7 Species of Monkeys Keeped as Pets

Author: Dimon

11 May 2022 20:43

Community: Animals

Tags: animals educational facts  



Monkeys are quite cute animals, but when they are the size of your palm, the degree of cuteness increases several times. It's hard to imagine a person who hasn't seen a monkey. Although they do not live in our usual habitat, but prefer tropical forests, they have become frequent residents of circuses, zoos and other shows involving various animals. They are easy to tame and teach certain actions.


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The smallest monkeys in the world have an easy-going and friendly character; over time, this animal can become a good friend for its owner. In addition, they are very smart and quick-witted. Our article presents ten tiny primates and describes the characteristics of these animals with photographs. The length of some barely exceeded 10 centimeters.


Golden lion marmoset

— Body length: 20-25 centimeters. — Weight: about 900 grams. This is the largest monkey of the marmoset family. Its tail can grow up to 37 centimeters. The golden lion tamarin gets its name from its resemblance to a lion. Around the monkey's head there is fur like a mane, which glows golden in the sun. All wool shimmers beautifully in the sun's rays and is therefore compared to gold dust. Marmosets take care of their appearance and always take care of their fur. They live mainly in groups of 3 to 8 members.

About maintaining primate health

The health of a monkey is influenced not only by genetics, but also by many other factors: nutrition, ecology, care, the presence or absence of communication.

Although primates are wild animals, if they find themselves in unfavorable conditions, they can get sick even more often than people, so they also need medical care.

Immediately after purchasing a pet, you should find a good veterinarian who has worked with monkeys. He must have experience and specialized education in order to promptly diagnose deviations from the norm.

It is important to understand that the presence of ideal conditions and a varied menu does not protect 100% from all diseases, so sooner or later you will still have to contact a veterinarian, and it is better that he knows how to diagnose and treat certain diseases of primates. It is also worth mentioning that you can infect your pet with a common cold or flu

No matter how strange it may sound, a similar structure and body temperature allow bacteria and viruses to infect the creature

It is also worth mentioning that you can infect your pet with a common cold or flu. No matter how strange it may sound, a similar structure and body temperature allow bacteria and viruses to infect the creature.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that if the monkey has a cold or catches a virus, then the “infection” can spread to you, which is why any contact with a sick creature should be limited.

Important! Capuchins should be tested annually for tuberculosis. Now you know what a capuchin primate is, whether it is wise to keep it at home, and what conditions need to be created for the animal to feel good

Now you know what a capuchin primate is, whether it is wise to keep it at home, and what conditions need to be created for the animal to feel good.

Remember that this primate is a wild animal, so you will have to spend a lot of time to at least partially tame it. Do not forget that a monkey is not the best toy for children, so do not allow your child to touch or handle a capuchin to avoid injury or injury.

Black lion marmoset

— Body length: 25-24 centimeters. — Weight: about 500-600 grams. These monkeys are completely black except for their red buttocks. There is a thick mane around the head. Their muzzle is flat and hairless. The tail can reach 40 centimeters in length. Black lion marmosets live for about 18 years. However, recently their numbers have decreased significantly. They have been given the status of “endangered”. The habitat of these monkeys is gradually being destroyed, and poachers are hunting for individuals.

Red-handed tamarin

— Body length: 30 centimeters. — Weight: about 500 grams. The animals are most common in South America and Brazil. Their tail is larger than their body and can grow up to 45 centimeters. The color is black except for the arms and legs, which are yellowish or orange-red. The red-handed tamarin is unpretentious in food. They can eat insects and spiders, as well as lizards and birds. They also do not refuse plant foods and actively consume various fruits. Tamarins are active during the daytime. They live in a family circle of 3-6 individuals. Within the group they are friendly and look after each other. They have only one dominant female who bears offspring. By the way, only males take care of newborns. They carry them everywhere with them and only bring them to the female for feeding.

