Bohemian Shepherd (Hod dog or Czech shepherd dog)

The Hodsky dog ​​has an attractive appearance, a pleasant character, a true companion and an extraordinary mind. Excellently trainable. Suitable for various service and sports. The breed was restored at the end of the 20th century in the Czech Republic. It is very popular in its homeland, but few outside its borders. FCI is not yet recognized. Other names of the breed: Czech Cattle Dog, Bohemian Shepherd Dog.

Brief history of origin

Like other shepherd dogs, the Bohemian began its existence among shepherds. Since ancient times, she has protected flocks and herds from wild animals, guarded the owner’s home, and accompanied him throughout his life in all economic activities. In the old days they called it that - Khodskaya, which means one’s own. She did not exhibit at exhibitions or participate in competitions. She wasn't even in the World Dog Classification. Only at the end of the last century was it recognized as an independent breed and standards were established.

What does a Bohemian Shepherd look like?

For your information! During the war years, Bohemian Shepherds were almost completely exterminated. Today we can confidently proclaim the restoration of the population of the Czech beauty. The breed is quickly spreading across the planet. There are also many lovers of the Czech Shepherd in Russia.

Territory of appearance of the Bohemian Shepherd

The homeland of this amazing animal is the Czech Republic. If you dig really deep, the ancestors of the shepherd are wolves. Today, nurseries are engaged in breeding the breed. The purity of the breed is preserved only in this case. Amateur breeders do not always have the opportunity to ensure the correct selection of parents. Sometimes mestizos are passed off as purebreds.


The shaggy English Bobtail is a friend to sheep and a threat to wolves. Many times he emerged victorious from a fight with a gray predator. In ordinary life, bobtails are not aggressive and have become favorite pets of many families. Their shepherd service is a thing of the distant past, but they have not lost their instinct and are ready to look after all family members around the clock. “Shaggy nannies” have a special affection for children and will never offend them. The breed is rare, the price of a puppy reaches $3000. Nurseries are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Yekaterinburg. Bobtail is a screen star, he is often featured in food commercials, and the films “The Taming of the Shrew” and “Cats and Dogs” were filmed with his participation.

In fact, there are many more herding dogs in the world. Almost every corner of the globe where there is a need to herd herds has its own breed. France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Belgium, Ireland - they all boast their own “shepherds”. In Australia and Scotland alone there are about five varieties. They all have one quality in common - they are incredibly devoted to people.

  • Dogs that look like foxes
  • The largest dogs: breeds
  • TOP 10 dog breeds for children


Cattle dog: Scottish, shepherd and other breeds

The Bohemian Shepherd is very similar in appearance to the German and East European Shepherds. The functionality of the dog has been developed over many decades specifically for security and protective activities. She calmly tolerates changes in weather conditions.

Shepherd description:

  • light elongated body;
  • large wedge-shaped head;
  • the transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth;
  • large teeth are completely hidden behind the lips;
  • round brown eyes are not deep set;
  • rectangular body;
  • strong back;
  • straight lower back (no sagging);

Exterior of the dog

  • medium length neck;
  • limbs straight, parallel;
  • large, tightly folded paws;
  • saber-shaped fluffy tail;
  • body weight 18-28 kg;
  • height at withers 45-55 cm;
  • erect small triangular ears;
  • dark colored neat nose;
  • very thick fur with dense undercoat;
  • the hair is long, about 12 cm (shorter on the face, legs, ears);
  • The coat color is black with tan everywhere except the back.

Note! A light shade of fur is allowed on the belly, chest and inner thigh. Red-colored tan marks should be clearly defined.

What is the difference between a Hodsky dog ​​and a German Shepherd?

To understand the difference between a Khodsky dog ​​and a German shepherd, you need to put them side by side. In appearance, the “Czech” is almost no different from the German variety. It’s just smaller in size, similar to a smaller copy of a German shepherd, albeit more shaggy.

Important! Bohemian is 12-15 kg lighter and 10-15 cm lower.

The walking dog is more trained for physical activity and speed. She is very obedient and manageable.

German Shepherd

Border Collie

One of the most popular herding breeds. Appeared in the 19th century in Scotland and England. The main purpose was to drive livestock and manage a flock of sheep. The hardy collie can walk over rough, mountainous terrain up to 90 km per day. The dog is smart and attentive, she has excellent eyesight.

The body is proportional and strong, like an athlete’s. The limbs are muscular and erect. The head is moderately wide, tapering towards the nose. The eyes are set wide, brown, sometimes blue is allowed. Ears are semi-dropping or protruding.

