French Shepherd Beauceron: a descendant of a wolf, a shepherd dog or a military intelligence officer?

A new pet in the family is always a joy, and a purebred dog today is also considered a source of special pride for its owners. A pet often becomes an excellent guard of its own home; its protective qualities can also be useful in the service. But before you bring a dog into your home, you should carefully study the history of the breed, character traits, ability to train and, most importantly, inquire about the breed’s attitude towards children and other pets. The French Shepherd Beauceron will be an excellent choice for those who value endurance, strength of character and devotion to their owner in four-legged dogs.

History of the origin of the breed

The dog, which later became known as the Beauceron, was first mentioned in a manuscript dated 1578. The breed's homeland is France, where dogs served as shepherds.

Currently, breed researchers have two hypotheses about the origin of the Beauceron:

  • from a peaty French dog;
  • directly from the wolf. The version is supported by the almost identical structure of the wolf and the Beauceron.

Only genetic research can put an end to this dispute, which, unfortunately, is not carried out due to the limited distribution of the breed.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the need for the herding qualities of the Beauceron decreased, and they began to be successfully used in protection.

The Beaucerons were first seen in the world in 1863 in Paris. Since the breed did not have a name, it was introduced as Bas Rouge, which translated means “red stockings.” The dogs received this nickname due to the reddish tan marks on their paws. But she attracted little interest from dog lovers. Only in 1896 did official recognition occur. Two varieties of French Shepherds have been approved:

  • Briard (long-haired);
  • Beauceron (short-haired).

The name "Beauceron" comes from the region of origin - Beauce, France.

In 1911, the first official breed club appeared in the homeland, which controls the breeding of Beaucerons.

The dog in its modern form was formed naturally, without any selection. It is very popular in France, but few people know about them in other countries.

In their homeland, Beaucerons are bred for company and security, and their service qualities are used in law enforcement agencies.

How to choose a puppy

The breed is rare in the CIS countries; you can only buy it in an official nursery or breeding club.

You will have to wait a long time for a French Beauceron puppy. All the kittens in the litter are reserved even before birth. So you will have to queue for the planned matings. This time is spent to learn everything about the nursery, to get to know the breeders and their producers firsthand.

Before purchasing, ask about test results for:

  • character - given to cubs at 6-8 weeks;
  • manufacturers' hip dysplasia;
  • parents' exhibition ratings.

The puppy is picked up at 7-8 weeks. He should be large, with a glossy coat, dark eyes and dark red markings.

Description of the breed

The Beauceron is a large, well-muscled dog. With large muscle mass, it does not look heavy. The Beauceron can only be shorthaired.


The Beauceron's coat is uneven:

  • on the head the hair is coarser and shorter;
  • slightly longer on the hips.

The undercoat should be dense, usually gray and not visible under the guard hair.

The following colors are typical for the breed:

  • black with tan. Black is the main color and should be deep and uniform. Tan marks of a rich red color, their location: eyebrows, cheeks, chest, neck, paws and part of the tail;
  • "harlequin" (marble). The color suggests a combination of black and gray, with tan marks remaining. Both colors are distributed evenly over the body of the Beauceron, or black predominates. The standard allows a white spot on the chest.

Marble color is more valuable - it is rarer.



Standardized requirements created in 1896 describe external qualities:

  • height: male – from 65 to 70 cm, female – from 62 to 67 cm;
  • weight: from 40 to 60 kg, females are much lighter;
  • the head is clearly defined, with parallel lines of the muzzle and skull;
  • the skull is flat with a visible occipital protuberance;
  • the nose is black, without cracks or grooves;
  • lips fit tightly with the upper overlapping the lower;
  • scissor bite;
  • The eyes are round, straight set. Only brown color is allowed. Beaucerons with merle coloration may have different colored eyes;
  • triangular, high-set ears: docked or uncropped ears are equally acceptable;
  • The tail is set low, drooping, with the tip touching the hocks. Does not stop;
  • paws are straight and even, muscular;
  • claws are always black;
  • life expectancy is from 10 to 14 years.

A mandatory feature of the Beauceron breed is the presence of double dewclaws on the hind legs.

Any deviation from the listed requirements can be considered a breed fault.


According to the standard, the Beauceron dog should be black with red markings on the face and paws. The color of the fur is bright, contrasting and very rich. Also, reddish tan marks can be in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and ears, under the tail and on the belly. This is not considered a deviation.

There is another color of this animal with the peculiar name “harlequin”. The dark body has reddish markings and white-gray tan marks. There may be a large light spot on the sternum or peritoneum.

Similar breeds

People who are not familiar with the breed often consider the Beauceron to be the result of an experiment - crossing a Doberman or Rottweiler with a German Shepherd.


There is an opinion that the Beauceron is the direct ancestor of the Doberman. They are similar in appearance: body structure and color. The Doberman, unlike the Beauceron, has a silky coat and is absolutely the same over the entire body. Colors other than black and tan are not allowed. The Doberman's head and ears are sharp and cone-shaped.

