“Advocate” product for dogs and cats - advantages and disadvantages

The drug "Advocate", intended for cats and dogs, is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent, produced and sold in the form of drops.

The main components that make up the drug and ensure its effectiveness are:

  1. Moxidectin is a semi-synthetic milbecymine that has been used in veterinary medicine for quite some time.
  2. Imidacloprid is a type of element that is extracted from nicotine substances. At its core, it is a chloronicotyl insecticide, which poses a mortal threat to most types of ectoparasites, but is absolutely safe for humans and domestic animals.

Operating principle

Parasites are mostly affected by substances such as moxidectin and imidacloprid, which are activators of the following processes:

  1. Stimulation of a number of channels that exhibit the greatest degree of sensitivity to chlorine and glutamate, which ultimately leads to an increased influx of chloride ions.
  2. Influencing the central nervous system of parasites, which causes paralysis in them, subsequently leading to death, while there is no effect on warm-blooded creatures.
  3. Activation of a number of receptors in various types of parasites that have increased sensitivity to the nicotine group of substances.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredients of the drug for dogs “Advocate” have a joint effect. When they land on the withers, they create a kind of depressing environment, through which insects pass through and are exposed to the negative effects of chemical components. However, the use of the drug in prescribed doses does not cause pathologies and diseases in animals.

Did you know? The first veterinary educational institution in the Russian Empire was opened in 1733 in the village of Khoroshevskoye near Moscow. The training center was called “Stable School”.

Imidacloprid, a representative of neonicotinoid insecticides of organic origin, is a substance that causes insects to block special receptors responsible for transmitting nerve impulses in the body. Once ingested by an insect, this substance causes its death. Moxidectin is a compound from the milbemycin group that, when ingested by an insect, stimulates the production of a specific amino acid, which contributes to disruption of muscle conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to their paralysis and then death.

Frontline drops are also used to combat external parasites in dogs.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of the drip drug “Advocate” are the following cases:

  1. The need for preventive treatment of a cat or dog against parasites such as lice, fleas or ticks.
  2. Treatment of the consequences of subcutaneous mite infestation.
  3. Treatment of ear scabies.
  4. Treatment of infectious diseases caused by acariform mites.
  5. Treatment of diseases caused by different types of insects.
  6. Treatment of diseases of the digestive system caused by roundworms.
  7. Treatment of difilariasis.

Before you start using this product, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for its use, these include :

  1. The weight of the animal is less than a kilogram.
  2. Less than seven weeks old for puppies and less than nine weeks old for kittens.
  3. The presence of various diseases that weaken the body, the treatment of which is not directed by the Advocate.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation period. In some cases, the use of the “Lawyer” is acceptable and justified, but is carried out only after consultation and obtaining appropriate permission from the veterinarian.
  5. Concurrent use of other pharmacological agents, which contain different forms of macrocyclic lactones.


Advocate Tick Drops may cause overdose if the dosage is increased. Let's list its symptoms:

  • oppression;
  • dilated pupils;
  • muscle tremors;
  • excessive salivation.

If such symptoms occur, the drug should be washed off thoroughly using a detergent.

Instructions for use

In order to avoid possible negative consequences and side effects from the drug “Advocate”, it is recommended to follow the following instructions for its use:

  1. Initially, you will need to determine the required dose in accordance with the instructions given in the instructions that come with the product, or by following the instructions of a specialist. Application of “Lawyer” is allowed only on clean and dry skin that is free of any irritation or open wounds.
  2. Remove the protective element from the pipette containing the product.
  3. Place the pipette in a vertical position, then carefully pierce the membrane located in the spout area. During this procedure, the removed protective cap must be put on the reverse side, and after completion, removed again.
  4. It is necessary to apply the drops to the skin, while moving the fur in different directions. Treatment occurs in places where the animal cannot reach to lick the drug; the area between the shoulder blades is best suited for these purposes.
  5. If the animal is large enough, then you need to apply the drops not in one, but in several places at once to enhance the effect.
  6. The minimum dose that can have an effect is 0.1 ml. “Lawyer” for every kilogram of pet’s weight.

Dosage for dogs

The required dose of drops is determined depending on the weight of the animal; for convenience, the drug is available in containers with different volumes.

When treating dogs, you must follow the following rules for determining the required dose:

  1. Small dogs weighing less than 4 kg should be treated with 0.4 ml of the drug.
  2. Medium-sized dogs, whose weight varies from 4 to 10 kg, are treated with 1 ml of the drug.
  3. Large dogs whose weight does not exceed 25 kg will require 2.5 ml of the drug.
  4. For the largest pets that weigh more than 25 kg, about 4 ml of the drug will be needed for one treatment.
  5. If the dog is very large and weighs more than 40-45 kg, then it is recommended to first consult with a specialist; he will individually help determine the correct dose for such a pet.

Dosage for cats

When treating cats, they follow the same rules for choosing the required dose; the main determining factor is the pet’s body weight.

During this process, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Cats weighing less than 4 kg will need 0.4 ml of product.
  2. Cats whose weight is in the range of 4-8 kg need at least 9.8 ml of product.
  3. To determine the dose of the product for large cats that weigh 8 kg, you also need to consult a veterinarian, since, most likely, to achieve a positive result you will need a combined intake of products from different types of packages.

