What to do and how to make friends between two cats in the same apartment

When having two pets at home, many owners are faced with the problem of conflicts between animals. The psychology of cats is such that they require a clear division of territory boundaries - this is inherent in their nature. Therefore, the question of how to make friends between two cats in one apartment should be approached carefully.

If you let the problem take its course and allow pets to figure out their own relationships on their own, you can end up with such difficulties as uncontrolled “marking” in the apartment, fights between animals with adverse health consequences, and severe stress in cats, which affects their condition and provokes chronic diseases.

Two cats (cats) in the house: developments

After a new four-legged guest appears in your home, the two pets will develop their own special relationship, which can begin as friendship, aggression, or even fear.

It is not always possible to predict the reaction of animals to each other, so the task of the owners is to create the most comfortable conditions for the animals to meet and live in the same territory.

Did you know? A cat rubs against a person not only because it wants to cuddle - it marks him. So you can consider yourself the property of your pet! And excessive love for these cute creatures is called ailurophilia.

Bonding methods: introducing cats without stress

There is no need to force friendship between animals; cats take a long time to get used to company. Rules for successful rapprochement:

  • Let the old cat know that she is not forgotten and is just as loved as she was before the new cat arrived.
  • Do not interfere with the newly adopted animal getting to know the surroundings, animals and other residents of the house.
  • Pause until the pets desire to become acquainted with themselves.
  • Do not interfere in relationships between animals, except for a dangerous fight.

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The most favorable development of the situation, except in the case where animals grow up together from a very young age, is the immediate sympathy that arises between them. This happens when a kitten appears in a house with an adult cat. And then the owners do not have to think about how to make friends between a cat and a kitten, since thanks to maternal instinct, a cat is extremely rarely aggressive towards the baby. On the contrary, she, as a rule, takes him under her wing.

But if a kitten is purchased for a home with an adult cat, then there is a chance that at first the old-timer will ignore the newcomer. But later, a warm and strong friendship can also begin between them.

To make cats get along faster

Recommendations for selecting a partner if the animal was not picked up on the street, but there is an intention to adopt it from a shelter, nursery, or from friends:

  • It is better for an old animal not to take a kitten. Kids are too active and intrusive and will irritate an older cat.
  • A low-active neighbor will suit a timid pet.
  • It's better to choose the same age.
  • Two cats in the house will get along faster than two cats whose instincts may interfere.
  • A cat that has kitted adapts to a kitten faster than one that has not given birth.
  • There is little chance that friendships will develop between non-sterile animals.
  • It is better not to house one sterile animal and a second non-sterile animal together.


Unfortunately, sometimes animals show real aggression towards each other. Cats may start jumping on each other, hitting each other with their paws, or chasing them around the room. If this happens, then there is no need to intervene, but simply observe, letting the animals find out whether two cats will get along in the same apartment and “who is the boss.” However, if the aggression has turned into a full-fledged fight, it is worth scattering the animals (without separating them with your hands!) and temporarily separating them into different rooms.

And then, after a pause of a couple of days, try to get acquainted again. This should be done until the cats get used to each other and become calmer when they see their relatives.

By the way, the most effective way to separate fighting cats is to pour water on them. If this does not work, then you can throw a thick blanket over them; the darkness should scare the animals. If this does not work, then try to pull them apart in different directions using any long stick, for example, a mop. Act firmly, but carefully so as not to injure the animals.

Most often, people at home prefer to have cats of such breeds as: Sphynx, Scottish Fold, Munchkin, Burmese, Persian, Siamese, British, Burmese, Ragdoll, American Curl, American and Masquerade.

Often the cause of aggressive behavior is the sexual instincts of cats. In this case, if it is impossible to reconcile them, the only option is sterilization.

A fight broke out: what to do?

Even if the dating period is over and the furries do not show hostility, this does not guarantee the absence of problems in the future. Most likely, conflicts will arise periodically. There will be no more battles aimed at destroying the enemy, but small fights may occur.

If the old pet doesn’t like the new purr, he may protest: mark the house with urine and feces, tear wallpaper and furniture, be aggressive towards the owner or the new animal, and stop eating. Even if a newcomer was fostered, after his disappearance the behavior of the owner cat may not change and it will be difficult to accustom him to order.

If the animals collide suddenly and a fight breaks out, they must be separated immediately. It is important to protect yourself with leather gloves. It is recommended to use cold water and a thick blanket. Immediately after the fight, the animals are placed in different rooms and provided with clean water. You can use a sedative.

The owner’s task is to stop all conflicts so that the pets understand that the person in charge in the house.

Conflicts between animals need to be stopped


If cats do not react and do not contact each other, then there is a possibility that this is a manifestation of fear. They may become tense in each other's presence, hiss, run away, hide under furniture, lose their appetite, and even become aggressive.

This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, if the domestic cat has never communicated with its relatives before. Secondly, perhaps you were too hasty with the first acquaintance, tried to force the animals together, and this caused fear in them.

In any case, you must remember that your pet also has its own character and inclinations, and if it is timid in everyday life, then it is unlikely that it will be pleased with the appearance of a second four-legged family member. But this does not mean that such animals cannot be made friends. It just may take longer.

