Names for betta fish: nicknames for male boys and female girls, how to name a fish by color

Naming their pets has already become a tradition for many people. But, often, this tradition applies only to cats, dogs, rabbits or hamsters. And for some reason, many people consider it unnecessary to choose a name for a fish. Especially if there are more than 30 individuals in the aquarium. But, nevertheless, these pets are full-fledged inhabitants not only of the reservoir, but of the entire house, and deserve to have their own name. When thinking about what to name a fish, the owner often finds it difficult to think of boring nicknames in his head. But even the most inconspicuous individual can be given a bright and memorable name.

What criteria do you use to choose a name?

At first glance, it seems that you can name a fish only based on its gender or external characteristics. But this is far from true! There are many criteria by which you can describe a pet:

  • The nature;
  • According to appetite or taste preferences;
  • By appearance;
  • By behavior leadership qualities.

At the same time, each of these criteria contains thousands of name options, from which any aquarist will choose a name to his liking and according to the characteristics of the fish.

"Water" nicknames

Marine-themed fish nicknames are popular. These can be the names of currents, ships, other sea creatures and phenomena of the water element. The most interesting “water” nicknames:

  • Admiral
  • Aqua
  • Boreas
  • Breeze
  • Gulf Stream
  • Caravel
  • Monsoon
  • Naiad
  • Nymph
  • Pirate
  • Mermaid
  • Sirocco
  • Arrow
  • Typhoon
  • Filibuster
  • Frigate
  • Cyclone
  • Calm
  • Storm

This is interesting! Guppies are astronaut fish. In 1967, these aquarium sissies traveled to space aboard the Salyut 5 orbital station. They not only bravely survived this adventure, but did not even stop the process of reproduction during the flight!

Ancistrus named Triton

Choosing a name based on your pet's character

Each fish has its own special character. Therefore, a name chosen to match the character of an animal can say a lot about it.

  • For calm, phlegmatic individuals: quiet, silent, modest (modest), good boy (good girl), coward, ladybug, daisy, peaceful, phlegmatic, thinker, recluse, etc.
  • For active and active fish: rocket, hurricane, tornado, storm, plane, engine, fighter, hawk, kite, lightning, troublemaker, runner, fidget, ringleader, discharge, naughty (minx), plague, etc.

Geographic nicknames

Names with a geographical slant look good. They are unusual and look impressive on fish. You can use the following nicknames:

  • Gibraltar
  • Cape
  • Amazon
  • Peru
  • Bolivia
  • Valdai
  • Ural
  • Anda
  • Africa
  • Donchak
  • Gum
  • Victoria
  • Niagara
  • Valencia
  • Philadelphia

Among the fish there are Bumblebees

  • Fiji
  • Nineveh
  • Nairi
  • Jordan
  • Nautilus
  • Chile
  • Nigeria

Selecting a name by type

The type of fish is its main characteristic, which gives enormous scope for choosing the most unusual name. After all, for goldfish, guppy, catfish, swordtail or barb, there are numerous variations of names. For example:

  • Goldfish: star, goldfish, goldie, cinderella, spoolie, gold, sun, little ray.
  • Guppy: fan, scale, princess, queen, note, nuri, gyurem, melody.
  • Cockerel: bully, rebel, troublemaker, fighter, pirate, leader, bandit.
  • Catfish: sage, barbel, Confucius, phlegmatic, modest, cleaner, quiet.
  • Danio: baby, neon, neon, lightning, baby.
  • Mollies: black cat, snake, dark knight, panther, light, sun.
  • Cardinals: flower, striper, schemer.

Great people

President, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Freud, Jung, Pushkin, Lagerfeld, Dior, Freddie Mercury, Peter 1, Davinci, Vermeer, Chagall, Dali, Disney, Elton, Newton, Confucius, Einstein, Genghis Khan, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Napoleon , Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Steve Jobs, Ford, Guccio Gucci, Picasso, Gandhi, Gagarin, Churchill, Henry 8.

Queen Elizabeth, Gala Dali, Autry Hebren, Iron Lady, Joan of Arc, Diana, Marie Curie, Coco Chanel, Madonna.

The color scheme of bettas often evokes memories of works of art or their authors.

Choosing a name based on the gender of the fish

By correctly determining the sex of the fish, you can discover a huge variety of the most interesting names and choose one of them.

