TOP 10 aquarium fish that are easy to provide quality maintenance

Unpretentious, but such beloved fish.
Hello everyone! Let's straight away dot the Yoo! You are a beginner aquarist. Because only beginners can be interested in this issue and topic.

What is the reason for your question - because you feel insecure, worry about the aquarium routine, and most likely you were given an aquarium or you gave it to your children, but you don’t really want to delve into the intricacies of the aquarium craft.

What do you mean by the concept of “unpretentious fish”? What are they?! Let's think for a second, are there any unpretentious horses? Unpretentious hippos? Perhaps you have seen a herd of unpretentious elephants somewhere? =) No, seriously! There are probably even unpretentious people; most likely, these are “women with low social responsibility,” as V.V. said. Putin, he knows everything for sure =)

Do you understand what we are getting at?! For some reason, the smaller and more harmless the animal, the more and more “unpretentiousness” sticks to it. Unpretentious frogs - that already sounds, unpretentious snails - even better. Unpretentious aquarium shrimp - finally Ahon!

In general, friends, there are no unpretentious fish a priori! You, of course, can go through Yandex.Search to another site and read all kinds of copy-paste and nonsense on this topic there. But believe me, they cruelly... deceive you there.

If you are a conscious beginner aquarist and just want to understand the basics of aquarium keeping and hear the right recommendations, stay with us... we have cookies. Check out FanFishka - whatever one may say, it is still a leading and popular aquarium platform.

Please, just don’t think that we are conducting an educational program and engaging in moralizing. We will definitely provide below an exhaustive list of unpretentious fish. It’s just that any task in our life is easy if you approach it wisely.

Unpretentious fish


- fish that even a beginner can handle;

— oak fish with enviable vitality;

- having a peaceful disposition;

- not requiring any fildepers-like conditions of detention;

- inexpensive;

This is roughly what, in our opinion, “unpretentious people” look like. But here’s the thing: a thousand and one fish fit this description! Would you like us to tell you the “secret of unpretentiousness”?

— Go ahead, storyteller =)

If you understand what the nitrogen cycle is in an aquarium , establish it and control the poisons: ammonia , nitrite and nitrate in the aquarium, then success is guaranteed! Any fish will become unpretentious, and caring for the aquarium will be easy. That's the whole secret. Sit for a week, study the topic and we assure you, everything will be chic and shine.

Well, now let’s move on to unpretentious recommendations, which we will divide into fish for a small aquarium (10-100 liters) and for large ones (from 100 liters) .

For those who are uncomfortable reading, here is our video on the topic



These are the most beautiful aquarium fish. They do not require special care.

Males are slightly smaller in size compared to females. They are also slimmer and brighter in color. Females are characterized by a pale grayish tint.

To keep a flock of guppies you will need an aquarium of 20 liters or more.

It is recommended to keep only males in one tank, and females in the other.

It should be noted that guppies are the most unpretentious aquarium fish; they quickly adapt to the conditions in which they are kept.

There is information that these striped aquarium fish are able to survive even in compact containers that lack aeration.


  1. Understand the issue. A little time to study and you more or less understand what you need. This means you won’t get disappointment instead of joy.
  2. Do not take many fish or different species at once. Different sizes, behavior and volume requirements will immediately create compote in your aquarium. The most common sight at pet markets is a child with a bag in which incompatible fish are swimming. Will such a package bring a lot of joy to a child?
  3. Don't trust sellers. They need to sell. Not that they are such cynics, but when you sell fish, there is not much choice. Kids are good clients. So are the green novices.
  4. It's better to take one type of fish to start with.
  5. And it’s better if they are viviparous. They definitely won’t die in a week (unless you try really hard), they are bright, alive and even breed on their own.
  6. Take the first fish - guppies. Seriously. Yes, they are not cool, but they... (described above).
  7. Don't take goldfish. Seriously. They are unpretentious and quite hardy, but they eat a lot, shit just as much and need spacious aquariums. And they don't grow small.
  8. Don’t immediately buy everything you think you need for your aquarium. The list could be endless, but off the top of my head: light, filter, net, water conditioners, plastic plants, live plants, food, glass scraper, plastic shipwreck or worse, skull, bright soil.
  9. But what you really need from all this is: a net, food, a filter. Most fish don’t care about plants, soil, or light. They live well without them.
  10. Prepare the water. Ideally, buy a water conditioner and fill it up; it’s not expensive and will last a long time. You do not want? Just let it heat up and settle.
  11. Do not release the fish immediately. Place the bag in the water and let it float. Open it and add a little water from the aquarium. Repeat after a while.
  12. There are two guaranteed quick ways to kill your fish: underfeeding and overfeeding. If everything is clear with the first, then the second seems not obvious. Advice: take food away from grandparents and children. They feel sorry for the fish, the fish are asking for food. Fishes are stupid, unfortunately, and ask constantly. Only the food is not eaten, it rots, and the rotting products kill the fish themselves.
  13. Feed the fish yourself. Twice a day. Why two? And the fish are always full and the food does not go to waste and the portion is moderate.
  14. Change the water. Once a week. Yes, once, yes every time. 20-25% will be fine. Yes, even in a 5 liter aquarium. Try closing the windows, not flushing the toilet, and live like this for a month. Fish feel about the same way.
  15. Make beautiful designs. Keep difficult fish. Separate them. Enjoy your hobby, your life. Make your life interesting.