The dog is very smart, cheerful, active, and hardworking. She has herding behavior at the level of instincts, so she is interested in any flock (cars, children, birds). Easy to learn, performs at various exhibitions and competitions.

To release the accumulated energy, the border collie must be given daily exercise and trained. Then the dog will not be bored and mischievous.

Border Collieshepherd14 – 22 kg46 – 54 cmAny color without predominance of white14 – 22 years old

Character and training

How long does a pregnant German Shepherd dog walk?

The dog's behavior corresponds to the basic parameters of service dogs. Additional character traits:

  • unemotional;
  • recognizes only the owner;
  • treats strangers with distrust, but does not try to control the situation;
  • tolerant of other pets;
  • is able to make decisions independently;
  • can easily attack a larger opponent.

Important! To develop intelligence, it requires targeted training.

The dog loves training. Easily included in the learning process. Particular attention is paid to intonation and facial expressions.

The educational process should begin at two months of age. You need to begin to teach affectionately and strictly to:

  • collar and leash;
  • sounds of the city;
  • surrounding people, animals;
  • transport;
  • nickname and place in the room.

Note! Physical coercion to practice is unacceptable. You can use tasty treats as encouragement. The dog is very responsive to the owner's encouraging words. On an emotional level, he senses his dissatisfaction and experiences it very hard. When shouted at frequently, he becomes offended and stubborn.

Training should take place without violence

After learning the lessons of socialization, you can move on to more serious activities. They are necessary for the safety of the dog itself. The pet must clearly understand the commands:

  • it is forbidden;
  • to me;
  • place;
  • sit.

Important! To keep the dog in a good mood and learn the lesson, classes should be alternated with games.


It is best to purchase Bohemian Shepherd puppies from trusted kennels with the appropriate documentation. It will be possible to take a baby into the house during the “transition period”. Healthy Hodsky dog ​​puppies begin to walk at 3 weeks of age. At this point, the “fluffies” show interest in the world around them and learn to feed themselves.

Males have a less flexible disposition than females. “Boys” are quite capricious and need an authoritative owner. Raising a guard dog too gently can lead to unexpected consequences: the dog will become uncontrollable and will show unreasonable aggression towards members of the household. Bitches have a calm disposition and are easy to train.

Note that Khodsky dog ​​puppies are capable of changing color after the first molt, so you should not make hasty conclusions about the color of the animal’s coat at a young age.

Tips for caring for a hodsk

The Hodsky dog ​​is not very big. It can be kept in residential premises. The most important thing for his health is active physical activity. Walks should be at least twice a day. The desired duration of walks is from one hour at a time. The walk should be combined with active games using elements of training.

Miniature Shepherd (German mini dog)

Caring for your appearance and health consists of:

  • regular brushing of the coat. The frequency of the procedure is 1-3 times a week, and daily during molting;
  • deworming every 4 months;
  • preventive examination at the veterinary clinic twice a year;
  • trimming nails as they grow;
  • ear and eye prevention weekly;
  • using special teeth cleaning products.

Note! After bathing with a special dog shampoo, you should use a conditioner. It will help prevent the formation of tangles.

How to care

Even from the photo you can understand that the Czech shepherd breed has thick hair. Part of animal care is related to this fact. It is necessary to regularly comb the dog's undercoat to remove dead hair. This way you will help the natural shedding process.

Part of caring for a Khod Shepherd, of course, also involves long walks, which will satisfy the activity needs of this breed. You need to walk with her every day. This is especially true when the dog lives in apartment conditions. But such a friend will encourage daily exercise and will become an excellent companion, for example, on a morning jog.

If you keep the Khodsky breed in the courtyard of a private house, then you need to monitor the cleanliness of the area adjacent to the home. Due to the fact that the dog is short and has long hair, various debris in the form of dry leaves or small sticks can cling to it.

What to feed an adult pet and a puppy

For this breed, as for many others, the best solution is to purchase ready-made food. A large selection and affordable price help save time. In addition, conscientious producers pay great attention to the balance of food. Over a long period of use of ready-made feed, no disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system have been identified. It is convenient to determine the required proportions of food per body weight.

Many breeders choose dry food

Important! It is enough to feed adult dogs twice a day; puppies need to be fed 4-5 times a day.

If there is a desire and need to prepare food for your dog yourself, special attention should be paid to the proportion of proteins. They need 30 g per 1 kg of animal weight.

The diet must include:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery.

