How to groom the largest hamster: main breeds, weight of pets and care features


The common hamster lives mainly in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia. Its distribution area is quite wide. Animals of this species are found in the northwestern part of China, in the east and south of Siberia, in Kazakhstan and the northern part of Mongolia.

The large Radde hamster prefers to settle on already developed lands in the steppes, which are rich in perennial grasses. Representatives of this species are found in the Caucasus, Stavropol region, Ciscaucasia, and also in Georgia.

Reference. The number of common hamsters has decreased significantly over the past 20 years, so programs have been developed in different European countries to protect these animals.

Large hamsters that can be kept at home

Although the common hamster has a rather attractive appearance, even an animal raised in captivity usually remains wild and does not particularly like contact with its owner. Due to its size, it requires a lot of living space. So, if you want to get the world's largest hamster, you need to think carefully about it. However, there is an alternative for those who want to keep a hamster of considerable size at home.

The Syrian hamster can reach 13 cm in length. Among its relatives, it stands out in size. This is a hamster that is easy to tame and care for. The minimum cage size for this species is 40 x 60 cm. A running wheel is required: the minimum diameter is 18 cm. Syrian hamsters are attractive with a variety of colors, and there are also long-haired varieties. You can buy them in pet stores, and in ideal conditions they can live up to 3 years.

Thus, the largest hamster in the world is the common hamster. This is a fairly large rodent with a complex character. Despite its unpretentiousness, it is not very popular as a pet. The capybara, which many call “the largest hamster in the world,” does not belong to this family, although due to its easy-going nature it may well become a good pet.

Large specimens for home keeping

Djungarian and Syrian hamsters are most suitable for living at home. They, like other breeds of this species, are clean. They wait out the entire daylight period in the hole and only come out at nightfall. Large hamsters of the Karbysh and Radde breeds remain wild, meaning they can bite. And given that this animal’s teeth are quite sharp, the consequences for the owner can be disastrous.

The Karbysh breed, settling next to humans, creates many problems. Summer residents really do not like these animals, despite their cute appearance. Just a couple of individuals can completely deprive the owner of hope for a good harvest. All the grains that are attractive to the animal will migrate from the garden to the personal pantry. The proximity of this species does not cause delight among gardeners, despite the fact that wild hamsters can feed on insects and destroy them in their summer cottage.

Rodents store large reserves of food in their burrows. The problem with keeping large breeds of hamsters is that they create winter reserves weighing from 15 to 20 kg. In an apartment it is quite difficult to provide such an opportunity.

It is necessary to care for large individuals belonging to the Syrian breed, taking into account their characteristics. The cage for them must be chosen in a large size. This also applies to the wheel in which the pet will run. For such animals, it is necessary to purchase a cage with bars, not a plastic one. The distance between the bars should be such that the animal does not stick parts of its body through the bars.

Most hamsters lead an active lifestyle, but only at night. The animal must run up to 12 km per day. It is quite difficult to provide such loads in a cage. That's why the wheel was invented. Special balls are also used. While in them, the animal is able to move around the apartment quite quickly.

In nature, in addition to grains, hamsters can eat worms and snakes. We are talking about wild breeds. In urban conditions, it is quite difficult to provide such a diet. Store-bought hamster food does not meet these needs. Domesticated breeds do well on plant-based foods.

These can be beets, lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, dandelion grass. Caring for a hamster, which is a wild species, is quite complicated.

What if it's not really fat?

If your beloved beautiful hamster suddenly gets fat, and neither exercise nor a healthy diet helps her, think about it! What if it’s not a matter of obesity at all, it’s just that a charming addition of 10-12 babies will soon appear in your cozy hamster house?

And most importantly: try not to overdo it in trying to make your pet's life better. You shouldn’t hide food so that he can’t find it, feed him nothing but cucumbers, or torment him with daily five-hour training sessions! After all, a little swelling never hurt anyone, right?

Let's start with something simple - if you are sure that your pet's diet is balanced, he gets enough vegetables and greens, and also regularly exercises on a wheel, then there is no need to worry. But be honest, don’t you spoil him with something tasty from time to time? Or sometimes you’re just too lazy to let him out of the cage and you hope that the hamster will entertain himself? Here you go. It seems it's time to take action.