In addition, dogs differ in temperament: the Doberman is more explosive, while the Frenchman is calm and reasonable.



Once upon a time, experts shared the standard for these dogs. Externally, the Briard and the Beauceron have nothing in common, at first glance. Briards are dogs densely covered with hair, under which it is quite difficult to discern the structure of the body.

Both of these dogs are ancient herding breeds, both of them are shepherds. If we imagine a Beauceron that is densely overgrown with long hair, we will see virtually no differences in appearance from the Briard.

In addition, both breeds have the same specificity - double dewclaws on the hind legs.


Character and behavioral characteristics

The Beauceron has a balanced psyche. Dogs are very independent, they need independence in decision making. Such dogs cannot live on a chain; due to their nature, they need to constantly move around the territory and notice the slightest changes.

They are smart, quick-witted, ready to follow commands and work together with their owner. Despite the brutal appearance of the wolf, they love to show tenderness. They become excellent friends with children and all family members. Get along well with other pets.

One of the character traits that makes it difficult to communicate with Beaucerons is the desire to dominate. This is more common in male dogs. Like true shepherds, they want to control all family members.

Beaucerons are excellent guards; they are genetically distrustful of strangers.

Beaucerons have a habit of biting people's legs. This is not a manifestation of aggression, but only a slight pinching. This behavior is explained by the shepherd habits of the breed - in this way they guide their charges in the right direction.

The dog may be prone to mood swings: from aggression to apathy. This may be a consequence of long separation from the owner or lack of physical activity.


Beauceron health

Beaucerons are distinguished by good health, even hereditary pathologies are very rare among them. But acquired diseases occur with improper care. Thus, with age, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system can develop, so it is recommended to protect puppies under 1 year from increased physical activity. In the future, if there are signs of any abnormalities (changes in gait, lameness), you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Gastric volvulus is a rare but dangerous pathology in Beaucerons. It involves twisting the organ and can lead to the death of the pet within 3–4 hours. To avoid this, after feeding the dog is not allowed to move actively for 1 hour. It is better to feed her after the first morning and last evening walk.

Vaccination of a dog is mandatory according to the schedule established by the veterinarian. Usually vaccinations have already begun in the nursery; the owner must continue to perform them. Antiparasitic treatments are carried out once every 3 months, and 2 weeks before each vaccination, anthelmintic drugs are additionally given.

Beaucerons live about 10–12 years.

Education and training

Raising a little Beauceron begins from the first days of being at home. A feature of the breed is its late maturation - males become adults only at 2.5-3 years, females a little earlier. In this regard, the owner will have to keep the process of raising the Beauceron under control for quite a long time.

Raising a puppy should be done by the owner, without involving other family members, so as not to mislead the puppy and earn authority. The little Beauceron must be taught the basic rules: accustom him to the place, diet and walking schedule, establish a ban on begging for goodies and damaging things.

They begin training at 5 months, acting patiently and without aggression. Training should take the form of active play - Beaucerons cannot stand monotony.

Classes are held in a remote place where nothing will distract from the execution of commands. You need to start training either before meals or 4-5 hours after eating. Since the reward is done with treats, a well-fed dog will not be interested in it.

Here is a video of a Frenchman showing a “bunny” for a tasty treat.

Key points in training

French Shepherds are leaders by nature . Their tendency to dominate must be taken into account when training.

  1. The dog owner is required to be tough, strict and patient . This is the only way to show your pet who is in charge. At the same time, the Beauceron does not like to be in a subordinate position. He is a friend and partner who must be treated with respect. Therefore, the educational process should not include shouting, physical punishment, or any manifestations of cruelty and suppression.
  2. Beauceron puppies can begin to be socialized and trained in obedience classes from an early age. Dogs take a long time to mature, so you can develop and train them up to the age of three. The intelligence and intelligence of animals makes them easy to train. They should have a habitual occupation, since the calling of the Beaucerons is to serve man.
  3. Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


The Beauceron is hardy and unpretentious, genetically adapted to various weather conditions and heavy loads.

Basic rules for caring for a pet:

  • The coat needs brushing 1-2 times a week. Use a rubber glove or a comb with natural bristles. During the molting period - daily;
  • You can bathe your Beauceron once a month, or when it gets dirty. Use shampoo for dogs with short hair; it is advisable to dilute it with water 1:1;
  • In the warm season, dogs enjoy swimming in natural bodies of water. After bathing, rinse the dog with clean water to wash away the remains of plankton and plants that can cause allergies;
  • claws are trimmed as necessary if they do not grind down naturally. The nail clipper is selected according to the diameter of the claw, otherwise the dog will experience inconvenience and pain;
  • eyes are examined daily, cleansed with cotton pads or napkins;
  • Ears are examined once a week. They should be pink, without inflammation or damage. Clean with a special lotion or an important cotton pad. If your dog shakes its head, whines and scratches its ear, contact your veterinarian;
  • Dental hygiene is carried out 2-3 times a week, using a paste and a brush selected according to the size of the mouth. It is worth including bones and tomatoes in the Beauceron's diet to avoid the formation of tartar;
  • After a walk, you need to wash your paws and inspect the pads for wounds. In the cold season, paws are washed especially carefully to protect them from chemical burns;
  • After every walk in the forest, be sure to inspect for ticks.


