Types of Welsh Corgis and what they look like in the photo: description of the breed standard and main colors of pets

Often, future owners choose a Corgi puppy based on its color. At this stage, difficulty arises, since this breed has a multifaceted palette of coat colors and one cannot do without a hint.

There are two varieties of this breed: Pembroke and Cardigan, and this also complicates the task of choosing. Who do you like best? The small Pembroke Corgi, which looks like a fox and is always smiling, or the Cardigan Corgi, which has a serious expression on its face and a large body structure.

An article from which you can learn and analyze the possible nuances of standard Corgi colors will help you with your choice and get rid of future disappointments.


Despite the external decorativeness of the breed, which suggests that it was bred artificially and not so long ago, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a rich history. The first written mentions of them date back to the 10th century. The basis for breeding was the Icelandic dog or the Swedish Vallhund.

The name comes from the Welsh cor gi - "dwarf" and "dog".

The Corgi's homeland is the British Isles, where they were apparently brought by the Celts. Initially, the breed was bred as a herding dog and was highly valued. laws of the Welsh king prescribed compensation for the killing of a corgi in the amount of one ox - this was considered a large sum . At the same time, the cost of any other dog, even a royal one, was much lower.

Interesting fact: according to one legend, fairies gave Welsh Corgis to people - these animals served as mounts. The legend is confirmed by the dog’s miniature size and the specific black saddle-shaped mark on its back.

According to another version, the first corgi puppies were found by children in the forest on a fallen tree and brought home. If you believe this legend, it becomes clear why Welsh Corgis are so good-natured towards children and willingly participate in their games.

By the beginning of the 20th century. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi was bred in only one county, Cardiganshire (hence the prefix to the name “cardigan”), in Wales. However, everything changed in 1926, when the first Welsh Corgi Association appeared. The breed was finally established in 1934, when the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi were divided into two separate breeds.

Today, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is considered endangered in England - this is due to the significantly greater popularity of their closest relatives, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. But in other countries - the USA, Australia, Russia and Scandinavian countries, interest in this breed remains, so purchasing a Welsh Corgi Cardigan puppy is not a problem, and the breed as a whole is not in danger.


The Corgi, like any other dog, needs good training while it is still young. Due to their highly intelligent nature, training will be easy for you. However, the owner must show his authority to the Corgi at the beginning of the relationship.

When you take your baby home, introduce him to the new place. Show your pet where food and water are, as well as the bed.

Teach your baby the routine of when he should go to sleep and what time he should wake up. It will take from a week to two weeks to establish a regime.

The next step in your dog's training is obedience. Corgis should see you as a leader and respect you. You can start by teaching words like “no” and “stop.” This is necessary so that the pet begins to understand what behavior is unacceptable.

Corgis learn quickly and tend to excel in training. Use a firm but friendly approach. Reward your pet with treats when he makes progress. However, remember that dogs tend to gain weight easily. Therefore, encourage the animal in moderation so that it does not become obese.

One of the breed's common bad habits is to bite people's heels. Since Corgis are herding dogs, they do this instinctively. Make animals understand at a young age that such behavior is unacceptable.

Description of the breed

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is very beautiful and powerful - this is exactly the first impression they make. The breed has a noble head shape, large erect ears, short legs and a specific, very pleasant expression of the muzzle - it seems that the animal is smiling all the time.


The color of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan can be varied:

  • redhead,
  • piebald,
  • fawn,
  • sable,
  • red and white,
  • tricolor.

The most common cardigans are tiger (brindle) and blue merle (blue merle) , and the rarest are black . There are no only white corgis.



Important : Corgis have blue eyes that look very beautiful, but according to breed standards, this color is only allowed for animals with the blue merle color. For other colors, hazel eyes are typical.


  • the head of the Cardigan Corgi is shaped like a fox and a shepherd dog, the skull is wide and flat above the ears, and narrows toward the eye area;
  • muzzle – narrowed, but not sharp, nose – black;
  • eyes - tonsils, in harmony with the color of the coat;
  • bite – full, scissor bite;
  • The ears are large, erect, and slightly rounded at the tips compared to the size of the dog;
  • the neck is strong and muscular, proportional to the size of the body;
  • the body is long and powerful, the chest area is deep, the chest is moderately wide, the croup is sloping;
  • The coat is short or medium-long, hard, but silky to the touch, with a thick undercoat. Shines and perfectly protects from moisture;
  • The paws are strong, straight, short. The front ones are slightly turned outward;
  • the tail also resembles a fox's, of medium length. At rest it hangs freely almost to the ground; when excited it can rise slightly above the top line.


