Wild animals >> Mammals The pika is a small, short-legged and almost tailless ovoid mammal,
Origin of the species and description Photo: Hell Vampire The Hell Vampire (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) is the only known
What is the difference between a hippopotamus and a hippopotamus? Many people living on earth do not know that these
Walrus: description, structure, characteristics. What does a walrus look like? Where does a walrus live? How long do walruses live?
The wombat is a medium-sized marsupial herbivore mammal from the two-incisor order. Lives exclusively in Australia.
Helpful Tips When you determine the gender of your hamster, you should follow certain rules in order to
The Turkmen Alabay is one of the varieties of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, the history of which goes back several thousand years and
Mammals Russia is home to about 300 species of mammals, of which several dozen are rare
Wild animals >> Mammals The African pygmy hedgehog is a chordate mammal. In translation
It must be said right away: the eyes of cats actually do not glow in the dark, that is,