Keeping a French Shepherd

The Beauceron is suitable for keeping both in a country house and in an apartment. But each case has its own nuances.

In a country house

Keeping it in a country house is the most preferable option for the Beauceron . Since ancient times, this breed helped herd herds all day long, so it is characterized by high physical activity and tirelessness. If it is not possible to allow the dog to move freely throughout the yard, an enclosure is provided for it. Considering the cold winters and dank off-season, it is better if it is an insulated enclosure with wooden flooring, closed on three sides from the wind. It must also be equipped with a shelter (booth).

Keeping a pet in an enclosure does not relieve the owner from walking the pet daily. This should be done at least twice a day for 1.5 hours. This dog needs to move a lot, so during walks you must include it in various outdoor games.

The Beauceron needs a lot of exercise every day

In the apartment

The Beauceron may well live in an apartment, provided that the owner compensates the pet for the lack of physical activity on a daily basis. If there is no place within the city where you can give your dog the opportunity to frolic, then agility training with him would be a good solution.

Agility is a great opportunity for the Beauceron to stay in great shape

Agility is a sport for dogs that involves overcoming various obstacles (slides, barriers, walls, swings, etc.).

On weekends, it is still advisable to travel with your pet out of town, where he can run around to his heart’s content. Limiting physical activity is a direct path to the development of diseases in a dog and shortening its life. Therefore, the requirements for walking your pet should not be neglected.


Both natural food and ready-made diets are suitable for the Beauceron. The main rule is not to mix two types of nutrition to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Ready-made food should be chosen from the premium line, labeled “for active dogs.” The basic rule: fresh water should always be available.

When feeding natural food, it is necessary to choose an additional complex of vitamins and develop a balanced menu. It is better to feed the Beauceron half an hour after a walk.

The diet should consist of:

  • lean meat is the basis of the diet. It is better to serve it raw, but freeze it first;
  • offal: raw tripe, liver, lung, kidneys. Should be a supplement, but not the basis of the diet;
  • cereals: buckwheat and rice;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sea buckthorn);
  • low fat fermented milk (up to 9%);
  • fish - only sea fish, cleaned of bones;
  • sea ​​kale.

Prohibited products:

  • pork and lamb;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • citrus;
  • legumes;
  • sweet, smoked;
  • bakery products;
  • river fish;
  • spices;
  • tubular bones.


Tips for choosing puppies

What to look for when choosing a Beauceron puppy:

  • the puppy's coat should be shiny and glossy;
  • eyes and ears should not be inflamed or smell;
  • paws are strong with two dewclaws;
  • the color of the iris should be dark and pure;
  • The tan markings of a small Beauceron should be dark red, even reddish.



There are few Beaucerons in Russia. Their cost is low. A buyer can adopt a puppy for 5-10 thousand rubles. But such a purchase must be considered. Getting to know your dog should begin with examining it.

A healthy dog ​​of this breed should be playful and very curious. If at 1-1.5 months he is poorly on his feet, has difficulty moving and does not show interest in you, you should not choose him. The puppy is probably sick.

The price of a Beauceron with documents is from 30 thousand rubles. If you are planning to purchase a show-class dog from a kennel for breeding, be prepared to pay a minimum of 40 thousand rubles.

Owner reviews

Irina K.

A Doberman has lived in our family for a long time. This is a serious dog with an explosive character and frequent zoo aggression. When I saw a Beauceron on the street, I thought that someone had crossed a Doberman with someone unknown. It turned out that this is an ancient breed.

I was delighted by the appearance: the appearance of a wolf combined with my favorite black color. When the question arose about buying a dog, I immediately thought about the Beauceron. The prices, of course, scared me away, but the dream remained. And we bought a puppy. The family is delighted with the dog - loyal, kind, affectionate. But at the same time strong, smart and an excellent guard.

My husband hunts with him, he learned all the commands quickly. You can practice on your own; Beaucerons are not stubborn.

Alexander. ABOUT.

I bought Beauceron spontaneously; the family has a German shepherd. I wanted a second dog to strengthen the protection of my home. The club recommended this breed. Externally, the dog was very impressive. There is something primal about it.

The guard is excellent, but there is a passion to build and control everyone, there were several conflicts with our dog, but then he recognized the leader and that’s all - silence.


The Beauceron is a breed that is rare . It is recommended to resolve mating issues with breeders or in clubs. Professionals provide assistance in selecting a match for the dog, and also provide information about the features of the procedure.

Before mating, the animal must undergo training. This includes deworming and disease testing. A dog that is preparing for the birth of offspring must be well developed, physically and psychologically healthy.

Beaucerons can be bred no earlier than they are two years old. Until this time they are considered immature. The most successful age period for mating is from 3.5 to 7 years . The time between births for bitches should be at least 1.5 years .






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