100 Best Dogs from Hollywood Movies, Literature and Comics

I love animals.
You'll see a little dog - There's one at the bakery - A complete bald spot. I'm ready to take the liver out of myself. I don't feel sorry, darling, eat! To Mayakovsky

One way or another, everyone, even those who are not interested in the details of secular news, pay attention to photos where media personalities are captured with their dogs. This involuntarily evokes the thought: are they not so far from us? And some are downright cute.

Indeed, a dog next to a person always brings out the best in him. An actress, a writer, a king or a president - in the eyes of a dog, everyone is equal. Because first you are the OWNER. And the dog is not interested in social status. This is what makes her beautiful. What kind of dogs do people whose names everyone knows keep in their homes? And, most importantly, what are they called?

Cozy hugs with your beloved owner

Dogs of Russian celebrities

Sergei Bezrukov with his four-legged friend

HostsBreed of dogNickname
Leonid and Alexandra YarmolnikDachshund
Scottish Terrier




Sergey LazarevMongrel
Konstantin KhabenskyCurFrosya
Olga OrlovaShar Pei




Yulia KovalchukchihuahuaMuffin
Natalya Chistyakova-IonovaAkita InuMuftik
Andrey ChadovchihuahuaChadik
Olga BuzovaYorkshire Terrier
Julia SievertShiba InuMooney
Garik KharlamovToy FoxPatrick
Eid GalichFrench BulldogGiovanni
Ivan UrgantCorgiCompote
Lyubov UspenskayaYorkshire TerrierFrank
Agata Muciniece
Pavel Priluchny
Yana PoplavskayaBelgian ShepherdDusya
Olga Sutulova
Evgeny Stychkin
Kerry Blue Terrier
Irina LachinaCurMickey
Yana Rudkovskaya
Evgeni Plushenko
Alla Pugacheva
Maxim Galkin
Pomeranian SpitzMarusya
Sergey BezrukovFrench BulldogPolly
Alla MikheevaFrench BulldogSchnapps
Lolita"Looks like a black Labrador"Boatswain
Andrey Grigoriev-ApollonovLhasa apsoUrsula
Alexey VorobievWelsh CorgiElvis-Melvis
Irina DubtsovaWelsh CorgiMystic
MorgensternWelsh CorgiGavkoshmyg
Vera BrezhnevaYorkshire TerrierAngie
Mitya FominWhite American BulldogSnow White
Nastya KamenskikhBichon FrizeMi-Mi
Svetlana BondarchukCorgi




President of the Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia Olga SlutskerCorgiPims
Philip KirkorovCorgiLorenzo

Recently, the fashion of adopting dogs from shelters has been gaining momentum. Many “stars” of the stage and cinema believe that breed is far from the most important thing. And some - Lolita, Yana Poplavskaya, Irina Lachina - even picked up their pets on the street, giving them a chance to live.

Fluffy by Olga Buzova

Irina Lachina and her “nobleman” Mickey even look alike

With the owner nearby, even camera flashes are not scary

Many people create separate pages on social networks for their pets, where they can trace the stages of their star pet’s life.

Miracle of Alla Mikheeva:

View this post on Instagram
Post from Alla Mikheeva (@allamikheeva)

Cartoon names (nicknames) for cats

The list of names from Disney cartoons is endless. After all, any image can be tried on for a furry pet.

If your cat is beautiful and brave, the name of a real hero will suit him, i.e. prince:

* Philip (“Sleeping Beauty”);

* Adam (“Beauty and the Beast”);

* Naveen (“The Princess and the Frog”)

Is your pet cunning and cunning? Give him the nickname of a Disney villain, and he will scare everyone around him.

There are no fewer Russian cartoon heroes than foreign ones. If your pet is kind, friendly and has big ears, you can call him Cheburashka. Cartoon cat names are suitable for purring cats of any breed. The main thing is that the name matches the pet’s character and appearance.

For example, a bully and a restless person can be named after the brownie Kuzi, and if he is reasonable and calm, he can be named Nathanya. A snow-white cat can become Umka, a red cat can become Carlson, Motilda, a well-fed cat can become Funtik or Piglet. The name Mowgli is suitable for a black cat. The angry and fidgety one can be called Dyudyuka in honor of Dyudyuka Barbidokskaya, a sneak from Russian cartoons.

