How to name a toy terrier: rules for choosing a name for a dog and the most popular nicknames for boys and girls

Toy terriers are one of the smallest representatives of the canine world. These tiny cute creatures, affectionate and cheerful, are able to sensitively capture the mood of their owners. They are affectionate and know how to be truly devoted to their owners, becoming their best friends. You want to give such a baby the sweetest, most affectionate and at the same time beautiful name. In our list you will find hundreds of options for names for these “toy dogs” and you will be able to choose the one that is ideal for your unique pet.

Full of amazement Kyle

Top 100 most beautiful and sonorous nicknames

Small “pocket” dogs do not leave anyone indifferent. Their “compactness” is combined with friendliness, playfulness and a cheerful disposition. These animals get along well with people and are friendly with everyone around them, even with strangers. The cute appearance and “positive” character simply oblige you to choose sonorous and beautiful names for such creatures. Here is a list of the most common nicknames for toy terrier boys:

  • Alonso;
  • Archie;
  • Alex;
  • Alfie;
  • Athos;
  • Buggy;
  • Brix;
  • Billy;
  • Bundy;
  • Baxi;
  • Bowie;
  • Bertie;
  • Vince;
  • Jack;
  • Willie;
  • Veron;
  • Helios;
  • Green;
  • Gail;
  • Guy;
  • Homer;
  • Gucci;
  • Guido;
  • Harry;
  • Darcy;
  • Dixie;
  • Dexter;
  • Dredd;
  • Dobby;
  • Georgie;
  • Jake;
  • Just;
  • Jorge;
  • Zach;
  • Zenny;
  • Zeron;
  • Ilan;
  • Icarus;
  • Cody;
  • Carat;
  • Kyle;
  • Quent;
  • Catullus;
  • Conti;
  • Levi;
  • Larry;
  • Lexter;
  • Marvin;
  • Marlin;
  • Mickey;
  • Mance;
  • Niko;
  • Neo;
  • Naur;
  • Nick;
  • Neil;
  • Nate;
  • Orland;
  • Orestes;
  • Orpheus;
  • Orsen;
  • Ozzy;
  • Plato;
  • Porky;
  • Puggy;
  • Pascal;
  • Rem;
  • Riddick;
  • Ringo;
  • Roger;
  • Rudy;
  • Romulus;
  • Simon;
  • Salyer;
  • Thor;
  • Turner;
  • Taylor;
  • Timmy;
  • Theo;
  • Humbert;
  • Hugo;
  • Fixie;
  • Frank;
  • Luck;
  • Fail;
  • Phoebus;
  • Hans;
  • Hugo;
  • Harwin;
  • Tsey;
  • Charlie;
  • Chuck;
  • Chase;
  • Chance;
  • Emmett;
  • Elton;
  • Edgar;
  • Eugene;
  • Yardley;
  • Yiannis.

Archie in the company of his favorite toys

By what criteria to choose

Dog handlers have long noticed that animals react only to the first two syllables of a nickname. Therefore, it is not recommended to come up with an overly complex nickname for dogs. It is better to stick to a concise version that is acceptable to their ears.

If the puppy's nickname begins with a letter:

  1. “A”, then the dog is easy to train.
  2. "B" is a good companion.
  3. “P” and “T” – an active player.
  4. “F” – naughty and stubborn.
  5. “X” – sensing the owner’s mood. Popular nicknames begin with this letter.
  6. “C” – vindictive. Does not forgive insults.
  7. "E" - gluttonous.
  8. “Yu” – devoted.
  9. “I” – confident and persistent.

A dog's name is a reflection of its character. For example, the name Caramelka would sound ridiculous for a fighting puppy. And small breed dogs should not choose a nickname that is too intricate or menacing.

The color of the dog also plays a major role. It is advisable to call puppies that are black in color Bagheera, Panther or Chernysh.

On special websites you can find tables of nicknames by zodiac sign and date of birth. For example, a dog born on July 27 (Leo) would be better named Prince. But using a ball is not advisable.

You should know the exact date of birth of your pet, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided. The name for a puppy has an impact on its future life.

It is better to choose a name for your dog together with all family members. If someone does not like the nickname for the puppy, this may affect their attitude towards the pet.