  • For girls: Ariel, Agnessa, Amellia, Aurora, Ariana, Barbie, Barbara, Bella, Belle, Busya, Vera, Venus, Velma, Vicky, Vanessa, Gira, Goba, Guti, Gamelia, Jennifer, Jolie, Jung, Dora, Eva , Emily, Ela, Elina, Zhazi, Zhanna, Zhenna, Zhadi, Zeysi, Zendaya, Zella, Zolla, Ilaiza, Isabel, Isolde, Irma, Kylie, Kim, Courtney, Kella, Caitlin, Collie, Lila, Lola, Leila, Lisi , Lindsay, Melina, Muri, Marina, Maggie, Margaret, Nadine, Nuri, Nargiz, Nerina, Nori, Audrey, Oceania, Olima, Onika, Pelageya, Patricia, Pulcheria, Rosa, Richelle, Rina, Sabina, Sulima, Solana, Silva , Tati, Tanita, Tatyana, Tori, Uneli, Una, Unitia, Ursula, Faya, Fella, Fussi, Harsi, Hendley, Hayley, Hokki, Tsiki, Tsunita, Tsitaria, Chelsea, Charusha, Cheyenne, Showie, Shena, Emilia, Enna , Esther, Yula, Yuria, Yulia, Yunika, Yasya, Yakuna, Yagoda.
  • For boys: Albert, Afred, Azazello, Avangard, Almond, Anubis, Bubblebee, Bally, Burri, Bacon, Bob, Willie, Wilhelm, Vitorio, Hamlet, Garrick, Georg, Thunder, Heinrich, Jerry, Jeans, Diadon, Dinar, Egor , Eniston, Elfor, Elred, Zhabar, Zhuten, Zhel, Zane, Zizir, Zoiberg, Zichtel, Indigo, Indis, Idol, Irwin, Iori, Iril, Kai, Captain, Kipish, Kesha, Korn, Conor, Lelik, Loki, Lord , Laurent, Lewis, Michael, McCavoy, Macon, Morne, Mark, Burbot, Nikki, Ned, Nykl, Nurem, Nixon, Obil, Omar, Oriz, O'neil, Onyx, Otto, O'Brien, Palmero, Pepper, Porsche , Parker, Parelli, Reggie, Raymond, Rex, Romulus, Ronan, Rico, Serge, Saburo, Samuel, Stealth, Ty, Tigger, Teaser, Travis, Tony, Tom, Wilson, Willie, Ulf, Philemon, Philip, Flounder, Fiji , Harley, Hazy, Harriet, Honor, Tsamil, Tsipo, Tsenli, Caesar, Chiriko, Chinch, Chong, Charlie, Chunya, Skipper, Shtinki, Shurik, Shooter, Edward, Elvis, Elrico, Eric, Yavano, Yaffi, Yazzi, Yavinto .

Heroes of books, films, TV series

Tolkien's Heroes

Hunter, Gandalf, Marach, Sauron, Azog, Goblin, Orc, Brood, Gimli, Thorin, Durin, Fili, Bilbo, Frodo, Took, Gollum, Legolas, Elf, Hobbit, Sorcerer, Bard, Smaug the Golden, Troll, Aragorn, Isildur , Ugluk.

Aerin, Belladonna, Galadriel, Tauriel, Arwen, Primrose.


Alastor, Albus, Severus, Potter, Kreacher, Fawkes, Phoenix, Dursley, Harry, Neville Longbottom, Draco, Cedric, Hagrid, Goldsmith, Flinch, Sirius Black, Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Lucius, Victor, Dobby, Salamander, Percival, Grindelwald, Credence, Niffle, Pickett, Obscurus.

Augusta, Lily, Hermione, Bellatrix, Moaning Myrtle, Petunia, Luna Luna, Lavender, Minevra, Tina, Nagini, Lyta.

The villain Grindelwald is a bright and memorable name for an aquarium pet.

Game of Thrones

Joffrey, Tyrion, Stanis, Jaime, Theon, Sandor Clegane, The Hound, Gray Worm, Tormund Giantsbane, Daario, Khal Drogo, The High Sparrow, Podrick, Pie, The Three-Eyed Raven, Littlefinger, Greyjoy, Hodor, Rhaegar, The Mad King, Tully, Syrio Forel, Ollie, King of the Night, Mance Raider, Craster, Steer (magnar Tennov), Ghost, Summer, Fluffy, Direwolf, Balerion the Terrible, George Martin, Keith.

