A fish similar to mackerel but less fatty, blue mackerel

Characteristics and types

The bonito or sardine is a large marine predator. Description of the appearance is as follows. The body length of some adult individuals is about 175 centimeters. The Black Sea fish grows up to 70 centimeters in length. The scales on the back are colored blue-green, there are dark longitudinal stripes, and the scales on the sides and abdomen are silvery. The body is spindle-shaped, with a dense shell on the front part.

The bonito fish has a predatory nature. There are two spiny fins on the back, they are arranged in the form of rays-spikes. The mouth is large, there are thirty conical teeth, you can see in the photo. In total, there are 4 species of aquatic inhabitants similar to tuna: Atlantic, Australian, eastern, Chilean. Their descriptions are similar, the sizes are different.

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What gear is needed for mackerel?

When fishing on shore, it is recommended to use rods of maximum length. The fishing line for this type of fishing should be the thinnest, since mackerel has very good eyesight. An interesting feature is that when catching this fish, the hook is supposed to be tied directly to the fishing line; a leash is not needed for this.

As for the hook, it is recommended to use it with an extremely long shank . In order for the live bait to remain in one place, the float must be used with the maximum lifting capacity. It is important to take into account that mackerel catches very quickly, so hooking them is very easy.

Also, a mackerel caught on a hook tends to squirm, thereby tangling the fishing line. To prevent this from happening, you don’t need to hesitate, but pull out your catch as quickly as possible.

As a bait, as mentioned earlier, the best choice would be a tyrant, but keep in mind that making such a fishing trick requires remarkable skill.

Black Sea

The Black Sea bonito is occasionally found in the waters of the Black Sea. In spring, flocks move from the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Russia. Here they walk and spawn. They live here temporarily. Before the onset of winter, schools of fish move to the waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara, where they spend the winter. The bonito fish, which lives in the deep waters of the Black Sea, grows up to 70 cm in length, with an average body weight of 4 kg. The average life expectancy is about 7 years.

The Black Sea clan branch contains a small number of individuals. They are often caught by fishermen and are a popular product in the industry. Near the Crimean coasts, sports trips are organized to catch this particular type of fish. They are caught using a spinning rod.

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1. It is recommended to eat this fish in the fall. At this time, the content of Omega-3 fatty acids is high.

2. Eating mackerel regularly reduces the risk of the following diseases:

  • Bronchitis,
  • Oncology,
  • Arthritis,
  • Psoriasis,
  • Heart attack.

3. For example, the Japanese eat mackerel very often. Perhaps consuming this product promotes longevity.

4. Thanks to fatty acids, vascular health can be maintained. The fact is that amino acid reserves are replenished. This helps prevent blood clots from forming. Vascular walls become more elastic.

5. Reports have recently been published by British scientists. According to them, fish oil slows down the aging process. The product is used to prevent diabetes. We can say that mackerel is a healthy product for the daily diet.

6. It contains Vitamin B12, which is considered an active participant in metabolism. It helps break down fats. The vitamin rejuvenates the body from the inside.

7. Those who suffer from hypoxia especially need to eat mackerel. The product contains phosphorus and calcium. They are needed for skeletal health.

8. Mackerel must be included in the diet of children and the elderly. It should also be eaten to alleviate joint pain.

9. You need to eat to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent oral diseases. This way you can prevent the development of caries and strengthen your gums.

Mackerel steaks


The most commonly sold species is Atlantic bonito. Ichthyologists call it sarda. These predators live in subtropical and temperate waters and like to gather in schools near African, European and American coasts. From the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, flocks of bonito move to the waters of the Black Sea for feeding and spawning. In autumn, flocks return to warmer waters for the winter.

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What do mackerel bite on?

In this regard, the fish is more than unpretentious and, as they say, “bites on everything that glitters.” Therefore, there are many types of bait. Both live bait fishing and the classic “sea set” are suitable - cutting fish, or, for example, shellfish meat. For small fish, silverside or anchovy are suitable.

Experienced fishermen use so-called tyrants as bait. They independently make them from a piece of fishing line, to which they attach hooks decorated with multi-colored materials: foil, shiny threads, bright plastic pieces or even colored feathers.

The number of hooks can vary from 2 to 6 . This is due to the size of the tackle - the smaller the bait, the easier it is to cast. Also, if you are lucky and manage to cast your fishing rod right into a school of mackerel, then the number of fish you catch will be equal to the number of hooks, how many fish are you able to pull out?

Previously, we told you what grenadier bites on.

Useful properties from use

The benefits of bonito fish for the human body are very great. According to nutritionists around the world, it is recommended to eat sea fish at least twice a week. Juicy sardine meat contains the following valuable components:

  • quality proteins;
  • minerals – calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine;
  • essential amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

With the help of this product, the functions of memory and the central nervous system are improved, tissue regeneration is accelerated, muscle mass gain is activated, the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood increases, and bad cholesterol is eliminated. Thanks to iodine, thyroid function improves. With the help of calcium, bones and joints are strengthened. And thanks to phosphorus and magnesium, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones is accelerated. With regular use of such a product, you can activate the natural protective functions of the body, due to which it resists attacks from viruses, fungi, and pathogenic microorganisms.