Popular nicknames of Russian toy terriers

Russian toy terriers, which won the love of Russians, were bred by Soviet dog handlers in the middle of the last century. The owners of these miniature creatures most often give their pets the following nicknames:

  • Antinko;
  • Agr;
  • Anastas;
  • Andre;
  • Akim;
  • Adric;
  • Arman;
  • Antip;
  • Barry;
  • Burian;
  • Greg;
  • Duke;
  • Danik;
  • Davi;
  • Luke;
  • Leo;
  • Marik;
  • Nathan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Fabio;
  • Fredek;
  • Theodore;
  • Khan;
  • Evan;
  • Ed.

Homebody Theodore

Tips for choosing a cool nickname

When choosing a nickname for your pet, remember that you will have to use it not only at home, but also on the street. Cut off all names that are difficult to pronounce, as well as those that offend the ears of other people.

Many dog ​​handlers confirm that a dog’s name affects its character.

Apply selection rules:

  1. All dogs perceive one-syllable and two-syllable names better. The shorter the nickname, the faster the pet will remember it.
  2. The nickname should not repeat commands. For example, the nickname Fars is consonant with the command “Fas!” It will be difficult for the puppy to distinguish one from the other.
  3. The name should be euphonious and uncommon.

Many dog ​​handlers confirm that a dog’s name affects its character. Shredder is a cool nickname for a dog. But it’s unlikely to seem funny after the dog shreds the shoes.

Check out other interesting options for pet names:

  1. Russian nicknames for dogs with meaning.
  2. English name for a pet with translation.
  3. Choosing a nickname for a puppy: rules and recommendations.

Cool nicknames for girls dogs

The female half of the dogs has an affectionate character. Girls are playful and friendly. They love to take care of children. Funny, touching names suit them.

Cool nicknames for girls of small breeds of dogs often emphasize the miniature size and the charm of the baby:

A funny small breed dog can be called Businka, Waffle or Chip.

  • Baby;
  • Bead;
  • Wafer;
  • Viagra;
  • King;
  • Dolcea;
  • Dosya;
  • Toffee;
  • Cola;
  • Simka;
  • Tootsie;
  • Fanny;
  • Flash drive;
  • Chip;
  • Chacha.

Funny names for mongrel girls are simple:

  • Aqua;
  • Squirrel;
  • Jackdaw;
  • Zhulka;
  • Fun;
  • Bully;
  • A drop;
  • Blot;
  • Button;
  • Doll;
  • Mouse;
  • Pill;
  • Bun;
  • Fanta;
  • Persimmon.

Cool nicknames for dogs for boys

Males tend to show their temper. They can be persistent and stubborn. Adjust your behavior with a nickname or emphasize your character traits. Funny dog ​​names for small breed dogs sometimes deliberately exaggerate or understate the size of the dog.

Repeat the names of brands and currencies:

The following names are suitable for a small but brave dog: Hercules, Zeus, Rocky.

  • iPhone;
  • Boomer;
  • Hercules;
  • Dwarf;
  • Google;
  • Decl;
  • Dodik;
  • Eurek;
  • Zeus;
  • Cake;
  • Bug;
  • Rocky;
  • Troll;
  • Candy wrapper;
  • Shpuntik.

Funny nicknames for mongrels are often chosen by owners of private houses:

  • Borsch;
  • Butuz;
  • Rogue;
  • Korzhik;
  • Kutsyi;
  • Goblin;
  • Moor;
  • Mamai;
  • Pirate;
  • Slick;
  • Punch;
  • Jerboa;
  • Cheburek;
  • Schnapps;
  • Sharpie.

Attention. For guard mongrels at sites, reliable nicknames such as Baron, Polkan, Mukhtar are more suitable.

Elegant, original and rare English names

“Toy dogs”, popular in Russia, were bred “on the basis” of English dwarf terriers. You can emphasize the nobility that the “Russians” inherited from their British relatives with the help of an elegant nickname of English-speaking origin. An original idea is to name a pet after a famous person. The names of famous places or just beautiful English male names would also work well.