The British have a joke about the corgi: “a dog a yard long.” Indeed, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is very compact, their ideal height at the withers is 30 cm, the length varies from 90 to 110 cm. The ratio of the length of the back to the height of the animal is important - it should be 3:2.

Height is in the range of 27-32 cm, weight for females - 11-15 kg, for males - 13-17 kg, occasionally - 20.

Weight by month:

1 month 2 kg 300 g – 3 kg
2 months 2 kg 700 g – 4 kg
3 months 5 - 6 kg
4 months 7 - 8 kg
5 months 8 - 9 kg
6 months 9 - 10 kg
7-10 months 10 kg – the weight of an adult dog (11-17 kilos)

Howl and bark

Good news for those who want to have a corgi: this breed is not inclined to bark over trifles , and it will also not hold “concerts” in an empty apartment while waiting for its owner. Most often, the animal makes a voice when greeting the owner or his guests. Because they are sensitive to the mood swings of others, corgis may bark if they feel something is wrong in the family.

A dog will also bark at a stranger who, in its opinion, is dangerous.

The breed is also characterized by the so-called “ cake songs ” - a howl with modulations, which many find funny. It is performed as a greeting.

In any case, Corgis are easy to train. Therefore, an overly noisy animal is either an anomaly or a consequence of lack of training.

17 reasons why a dog howls and instructions on how to stop it

Compare with colors of other dog breeds

  • Beagle
  • Basenji
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Sheltie

Despite the huge variation in colors, Beagles are allowed to have a certain number of colors.
These include black, white, red, brown and all their shades. The arrangement of tones is not regulated by canine associations. Read here: Beagle colors. The Basenji is an ancient indigenous dog breed. Its development took place without human participation, for this reason their colors are very diverse. White shades in certain areas of the Basenji's body are mandatory. Read the article: Basenji colors.

In the standard, only absolutely black (the undercoat must also be this color), pepper and salt, black and silver and white with a snow-white undercoat are acceptable. More details here: Miniature Schnauzer colors.

This breed has four main colors, but their shades are varied and rich. In all varieties (and for black it is mandatory) white spots are allowed on the forehead, collar area, chest, tips of the paws, and tail. Read the article: Sheltie colors.

Differences from Pembroke

For a long time, these breeds competed with each other at exhibitions, but today they are often confused. Meanwhile, their differences (as well as similarities) are clearly expressed:

  1. Story . They were brought not by the Celts, but by Flemish weavers.
  2. Size . Cardigans are larger and wider in the bones, their body and head are larger. The weight of Pembrokes does not exceed 14 kg.
  3. Ears . Cardigans have much more rounded tips.
  4. Color . Unlike Cardigans, who have many coat color options, Pembrokes have a strictly regulated coat color: red, sable or black.
  5. Tail . Among the Pembrokes, it was previously stopped without fail. Today, not everyone adheres to this tradition, but bobtail is still common. But cardigans have a tail that is always long, fluffy and very beautiful. Before docking was abolished, it was easiest to distinguish them “by the loin part.”
  6. Character . Pembrokes are considered more friendly and sociable. Cardigans are also affectionate with their owners, but behave reservedly around strangers. Loneliness is easier to bear.
  7. Because of their different ancestors, Cardigans and Pembrokes have different genetic conditions and disease susceptibilities . For cardigans, this list is a little smaller.

The most smiling dogs in the world: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The breeds are similar, first of all, in size, affection, and charming appearance, reminiscent of both a dog and a fox. Both Cardigans and Pembrokes are highly trainable, love new tricks and pick them up literally on the fly. Both varieties are suitable for inexperienced dog owners .