Advice. Nutritionists recommend eating sea fish as often as possible. Its meat helps stop premature aging of the body and improves metabolic processes. This is a good prevention of senile dementia. This product improves the quality of vision.

Pelamide has virtually no contraindications. It is necessary to limit its consumption only to those people who suffer from intolerance and allergic reaction to proteins and iodine.

Composition and calorie content

Fish contains a lot of fat. For this reason, some classify the product as high-calorie. But in laboratory studies it was proven that even the fattest varieties had a caloric content of no more than 158 units per 100 grams.

At the same time, the cleaned carcass was cooked in the heat. When steaming fish, it is possible to retain almost all of its original calorie content. Thus, mackerel is a dietary product. This property is especially important for athletes and those who adhere to a healthy diet.

Biologists say that this fish does not have a stable composition. This factor depends on age, habitat, time of catch. For example, if you managed to catch a fish in northern latitudes in winter, then the specimen will be fat.

However, if we talk about the vitamin-mineral complex, the product contains Vitamins B, C, PP, A, K, H, D, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Name confusion

Often the trade name of a fish does not correspond to its real biological name (take, for example, the strange marketing moves with the increasingly popular snowfish). The confusion arose because the English word "Mackerel" is used to refer to the mackerel family, which includes mackerel and mackerel (as well as tuna and bonito). Thus, in English, mackerel and mackerel are denoted by the same word, so sometimes in stores you can find mackerel under the guise of mackerel and vice versa. Often all members of the mackerel family, except mackerel and tuna, are sold under the name “mackerel”. What's the difference?

Atlantic mackerel - Scomber scombrus

Spanish mackerel - Scomberomorus commerson

What is the difference between mackerel and mackerel?

Mackerel is much larger than mackerel and has a sharper snout. In the photo at the beginning of the article - mackerel (larger) - on top, mackerel, respectively, smaller and below.

Mackerel - Scomberomorus

Some sites write that the stripes and spots of mackerel never extend onto its white belly. In mackerels, the belly can be yellowish or gray, sometimes with spots and stripes. Perhaps this will help distinguish the species that end up on store shelves, but strictly speaking this is an incorrect distinguishing feature. For example, the southern mackerel (Scomber colias) has spots evenly distributed throughout the body.

Southern mackerel (Scomber colias) has spots on its belly

Mackerel meat is drier than mackerel, but is quite suitable for preparing, for example, salads. Mackerel has quite fatty meat with a bright taste and is a more valuable fish in this regard.


In Russia, mackerel fishing is carried out in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. In this case, special seines and nets are used. Previously, mackerel was also caught in the waters of the Black Sea, but, unfortunately, more than 35 years ago this type of fish disappeared. Mackerel prefers coastal waters. There is no need to go to the open ocean to find this type of fish, which makes it easily accessible for fishing enthusiasts. The most favorable period for fishing is spring. Mackerel caught in the spring is the least fatty. It contains only 3% fat. If the same fish is caught in the fall, the percentage of fat content will increase to 30%. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the highest percentage of fat content means that the largest amount of vitamins has been accumulated in the fish.

When fishing, it is quite possible to use a regular fishing rod. Mackerel bite well on live bait. However, some fishermen also use artificial bait made by themselves. Most often, mackerel swim in a large school, so you can easily catch a sufficient number in a short period of time. As soon as the fish starts to bite, you need to hook it immediately: otherwise it will break off. When fishing, you need to be extremely judicious and careful. The mackerel will bend strongly, which may cause it to fall off the hook or become entangled in the gear.

Mackerel dishes

Like mackerel, mackerel is smoked, baked in foil or on coals, fried, boiled, stewed. Boiled fish is often used as an ingredient for various salads.

Smoked bonito

Smoked bonito is prepared as follows:

  1. The head of the fish is removed and cut lengthwise to remove all the entrails from the abdominal cavity.
  2. Then the gutted carcass is thoroughly washed with running water and left for a while to drain the water.
  3. The prepared carcass is generously rubbed with salt mixed with a small amount of sugar. The amount of ingredients is calculated from the following proportion: for 2 kg of fish take 200 g of salt and 20 g of sugar.
  4. For uniform and complete salting, the carcass is left for 45-50 minutes.
  5. When the fish has been salted, it is washed again with running water to remove excess salt.
  6. The prepared carcass dries out within an hour, after which it is tied with a rope and placed in the smokehouse.
  7. At the beginning of smoking, maintain low heat and do not close the smokehouse. When smoke appears, and this will take about 20 minutes, close the lid and smoke the mackerel at 80 degrees for an hour.

The finished fish is cooled and ventilated, only then served.