To check concerns, contact your veterinarian. He will easily determine the danger of a hamster's weight to life, based on the age and breed of the pet.

So, for a Syrian hamster, a healthy weight is considered to be 12 grams for every centimeter of length. An adult healthy pet weighs about 200 grams. This figure is different for each breed. Dwarf and Djungarian hamsters are much smaller.

Don't forget that hamsters, like people, tend to lose weight as they age. The older the pet gets, the lighter it should be.

The biggest hamster

The largest hamster in the world reaches 35 centimeters in length and a body weight of 0.7-1 kg. It is this rodent that is a pest in dacha areas; it is called a wild hamster. People try to fight him, but to no avail. He is resistant to poison and fearless. And even politicians can envy his arrogance. An animal can freely pass by you and go to your garden bed to gather supplies for the winter. If only he were alone, but there are many of them and they all fill their own pantries. The largest hamster digs a hole up to 8 meters long. There he stores food for the winter in specially designed compartments. No frost can reach it, taking advantage of this, in winter the rodent goes into hibernation. But the wild hamster looks like a small mouse compared to the capybara named Caplin Rous. This animal only looks like a hamster. Its height is 0.6 meters and its length is 1.4 m. The weight of an adult is 34-66 kg. This huge animal lives in South and Central America.

What does the biggest hamster in the world look like?

Some sources mention the capybara, a giant rodent that has an external resemblance to a hamster. This animal lives in Central and South America. Its body grows up to 135 cm in length, and the weight of an adult exceeds 50 kg. The height at the withers is 45-50 cm. However, the capybara is not a hamster.

This animal belongs to the Capybara family. The largest rodent in the world has membranes on its paws, thanks to which it swims well.

The capybara feeds on coastal and aquatic vegetation, so it spends a lot of time in the water. Often the animal falls asleep in a pond with its head sticking out to the surface. This is a friendly animal that is easy to tame.

Some Americans keep a large rodent at home and are very happy with their choice. A striking example of this is the huge capybara Kaplin Rose, a capybara raised at home by Texas resident Melanie Tipaldos.

An American woman dedicated an online blog to her large pet, thanks to which she became popular. And Kaplin Rose's fans call her the fattest hamster in the world.

Common hamster

This species is the largest in the Khomyakov family. The body of an adult rodent reaches 27-34 cm in length. This is a truly gigantic hamster the size of an adult dachshund.

Exterior Features:

  1. A large hamster has a tail 6-8 cm long. Its base is quite wide and the tip is thin. It is covered with short, coarse hair.
  2. The muzzle is of medium length, with well-formed cheeks.
  3. The ears are short, thin, erect.
  4. Like other members of the family, the large common hamster has fairly capacious cheek pouches.
  5. Wide paws are equipped with long claws.

The large common hamster has thick and soft fur. The color of the upper body is reddish-brown. The abdominal area is black. There are 2 light spots on the sides, separated by a small island of black fur. There are also light milky spots on both sides of the head and behind the ears. In some subspecies they are also present in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

In nature, there are large common hamsters with pure black fur and individuals with a charcoal color and white spots on the limbs and neck.

Large common hamsters have 16 teeth, 12 of which are molars. Each jaw has 2 incisors. They grow throughout life. In the wild, a rodent constantly grinds them down when it eats rough food - branches of fruit bushes, dry grass and grain.

Hamster Radde

Another giant hamster is called Radde. It got its name from the name of the Russian naturalist. This rodent grows up to 28 cm in length. Moreover, the size of its tail does not exceed 1.5 cm.

The coat color on the upper part of the body is gray-brown, and the abdominal area is black. The fur around the anus is light brown. The fur on the cheeks and cheek area is lightened. There are black stripes between the ears and on both sides of the muzzle.

Features of behavior

A larger hamster may show character. If threatened, it is capable of attacking even larger animals. At the same time, he stands on his hind legs and clicks his teeth.

Here is the animal's diet:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • wheat crops;
  • plant roots;
  • insects and vegetation.

Such a rodent often walks around with full cheeks, in which it carries supplies. Rodents begin stocking up on supplies at the end of summer. Chubby-cheeked hamsters can be observed in the dark as they are nocturnal animals.

