Everything a caring owner should know about beef heart for dogs

To keep your dog healthy and full of energy, it is recommended to feed it a variety of foods. The menu should include not only dog ​​food, but also offal.

Experts are confident that beef heart is healthy for dogs and contains the vitamins and minerals they need. But before giving this food to your pet, you should know in what form and quantity it should be given.

Beneficial features

First of all, it is nature’s nature for dogs to consume the entrails of other animals. Wild relatives of domesticated dogs eat their prey completely, without neglecting its internal organs, legs, and skin. All this can be digested and even bring great benefits.

In addition, in the entrails, due to the peculiarities of the functions they perform, much more essential substances accumulate than even in the best meat. They include microelements:

  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iodine.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Selenium.
  • Collagen.

Useful substances that improve metabolism, digestion and hair are Omega 3 and Omega 6.

And the most important part, which can only be replaced with special nutritional supplements – vitamins:

  • A.
  • Group B.
  • TO.
  • E.
  • Folic acid.
  • D is the most important of the entire list. A deficiency will lead to improper formation of the skeleton, rickets and problems with muscles and bones. The body primarily absorbs vitamin D from sunlight, so in winter or when living in the north of the country, it is extremely important to add ingredients to your diet that contain the required amount of this substance.

Also, each by-product has its own special properties that allow solving various problems with the health and appearance of pets without the use of chemical and synthetic additives.

Another advantage of offal is its low calorie content, so it is common practice to use it as a dietary product for overweight problems in pets.

Also, do not forget about the low cost of most offal, which can significantly reduce the cost of keeping a dog without causing serious harm to its body.

Nutritional value

Beef lung is good for dogs if the animal is not allergic to it. Pork and lamb lung can also be cooked for your pet. Lungs belong to the second category of offal, along with lips, legs, ears, spleen, brains, etc.

Belonging to category II means that the nutritional value is low. The bulk of the organ is made up of difficult-to-digest connective tissue. It also contains a lot of proteins, but they are incomplete, that is, they are not absorbed by the body.

Among the beneficial substances, beef lung contains the following:

  • iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium;
  • iodine, phosphorus;
  • vitamins C and group B;
  • sulfur.

By-products that should be given with caution

Although all parts of the carcass are considered edible for dogs, some by-products are best excluded from the diet or given in minimal quantities.

Beef udder

The mammary gland consists mainly of connective tissue and fat. A “dairy” udder is considered a little less fatty, but it is not easy to buy; most often “dry” udders are sold on the shelves. It is considered a difficult product to digest. High fat content puts a strain on the dog’s pancreas and liver; some animals experience diarrhea after feeding the udder.


Despite the benefits of this product, it may cause harm to health. Consuming it too often leads to poisoning and overeating. This negatively affects the digestive system, the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The dog may be lethargic, its stool will be disturbed, and vomiting may occur.

If your pet has a weakened immune system and eats too much of this food, an allergic reaction may occur. Substances in this by-product cause dizziness, nausea, and increased body temperature.

Porridge for Dzhekushka (option 1)

Let's decide on the products, and then move on to the actual preparation.

Ingredients (for about 3 liter saucepan)

Let's take:

  • Beef or veal heart: 1-1.5 kg. (The heart can be replaced with any beef (trimmings, cheeks, kaltyk), lamb or turkey).
  • 70-100 gr. rice
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1/2 zucchini.
  • Some fresh pumpkin.
  • Greens (dill, parsley).
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


1. Cook the beef heart in a saucepan for about 20 minutes.

2. While the broth is cooking, cut the herbs and vegetables into small cubes (approximately 0.7 x 0.7 mm). Many recipes for dogs call for chopping vegetables on a coarse grater, but I would advise cutting them into cubes - this is useful for cleaning plaque.

3. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the pan and place it on a separate plate. Usually, I pour 2/3 of the broth into a separate container, and leave 1/3 in the pan, then add water there and cook the rice in the diluted broth. You can, of course, not drain it, but pour the rice directly into the cooked broth and cook it in it. But many dogs do not digest meat broth well and can cause allergic reactions. That's why I do it this way.

4. So, add the rice to the broth diluted with water and cook until done. 5. While the rice is cooking, so as not to waste time, cut the boiled beef into cubes (about the same as vegetables - 0.7x0.7 mm). If you make the meat cubes larger, then during feeding the dog will simply pick them out of the porridge and leave the vegetables (they are such tricky ones). 6. Well, the rice is cooked. Place the chopped heart in the pan and mix well. I usually let this mixture cool slightly to room temperature before adding vegetables and herbs. I do this so that the vegetables do not cook and lose their beneficial properties.

7. Well, in conclusion, I put vegetables and herbs in the pan, add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and mix well.

Well, the porridge for Dzhekushka is ready. Bon appetit my furry!

