How to name a cocker spaniel: a list of nicknames for boys and girls

Choosing a nickname for a cocker spaniel is an exciting activity in which all family members enjoy participating. But many owners have difficulties. Because of its funny appearance, you want to give your pet some cute name, but its noble origin does not lend itself to too simple nicknames. To name your dog correctly, you should listen to some recommendations that will make the task much easier.

Rules for choosing a nickname

What gender is your cocker spaniel?




A few generally accepted rules that guide your selection:

  • You shouldn’t call your puppy the first nickname you come across as soon as he appears in the house. Let the baby remain nameless for 3-4 days. During this time, you can notice any peculiarities of his temperament or funny habits. It will become clear who will grow out of him - the Naughty, the Bully or the Sly;
  • The nickname should consist of 1-2 syllables, sound clear and sharp. Dogs are better at accepting such nicknames;
  • Giving your pet human names is bad form. This is contrary to the canons of the Orthodox Church, and many dog ​​breeders believe that they have too much energy. It has been noticed that spaniels with human names get sick more often and live shorter lives.

Experienced dog handlers advise avoiding nicknames worn by previous pets. Each animal has a unique character. You won't be able to make him look like an old friend.

It is worth “listening” to the opinion of the puppy himself - saying the chosen name several times. If the cocker spaniel shows any emotion, the nickname can be left behind.


If you're still searching, don't worry. To help you, we have created the following list of original and not hackneyed names for canaries:

  • A: Alisa, Asya, Arisha, Aria, Agusha, Alaska, Anapa, Almaz, Ice, Asik, Aron, Aion, Abbu, Anton, Arvi, Athos, Axel, Absinthe;
  • B: Bonya, Baby, BB, Barbie, Bobo, Bertha, Boris, Batman, Bucks, Ben, Boss, Baron, Bender, Loaf, Barney, Bobik, Bystry, Runner, Bro;
  • In: Vika, Freckles, Wendy, Viola, Vienna, Spring, Victor, Vanya, Watson, Vasya, Cornflower, Vader, Vitos, Grandson, Woland, Willie, Air;
  • G: Dove, Harmony, Gloria, Gamma, Grace, Grace, Grisha, Garik, Talker, Harry, Google, Goblin, Gorynych, Gordon, Greek, Hooter;
  • D: Jane, Jill, Rain, Smoke, Julia, Dolly, Deila, Tink, Dragon, Joe, Dick, Dart, Jem, Domino, Diego, Dragon, Joker, Ding-Dong;
  • E: Eva, Elka, Eya, Enis, Blackberry, Unit, United, Erik, Eremey, Hedgehog, Eyk, Egor, Ershik, Huntsman;
  • F: Pearl, Jasmine, Zhadi, Julien, Jacques, Greedy, Zhorik, Rogue, Yolk, Zheka, Zhofrey, Yellow, Jerome, Chewing Gum, Heat;
  • Z: Zlata, Star, Zarya, Fun, Zina, Zola, Zemfira, Zephyr, Riddle, Boring, Zyuzya, Zeus, Zigzag, Sunset, Winter, Gold;
  • I-Y: Toffee, Ira, Inga, Inna, Irene, Yoki, Yorick, Yosya, Yo Yo, Emerald, Ilya, Yin, Ivan, Ginger, John, Ikarus, Yoda, Yaya;
  • K: Kira, Button, Ksyusha, Baby, Kiwi, Katya, Katana, Kiana, Cranberry, Kiya, Kevin, Cyborg, Cube, Coconut, Casper, Cupcake, Click, Korzhik, Cashew;
  • L: Laura, Linda, Lyalya, Leslie, Lady, Lolita, Love, Laguna, Laska, Luna, Leah, Lida, Lapulya, Lemon, Lelik, Leo, Eraser, Leader, Lyon;
  • M: Manya, Mila, Mary, Molly, Malyavka, Lightning, Dream, Magic, Mojito, Mosaic, Mafia, Max, Macho, Mityai, World, Megabyte, Man;
  • N: Nyusha, Nyashka, Nya, Nancy, Noel, Nymph, Tenderness, Natasha, Nara, Nina, Yumka, Neo, Nif, Naf, Dunno, Nathan, Neuron, Night, Nikita;
  • A: Olive, Cloud, Omega, Mistletoe, Oima, Orry, Oka, Oatmeal, Oscar, Fire, Otis, Orion, Eagle, Hunter, Odin, Othello, Osho, Glutton;
  • P: Fluff, Pippi, Bird, Patsy, Cobweb, Fields, Polina, Pupsik, Peacock, Donut, Prokhor, Pepper, Fluff, Prince, Pirate, Plut, Pepsi;
  • R: Rita, Rose, Chamomile, Joy, Tails, Ruby, Rumba, Ryaba, Richie, Roman, Rio, Rey, Roy, Raphael, Rhombus, Rodion, Rambo, Rarity;
  • With: Sonya, Sarah, Sofia, Sun, Selena, Simone, Senya, Styopa, Steve, Sultan, Seraphim, Samurai, Sid, Stasik, Serge, Simba, Sting, Lilac;
  • T: Tishka, Tosha, Tara, Tiki, Tavi, Tavra, Tess, Tinki, Topa, Timokha, Darkness, Fog, Tattoo, Aunt, Tolik, Tom, Tim, Theodore, Topaz, Tristan, Timer;
  • U: Ulya, Unka, Ucha, Uli, Ulika, Ulis, Dill, Smart, Hurricane, Will, Urri, Udaloy, Craftsman, Udis, Umba, Boa constrictor;
  • F: Pistachio, Phoebe, Chip, Fenya, Fira, Flash, Floria, Filka, Phoenix, Flash, Fimka, Finist, Bassoon, Fire, Fakir, Physicist, Focus;
  • X: Chloe, Hana, Havrosha, Heidi, Javi, Chaya, Heavy, Holly, Hoda, Ponytail, Khan, Hugh, Hubert, Hacker, Hay, Harley;
  • C: Scratchy, Tsatsa, Tsima, Cesta, Tsoka, Cesta, Cicero, Flower;
  • H: Chika, Chelsea, Chiki, Chupik, Chandra, Chiple, Chunga, Chukcha, Capchik, Chizhik, Chick, Chips, Chewie, Chase, Miracle, Cheese, Chukh, Chernoglazik;
  • Sh-Shch: Noise, Sherry, Shura, Cher, Thing, Cone, Goldfinch, Skipper, Chief, Shrek, Chopin, Navigator, Rustle, Shukher, Shiko, Hat, Sherbet, Goldfinch;
  • E: Elya, Abby, Erica, Angel, Energy, Ellen, Ezzy, Esther, Enda, Ein, Eric, Alvin, Echo, Eden, Earl, Eron, Enrique, Edik, Emir;
  • Yu: Yuka, Yulia, Yuni, Yumba, Jurmala, Eugene, Yuki, Yugo, Jupiter, Yulik, Junga, Yup, Yur;
  • Me: Yagoda, Yara, Jasper, Yana, Yagusha, Yazya, Yalini, Apple, Yabida, Yashka, Yasik, Yakov, Jason, Lamb, Yarilo, Yabo, January.

Nickname by pedigree

Nurseries and clubs have strict rules for selecting nicknames. Breeders name puppies by pedigree. They keep their own “chronicle”, where they record all the animals born. The nickname is made up of the names of the father and mother, often adding the name of the nursery.

To participate in the selection, future owners come to inspect the litter before registration. Of course, calling a puppy with a nickname of 3-4 words is very inconvenient. Therefore, it is not forbidden to give him a second, home name. And it is better to leave the data from the official metrics for exhibitions and competitions. The main thing is that both the spaniel and its owner feel comfortable.

There is an opinion that whatever name the owner gives the puppy, that’s how it will grow up. A spaniel with a soft, gentle name will be more affectionate and calm than a pet with a rude nickname.

English cocker spaniel

Before we talk about what nickname to choose for a boy spaniel, let’s talk briefly about “American.” This is a small representative of the species. It was bred in Spain, although it was “improved” by American breeders. Initially, all spaniels were used as hunting dogs.

Today, the American Cocker Spaniel is an active and friendly creature. These dogs are very affectionate and excellent companions. They get along well with children and other animals. They often develop a tender friendship with cats.

