The world's largest pit bull - Hulk: photo of the dog, the history of its appearance, character traits and habits of the pet

Pit bulls have always attracted media attention.

After all, their fighting past, as well as their impressive appearance, often become excellent reasons for publication, especially when you consider that from time to time incidents involving these dogs actually occur in the world.

True, pit bulls, as a rule, should not be blamed for these incidents, since in most cases they were caused by shortcomings in education on the part of the owners of these dogs.

However, several years ago, the Internet was overwhelmed by a wave of photographs and videos showing a very large pit bull, comparable in size only to representatives of such large breeds as the English Mastiff or Dogue de Bordeaux.

Hulk, that’s the name of this dog, very quickly won the love of many fans, and his Instagram page is constantly updated with new photos and videos telling about his life and new achievements.

Photo and description of the Hulk

The world's largest pit bull lives in New Hampshire in the home of Marlon and Lisa Grennan.

Its owners are professional trainers who train dogs designed to guard and protect people in various, sometimes extreme, situations. Their clients include prominent media figures, wealthy people from all over the world, as well as intelligence officers.

However, a red dog named Hulk became famous even more than his owners, turning from an ordinary dog ​​into a media personality, and all thanks to his enormous height for a pit bull, combined with powerful muscles and terrifying-looking jaws.

But, despite his rather impressive appearance, the Grennan couple’s pet is distinguished by an unusually good-natured and affectionate disposition.


The Hulk looks incredibly impressive - he is a huge and very powerful pit bull of a reddish-brown color with well-developed muscles, a huge forehead head and short cropped ears, giving him a particularly menacing appearance.

Regular training has strengthened the spirit and body of this animal, making it strong, resilient and energetic. Despite his large size and considerable weight, the Hulk is surprisingly mobile and dexterous, although, of course, he is somewhat inferior in this to pit bulls with a leaner and lighter build than him.

CDC Dog Bite Report

The CDC estimates that nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year, but pit bulls are less often the culprit than many other breeds, including chow chows and German shepherds.

Another CDC study conducted in 2000 aimed to assess which breeds were involved in the deadliest attacks from 1979 to 1998.

However, researchers have discovered many problems and shortcomings while trying to make accurate calculations.

READ: 24 most dangerous dogs in the world 2020-2021 (with photos)

To date, there is no scientific evidence or proof that pit bulls are more likely to be victims of fatal attacks than all other dogs.

Origin story

Despite the fact that the Hulk has a metric, debate about his origin in the media continues to this day.

Most experts are confident that a purebred pit bull could not have grown so huge, which means that among its ancestors there were dogs of large breeds, such as the English mastiff or, for example, Cane Corso .

As proof that Hulk has Molossians in his family, in their opinion, evidence is that this dog has a head that is too large and massive for a purebred pit bull.

However, this does not take into account the fact that pit bull terriers are not only of the terrier type, but also of the bulldog type, and that such external features are precisely typical for them.

Some dog experts suggest that the Hulk grew so large due to some kind of genetic malfunction that allowed him to reach such a large size. It has also been suggested that the enormous size of this dog for a pit bull can be explained by the fact that when raising it, special drugs were used to increase height and muscle mass.


The presence of an official pedigree for the Hulk gives every reason to consider him a very large, but still purebred pit bull of the bulldog type, at least until genetic studies are carried out that confirm or refute the official information about his origin.

However, it is doubtful that the Hulk's owners would be willing to conduct such research, since they are not at all interested in the origins of their pet. For them, Hulk is, first of all, a family member and friend, as well as a well-bred and trained dog, of whom they, as his trainers, can rightfully be proud.

Keeping and caring for a pit bull

The pit bull is an unpretentious animal that does not require special care. It is important to monitor the condition of the animal’s ears; they should always remain dry and clean. They are treated once a week and the pet's fur is combed out. There is no specific regime for bathing a dog; water procedures are carried out as needed. If your pit bull's nails do not wear down naturally, they must be trimmed promptly, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort while walking. Give your pet bones to cleanse the mouth or brush his teeth, wipe his eyes with a swab dipped in boiled water.

The dog needs physical activity, walks should be daily, at least twice a day with outdoor games and training. If all this is in abundance, the pet will not feel discomfort when living in an urban environment. And vice versa, if the owner’s attention and walking are insufficient, then you risk raising an angry pit bull.

Dimensions and weight compared to regular pit bulls

The Hulk is approximately twice the height of a standard medium-sized pit bull, and his weight, approximately 80 kg, is almost three times the height.

In addition, it should be noted the incredibly powerful muscles of the dog and the massiveness of its body, despite the fact that most standard pit bulls are distinguished by a rather dry, albeit strong, physique and a significantly smaller width of the chest.


The Hulk's cranial head circumference is 75 cm, which is also significantly larger than the head size of regular-sized pit bulls.

The size of a dog standing on all four legs is approximately equal to half the height of an adult. If the dog rises on its hind legs, then its size will be only slightly less than the height of its owner, Lisa Grennan.

Frequently asked questions of people.

What dogs can kill wolves?

