Eyes of Achatina snails: Structure, features, photos

In the process of evolution, vision, as a way of perceiving light, is found in the simplest single-celled organisms. This is a photosensitive red eye in the alga Chlamydomonas and in the flagellate representative Euglena green.

The organs of vision in gastropods develop from special invaginations of the integument.

In multicellular organisms, the function of determining light becomes more complicated. It is easier to get food in the light, and in the dark it is easier to hide from enemies. Cells sensitive to light form groups - pigment clusters, which can be considered the first primitive organs of vision. Pigment pits allow organisms to respond to light and navigate their environment. From the pit a special chamber was formed, which worms and primitive mollusks still have.

The pigment spot not only detects light, but also records the direction of sunlight. Gastropods have acquired light-sensitive cells that hide in recesses. The eyes have become a three-dimensional structure, which makes it easier to determine the light source, and instead of a pigment spot, a pit with pigments has formed.

There is a lens in the cavity - this is a lens shaped like a sphere.

Different groups of soft-bodied animals have preserved to the present day transitional forms from the pigment spot in snails to the visual chamber of the nautilus and to the complex eyes of octopuses, similar to human eyes.

Answers for young owners - do snails have teeth, legs and eyes?

In addition to the ordinary street snails that our grandparents kept at home when they were little, exotic mollusks from Africa have now become extremely popular. Breeders provide melancholy beauties with cozy places in their apartments and country houses. Many owners not only admire the beautiful Achatina, but also breed babies for sale. Beginning breeders who are just studying African individuals often ask, where are the snail’s eyes and do Achatina snails have teeth? These and other interesting questions are answered by experienced zoologists with many years of experience.

Read more about the structure of the Achatina snail in our article.

Benefits of Achatina

This African inhabitant is recommended as a pet for very busy people. They will not require a lot of time, like most birds or four-legged animals:

  • practically does not require maintenance;
  • no need to walk;
  • no need to visit a veterinarian;
  • quiet pet;
  • eats little.

The snail does not make noise, does not wake you up in the morning, and does not demand food with loud cries. It does not damage the furniture and personal belongings of the owner, does not cause an allergic reaction, and does not smell. This number of advantages makes Achatina an excellent option even for allergy sufferers. In addition, scientists believe that these snails can relieve stress.

Snail teeth

On thematic forums you can often find messages that baby Achatina have gnawed on their shells. Breeders are surprised how sharp the teeth of snails are, that they manage to destroy the strong shells of their neighbors?

How many teeth does a snail have? – 25 thousand in one language – radula. It works like a grater.

For the information of young owners, the teeth of different animal species are arranged differently and are divided into certain groups. The cute creatures of Achatina can eat rough leaves and scrape small particles from chalk pieces. Upon closer inspection, it may seem that the mollusks are toothless, but their love of eating tough plants suggests otherwise. So does a snail have teeth and what are they for?

Interesting fact! Many consider the shark to be the most toothy animal on the planet, but in fact, the first place in this ranking is occupied by an ordinary grape hive!

Probably no one has ever looked into the mouth of a pet with a magnifying glass. Only based on data from a zoologist, we can say that the number of teeth in a snail reaches tens of thousands, and they are located on the tongue. It turns out that the tiny tongue of the snail resembles a fine grater, with the help of which Achatina scrapes and grinds food. The chitinous teeth of the snail have the same appearance and are not divided into groups. It is important to remember that the digestion of mollusks is adapted to digesting only small particles, and any large pieces can damage the tongue and kill even a large adult specimen.

Attention to novice breeders! Small teeth are not designed for biting, and if individuals attack each other to gnaw on the shell, then the pets have obvious problems with calcium balance. How many teeth a snail has, the number of small cuts it can inflict on its weaker neighbor. Predatory mollusks use their grater to “drill” a hole in the oyster shell and completely eat its tender meat!

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Achatina snail

Achatina or gastropod, belonging to the order of pulmonate snails, suborder of stalked-eyes, family of Achatna. The first gastropods inhabited our planet from the beginning of the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. The oldest gastropod fossils are almost 99 million years old. The ancestors of gastropods were the ancient ammonite mollusks, which existed from the Devonian period to the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era.

Video: Achatina snail

Ammonites were very different from modern snails. Ancient snails were predatory and more similar to modern molluscs Nautilus pompilius. These mollusks swam freely in the water and were of enormous size. The species Achatina fulica was first described by the French zoologist Baron André Etienne Ferussac in 1821.

