“The owner of an Akita must have a strong character.”

At one glance at an Akita Inu dog, a storm of feelings arises that cannot be described in words.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their beauty, grace, and nobility.

It is not for nothing that the breed is considered a national treasure of Japanese nature.

If you decide to buy an Akita Inu, you will receive a true loyal friend into the family.

Let's consider the main characteristics of the breed and reviews of owners about their delightful pets.

Why Akita Inu?

This has been a love for Spitz-shaped animals since childhood. My parents always had Laikas - working hunting dogs. But taking a hunting dog now to keep it in the apartment seemed unfair to the animal. When choosing a breed, we settled on the one that gets along best with people and will not suffer so much during the hunt. And they chose for a very long time, about two years, talked a lot with breeders of various breeds, and when they first saw Akita Inu puppies, they fell in love at first sight with this “Treasure of Japan.” Although Akitas were also originally hunting dogs (they were used to hunt wild boars and bears), their purpose changed over time. However, the hunting instincts remained: for example, we learned for a long time not to pay attention to the squirrels and hares living in the neighboring park.

Good or evil?

There is an opinion that representatives of the breed are aggressive and disobedient, but this depends on many factors.

The purebred breed (Japanese Akita) is not prone to such behavior and is distinguished by its kindness, loyalty, and loving nature..

Also, upbringing and attitude towards a pet plays an important role in shaping its character.

What is the character of an Akita Inu?

The character of the Akita is cat-like and independent. You could say it's a cat in a dog's body. Dog handlers do not really like to work with Akitas precisely because of their independence. In order for this dog to do what you want, you must be the undisputed leader. In terms of genotype, they are closer to wolves, which determines the qualities of their character.

Historically, it so happened that the properties of a hunting, service, guard and fighting dog were intertwined in their character. And with all this, the Akita Inu is a wonderful companion.

Attitude towards children

Akita Inu shows a sensitive attitude towards children and is their protector. The pet will be an excellent companion for children over 8 years old.


In order for an Akita to be a good friend for a child, it is necessary to carry out socialization and education from the first months of the puppy’s life.

It is also important to carry out educational activities with the child, telling him how he can and cannot treat an animal, and what the consequences of an incorrect attitude may be.

In ancient Japan, the breed was considered a nanny even for small children, however, you should not leave children with a dog unattended, even if you are sure that the pet will not harm the child.

Without meaning to, an Akita may be frightened by sudden movements and noise from the baby and perceive the actions as aggression.

If a baby appears in a family that already has an Akita, it is important to continue paying attention to the pet in order to instill in him a good attitude towards the child, otherwise the dog may show attacks of jealousy.

With the right approach you will get the perfect nanny.

How to build a relationship with an Akita Inu?

The owner of an Akita must have a strong character. This dog is absolutely not suitable for a weak-willed person. Akita puppies have such a cute appearance that you really want to pamper them and it is extremely difficult to find the strength not to sit the puppy, for example, next to you on the bed or to refuse an extra treat when he looks piercingly into the eyes. Akita Inu should not feel equal to humans. Although in this case, she will constantly check whether the leader’s place has become vacant and whether it can be taken. The most common thing is a male trying to mount a person or climb onto a sofa or bed, take a higher place, or go first. Such things have to be stopped, but gently.

It must be borne in mind that the Akita absolutely does not tolerate humiliation or violence. Once you hurt her, she will never forget it. It is impossible to force an Akita to do anything. Breeders (at least conscientious ones) very carefully study the people to whom they sell a puppy, because Akitas are often returned. The puppy chooses its owner quite early (at the age of 4 to 8 months), and if at this moment the Akita changes its owner or the owner cannot cope with its character, the result is a rather complex dog that will decide for itself what to do, without taking into account the opinion of people. And for a large dog this is very dangerous. As a rule, Akita is a food eater and is well motivated by treats. They don't take very active part in the games. An important reward is social motivation: praise, stroking, the opportunity to be close to the person. If an Akita Inu understands that you are her person, she will do absolutely everything for you and will go through thick and thin without hesitation. Trust and respect are the main keys to establishing rapport.

How active? What kind of people is it suitable for?

A special feature of the breed is that the puppy age is up to 2.5 years. During this period, the dog is infinitely active and playful. However, with age, the Akita acquires such qualities as restraint, independence and calmness.

Representatives of the breed have a good disposition and can even be nannies for children..

They get along well in a large family, but the Akita Inu is also an excellent companion for lonely elderly people.