Fried bonito

Fried bonito is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. To prepare the marinade, squeeze the juice out of the lemon, to which crushed garlic (15 g) is added.
  2. 5 g of cumin, 2-3 peppercorns, 2-3 juniper berries are thoroughly crushed.
  3. The lemon-garlic mixture and spices are mixed.
  4. Dressed mackerel (0.5-0.6 kg) is cut into pieces, salted well, after which they are left for 30 minutes.
  5. Each piece is smeared with marinade and left, but for an hour.
  6. Before frying, the pieces are breaded in flour on all sides, and the sunflower oil is heated well in a frying pan.

It is best to fry this fish not in a frying pan, but on a regular grill - when cooked on the grill, it will be moderately fatty and very tasty.

Mackerel salad

A tasty and healthy mackerel salad is made as follows:

  1. Boiled potatoes and smoked mackerel fillets are cut into small slices.
  2. Onions and olives - in half rings and halves.
  3. All ingredients are seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and wine vinegar.

The salad is laid out in a heap on a wide dish, decorated with halves of cherry tomatoes and quail eggs, and herbs.

Commercial and recreational fishing

Fish is a very valuable and nutritious food product . Therefore, commercial mackerel fishing continues to be a relevant and necessary activity.

In the Russian Federation, fishing takes place in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. In a year it is possible to catch about 50 thousand tons of this valuable fish. Fishing takes place using special nets and seines. In the past, mackerel was also found in the Black Sea, but, unfortunately, disappeared about 35 years ago.

The mackerel's habitat is coastal waters, so there is no need to swim to the open ocean to catch fish. It can easily be caught with a fishing rod and spinning rod directly from the shore or a small boat.

You can fish from early spring until the coldest weather. For those who like fishing from the shore, the most favorable period will be the spring. Hungry fish swim closest to the shore, where more food can be found. No special gear is required for mackerel; a regular float rod is sufficient.

You can use artificial bait; you can easily make it yourself using shiny objects. It bites well on live bait, but cut fish is also suitable. Due to the fact that mackerel usually swim in large schools, it is easy to catch a lot of this mackerel-like fish in a relatively short time.

Popularity of mackerel in different countries

In Russia, mackerel is more often sold and served using the name "mackerel". Mackerel itself is not rated as highly as in other countries. In central Europe, this fish is the main dish. In Eastern Europe, as well as in England, they prefer to fry mackerel. The French bake it in foil. In some countries, mackerel is even eaten raw. In Europe, mackerel is most often served smoked or frozen. In Japan, mackerel, which has a rich red hue to its flesh, is added to sushi and referred to as “saba.” Such fish is considered by the Japanese to be the most delicious and nutritious.

How to choose the right one in the store

In order to choose fresh mackerel, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Fresh fish should not have any foreign spots on its body.
  • Fresh mackerel should not have an overly swollen abdomen.
  • Even a slightly frozen carcass should have a sweetish, pleasant smell. The presence of putrefactive amber indicates that the fish has deteriorated and is unfit for food.
  • Fresh mackerel eyes should be light, without whitish haze and shine.
  • There should be no traces of blood or ichor on the carcass.

Also, you should not take fish, when pressing on the body of which the dimple formed by the finger straightens very quickly.


The most common Spanish mackerel has the following anatomical features:

Needle fish: how to cook, recipes

  • The body is fusiform, from 0.9-1.0 to 2.0-2.4 meters long, slightly flattened on the sides, covered with small rudimentary scales that do not perform a protective function. The back has a bluish color with a steel tint. The sides are silver with transverse wavy stripes of dark color.
  • The head is quite large, pointed with large knife-shaped (triangular) teeth. There is a clearly visible bony ring around the eyes, which is a characteristic feature of all mackerel.
  • The dorsal fins have hard rays, the pectoral and anal small abdominal fins are soft.
  • The tail is small with a short stem, with a sickle-shaped fin.

Another feature of fish of this genus is the absence of a swim bladder.

Delicious recipes

Mackerel and mackerel are each good and tasty in their own way. To make fish dishes enjoyable, you need to learn how to cook them correctly.

Mackerel in apple sauce

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • smoked mackerel – 2 pcs.;
  • butter;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 4 tomatoes, lemon;
  • one tablespoon of freshly grated horseradish, greens;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

First you need to chop the greens. Next, you need to mix the chopped greens with one tablespoon of oil, then stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture.

Wrap the fish and stuffed tomatoes in food foil and place in the oven. Bake for 15–20 minutes at 200°C. While the fish is cooking, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, add horseradish and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to the sour cream and mix thoroughly. Grate the apple on a fine grater, add to the sauce and mix again. When serving, you can pour the sauce over the fish or place it next to it. It is also possible to decorate the dish with vegetables and herbs.

Mackerel baked with potatoes

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg mackerel;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • a tablespoon of ground crackers;
  • greens, pepper, salt to taste.

Peel and boil the potatoes. Salt the fish, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan over high heat. Mix sour cream with the remaining flour and add salt. Pour half the sour cream into a greased frying pan, place the potatoes on it, and the next layer is mackerel. Pour the remaining sour cream on top and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the dish in the oven for about 40 minutes at 180°C. When serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.

To learn how to cook mackerel on a podium from vegetables in foil, see the following video.

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