Nicknames for noble boys:

  • Arthur;
  • Archibald;
  • Benjamin;
  • Byron;
  • William;
  • Vincent;
  • Harold;
  • Gregory;
  • Harvard;
  • Gerald;
  • Jared;
  • Dickens;
  • George;
  • Jason;
  • Jacob;
  • Ethan;
  • Quentin;
  • Conrad;
  • Connor;
  • Cromwell;
  • Carmichael;
  • Carroll;
  • Liam;
  • Mycroft;
  • Mason;
  • Noah;
  • Nelson;
  • Oswald;
  • Oliver;
  • Oscar;
  • Roger;
  • Richard;
  • Robert;
  • Stanford;
  • Soames;
  • Simon;
  • Somerset;
  • Theodore;
  • Wells;
  • Phillip;
  • Henge;
  • Chester;
  • Churchill;
  • Charles;
  • Sheldon;
  • Edward;
  • Egbert.

We recommend watching: 449+ nicknames for the Staffordshire Terrier

Noble Oswald

Did you know?

Robert is one of the most popular names in the English language and has a colorful meaning - "bright glory". Not only is it a common “human” name, it is also popular among pet owners. If you name your pet this way, he is guaranteed an aura of nobility, grandeur and splendor!

Sound nicknames for that gentleman

Is your new friend the very dignity and aristocracy? Names and titles would be appropriate for such a person: Lord, King, Count, Marquis .

Or is your young toy terrier a brave man and a warrior? Nelson (the heroic English admiral was short!), Bruce (in honor of Bruce Lee, also short). And if you also love martial arts... Gavroche (an adult will envy the courage of this boy), Frodo (the brave and faithful hobbit from “The Lord of the Rings”), Tyrion (the smallest, but the smartest and very brave hero of the super popular “Game of Thrones” ).

Is the puppy a mischievous fidget? This can be called Hermes (the Greek god in winged sandals, the “author” of many hooligan antics), Loki (the Scandinavian god, also a big fan of mischief). And there’s just too many book and movie boys with a lively character: Tom (Sawyer), Huck (Finn), Emil (from Lenneberga), Nils (the one who traveled with the wild geese, he really became the size of a toy terrier!), Harry (young wizard with glasses), etc.

Funny nicknames

For a small, toy-like dog, affectionate and friendly or funny and amusing nicknames are perfect. The source of inspiration here can be your favorite dishes and drinks, gastronomic preferences, as well as images of fairy-tale characters or cartoon characters. You can also use diminutive names of animals or even come up with some funny word that does not exist in the language.

Interesting ideas:

  • Alf;
  • Akela;
  • Ambros;
  • Bino;
  • Bunny;
  • Bastain;
  • Baumik;
  • Bigner;
  • Boss;
  • Vinnie;
  • Gadget;
  • Godzi;
  • Dragon;
  • Dumbo;
  • Zhelik;
  • Crab;
  • Manatee;
  • Mocha;
  • Mango;
  • Donut;
  • Ottoman;
  • Rally;
  • Regin;
  • Sandy;
  • Swag;
  • Soil;
  • Sunny;
  • Sunset;
  • Twist;
  • Terik;
  • Twix;
  • Urfin;
  • Flint;
  • Filya;
  • Dandy;
  • Flirrep;
  • Fox;
  • Hulk;
  • Hagrid;
  • Human;
  • Hold;
  • Chile;
  • Shoko;
  • Schrek;
  • Shine;
  • Alvin;
  • Edwin.

Playful Vinny

Choosing a nickname: the big question about the future of a small dog

If you don’t like the breeder’s idea or even the letter for which you should come up with a nickname, don’t be upset - offer something sonorous and effective, because this is only for exhibitions. It is unlikely that anyone in everyday life will call a dog “Amaryllis from the Michaelmas Constellation” - it is simply inconvenient.

Example: the owners of a German Shepherd were given a condition: the name for the pedigree must necessarily have an “sh”. It happened a long time ago, back in the USSR, the owners were seriously puzzled by a lady’s dog name starting with “sh” (and strange things came to their minds: Mop, Crazy, Chocolate) - and almost quarreled, choosing between Sherry (“but this is alcohol!” ) and Scheldt (“what does the river have to do with it?!”). They had no idea that they could call their beauty whatever they wanted for their home.

Important: the owner comes up with the nickname. The one who deals with the dog the most: feeds, walks, educates.

The voices of family members must be taken into account, but they are advisory. If you are the owner, it's up to you to decide. Of course, it’s nice when everyone is eager to name a tiny toy terrier to their taste, but...