A pet of this breed is not suitable for people whose families already have pets, since the Akita always shows itself as a leader and can begin to conflict with other pets.

There is an opinion that the Akita Inu is a rather vicious dog. Is it true?

I would not say. Akita Inu is a dog that is used to being a leader in any situation. If we take the history of the breed, there was a moment when they were almost exterminated in Japan - only a few dozen individuals remained, after which the emperor issued a decree on the protection and restoration of the breed as a national treasure. Naturally, only the strongest males, alpha males, were used to restore the family. And the desire to dominate, to be a leader is ingrained in this breed at the genetic level. This has to be taken into account.

Our dog has absolutely no anger towards people. Moreover, he loves children so much that we had to work on reducing his excitement at the sight of a child. For this, from the first walks on the street, we came, sat next to the playground, the kids ran up, and until Toshi calmed down, I did not allow the children to pet him. At the same time, an Akita, for example, does not need to be taught protection. Because if you are “her person,” then in case of danger, she herself will protect you even without appropriate training.

Breed Features

American breeders, notable for their radicalism, developed a completely new breed by crossing the German Shepherd with the classic Japanese Akita Inu. The resulting breed became known as the Large Japanese Dog. The difference between these animals and Akitas was increased aggressiveness, explosive temperament, more developed muscles and a black mask on the face. However, the Japanese still consider the latter sign to be a disadvantage of the breed.


Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a well-developed mind and the ability to control their behavior depending on a particular situation. Akita Inu are very smart animals and, if necessary, can use cunning. In addition, they are quite independent, capable of making decisions in a short time. The mental abilities of the “Japanese” allow them to be at the same time very thoughtful dogs, who do not always show their emotions and extroverts.
Thus, the Akita Inu's temperament is very similar to that of the samurai. The dog keeps its face even in the most difficult situations. Each representative of this breed is not only a sociable, brave and devoted friend, but also a wise animal, always ready to support the owner in a difficult situation . Legends are made about the devotion of the Akita Inu.

Scientists have established that the memory of “samurai” is so well developed that dogs remember not only facial expressions, a person’s words, as well as almost all commands, but they even remember all the details of their life, right down to their lunch ration on a given day 3-4 weeks ago. They, adapting to the rhythms of life of their owners, independently build their emotional cycles and are not guided by instincts.

In the professional community, there is even an opinion that dogs born in captivity and acquired by ordinary people perfectly remember their sisters, brothers, mother, as well as their first owners.


The character of a dog has been formed over several millennia. Initially, they belonged to hunting breeds of dogs, then they became bodyguards and watchmen of rich aristocratic palaces. The change in vocation and specialization had a significant impact on the further development of the breed - Akitas acquired new qualities, while retaining the old ones. In addition, the respectful and reverent attitude of the owners allowed these animals to study human psychology well .

The behavior of Akita Inu cannot be called typical (especially in comparison with “Americans” and “Europeans”). As a puppy they are very playful and active, but as they grow older they become incredibly wise, sincere and sedate.

The character of representatives of this breed is based, it would seem, on mutually exclusive paradoxes. On the one hand, dogs are very attached to the house and their owners, on the other hand, they are quite wayward and independent animals that love to walk without a leash and independently choose their “place of residence” in the house. They can even suddenly disappear somewhere for a long time, but they always return to their native land.

Thanks to high-quality selection work, scientists were able to obtain a breed of dog that is ideal for protecting the home and the owners themselves. In addition, these dogs are excellent companions and just sweet, smart pets.

Remember! The dog does not need your excessive displays of tenderness and excessive attention to his person. In a person, Akita values, above all, sincerity and does not recognize a condescending attitude towards itself. When walking with her, behave not like a master, but like your best friend and companion.


Due to their sociable nature, Akita Inus get along quite easily with other pets, especially if they grew up together.
In this case, your Persian cat or dachshund will become the best friends of the “Japanese”. But Akitas can become aggressive and show a desire to dominate them. They especially don’t “like” small dogs with a ringing voice.

Akitas treat house guests politely and quite calmly, but at the same time keep their distance. Thus, the dog, outwardly showing indifference and hiding emotions, hides its curiosity and interest in a stranger. This behavior is explained by the fact that guard and hunting instincts force the animal to be careful, quietly studying the stranger.

But Akitas are not averse to playing with children. Even adult dogs forget about their calmness and samurai equanimity when taking an active part in children's entertainment. Animals treat babies very patiently, attentively and do not hide their joyful feelings when communicating with them. Since Akitas are able to spend quite a lot of time with children, Japanese aristocrats often used them as nannies for their children .