Daenerys, Khaleesi, Misa, Cersei, Sansa, Aria, Missandei, Melisandre, Margaery, Shae, Ygritte, Olenna, Myrcella, Talisa, Yara, Mira, Osha, Lianna, Brienne, Leaf, Nymeria.

Female Siamese bettas look rather modest, but sometimes you want to give them a name.

Mortal Kombat characters

Baraka, Striker, LiuKeng, Raiden, SubZero, Bo Rai Cho, Meat, Johnny Cage, Goro.

Katana, Sindel, Sonya Blade.

Other serial and film names

Bill, Dean, Harvey Specter, Chewbacca, Fore, 007, Sheldon, Marlboro Cowboy, Sherlock, Mr. Big, Jacob, Medici, Borgia, Prince Caspian, Aslan, Damon, The Witcher, Avatar, Saw, Cube, Gleb Zheglov, Mask, Terminator , Indiana, Jack Sparrow, Neo, Jack "Dude" Lebowski, Tyler, Ocean, Solo, Palpatine, Darth Vader, Enagen, Jaba, Willy Wonka, James Bond, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Chandler, Austin Power.

June (Fredova), Mrs. Hudson, Max, Kerry, Renesme, Narnia, Umbrella, Isaura, Alice, Leia.

A stylish black and red cockerel begs to be called Darth Vader.

Other literary heroes

Gulliver, Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood, Romeo, Othello, Hamlet, Ivanhoe, Tristan, Sherlock, Dorian Gray, Dracula, Don Juan, Baron Munchausen, Figaro, D'Artagnan, Quasimodo, The Little Prince, Onegin, The Inspector General, Oblomov , Gerasim, Petka Microbe, Alibaba, Dodon, Poirot, Fandorin, Cowardly Lion, Friday, Ret Butler.

Lady Macbeth, Isolde, Thumbelina, Kashtanka, Esmeralda, Alice, Mumu.

cartoon heroes

Cheburashka, Moidodyr, Raja, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Vlas the Lazy and Loafer, Pinocchio, Pierrot, Harlequin, Cog, Shruntik, Fixik, Chipolino, Dobrynya, Ivan Tsarevich, Boniface, Mowgli, Kaa, Chunya, Antoshka, Akela, Sherkhan , Umka, Mister Pronka, Ratibor, Lolo, Little Raccoon, Brownie Kuzya, Carlson, Losharik, Red Dog, Funtik, Oh, Ah, Kesha (Innocent), Uncle Fedor, Matroskin, Tuchka, DimDimych, Tramp, Oliver, Valli, Minien , Buzz Lightyear, Beast, Roger, Bambi, Shrek, Mike Wazowski, Genie, Totoro, Stitch, Asterix, Obelix, Goofy, Snoopy, Smurf, Mufasa, Meni, Sid, Jimi Neutron, Arnold, Walt Disney, Ryder, Timon, Chip , Silent.

Gadget, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Lady, Belle, Shine, Gray Neck, Snow Queen, Snow Maiden, Malvina, Lyubava, Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Maria Mirabella.

Stitch is a bright, funny mischief-maker. A short and sweet name for a rooster.

Comics heroes

Mandarin, Nitro, Daredevil, Venom, Beast, Punisher, Loki, Thor, Cap, Thanos, Hulk, Black Panther, Harold Hogan, Groot, Doctor Strange, Boom-Boom, Magneto, Deadpool, Falcon, Swamp Thing, Cerebas, Mekon, Scott Pilgrim, Firefly, Frankenstein, Corona, Clark Kent, Green Lantern, John Constantine, Aquaman, Joker, Black Lightning, Azazel, Batman, Robin, Alfred, Atom, Flash.

Viper, Siren, Wasp, Mystic, Enchantress, Indigo, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy.

The cockerel fish is a pet with a character, just like the “bad guy” Venom.

Choosing a name based on external characteristics

If you choose a name for a fish based on its appearance, then in the future you can easily distinguish this pet from a flock of other individuals. For example:

  • By color: blackie, pearl, striper, watermelon, rainbow, neon, sun, sky, lemon, lime, vampire, raspberry, black, leaf, Carmen.
  • By size: baby, tiny, midget, mercury, giant, gulliver, giant, jupiter.
  • By external features: eagle owl (for big eyes), princess, bride (for white color and bushy tail), pony, etc.