In feed

Some dog owners prefer to feed their pets not fresh heart, but dry food containing it. This method has an advantage: the dog will not give up the heart, because it has been processed and filled with various ingredients and seasonings.

But there is also a drawback: stale, low-quality by-products can be used to create dry food. They can cause poisoning.

During the preparation of dry food, processing is used that destroys many beneficial substances. As a result, the product becomes less useful.

Which to choose?

You should not purchase food that does not specify the source of meat. If it says “by-products” or “meat and bone meal”, the food is rejected. There is no guarantee that beef heart was used. It is worth paying attention to feeds where it is stated in the composition that this particular product is used.

There are well-known brands that treat food preparation conscientiously and create food that is healthy for dogs. You can safely choose food from the companies “Brit”, “Zookukhnya”, “Zoogurman”.

How to give?

The heart is given to the pet twice a week. Its amount should not exceed 15% of the total diet. Before consumption, it is boiled for 30-35 minutes. It is not served fried or stewed, as this can cause indigestion.

Is it possible raw?

If the dog tolerates this product well, it can be given raw in small quantities. It can be given in pure form or added to cereals and vegetables. Then it will be better absorbed.

In its raw form, this product is given only in small quantities, and if the dog is accustomed to it. If she does not have poisoning or an eating disorder, giving her a few pieces is allowed.

If the portion is large, it is better to boil the food, otherwise an eating disorder may occur, manifested by abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

What to feed?

It is recommended to choose a small heart. It’s great if it’s light pink or bright red. This indicates that the product is fresh, ready for consumption, and contains many nutrients.

Layers of fat are acceptable, but only in small quantities. If the fat layer is too large, the heart is not given, since such food is fatty for it, it will take a long time to digest, and it will be less absorbed.

Tips for choosing a product

It is worth using the following recommendations to choose a quality product:

  • it is better to buy a product that has just arrived on the shelf: the fresher it is, the lower the risk of digestive upset;

  • the color of the heart tissue should not be bright red, without darkening or a sharp change in color, which indicates the development of the decay process;
  • beef heart is always large; if it is small, it is pork, so it is recommended to choose medium or large specimens;
  • The product can be purchased with fat, but at home it should be completely cut out, since fatty foods negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

The smell of the product should be fresh, without rot.

Recipes for joy: delicious and inexpensive DIY dog treats

Who motivates dogs at work? Personally, I like delicious treats. For me, this is the easiest way to stimulate the dog's mental activity and show him how pleased I am with the work done. In addition to sincere and emotional praise, of course.

Not long ago I published a small selection of simple and, most importantly, inexpensive treats that can be used in the learning process. These are not dog snacks, which I have a rather lukewarm attitude towards, but those products that can be bought in a regular store. In other words, our food.

You can buy them and use them right away: walk in, take them, put them in your pocket and enjoy them for your health. They work, and, I must say, quite well. But sometimes among dogs there are such fastidious infections that the devil himself and store-bought treats cause rejection at the genetic level. Simply put, if they don’t want to eat cheese and sausages, give them something cosmic.

And here people's ingenuity comes to the rescue. Many owners have managed to cook absolutely armor-piercing delicacies without spending a lot of time or a lot of money. I saw this, tried to give it to dogs, appreciated the effect and now I want to share it with you. Because I am sure: there are no “non-food” dogs, there are lazy owners who could not offer the dog something that it will really like.

Myths and their refutation

There is a lot of prejudice against pork on pet menus. However, the recommendations of experienced dog breeders and veterinarians refute some of them. Some of the most common misconceptions include:

Poor digestibility. This is not true: the product is absorbed by the body no worse than veal, duck or chicken, second only to lamb.

Increased fat content. Indeed, most of the pig carcass contains fat. However, you can choose lean cuts to feed, such as tenderloin or shoulder. They contain several times less fat than chicken.

Low content of vitamins and microelements. On the contrary, all parts are rich in B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and other substances necessary to maintain good health.

Dangerous intestinal volvulus. It is not provoked by pork, but by excessive physical activity immediately after a hearty lunch.

High cholesterol levels. This is true, but fatty fish and even chicken eggs can cause problems with blood vessels.

You should not be afraid to offer your pet pork-based food. The main thing is to observe moderation, use only high-quality and low-fat pieces for feeding, and subject them to heat treatment. You should not refuse to buy industrial feed, which contains pork processed according to all the rules.


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Are there breed restrictions?

It is possible for all breeds equally. It is allowed to be given to puppies and adults.

Dogs are carnivores with very specific digestive systems. They need to have ingredients containing animal protein in their daily menu. To the greatest extent it is meat, but it is impossible to imagine a properly composed diet without offal.

A balanced natural diet should provide the right amount of substances and microelements, which are often not found in meat, and not overdo it with them. Thus, an excess of certain vitamins can lead to the formation of kidney and liver stones. Due to the need to maintain balance, it is impossible to replace meat completely with giblets, but they must be added evenly.