Achatina are a whole group of land snails which includes such species as:

  • achatina reticulata;
  • achatina Craveni;
  • achatina glutinosa;
  • achatina immaculata;
  • achatina Panthera;
  • achatina Tincta;

Achatina are large snails with a long shell of 8-15 cm, however, there are also very large specimens whose shell size is more than 25 cm. The snails have a canonical-shaped shell, twisted counterclockwise. On average there are about 8 turns on a shell. The color of a snail can vary and depends on what the snail eats. Basically, yellow and brown tones predominate in the color of Achatina. The shell often has a pattern of yellow and red-brown stripes.

Let's look into the eyes of Achatina

In funny cartoons, Achatina eyes are drawn on long thin horns. Many breeders are of the opinion that the organs of vision of mollusks are located at the base of the antennae. But this is an erroneous opinion, and the time has come to figure out where Achatina’s eyes are?

It is known for sure that gastropods have poor vision and can only see objects at a distance of a few centimeters.

Mollusks perfectly distinguish between light and darkness and can react to bright flashes not only with their eyes, but with their whole body. Experienced owners leave part of the aquarium in the shade when installing lighting. With a constant stream of bright light, the hives will constantly bury themselves in the ground and hide from external stimuli.

In cartoons, the head of a snail is correctly depicted; the eyes of the mollusks are located on thin horns and are almost invisible. On the head of the Achatina snail, where the eyes are concentrated, thousands of light-sensitive cells are concentrated. They form the lens, which is attached to the optic nerves. Babies have a limited angle of vision, and moving eye barrels help them better see various interesting objects.

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Where hasn't a snail gone before?

From zoology lessons we know that the delicate body of a mollusk is hidden in a protective shell. All the vital organs are hidden in the shell, and only the funny snail’s head and flat belly peek out from the house.

Achatina crawls slowly, smoothly and very impressively. Young mollusk fishermen often ask how many legs does a snail have? This question can be safely answered – one.

The abdomen, with the help of which the exotic beauty moves along the ground, is called the snail’s leg. Alternate muscle contraction leads to wave-like movement of the sole. The mucus secreted by the individual facilitates gliding and reduces friction of the snail's leg on various rough surfaces. If you conduct an experiment and run a clam along the blade of a knife, it will not get hurt, but will gently envelop it.

How many legs does a snail have? To answer this question, you can send your pet on a journey through transparent glass. On the reverse side, you will see how the muscles of the flat stalk contract, and the mollusk strives to explore a new unknown space.

The snail's foot has completely unique properties. She can overcome any surface without harming herself. Extreme experimenters tested what would happen if a snail was hit by a blade.

Protective functions of the sink

The snail shell, quite strong and massive, performs the following functions:

  • protects the soft body from mechanical damage during movement;
  • protects from potential enemies;
  • protects the snail's body from drying out.

The structure of the snail, or rather its shell, is directly influenced by the climatic conditions in which it lives. Thus, at high humidity the shell is thin and transparent; in dry and hot climates, its walls become thicker and the color becomes white (reflects the sun's rays and protects the snail from overheating).

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Like all pulmonary gastropods, Achatina are hermaphrodites; they combine the qualities of female and male individuals. Reproduction occurs when one or more individuals are present. Fecundity is very high - several hundred eggs (up to 600) are separated from one organism per approach, and quickly develop independently.

Self-fertilization occurs within the individual, but mating stimulates this process. The mollusks press their soles tightly against each other and shoot special needles into the partner’s body - “arrows of love.” Sperm can be stored in the body of Achatina for years. Some varieties do not lay eggs, carry them for a long time and release them either closer to maturity or at the time of hatching.

Snails reproduce if the environment is warm enough and there is something to eat. A person will most likely need to independently regulate the number of eggs, destroying most of them, since mollusks reproduce very quickly.

Eggs are laid deep in the ground. The young hatch in 4 to 30 days. They initially feed on their own shell and yolk sac. Then, slowly rising to the surface, with the substrate. Complementary feeding should begin with calcekashi.

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It is a sought after food source for many predators

Snails are an important food source for wildlife and people (they are eaten throughout the world as a delicacy). Aquatic individuals are preyed upon by predatory fish, crayfish, leeches and giant water bugs. For terrestrial individuals, mammals, birds and some types of insects pose a danger.

Snails are also kept as pets, but they are usually classified as pests (due to their ability to destroy garden plants and crops).

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