Animals can swim too. They draw air into their cheek pouches and move through the water with the current. At the same time, swollen cheeks do not allow a person to sink to the bottom.

Some rodents, thanks to their caution and ability to defend themselves in natural conditions, live up to 4 years.

Lifestyle and habits

The largest hamster in the world is distinguished not only by its size, but also by its temperament. This is the only representative of the hamster family, which, if threatened, attacks not only representatives of its own species, but also larger animals. There are often cases when hamsters even attack people. At the same time, the rodent takes a fighting stance, standing on its hind legs, loudly clicks its teeth in warning and then attacks.

An adult representative of this species feeds:

  • grain crops;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greens;
  • plant roots;
  • insects.

It often happens that smaller rodents also get eaten by animals of this species. The individual carries reserves in capacious cheek pouches, which it empties by applying strong pressure on them with its front paws. Food supplies begin to replenish at the end of summer. In the pantries you can find up to 25 kilograms of grain, each variety of which is stored separately. One day, more than 90 kilograms of supplies were removed from the hole.

The burrows of representatives of this species often reach 2.5 meters in depth. There can be up to 10 exits. All burrows include several storerooms and a nesting chamber. Since this representative of hamsters is a nocturnal animal, it spends most of the day without appearing on the surface. With the exception of the mating season, the animal leads a solitary lifestyle.

The mating season begins in April and continues until August. During this period, females are in burrows and wait for males to come to them. As soon as the male enters the female’s territory, he marks her and, depending on whether the female likes the smell, mating occurs. At the end of the act, everyone returns to their hole. Males visit females every 5-6 days.

The animal can swim well. To do this, the rodent takes air into its cheek pouches and moves in the water with the current. The air in the cheeks prevents the individual from drowning like an inflatable ring. Caution and the ability to fend for themselves allow some special ones to live up to 4 years in the natural environment, despite the fact that the average life expectancy is 3 years.

Wild (common) hamster

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their large size compared to other breeds. One tail of an ordinary hamster reaches about 8 centimeters, and its height is about 30 cm. Such hamsters require special maintenance; the home must be spacious to be able to install a labyrinth or several rooms with storage rooms.

They are very rarely kept at home due to the difficulty of providing the necessary housing. These animals are very thrifty; in the wild, their reserves can exceed 15 kg.

Deception or truth

Among all this diversity, the capybara stands out, which many classify as hamsters. It is mistakenly considered the largest representative of this species. But it belongs to the capybara genus. The animal only vaguely resembles a hamster, which causes errors. Capybaras are quite trainable. They are often kept at home by residents of South America. A very large hamster is an animal from the category of myths.

Capybara with a cat

Which hamster is better to get - Djungarian or Syrian?

SizeUp to 10 cm. Weight – 40 g.Up to 18 cm, that is, almost 2 times more. Weight – 100-140 g.
ColorMostly gray, there are albinos with light fur and red eyes.Most often golden, but there are white, black and brown.
One or two?They are very sociable and live in friendly families in nature. Feel free to have several furry babies, but always have a second cage or carrier ready. No one is immune from quarrels! Prefers to live alone and needs a separate territory. Couples rarely get along.
CellDespite its modest size, it needs spacious housing. Due to the high level of activity, a wheel and maze are required. Also loves space. It is advisable to equip the cage with a wheel.
SmellIt is characterized by cleanliness. It has a moderate odor, characteristic of all rodents. Cleaning once a week is enough. It has a sharp, specific smell, so the cage requires more frequent cleaning - 2-3 times a week.
TamingWild, difficult to get used to being handled, reacts poorly to affection.Adapts faster to a new place and owner, loves to be scratched.
Health FeaturesHe is prone to diabetes, so you should not feed him sweet fruits and dried fruits.Given proper nutrition, he rarely gets sick.
LifespanWith proper care - 3 years. It is a long-liver among this species of rodents. Usually 2-2.5 years.

