How much does it cost to place an animal on vacation Hotels for cats, nannies for dogs and other offers

Cats walk on their own - we have known this since childhood. But in fact, despite all its independence, the cat, of course, needs care and attention. In addition, cats, like people, have different personalities. Some sit on the window for hours, others follow their hostess with their tails, and at night they curl up in a ball at their feet.

But what if you need to leave? On vacation or a business trip, for example. We’ll look at what to do with your beloved pet in this article.

Situations when it is necessary to give up a cat for a while

In addition to the problem of planned vacations and departures to warmer climes, there are other life situations when an animal needs to be moved to comfortable conditions. These include:

  • major renovations in the apartment - cats do not like change and, if they find themselves in a situation of constant change, they experience enormous stress, which can negatively affect their health;
  • the first days after the birth of a baby - if there is a small child in the house, parents may not have enough time for regular activities and caring for their furry pet;
  • urgent business trip;
  • the arrival of a large number of relatives or a noisy party.

All of the above for an animal can lead to problems with its psychological state. The cat may get sick, become aggressive, or, conversely, lethargic and boring. Then the owners should think about where to leave the cat both during the holidays and during emergency apartment changes.

Babysitter for a cat

Where to leave the dog while the owners are on vacation

Many people often ask: “We’re going on vacation, where should we take our cat?” An excellent option is an on-call cat sitter service. In this case, the pet remains within its own walls and does not need to get used to the new environment at all. The person who provides this service will regularly come to the animal, feed it, clean the litter box and spend time with it.

Perhaps the most important requirement is the reliability of the person performing these duties. It is important for every loving owner that during his absence, the pet is provided with the necessary care and attention, since if the performer is irresponsible, the animal’s condition can change to irreparable consequences. In this case, the cat sitter must provide another person who could replace her under certain circumstances.

Overexposure options

The first thing any modern person does when problems arise is to type the phrase “where to leave the cat on vacation” into the search bar of the Internet browser. There may be several options:

  • domestic maintenance in an apartment or private house;
  • life in a veterinary clinic;
  • keeping the cat at home with periodically visiting friends or relatives for feeding and cleaning;
  • keeping in specialized hotels for cats.

All types of overexposure have their advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of an animal's life in the house include a familiar environment, food that the owners leave, their own tray and toys.

If you give your furry to a general shelter in a private house, he will be provided with walks in the fresh air and communication with other animals, and the veterinary clinic will be able to provide immediate assistance if necessary. But you should still be prepared for multiple unpleasant situations that will await your pet.

Option one - we give the pet into its own hands

The easiest option is to ask your family or friends to take your pet with them while on vacation. A cat is not a dog; it does not need to be walked several times a day in any weather. All you need is familiar food, clean water and a litter tray.

Ask your loved ones and friends; there will probably be those among them who dream of a kitten, but are hesitant to buy one or go to a shelter for homeless animals. After spending several days with a purring, affectionate little cat who is also not too difficult to care for, the decision will be much easier to make, and your soul will be at peace, because the cat will be in good hands during your absence.

Possible problems with improper animal care

Before you decide exactly where to leave your cat during vacation and other life situations, you need to understand all the risks that may lie in wait for you or your beloved ponytail. The main ones among them are:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to improper feeding - if the animal is accustomed to one particular food, but when changing, stomach or intestinal diseases may occur;
  • injuries as a result of conflicts - keeping several cats in an apartment at the same time often leads to them starting to conflict;
  • infection or parasites - private shelters rarely ask for a veterinary passport and pay attention to the availability of vaccinations and scheduled visits to a specialist, as a result - diseases, fleas, worms;
  • stress - a cat that is accustomed to being often played with, stroked, and brushed will experience psychological shock when alone.

This is a small part of the problems you will encounter if you make the wrong choice.

Should you take your cat with you on vacation?

Leaving your comfort zone is stressful for any cat. By nature, a representative of the cat breed is a conservative animal. He has a negative attitude towards any changes. Of course, you can take your pet with you on vacation if you really want to. But in this case, you should prepare for the trip in advance: obtain a veterinary passport and get vaccinations, collect household supplies (harness, bowl, tray, toys, first aid kit), accustom the animal to noisy sounds.

Unless absolutely necessary, of course, you should not transport your cat over long distances. If you need to go on a trip for a couple of days, then it is better to find someone who can take care of the cat during this time. You should only take your cat with you on vacation if the ends justify the means.

Features and benefits of hotels for cats

Pet hotels have emerged in the last decade. During this period, they managed to earn the recognition and love of the townspeople and their pets. Facilities where you can leave your cat while on vacation have been specifically designed to accommodate felines.