Your mother is interested in astrology and insists on the need to heed the advice of the stars, your younger brother squeals that “so small - that means he’s a Pixel!” And if it’s harmful, let’s call it Virus!”, and your significant other mumbles: “Yes, Baby - he is Baby... oh, girl? Well, then the Button.”

Are you sure that you want to continue to communicate closely and be friends with the creature whose name is: Meherban-Avesta, Kapcha or Melkaya ?

It is better if the choice of your toy terrier’s nickname is not influenced by either a banal opinion, or too original, or by Pluto in Taurus.

Take your time, watch the puppy for 2-3 days: maybe its individual characteristics will tell you what to name it. Of course, you've read about breed personality traits, but every toy terrier is an individual, and even two puppies from the same litter can be completely different in nature .

Who is he (she) more - a toy (a fragile and graceful creature that requires extremely delicate handling) or a terrier (a lively and courageous, active, sociable creature)?

Do not succumb to stereotypes: do not try to call an English toy terrier an English name, and a Russian one a Russian name. Ogonyok and Zlata sound no worse than Charlie and Dolly, and vice versa!

Pay attention to how the nickname sounds: is it easy for you to pronounce, is it well remembered.

Compare the nickname and its future bearer: do they go together? Calling a miniature toy terrier Mukhtar creates a comic effect, because the nickname has long been firmly associated with large working breed dogs, mainly shepherd dogs. Apollinaria and Wilhelmina, although they sound luxurious, are not suitable for a tiny toy girl: they remind of a baby dressed up in her mother’s dress, the name of the dog is clearly not the right size! And the elegant purebred toy terrier named Barbos will look absolutely ridiculous!

Three possible sources of inspiration so that you can choose a truly unique name for your toy terrier :

  • Your favorite works of literature and cinema - you can name a puppy after a charming small character or even a child character (“a small dog is a puppy until old age” - this is just about toy terriers);
  • Myths and legends of different nations. The names of large dogs are borrowed with might and main from myths and legendarium: Mars, Hera, Vesta, Arthur. Why shouldn’t a small toy terrier have a mythical name if it suits him;
  • Your favorite activity or hobby. Does this approach seem strange to you? In vain: two dachshunds of Dr. A.P. Chekhov bore the medical nicknames Brom and Hina, the poodle of Emperor Nicholas I, who was obsessed with the army, was called Hussar, and the Yorkshire terrier of Hollywood star Audrey Hepburn, who starred in films with her, was logically called Mister Celebrity) .

The most “miniature” nicknames

Toy terriers belong to the category of decorative dogs, their height is on average 20-30 cm. It is generally accepted that girls are smaller than boys, but males can also be “super-compact”. Such kids need the cutest and most touching nicknames, which can also be funny at the same time. Here are some ideas:

  • Atom;
  • Amurchik;
  • Bambi;
  • Bon;
  • Whisper;
  • Glitter;
  • Dwarf;
  • And he;
  • Carlitos;
  • Code;
  • Cube;
  • Coldy;
  • Colt;
  • Krosh;
  • Logan;
  • Lapik;
  • Match;
  • Masik;
  • Micron;
  • Minik;
  • Baby;
  • Nan;
  • Pippin;
  • Pico;
  • Pixel;
  • Pygmy;
  • Prince;
  • Perry;
  • Petal;
  • Pinch;
  • Pint;
  • Robbie;
  • Rubik;
  • Sweet;
  • Scamp;
  • Small;
  • Smurf;
  • Savage;
  • Swift;
  • Teddy;
  • Faun;
  • Elf.

Little Robbie
Toy terriers become very attached to their owners and are always ready to follow them. This does not tire the mini-dogs at all, but, on the contrary, gives them real pleasure. A striking example of this is a baby named Styopa, or, as he is affectionately called “in the family,” Stepashka. He loves to take city walks with his owner, relax in nature and even sunbathe on the beach. He also enjoys spending time at home with his friend, the cat Harry.

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Publication from Toy terrier Styopa and cat Harry (@toi_stepashka)

How to choose the right nickname?

To make life easier for yourself and your dog, you need to follow some rules when choosing a name for your toy terrier.