Danio rerio

These colorful, beautiful fish swim in the aquarium almost on the surface. They belong to the schooling category, so one aquarium should contain at least 6 pieces.

Suitable for aquariums of 30 liters or more. It is better if it has an elongated shape. Danio rerio is a rather mobile species that needs space.

The fish are characterized by a very calm temperament and do not show aggression. Therefore, you can plant live algae inside the tank.

Danio rerio spawns, but the spawning technology is quite easy. Even a novice aquarist can cope with it.

The fish can have a classic striped or leopard coloration. You can also find genetically modified species in pet stores.

They do not need special food. They can feed on dry flake food that will float on the surface.

sword bearer

These peaceful aquarium fish are characterized by their large size and belong to the viviparous group. Individuals can be up to 8-10 cm in length.

The peculiarity of swordtails is that they have a sword-shaped process on the fin in the tail area. Today there are different fish that differ in body shape and color.

Swordtails are quite jumping and agile, so an aquarium of at least 50 liters needs to be equipped with a special lid.

For each male, 2-3 females are placed. Otherwise they will fight among themselves.

You can plant natural algae in the tank. But watch their quality so that the fish do not develop fin rot, the treatment of which is very difficult.

Swordtails can be combined with other groups of fish. Reproduction is quite simple. On average, colored fish live from 3 to 5 years.

Choosing an aquarium

The first step for beginners is to purchase a container for keeping fish. They may have significant differences in volume, shape and material from which they are made.

By size and volume

Experienced fish breeders know which aquarium is best to choose for beginners. It seems that a small pond is easier to care for, but this is not entirely true. In a larger volume, it is easier to form a balanced environment containing bacterial flora, which is a necessary condition for the existence of aquatic plants and aquarium fish. Experts advise buying a vessel with a volume of 60 to 110 liters.

The shapes of reservoirs are:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • panoramic;
  • corner;
  • non-traditional (polygonal, oval, cylindrical and others).

It is preferable to opt for an aquarium of the usual rectangular or square shape - it is easier to keep it clean, it is easier to select and install equipment, and for its inhabitants this is the best and most convenient option for living.

Basic selection rules

After choosing the required shape, you should decide what material the tank should be made of. They come in two types - acrylic or glass.

Acrylic is a more suitable material for the production of aquariums.

It has its undeniable advantages in comparison with glass:

  • easy;
  • more durable and reliable (leakage of seams is eliminated);
  • greater variety of shapes;
  • lower cost.

This material also has its negative sides - its surface is easily scratched, and over time it can turn yellow or become cloudy. Therefore, it is better to purchase an aquarium made of more expensive acrylic, which will not lose its appearance over time.

Installation Requirements

When installing an aquarium at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The pond should be installed in a quiet place where there is no access to direct sunlight, and where movement and noise are kept to a minimum.
  2. The aquarium cabinet must be designed to support the weight of the tank along with water. It can be iron or wood, but it must be durable, with a water-repellent flat surface. The shelves are convenient for storing food and cleaning products.
  3. The aquarium must have easy access for changing water and cleaning.
  4. To connect the necessary equipment, sockets must be located in the immediate vicinity of the tank.
  5. The volume should correspond to the number of inhabitants on the basis that for one underwater inhabitant, 10 cm long, 10–15 liters of water are needed. This will avoid overpopulation. However, for some fish species there are different recommendations.