In addition, vitamins and minerals are required.

general characteristics

Again, from the name you can guess that the primary purpose of the breed is to herd livestock. But over time, breeders began to notice its other distinctive qualities. The Czech Shepherd makes an excellent guard for a house, apartment, property, and not just for other animals. They are brave, loyal, hardworking, and therefore can become better than any alarm. In addition, the breed is popular as a companion or pet. Height at the withers varies from 47 to 57 cm , with a total weight of 18-25 kg .

Health and life expectancy

The Czech Shepherd is susceptible to some breed diseases. Interestingly, unlike other shepherd breeds, the Bohemian is not predisposed to dysplasia, that is, it does not suffer from joint diseases.

This type of shepherd dog does not suffer from dysplasia

The owner should pay special attention to the eyes and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Some individuals suffer from allergies. Ears also often bring trouble. Czech Shepherd mixes have especially poor health. They often suffer from inflammatory diseases, most often in females.

With proper maintenance, a dog's life expectancy is quite long. They live up to 16 years.

Basic colors

The standard includes the following three types of color:

  • Black and black is the most common color. Occurs in more than 90% of individuals. Distinctive color features: a triangular black spot, from the elbows to the tail, and a light color covering the belly, paws and neck. There is a black mask on the face and ears. Its absence is a sign of marriage.
  • Zonal (wolf, gray, gray) - this effect is obtained due to the special color of the hairs. At the very root they are light, then a little darker, higher towards the tip they are yellow, and the tip itself is painted black. The most intense and darkest color is on the face, back and tail. The zone color accounts for only 5% of the 100 representatives of the breed.
  • Black – the dog’s entire body is covered in a luxurious black fur coat. Insertion of any other color is a defect. According to statistics, black German Shepherds make up only 3% of the total number.

Black puppies become lighter in color as they grow, while pure black puppies remain that way throughout their lives.

Interesting facts about the Hodsky dog ​​breed

The Hod dog is a direct descendant of the wolf. At home it is often called:

  • Czechoslovakian Wolfhound;
  • Czech Wolfdog;
  • Czech top;
  • wolfdog

From their ancestor they inherited courage, swiftness, and obedience to the leader (master). They are incredibly resilient just like wolves.

The breed performs well in various competitions. For example, a dog named Brother beat the champions in the discus catching discipline at a frisbee sporting competition. Became a winner in all types of competition. He was the most accurate, fastest and toughest. Neither the poodle, nor the Doberman, nor the Dalmatian could catch up with him.

Over time, the need for dogs to guard livestock recedes into the background. Dogs are owned for internal reasons. Love and friendship come first. But you need to remember, not all dogs love sofa life. When purchasing a Bohemian puppy, you should know that she needs long walks, education, training and, of course, respect and love.


The dog described is a loyal friend and brave protector. She is active and curious. She gets along well with small household members and is ready to play for hours with her favorite toy. It is easy to train and instantly remembers numerous commands. With proper upbringing, Bohemian Shepherd puppies quickly get used to discipline and do not show aggression towards other animals.

However, these dogs are extremely distrustful of strangers, but if the owner “gives the go-ahead” to communicate with a stranger, then the dog changes its attitude and shows friendliness. As a rule, a four-legged pet becomes strongly attached to its owner and cannot stand prolonged loneliness. In addition, you should not be aggressive towards these animals. Experienced dog handlers are confident that they will be able to “come to an agreement” with such pets without raising their voices.

Czech herding dogs love playing in the fresh air and enjoy running after a stick and a ball.

Space is important for this breed, so most often owners of private houses own walking dogs. As for a city apartment, your pet needs a warm, cozy place and long walks in the fresh air.

We recommend reading: Wolfdog - characteristics and features of the breed

Historical reference

The history of the breed goes back to antiquity and is not rich in facts. It is known that during the times when the Czech Republic was ruled by kings and the Romans conquered the world, people knew about strong, water dogs with a marbled color. Quadrupeds were famous for their efficiency in hunting and were considered a valuable gift.

Centuries passed, and water dogs spread throughout the world. The group included Czech Fouseks, Drathaars, other wire-haired and broad-chested pointers, and a little later Pointers also became famous throughout the world. It is interesting that the first standard of the Czech Wirehaired Pointer dates back to 1882. Official recognition did not save the breed from almost complete extinction in the post-war years.

Breeders played an important role in the destruction of the breed. Puppies were expensive, and to keep the price from falling, only males were sold from the litters. The bitches were left in the kennel or simply killed, but were not sold under any pretext. The concentration of all producers in narrow circles, of course, increased the price, but worsened the quality and reduced the number of dogs.