Features of the breed: possible diseases

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a fairly healthy breed, and the list of possible diseases is not so long:

  • vision problems: retinal dysplasia and atrophy, entropion, glaucoma, lens displacement, persistent pupillary membrane;
  • immune deficiency . There is practically no protection against this disease - even vaccinated puppies usually die very early;
  • immunoglobulin G deficiency;
  • Cystinuria – leads to the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. Requires the use of drugs - D-penicillamine, and in severe situations - surgical intervention;
  • complications during childbirth due to the structure - childbirth, especially the first one, should take place under the supervision of a veterinarian;
  • back diseases - begin with excess weight, which puts pressure on the back. With proper nutrition, this problem does not arise;
  • anomalies of intervertebral discs . Can lead to displacement or rupture. To find out whether a particular individual has such a problem, it is worth x-raying the puppy. If an abnormality is detected, it is important to monitor the puppy's activity.

Genetically healthy corgis remain active and cheerful into old age.


Before breeding, make sure the health of the future mother and father. This mainly concerns the absence of genetic diseases.

Favorable age for mating is 20-24 months. Although it should be noted that the first estrus in females occurs at 7-8 months. Before mating, introduce your pets: take a walk with them or leave them in the room for communication.

The pregnancy of a Welsh Corgi lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. After the first month, the bitch’s nipples swell and her tummy becomes rounded. The girl will constantly ask for food. But you must watch your diet so as not to overfeed the expectant mother.

The bitch gives birth to from 3 to 8 puppies. 2-3 hours after birth, wash the newborns and mother with warm water. The birth should be supervised by a specialist who can help in unforeseen situations.

Photos of the puppies are presented below.

Where is the best place to buy a puppy: the most famous nurseries

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is not a “fashionable” breed, which partly protects those wishing to purchase a puppy from unscrupulous breeders, and the babies from genetic diseases. However, it’s still not worth purchasing a cardigan “from hand” at the poultry market. The most famous nurseries in Russia are:

  1. " Andevol ", Kursk. The nursery has a website: https://www.andvol.ru, where you can look at the puppies, choose the one you like, or sign up in line for the baby. Corgis from this kennel have repeatedly won prizes at exhibitions - both in Russia and abroad.
  2. " Vision Style ", Moscow. Website: https://www.corgy.ru. The kennel has been operating since 2009, the dogs from it consistently become prize-winners at exhibitions in Russia, Hungary, and Belarus.
  3. From the House of Hungre ”, Moscow. Website: https://corgi-iz-doma-vengre.com. The dogs are champions of Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, and Romania. Prize-winners of the Smiling Corgi competitions.
  4. " Highlight-s ", Serpukhov, Moscow region. Website: https://www/pastoralia.ru.

Does a puppy's color change as it ages?

Small tri-colored puppies at one month of age look two-colored, red tan appears later. The dog acquires its true permanent color after several molts. Tricolor puppies become noticeably lighter in color as they age.

Price: how much does it cost in rubles?

The cost of a puppy is primarily influenced by pedigree and compliance with breed standards. Also, the price varies depending on the popularity of the breeders or nursery and the region of sale - in large cities it will be higher.

The cost of a Welsh Corgi Cardigan puppy can reach up to 75,000 rubles. If the puppy has all the documents, buy it for less than 35 thousand rubles. will not work.

If you take a dog as a companion, without documents, then you can invest 10-20 thousand rubles.

“Can’t you be quieter?”

Appearance of puppies

Welsh Corgi puppies are adorable, soft little bundles of love that you can't resist.
The puppy's tail is straight and long without kinks, the eye color is brown, in cardigans it can be blue . Puppies look like plush toys thanks to their medium-length coat.

Owner reviews

Before buying a puppy, it is worth learning about all its advantages and disadvantages. Here are reviews from those who already have a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.


Olenka : A lot has been written about shortcakes, and almost everything is positive and enthusiastic. And rightly so! They deserve it! We have a girl living with us, she is now 11 months old. The dog is very tactilely pleasant, incredibly positive, and lifts your spirits even when things are not going well. The cuteness is off the charts) Sometimes he does all sorts of outrages, of course, but then he makes such a sweet little face that it’s impossible to scold him!

Vitaly : My best friend. Lex is our entire family's favorite dog. We have two children, they played with the puppy, now he has grown up and plays with them. There have never been any problems, the main thing is to understand that this is an animal and it requires attention.

