Cocker Spaniel: description, photo, care and reviews. American, English and Russian Cocker Spaniel

General characteristics of the breed

When you bring a cocker spaniel into your home, be sure that you will have to forget about the concept of loneliness. It's so great to always be in inventive (in the field of fun and entertainment) company. Dive into the mud or bury yourself in a snowdrift - with joy! But your dog definitely won’t want to go for a walk on a rainy day.

The Cocker Spaniel dog requires human presence to maintain a full life. No one in the world will reward you with such devotion. To all the advantages of living with him in the same room, you can add one more thing - he is a reliable guard of your home. The dog regards his owner as a leader, and himself as his protector, servant. He monitors all human movements and affairs both in the house and outside it. If you want to distract your guardian for a while, you'll need some kind of treat. But it is necessary to remember about the cocker’s excessive love for food, which often leads to obesity.

Where to buy a puppy

When choosing a puppy, give preference to club pets so as not to purchase a mixed breed or a defective animal. Carefully study all documents: pedigree, field diplomas of parents, results of genetic tests.

Kennels of the Russian hunting spaniel:

  • Shchelkovo ROSy, Moscow –;
  • Russian spaniels of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg –;
  • Spaniels of the Volga region, Kazan –

Life and character

The English Cocker Spaniel is generally cheerful and sociable with the world around it, but there are shy and timid representatives of this breed. It is also interesting that females differ from males in their persistence and strong desire to dominate in everything.

This four-legged friend always tries to please his owner, so he quickly learns what he is taught. He is kind to children and strangers, gets along well with other pets, and is sensitive to changes in human mood. In addition, the Cocker Spaniel is very talkative. When bringing him into the house, be prepared for his loud barking.

Most often, representatives of this breed live up to 11-13 years, since at one and a half years they are already considered adults. At this age, both females and males have a height of 38 to 40 centimeters, weight - from twelve to fourteen kilograms.

Over time, the Cocker Spaniel breed has gained popularity among breeders. The mating took place indiscriminately—few people thought about the consequences. This has led to a change in the character of dogs: aggressive and nervous specimens are found.

Popular nicknames

Pet genderName
MaleSancho, Lorrie, Maurice, Tom, Archie, Luke, Micky, Oscar, Lucas, Tisha, Louis, Dani, Ricky, Patrick, Bruce, Bruno, Jerry, Leo, Hector, Derek, Watson, Lester, Lucky, Casper, Chaplin, Scooter, Elwood, Rimbaud, Pegasus, Scout, Forex, Wally, Ripley, Hiro (generous), Arata (new), Hoshiko (star child), Hayato (falcon), Katsu (victory)
BitchSarah, Doni, Chloe, Floris, Tina, Mimi, Irma, Lana, Christy, Tracy, Anise, Grace, Pixie, Jena, May, Ruby, Nancy, Sherry, Lily, Hannah, Molly, Cleo, Megan, Belle, Linda, Daisy, Juno, Plush, Wendy, Sophie, Snowball, Tenderness, Fifa, Michiko (child of beauty), Shinju (pearl), Kiku (chrysanthemum), Masuru (victory), Miyako (beautiful child of the night)

Maintenance and care

It is better for this species to live and develop, of course, in a village, but in a big city apartment this is also possible, provided that you walk your pet as often as possible. On the street you can witness a cocker trying to catch a pigeon, crow or cat. In order for your pet not to touch them, he needs to be raised and trained from the first months of life.

It is also important that the dog cannot be left alone for a long period of time. Loneliness negatively affects his behavior and disrupts his psyche.

The English Cocker Spaniel has a silky, frizz-free coat that must be brushed and combed regularly, otherwise it will become tangled. It is not advisable to bathe frequently, but you must constantly monitor the health of your ears - this is a weak point. Physical activity is allowed in as much as the owner can withstand. Instead, you can take regular short walks. You need to feed no more than three times a day. The dog of this breed is unusually gluttonous and prone to obesity.

