"ProPlan" (cat food): reviews from veterinarians. Reviews of ProPlan dry and wet cat food

If you have a furry pet at home, namely a cat beloved by all family members, then you are probably wondering how to provide him with adequate nutrition. It's no secret that our furry friends are often spoiled, since we ourselves teach them to eat from our table. This is not at all healthy, since it is most often too salty or spicy, and therefore completely unsuitable for the cat’s body.

To save time, many people refuse a natural diet and completely switch to ready-made dry or wet food. Today we are interested in the ProPlan brand (cat food). Reviews from veterinarians fully approve of its use, which means they will allow every owner or breeder to make the right choice.

A little about the company and product range

Surely you have already heard about these foods; they are produced under the Purina logo. This brand has long won the trust of most owners, as reviews confirm that it helps strengthen and maintain the health of your furry pet. The range of feeds is especially attractive. The product line has something for cats and cats, small kittens and animals with strict dietary restrictions due to various diseases. In any case, you can be sure that ProPlan cat food will suit your furry pet perfectly. Reviews from veterinarians confirm that, unlike cheap economy class options, the composition of this class of food fully complies with all standards, which means it ensures the normal functioning of the body.

Advantages of ProPlan feed

First of all, as leading experts in the field of cynology and felinology emphasize, this line of products is made from easily digestible, high-quality and carefully balanced ingredients. Manufacturers made sure that, despite the usefulness of the ingredients used, the food is also very tasty. This is very easy to determine: furry pets are delighted with their new food and never mind asking for more.

You can definitely offer even the most capricious kitten a tasty morsel that he won’t refuse. This could be chicken, duck, turkey or salmon. A varied selection of flavors will not only please your pet, but also avoid getting tired of the food.

However, this is not all that characterizes ProPlan. Cat food (reviews from veterinarians fully share this opinion) should contain a large amount of protein to provide your animal with energy, and also have a low fat content. The Purina brand fully meets both requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the product include:

  • wide selection for all ages and breeds;
  • medicinal, dietary, hypoallergenic food options;
  • accessibility and affordable cost;
  • the presence of meat and fish as the main source of protein;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the feed;
  • the development of the composition is carried out under the supervision of professionals;
  • granules are not of a hard consistency;
  • packages of various weights.

Interesting article: Hypoallergenic dog food: rating of super premium food for puppies and large breeds

The Pro Plan food has some disadvantages. The most significant are:

  • it is not indicated what ingredients are used, natural meat or offal;
  • presence of flavoring additives;
  • a large number of grain components;
  • lack of berries and fruits, as in super premium food;
  • the presence of components that do not provide any particular benefit to the dog’s body;
  • similarity of compositions, despite diversity.

As you can see, the pros and cons are almost proportional. Product evaluation is controversial, however, reviews from veterinarians and buyers are in most cases positive. As a premium product, Pro Plan is quite good and is suitable for a dog’s daily diet.

Types of feed

First of all, we will look at dry lunches, since this is the option most often chosen by owners. This is easy to explain: they cost less, they are easier to store, and there is no worry that canned food may turn sour in a cup. There is an opinion that “drying” is harmful to cats. Maybe if these are cheap economy-class products, but ProPlan (cat food) is a completely different matter. Reviews from veterinarians emphasize that before transferring your pet to it, you need to weigh your options in advance. If you plan to continue feeding natural food, then you should not disrupt the natural digestive process. That is, you need to feed either one or the other.

Each animal has its own special food

The quality of these products is regularly noted by customers. Pets that have received it for some time show excellent health, vigor and energy. In addition, the quality of these feeds has been repeatedly proven by numerous studies.

Let's look at what ProPlan dry food for cats is on the market today. Reviews from veterinarians say that it can be taken without fear, the composition is absolutely natural and meets the basic needs of cats.

Cost and replacement feed

Dry food is sold in bags of 400 g, 1.5 kg, 3 and 10. Wet food is sold in bags of 85 g. The cost depends on the type chosen:

  • Junior, Sterilized and almost all diet products have the same price: dry 322, 981, 1651 and 5136 rubles. according to the weight of the package.
  • Adult - 292, 981 and 4991 rubles. (3 kg packaging is not available).
  • Adult 7 + and Light: 400 g cost 322 rubles. and 1.5 kg respectively 981.

The price of a jar of canned food and spiders is the same for all categories and is 70 rubles.

In addition to Pro Plan food, Purina has several other cat food options, but they already belong to the cheap class. These are Felix, Friskies, Darling, Gourmet, they contain 19.6 (or less), 20% meat. In terms of price, they are slightly lower: from 60 rubles. for 300. In addition, a budget version of Cat Chow is offered, which has cereals in the first place in its composition. To replace the Pro Plan, only similar ones can be considered, i.e. feed is not lower than premium class.