Zhanna : I have a corgi - Peach. This is a sea of ​​positivity. Such a toy. I took him from the nursery at 3 months, and have been inseparable since then. There are no disappointments with this cute creature, I love the prankster!


Sergey : The corgi cardigan has been living in our house for three years now; we bought it as a gift for our daughter. The dog is beautiful, no doubt. But the intelligence that is indicated in the description of the breed is not there. When I read the canine descriptions before purchasing, it was written everywhere that the norm for a corgi is to learn commands the second time. No. She knows most of the common commands, but, for example, she still cannot learn the difference between “give” and “put down” when she brings the ball. Although he understands the “bring” command itself. Plus stubborn. So there will be difficulties with training.

Natalya Petrovna : My daughter got a corgi, Fenechka. At first everything was fine, but my daughter went to university, but the corgi stayed and I suffered a lot with her! The animal is very stubborn - it does not follow commands demonstratively, out of spite! She gnawed all the blankets in the house that she could reach, gnawed the wallpaper, and even managed to gnaw concrete! To turn her somewhere during a walk, if she doesn’t want to go there, you can only drag her and the third time. If she decides that she needs something, she will bark, whine, jump and demand her way in any way. I read that these are characteristics of the breed, and not mine that is so unique. So I would think ten times before buying.

Key points in training

  • It is important for Corgis to feel the leader in their owner; their character needs to be broken and bribed with treats, in which case they will do everything to please the person.
  • They need constant mental stress, so monotonous execution of commands will not work.
  • You need to train a puppy from 3-4 months , but you need to accustom it to its name and its place from the first minutes of its appearance in the house. Physical activity should be sufficient, but not excessive.
  • An excellent choice would be agility (obstacle course) for short dogs and freestyle.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Characteristics: pros and cons

  1. The animal's character is almost ideal: corgis are balanced, vigilant, not aggressive, but not timid either. Among the disadvantages, one can note a tendency to stubbornness - this dog will not be able to give orders, it will have to be persuaded to do one way or another.
  2. There is a positive side to this: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is extremely smart - they are in 11th place in the ranking of smart dogs. And, although obedience is not their strong point, if they manage to find a common language with an animal, it is difficult to imagine a more loyal friend.
  3. The dog is perfect as a companion : it is very attached to the owner, is able to feel his emotional background, understands when it is possible to run and frolic, and when it is better to leave the owner alone. Incredibly active, enjoys walking and learning new tricks.
  4. There is also a drawback to extreme devotion: the corgi has a very hard time withstanding separation from its owner and loneliness .
  5. He does not show jealousy towards other family members; he accepts the family either as his flock or as a herd that he shepherds.
  6. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi loves children than the Pembroke. Rather, he treats them with some caution. But, if the kids do not show cruelty towards him, the cardigan will soon fall in love with them and join in the games. The dog is not recommended for families with a large number of children and with children under 6 years old.
  7. It will not be easy to build a harmonious relationship with a cat - a cardigan is able to make friends with a furry pet, but only if the primacy remains with the corgi.
  8. As a herding dog, the Corgi has a nasty habit of biting legs , just as he did with unruly cows. This defect can be eliminated with the help of proper education and building a hierarchy in which the owner is at the very top.


Cardigan Welsh Corgis shed , but they are quite clean and their coat is easy to comb. The corgi doesn't smell like a dog . Shedding periods occur twice a year, in spring and summer. At this time, a huge amount of hair falls from the cardigan, and it is advisable to comb it every day.

Estrus and mating

The bitch reaches puberty at six months, which is when the first heat occurs. About a week before this, the animal will begin to worry, perhaps falling into melancholy. It is too early to breed a bitch at this time.

Puberty in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi occurs: in females during the second heat, in males - at the age of 15 months.

These animals are quite freedom-loving, so mating should take place in conditions as close as possible to natural ones. Nothing will happen in front of the owners. Mating is not always successful the first time, but if it is successful, puppies will appear in 2.5 months.

Temperament of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Calmness bordering on slight phlegmaticity, good nature, and an excellent sense of humor - these are the three main qualities that define the character of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. These cute short-legged dogs easily get along with anyone, and they are almost unfamiliar with such a feeling as jealousy. The only thing, unlike the same Pembrokes, Cardies do not really trust strangers and sometimes are not averse to barking at them. At the same time, in ordinary life, shepherd dogs, if they are properly raised, rarely make noise and only for good reasons.