About the content

How picky is the little inhabitant? In fact, hamsters from China are easier to keep than their counterparts. To keep a Chinese hamster you need:

A cage with sparse vertical bars. This is a prerequisite for a pet’s comfortable and safe life. Hamsters are nimble and agile companions; thanks to their size, they are able to crawl through wide bars and go explore the owner’s apartment. At best, such a trip will end with the researcher being discovered and placed in a cage. At worst, after a certain amount of time a dried corpse will be found behind the furniture. Therefore, it is advisable to take the choice of cage seriously if the owner wants the little pet to live longer in this world. Be sure to purchase rodent litter. Pet stores offer a huge selection of different fillers, ranging from cheap sawdust to corn product. The main fillers that are popular among rodent owners are sawdust, wood and corn filler. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sawdust is cheap, but quickly becomes dirty and practically does not retain the smell. Wood filler can cause calluses on hamsters' paws; corn filler is expensive. However, corn litter is the best of the bunch. The product does not cause allergies, the hamster can taste it, but there will be no harm. Corn litter absorbs odors perfectly; changing dirty to clean is done once a week. Drinker and feeder. It is recommended to choose a heavy ceramic or metal feeder so that the hamster cannot turn it over. Plastic bowls look more elegant, but the pet is able to launch such a feeder to the other end of the cage and spill food

As for the drinking bowl, it is worth paying attention to the fixative. At a pet store, you can ask for a drinking bowl for a hamster with a fixative; they will offer several options to choose from. Are toys and houses necessary? A Chinese hamster needs a house, the photo of which can be seen above

This is a shelter for a rodent, where you can sleep peacefully, hiding from prying eyes. As for toys, numerous tunnels and loopholes will be very useful. Hamsters are active and love to run for miles. This is not a joke, the baby is able to run up to 20 km per night, because he is very energetic. Make sure you have a wheel so that your pet can get rid of excess energy by actively running around in it. Just pay attention to the material from which the wheel is made. Preference is given to metal mesh wheels, which are the safest. Avoid wheels with wide bars. Hamsters have small paws that easily fall between the bars. This will lead to their fracture.

Methods for determining obesity

To understand whether a fat hamster is really overweight, it is enough to perform several manipulations. These include:

  • carefully place the pet with its paws up;
  • slowly feel the rib parts of the body.

In the case where the ribs protrude too much, a lack of grams can be diagnosed. In such cases, it is worth adding more high-calorie foods to your diet. However, if the ribs cannot be felt at all, then the situation is completely opposite - the animal needs to be helped to get rid of excess weight. When the weight is normal for the animal, the ribs of the hamsters can be felt individually, but they cannot be called protruding.

How to get rid of obesity?

Fat, clumsy hamsters need to review the food they eat and the feeding system in general. Do not forget that the maximum daily dose of balanced food for crumbs is two spoons, characterized as tablespoons. Hamsters develop habits quickly, so it is recommended to feed them small portions at the same time. In order for your pet’s diet to be balanced, it is necessary:

  • reduce the amount of grain consumed by the animal;
  • add vegetables, fruits, berries in small quantities to the main products;
  • reduce the number of nuts in the feed.

In addition, it is worth reconsidering the number of accessories intended for organizing the animal’s leisure time placed in the cage. Among them must be:


The body structure of individuals is quite specific:

  • the ears are short and covered with coarse hair;
  • feet are wide;
  • the tail is quite thick at the base;
  • the fingers are crowned with fairly developed claws - they provide the rodent with rapid movement in space.

From above, the body is usually monochromatic, the color varies from red to brown, the color of the abdomen is black. A pair of light spots can be seen on the sides of the belly, which are separated by an area of ​​dark fur. Light spots are also located behind the rodent's ears, as well as on the sides of the head. The most rare individuals are:

  1. Black color.
  2. Black with light legs and chest.

In total there are about 10 subspecies of individuals.


Many people believe that fat pets cause affection because of their clubfoot, however, it is worth knowing that obesity in individuals of the hamster order can have serious consequences. These include:

  • heart failure;
  • thrombus formation;
  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive system;
  • other diseases.

The lifespan of hamsters is already not very long, and if extra pounds are added to the baby’s other problems, it begins to shrink altogether. Even if it does not cause life-threatening diseases, the pet’s well-being will be extremely disappointing.

How to determine if you are overweight?

