Shyness of cats: causes of behavior and ways to eliminate them

Cats are brave but cautious creatures. They react to any discomfort, noise, suspicious smell, and try to avoid danger. Such reinsurance saved their lives more than once. Some fears are justified, some are unfounded, but the cat owner must take them into account, find and eliminate the cause. In this article we will tell you what cats are afraid of and what to do about it.

Basic fears of cats and kittens

Cats are predators, but they are not at the top of the food chain, so they can easily become prey. Pets know this and behave accordingly. They study the situation, sniff, listen. Having discovered danger, the cat is afraid and hides.

The main fear triggers for them are:

  • loud noise;
  • unpleasant or suspicious odor;
  • other/new animals, especially dogs;
  • new people, close contact with them;
  • children.

Why might kittens get stressed?

Stress in kittens can occur for the following three popular reasons:

Mistakes in caring for and keeping a kitten

. Unsystematic feeding, restrictions on freedom, and poor hygiene can lead to disorders of the nervous system. The baby can be traumatized by things like moving to another home or renovations. Even a sudden change of toys, food, bowl or house can affect his condition.

Unstable social situation

. Stress is often caused by incorrect actions of the owner: inadequate punishment, frequent scolding, contradictory commands (for example, the owner does not teach the command, but demands obedience from the kitten). It is also wrong to demand from a kitten typical animal behavior - jumping, rustling, hiding, sniffing, exploring. The inability to have privacy can also lead to stress. And the appearance of a new animal/person in the house and a change of owner can also provoke an increase in anxiety. Early separation from the mother, bringing home after living on the street, or manifestation of aggression from relatives can lead to a stressful state.


. Different breeds can be assigned and even inherited certain behavior patterns. That's why breeders always write down character traits in the kitten's pedigree. This helps track patterns of behavior passed down from parents.

What are cats afraid of at home?

Fear in a cat can be caused by working equipment - a hair dryer, shaving machine, blender, drill. A particularly strong reaction to a vacuum cleaner. This is a very noisy unit associated with danger. When pets hear a hum, their survival instinct is triggered, which explains why cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

Other pet irritants include:

  • new people;
  • children;
  • bathing in the bathroom;
  • suspicious sounds;
  • some odors;
  • complete darkness.

Why are cats afraid of humans?

Fear of people is more common in wild cats that live on the street and have little contact with humans. If an animal is naturally dominant, it may be aggressive towards people. When he has a compliant disposition, he will simply run away from them.

Domestic cats may run away from a person if they have had a negative experience with each other. This can be either a consequence of abuse or simply an unpleasant contact (for example, vaccination at the veterinarian). If the cat avoids hands, it may have been beaten, or does not like the touch of strangers.

Fear may be a reaction to a new person who:

  • is too noisy;
  • smells unpleasant to the cat;
  • I accidentally hurt my pet.

The cat at home is afraid of the child, if he is too active, constantly climbs on her, suppresses her. Do not allow children to pester pets when the animals do not want it. Fear can develop into serious behavioral and health problems.

Sounds that scare a cat

Cats are very sensitive to noise, so if they were isolated as children from the everyday sounds of people and animals, there will be fear. They will react especially strongly to loud, fast, sharp sounds.

What sounds are cats afraid of?

  • fireworks, salutes;
  • thunder;
  • noise from equipment (vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, motorcycle, drill, etc.);
  • growls;
  • loud bang, bang;
  • whistling;
  • doorbell;
  • sirens.

Cats can react to high-frequency sounds from appliances that we don't hear, don't pay attention to, or don't even know are making a sound. The list includes computer monitors, televisions, fluorescent lamps and even remote controls.

Cats may be wary of hissing. It is a territorial, defensive, attack sound made by another cat. Of course, this is very alarming for the pet; he is looking for the source. If he doesn’t find it, he prefers to leave.

What smell are cats afraid of?

A cat's sense of smell is 14 times more acute than a human's, so pets do not like strong, pungent odors. They easily distinguish aromas that are toxic to them, and will never voluntarily approach their source.