Precautionary measures

When using “Lawyer”, the following safety measures must be observed to avoid negative consequences for both pets and their owner:

  1. Compliance with hygiene rules, as when working with other medicines. When handling an animal, it is necessary to wear disposable rubber gloves; it is also recommended to wear a respiratory mask. “Lawyer” is not dangerous, but its smell may seem extremely repulsive to most people.
  2. While performing any actions with this product, it is prohibited to smoke, consume food or any drinks, since in this case there is a risk of accidental ingestion of the substance into the digestive system.
  3. After finishing the treatment, you will need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. It is forbidden to pet the animal within 24 hours after treatment ; it is better to stop contact with small children for the next few days.
  5. Contact of the treated pet with other animals is not allowed , as they can lick the drug from its fur.
  6. If the product accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes , they must be washed with plenty of clean, cool water.
  7. If the product accidentally enters the digestive system, it is necessary to take activated carbon , after which it is necessary to urgently seek professional help from a specialist, even if the volume of the substance was insignificant.
  8. Used pipettes must be disposed of ; their reuse for any household or business purposes is prohibited.
  9. Storage should be in dark and cool places where pets or small children do not have access.

“Advocate” refers to substances of the third degree of danger, that is, it is moderately dangerous.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many veterinarians recommend the “Advocate” product, since it has many positive aspects.

Its main advantages include:

  1. The versatility of the drug , since it is equally effective against both ectoparasites and entoparasites.
  2. The drug can be used to treat cats and dogs of any breed , and a wide product range allows you to select drops for a pet of any weight.
  3. Treatment provides not only effective treatment against parasites , but also subsequent protection against them for a whole month.
  4. Availability of the drug, it can be purchased at most pet stores or veterinary pharmacies , while high quality is combined with a reasonable price.
  5. A manufacturer that guarantees high German quality. It has been working in the pharmaceutical market for several years now and has managed to prove itself from the best side.

However, despite so many positive aspects, “Lawyer” also has certain disadvantages, they are as follows:

  1. Possibility of side effects.
  2. The odor is too strong and unpleasant, which persists for a day after treatment.


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Possible side effects

Even when the permissible doses are observed and used in accordance with the instructions, side effects sometimes occur that are associated with the individual characteristics of the pet.

They may include the following:

  1. Digestive disorders, loss of appetite and vomiting.
  2. Itching occurs.
  3. Dilatation of capillaries, which causes redness of the skin in different places.
  4. Wool contamination.

Prices in rubles

The cost of “Lawyer” depends not only on the place and method of purchase, but also on the type of drug, which is determined by the type and weight of the pet.

Below are approximate prices for all types of drops on the market today:

  1. The product, intended for treating cats weighing less than 4 kg, costs about 850 rubles. The kit includes three pipettes with a volume of 0.4 ml.
  2. The product for cats weighing more than 4 kg costs 950 rubles. The package also includes three pipettes, their volume is 0.8 ml.
  3. The product for miniature dogs that weigh no more than 4 kg costs about 1,000 rubles. One package contains three 0.4 ml pipettes.
  4. The product for dogs weighing no more than 10 kg costs 1,100 rubles, the kit includes three 1 ml pipettes.
  5. The approximate cost of the product for dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg is about 1,300 rubles . The package contains 3 pipettes of 2.5 ml.
  6. The product for the largest dogs will cost about 1,600 rubles. The package includes three 4 ml pipettes.

Advocard price, where to buy

The price of Advocard in tablets No. 30 in pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia varies between 300-350 rubles per pack.

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Reviews about the drug

Below are the opinions of people about Advocate drops who have already used them to treat their pets:

  1. Anna: “The veterinarian recommended using antiparasitic agents for prevention. I tried to mix tablets into food - the cat flatly refused to eat it. Even the product, whose instructions stated that it tasted and smelled attractive to animals, was ignored. I decided to try “Advocate” in the form of drops; in the end, it only had two drawbacks: high cost and an unpleasant odor, but this drug is very easy to use.”
  2. Vladimir: “It was necessary to treat a dog that had parasites, as well as cats for prevention, since they could also become infected. I spent a long time choosing a product, read a lot of reviews and recommendations, and finally settled on “Lawyer.” The choice was influenced by the fact that it is produced by Bayer, and this company has managed to establish itself well and is well known. In addition, the positive point was the fact that the drops can be used for both cats and dogs, and this saved me from the need to purchase several medications. As a result: all parasites were removed from the dog, no intoxication or any side effects were observed; no other animals became infected. The high price of “Lawyer” was fully justified; I don’t mind the money spent.”
  3. Tatyana: “For a very long time, my husband and I could not find a high-quality and effective product for our cat. She often travels out of town with us, so the risk of picking up any parasites is always very high. At first they used drops, I don’t know if this is how it’s supposed to be or if it’s some kind of allergic reaction, but they started to cause fur to come out in clumps in the treated areas. Of course, soon everything healed again, but for the first time after treatment the cat looked simply terrible. We decided to try a collar instead; we read a lot of positive reviews about it, but how effective it was became clear when the tick actually bit under it. The veterinarian recommended “Advocate”, although after an unsuccessful experience with other drops I didn’t particularly want to return to a drug of the same type. Fortunately, this time the hair did not come out, and we did not notice any other side effects or allergies. The fact that “Advocate” really works became clear after it helped us get rid of fleas, since then we have been using only this product and hope that its quality will remain at the same level over time.”
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