Cardigan Team

Compared to the impulsive Pembrokes, the Cardigan Welsh Corgis are all restraint. They are quite energetic, but not hyperactive, sociable, but not intrusive, flexible, but not to the detriment of self-esteem. A dog’s best friends are the members of the family in which it lives, so the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is always happy to play around with the kids, lie next to its owner on the couch watching a TV series, or run around the park with him. In general, Cardies are very dependent on their owner, but this feature should not be associated with a lack of intellectual abilities. In fact, Cardigan Welsh Corgis are intelligent and insightful creatures; simply by working side by side with humans for centuries, they have practically lost the desire for independence. But these handsome people are not characterized by ambition, and they will never try to put themselves above the owner.

Despite the fact that today's Cardigan Welsh Corgis have practically said goodbye to herding activities, the instincts of their ancestors will still remind of themselves. In particular, modern cardi now guard not cows and sheep, but family members. This is especially evident in relationships with children. A baby who deviates from the desired trajectory and goes beyond the boundaries existing in the dog’s imagination will be slightly bitten on the legs. From the outside it looks funny, but it is better not to forget that while you are laughing and filming the “great confrontation” on video, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi perceives this as encouragement and will try and bite even more next time.

Conditions of detention

Where is it better to live: in an apartment or a house?

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi adapts well to different living conditions; he can live both in a private house and in a city apartment, where he does not take up much space. However, in the latter case, he will need frequent and long (at least 2 hours a day) walks. Also, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi needs a lot of play.

If there is no opportunity and time for this, it is better to get a dog in a private house - there, at least, the dog will be able to run around on the property. The breed is not prone to wrecking and digging.

How should you walk?

The best option would be to walk 2 times a day for 1 hour, morning and evening . When walking, the corgi is not inclined to break off the leash, making it suitable for older people.

For this breed, interaction with the owner is more important . Therefore, it is extremely important to fully play with your pet while walking - at least three times a week. At this time, you can repeat commands and learn new ones, play with toys or just move, but be sure to communicate with the dog.

If possible, it is worth taking the corgi to bodies of water - he is clean, loves water and will be delighted. Swimming is perceived by the cardigan as a new exciting game, and, importantly, allows you to stay in shape.

“I’m keeping an eye on the figure! And you?!"

Character and habits

Representatives of the breed can be described as thoughtful, balanced, never discouraged and very devoted to their owner. Most "cardies" are ideal companions for humans, easy to train and happy to carry out various commands, including circus commands.

At the same time, Cardigans can hardly be called pranksters and adventurers, like their counterparts from Pebrokeshire. While Pembrokes are active, easy-going and ready to follow their owner to the ends of the earth, Cardigans are more balanced in this regard. They, of course, love their owner, but adventurous ideas and their implementation are not at all included in the plans of cute dogs.

As for relationships with other household members, “cardi” treat them favorably. Most pets get along with other dogs and cats, but rodents may arouse interest in some "cardies." Poultry is not their area of ​​expertise, just think, there is something sitting in a cage and making strange sounds.

, one cannot write off his shepherd's inclinations. This little shepherd, with all the ensuing consequences. Representatives of the breed are moderately energetic, but are very fond of active walks, where they splash out their energy.

Pets, deprived of normal walks and training, begin to show herding instincts towards household members, especially children and the elderly. You can’t punish a dog for biting people’s legs - it’s an instinct; it’s better to increase the time you walk and exercise with your pet.

Necessary care

Caring for a Cardigan Welsh Corgi is not burdensome. Enough:

  1. brush it with a soft brush 1-2 times a week,
  2. bathe 2-3 times a year,
  3. Clean your ears time per month
  4. Trim nails as they grow.
  5. It is important to examine the eyes every day , as they are a weak point in the Corgi.
  6. Also, since back diseases are common in this breed, it is worth purchasing a special orthopedic bed.

What to feed?

An important aspect of care is proper and balanced nutrition. There may be problems with this: corgis are big eaters and will beg for food again and again . The owner should be firm, because obesity, which corgis are so prone to, entails a number of health problems.