Laconic nicknames

If you have a lot of fish and it is difficult to remember their names, it is better to choose the simplest and easiest ones:

  • Aria
  • Harp
  • The battle
  • Bonnie
  • Vicki
  • VIP
  • Gift
  • Jack
  • Doc
  • Jacques
  • Zerro
  • Cyrus
  • Conan
  • Bark
  • Lyra
  • Max
  • Mars
  • Mary
  • Nana
  • Rich
  • Rock
  • Ron
  • Ruby
  • Teddy
  • Volume
  • Top
  • Phoebus
  • Flip
  • Squish
  • Chappie
  • Shapi
  • Yashka

Guppy named Sage
This is interesting: rare nicknames for goldfish.

Use of foreign words

The word that the owner wants to use does not always sound as beautiful in Russian as originally intended. In this case, you can use a trick and translate the desired name into any foreign language.

  • Gray – Gray;
  • Green – Green;
  • Black – black;
  • Sun – Soleli (French);
  • Bread – Paine (Romanian);
  • Smart guy - Sabyo (Spanish);
  • Favorite – Aijen (Chinese);
  • Flowerpot – Mazeta (Spanish).
  • Etc.

You can come up with several million variations of such names. It all depends on the preferences and imagination of the owner.

Names in honor of water deities

For those who love their fish very much and believe that it deserves all the best, we offer a list of names in honor of the sea and river gods:

  • Amphitrite
  • Atl
  • Baal
  • Dana
  • Nate
  • Neptune
  • Pereplut
  • Poseidon
  • Sebek
  • Triton

    Still from the cartoon “Finding Nemo”: Marlin and Nemo

Use of celebrity names

Often the name of a celebrity characterizes a fish no worse than a name chosen based on external characteristics. So, for example, for a slender and graceful individual you can choose the name of a model (Bella, Tyra, Naomi, Gigi, etc.), for a nimble and active one - the name of an athlete (Usain, Ronaldo, Pele, etc.), for a calm one – name of the scientist (Einstein, Newton, Galileo, etc.)

Choosing a name for a fish is an exciting activity that develops the imagination and intelligence of the aquarium owner. If you approach this with responsibility and enthusiasm, you can not only have an interesting time, but also get to know the inhabitants of the reservoir better.

Who do betta fish get along with in a community aquarium?

Today, bettas (lat. Betta splendens) are popular aquarium fish. They belong to the Macropod family, suborder Labyrinth fish. Cockerels have a cocky character, for which they are nicknamed “fighting fish.” They do not always tolerate settlements with other fish; it is difficult for them to live with neighbors due to their pugnacity. If you place a male betta in the same aquarium with another betta, then conflicts will arise between them, which will end in bodily harm and plucked fins.

But this does not mean at all that they cannot be housed with fish. On the contrary, a good neighborhood harmonizes life in the aquarium. If your tank is spacious, has a beautiful aquascape created in it, reminiscent of a natural biotope, there are a lot of plants, shelters, and a biological balance has been established - then all the inhabitants will be comfortable. An important rule is that you cannot have more than one male betta living within the same aquarium. They cannot be called territorial fish, but it so happens that they will fight. You can house several females for one male, so he will be comfortable.

Female Betta splendens are smaller in size, their fins are shorter, and their character is calmer. But females can also conflict both with each other and with the male. Females can be kept in one nursery of 3-4 individuals. They are less aggressive, but their character is also unpredictable. If you notice that betta fish are constantly aggressive towards their neighbors, and this leads to fatal consequences, then do not spare money for another tank, placing a restless pet in it.

Rules for keeping Betta splendens in a common tank

These fish tolerate temperature changes well and can thrive at temperatures of +18 and +25 degrees Celsius. But sudden changes should not be allowed, as they are harmful to the pet’s health. Like a labyrinth fish, the betta should live in water that corresponds to the ambient air temperature in the room: +22-26 degrees. Due to the fact that he can breathe with a labyrinth organ, aeration is not necessary - this should be taken into account when introducing other fish that cannot live without dissolved oxygen. The water must be replaced once a week, 20% of the total volume of the tank. Don't forget to clean the bottom of food debris and dirt.