This species is also considered viviparous. Individuals are large. The body length of females can reach 10 cm, but males grow up to 8 cm.

The most common fish are black in color. However, breeders have worked hard to breed brighter individuals.

The mollies body has a developed fin on the back. The species is quite aggressive, so you should carefully choose your neighbors.

You need to buy an aquarium with a capacity of 50 liters or more. There should be more males inside than females. Use live algae and driftwood as decoration.

The water should be warm, not very hard. Reproduction is spontaneous. The fry, immediately after birth, can live a full life.


Live aquarium plants serve as a design element and also play the role of shelters for the inhabitants of the reservoir. They enrich water with oxygen and purify it of harmful organic compounds. The following types are suitable for a 50-liter aquarium:

  • Java moss;
  • riccia;
  • Anubias;
  • hornwort;
  • elodea;
  • cryptocoryne;
  • Vallisneria.

Java moss. Riccia.

Anubias. Hornwort.

Elodea. Cryptocoryne.



This species is also called sticky catfish. The fish's mouth is slightly modified and has the shape of a suction cup. Therefore, they can be fixed even on a vertical surface.

Most often, Ancistrus feeds on algal fouling. He collects them with his unusual mouth.

Also, individuals ensure the cleanliness of the aquarium and decor.

Therefore, you will not have to frequently clean and clean the community aquarium.

On average, the length of the body is about 11 cm. The color is dark gray, with white spots. There are individuals that have a white color and veil-shaped fins.

The aquarium must be designed for 50 liters or more. Be sure to place natural driftwood inside, which will be a source of cellulose for the fish.

Often fish can spoil algae. They can get along with different types of aquarium fish. If the tank contains many females and males, spawning will occur spontaneously.


This fish is easy to care for, so it is often found in beginner aquariums. The maximum length of the body is 4 cm. The color is silver.

There are three transverse stripes of a dark shade on the body. There are veil and albino forms. Today, genetically modified species, which are characterized by fluorescent coloring, are in great demand.

You need to keep thorns in a tank with a volume of 40 liters or more. This species is gregarious, so there should be at least six individuals in one container. Be sure to plant living plants.

You should also leave free areas so that the fish can swim. You can feed individuals with different types of food.

It is better to choose food in flake format so that it floats on the surface or in the middle layers of the water.

Reproduction is quite difficult. Therefore, you must first consult with the seller at the pet store. On average, thornets live for about 3-4 years.


Before introducing fish, you should prepare the aquarium. It is equipped with filtration and aeration systems, and fluorescent lamps are installed. Good lighting is necessary not only for fish, but also for algae. Living plants must be present in the reservoir; they contribute to the formation of an environment favorable for fish. Several snails are launched: phisa, coils and melania will keep the artificial pond clean.

The water in the aquarium must meet the required parameters, which differ slightly for each type of fish. Aquarium heaters are used to raise the temperature, and special air conditioners are used to soften the water. At the pet store you can purchase test strips that determine the hardness, acidity of water and the amount of nitrates.

It is important to maintain all water indicators within acceptable values, because they greatly affect the color of fish, their behavior and health.

Once every 7 days, part of the water in the aquarium is replaced with fresh water. To do this, 25% of the liquid is drained, and fresh, settled water is poured in its place. Breeders do not recommend making a complete replacement, as this will disrupt the ecosystem that has formed in the aquarium. The water is completely drained only in case of some infectious fish diseases. In this case, high-quality disinfection of decorative items, soil and tank walls is carried out.

Fish can get sick. This is not always due to insufficient care. Fungus and parasites can be introduced into an aquarium with plants, soil or new fish. You should be careful when introducing new neighbors; newly purchased fish should be kept separately in quarantine. The following signs will indicate the disease:

  • white coating and cloudy spots on the body;
  • destruction of fins;
  • ruffling of scales;
  • white feces;
  • strange behavior, for example, the fish swims sideways or lies on the bottom;
  • too bloated abdomen;
  • bulging eyes.