American Bull Terriers are probably the best at tracking wolves, as they are clearly bred to fight. The pit bull also has a good chance. Same thing with routine or Doberman. Staffordshire Terriers (cousins) or Rhododendrons (lion hunters) also have a good chance.

What breed of dog can kill a tiger?

The main characteristic of the Tibetan Mastiff is its courage (or more accurately, lack of survival instincts). This dog will attack the tiger without hesitation, while smarter dogs will retreat.

Can an Akita dog kill a pit bull?

Akita will destroy the pit. Akitas fight in such a way that they maintain stamina and know how to use their weight. If an Akita holds on to the neck... He can crush it instantly.

Character traits

Despite its threatening appearance, this dog is extremely friendly and affectionate. He treats his owners' children wonderfully, looks after them and even allows the kids to ride him like a horse.

At the same time, Hulk, being a well-trained guard dog, is a wonderful protector who will not allow anyone to offend his masters.

Like other pit bulls, this dog does not have aggression towards people at the genetic level.

Hulk is an incredibly obedient, loyal and very affectionate dog with his owners.

However, despite the fact that Hulk’s owners consider him an absolute good-natured dog, they constantly monitor their pet, because, being professional trainers, they perfectly understand the full extent of responsibility associated with keeping a dog of this size in the house.

Is a pit bull dangerous for children?

A pit bull that meets the above characteristics: good socialization, good puppy training, raised in an environment in which it was provided with the necessary care, does not necessarily have to be dangerous for the child. However, let's not forget that these are strong dogs with developed and very skillful muscles, so even if it is unintentional, they can attack us. In the case of a small child this may be a problem, but the dog will not do this with the intent to cause harm. Now we can always train a pit bull so that he does not attack others and treats kids calmly and respectfully.

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Pet habits

The Hulk has a huge and at the same time incredibly kind heart - he loves to play with the sons of his owners, hug with Marlon and Lisa, and sing to the sound of a harmonica.

At the same time, such a good-natured expression is reflected on the dog’s face that, having seen at least one of his photographs, it is impossible not to fall under his incredible charm and not become one of the most devoted fans of this amazing beast.


To maintain muscle tone and obtain the required amount of energy, Hulk must eat a lot of protein foods.

Typically, his daily menu consists of two kilograms of ground beef, to which some chopped vegetables, fruits or dairy products are added. In addition, the owners feed the world's largest pit bull with high-quality dry food.

Keeping and caring for a bull terrier

The Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired breed and therefore does not require regular brushing. The animal sheds, like most other dogs, twice a year: in spring and autumn. The wool is easy to clean with a brush or a specially designed mitten. There is no need to arrange water treatments after every walk, especially in rainy weather, just wipe the dog’s body and paws with a damp rag.

It is necessary to regularly wipe your dog's eyes and clean his ears. Since the latter are susceptible to inflammatory processes, they should be examined from time to time. During walks, the bull terrier's claws wear down, but if they protrude beyond the pads of the toes, they need to be cut.

Since representatives of the breed have an active disposition, walks and physical activity for a pet, especially an adult bull terrier, are very important. In addition, he has a tendency to become obese. It is good to include ball games and jumping in your daily walks. This will keep the dog in excellent shape, and it will be more flexible at home. Training is not recommended for all representatives of bull terriers, while education is mandatory for everyone.

The dog's age and what's wrong with him now

Hulk, born in 2013, is about six years old and, of course, still lives in New Hampshire at the Grennan family home.

Despite numerous offers to sell the Hulk for any money, Marlon and Lisa never agree to part with their pet. After all, the Hulk is not just a dog for them, but a real family member, and selling him to the Grennan couple would be as unthinkable as if it were their own child.

However, the popularity of the Hulk on the Internet still brought his owners not only fame, but also material benefits in the form of fees for participating in various popular television programs.

In addition, the cost of his offspring significantly exceeds the price of puppies from other, less well-known dogs of this breed.

The world's largest pit bull gladly takes part in the show and simply loves to pose in front of photo and movie cameras.

Are pit bull dogs dangerous?

For most people, the pit bull is one of the most dangerous and aggressive breeds. We have heard about their large jaws, muscular body and strength, and that they are fighting dogs. has developed a bad reputation over the years that is difficult to shake off, although it is gradually being achieved.

We must keep in mind that different breeds of pit bulls have been abused by humans for many years and are used to create an aggressive instinct that serves them well during fights. This shows that the most dangerous race is humans . Pit bulls that are raised in an environment where they receive love, affection and good socialization, as well as proper training from an early age, can be perfectly balanced dogs . But the opposite can happen if they fall into the wrong hands.

Puppies from Hulk

The Hulk first had offspring at about the age of two, when he became the father of eight wonderful puppies. Then, in 2015, his owners constantly posted photos and videos of babies on the Internet.

Each of the Hulk puppies cost at least $30,000 at birth, and their owners undoubtedly expected the babies to grow up to be as large as their father. But, given that the Hulk still remains the largest representative of this breed in the world, none of his descendants managed to achieve the same impressive dimensions.