Important! You need to be prepared for the fact that two cats will never be reconciled with each other. And being in constant stress, they can begin to get seriously ill. Then there is only one way out: to find a good family for the newcomer.

How to make neighbors friends

To make cats friends with each other, you first need to properly prepare the space by defining two separate areas where the animals will sleep, go to the toilet and eat. In addition, before introducing each other, both animals need to trim their claws and file sharp edges.

It is better to bring a beginner in a carrier and give him the opportunity to decide for himself when to get out of it. Do not force animals to communicate; let them first get used to the new situation.


As was said, situations are unique, there are no clear rules on how to introduce two cats, but there are recommendations that will help smooth out their acquaintance and quickly make friends:

  • Introduce the cats gradually, without pushing the cats towards them, giving them the opportunity to sniff and get to know each other.
  • At the first sign of an incipient fight, you need to separate the animals and give them the opportunity to rest.
  • Cats should not be left together unattended. Stay nearby and have a spray bottle ready. It is better not to separate your pets with your hands, so as not to fall under a hot claw.
  • Residents of one-room apartments need to keep the new cat in a carrier for the first couple of hours, this will make it easier for the old cat to accept it.
  • Mix cat scents to make friends with your pets faster. You can pet your pets with one towel or swap their bedding.

When purchasing at the same time

If you buy two pets at the same time, then the question of how to make friends between two cats or male cats in the same apartment is practically not worth it, especially if they are still kittens. The animals find themselves in a new home for both of them, with unfamiliar things and smells, and the owners have a good opportunity to set the necessary rules of residence.

When buying a cat, you need to pay attention to choosing a pet house.

At the same time, try not to single out anyone and treat both pets gently and patiently. In addition, at this young age, kittens find a common language well and easily get used to their personalities.

Of course, if the animals are already quite old, then everything is unlikely to go smoothly, so in order for the cats to get used to each other as quickly as possible, you should:

  • divide their territory into two halves with a metal mesh;
  • swap animals twice a day so that they quickly get used to each other’s smells;
  • place bowls with food and water near the mesh on both sides, and they should always be full;
  • an aggressive cat must be stopped by splashing water on it or making a loud sound;
  • a couple of days after the pets begin to be friendly towards each other, remove the net;
  • observe the cats for two to three weeks: if everything is in order, then they can be left unattended.

Important! It would be great if, even before a new pet arrives in the house, it is possible to create a mixture of animal odors. To do this, you need to wipe two cats one by one with a dry terry towel, paying special attention to the cheeks, paws and genitals of the animals. And leave this towel in their shared home.

For different purchases

Often, already having an adult animal, owners decide to get another one. And then they must understand how two cats get along in an apartment. The most important rule: for an “old” animal, everything should be as unchanged as possible; the cat should not feel disadvantaged in any way due to the appearance of a second pet in the house.

To begin with, the resting place of an old-timer should be a complete taboo for a newcomer. In general, it is better to have a door between the animals’ resting areas that can be locked at night. At least at first.

Be sure to provide your new pet with a personal toilet. Once the animals become friends, you can use one tray.

The new pet should be fed from a separate bowl and preferably not in the same room where the old-timer usually eats. After a while, the bowls can be moved to one place and even moved close to each other. But at the same time, you should always give food to cats at the same time so that they do not have the desire to take food from each other.

At first, you should not leave the animals alone; let them be under the constant supervision of someone at home. And only when you are sure that the adaptation was successful, you can leave them unattended.

Prohibited actions

What is prohibited to do if two animals live in the same apartment at once - a cat and a female cat:

  • to get acquainted, lock them in one room or forcefully bring them nose to nose;
  • take them to different places, not allowing them to get to know each other at all;
  • from the first day, arrange a common toilet, sleeping area and food bowls;
  • give food alternately, while being in the same room;
  • allow the “new” tenant to use the things of the “old”;
  • leave them alone until cats get used to each other;
  • give one of your pets more love, affection and attention.

British Shorthair

This cat breed is one of the oldest. This cat is of extraordinary beauty and is very neat. She prefers cleanliness, is well-mannered, flexible and is friendly with her owner.

British cats, who have known each other from the very first days of their lives and are related, communicate with each other very tenderly. However, such animals may show intolerance towards a new rival in the house.

Two cats (cats) in the house: pros and cons

So, there are now two cats living in your house. What are the pros and cons of such a situation? First, let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • if your pets remain full-fledged cats, then during the mating season you will be threatened with “fights” of local significance, in addition, the animals will actively mark their territory;
  • The consumption of cat food and litter doubles.

Did you know? In the second half of the 19th century, English scientists, after conducting a series of experiments, proved that feline therapy - therapy with the help of a domestic cat - is not a fantasy, but a proven fact. A cat provides significant assistance for diseases of the nerves, heart, and will even help cure a cold.

And the positive points:

  • despite prejudices, cats are emotional animals, and having a friend or girlfriend will make their life much more active and fun;
  • your home will receive twice as much fluffy happiness!

If you are mentally and financially ready to have another pet in your home, then do not be afraid of possible problems. Your patience, consistency and perseverance will certainly yield results, and the animals will become friends. And after a while, they will give you many funny and warm stories together.

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