Origin story

There are several versions of how the spaniel breeds appeared. The most popular one says that they were bred during the Middle Ages in Spain. They were then brought to other European countries, where they accompanied nobles on hunts and later became boudoir dogs. In the 18th century, according to several works of naturalists, spaniels were white with red or tan spots. It was also mentioned that a new variety of white and black color was developed in France.

According to the Celtic version, spaniels ended up in Britain along with settlers from Celtic tribes back in the 10th century BC. According to the Romans, they were brought to Britain by the ancient Romans during the conquest. For a long time, there were only 5 varieties of the breed. They were divided according to their hunting skills: some caught game only on land, others - on land and water. The real history of the breed begins in the 18th-19th centuries, when they began to be actively bred. The modern standard was born then. Now there are several subspecies that are adapted to hunting in different areas and for different game.

Russian cocker spaniel

This species was created with the aim of acclimatizing British spaniels for hunting in Russia. The fact is that here the animals brought from England could not adapt, and there was nothing to talk about catching prey with their help.

The Russian Cocker Spaniel is the result of crossing an English Springer Spaniel and a Cocker Spaniel. The new breed was able to establish itself as an excellent hunter of waterfowl, field and marsh birds, as well as hares and hare. It has all the qualities of an ideal gun dog: scent, hearing, endurance, stubbornness and a desire to hunt.

Whom to choose

Russian is recommended for hunters of upland game and waterfowl. It is unpretentious and hardy, does not require complex coat care. It is better to keep such a dog in a private home. In addition, this dog is not recognized by the International Association of Cynologists, therefore it does not participate in competitions held by the organization.

The English Cocker is more suitable for owners who dream of a show career as a pet that can also be taken for hunting. To maintain its presentable appearance, professional coat care and associated costs will be required. “Englishman” with its size is ideal for keeping in a city apartment.

Both dogs are sociable, kind and cheerful. They get along well with children, do not offend familiar cats, have good health, live long and are easy to train.

Spaniels are dogs of Spanish origin. Today, under this name there are several subspecies of hunting fold dogs. When choosing an animal for the role of a pet, it is important to know, for example, how an English spaniel differs from a Russian one. Features of the English Spaniel This is a reliable and beautiful dog. It is distinguished from the Russian spaniel by its more compact size, head shape, and body proportions. She is well built, active, intelligent and [...]

Character traits

Friendly, energetic and balanced in his actions. These traits have recently become the main reasons for the popularity of the Cocker Spaniel breed. The dog loves walks, swimming, does not chase chickens and geese, and is friendly with other pets.

In the forest it becomes an indispensable assistant for a person, and at home it becomes a best friend. And in general, the owner for her is God. She will follow him into fire and water. There will be no end to her tirelessness and devotion, but, unlike the English spaniel, she understands when to become invisible and not get in the way.

What to feed

The owner chooses the type of food (natural, industrial) for his pet. Both varieties are suitable; each owner decides what is more acceptable and convenient for him. The main thing is to monitor the volume of daily portions and avoid overeating.

Industrial feed

The daily ration is calculated using the formula: 40 g. feed for 1 kg. live weight.

Recommended brands of food:

  • Acana Adult Dog Heritag;
  • Orijen Adult Dog;
  • Bosch Light;
  • Brit Care;
  • Royal Canin Adult Cocker.

Natural nutrition

Daily norm: from 30 to 60 g. per kilogram of animal weight.

A dog's diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • beef tripe;
  • lean sea fish fillet;
  • quail egg;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • dairy products;
  • bran;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice).

Important: game caught during hunting is not included in the diet, so that the dog does not want to spoil the prey.


If you properly care for your Russian Cocker and give him enough attention, health problems will not arise. It can be kept both in private houses and in apartments, subject to regular long walks and games with a stick or ball, which the cocker spaniel badly needs. Caring for it is not as burdensome as caring for other breeds.

It is easy to comb and clean the fur - it is enough to do it once a week, and 2-3 times a year to remove dead areas. It does not need a haircut, as after it the fur begins to grow too thick. But trimming is sometimes required in areas of unnaturally reddish shades of fur.