How does the Akita Inu get along with other animals?

My dog ​​doesn't show much interest in other dogs. He has a few girl friends to play with and that's it. The attitude towards cats is calm. The breeder had a cat, and Toshiko was used to playing with cats since childhood. My parents now have a Maine Coon, and when they meet, I have to save not the cat, but the dog.

Akita and small children

Since this is a fairly large dog, many people are concerned about how careful the Akita Inu can be when playing with children. A male dog, whose character is somewhat stricter, will become for them not only a friend, but also, in some way, a mentor. You will have the opportunity to delegate some of the responsibilities for entertaining the kids to him. You can be sure that your child is supervised and protected if you need to leave him alone in the room for a while.

How to care for an Akita Inu?

Twice a year the Akita Inu sheds and needs to be brushed. As a rule, it fades in 2 - 3 weeks. We now have two walks a day: 40 minutes in the morning and at least 1 hour in the evening. On weekends we walk more, go into the forest, where the dog can be let off the leash and given the opportunity to have a good run.


What kind of dog would you like your dog to be? Everyone will have their own set of qualities. Some will note devotion, others - endurance and obedience, others - excellent protective qualities, and others - boundless love for their owner. All of them are harmoniously combined in a fluffy creature called Akita Inu. Reviews from owners indicate that these dogs combine all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. They have no negative sides to their character. From puppyhood to old age, Akitas are distinguished by their mischievous and cheerful character. Aggression and sudden mood swings are not at all typical of these representatives of the canine world. They are so balanced that one gets the impression that they are calculating any situation in advance. It is difficult to provoke them; before rushing into battle, they will study the circumstances and situation, and evaluate the possible consequences of their actions.

However, enough about the positives. Like everyone else, this dog is not ideal, as reviews from owners sometimes mention. Akita Inu (male dogs often manifest themselves in this way) are endlessly curious. He needs to be aware of everything that happens in your home. Any noise or rustle will instantly attract his attention, he will poke his nose into any crack or box. However, this quality disappears with age, so over time your pet will become more imposing.

How is the Akita Inu different from the American Akita?

The American Akita is an Akita Inu crossed with a German Shepherd and a Mastiff. During the war, only German Shepherds were allowed. And so that Akitas would not be exterminated, they began to crossbreed them with German shepherds. The result is a very interesting hybrid: a more efficient dog, but at the same time possessing the strength and intelligence of an Akita. These crossbreeds were taken to America and registered there as Akita. Because of this confusion, the FCI was unable to register the Akita for a long time, and only recently registered them as "Akita Inu" - "inu" means "dog".


  • Stubbornness prevents a person from perceiving commands, so training can take a long time. The owner must have persistence. During the training process, you must not use physical force on the animal or treat it roughly. In order for the dog to perceive commands, you need to be restrained, speak in a calm and confident voice.
  • The animal does not tolerate bullying from children , although it treats them well. If you press down the dog too hard or inflict any injuries, he may respond with aggression to such behavior.
  • Training and education is a complex process , and if a person does not have enough experience in this matter, then this breed is not recommended for establishment.
  • When selecting dry food, certain problems may arise.
  • Unpredictable behavior and capricious character.
  • The animal does not get along well in a pack . This disadvantage is more relevant for breeders; as a rule, only one such dog is kept at home.
  • Akita Inu has a predisposition to heavy shedding.
  • Has a negative attitude towards other dogs and is prone to same-sex aggression.
  • If a dog is not socialized at a young age and is treated poorly, it will become aggressive towards its surroundings.
  • From an early age, the animal needs a special approach and proper upbringing .
  • Because of its warm coat, the dog, although it copes well with cold and rain, does not tolerate hot conditions well .
  • The animal requires a lot of attention in terms of daily care using a hard brush. The hair on the bottom of the paws should be trimmed.
  • If there are other pets in the house, then you should prepare for the fact that the Akita Inu dog will not get along well with them and will chase them everywhere.
  • The animal is not suitable for multi-apartment residential buildings ; it is recommended to keep it in a yard with a large fenced area or in a large house.
  • Overly willful.

Who is the Akita Inu suitable for?

First of all, for a strong, strong-willed person. An introvert will feel comfortable in the company of an Akita, because... These are dogs that have a great time in the company of their owners; they are of little interest to other people and animals. In the end, I would like to say that the Akita Inu is a samurai dog that lives by its own code of honor. The concept and acceptance of this code will be the key to a long and fruitful relationship between the owner and his dog.