It is important to remove fish with suspicious symptoms in time before it infects its neighbors. Many diseases can be successfully treated with short-term baths using antibiotics and other drugs

Pet stores have a large selection of remedies for fungi and infections. But before you start treatment, use tests to check the nitrate content in the water. Poisoning with this particular substance is the most common disease in fish. To ensure that nitrate levels do not exceed permissible values, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • use a siphon to clean the soil from waste;
  • do not forget about weekly water changes;
  • Before adding to the reservoir, filter and settle tap water;
  • Do not overfeed the fish and remove uneaten food.


Males have an intolerant character, which is why this breed of fish is also called “fighting fish”.

This species has an unusual respiratory organ called the labyrinth. Therefore, fish are able to breathe atmospheric air.

To do this, individuals sometimes swim to the surface. Because of this, bettas live well in compact tanks that do not have forced aeration.

On average, the length of each individual is 6 cm. It is not difficult to distinguish a male from a female.

Females are smaller, and males have a gorgeous tail.

Today there are about 70 different breeds of this species, which differ in fin shape and color.

For maintenance, aquariums with a volume of about 7 liters are purchased. However, it is preferable to use containers from 20 liters. The temperature of the room in which the aquarium is located should not be too cold so that the labyrinth is not damaged.

Breeding fish is quite easy. The male forms a nest of bubbles where the eggs are stored. Afterwards he takes care of them until the fry appear.

Corydoras speckled

This type of fish is a bit like catfish. Corydoras have a good character and behave unusually.

They remove food residues from the bottom, which is why they are popular among aquarists. The body length of males is 5 cm. And females grow up to 7 cm.

The body has a gray-olive color. There are also many dark spots present. The abdomen is colored pink-golden.

Fish for a small aquarium prefer to live in schools. Therefore, it is better to purchase 5-6 individuals at once. On average, a novice aquarist needs to prepare 20 liters of water for fish.

The soil in the aquarium should not have sharp corners so that the fish are not damaged. You can plant live plants in the tank.

Along with Corydoras, you can keep other types of aquarium fish. This species is one of the species that spawn.

If you get used to it and consult with experts, breeding individuals yourself will not be difficult. The average lifespan of speckled corydoras is about 10 years.

The most unpretentious catfish


(for young fish 2-2.5 cm)

Most beginners consider it their duty to purchase a “catfish” to clean the bottom of various residues and rummage in the ground. In part, this is not a bad idea, but pet stores sell many types of catfish that are approximately the same at first glance, which can grow into large and capricious fish. But for a small beginner’s aquarium, the catfish of the Corydoras genus, namely the speckled catfish, is best suited. This is an omnivorous fish, reaching a maximum length of 7 cm (females are slightly larger than males). They are quite peaceful and can form flocks. They are actively digging the soil, so powerful filtration will be required. The minimum volume of the aquarium is 50 liters, the optimal water temperature is 20-24°C, pH 6.5-8, hardness 4-35°.

Main advantages:

  • small fish;
  • peaceful character;
  • omnivore.


muddies the water a lot.

9.6 / 10



The main advantage of this catfish is that it can be kept even in a small aquarium. It is unpretentious in food, loves to dig in shallow soil, and cleans the bottom.

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Barbus Sumatran

This species is considered peaceful and prefers to live in a flock. Characterized by an attractive color. The average length of individuals is 7 cm.

The body has a silver color, as well as four transverse stripes. The fins have a scarlet border, especially in males.

Each container must contain at least 6 individuals. If you ignore this recommendation, the fish will become aggressive. It is recommended to buy an aquarium of 50 liters or more.

Give preference to elongated models so that barbs can move around calmly. Living plants will look beautiful in the tank.

Barbs get along well with other types of fish. The exception is species with veil-shaped fins. This is due to the fact that the fins will be damaged by barbs.

To breed this species, you need to purchase a separate aquarium for spawning. Reproduction is quite simple, so you can breed individuals yourself.


The procedure for decorating a 50-liter aquarium can be approached creatively, since such a volume allows you to create an interesting aqua design using decorations and live plants. The design of the aquarium should be attractive and original, but not too overloaded, otherwise it will distract attention from the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir.