What rules must be followed so that bettas can live peacefully in an aquarium with other fish? These rules apply to all cockerels, thanks to which peaceful cohabitation with representatives of different species of fish can be achieved.

  1. It is not recommended to keep fish with long fins and brightly colored scales with bettas. Although the cockerels themselves are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, they are sensitive to “competitors” who are like external irritants for them.
  2. You cannot house cockerels with large and predatory fish, for example, African and South American cichlids. The latter themselves are peaceful and friendly creatures, but they do not get along with fighting fish.
  3. Try to keep your fish in water that is suitable for everyone. It is impossible to settle heat-loving species and cold-loving ones. For example, goldfish cannot live in warm water, so they are incompatible with betta fish.
  4. Betta splendens fish can be housed with speckled catfish, tetras, gouramis, swordtails, and mollies. After settling the fish in the aquarium, observe their behavior. You can also keep the fish together from a young age, so they will get used to each other better. Fish should not be less than 5 cm in length. If your neighbor's fish has died, do not add a new fish to the cockerel, otherwise he will kill it.
  5. Compatibility with other fish will be successful if the betta lives in a spacious tank of 50-100 liters. You can put a lot of decor and shelters there, which will nullify territorial claims and conflicts.

Take a look at a community aquarium with bettas.

There are aquarium fish with which bettas are well compatible; they live peacefully, with periodic fights that do not lead to death. These fish include marbled gourami, cardinals, labeo, lalius, macrognathus, and angelfish. But it should be taken into account that during the first days of settlement it is necessary to monitor their reaction; in case of aggression, they are settled separately from each other.

The fish Betta splendens has almost perfect compatibility with platies, iridescents, black mollies, ornathuses, grumbling gouramis, acanthophthalmus, befortia, ancistrus, minors, otocincles, rasboras, thorns, congos, botias, tarakatums, loricarias, Siamese gastromyzons, brocade catfishes.

Description of compatibility with certain fish species

Cockerels and guppies - it is believed that guppies and bettas live in water with different parameters, therefore they are only conditionally compatible. There have been examples of successful compatibility, but it’s not always worth the risk. Bettas can chase guppies throughout the aquarium until their fins are torn off. Guppies can live at temperatures of 18-28 degrees, although 22-25 degrees is a more tolerable temperature for them. The diet of both fish is the same, so some breeders did not have any difficulties in keeping them.

Angelfish and bettas - compatibility is not bad, provided there is a spacious tank. These fish practically ignore each other, without attracting attention to themselves. The cockerels would rather fight among themselves than bother the angelfish. However, during spawning, angelfish become more aggressive and can drive all their neighbors, including labyrinths. Provide plenty of cover and plants in the nursery to keep everyone safe.

Gourami - all species are close relatives of cockerels, so compatibility can be excellent. Gourami are curious creatures, tenacious and active, they also feed and breathe through gills and atmospheric oxygen. The cockerels do not bother them, sometimes the opposite happens. Place them together in a tank of at least 70 cubic liters. All Macropodidae have the same enemies: these are large and predatory fish, with which they should not be housed.

Look at the cockerels in company with the gouramis.

Mollies and bettas can live in an aquarium because they tolerate the same water parameters. But one fact is that mollies prefer slightly brackish water, but bettas do not. Temperatures of 24-27 degrees are optimal for keeping. At low temperatures, both fish begin to get sick. Mollies are viviparous fish that must breed in a separate spawning tank so that no one destroys their fry.

Botia are aggressive hydrobionts alone, so they can only be added to males in a flock of 4-7 fish. In the aquarium, bots are small, reaching only 8 cm in length. Peaceful, they can be kept with similar neighbors, provided there is space and shelter. Cockerels practically do not conflict with them.

Corydoras are suitable as neighbors for many fish. They have a calm disposition, interesting body color, and bring a lot of benefits. If the cockerel does not finish the food, the corridor will pick it up. Catfish swim at the bottom of the aquarium, bettas only sleep at the bottom. Compatibility between them has been proven; cockerels rarely bother Corydoras. Corydoras, like labyrinths, can use atmospheric air for breathing. Such a pet can survive under critical conditions. Catfish do not tolerate salt and organic matter well, just like bettas. The water in a community aquarium should be changed once a week.‏>

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