However, even in the photographs of his puppies, it is clearly visible that their sizes are almost comparable to the sizes of other small pit bulls of the same age.

The people who bought them wanted to become famous just like the Grennans, and so they must have been disappointed that they did not become the owners of new record holders for height and weight among pit bulls.

However, at the same time, each of them received a devoted friend and reliable companion, affectionate with his owners, but at the same time always ready to protect them from any danger at the cost of his own life.

One of Hulk's first puppies, blue brindle and white Cob, was not sold by his owners because Marlon Grennan was going to raise him to be a new star.


He personally trained and trained Kob, however, although he grew up to be a strong and very muscular dog, his size turned out to be quite normal for a pit bull - the son of the Hulk, when he stands next to his famous father, looks almost half his size.

Description of the Bull Terrier

As strange as it may seem, the standard characteristics of this breed are very vague. So, 18 to 30 kg is the weight of a bull terrier, the height of an individual varies between 30-45 cm. If we talk about the variety of miniature bull terriers, their height does not exceed 35.5 centimeters. It is important what the dog looks like; it should not be overly fat or, conversely, thin. One thing is indisputable: the bull terrier is a strong, muscular animal.

The head is strong, low set, elongated, ovoid in shape. It should be smooth, without any distortions or bends. The lower jaw is heavy and has a scissor bite. The nostrils are clearly visible and open. The eyes are narrowed, dark brown, and shaped like an elongated triangle. The ears are located closer to the crown of the head, set close to each other. The limbs are muscular, strong and strong, supporting the body weight well. The chest is wide, round in shape, with clearly visible muscles. The tail is short, tapered at the end.

The color of the Bull Terrier varies. If colored, then with a predominance of suit over white. If white, then spots of a different color appear only on the head and ears.

If you are interested in how much a bull terrier puppy costs, then be prepared to pay from 20 to 60 thousand rubles for the animal.

Pros and cons of the bull terrier breed

Bull Terriers are fighting dogs. Among the main advantages of the breed are:

  1. Kindness and love towards their owners. Breeders say that bull terriers bear little resemblance to the cold-blooded killers that everyone considers them to be. Numerous studies have found that these dogs never attack for no apparent reason. To do this, they need to be very angry, and such a reaction will be natural for any dog.
  2. Easy to maintain and care. Due to the nature of the coat, the animal does not need to be bathed, and sometimes only wiped with a damp towel. Claws wear down during active games and walks.
  3. Bull Terriers are good companions. You can take them with you for jogging and outdoor training.
  4. Pets are distinguished by their devotion to their owner.
  5. They are easy to train and very intelligent. It is recommended to start the learning process in a playful way.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  1. They have a penchant for leadership. The pet can stubbornly resist the owner's commands. Training will help pacify the dog's disobedience.
  2. It is extremely rare for a bull terrier to coexist with other pets. As a rule, the animal waits for the right moment to eliminate the “rival”.
  3. Short hair cannot protect a dog from cold winds and scorching sun. Therefore, a humid and cold climate will make your pet’s stay uncomfortable. If you leave your dog in the sun for a long time, there is a high probability of getting sunstroke or burns.
  4. Of course, bull terriers can be kept in city apartments, but still, due to the physiology of the animal, a country house is better suited. These dogs need space to move and exercise. If the dog lives in an apartment, it is important to provide him with long-term training.
  5. Misconceptions and biases of others. According to most people, Bull Terriers are merciless killers, so you should be prepared for some of them to be vocal in their negative attitudes or judgment.
  6. When many people find out how much a bull terrier puppy costs, it becomes a problem. After all, for an individual that meets the requirements, you will have to pay three times more than for a pit bull.

Pros and cons of the pit bull breed

The advantages of the breed include minimal care that does not require much trouble. In addition, pit bulls are quite intelligent dogs, they are easy to train and are able to coexist with other pets. Many people wonder how a pit bull and children can exist. Thanks to intelligence and self-confidence, the dog will not attack the child, but, on the contrary, becomes his friend, protector, and nanny.

Before deciding on a particular breed of dog, a responsible owner weighs all its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a particular breed include:

  • The pit bull is an easy-to-groom animal; it does not need to be constantly brushed and bathed;
  • your pet’s daily diet is quite simple and does not require the introduction of special foods;
  • because of its intelligence and fighting qualities, the dog is easy to train and becomes not only a friend, but also a good protector;
  • a cheerful and active disposition brings pleasure while spending time together with a dog;
  • has good immunity and is practically not susceptible to disease;
  • Suitable for people with high intelligence.

Among the negative features of the breed are:

  • proper education requires time, patience and desire, otherwise you risk raising an angry pit bull;
  • suitable only for experienced and responsible dog breeders who are fully aware of the responsibility for their pet;
  • the aggressive component of character and hunting instinct, if approached incorrectly, can become dangerous to others;
  • a pit bull requires a lot of attention and communication with its owner; in his absence, the pet’s behavior can change dramatically;
  • problems are possible due to the dog’s hyperreaction to food served to it or other situations;
  • pit bulls often suffer from dysplasia and hypothyroidism, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are not uncommon among representatives of the breed.

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