You need to feed your dog at a strictly defined time. It is important to choose the right bowl and place it on a stand so that the Corgi does not have to bend over and injure his back. Your pet should be weighed regularly. Once every few months, corgis have fasting days with food once a day.

You can choose one of two feeding options:

  • Natural food . In this case, you will need to maintain a balance: 50% of the diet is meat (except for chicken, which is contraindicated), the second half comes from cereals - rice and buckwheat, vegetables, fish and offal. It is important to give your corgi vitamin complexes in courses or on an ongoing basis (alternating).
  • Dry food. Only premium and holistic foods are suitable. Recommended food includes Dachshund from Eukanuba (Netherlands), a balanced food designed specifically for corgis, and Orijen Adult Dog, a grain-free, complete food.

Diet: what and how to feed

The typical Cardi feeds well on super-premium or holistic dry food. But among the owners there are those who like to feed their dogs natural products.

Allowed list:

  • turkey, lamb, beef, rabbit;
  • duck necks;
  • -turkey, rabbit, beef by-products;
  • vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin);
  • fruits (apples);
  • cottage cheese and kefir (no more than 2.5%);
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • boiled round grain rice.

By the way, Monge dry food would be a good choice for your pet. It is not particularly expensive, and the yield is small.

Training and education: what is important to know

  1. The first thing to consider when training a Cardigan Welsh Corgi is that it is a food dog . That is, the animal will most willingly work for encouragement in the form of something tasty. It is important not to overfeed the corgi and ensure that the dog gradually begins to follow commands with verbal encouragement.
  2. Cardigan loves to learn and will perform new tricks with no less pleasure than his owner does to watch them. It’s worth constantly giving the dog new tasks: this way it can occupy its mind and release excess energy, which would otherwise spill out into destruction in the apartment. The training goes from simple tricks to complex ones.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the cardigan’s attitude towards strangers and stop excessive wariness and aggressiveness . A dog is an excellent watchdog, but without training this character trait will result in a problem with communication.
  4. When training a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, you will need a lot of patience, but aggression and physical influence are prohibited.
  5. It is important to get your dog accustomed to being examined by a veterinarian.

The baby bites: master class on how to stop a puppy from biting

Interesting Facts

By tradition, we conclude the material with several interesting facts about the breed:

  1. The name comes from two Welsh words: “cor” - dwarf, “gi” - dog.
  2. According to one version of its origin, the Cardigan is one of the oldest herding dogs, its history goes back 3,000 years.
  3. Corgis have a double coat.
  4. Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity.
  5. Corgis are true shepherds. Improper training can turn a sweet pet into a real dictator.

Let's summarize the article: Cardigan is an excellent companion dog for those who love an active life and are ready to vigorously walk their pet and engage in training.

Important vaccinations

To keep your Cardigan Welsh Corgi healthy, he will need a number of vaccinations:

  • at 1 month (done by the breeder) - Nobivac Puppy DP (against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis);
  • at 2 months - Nobivac DHPPi (against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and parainfluenza) + Nobivac Lepto (against leptospirosis);
  • at 3 months - Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies (against animal rabies);
  • then annually - Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies.

Important : after the first vaccinations, a 2-week quarantine is required, during which immunity develops. Before each vaccination, treatment against worms is carried out.

In TV series, movies and cartoons

The Welsh Corgi, thanks to its inexhaustible charm and ability to captivate at first sight, often appears on screens. And, we must give them their due, the tailed actors become favorites of the audience. You can see the Welsh Corgi in:

  • films “The Lost Puppy”, “The Reluctant Tourist”, “Bullseye!”, “Don’t Tell Mom About the Nanny’s Death”, “Robinson Crusoe” (1997, with Pierce Brosnan), “Agent Johnny English”, “The King’s Speech!” ", "Queen";
  • the series “Jeeves and Wooster” (the signature “singing” of the Welsh Corgi is shown here), “Joy to All Who Sorrow” and “NCIS: Special Branch”;
  • cartoon "One Hundred and One Dalmatians 2: Adventures in London"

And in the anime series Cowboy Bebop, the Welsh Corgi is shown as the smartest member of the spaceship - so the intelligence of this dog is even captured in the cinema!


Adorable puppies:

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