Types of dry food

The first group is marked Junior. This food consists of thermally processed chicken meat and rice. First of all, this food is designed for kittens, which can be switched to it starting from the age of one month. The granules should be soaked in milk. This food will fully provide your pet with the necessary microelements and vitamins that are needed for its growth and development. Therefore, you can use ProPlan dry food for cats as the basis of nutrition without any fear. Reviews from veterinarians confirm that much fewer problems with digestion occur in animals whose owners have been accustomed to these foods since childhood and adhere to this diet in the future.

Reviews of Pro Plan cat food

Julia : “I fed the cat Proplan food in the morning and at lunch, and in the evening I noticed that the cat began to “pass gas.” And she specifically spoiled the air. Problems began with the chair, she sat in the eagle position on the potty, but nothing worked. After some time, the cat also vomited. I immediately canceled this food and will not contact him again.”

Olga : “The breeder recommended that we feed the kitten Pro Plan and we started doing this from the age of three months. Our Briton eats it with pleasure, the fur is beautiful, and there are no problems with stool. Now we are trying food for show animals.”

Sveta : “This is the third type of food that I buy. The cat did not get enough of the previous two. Between Proplan feedings she does not beg for food. But I noticed that she attacks the food itself like crazy. I guess it has some additives in it for that.”

According to veterinarians, Pro Plan cat food has a beneficial effect on animal health.

For adult cats

The second group is intended for animals over a year old; the packaging is marked Adult. However, there is also a gradation here, since all animals have individual characteristics. Thus, Sterilized food has a high protein content, and therefore is excellent for sterilized cats and neutered males. If your pet is prone to allergic reactions, then it is best for him to take food from the series

Delicate. Dental Plus is a food with large granules; it is recommended for cats with problem teeth, as thorough chewing allows them to be cleaned. Finally, the Senior series is ProPlan dry food for cats, the reviews of which are the most positive. It is designed for animals over seven years old and allows you to maximize their fun and carefree life.


The manufacturer of Pro Plan food is Nestle Purina PetCare Company.
It has existed for more than 80 years, and currently its team consists of approximately 18,000 employees and several hundred scientists. And it all started with horse meat. Yes, yes, ordinary horse meat! Horses that died of old age (or for other reasons) were fed to dogs, and a little later - in 1860 - the American James Spratt began producing the first commercial food.

The first company was founded in 1894: it was renamed several times, expanded, and production was modernized. Eventually the Nestle Purina PetCare Company was formed.

The head office was made in St. Louis, America, and the divisions were “scattered” all over the world: Oceania, Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe...

Manufacturers assure that in their work they are guided exclusively by the interests of animals and work for their benefit. Experts in the field of nutrition, veterinary medicine, formulation developers and even animal psychologists are involved in the work.

Feed composition

It should be noted that dry and wet food do not differ in composition, so you can be sure that you are feeding your pet correctly, and it does not matter which form you choose. The food contains at least 40% protein; this is the basis without which it is impossible to imagine the life of a healthy cat. One package contains 20% meat ingredients, corn gluten, cereals and chicory root, animal or fish oils, concentrated proteins, flavorings and vitamins. ProPlan wet food for cats has exactly the same composition, only with the addition of more meat and bone meal and by-products. Reviews from veterinarians emphasize that there are no clear standards regarding what is best to give to a cat. Some purrs digest dry food better, while others digest wet food.


According to most veterinarians, Purina ProPlan is suitable for completely healthy cats, but not ideal for sick or neutered cats. For the latter, there are better foods of the same class. Some veterinarians are so radical in their assessment of ProPlan foods that they do not recommend them and consider them harmful to the health of cats. However, it is necessary to separate ProPlan food from France and ProPlan food, which has recently been produced in Russia. Products from domestic manufacturers are of significantly lower quality.

Wet food

Canned food has a main distinctive feature, or rather, it contains a lot of protein. This determines the competitiveness of the ProPlan brand. Wet food for cats, reviews of which indicate its excellent tolerability, not only has a good composition, which is confirmed by research, but is also simply loved by cats. Most furry beauties prefer it to regular dry snacks. It is usually produced in individual packaging, but if the cat does not eat the portion immediately, then the leftovers will have to be thrown away.

You'll find delicious pieces of meat and moist sauce in every serving. Please note: if the food sits in a cup, the sauce dries out and the nutritional value is greatly reduced, so teach your pet to eat according to a certain schedule. Wet canned food is produced in cans or portioned bags. Moreover, they come with salmon and chicken, turkey, lamb or rabbit. Depending on your pet’s preferences, you can give him one of his favorite foods or alternate.

Let's sum it up

All we have to do is tell you about the reviews about ProPlan cat food. Most owners who decide to switch to ready-made food approach this procedure with caution, and rightly so. You need to choose the right composition that is ideal for your pet. Among the abundance of options, ProPlan food has the best price-quality ratio. Many owners note that from the first days of switching to this food, the cat became more active, cheerful, and its fur shinier than ever. At the same time, veterinarians often note an improvement in the condition of pets suffering from chronic diseases. Based on everything said above, we can conclude that such nutrition is an excellent alternative to natural food.

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