The ears should be given special attention: check and clean them as often as possible, as due to their length they are prone to ear infections. It is necessary to feed at least twice a day, or even three. Due to an incorrect or disrupted diet, not only obesity, but also food allergies can occur.

Whom to choose

Russian is recommended for hunters of upland game and waterfowl. It is unpretentious and hardy, does not require complex coat care. It is better to keep such a dog in a private home. In addition, this dog is not recognized by the International Association of Cynologists, therefore it does not participate in competitions held by the organization.

The English Cocker is more suitable for owners who dream of a show career as a pet that can also be taken for hunting. To maintain its presentable appearance, professional coat care and associated costs will be required. “Englishman” with its size is ideal for keeping in a city apartment.

Both dogs are sociable, kind and cheerful. They get along well with children, do not offend familiar cats, have good health, live long and are easy to train.

American subspecies

The American Cocker Spaniel was bred in America through selection of the English spaniel species. Due to its chic appearance and character, the breed continues to be bred in the United States, as well as in many other countries.

Despite its beauty and elegance, this dog is very durable, with strong bones. Easily and quickly gets used to sudden changes in lifestyle.

English Setter

The English Cocker Spaniel is a popular hunting dog breed that is distinguished by its large reserves of energy, strength and endurance.

The body of these dogs is quite powerful and muscular, therefore, they can cope with heavy loads and long movements.

English Setters not only look luxurious and elegant in appearance, but also have an aristocratic character, which they show by their habits and behavior in general.

Character and behavior of the breed

The American Cocker Spaniel will become your irreplaceable friend and a favorite of the whole family. This is an obedient, kind, energetic dog with a pleasant character. For health and long life, it is better to keep it in a house or apartment. But in no case should you forget about walks and games in the fresh air. The Cocker will be happy to live with other pets. A special warm relationship arises with a cat if they grow up together. Condescending towards the pranks of small children.

Obedience and training are important and necessary rules for a dog of this species. He will be able to overcome loneliness for a short time on his own, but leaving the dog for a long time is dangerous. This is fraught with the appearance of negative habits, such as barking or howling for no reason. It also affects the dog's nervous system.


Spaniels are small or small dogs, but they have their own characteristics in maintenance and care. You need to approach the choice intelligently and first read about the types of spaniel breeds with a description.

English cocker spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

English Cockers are descended from Norfolks, ancient hunting dogs. They hunt birds, their sensitive nose and sharp eyesight help them in this.

The English are stocky dogs of medium height with a long body. Height – up to 40 centimeters, weight – up to 12-15 kilograms. They have large drooping ears and wavy fur. They are dexterous and strong, fit, but without care and proper physical activity, dogs begin to be lazy and quickly gain weight.

English Cockers are predominantly red, white and black. There are standard representatives of the breed and mini varieties. The British are family men. They love spending time with people and are good with children. They always capture the mood of the owner and the general atmosphere of the house. They treat strangers with caution. They do not communicate with cats and small animals.

English Springer Spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

Springers are the oldest breed of hunting dogs. They are the ancestors of all modern spaniels. For centuries, springers were companions of English lords. They earned the love of Renaissance artists and can often be found in famous paintings.

There are two types of springers: hunters and show dogs. Externally, they do not differ from each other, but they have different skills and differently developed instincts. This is a large and muscular dog, fast and agile in its movements. It grows to 45-55 centimeters and weighs up to 30 kilograms. The coat has weak waves and lies close to the body. White and brown or black.

Springer is the ideal family man. He is kind, loyal, active. Loves to play with children and accompany adults on runs. Such dogs are an ideal choice for active people who have time for walks.

American Cocker Spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

American cockers are considered one of the most charming and graceful dogs. They originated from the English breed. A dog from one of the breeders gave birth to puppies with big eyes and wavy hair. In England they were not accepted, but in the United States of America they became a separate branch of spaniels. Already in the 1930s, the British and Americans were recognized as different breeds and were no longer crossed.