To find out if your hamster is obese, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the animal in your hands and gently lay it on its back.
  2. Feel the ribs from the abdominal side.

If during the examination you notice that the ribs protrude and can be felt too clearly, this indicates that the animal is underweight and needs to be fed better. The inability to feel the ribs indicates that the pet has problems with excess weight. If each of the animal's ribs can be felt individually, but they do not protrude, we can say with confidence that the pet's weight is normal.

How to contact?

Gaining trust will take patience and time. All the efforts expended will subsequently be more than repaid, since the pet will soon begin to show affection and boundless trust. So, what not to do:

  • make rough and sudden movements with your hands close to your pet;
  • pick up a sleeping or recently awakened animal;
  • cover with your palms, trying to catch;
  • make loud noises near the cage;
  • leave the rodent on high ground;
  • grab the scruff of the neck with your fingers;
  • Trying to introduce a furry cat to a cat would be a fatal mistake.

It is recommended to constantly talk to the animal, give treats from your hands and treat it affectionately.

The most depressed hamsters

Each animal has its own characteristics in character. Without knowing them, it is difficult for the owner to understand what his pet wants and what his mood is. The hamster is no exception. Just like people, they can get depressed. It often occurs in pets in winter.

Hamsters feel anxious and restless. American scientists decided to use this property of rodents in order to understand the cause of depression in people and find ways to eliminate it. The study involved 53 female and 48 male dwarf hamsters under the supervision of a professor at Ohio Medical University.

The animals were limited in their access to daylight to simulate winter days. Scientists also conducted special tests for anxiety. The researchers placed the rodents in a large cardboard box and observed how long the hamsters stood near the walls for 1 hour. This is exactly how restless hamsters behave.

In addition, the animals were given a sweet drink for several days. If a rodent did not drink it, it was considered “depressed.” As a result of such an experiment, it was found that hamsters are susceptible to seasonal depression.

The most depressed hamster is considered to be a rodent named Chmurka. The facial expressions and behavior of this animal speaks for itself.

Killer hamsters - horror in the cage

The hamster is a territorial animal, so it considers every other hamster its enemy. Even domesticated hamsters have a very strong survival instinct. Even if you place 2 rodents in a large spacious cage and provide them with food, one representative will still most likely be killed by the other. Hissing and growling are some of the signs that a confrontation will begin. Very often, if the female and the offspring from the male are not resettled in time, he kills them.

The most famous killer hamster is the Scorpio. He hunts scorpions and tarantulas and is not afraid of them at all.

Record holders for size

The largest hamster in the world is the capybara Caplin Rose. The owner of the giant pet is Melanie Typaldos. The weight of the animal is 64 kg, and the body length is 1.4 meters. Melanie named her pet after the huge rodent from the fairy tale “The Princess Bride.” Typaldos claims that the animal is very friendly and plays with children and even dogs.

A hamster's favorite pastime is to swim in the river, and then eat ice cream and fall asleep. Melanie even writes a blog about her pet, which is popular.


What hamsters are considered a large hamster is a hamster. a fat hamster in the common hamster of the Hamster family. a giant hamster the size of an ordinary hamster is a common hamster thick ordinary hamsters with Dog breeds Cat breeds Rodent breeds Dog breeds Cat breeds Chew breeds new Dog breeds Cat breeds Rodent breeds Dog breedswith a hamster.large hamster isWeight of the hamster Raddelarge hamsters talk about hamsters

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Brief description of breeds

Golden homa

It is also often called Syriac. Currently, this breed holds the palm in popularity. Rodents are quite large (half the size of a mouse), but not so large that they can be entrusted to a small child.

The color of the fur matches the name of the breed: medium-length fur is usually reddish, golden or tan. There are black, white, spotted and even apricot colors.

Fiery beauties prefer privacy to the noisy company of relatives, but at the same time they are always happy to communicate with family members, quickly get used to their hands and love affection.

Angora breed

It is not difficult to guess that this breed of hamster belongs to the long-haired category. His middle name is real. Even in photos the animals look great, but in real life they act like a king.

This species is descended from Syrian hamsters and gets its name from its lush coat, similar to Angora cats. These rodents have nothing to do with angora.