You need to remember that a correctly chosen name will help you create a pleasant impression of yourself among others, and will also establish closer communication ties between you and your pet.

When choosing a name for your pet, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The nickname should be simple and not very long. Many dog ​​handlers and breeders generally advise choosing a monosyllable, or if your choice is long, then reduce it to one syllable. This is convenient when training - while you say a difficult name, the dog will have time to do something else;
  • Consider the breed, size of the pet and its color. The nickname must be combined with these indicators;
  • new dog - new name. Refrain from calling the animal by the name of the previous pet. Remember that past memories are of no use here, and each time a dog is a new stage in life;
  • Avoid human names whose representatives can be found on the street. If your dog's name is Seryozha, then get ready for the fact that at least several people will respond to your call. The same applies if you live abroad. In France, avoid Jeans and Fields, in England - Johns, and in the USA - Henkovs, Jacks, etc.;
  • There is no need to call the puppy an overly funny name. This will cause laughter among others, which can make training and training the animal almost impossible. Remember that it will be funny and cool only at first, and then you will regret that you were so careless in choosing a name for your dog.

"Musical" nicknames

A loud, ringing voice is considered one of the characteristics of dwarf dogs. It is heard every time the baby greets others and, of course, expresses his emotions. For such vocal creatures, nicknames that are consonant with the names of musical terms, as well as the names of famous composers and musicians, are suitable.

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"Voice" names:

  • Alto;
  • Demol;
  • Dylan;
  • Wagner;
  • Vocals;
  • Domingo;
  • Duet;
  • Mercury;
  • Marley;
  • Minor;

Brilliant Domingo

  • Morrison;
  • Sinatra;
  • Falsetto;
  • Fis;
  • Hendrix;
  • Strauss;
  • Schubert.

Beautiful nicknames

The following selection is cute, euphonious and “musical” names for miniature pets:

  • Angel.
  • Biscuit.
  • Chippy.
  • Kandy.
  • Bambino.
  • Baby.
  • Cherry.
  • Cookies.
  • Darling.
  • Joy.
  • Flozzy.
  • Kuti.
  • Lolly.
  • Honey.
  • Pippi.
  • Pony.
  • Sweetie.
  • Tootsie.
  • Chit.

Little Pippi posing:

Unique names with meaning

A nickname with meaning often becomes a real calling card of a four-legged animal. Such a name may indicate external features, character type, or habits. And sometimes it just sounds beautiful, contains a poetic or philosophical meaning that the owner of the animal likes.

Popular “male” names:

  • Ike (brave);
  • Barry (savvy);
  • Bark (flash of lightning);
  • Butch (causing fuss);
  • Buddy (buddy);
  • Vermin (naughty);
  • Gizmo (fun guy);
  • Doi (joy);
  • Joker (jester);
  • Dani (native);
  • Zani (smart);
  • Catiline (pure);
  • Kiddy (baby);
  • Cooper (busy, businesslike);
  • Casey (energetic);
  • Lyme (active);
  • Morgan (enlightenment);
  • Marty (powerful);
  • Pal (buddy);
  • Raja (waiting);
  • Ronnie (ally);
  • Sleder (slender);
  • Taf (severe);
  • Wally (stranger);
  • Felix (happy);
  • Schnell (swift);
  • Shine (shine).

Toy terrier named Morgan

Breed Features

It’s not without reason that we started from this point, so don’t rush to scroll down. After all, the choice of a nickname for a miniature pinscher, and indeed, like any other dog or cat, should be based on the psychology and characteristics of the breed and the animal itself. Agree, it’s funny to see a mini Doberman nicknamed Tuzik or Baksik. Although, this is a purely individual matter.

But dogs of the miniature pinscher breed have a history of more than three centuries, and it is wrong to call them nicknames that are typical for yard dogs. Miniature pinschers are aristocratic animals. Their royal habits and appearance made them favorites of kings and other nobility. Intellectual abilities, dexterity, obedience and speed of reaction are irreplaceable companions of people. Previously, it was considered the height of luxury and prosperity if the ringing bark of these pets was heard in the house or when accompanied by a carriage.

These animals are quite smart, but capricious. But this problem can be easily dealt with if you educate and train them.