They are very active, do not like loneliness and being in one place. “Americans” prefer active games. Suitable for families with children where there is always someone at home. They do not like loneliness and do not tolerate it well.

The dog is very attached to people. This must be taken into account when making a four-legged friend. If for some reason you have to give the dog away, it will be very difficult for him to survive the separation from his family.

Now let's talk about representatives of this species. Below there is a paragraph dedicated to nicknames for male spaniel dogs (English).

So, these four-legged animals were bred to hunt forest birds - woodcock, which, in principle, is clear from the name of the breed. “Cocker” is a forest bird.

It differs from its American counterpart in cunning, nobility and kindness. The “Englishman” is devoted to the owner, but does not curry favor with him. He will not beg for affection, but will never refuse it. Very sociable with family members. However, he is wary of strangers.

Options for a specific characteristic

Spaniel is the general name for a breed group that includes more than 20 types of dogs. However, only a few are the most popular:

  • The English Cocker Spaniel is kind, loyal, but unobtrusive. He is wary of strangers;
  • American Cocker Spaniel – active, strongly attached to the owner;
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (King Charles II Spaniel) – noble and graceful, full of self-esteem;
  • The Russian spaniel is a proud working animal, prone to dominance.

All spaniels have a friendly character. Initially, they were used exclusively for hunting, but now they are more often kept as pets.


When deciding what to name a dog, be sure to take into account the purpose of its use. Spaniels for hunting are given sonorous nicknames with a large number of hard sounds - “m”, “v”, “th”, “r”, “l”, “n”. It is better to avoid soft and hissing letters. A short and clear name will make it easy to give orders:

  • nicknames for the boy: Roy, Bur, Wedge, Pirate, Caesar, Romeo, Eric;
  • names for girls: Maila, Kessa, Tigra, Tetra, Tilda, Brida, Madi.

Hunter spaniels are often called after the names of epic heroes and mythological heroes.

For decorative dogs, soft and friendly nicknames that are in harmony with their purpose are more suitable - Charlie, Hurley, Buddy, Tobby, Murphy. A girl spaniel can be called Princess, Dakota, Lucy, Sophie.


Given the origin of the breed, foreign names are often chosen for English, American and King Charles Spaniels. To avoid mistakes, it is better to look for the nickname in the dictionary. This way you can immediately find out its meaning and avoid giving your pet an inappropriate or ridiculous nickname.

Character traits

Based on the characteristics of temperament, the following nicknames can be chosen for the spaniel:

  • nicknames for male dogs: Excitement, Ataman, Whirlwind, Jumper, Zador, Cowboy, Corsair, Shustr;
  • for girls: Jolie, Iskra, Zabava, Lucky, Pulka, Fanny, Happy.

A pet name may reflect cheerfulness, thoughtfulness, endurance, stubbornness, or some other dominant character trait. Typically, spaniel girls are more playful and sociable, while boys are more serious and noble.


Many owners choose a nickname based on the color of the spaniel:

  • black – Black, Nochka, Bagheera,
  • chocolate – Mocha, Latte;
  • red - Phoenix, Fox, Goldie, Zlata, Fanta;
  • white – White, Vyuga, Arctic, Snezhka, Nord.

English-language options are better suited for English and American spaniels, Russian-language options are better for Russian.

It’s good if children can participate in choosing a nickname. They are very good at noticing features of the appearance or temperament of spaniels. If there is a child in the family, you must definitely listen to his opinion.

Hobbies of the owners

A nickname for a spaniel can reflect the hobbies of the owners:

  • flower growers name pets after their favorite plants - Adina, Canna, Magnolia, Orchid, Camellia;
  • lovers of astronomy - the names of stars, satellites, planets: Sirius, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Polaris, Almak, Atria;
  • avid travelers - memorable places: Arizona, Amazon, Yenisei, Euphrates.

There can be any number of criteria. Everything is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

Hunting names

Spaniels are not a toy breed, but hunting dogs. For pets used for hunting, it is recommended to choose a more serious name than for those who simply live at home.

You can call a dog a nickname that characterizes it and has a certain meaning:

  • Find is good at searching.
  • Hunter is an excellent hunter.
  • Bay - perfectly drives prey.
  • Pray - knows how to chase the beast well.