Unlike their golden ancestors, they are distinguished by a wide variety of colors: white, cream, silver, tricolor. Surprisingly, men have much longer hair than women.

Dzungarian breed

Dwarves among their fellow tribesmen. The coat is painted in a smoky gray color with a clearly defined dark stripe along the back and a characteristic diamond on the forehead. The ears are black, the paws are white. Average length 10 cm.

Unlike previous species, hamsters are independent; they do not particularly like human attention. They are distinguished by their eccentric character: they often fight in groups. Therefore, it is best to keep them alone or popular in a group of their age from birth. They are mainly nocturnal.


Another one of these little ones. They are often confused with Dzungarians, although the differences are visible at first glance:

  • firstly, the color of this breed of hamster is yellow-brown;
  • secondly, the stripe on the back and the diamond on the forehead are not clearly drawn.

They also prefer solitude, so this species is more interested in observing their lives and habits than in communicating.

Sungur breed

Distinctive features are large bulging eyes, a bulbous nose, an arched croup and hairy paws, for which the hamster received the nickname “fur paws.”

But the breed is unique not only for its unusual structure, but also for its ability to change color depending on the season: the less hot and sunny it is, the lighter the coat becomes.

Roborovsky breed

Quite a rare breed, although many would like to have these incredibly active, lively and cheerful children. At one time, it practically disappeared from the face of the earth, but American scientists managed to restore and even increase the population.

The true representatives of the species are truly tiny creatures and are considered the smallest, not counting Taylor's dwarf, among all species of domestic hamsters. It is best to keep rodents in pairs or even small family groups.

The coloring is typical for deserts and semi-deserts: white belly, pink back, black ears with a white border.

Taylor's dwarf

This is actually a wild breed, but adapts well to life in captivity. They enjoy communicating with people and feel quite comfortable in a cage - they prefer a well-fed and calm life.

The size is small - only 5cm.

By the way, such sizes require special painstaking selection of the cage, but it is better to keep babies in glass or plastic containers, which will be difficult for them to chew.


At most, it is not even Gulliver among the entire family of hamsters: the average height is 25 cm. Despite the ordinary and ordinary name, the hamster is distinguished by its bright and contrasting color:

  • red back;
  • black belly;
  • on the face and sides there are two light dots separated by a black stripe.

Pets come across a calmer coat - black or black and white.

Yin Yang

It is difficult to say that black and white animals are a separate breed of hamsters.

For example, albinos can be found among the Youngs, Syrians and Campbells. In nature, white rodents are easy prey for predators, so there are few of them in their natural habitat. The snow-white color is highly valued among breeders.

Black hamsters are as rare as white ones. Charcoal hamsters are usually born in litters of the Syrian or Dzungarian race.

Siberian animal

Another breed of fur paws. Externally, Siberians are very similar to Djungarians and also change their dark color to lighter in winter. Rodents are very small and active, so keep them in a glass terrarium. As a last resort, a cage will do, but with a very small intersection gap.

All about hamsters: what they are, how much they weigh, sizes

Hamsters are amazing animals, unpretentious and very clean. Even during serious illnesses and injuries, they try to take care of their appearance. The main advantage is that it does not require much care, eats little and does not make noise. He lives in his own cage and doesn’t bother anyone. Unlike some, he does not rush at guests. At the same time, he is excellent at healing mental wounds. One look at this miracle rodent is enough to lift your spirits. Let's look at who hamsters are and everything about them. You just need to know how to properly care for them. A lot depends on this, including health and life expectancy. Therefore, take care of a high-quality cage of sufficient size, filling and accessories. A running wheel must be of high quality. Pay special attention to nutrition, this is very important. There are foods that must be given, but some are generally prohibited from being included in the diet. There must be a drinking bowl with fresh water. Avoid stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Those who are interested in hamsters and everything about them, you have just read the very main base, without which the rodent will not live long.

Breeds of wild hamsters

  • Karbysh

An adult hamster reaches a length of up to 35 cm and a weight of up to 1 kg. A very harmful hamster, he likes to live near people and is a frequent visitor to gardens. This hamster is protected in many countries: Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, France, Belgium.