Americans are smaller than the British: height reaches 37-40 centimeters, weight - 12-14 kilograms. They have a more snub-nosed muzzle and a silky coat that resembles flowing curls. Color white, black or brown.

This is the ideal family man who fits into life in the city. They are less active, do not require long walks and too active games. At the same time, they are more affectionate and good-natured, strongly attached to their owner and suffer in his absence. However, their mood can be changeable. Do not disturb your dog if it needs solitude or peace.

American Water Spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

American water spaniels are not particularly well known in the world, but in their homeland they have gained love and popularity. The exact origin is not known: some call their ancestors Irish mermans, others call them curly-coated retrievers. Like other representatives, mermen are excellent hunters. They are usually taken with them when hunting hares and waterfowl.

Americans are large and stocky. They grow up to 60 centimeters and weigh up to 30 kilograms. They can be recognized by their thick and curly fur of a deep chocolate shade. The muzzle is smooth, and there is no hair at all on the tail. They are very hardy, but at the same time genetics have given them serious diseases that manifest themselves in many representatives.

Water spaniels are smart, picking up commands on the fly. Due to these qualities, they are often trained in circus tricks. They are sociable and active. They quickly become attached to their family and are ready to protect them from any troubles.


  • Photo from Wikipedia website

Kooikerhondje comes from Holland. The name literally translates as “duck hunter.” They are distinguished by a unique hunting style: by wagging their tail and moving, they attract ducks to the shore where people have set traps. Dutchies are small and have a square body. Height – 40 centimeters, weight – 15 kilograms. The coat is white with red markings. It has the ability to repel water and dirt, which is valuable during hunting.

The main purpose of the Kooikerhondje is hunting. His "family" skills are not as developed as other spaniels. They are attached to their owners, but remain calm and reserved. They are indifferent to children and prefer to stay away from them. They do not like loud screams and laughter. They need training and moderate physical activity.

Irish Water Spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

This is the largest representative of the group. They are large and heavy. At the withers, the height reaches 60 centimeters, and the weight reaches 35 kilograms. They are not well suited for apartment life, as they need fresh air and space for activities. Following their hunting instincts is important to them.

The peculiarity of the Irish is wool. They are covered with soft curls of a dark chocolate color. Sometimes dogs have bangs and a goatee. The ears are covered with fur.

Despite their short stature, the Irish are often cowardly. Their fear can turn into aggression. They need proper upbringing, and then the pet will grow up loyal, affectionate and obedient. Quiet, calm disposition.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

One of the oldest representatives of the group. For several centuries, Cavalier King Charles was a favorite of the English nobility. They were originally bred for hunting, but then the courtiers began to want to take them home. However, they were too large to be kept indoors, so breeders crossed them with Tibetan Spaniels and Japanese Chins.

The result was the Cavalier King Charles, a small dog with a round, flat muzzle. Height is only 30-32 centimeters, weight does not exceed 8 kilograms. The body is compact. The coat is white with brown, red or black markings.

Cavaliers have truly “royal” endurance. They are calm and balanced. They do not lose face when interacting with children and small animals. They love to be the center of attention and catch people's gazes. This is an excellent choice for those who want to take their dog to shows.

Features of maintenance and care

Like any pet, the American Cocker Spaniel requires regular walks every day. Although these pets can remain inactive for a short time, this does not benefit them in any way. Playing in the yard with various objects like small rubber balls will help them stay in good physical shape.

The dog will also be happy with the training. Teach him to bring you newspapers or slippers. Involve him in all sorts of activities of your family, because he is a full part of it! The Cocker enjoys any active activity and will be grateful that you save him from boredom.

When properly maintained, dogs of this breed live about 14-16 years. They weigh relatively little: from 8 to 12 kilograms. The height at the withers reaches approximately 38 centimeters.

To prevent tangling of the silky coat and maintain the excellent appearance of the spaniel, it is enough to brush it every other day. Unlike the English Cocker, the American Cocker can be bathed frequently. As a rule, they even like this process. Use proven, high-quality dog ​​shampoos to avoid rashes and other skin allergies.