Cats are afraid of the following smells:

  • Lavender, geranium, eucalyptus are toxic to cats, causing increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, depression, and dermatitis.
  • Citrus fruits - cats can eat the pulp without negative consequences, but the peel causes vomiting, diarrhea, and dermatitis.
  • Coffee grounds, mint, rosemary, thyme – I don’t like the smell.
  • Predator urine - commercial cat repellers often contain this scent.
  • Ruta – can cause poisoning.
  • Pepper, curry and cinnamon worsen a cat's sense of smell.
  • Mint, menthol - causes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Pine, cedar - some pets are scared off by their smell. Therefore, if you bought a cat litter with a pine scent, but the cat refuses to go there, try buying another product without the scent.
  • Chemicals (paints, varnish, pest repellent, etc.) – if you are planning renovations or pest control, ask your friends to let your cat live with them for a while.
  • Cleaning products (for toilets, sinks, etc.). If you have a cat in your house, buy odorless products.

Cats are picky eaters, so they won't go into a dirty litter box. They can also refuse the litter box if there are several cats in the house and one of them goes there regularly. To solve the problem, buy each cat a separate litter box.

Cats are afraid of the dark

Cats see well at night due to the special structure of their eyes. But if cats find themselves in complete darkness (for example, in a closet without a light source), they can become disoriented and afraid. Especially if there are dangerous, suspicious sounds around.

What should the owner do?

It is important to understand one thing - a defensive cat can seriously injure you and even cripple you. At the moment of immediate fright, it is better to leave her alone, giving her the opportunity to come to her senses. After this, you should start looking for the irritating factor and eliminating it.

Correct behavior of all family members

If you do not live alone, gather a family council. Their effectiveness will depend on the coherence of your actions. How to solve the problem depends on the situation:

  1. Negative memories.

    Surround your pet with attention and care. Over time, he will understand that nothing threatens him in your home.

  2. Stress.

    Choose a more comfortable carrier for visiting the veterinarian or help your kitten adapt to unfamiliar conditions.

  3. Fright.

    Give your pet a private corner where he can hide and be alone. In addition to the house, it can be a high play complex with an observation deck at the very top (an example of a homemade house).

If you suspect an illness, contact your veterinarian immediately. Be sure to list all symptoms detected at your appointment. They will help identify the location and extent of the damage.

Should I give my cat a sedative?

Anti-anxiety medications are effective during moving and other stressful situations that cannot be eliminated. They should only be given as directed by a veterinarian. The only exception is a special diffuser with cat pheromones. It acts directly on the neurons of the brain and is not addictive.


Do not use valerian to calm your cat. Its prolonged use is fraught with behavioral disorders and the development of drug addiction.

What not to do

Animals' fears are most often associated with negative experiences and mistakes made by their owners when raising them. The most common of them include the following:

  1. Punishment or reward for being scared. Both actions only exacerbate existing fear.
  2. Refusal to regularly visit the veterinary clinic. Periodic inspections should be routine, not a surprise.
  3. Too intrusive communication. Fear of people is not always associated with rough treatment. An animal may avoid its owner due to constant compulsion to play against its will.

It is also important to note that pets should never be intentionally frightened. Such actions may lead to loss of trust.

Why are cats afraid of water?

Cats are not so much afraid as they do not like water. It makes their fur wet and heavy, making the animal vulnerable to other predators. They especially do not like to get under cold water due to the sudden change in temperature.

Another reason cats don’t like water is the smell, especially when it comes to an outdoor pond. They can be put off by the smell of chemicals that they consider toxic. Therefore, a cat’s refusal to drink water that you pour for him is a reason to be wary and check the quality of the liquid.

Taming an initially timid animal

A timid kitten picked up on the street needs time to develop trust in its new owner. Most often, fear of people in “foundlings” is due to two factors: lack of socialization and cruel treatment. In the first case, the baby simply needs time to understand that he will never again have to fight for his life and look for food on his own.

During the adaptation stage, try to create the most comfortable conditions for the new pet and avoid intrusiveness. The easiest way to gain trust is through food, so at first try feeding your kitten directly from your hands or a long-handled spoon.

If the baby has become a victim of evil people, then he will need much more time. The algorithm for building relationships in such a situation is similar. The only difference is that the kitten’s fear is actually justified. For this reason, it is better to avoid punishment, because a too loud voice or incorrectly chosen intonation can nullify all your achievements.

Cats and other animals

Cats can be afraid of both strong (dogs) and weak (mice) animals. They may also be afraid of their equals - other cats.

Why are cats afraid of dogs?

Cats have every reason to fear dogs because they are larger than cats and smell like predators. Many dogs instinctively chase moving objects, especially those that are smaller than them. Even dogs that have lived with cats since childhood can attack a cat. They don’t touch their own people, but they don’t touch strangers easily.