Wild hamster - carbysh

  • Gray hamster

Listed in the Red Book. An adult grows up to 13 cm in length. Habitat: steppes, semi-deserts.

Gray, wild hamster

  • Hamster Radde

This species is widespread in the North Caucasus, Georgia, and the Stavropol Territory. It causes great harm to agriculture and is also a carrier of the dangerous infection tularemia. Dimensions up to 28 cm.

Hamster Radde

  • Eversman's hamster

A small hamster, slightly larger than a rat, up to 16 cm. Lives in Kazakhstan, the Volga region, and Trans-Urals. In captivity it is well tamed. In some regions of Russia, such a hamster is listed in the Red Book.

Photo of Eversman's hamster

  • Mongolian hamster

A small hamster, slightly larger than a mouse, up to 15 cm. Belongs to the Eversmann hamster species. This hamster has a light brown color. It lives in China and Mongolia.

Mongolian hamster

  • Barabinsky hamster

This individual belongs to the gray species of hamsters. It got its name in honor of the Barabinsk steppe of the same name. Usually such hamsters are small in size, up to 13 cm.

Barabinsky hamster

  • Daurian hamster

This hamster is the size of a mouse. Lives in Mongolia and Siberia. In size, up to 13 cm.

Daurian hamster

  • Brandt's hamster

Transcaucasian hamster. The length of the individual is up to 18 cm. It lives in Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and the Eastern Ciscaucasia.

Brandt's hamster

  • Hamster Sokolov

Named in honor of zoologist V.E. Sokolova. Body length up to 114 cm. Lives in Mongolia and China.

Hamster Sokolov

  • Chinese hamster

They are classified as dwarf hamsters, up to 12 cm. Such hamsters have a characteristic elongated body and longer legs. Found in China and Mongolia.

Chinese hamster

  • Newton's hamster

Lives in northern Bulgaria and Romania. Body length up to 17 cm. Life expectancy about 2 years.

Photo of Newton's hamster

  • Taylor's Hamster

Belongs to dwarf hamsters, up to 8 cm. Habitat: North America. Minks are built in the grass.

Taylor's Hamster

  • grasshopper hamster

Body length up to 13 cm. Habitat: Canada, North America. An interesting feature is that from time to time they can sit down and emit a short high-pitched squeak for 1-2 seconds.

grasshopper hamster

  • Siberian hamster

Refers to dwarf hamsters. Habitat: Eastern Siberia.

Siberian hamster

  • Tibetan hamster

The body length is up to 11 cm. The color of the fur coat is dark gray. Habitat: Western China.

Tibetan hamster

  • rat hamster

The body length of such a hamster reaches up to 25 cm. It lives in Northeast China, the Korean Peninsula, Primorsky Krai, and the Jewish Autonomous Region. The color is predominantly gray-brown.

rat hamster

  • Short-tailed hamster

Lives in the mountainous regions of Tibet, South Asia, China. Body length up to 10 cm.

Short-tailed hamster

  • Canese hamster

This hamster measures up to 10 cm in size and weighs up to 100 grams. Habitat: China.

Canese hamster

  • Long-tailed hamster

Lives in the southwest of Transbaikalia. Length – up to 12 cm. Burrows are built among the rocks.

Long-tailed hamster

As you can see, there are simply a huge number of hamsters living on Earth. We hope that after reading this text you have become a little more familiar with these interesting animals.

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The golden king of children's hearts. The second most popular species is the Syrian hamster. This species is medium-sized and much larger: the body length is considered to be 12 cm, but there are individuals up to 20 cm tall (this is the largest hamster among pets). The usual color is golden (reddish, peach). Often, for marketing purposes, sellers call this breed Royal, and the name Yellow Hamster is found. Many consider it the most beautiful breed.

Albino hamster with red or black eyes

Such a handsome man can be of any breed.
And again we have to disappoint you - there is no separate breed of albinos with a specific eye color. Almost any living creature (even humans) can be born an albino.

Usually hamsters have black eyes, but albinos often have impaired eye pigmentation (this is the color on the inner surface of the eyeball). As a result, it becomes transparent and the red color we see is blood vessels.

An albino with any eye color is no different in caring for an ordinary animal of the same breed.