I recommend: The cat is bored: 4 surefire ways to improve your pet’s mood

Toy and Jerry

Names (nicknames) from cartoons for girls cats

For girls' cats, cartoon names sound very beautiful and unusual. Therefore, if a child is involved in the selection process, he can suggest which cat names from cartoons and films would be suitable for a furry family member.

Well, for those who are still wondering, here is a list of cat names from Disney cartoons:

The characters of your favorite cartoons are charismatic and bright, so choosing the right nickname for a cartoon cat is not difficult. Let us recall the names of the famous heroines of our favorite animated films:

* Anna, Astrid, Alice, Icy

* Bambi, Snow White, Belle, Buka, Becky, Bailey, Bloom

* Violetta, Vareshka, Vanellope, Wanda, Velma

* Duchess, Gloria, Gothel

* Diana, Daisy, Gia, Dori, Dragelina, Darcy, Daphne

* Nipper, Candace, Pretzel, Caramel, Capa, Kiara, Kata

* Lisa, Leila, Lupi

* Masya, Maha, Melody, Morgana, Malvina, Marge, Mavis, Mulan, Mary Ann, Mila, Meloni, Muse, Mina

* Nesmeyana, Naina, Nyusha, Nala, Nita, Nana

* Simka, Cruella, Sonya, Slasta, Sovunya, Susan, Stella, Smurfette

* Tiana, Tosya, Taffyta, Tortilla, Tecna

* Elsa, Enis Esmeralda

cartoon cats

Cartoon nicknames | names for boys cats

Cartoon names are easy to choose if you know the character and habits of your pet well. As soon as the fluffy one does something, he immediately remembers some hero with similar habits. And the external resemblance will only make the job of choosing a nickname easier.

Suitable for cats:

* Alex, Ultron, Hades, Arcee

* Bucky, Bayun, Bunnymand, Bloom, Bugor, Bulk, Buzz, Pinocchio, Balto, Bugs, Bunny, Toothless, Barmaley, Bob, Buster, Moon, Bumblebee

* Vision, Venom, Vupsen, Vodyanoy, Volt, Woody, Verto, Vinnie, Valtor

* Galactus, Garry, Grotto, Gremlin, Griffin, Galactazar, Gargamel

* Julian, Doc, Joker, Dobrynya, Duker, Daggett, Dale, Donnie, Derek, Jonathan, Dracula

The most famous nicknames for purebred and outbred dogs in Russia

Famous dog breeds and names often have their own history and are associated with a particular dog. There are a lot of popular dog names, so it’s logical to divide them into groups.

The most famous nicknames for purebred and outbred dogs in Russia

In our country, most dog lovers don’t think long about choosing a name for their pet. Sometimes on the street, for example, in some village, you can meet several Bobikov and Sharikov at once. The logic here is simple - it’s a dog, what’s there to think about? The ranking of the five most popular dog names in our country are: Buddy, Bobik, Sharik, Zhuchka and Polkan. In addition to these nicknames, the list could include Trezors, Kashtanki, Bulki, Naida, Zhulki, Knopki, Dzhulbarsy and Palma.

The nickname Dzhulbars is the name of the famous dog, who was a hero of the Second World War, and then became the hero of books and films.

A shepherd named Palma was abandoned by his owner at the airport. He flew away, and Palma remained waiting for him on the runway. She waited for him for many years, and only towards the end of her life the dog believed one woman who had accustomed the shepherd to herself for a long time.

Dog nicknames in honor of great people

Sometimes people, admiring great people or famous historical figures, name them after their pets. Five famous dog names in honor of great people:

Caesar - famous commander Julius Caesar. Eddie (Edison) - inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Theodore - US President T. Roosevelt. Rene is a scientist who created the geometry of Rene Descartes. Isabella - in honor of the Queen of Castile.

Five dog names in honor of famous people's dogs

Norman and Dolly are D. Aniston's pets. Charlie is N. Portman's dog. The pet is no longer there, but the actress named her company after him. Buffy and Coney are President Putin's pets. Bo (after Bo Diddley) is the dog of former US President Barack Obama. Buddy is the pet of B. Clinton, the former leader of the United States of America.