To visually increase the volume of the aquarium, a background film with an image of the underwater world is glued to the back wall from the outside. Soil is placed at the bottom of the tank; for reservoirs with a large number of plants, nutrient mixtures are required. Decorations are placed in the corners and in the center of the container - driftwood, stones and all kinds of artificial figures. Plants are planted along the back and side walls. The foreground is left free: in this case, it will be more convenient to watch the fish and feed them, as well as clean up.

Marbled gourami

This breed grows up to 12 cm. To make the fish comfortable, it is advisable to purchase an aquarium that is designed for 80 liters or more.

The species does not require aeration. However, you need to take care of good filtration so that the fish feel comfortable.

You need to purchase marbled gouramis not one at a time, but in pairs. If small groups are planned, they should be dominated by females.

They do not require separate food. They can destroy snails and planarians.

Even inexperienced aquarists can breed gourami. Finding the differences between males and females is not difficult.

Males form nests from bubbles and plants, where eggs are deposited. Afterwards he takes care of the eggs until the fry appear. On average, individuals of this species live 6 years.

How to choose your first aquarium fish

When choosing aquarium fish, consider several factors. First, make sure that all types are compatible with each other.

This will prevent the smaller species from being eaten by the larger ones. It is difficult to determine temperament on your own, so it is better to clarify all the information from a consultant or breeder when purchasing.

Before purchasing, you should clarify what the fish’s habitat requirements are (water hardness, temperature and acidity). If you buy schooling fish, it is better to take several pairs at once.

This will have a positive effect on their well-being. Find out immediately what size certain individuals grow to. Based on this indicator, you need to select an aquarium.

Despite the fact that the above names and types are unpretentious, they still require some care.

It is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for them so that their health and development are normal.

Constantly change the water and keep the aquarium clean.

Features of fabulous paper fish

The goldfish applique helps the child develop fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, remember a fairy tale, and, if possible, read it. For little preschoolers, simple coloring pages that can be cut out later according to a template are suitable. Older preschoolers can independently and under the careful supervision of adults make a fish out of colored paper. Schoolchildren - 1st and 2nd grade students - can use origami, and older children often take up crafts using the quilling technique.

Where can crafts on this topic come in handy?

A goldfish for children is not only a craft, but also an object with which you can solve several problems. The presented element is required in the following cases:

A paper fish helps educators and teachers conduct classes. Simple animals do not always interest children. But it is precisely the fabulous goldfish made of paper that can make even the most notorious miscreants sit down

You can attract attention by the fact that the finished craft will easily fulfill your wish. The younger or middle group of the kindergarten can listen to the fairy tale by A. S.

Pushkin, bringing it to life. This is not only an acquaintance with the writer’s work, but also the development of fine motor skills, imagination, craftsmanship; you have to learn to work with scissors. In the older group, teachers and teachers begin to prepare performances. Often, it is the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin, known to all children without exception, that is taken into account. In the preparatory group of kindergarten and at school they begin to study the characteristics of the life and behavior of aquarium fish. During training, schoolchildren come up with their own stories or write reports on the theme of goldfish.

Each child finds his own use for the presented crafts, so this fish cannot be ignored. With a competent approach, educators and teachers discuss in detail all the features of a fairy-tale hero and representative of the fauna.

Examples of ready-made crafts made from paper and cardboard

The presented crafts can be divided into three groups. Each of them has its own advantages, each has its own goal to achieve. The following groups are distinguished on this issue:

For newbies. Beginners are considered to be small preschool children who are just mastering the technology of making crafts. They learn to hold scissors in their hands, so they can start with coloring books. The image with a goldfish is painted and cut out after the sheet has dried. This is both useful and entertaining for the child.

Medium difficulty crafts. Several techniques can be distinguished here. The first is simple applications, where you only need to glue parts of the fish onto paper. You need to cut out blanks from colored paper and glue them onto the paper. The second is a goldfish applique made of colored paper with volume. It appears in the form of small strips glued together as scales. You can use blanks of other shapes. The third is traditional origami. There are several techniques here - from simple to complex, which must be chosen in accordance with the age and capabilities of the child.

Complex techniques - modular origami or quilling. You should only undertake something like this if you have fully studied the technique. Otherwise you will have to face difficulties.

It's easy to make a craft with your own hands. The main requirement here is the choice of technology, which corresponds not only to the child’s capabilities, but also to his desires.

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