with an open side. With the help of protruding gills, it absorbs food. Favorite food is small crustaceans. Anchovy feeds on zoo- and bio-plankton. As soon as frost sets in, the intensity of food intake becomes less.

Seafood reproduces through play. Sexual activity is observed annually. In summer, regular spawning is observed. After this, the fry are observed walking. The female lays up to 24,000 eggs at a time. This is celebrated not at once, but 4 times. It spawns from midnight to 4 am. No more than three spawnings are observed in its entire life.

Forms of preparation: pickling, canning, paste

Fresh anchovies have a very short shelf life, so a pickling technique was invented to preserve the product for a longer period of time (and this has not changed since late Roman and medieval times).
But to preserve the taste and aroma, it is important to start processing the fish as soon as possible after catching. To begin, the anchovies are cleaned, washed in salt brine and allowed to dry. Then lay the fish in layers in tin cans, generously sprinkling each layer with sea salt. When the container is completely filled, the fish is pressed down with weight (to eliminate excess liquid and fat). In this form, the preparation is stored for at least 2 months and only after that the salted anchovies are ready for consumption.

Another popular method of storing anchovies is using olive oil. As with pickles, processing should begin immediately after catch. Then the fish is cleaned and immersed in brine. After 2 months, the anchovy is cleaned into fillets and packaged in jars with olive oil.

In Sicily they use the pickling method. To do this, the fish is immersed in white vinegar or a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Don't like any of the above methods for storing anchovies? You can resort to a completely different method and grind the fish to a paste (ground fish mixed with salt and oil). Italians often use this product, combining it, for example, with pizza.

How to select and store

When buying anchovy, you need to study the signs of fresh, high-quality fish. Namely:

  1. Seasonality. Anchovy is not harvested throughout the year, but from October to March. Only at this time can you purchase fresh product.
  2. Carcass integrity. Each fish must be completely intact and without torn off fins or tails.
  3. Eyes. They must shine and be transparent. There should be no clouding.
  4. Smell. Hamsa has a specific fishy smell. There should be no notes of mustiness or rot.

Fresh carcasses should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Freezing products allows you to store them for up to 6 months.

How much does a can of anchovies cost?

You can purchase a jar of the product both in large supermarkets and in online stores. Their prices are low and range from 100 rubles on the Internet to 180 rubles in retail per 100 grams. The price level also depends on the region.

And so today we met an overseas guest who has incomparable and irreplaceable taste. Of course, you can do without it in cooking, but believe me, with it some dishes will get more taste and aroma. Therefore, if you are a fan of tickling your taste buds with a new and interesting taste, then here is a product that will easily allow you to do this.

In addition, we do not use it every day, so sometimes, on a holiday or other special day, prepare a dish with it, and you can please yourself, your loved ones, and friends. And believe me, everyone will be able to appreciate it. This will not go unnoticed.

I’m glad that the information was useful to you, and most importantly, interesting. See you again!

Benefits and harms

Hamsa is related to the dietary type of fish. It has enough calcium and phosphorus, which explains its benefits. The composition contains such important substances as:

  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • nickel;
  • chromium;
  • molybdenum.

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You might think that anchovy is a fatty product, but for the most part it is unsaturated fatty acids. They do not have any harmful effects on the body. On the contrary, they prevent the progression of vascular and heart pathologies.

Due to its special composition, fish is distinguished by the following important actions:

  • a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium in the composition contributes to the saturation of bone tissue and the correct functioning of muscle tissue;
  • improves the condition of tooth enamel, nail plates and hair;
  • due to the abundance of vitamin F, the fish has a positive effect on the skin and reduces skin itching;
  • reduces the likelihood of progression of atherosclerosis and problems with blood circulation in the brain;
  • Omega-3 accelerates mental processes, enhances memory and normalizes the functioning of the heart;
  • amino acids combined with zinc and vitamins have a good effect on the reproductive system of young people;
  • easily digestible proteins can replace meat in the diet;
  • fat-soluble vitamins in the composition accelerate the restoration of the skin and improve its appearance;
  • benefits for diseases that are associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system;
  • ensuring the prevention of vascular thrombosis and angina attacks.

Fish is considered harmless to the body. But the negative points are the variations in cooking. Usually the product is salted. When taken, a large amount of salt accumulates in the body, which retains fluid and negatively affects the functioning of the heart and kidneys. This already has an effect on blood pressure, and swelling begins to occur. Therefore, seafood should be baked, boiled, simmered, or used in a double boiler. Knowing the benefits and harms of anchovy for the body, you can use the product correctly.

Use in cooking

There are many recipes for preparing this type of fish. Most often it is salted, fried, or grilled. Frying is popular among Bulgarians, and the Dutch salt anchovy. Before salting, remove the head to get rid of bitterness.

Our popular recipes are:

  • baking - in this case it is served with vegetables and potatoes;
  • stew, which uses tomatoes and onions;
  • fish cutlets, the basis of which is minced meat and rice;
  • deep-fried fish will be an excellent appetizer;
  • small fish can be used to prepare salads, fish soup, soup, and can also be served as an independent dish, fried in any convenient way;
  • Since the bones can be quickly ground, the product can be used to make pate, paste or stew.

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An interesting, but not very popular recipe - pickled anchovy. To prepare it, you need to do the following:

  • rinse, remove the head, remove the entrails, cut off the tail and fins, rinse thoroughly under warm running water;
  • place in a container, pour a large amount of salt on top, it should completely cover the contents of the container;
  • refrigerate for 24 hours;
  • after the specified time, take out the fish and separate the ridge;
  • place in any bowl, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice on top;
  • finely chop the greens, squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, sprinkle the contents of the container;
  • place a new layer of fish on top;
  • repeat all steps;
  • Finally, pour two tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil on top;
  • Cover tightly with a lid or put under a press for three hours.

It is recommended to marinate anchovy in a glass container. Since it is not susceptible to oxidation from lemon juice, it will not release large amounts of harmful substances. Also, its contents will not absorb foreign odors. This product will be a good snack. You can make sandwiches out of it.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Despite the fact that anchovy is small in size, it has exceptional commercial value. Carcasses contain a large amount of biologically active substances. She is rich in:

  • vitamins – thiamine, riboflavin, beta-carotene;
  • mineral composition - chromium, manganese, iodine, chlorine, iron, fluorine, cobalt, nickel, potassium, zinc, copper, sodium, etc.

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Anchovy has a rich mineral composition, which makes the seafood a favorite product on the everyday table. Its calorie content is less than 100 kcal per 100 g of product.

A little history

Hamsa has been known to mankind since ancient times. Crimean fishermen sold this fish to the ancient Greeks and Romans at the beginning of our era. The ancient Greek geographer and historian Strabo wrote that anchovy in those ancient times was valued very highly and was second only to bread in its importance. During archaeological excavations on the Crimean coast, the remains of nets with which fishermen caught anchovy were found, as well as large wooden vats intended for salting it.

The ancient Greeks and Romans valued anchovy meat for its special tenderness and unique, slightly bitter taste. In ancient times, salted anchovy was mainly used as food. Also, a rather sour and spicy sauce called gurum was prepared from this fish.

And today, anchovy is still in great demand among consumers, which is explained not only by its excellent taste, but also by its wide availability. This fish still remains one of the important fisheries. Mostly salted anchovy is on sale, but sometimes fresh frozen is also found. Stew and pates are made from it, and added to various salads. In Italian cuisine, anchovy is used to prepare an aromatic and tasty paste, and they also stuff olives with it.

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