What to feed a monkey

There is a special food for monkeys that they should be fed with, but for variety it is worth adding plant food, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
The monkey will also like chicken (without spicy seasoning), mealworms, rice, yogurt and nuts. You cannot give a monkey what is considered unhealthy food for people, that is, fast food, flour and sweets. You should also avoid giving her raw meat. The diet can be supplemented with vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, since your monkey sits at home and does not get enough sun.

Silver marmoset

— Body length: 22 centimeters. — Weight: about 350 grams. The fur color of the silver marmoset ranges from silver to brown. The tail is black and grows up to 29 centimeters. They live in large family groups of about 12 individuals. Within a group there is a dominant and a subordinate. Only the dominant female produces offspring; the rest do not participate in reproduction. The female gives birth to no more than two cubs. After six months, they already switch to adult food, and at the age of 2 years they are considered independent and adult individuals. For the entire six months, when the cub feeds only on mother’s milk, the male takes care of it and carries it on his back.

Crested marmoset

— Body length: 20 centimeters. — Weight: about 450 grams. They received this name due to their unusual crest. The crested marmoset has a snow-white crest running from its forehead to the back of its head. This hairstyle makes it very easy to recognize the monkey's mood. For example, if she is angry, her crest rises. When severely irritated, monkeys bar their teeth ferociously. They have a very unusual appearance, which is immediately remembered and it is impossible to confuse them with another species. Monkeys prefer to live in the forests of Colombia and Panama.

Diseases and treatment

You won't be able to buy a live monkey at a low price. Don’t rush to save money – a healthy exotic animal with documents cannot be cheap. Perhaps they want to deceive the buyer by selling a sick monkey, which will only cause trouble and will not live long in captivity. A monkey is expensive, but the joy of communicating with it cannot be measured in banknotes.

Monkeys can suffer from diseases that humans are susceptible to. They catch colds easily, do not tolerate pulmonary diseases well, they have headaches, teeth aches, and stomach upsets occur. The most common ailments are infection with worms, as well as pneumonia, which quickly develops into tuberculosis. A hand-bought monkey may have ticks and fleas, which will also cause a lot of trouble for the new owners. Have you noticed that the monkey’s behavior changes, it becomes lethargic, drowsy, and its hair is excessively tousled? You should immediately seek medical help.

If you are planning to buy a live monkey from us, the price of the animal will please you no less than the guarantee of its health. All monkeys undergo full diagnostics before sale, so the customer does not need to worry about buying an unhealthy animal. Want to know how much a pet monkey costs? Contact our managers. They will help you decide on a suitable type of primate, tell you about its characteristics and give recommendations on creating optimal conditions for keeping an exotic animal at home.

The EkzoticZoo company has been cooperating with the largest nurseries in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe for many years. We guarantee that our animals are healthy, domesticated and easily tamed, remaining loyal to their owner for life. The buyer is provided with a full package of documents, including Cites. For the convenience of customers, we provide a delivery service for animals and birds.

Many exotic animals become residents of ordinary apartments and houses, filling them with joy and fun. Likewise, miniature marmoset monkeys, with proper care and maintenance, will entertain and give positive emotions to their owners for many years.

Geoffroy's Marmoset

— Body length: 20 centimeters. — Weight: about 190-250 grams. They have incisors with which they gnaw through the bark of trees in search of tree sap. During the rainy season, they spend most of their time resting and getting food, but during the drought they are very active. When it comes to food, Geoffroy's marmosets are unpretentious. Their diet includes insects, fruits, plants and tree sap. They live in large groups (8-10 individuals) with one dominant pair. The cubs are cared for by all members of the group until they are 18 months old. Then they become independent.

Features of pet behavior

Monkeys are social animals, they are in dire need of communication and will require the maximum amount of attention. In addition, they are active, they definitely need toys, space for movement, and bars to swing.

Activity increases upon reaching puberty. Boredom can cause an animal to become depressed and aggressive.

It is recommended, in particular, to hide food in closed boxes or boxes with holes. Monkeys express their emotions with the help of screams, roars, chirps, and whistles.