Also, names that emphasize the dog’s warlike nature are perfect for hunting dogs:

  • Ataman,
  • Aitan,
  • Horn,
  • Watch,
  • Zeus,
  • Killer,
  • Mars,
  • Sniper,
  • Shaitan,
  • Uranus,
  • Urman and others.

Spaniels are an aristocratic breed, the name will help emphasize this

For dogs associated with hunting, you can also choose traditional nicknames from the Russian language, for example:

  • Aksai,
  • Amur,
  • Brown,
  • Master,
  • Guy,
  • Gorich,
  • Doroh,
  • Wild,
  • Yenisei,
  • Erofey,
  • Hot,
  • Voiced,
  • Zorky,
  • Irtysh,
  • Carat,
  • King,
  • Lel,
  • deft,
  • Freezing,
  • Peaceful,
  • Namet,
  • Nadym,
  • Oratay,
  • Eagle,
  • Pirate,
  • Rum,
  • Ratmir,
  • Falcon,
  • Sadko,
  • Cunning,
  • Tenacious,
  • Shaman,
  • Rustle,
  • Nimble,
  • Clear.

Interesting! Russian dog names often indicate the characteristics of the dog, its hunting traits

Funny nicknames

The modern spaniel is a cheerful companion dog. You can choose a cool name for your puppy that will immediately make it stand out from the crowd of animals:

  • for a spaniel boy: Rolex, Hobbit, Dobby, Bilbo, Casper, Pegasus, Chaplin, Tiktak, Pudding, Ninja, Bumblebee;
  • for a spaniel girl: Adjika, Vanilla, Leska, Ripley, Daineris, Mystic, Snail, Berry.

Funny names are easy to remember and make you smile.

Often nicknames emphasize the extraordinary appearance of the spaniel: Toffee, Plusha, Button, Businka, Knopa, etc.

How to name a pet

Choosing nicknames for a boy's King Charles Spaniel. The name should be sonorous and noble.

  • Ice, Aikir, Ajax, Along, Best, Beis, Brut, Byron, Begin, Vilor, Vurnet, Vois, Vason, Weiss, Vurb, Vakir, Grotto, Grand, Grant, Gerson, Geis, Gubeis, Denir, Dass, Dave, Dinor, Devil, Ders, Evzen, Evirs, Evel, Zharmin, Zharmigo, Zherriso, Zant, Zerr, Zeyfir, Zanni, Icarus, Ilbrus, Iron, Ison, Celt, Kors, Kuvir, Kent, Loys, Lake, Lorin, Luys, Laiz, Luysan, Megikan, Manz, Makoto, Mashir, Miiko, Nobel. Notaur, Nelson, Ojax, Obir, Oshin, Opel, Ozis, Prudence, Prund, Pride, Pompey, Parcel, Perseus, Riano, Reeves, Rion, Rovel, Ron, Rox, Stein, Satyr, Summit, Sayre, Seldon, Trix, Tofel, Tuer, Taura, Tobel, Tobek, Timir, Udo, Wilson, Ugord, Ukhor, Watson, Frank, Finson, Faeldon, Ferox, Phlox, Furmid, Figaro, Freck, Floyd, Fly, Hanson, Hulk, Kharmid, Harison, Hilton, Hofsi, Chiron, Hachiko, Hatiro, Tsamb, Tsamis, Tsiron, Sokol, Tsayson, Tsenol, Tsobel, Tsairon, Chestor, Churem, Charis, Charles, Chovit, Emgar, Eizon, Ephicles, Erison, Erid, Eront, Espanion, Ezon, Evais, Yuld, Yubir, Yudan, Yuran, Yuveir, Yuvento, Yuskid, Yarison, Yakold, Yarms.

Beautiful nicknames

Below are beautiful names that are suitable for King Charles, American, Russian, and English Cocker Spaniels.