Miniature Pinschers are agile and active, they simply love walks and energetic games in the fresh air. But most of all, they depend on their owners. These dogs are very devoted and faithful, so it is often recommended that when going on vacation, you take them with you, as the animal will be very bored and sad. There were cases when, due to the departure of the dog’s owner, they staged hunger strikes and could hold out in this situation for several days.

To summarize the above, I would like to note that choosing a nickname for a dog should be done responsibly. It is necessary to understand that the animal will live with this name all its life. And, as they say, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. Of course, no one forbids you to change the nicknames of your miniature pinscher at least every week, but what’s the point then? The dog will never get used to its fickle nickname and will not respond to it, which is fraught with problems both at home and when walking.

Nicknames for the brave and active

Despite their affectionate and friendly nature, miniature toy terriers will never allow themselves to be offended. If necessary, they are ready to defend their rights, boldly challenging the offender with a ringing bark. Such determination deserves to be emphasized in the nickname.

Nicknames for the brave:

  • Azor;
  • Ares;
  • Abay;
  • Boynak;
  • Brave;
  • Batman;
  • Fighter;
  • Bond;
  • Boreas;
  • Varangian;
  • Viking;
  • Thunder;
  • Leader;
  • Hector;
  • Hercules;
  • Cowboy;
  • Conan;
  • Condor;
  • Mess;
  • Mars;
  • Olaf;
  • Rambo;
  • Daredevil;
  • Walker;
  • Brave;
  • Yarilo;
  • Hawk.

Brave Conan on vacation

What should you not call your dog?

Among several hundred dog names, you can find the nickname that will satisfy your request. Despite this, on the streets you can meet a lot of dogs with names that cause laughter, surprise, and sometimes even indignation. Therefore, it is important to figure out which name is still suitable for a pet, and which one should be avoided when choosing.

Here are some recommendations:

  • As already mentioned, there is no need to choose names that are too funny. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with your dog, because he will not understand what exactly causes laughter;
  • Calling your pet a swear word is also strictly prohibited. He will feel negativity from you when you call him. You yourself will also develop a bad attitude towards the dog. And in general, friends are not called bad words, and a dog is, first of all, your friend and favorite;
  • It has already been mentioned that you should not use human names that are common in the country in which you are located.
  • Be careful when choosing a name that is too common.


The most important advice to follow is that the name should be concise and moderately rare. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.

"Smooth-haired" nicknames

Toy terriers are mini dogs with a short six. This exterior feature can be emphasized with an appropriate nickname. Here are interesting options often used by owners of smooth-haired dwarf quadrupeds:

  • Angers;
  • Artik;
  • Astan;
  • Bruce;
  • Vand;
  • Gaspard;
  • Proud;
  • Gilmore;
  • Grinch;
  • Glade;
  • Dart;
  • Dante;
  • Jker;
  • Cadet;
  • Calv;
  • Murphy;
  • Nike;
  • Osman;
  • Pike;
  • Plain;
  • Pele;
  • Drank;
  • Poulion;
  • Stark;
  • Spike;
  • Tobios;
  • Walt;
  • Haik;
  • Cesey;
  • Chaplin;
  • Hernan.

Handsome Nike

Unique nicknames

Owners who love everything unusual will love these rare nicknames for toy terrier puppies:

  • Chaos.
  • Daisy.
  • Echo.
  • Mars.
  • Leaf.
  • Nemo.
  • Pluto.
  • Ruta.
  • Squirrel.
  • Sterling.
  • Twist.
  • Venus.
  • Yuppie.
  • Valli.
  • Twister.
  • Stick.
  • Tip-Tok.
  • River.
  • Peach.
  • Ocean.
  • Honor.
  • Cotton.
  • Chaos.
  • Castle.
  • Daisy.

The one with the literary name Nemo:

"Long-haired" nicknames

All representatives of the breed are characterized by the presence of a short, smooth “fur coat”. However, among them there is the owner of long hair on the ears and tail. Such boys need special names that distinguish them from the crowd of short-haired brothers.

Nicknames for “long-haired”:

  • Arabesque;
  • Booster;
  • Bruns;
  • Pile;
  • Vinci;
  • Griffin;
  • Div;
  • Gin;
  • Casper;
  • Curly;
  • Lalen;
  • Long;
  • Lyon;
  • Manson;
  • Pooh;
  • Puffy;
  • Pyle;
  • Samson;
  • Silver;
  • Scythian;
  • Flex;
  • Flake;
  • Fluff;
  • Hayer;
  • Chaming;
  • Chubchik.