Rating of five famous dog names named after ancient Greek gods

Zeus, Ares, Thor, Athena and Cupid - such nicknames are often given to purebred dogs with a difficult character.

TOP 5 famous dog names in honor of movie characters

Many feature films about dogs make such a strong impression that they push people to have a four-legged friend.

Hooch is a large red Dogue de Bordeaux. He is a bully, a bully, and works as a special agent for the police. A famous image from the movie Turner and Hooch.

Rating of five dog names in honor of famous dogs

Rating of the five most famous nicknames for different dog breeds

The serial adventures of Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse made the sonorous cat nickname Tom popular, but if there is also a decorative mouse living in the house, then you don’t have to think about choosing a name for it.

Illustration. Author: Lorri Kajenna / Shutterstock.com.

Animal main characters often appear in various works. These can be funny adventures for children, classics, detective stories - regardless of the genre, the characters of cats, dogs, parrots and other little brothers organically complement any plot.

The name of a fictional character plays a key role - it determines his type and character. Therefore, the names of animals from books and cartoons are selected as carefully as names for people, and are often used in real life to emphasize the individuality of the pet. And nicknames in the artistic world are very different.

Cartoon characters

Many animal names from cartoons are associated with funny, kind characters: the hard-working, good-natured dog Sharik and the cunning cat Matroskin from the cartoon “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, the kindest Leopold from “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, a cute kitten named Woof.

After the release of the animated film “Garfield,” owners of ginger kittens universally used the nickname of the main character for their pets – a fat, lazy ginger cat.

The serial adventures of Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse made the sonorous cat nickname Tom popular, but if there is also a decorative mouse living in the house, then you don’t have to think about choosing a name for it.

Popular dog names from cartoons: Goofy from Goofy and His Friends, Bolt and Balto from the cartoons of the same name, Slink from Toy Story. The names of the main characters of the timeless cartoon “Bobik visiting Barbos” are in demand - the cheerful dogs Bobik and Barbos.

Many pet parrots are named after the legendary Kesha parrot - funny and adventurous. And some were called Zigzag for their masterly flights around the apartment - like the pilot character from DuckTales, although he was a duck. The same cartoon made popular the nicknames Ponca for cats and Billy, Willie and Dilly for dogs, hamsters and even fish. Thus, the nicknames of cartoon characters are not always used “for their intended purpose.”

It is unlikely that anyone would have a lion as a pet, but the colorful name Boniface from the cartoon of the same name is used to call both dogs and cats. Kitties are often nicknamed Bagheera, although the cartoon heroine is a panther. Small dogs and cats are given the affectionate name Bambi in honor of the cartoon deer. And for snow-white kittens, puppies, calves, they choose the name Umka - a small polar bear cub.

It is impossible to resist the temptation not to name a couple of hamsters Chip and Dale in honor of the famous cartoon characters about the adventures of the cheerful chipmunks. The turtles are given the names Leonardo and Donatello, just like the characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And the fish are often called after the character of “SpongeBob” Patrick or simply SpongeBob after the name of the cartoon.

Interesting nicknames from cartoons can sometimes be used for several animals at once. So, in “Grom the Cat and the Enchanted House” the main characters are the red cat Grom, the Chihuahua dog Charlie, the mouse Mini and the rabbit Jack. And in "The Secret Life of Pets" - the hamster Norman, the parrot Pea, the cat Chloe, the dogs Gidget, Maximilian, Duke and Leonard.

Movie characters

Nicknames from films are no less popular among pet owners. Thanks to the famous film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” cats are called Basilio, turtles are called Tortillas, poodles are called Artemon, and cats with a cunning character are called Alice, despite the fact that this character is not a cat, but a fox.

The heroes of films are often cute cats. In 1958, the film “The Bell, the Book and the Candle” was released, where one of the first “movie stars” starred - a cat named Pywacket, who played the pet of the witch Jill. The cat from Harry Potter, Crookshanks, also became famous.

After the touching film “Babe: The Four-Legged Baby,” about a pig who miraculously escaped the fate of becoming Christmas dinner, some piglets began to be named after this hero. And some pet mice received the nickname Stuart - in honor of the main character of the film “Stuart Little”, a charming white mouse.