In the twenties of the 20th century, the Czechs founded the first breed club, the purpose of which was to revive the Czech Wirehaired Pointer. The work began with the selection of dogs that most resembled the Czech Fousek. Naturally, producers with pedigrees were a luxury, but dog handlers had no choice.

The selection was carried out on the basis of exterior and working qualities. The second characteristic was verified by operational tests in real conditions. At this stage, the main inbreeding with other breeds occurred, as a result of which the appearance of the pointer suffered. To restore the characteristic characteristics of the breed, the breeders had to spend more than 5 years. After strengthening five breed lines of the same type, the breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Boxer diseases

Despite their powerful muscular body, endurance and strength, boxers, like other dogs, are susceptible to various diseases.

The most common diseases are:

  • Pathologies of the cardiac and vascular systems: aortic valve stenosis and cardiomyopathy;
  • Volvulus (tympanitis);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Colitis (inflammatory process of the colon);
  • Thyroid disease (hypothyroidism);
  • Hip dysplasia (hereditary disease);
  • Corneal dystrophy (eye disease);

It should be remembered that in order to prevent the disease and begin treatment on time, you need to systematically conduct examinations with a veterinarian. Today there are many modern diagnostics that allow early detection of deviations from the norm and various pathologies.

Where to buy a Bulgarian Shepherd puppy

Potential owners first of all need to decide which Bulgarian shepherd dog they are interested in: the Karakachan shepherd's assistant, a devoted and fearless guardian of the flock and property, or the Bulgarian shepherd dog, an equally devoted guardian of family and property, but less aggressive and more affectionate. Both types of Bulgarian Shepherds are quite popular in their homeland. More than 20 nurseries breed each breed in the Balkans. A special place among them is occupied by Ticho Elit, owned by Stefan Popov. Outside of Bulgaria, there are single nurseries in Poland, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, many European countries, as well as in the USA.

There are many dogs sold on the Internet under the name “Bulgarian Shepherd,” but not all of them have pedigrees or at least outstanding working qualities, so it is better to take a baby from an experienced breeder.


In Bulgaria, a Kuche Shepherd puppy costs from 100 to 1500 dollars, depending on the value of the breeding stock, the professionalism of the breeder, the name of the kennel and other factors.

Maintenance cost

It is quite difficult to determine the amount of costs for maintaining a small greyhound, since this parameter will be individual for each owner. But we can assume average prices.


The purchase of dry food will require from 4 to 8 thousand rubles. monthly. The cost of a diet made from natural products can only be calculated by the owner, since everything depends on the menu he has compiled and the pricing policy regarding the selected products in the region of his residence.


Carrying out vaccination in accordance with the generally accepted plan will require investments from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. The use of antiparasitic and anthelmintic drugs will cost the owner from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, but here a lot depends on the manufacturer of the drug and the duration of its action. The need for any other veterinary procedures is determined by the pet’s doctor, and their cost depends on the clinic’s pricing policy.


Grooming for whippets is not a mandatory procedure, since they are easy to care for and the owner can handle it. But when preparing for exhibitions, visiting a salon is recommended and will require an investment of 2-3 thousand rubles.


Participation in exhibitions and its cost varies from 3 to 20 thousand rubles. The price depends on how the event is classified and where it takes place. However, this amount does not include the cost of travel to the exhibition site, accommodation and food for both the owner and the dog.

How long do Spitz dogs usually live?

In 1892, the Spitz became famous in America. If we talk about the appearance of the representative of the breed, then this is a small fluffy animal, with a rounded skull and a head that looks like a fox. Beautiful German dogs, which are long-lived, often become prize-winners at exhibitions. Answering the question “How many years does a Pomeranian Spitz live on average at home?”, we note that we are talking about the age of 12–16 years. Sometimes these cute furry creatures can live up to 18-20 years. In order for dogs to live long, it is necessary to follow the rules of care, take care of a balanced diet and the health of the pet.

In addition to the standard small dog, there is also a mini version. This super-dwarf or super-mini is a newfangled brand. The smaller the dog, the higher the price. How long do tiny sized Pomeranians live? Such pets can live no more than 8 years. And only if suitable conditions are created, as well as the opportunity to visit a good veterinarian. Choose a standard Pomeranian with one of the possible coat shades (orange, cream, blue, brown, red). The health and longevity of an animal is more important than its small size and fashion.

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