Both Maine Coons and spoiled Britons will live comfortably in them. The main conditions for a good stay in a hotel are:

  • individual contents in transparent boxes of suitable size;
  • attention to the needs of the animal;
  • the guests have veterinary passports, vaccinations and a guarantee of the absence of fleas and other parasites;
  • careful attention to nutrition;
  • clean water, ventilation, sanitization if necessary.

In hotels, special attention is paid to staffing. A condition for being hired is necessarily a love for cats, a desire to play with them, and pet them. Surrounded by love and care, fluffies sometimes don’t even want to return to their owners.

Advantages of a pet hotel

The main advantages of this type of service include:

  • constant monitoring of animals by employees;
  • the presence of an agreement that states that the establishment’s employees are responsible for the condition of the pet;
  • the pet lives in a separate room;
  • hotel specialists perform all points of the cat’s usual daily routine;
  • in case of illness, employees will immediately provide qualified assistance to him.

Important! A significant advantage of a hotel for cats is that its employees are able to check in a pet even in the most emergency case, when the owner needs to leave urgently.

Ways to prepare a cat for keeping in a hotel

No matter how good the cat is in the new place, after the question “where to leave the cat on vacation? The question always arises – how to prepare the animal for the move. Recommended:

  • visit the veterinarian and renew your passport;
  • if necessary, give the cat a sedative;
  • hand over your pet's toys and belongings to the hotel;
  • Convince yourself of the good conditions of the hotel.

A properly prepared animal will tolerate the first hours or days of overexposure well.

Is it possible to leave a cat alone in an apartment?

It is believed that felines are introverts by nature. And this is partly true: cats tolerate loneliness well and can easily do without people for some time.

But this fact does not apply to all breeds. For example, a cat of the British breed can easily do without human attention for several days. But a Scot needs friendly company. Therefore, when deciding whether to leave a cat at home alone or not, you need to think about the characteristic features of a particular representative of the cat breed.

Some cats can suffer from loneliness if left home alone, even for a few hours. For example, a Sphynx cat behaves restlessly when the owner is away for a long time, even if she has enough food, water and entertainment. Some cats, on the contrary, happily take the opportunity to take a break from socializing while the owner is on vacation. These animals include American Shorthair or Russian Blue cats.

Differences between the Sir Cat Hotel and home foster care

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, there is a wonderful option where to leave a cat during the holidays - this is the Sir Cat hotel for cats. We have been successfully keeping pets for seven years. Now we have 5 branches and this is not the limit. We are constantly developing and expanding. Now we have more than 115 cozy rooms, for which there is almost always a waiting list.

Our cats live in individual boxes that are kept perfectly clean. They play and study with them. Every day, cat owners send a photo report to their owners, or you can order video surveillance and be aware of the animal’s condition from anywhere in the world.

Paid foster care or hotel for cats

In special hotels, pets are fed, bathed, and taken for walks until their owner returns. This method will be more expensive, but it has a number of advantages:

  • Specialists will take care of the cat. They will be responsible for the pet;
  • At the hotel, animals are kept separately in a specially designed room. The pet will not be harmed: it will not run away, will not fall out of the window and will not eat a poisonous plant;
  • If an animal is sick, it will receive immediate medical attention;
  • The hotel staff will professionally take care of animals with specific needs. They will provide the necessary care and treatment;
  • Possibility of 24/7 monitoring of your cat via webcam.

Visit the hotel before leaving your cat there and pay attention to the size and cleanliness of the cages, and the order in the premises. The smell of urine and fur in the premises are sure signs that the animal is in danger here. If your cat is going to walk in the yard, inspect the area. The pet can escape if it finds a gap or hole.

Our conditions and room rates

The Sir Cat Hotel, where you can leave your cat during your vacation for any length of time, offers its guests:

  • three types of rooms;
  • individual, habitual nutrition;
  • clean air and water;
  • games and affection;

But the most important thing we give to fluffy tails is boundless love. Keeping cats in our hotel is practically a cat spa. You will take the animal back refreshed, calm and peaceful.

Room rates range from 549 to 849 rubles per day. Additional charges may apply for some services.

With close friends

The first thing that comes to mind before leaving is to place the cat with some friends or relatives. At first glance, the idea is ideal. imply the absence of financial costs, plus a priori unconditional trust in close people.

But before you give your pet into the hands of a friend or aunt, you need to evaluate all possible pitfalls. There may be other animals living in the house and it is not a fact that “their own” cat will accept someone else’s even for a few days. The territorial instinct manifests itself even in the calmest and most problem-free animals, and few people would like to endure endless feline squabbles.