Spaniels often develop eye diseases, so pay special attention to their prevention. Clean them gently with damp cotton pads without soap. Also, don’t forget to trim your nails and clean your ears and teeth.

Who is better to have

Russian spaniels are often purchased by hunters who plan to hunt upland game and waterfowl. These dogs are less demanding in terms of living conditions, unpretentious, and hardy. However, the British are also quite adapted to hunting: after special training, they can even be taken on a wild boar. Well, in catching ducks, woodcocks and other small things, they are not inferior to other breeds.

The English cocker is a very beautiful dog. But her long coat requires regular care: washing, combing, cutting and trimming. In order for the dog to maintain a presentable appearance, the owner will have to master the art of grooming or regularly take the pet to the salon, which will not be cheap.

Those who want to participate in international exhibitions should place their bets on the English Spaniel. The Russian is not recognized by the International Cynological Association - he will not be able to participate in competitions. English cocker puppies are more expensive, and they are easier to purchase, because breeders often specialize in this particular breed.

The compact Englishman is more suitable for keeping in a city apartment. Owners of a private house should opt for a Russian spaniel - he can live indoors and in an enclosure, act as a hunter, companion and watchman.

Spaniels are sociable, friendly and active dogs that get along well with children and pets. These pets are distinguished by good health, live long, are quickly trained, and are undemanding to living conditions.

Dimensions of a lounger, booth, house or enclosure

Cocker spaniels are medium-sized pets. This determines the size of the bed, booth, house or enclosure.

Standards for the listed equipment for the breed:

• mats, rugs, beds, cribs – M or L; • booths, houses – rarely used, since the dog is a decorative breed, the size is determined taking into account the pet’s height; • cells – average dimensions are 75 by 53 by 60; • aviary – free space is achieved on an area of ​​1.2 by 1.2 m.

Cocker spaniels are a medium-sized breed, which is reflected in the selection of clothes, shoes, collars, and other items. It is advisable for the owner to know how the dog develops according to the norms in order to track whether the pet is growing correctly. Height and weight values ​​indicate the health status of the animal.


The first step in raising a puppy is socialization. A 2-3 month old puppy should begin to learn etiquette, get rid of fear of strangers, and observe subordination. The owner must teach the pet to observe the rules of behavior established in the house, adhering to them himself. From an early age, the cocker loves to test the owner's strength: he is a gourmet, so he will watch him eat, making a pitiful grimace and thus begging for a tasty morsel. You can’t follow the pretender’s lead: in his eyes, the owner will begin to lose authority, and he will know what to “put pressure on” in order to achieve his goal.

Both excessive lisp and harsh authoritarianism are not suitable for raising an “Englishman”. The best qualities applicable to a spaniel are unobtrusiveness, systematicity and perseverance. Although he looks very cute, he can show leadership habits at 3-4 months. The owner should pacify an overly emotional puppy and not allow him to get ahead during a walk.

Owner reviews

Below we have given a couple of reviews from owners of the Russian Spaniel dog breed, which we received in personal messages. If you found these reviews useful, write your review in the special feedback field below and share your experience. After all, a live review from a spaniel owner is very valuable for people considering purchasing a puppy of this breed, who would like to learn more about the wonderful Russian Spaniel dog breed.

Nikolay: “When I was going to get a dog, I had a choice of two breeds: Russian black spaniel and cocker. I doubted that I needed a dog for hunting and fishing. Having studied almost everything about Russian spaniels on the Internet, I gave preference to the ROS puppy. And I was not mistaken. This is an unusual dog. She is at the same time calm at home, active and inquisitive in the forest. It is important to let her express this activity to the fullest. The spaniel is cramped in the courtyard of a multi-storey building; he needs a lot of free space.”

Svetlana: “My brother the hunter has a black spaniel. This is a tireless dog, an energizer battery. Curious, inquisitive, a real explorer! One can envy her energy. The children adore her, she answers them in kind. It’s always fun and interesting with her.”

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