Negative reactions

Giblets are not for everyone. Many people, especially those who were overfed in childhood, develop food allergies to one or another product. Most often, a negative reaction applies to only one element, and it is enough to identify it and eliminate it for the pet’s well-being to return to normal.

Allergies usually manifest themselves:

  • Digestive problems, externally expressed by diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Skin irritation in sensitive areas: on the ears and face, in the armpits, on the front legs and around the anus.
  • Scabies and red spots.
  • Hair loss in certain areas.
  • Infections that can be caused by improperly processed food.

Favorite cottage cheese

Every dog’s diet should contain fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt (without additives or dyes). Such products are an excellent natural source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and joints.

It is also necessary to include eggs in your dog's diet. Eggs can be boiled chicken or raw quail. One or two eggs per week.

Or you can combine everything together and make something like this.

We will need

Not so much:

  • 1/3 pack of cottage cheese up to 5% fat.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • A little apple, banana or pumpkin.
  • 1 boiled chicken or 2 raw quail eggs.


Let's do the following:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Mix them with cottage cheese and put them in a bowl.
  3. Add sour cream to the same bowl (usually I don’t mix cottage cheese and sour cream, but if you want, you can mix everything).
  4. I break an egg into the fermented milk yummy.
  5. That's all! Your favorite cottage cheese can be served to your favorite little dog at the royal table.

How to cook?

Before consumption, the heart is thoroughly washed and cleaned of contaminants. It’s better to chop it finely: it’s more convenient to consume and it’s better absorbed by the body.

If there are hard and tough particles, or elements that are difficult to chew, they are removed. They can cause difficulties and disgust when consumed.

Recipe example

Preparing this product for your pet is not difficult at all. There is a recipe for porridge that is beneficial for dogs' health. To prepare porridge you will need :

  • 1 kg beef heart;
  • 120 g rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half a medium sized zucchini;
  • a pinch of dill;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

To prepare the porridge, the heart is boiled for 30 minutes. While it is cooking, cut the vegetables into cubes . When cooked, place it in a separate plate, dilute the broth with water, and cook rice in it.

While the rice is cooking, cut the heart into cubes . Then add it to the prepared cereal and let it cool, then mix it all with the vegetables. All that remains is to add the greens. The dish is ready to eat, the portion is large, so it can be divided into several meals.

This dish is good for the dog’s digestion , is easy to digest, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Thanks to such food, the pet will feel full and filled with strength and energy.

How long to cook?

Cook the product for 30-35 minutes. If it turns out to be tough, cook it a little longer: 40-45 minutes. This time is enough for the heart to be usable.

Fried and stewed

It is not recommended to serve the product fried or stewed, since it becomes greasy and loses many useful substances during frying and stewing.

After eating a large amount of fried or stewed heart, a dog can become poisoned. This type of heat treatment should be abandoned.


Experts do not recommend drying this product at home, because you can make a mistake during the drying process. This will spoil the product and increase the risk of poisoning.

In order not to risk the pet’s health, do not dry the heart yourself.

Vegetable stew with goat milk

Ingredients (for a 1.5 liter pan)


  • 1/2 eggplant.
  • 1 zucchini.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1/2 apple.
  • A little cauliflower.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 2 cups goat milk.


Everything is very simple:

  1. Finely chop the vegetables.
  2. Pour milk and simmer for 40-50 minutes over low heat.
  3. The dish is ready.

What parts of the carcass should you not give to your dog?

Your pet should not eat tubular (hard, hollow) bones or skins. The skin of chickens or turkeys is also contraindicated - these raw materials contain fat that negatively affects health. Bird skin is not introduced in any form, because it has a bad effect on the functioning of the intestines and liver.

The skin of pigs or cows is a source of intestinal parasites that are dangerous for your pet. Tubular bones cause damage to teeth, and their fragments injure the esophagus. Eating prohibited bones causes suffocation and can lead to the death of a friend.

Meat mix (from boiled offal)

Your dog will love this recipe. The dish prepared using it is very healthy, our pets simply adore it.

Ingredients (beef by-products)

We will need: heart, lung, liver, scar, trachea, and so on (but under no circumstances give kidneys).


Do this:

  1. Take different types of meat.
  2. Cut it into small pieces, add water and put on fire. Cook for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. The dish is ready.

Beef trachea


You will need beef trachea. Trachea can be given to your dog very often. It is useful for strengthening your dog's teeth and gums. Requires virtually no processing other than 3-day freezing in the freezer.


You do this:

  1. Take the trachea out of the freezer.
  2. Thaw, scald and give to the dog.
  3. The trachea can be cut into pieces (so that the dog does not drag it around the apartment).

We usually give Jack a whole trachea, since he knows that he can't carry it around the apartment. Jack immediately goes to his place with the trachea in his teeth and deals with it there.

But these recipes for dogs are recommended for both adult dogs and puppies.

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