Not everyone also realizes that in addition to being touched by meowing and tailed animals, they also need to be looked after - changing the litter in the toilet, washing dishes, preparing food and performing a lot of other unpleasant actions. The result is double stress - both for the owner of the apartment and for the cat. Although the scenario may be exactly the opposite - complete love, mutual understanding and pleasure.

Customer opinions

As was said earlier, cat owners tend to worry about their pets. This is a normal and completely healthy phenomenon. In this regard, they are often not satisfied with official information from the hotel administration and want to know the opinion of other people who have already had experience working with a particular hotel.

You can get similar information in reviews. We strive to take care not only of our guests, but also of their owners. Especially for this purpose, our website has a “Reviews” section. By visiting it, you can find out the impressions shared by our clients and, of course, share your opinion.

What is better: leave the animal in a pet hotel or give it to foster care?

Pet care services are provided by pet hotels and private individuals. Of course, for such organizations and citizens, caring for a dog is an activity that brings in a stable income. Therefore, the choice of a place where the dog will temporarily live must be approached responsibly and carefully. You should not choose an establishment where accommodation will be cheaper, because the health and peace of mind of the dog should come first.

How to stop a dog from barking at the dog and at everyone

Each owner must decide for himself where his animal will live. But it is worth noting that pet hotels are specially equipped for receiving animals, but conditions may not be created for a regular foster care facility.

Note! Many hotels employ professional veterinarians and dog handlers. For an additional fee, they will work with the dog and teach commands.

But even in home foster care, dog sitters fully care for their pet. All their attention is directed specifically at the dog, and in hotels where several animals are temporarily housed, attention cannot always be paid to just one pet. In addition, after being constantly with the pet, the dog sitter will be able to advise on how best to develop it.

What to do to prevent a dog from moping without its owner?

It is impossible to completely exclude longing for your beloved owner. It can only be smoothed out. To do this, introduce your pet in advance to its future place of residence and the people who will take care of it.

Ask to walk with the animal longer and be sure to play active games. Thanks to prolonged and regular physical activity, the dog will sleep without hind legs after each walk, without having time to think about pressing problems.

Try calling by phone or video - the pet, having heard the owner’s voice, will be sure that he has not been forgotten.

Please note that there are no correct options among those listed - the final choice depends on the specific situation and your capabilities. Despite this, never let your pets go outside in the hope that they will be better off there. Such a decision is made only by irresponsible people who are ready to send their four-legged friend to certain death.

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Tips on how to place kittens in good hands

When a cat gives birth, the kittens are small, cute and fluffy, but time passes and you need to look for somewhere to shelter them. It’s easier for owners of purebred animals - kittens with a pedigree are in demand, some even have queues. What if she is a “Ural street servant”? It may be difficult to give it away. Perhaps some tips will help you:

  1. Kittens should be given away no earlier than 2.5-3 months of age. By this time they will get stronger and will receive good immunity from their mother’s milk. The kitten needs to be trained to use the litter box, otherwise the new owners may get rid of the nasty pet and throw it outside.
  2. Try offering kittens to friends, colleagues, and family. Perhaps someone wanted to take a mustachioed baby into their home or give it to elderly parents.
  3. You can place an ad - in a newspaper, social networks, on classifieds websites and cat breeder forums. Don’t forget to take beautiful photos and describe the kitten’s character and habits.

Pros and cons of a hotel for animals

Placing a dog in a pet hotel always has its positive and negative sides. The main task of the owner is to carefully study the place where the pet is supposed to temporarily reside.

Among the positive aspects are the following:

  • This solution is a salvation, especially if there are no friends or acquaintances who could adopt a pet.
  • If a hotel boasts professional and qualified staff, then for sick dogs or dogs undergoing rehabilitation, accommodation there will be the best solution.
  • The animals are kept in separate enclosures, and if the dog needs individual care, the hotel staff will be able to provide him with the appropriate conditions.
  • The walk takes place in a fenced area, so the likelihood of escape is minimized.
  • The most important and important difference between a pet hotel and a foster home is the constant presence of a veterinarian who, if necessary, can provide first aid.

Negative sides:

  • If the owner gives the pet to the first organization or person who is involved in foster care without making sure of their reputation, then there will be a risk of improper care.
  • Other animals that are temporarily housed may be infected.
  • The cost of this service is quite high.

Important! A dog will better tolerate separation from its owner if he has taken care of its socialization since childhood.

Separation from its owner is always a serious blow for a pet, so the owner needs to carefully analyze the place for his temporary residence and choose one that meets the requirements of comfort and reliability.

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