Cats see the predator's gaze, smell it and run away. Some cats under stress are capable of attacking a dog. This can be fatal, especially if the cat attacks a bull terrier, shepherd or other large dog.

Cats are afraid of mice

Fear of rats and mice is not uncommon. The reason is simple - rodents bite. When the prey begins to resist and hurts, the cat understands that the hunt must be approached with caution and a realistic assessment of the enemy’s strength. Some cats refuse to hunt rats and mice altogether.

The cat is afraid of the new cat

If your pet did not grow up with other cats, it will be wary of them due to a lack of communication skills. A stronger and more confident cat will send a signal: “Stay away from me.” Your pet takes the warning into account and moves away from contact.

We provide a positive experience

Cats feel better when they have positive experiences. Offer your pet treats and toys to alleviate fear.

Encourage interaction with toys. A long feather wand is ideal because your cat can play with you while maintaining a safe distance.

If your cat is very timid, place a treat near your cat and move away. Over time, slowly move closer or stay longer each time you do this and speak in a soft, encouraging tone.

If you are patient, you can get your pet to take the treat from your hand.

Some cats may only show fear in certain situations, such as when a stranger appears in the house. Whenever someone comes over, give your cat a treat.

These situations will require more time. You can enlist the help of friends or family members who come regularly.

How to recognize fear in a pet

When a cat is afraid, he reacts like this:

  • runs away;
  • hiding;
  • shows aggression;
  • freezes in place;
  • cries (meows pitifully);
  • lick themselves too actively;
  • curl up into a ball, pretending to be asleep.

If he doesn't like the smell (eg aerosol/perfume with citrus scent), he may shit in the wrong place, including. into the owner's slippers. Your task is to correctly understand the signals of what the cat is most afraid of, find and eliminate the irritant.

How do you know if a cat is scared?

You can understand this by several signs:


If an animal in a certain situation presses its tail too tightly to its body, then this is a sure sign that the cat is very tense.

If she beats her tail back and forth, then this behavior shows that the cat feels threatened and does not yet know how to behave.


In nature, you can often find different types of animals that become larger in dangerous situations. Cats also have this defense mechanism. They fluff up the fur. In this way, the cat tries to become larger and act more threatening in order to defeat the enemy.


If a cat's ears are pinched, she wants to show that she is about to react. In this case, she decides within a few seconds whether to attack or run away.


This is a clear signal of protection and you should take it seriously.

Sedatives for cats

If the cat has a lot of phobias, talk to a veterinarian who will advise how to prevent the cat from being afraid and prescribe sedatives. They contain herbs that have a sedative effect on pets, relieve tension and fear (extracts of valerian, catnip, motherwort, hops). They are usually released in the form of capsules or solution.

Drugs can enhance the effect of tranquilizers, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants. But before combining them with other medications, be sure to ask your doctor. The drops have an attractive aroma for cats, so they should be stored in an inaccessible place.

Buy cat sedatives only from certified pet stores. It is dangerous to take medicines at the market, since you can buy a counterfeit or expired product, which will negatively affect the health of your pet.

Fearful cat problems

A cat hiding may not bother you, but constant worrying increases its stress, which can make the cat sick.

For example, stress can worsen bladder inflammation (cystitis), which in turn promotes negative toileting behavior.

Even when there is no bladder pain, anxious cats may start scratching to calm themselves down.

For these reasons, you may need to seek help from a veterinarian or cat behaviorist if you have already tried other methods.

There are medications your veterinarian can prescribe, but they are not magical and will not transform your scared pet into a brave hero.

However, they can help put your cat in the right state of mind by helping to normalize brain chemistry that has gotten out of control.

Most medications can be mixed into a tasty treat or made into an ointment that can be applied to your cat's ear to be absorbed through the skin.

Some medications may take several days or weeks to work to improve, so be patient.

Drug therapy is not usually used regularly and may have side effects. These solutions work best in combination with behavior modification techniques that teach your cat to better cope with his fears. This is where a veterinarian can be of great help.

The most important thing to remember is not to put your fearful cat in situations that make her uncomfortable. Allowing your cat to be cautious and overcome his fears on his own is the best way.

How does prolonged stress affect a kitten?

Constant exposure to stress negatively affects the kitten:

· reduces immunity;

Causes hormonal imbalance;

· leads to obesity;

· causes diabetes, alopecia, mental disorders;

· Causes urinary tract diseases;

· disrupts digestive processes;

· leads to behavioral disturbances, fear and rejection of the owner/other family members/pets.

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