Features of home care

At home, a large hamster turns into a friendly and docile pet. This requires simple care for the hamster. The animal needs to be provided with a varied diet, including greens. Vegetables and seeds of cultivated plants. Adults are fed fish oil, white bread and oatmeal. It is worth purchasing vitamins E, D and A at the pharmacy.

Important! You should not feed your rodent exotic vegetables and fruits, raw meat or fatty foods.

A small, medium-sized cage is suitable for a pet. You should not choose a home made of wood, which the animal can easily chew through. You will need a bedding made of pressed sawdust. They absorb moisture well and provide optimal living conditions. Don’t forget about special entertainment for the animal in the form of a manhole or a wheel.

With proper care, the pet will not cause problems, but will become a source of positive emotions for household members.

In this post we’ll talk about unusual pet “hamsters”. By the way, the photo below is just one of them...

The domestic Capybara is a huge hamster weighing from 35 to 65 kg

This huge fancy “little animal” on the sofa is called Capybara. This semi-aquatic herbivore mammal lives in South America and belongs to the capybara family. Weighs from 35 to 65 kg, body length is 1-1.30 m, and height at the withers is 50-60 cm. Females are usually larger than males.

Domestic Capybara Capybara in the house Domestic Capybara - a huge hamster

Typically, Capybaras lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, rarely move away from bodies of water, and are excellent swimmers and divers. In the wild they feed on fruits, tubers, grass and aquatic plants, and in captivity on feed and fish.

Domestic Capybara, photo 1

Owning a capybara as a pet is not difficult; on average, it will cost 2.5 thousand dollars per cub, plus at least the same for delivery to Russia. To this you need to add a spacious house with a pond, a garden and fresh greenery.

Domestic Capybara, photo 2

By the way, these giant hamsters are easy to tame and very affectionate, although it will not be very easy to pick them up and cuddle them, they are still a bit heavy.

Domestic Capybara, photo 3

Domestic Capybara, photo 4

Domestic Capybara, photo 5

Domestic Capybara, photo 6

Domestic Capybara, photo 7

Domestic Capybara, photo 8

Domestic Capybara, photo 9

Domestic Capybara, photo 10

Capybara in the pool

Capybara, photo 1

Capybara, photo 2 Capybara, photo 3

Most people, when they hear the word “hamster,” immediately imagine small and cute rodents that can fit in the palm of their hand. But not all types of hamsters are so compact in size. Let's find out which hamster is the largest in the world? Which large hamsters are best to keep at home? Let's look at photos of the largest hamsters.


Features of keeping a shaggy hamster of the Syrian breed:

  • It is not picky about living conditions and is practically silent, with the exception of night time. To prevent the hamster from disturbing your sleep, you can take it out into the hallway or another room at night.
  • Consumes little feed.
  • Calmly relates to manifestations of affection from the owner.
  • Angora hamsters reproduce without problems in captivity.

Possible content difficulties:

  • An Angora hamster will bite if your hands smell of something tasty or if you frighten it.
  • The baby is prone to obesity, so take care of exercise equipment, the minimum set is a running wheel.
  • To ensure the highest quality care, place the following attributes in the cage: a drinking bowl, a sand bath, a chalk stone.
  • When the temperature drops to +10 degrees, the Angora hamster can hibernate.
  • Since this is a rodent, it can chew anything that gets in its way, so allow it to walk only under your supervision or in a fenced area.
  • An uncleaned cage can cause an unpleasant odor.

Now you know that the Angora hamster is a type of Syrian breed. In order for your furry to live a long and happy life, do not overfeed him, choose a balanced diet, clean his cage, and do not house him with roommates.

If you are scared by stories that hamsters are aggressive and can bite your finger, know that this does not apply to cutie Angoras. The hamster will quickly get used to you and become a true friend.

Not all hamsters are small. There are also quite large individuals, and even the largest hamster in the world - the capybara. Among the common species there are rodents whose weight reaches 700 grams and whose body length is up to 30-35 cm. The fattest hamster is not found among such varieties as dzhungariki, Syrians or red ones. A large individual requires special care. It is necessary to take care of the optimal size of the cage, as well as purchase a high-quality wheel.

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