Names for a boyNicknames for spaniel girls
A:Archie, Adam, ArnieAssa, Isa, Alba
B:Butler, Blues, BrookBarbie, Buffy, Bella
IN:Weiss, Watson, VegasWendy, Vitana
G:Harry, Gwen, GregoGabi, Gerda, Gressi
D:Jim, Diego, JerryDolly, Doni, Daisy
E:Yeney, Eran, EroshFidget, Christmas tree, Enka
AND:Jean, Jadar, JacoJanet, Jessie, Zhudy
Z:Zeus, Zirth, ZorroZara, Zimba, Zena
AND:Ilan, Ilot, IronIrma, Willow, Indra
TO:Colin, Cosmos, ChrisCleo, Christy, Corey
L:Lorrie, Lucas, LukeLaima, Lana, Linda
M:Max, Mickey, MauriceMyla, Molly, Mary
N:Nacho, Neil, NewmanNancy, Nessie, Nita
ABOUT:Oscar, Oton, OnyxOda, Omma, Ottawa
P:Pablo, Paco, PatrickPalma, Pitta, Puva
R:Roy, Roby, RoniRada, Roxy, Ruth
WITH:Simon, Sancho, SkifSarah, Sanda, Strelka
T:Tommy, Travel, TitoTarona, Trixie, Tracy
U:Uranus, Walter, UlmarUlli, Umbra, Ursa
F:Freddie, Forrest, FilyaFiona, Floris, Frezi
X:Hugh, Hugo, HulkHeidi, Hannah, Chloe
C:Caesei, Zeiss, CeronTsara, Tsanta, Cyana
H:Charlie, Chucky, ChesterChaga, Cherry, Choppy
Sh:Shah, Shart, ShannonSuga, Sheri, Cher
E:Eric, Alvin, ErnieEllie, Abby, Enis
YU:Eugene, Yumir, JustinYuda, Yucca, Yusta
I:Yakut, Jacobs, YaronJava, Yanga, Yara

What do you call an “Englishman”?

What name can you choose for a boy's cocker spaniel? Especially when it comes to the noble “Englishman”? See the list and choose:

  • Acrylic, Air, Abel, Aykar, Ain, Aiso, Byron, Began, Benit, Borso, Baileys, Bakron, Weldon, Weir, Vorim, Vultis, Varon, Grand, Geradot, Gebels, Garfield, Gerond, Dean, Dayron, Dobel, Doesk, Evzen, Eron, Zhals, Zhinner, Zebelt, Zeron, Zorin, Zals, Inor, X, Xfire, Clyde, Kertz, Klyud, Kips, Kraid, Lux, Lucer, Layrt, Lays, Lesson, Myrtle, Mox, Muvel, Manir, Mix, Nevel, Neuss, Naird, Nuss, Orand, Ors, Ophelius, Oxford, Pluto, Paris, Paise, Peart, Prude, Pruden, Rufus, Roel, Rhine, Rain, Rakut, Sann, Silber, Silz, Sakur, Summit, Suze, Tarz, Tais, Toen, Trax, Ulmar, Undis, Face, Freston, Filor, Hives, Chron, Khamir, Tseys, Tseron, Tsufsiy, Chams, Charms, Shart, Shannon, Sharon, Shoyz, Sumer, Els, Elf, Ezor, Eron, Yud, Yurit, Yumir, Jacobs, Yaron, Yanir.

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A few rules

A funny name for a canary can lift the spirits of those around you. Especially if her habits confirm your choice. The kenar, called Grumpy, looks funny when he cackles displeasedly. The restless Egoza will also make you smile.

But vulgar or rude names are unlikely to be appreciated. Only a few may like them; in front of the majority, you will not look in the best light. Respect yourself and your bird. The canary doesn't care what you call it. But it’s little things like this that can affect your relationship.

Before choosing a male or female name for a bird, you must know exactly what gender it is. The advice from the article “How to distinguish a canary from a canary” may help you. If you doubt who exactly is in front of you, then choose a name without a strong gender connotation: Sashka, Zhenya, Achchi, Bassi, Dicky, Koki, Pitti, Tori, Chucha, Yusha, Yuddy, Kiki, Lori.

For a married couple, a canary and a canary, you can choose names that are paired with meaning: Bucks and Euro, Tramp and Lady, Adam and Eve, Question and Answer, Day and Night, Cola and Pepsi, Coffee and Cream, Macaroni and Cheese, Science and Life, Fire and Water, Plus and Minus, Remote and Button, Thorn and Rose.

There is no need to choose a name in advance. It's better to watch the bird for a while. With her habits, she can tell you what to call her better. An incorrectly chosen name will bring discomfort to your relationship.

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