Appearance and breed standards

In fact, if you are looking for a pet, this is not a very important factor. The most important thing is that the dog is healthy, eats well and plays. It's a different matter if you want to breed puppies. Then you will need a purebred Akita Inu. A dog for mating today is offered for an average of 20,000 rubles, which means it may well justify the cost of exhibitions.

Akita is a large dog that is very well built. It is very strong, muscular and robust, and is characterized by a heavy head with a short muzzle, slightly bear-like. The dog is distinguished by a wide and flat chest, as well as a straight back. It seems to have an ordinary appearance, but at the same time the dog looks very original. The slanted eyes and upright triangular ears, as well as the wide forehead, are reminiscent of a fox, a bear and a wolf at the same time. The height at the withers for a male is from 66 to 71 cm, and for a female it is 61-66 cm.


The larger the breed, the faster its growth rate, which means the more attention you need to pay to your pet’s nutrition during puppyhood. You cannot accustom him to eating from your table. The best option would be properly selected dry food. But while the puppy is growing, it is recommended to combine dry food with traditional food. You won't notice how your Akita Inu grows. A male dog who has just turned 4 months old gains 70% of the height of an adult dog. Of course, the school will still spread out, but the dog already looks impressive. However, for development to proceed correctly, you need to include cottage cheese and lean meat, kefir and broth in your diet every day.

What to feed

At home, the Akita Inu ate exclusively light and low-fat food - fish, seaweed, rice. It is not easy to create such conditions for nutrition in our country, so the breed is considered problematic in this regard.

Akitas are big allergy sufferers. If you prefer commercial food, please note that most of these foods contain soy, to which Akitas are allergic. Therefore, it is necessary to choose high-quality and expensive food without adding this ingredient.

What foods should be included in a dog's diet?

  • Meat . At least 50% percent of the daily volume. You can give exclusively lean meats and fish.
  • Offal . They give only boiled liver, kidneys, and lungs.
  • Porridge . You can give rice, buckwheat, millet. You may be allergic to corn and oats. It is better not to feed them to your Akita.
  • Vegetables . Boiled pumpkin, zucchini, and carrots are best given with a small amount of vegetable oil for better absorption of vitamins.
  • Fruits . Dogs over 4 months old can be given apples, bananas, and pears.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products . Feed only natural yoghurts and kefir without sweeteners or flavoring additives.
  • Eggs . You can give no more than 2 pieces per week.

Selecting a diet may take a long time, since allergies to some foods are possible. Be patient and observant and you will succeed.

The volume of natural food should be no more than 10% of the dog’s weight, and the amount of industrial food is prescribed on the packaging. The frequency of feedings depends on age. If puppies up to 2 months eat 5-6 times a day, then Akitas from 6 months and older eat 2 times a day.


The most difficult question that concerns most dog breeders, and especially those who have a male Akita Inu. How to train, what commands to teach, should you go to classes with a dog trainer, or can you achieve everything on your own? Remember that the sooner you start, the better. What is allowed to a tiny puppy cannot be prohibited to an adult dog, so immediately distinguish between what is allowed and what is not. Be prepared for disobedience and have great patience. This is a proud creature, wayward and independent, who will not forgive you for undeserved insults. Parenting should be consistent and affectionate. The owner will have to find a middle ground, be demanding, but gentle. It is then that you will be able to raise a true friend and reliable comrade.

Owner reviews

My daughter has wanted a dog since childhood. I was against it for a long time, but in the end I gave in. The choice of breed was influenced by the film “Hachiko”. The puppy was bought from a kennel. Buran was already 2 months old. The kennel vaccinated him, branded him, and gave us a puppy passport. He immediately became the favorite of the whole family. Almost never gets sick. Flea allergies and digestive problems can occur if you eat bones or pork. When we realized this and began to monitor it closely, the problems disappeared. When Buran was six months old, he and the dog were trained by a dog handler. Now he is 4.5 years old and is a full-fledged member of the family. A true friend, smart and loyal.

Natalya Kukota Cherkessk

I love dogs very much, so for one of my birthdays I was given an Akita. I will say right away that this is an active dog that needs to be walked often, otherwise excessive energy can become a problem. Especially if you live in an apartment.

He eats quite a lot, in my opinion.

To prevent her from gnawing everything in her path, buy her more toys and special bones.

My opinion is that this breed is incredibly smart and beautiful, but not for beginners.

Tatyana, Voronezh

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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