Book heroes

Animal names from books often inspire the choice of a suitable name for a pet: after reading, owners no longer have any doubts about what to name their pet.

In addition to Hippopotamus, common names of cats from books are: Cher, short for Winston Churchill (Pet Sematary, Stephen King) - a cat who returned to his owners after death, Clovis (The Sleepwalkers, Stephen King). On the pages of the Strugatsky brothers’ novel “A Billion Years Before the End of the World,” a cat appears with the unusual name Kalam (kalam is an instrument used for calligraphy in Arabic writing).

Dogs of Russian rulers

Love for dogs distinguished many Russian rulers. After all, a person standing at the pinnacle of power is usually immensely lonely. And only the dog always remains next to him - in triumph and sorrow.

Interesting Facts! Thus, the setter Milord, the dog of Emperor Alexander II, could not bear separation from his owner, stopped eating and died “of a broken heart.” The king did not forgive himself for this until the end of his life.

Alexander III's favorite husky, Kamchatka, died during the famous train accident, when the royal family miraculously survived. The Tsar bitterly noted that his “only selfless friend” was gone.

And Nicholas I completely fell in love with the dirty gray poodle of the Westbaden magician, bought him, renamed him from Munito to Hussar, pampered him in every possible way (Hussar could eat crackers from the emperor’s desk) and considered him smarter than many people from his circle.

Peter I
Bullenbeiser Terrier
Catherine IIItalian GreyhoundsTom-Anderson, Zemira and Duchess
Alexander IISetter


My lord


Alexander IIIKamchatka LaikaKamchatka
Nicholas IPoodleHussar
(originally Munito)
Nicholas IICollie
Tsarevich AlexeySpanielJoy

Even in paintings, pets were often depicted next to their owners.

Nicknames in honor of male movie and cartoon characters

Male nicknames in honor of movie and cartoon characters:

  • Jon Snow, Tyrion, Eddard, Petyr, Jaime, Theon, Bran, Jorah, Clegane, Varys, Bronn, Samwell, Drogon, Viserion, Rhaegal - “Game of Thrones”;
  • Tom, Jerry - a cartoon about a cat and a mouse;
  • Aladdin is a film and cartoon of the same name;
  • Harry, Ron, Crookshanks - "Harry Potter";
  • Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello - “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”;
  • Chip, Dale, Rocky, Zipper - “Chip and Dale to the Rescue”;
  • Simba, Scar, Mufasa, Timon, Pumbaa - “The Lion King”;
  • Donald Duck, Zig-Zag, Billy, Dilly, Willie - “DuckTales”;
  • Umka is a cartoon of the same name;
  • Asterix and Obelix is ​​a film with the same name;
  • Shrek is a cartoon of the same name;
  • Doctor Evil - "Austin Powers";
  • Homer - "The Simpsons";
  • Frodo, Legolas, Gimli - "The Lord of the Rings";
  • Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean;
  • Thor, Loki - "The Avengers".

Did you manage to choose a name for your pet from our selection? Why did you stop there? Share your answers in the comments.

Dogs of foreign rulers

World rulers also closely connected their lives with dogs.

The story tells how a small dog tried to save the French king Henry III by barking with all his might at a suspicious visitor. The king did not pay attention and was killed.

And the French Queen Marie Antoinette introduced the fashion for decorative houses for dogs, which she brought with her from Austria.

French King Henry III,
16th century
Queen Elizabeth II of EnglandPembroke Welsh CorgiSusan
King Maha Vajiralongkorn of ThailandpoodleFu-fu
King Bhumip Adulyadej of ThailandcurThongdaeng
Madame de PompadourPapillonInes
Seventh King of the Netherlands from the Orange Dynasty, Willem-AlexanderLabrador
Crown Prince Haakon of NorwayLabradoodleMilli-Cocoa
Queen of France Marie AntoinettePug



Royal Corgis

We are inspired by female characters from films and cartoons

In this collection, we were inspired by the names of movie and cartoon characters who were not dogs. The most beautiful nicknames for female puppies:

  • Jasmine - "Aladdin";
  • Bella, Esme, Renesme - "Twilight";
  • Lizzie - "Pride and Warning";
  • Holly - Breakfast at Tiffany's;
  • Scarlett - "Gone with the Wind";
  • Belle - "Beauty and the Beast";
  • Raya - "Raya and the Last Dragon";
  • Lilo - "Lilo and Stitch";
  • Nala - "The Lion King";
  • Dory - Finding Nemo;
  • Bambi is a cartoon of the same name;
  • Rapunzel is a cartoon of the same name;
  • Luna - "Sailor Moon";
  • Minnie is Mickey Mouse's friend;
  • Elsa - "Frozen";
  • Gerda - “The Snow Queen”;
  • Aurora - "Sleeping Beauty";
  • Esmeralda - "The Hunchback of Noterdam";
  • Hermione - "Harry Potter";
  • Maleficent is the film of the same name;
  • Ariel - "The Little Mermaid";
  • Harley Quinn is a character from the DC Comics universe;
  • Mary Jane - Spider-Man;
  • Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Cersei, Melisandre, Brienne, Missandei, Caitlin - “Game of Thrones”;
  • Leia - Star Wars;
  • Mary Poppins - film of the same name;
  • Katniss - "The Hunger Games";
  • Phoebe, Prue, Piper - "Charmed";
  • Furiosa - "Mad Max";
  • Mulan is a film and cartoon of the same name;
  • Xena - "Xena: Warrior Princess."

Rex and Hatko were not taken for a walk.

Celebrity Dogs of the Past

Dogs also accompanied representatives of the cultural elite of the past. Their nicknames are quite simple.

Marilyn MonroeMalteseMaf
Frank SinatraCurRingo
Audrey HepburnTerrierMister Famous
Billie HolidayBoxerMister
Elvis PresleyChow Chow
Pyrenees dog
Get Low
Paul McCartneyBobtailMartha
Alfred HitchcockSealyham TerrierSarah
Pablo PicassoDalmatian
Marlon BrandoDachshundKurtze Beiner (Short Legs)
Barbra StreisandCoton de ThalerSammy
Billie HolidayboxerMister
Louis ArmstrongterriersTrumpet
Leonard CohenScottish TerrierComrade (just Tinky)
Eric ClaptonweimaranerJeep
Robert PlantcollieStrider
Ozzy OsbournePomeranian SpitzLittle Big
Neil YoungMongrel

Maf and Marilyn Monroe

Pablo Picasso and his faithful friend

American celebrity dogs

It has been noticed that many celebrities prefer dogs of small breeds: you can travel with them without being separated in the event of a tour. By the way, according to statistics, female dogs create fewer problems on the road and are much less likely to get lost.

Alessandra AmbrosioMalteseLola
Justin TiberlakeBoxerBuckley
Orlando BloomPoodle
Charlize TheronPitbull
Natalie PortmanPoodle-schnauzer mix

Yorkshire Terrier



Eva GreenBorder TerrierGriffin
David DuchovnyMixed Border CollieBlue
Molly KingPoodleAlfie
Selma BlairDachshundWink
George ClooneySpanielEinstein
Hilary DoughFrench Bulldog


Amanda SeifieldAustralian ShepherdFinn
Jane FondaMalteseTulu
Britney SpearsChihuahuaBit Bit
Sharon, Ozzy OsbourneSpitzMinnie
Anna FarisPugBonzo
Jessica BielIrish SetterTino
Matthew McConaugheyCurFoxy
Zooey DeschanelMongrelsBaxter
Gisele BundchenFrench BulldogDjango
Hayden PanettiereRottweilerMadison
Christina RicciFrench BulldogRamon
Lily AllenBull TerrierMaggie
Mischa BartonShi-pomZiggy
Sienna MillerGriffinsPorgy
Paris HiltonChihuahuaTinkerbell
Diamond Baby
Blake LivelyToy poodlea penny
Chrissy TeigenPuga penny
Ellen DeGeneresWhite boxerAugie
Kylie JennerLonghaired Dachshund
Italian Greyhound
Jennifer AnistonWelsh Corgi




