Wild animals >> Mammals The marmoset is an unusual small monkey that lives in tropical forests.
Every beginner in the aquarium business after a while is faced with the fact that the water becomes cloudy,
Elephants are large herbivorous mammals from the order Proboscis. All living species of elephants are
There are a lot of conjectures and mocking prejudices on this score. However, everything is much more prosaic and
If we had not been familiar with elephants from early childhood, perhaps we would have accepted
The nature of Russia is distinguished by its richness; a variety of animals live on a vast territory that extends to
The sable is a small but very agile predator from the mustelidae family. Representatives of the species prefer to settle
Being the owner of large expressive eyes, the loris lemur has recently begun to conquer city apartments
The results of an examination of the remains of an ancient animal found during an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society have become known
The fauna of our planet is so beautiful that such incredible diversity is simply breathtaking.