Female primates are very affectionate towards their cubs and can become aggressive during the birth of babies, protecting them. It's funny to watch animals during the birth of their babies.

Did you know? The male wistiti takes upon himself all the care of the female and children, giving them the best pieces without resistance.
Monkeys are cunning and resourceful - keep this in mind when setting up a cage for them and letting them out for a walk.
When raising a monkey, remember that they are like children: if they become disobedient and angry, it means that something is bothering them.

Find out the reason for bad behavior, talk to the monkey calmly, reward good behavior with food and affection and get an affectionate, gentle and obedient pet.

Marmoset Göldi

— Body length: 20-23 centimeters. — Weight: about 350 grams. This species is protected and movement through customs is strictly limited. The tail of Göldi's marmoset is larger than its body and grows up to 15 centimeters. They live for about 18 years, but with proper care at home or in special institutions for animals, life expectancy increases by 5-6 years. Her appearance is very unusual, but despite her small size, her muzzle expression is very concentrated and even a little angry. In the wild, they are shy and do not let anyone get close, but if a person manages to tame them, they will become excellent friends.

For those who want to keep a monkey at home: 4 important “buts”

September 26, 2018

Cats and dogs are without a doubt the most popular pets. But they are not the only ones that can be found in the apartments of ordinary Ukrainian families. A craving for the exotic, a desire to stand out or have a piece of wild nature in your home, or perhaps an endless and devoted love for monkeys motivates people to have such unusual pets. There's nothing wrong with this, but before you make a primate part of your family, you need to make sure that you are ready for its lifestyle.

What kind of monkeys can you keep at home?

Those that weigh up to 3 kilograms. Larger individuals can be dangerous - they have rather large teeth and a unique character. Therefore, pygmy marmosets, saimiris and red-handed tamarins are the most suitable options. Naturally, some keep both monkeys and vervet monkeys, they are easier to train, they are more interesting to work with, and they can be tamed, but the likelihood of becoming the object of their aggression is much higher than in the case of the same marmosets.

How and where does a monkey live?

All day long, a monkey can jump around the apartment, jump from high furniture to low furniture, climb on you, on the computer, curtains, and most likely it won’t even ruin anything, but when it’s time to sleep, it will want to retire in its enclosure. She must have it. There the pet will eat and rest.

Naturally, it is within your power to make sure that the primate spends all the time in the enclosure, but this will not make anyone any better: firstly, why do you need a monkey as a pet if you only look at it through the bars; secondly, remember how much these animals love to jump, and in a modest enclosure they are unlikely to be able to accelerate - then either build monkey mansions in the apartment, or allow the pet to run around outside the cage.

By the way, there is no need to worry that such a small creature will fall off the table - the skill of deftly jumping from one surface to another cannot be taken away from them, they are far from stupid animals, so they can take care of their safety. But you will have to take care that they don’t find any pills, sharp objects or other potential threats in the vastness of your home.

Common marmoset

— Body length: 16-17 centimeters. — Weight: about 150-190 grams. The size of this monkey is more like a squirrel. Adults have a distinctive feature - large white tufts on their ears made of long hair. These monkeys are very emotional and quickly fall into unreasonable panic. Their emotions are expressed through gestures and facial expressions. It is very easy to understand what exactly an ordinary marmoset is experiencing at the moment. They live in family groups of up to 15 members. They resolve all territorial conflicts with neighbors using sounds; as a rule, they do not like to fight. The average life expectancy in nature is about 12 years. At 2 years old, the individual is already considered an adult.

Tiny marmoset

— Body length: 18 centimeters. — Weight: about 150-180 grams. The coat color is mainly olive-brown, with golden-yellow or gray-yellow on the belly. Most often found in the Amazon rainforest and Brazil. In total there are about 10 thousand individuals. The tail is up to 23 centimeters long, completely black. The ears and face are mostly hairless, but there is a large tuft of hair on the head by which this species of monkey can be easily distinguished. The tiny marmoset is not as common as the pygmy marmoset, but they are still often kept as pets.

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