Rachael RayPitbullIzabu
Jake GyllenhaalGerman Shepherd
Mixed Pug and Beagle
Boo Radley
Sandra BullockChihuahua mixesPoppy
Demmy MoorChihuahuaVaida Blue
Eva LongoriaPomeranian
Dwight "The Rock" JohnsonFrench BulldogBrutus
Gwen StefaniPekingeseIcingioro
Jessica AlbaPugsNancy
Rachel BilsonCurThurman Murman
Katerina McPheeChihuahuaNina
Fergie and Josh DuhamelDachshundZoya
Lady GagaFrench BulldogAsia,
Koji, Gustavo
Miley CyrusAlaskan Klee KaiEmu, Mat and Sophie
Selena GomezMaltipooVinny
Vanessa HudgensMaltipooDarla
Bruce WillisYorkshire TerrierWolfie
Wiz KhalifaFrench BulldogVincent the Great Dane
Heidi KlumIrish WolfhoundAnton
Martha StewartChow chowFrancesca, Sharky Genghis Khan
Miranda KerrYorkshire TerrierFrankie
Kendall JennerDobermanMeow
David BeckhamEnglish cocker spanielsFig (Fig)
Olive, Sage (Sage)
Selma BlairCurCappuccino
Ann HatawayChocolate LabradorEsmeralda
Jennifer GarnerGolden retrieverBirdie
Jim carreyGerman dogGeorge
Hailey BaldwinMaltese YorkJim carrey
Kris JennerDachshundsErnie
Kelly OsbournePomeranian SpitzPolly
Natalie PortmanYorkshire TerrierWiz
Bradley CooperMixed Chow Chow and Golden RetrieverCharlotte
Drew BarrymoreLabradorFlossie
Reese WitherspoonBulldog
French Bulldog




Sylvester StallonePoodleButkus

Another “star” pet

Photo again?

Just like “ordinary” people

For a glamorous actress - a glamorous pet

Just genuine emotions, and all because a devoted friend is nearby!

Dogs of businessmen and politicians

But politicians gravitate toward big dogs. Moreover, a clear preference is given to male dogs. Coincidence or emphasized status?

Interesting fact! Peter Onruang, a businessman from California, after the death of his two beloved dogs Wotfi and Bubble, decided to clone them. Now he has four dogs - two clones of each. However, despite the complete similarity, the owner feels they are related, but still different dogs.

Emmanuel MacronLabradorNemo
Barack ObamaPortuguese water dogBo
Francois MitterrandLabradorBaltic
George W. BushScottish TerrierBarney
Bill ClintonLabradorBuddy
John McCain,
Ronald ReaganBouvier des FlandersLucky
Adolf GitlerGerman ShepherdBlondie
Richard NixonIrish Setter
Cocker Spaniel
King Timaho
Jacques ChiracMalteseSumo
Joe BidenGerman ShepherdMajor
Vladimir PutinBulgarian Shepherd
Akita Inu




Connie Polgrave


State Duma deputy from the Altai Territory Nikolai GerasimenkoAkita InuKeitaru
Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey KlishasSwiss Mountain DogAkella
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Valery GartungMaremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd DogLyme
Senator from the Republic of Crimea Olga KovitidiAmerican Bulldog
Swiss Shepherd
First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy Sergei KalashnikovEast Siberian LaikaMax
First Deputy Head of the Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection Nikolai ValuevLabradorYeti
Head of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Valery RyazanskyEast European ShepherdMukhtar
Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Leonid KalashnikovEast European ShepherdPanda
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio BerlusconiPoodleDudu
Peter Onruang, businessman from CaliforniaschnauzersWolfie Bear,
Wolfie Girl,

Bubble Face and Bubble Rubble

TV presenter Oprah WinfreyspanielSophie
Facebook founder Mark ZuckerbergHungarian Water Shepherd DogBeast
Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government Igor ShuvalovCorgiTsesarevich

Gabby Joy of Elves

Mark PincusAmerican BulldogZinga
Kate Middleton and Prince WilliamEnglish SpanielLupo

The game "Zinga" is named after your favorite dog

Celebrities born in the year of the dog

" - Do you have a dog? “My husband was born in the year of the dog, that’s enough for me...”