Nature lover Arabesque
Beautiful and sonorous, elegant and aristocratic, funny and friendly - there are countless options for nicknames for toy terriers. Each owner chooses a name to their liking, emphasizing the origin, appearance, character of the pet, or simply trying to demonstrate their love and affection. What nickname would you choose for such a miniature boy?

Nicknames for boys

A name from the following list may be suitable for funny and cute toy terrier boys:

  • Alf.
  • Ice.
  • Khan.
  • Ben.
  • Jay.
  • Black.
  • Brock.
  • John.
  • Bean.
  • Ford.
  • Kelly.
  • Max.
  • Kai.
  • Poppy.
  • Rus.
  • Week
  • Zach.
  • Reid.
  • Wang.
  • Roy.
  • Tim.
  • Sam.
  • Leo.

Puppy Bob:

And another selection of nicknames for male puppies:

  • Bir.
  • Bantam.
  • Button.
  • Buddy.
  • Corky.
  • The Hobbit.
  • Pip.
  • Opie.
  • Skip.
  • Spot.
  • Toto.
  • Yoshi.
  • Buddy.
  • Chick.
  • Patchwork.
  • Fifteen.

Little dog Toto:

The one named Opie:

Is the puppy a boy or a girl? Who is better to choose for decorative dog breeds?

To the question “is the puppy a boy or a girl? Who is better to choose?" I have to answer to everyone who decided to get themselves a dog, including a decorative one. Of course, for miniature dogs the difference between females and males is not as noticeable as in the case, for example, of large fighting dogs, where a male can really be dangerous, but it still exists.

What points should you pay attention to when choosing a boy or girl puppy?

1. Of course, the most obvious difference between cables and bitches is the difference in sexual behavior and breeding.

Girls go into heat and this can become a noticeable problem. Usually the owners of bitches try to breed their pet, but for miniature breeds this form of behavior is not always indicated. The fact is that childbirth in small dogs is often very difficult and can end in tragedy. For some breeds, for example, mini-Yorks, sexual activity in females is contraindicated in principle.

This is easier for males. No heat, no need to breed the animal. That is, of course, it is possible to knit, but it is not worth it, because a male once untied needs regular mating.

However, male dogs have their own problems with sex life. They love, as veterinarians say, to “land” on soft toys, on the legs of their owners, and on everything else that they can “sit” on. By masturbating in this way, males achieve a full erection, which is not always worth showing to children. It must be said that, despite their small size, male ornamental dogs can boast of excellent sized genitals.

It is clear that such dogs are not very suitable for families with small children.

As for breeding decorative dogs and possible earnings from this, for breeding purposes, beginners should purchase bitches of breeds that give birth quite easily, for example, standard Yorkies.

Finding a bride for a male dog can be very problematic, since only very famous specimens are successful with breeders. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to make money from breeding an ordinary purebred cable.

Bitches have an easier time with this. Any purebred girl who has RFK documents can easily find a partner with similar documents for a not very large fee, and her owners have every chance of selling the puppies. But, as mentioned above, not all females of small breeds can give birth. For some this is contraindicated in principle, for others it is allowed, but complications are possible.

2. The second point of difference between male and female puppies is their playfulness. Males are more active, they like to attack and bite more. But due to their miniature size, all these attacks and attempted bites are completely harmless, but they amuse the owners a lot. So, we can directly say that boys are more cheerful, cheerful and restless. Therefore, if you plan to walk a lot and actively play with your dog, it is better for you to choose a male; if you are going to take the dog with you to the shops, then take a girl.

Of course, a lot depends on the breed. So a Pomeranian female needs active play and walks more than a Mini Yorkie male.

3. Another difference between males and females is the price of puppies. Bitches are always more expensive and often much more expensive. This is due to the fact that, as already mentioned, they can be bred and make money from it. So, when overpaying for a girl, you need to understand what you are overpaying for. Do you need a dog for breeding? Then yes - it makes sense. If a dog is for the soul, then it is quite possible to buy a boy from the same litter, but cheaper.

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