If desired, any name can be transformed into a cute nickname:

  • Alisa Freindlich
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Alexey Leonov
  • Alexander Tvardovsky
  • Alexander Suvorov
  • Alexander Nevzorov
  • Alexander Shirvindt
  • Brigitte Bardot
  • Vera Brezhneva
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  • Valery Syutkin
  • Vladimir Pozner
  • Vladimir Etush
  • Donald Trump
  • Justin Bieber
  • George Bush
  • Giorgio Armani
  • Evgeni Plushenko
  • Liza Minnelli
  • Leonid Gaidai
  • Michael Jackson
  • Mikhail Lermontov
  • Mireille Mathieu
  • Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Madonna
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Natalya Vodyanova
  • Nikolay Karamzin
  • Oleg Basilashvili
  • Prince William
  • Pierre Richard
  • Saveliy Kramarov
  • Sati Casanova
  • Sergei Sobyanin
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Sophia Loren
  • Svetlana Loboda
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Peter Stolypin
  • Uma Thurman
  • Winston Churchill
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Sharon Stone
  • Elvis Presley
  • Anne Hathaway
  • Yuri Gagarin

Dogs of writers

True creativity is impossible without an ideal listener, without patient eyes, without a delightfully wet nose that reminds the Author “You work, I’m here, I’ll wait...”

So, for example, A.P. Chekhov’s favorite dachshunds were his friends, companions, interlocutors - and they bore the “medical” nicknames Hina and Brom, reminding everyone that the owner was not only a writer, but also a Doctor.

Stephen KingcorgiMarlow
Vladimir MayakovskyScottish Terrier




Anton ChekhovdachshundsHina
Lord ByronNewfoundlandBotswana
Nikolay NekrasovBlack PointerKado
Alexander KuprinMedellansPeregrine Falcon
Walter ScottCop


Kamp and Spice

Douglas and Percy

Agatha ChristieFox terrierPeter
John SteinbeckPoodleCharlie
Erich Maria RemarqueTerrierBilly
Francoise SaganGerman ShepherdVerser
Stanislav Lem
Dachshund Mongrel
Mikhail PrishvinPointing
Michael BulgakovCurBud

The dog looks no less intelligent and focused

Tired, apparently, helped develop creative thought

Feels the love

Names from Russian cartoons

If you remember domestic cartoons, the following immediately come to mind:

  • Leopold;
  • Woof;
  • Matroskin;
  • Scarecrow-meow is not a nickname, but, you see, many had to call it that in the hearts of a cute mischief-maker;
  • Vaska from the cartoon “Vaska the Desperate Cat”;
  • Vasily (“Kitten from Lizyukov Street”). By the way, the cat from the cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” had the same name, but his name is not mentioned in the cartoon itself;
  • Matilda is the cat of the “housekeeper” Freken Bok from the cartoon about Malysh and Carlson;
  • Cardinal and Milady (“Dog in Boots”);
  • Murenka (“Silver Hoof”).

Matroskin basks in the sun:

Dog names from literature

  • Sharik (M. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”)
  • Totoshka (A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”
  • Bim (G Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”)
  • Bug (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Theme and the Bug”)
  • Beck (J. London “The Call of the Wild”)
  • White Fang (J. London "White Fang")
  • Kashtanka (A. Chekhov “Kashtanka”)
  • Artaud (A Kuprin “White Poodle”)
  • Montmorency (J.K. Jerome “Three in a Boat and a Dog”)
  • Snap (E. Seton-Thompson "Snap")
  • Pilot (C.Bronte "Jane Eyre")
  • Lassie (E. Knight "Lassie")
  • Cujo (S. King "Cujo")
  • Shoo (Yu. Aleshkovsky “Shoot and Two Portfolios”)

Of course, this is not a complete list. What literary characters can you add? Or maybe you know other celebrity pets?

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Tips for naming your new dog

When you bring a furry family member into your home, your to-do list can seem endless. After shopping around for dog supplies, toys, and the healthiest food, start choosing the right name for your dog.

Our advice? Choose a name that will have meaning for your family. Remember that you and all your loved ones will call your pet by this name for many years; it is important that the name is easy to pronounce and remember.

Some tips for choosing the right name for your dog:

  • Let's consider names with one or two syllables and hard consonants. These names will be much easier for your dog to hear and understand. Avoid names that may sound like a command, such as “sit” and “Whale.” Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and pronounce. Your family, friends and veterinarian will use this name for many years. Don't choose a name that you might find awkward or offensive. If you feel uncomfortable yelling your dog's name in the park, don't do it.
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