Which cats closely resemble dogs in character and behavior?

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Cats are unpredictable creatures. Sometimes their behavior is so strange that it makes owners wonder if their animal is really a cat. There are several breeds whose character is similar to that of a dog.

  • 2 Maine Coon
  • 3 Siberian cat
  • 4 Abyssinian cat
  • 5 Sphinx
  • 6 Manx cat
  • 7 Devon Rex
  • 8 Burmese cat
  • 9 Burmese cat
  • 10 American Curl


Many people believe that cats are independent animals that do not need people. This certainly cannot be said about representatives of the Ragdoll breed, since they are characterized by a tender attachment to their owners.

They, just like dogs, cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, they will happily wag their tail, fawn when the owner returns home, and get bored if they are left alone for a long time.

What do cats and dogs have in common?

Cats and dogs communicate using body language. They use facial expressions, ear movements, tail position and voice to express themselves. Cats and dogs also use their sense of smell to get to know other animals and understand the world around them. Above all, however, cats and dogs are two of the most desirable pets in the entire world because they share an innate desire and ability to form strong bonds with their human families.

Although both species share this innate ability, traits such as playfulness, obedience, and communication are more prominent in dogs. As a result, a niche has been created for selectively bred cats that demonstrate the ability to form closer bonds.

Maine Coon

Owners of this breed often notice their dogs' habits. Despite their stern appearance, which supposedly indicates that it is better not to approach them, Maine Coons are very friendly.

They treat people around them and other pets with great sympathy, just like dogs. In addition, they are very loyal to their owners and are ready to stand up for all family members.


The Chihuahua is a very confident dog. She also has plenty of courage. You can often see how this small dog bullies huge dogs. The average weight ranges from 2.5 to 3 kilograms. She has thin legs and a funny face. But, despite their complex nature, representatives of this breed get along well with cats. In the company of a Chihuahua, the cat will feel calm. She will understand that her safety is not in danger. She simply will not perceive the dog as a serious opponent. A very important condition is proper acquaintance. It is better if the animals are young. An adult cat is unlikely to like the fact that his quiet life is disturbed by an incomprehensible animal. If they become friends, the fun will never leave the owners' house. They will play, sleep together, even eat from the same bowl.


Which dogs get along best with cats: Dog breeds that get along well with cats - Which dog breeds get along well with cats It often happens that cat owners want to get a cute puppy. It happens that dog breeders want to bring a kitten into the family. And then a mass appears

Siberian cat

Siberian cats are real warriors. They will not tolerate strangers (whether animals or people) and will definitely let you know about it. It's better not to joke with people like that.

They love their owner so much that they constantly strive to protect him from any troubles and attacks, even if their size does not help cope with the real threat. Despite such affection, they are very independent and self-sufficient.

Qualities inherent in cat breeds with dog habits

The main characteristics of dogs include loyalty, a developed protective instinct, the ability to train and a love of walks. It’s really hard to believe, but all this can be found among the “mustaches”. If you like a cat's appearance, but a possible discrepancy in character puts you off buying a new friend, don't rush to divide the world into black and white - and be sure to get acquainted with the breeds from our selection.

Loyalty and devotion

It is important to understand the main thing - you should not expect dog-like submission from a cat. This concept is not the same as fidelity, but can correlate with it.

Cat devotion is manifested in melancholy during the owner's departure, the presentation of “gifts” (killed mice and birds), the “milk step” and the display of the tummy. Mustachioed pets build relationships on equal terms and are in dire need of reciprocal respect.

Ability to guard and protect

Territorial and protective instincts are highly developed in cats, as well as in pregnant and lactating animals. When demonstrating them, males are guided by their leadership qualities, and females are guided by the preservation of the lives of their cubs.

What deserves special attention is something that defies logic – cases of cats attacking wild dogs and intruders in order to protect their owners. Such behavior not only does not bring any personal benefit, but also poses a direct threat to the life of mustachioed pets. Despite this, these cases are confirmed not only by eyewitness accounts, but also by video recordings. There is only one explanation here - extraordinary devotion to man.

Ability to train and master commands

Among the smartest animals, cats take an honorable 5th place. Despite this, they are much more difficult to train than dogs. This is due to innate independence and rationality. "Mustachios" perform tricks only if they receive some kind of benefit - they quickly begin to lose interest if they do not see the desired result for a long time.

4 types of pets are best suited to mastering commands: “loach”, “velcro”, “intelligent” and “tactile”. The first is capable of doing a circus figure eight, the second masters jumping on the chest and shoulder, the third quickly learns to change channels and open the refrigerator, and the possibilities of the fourth are almost limitless.

Love of walking and traveling

Not all homebody cats are stupefied by the sight of the street. Some of them simply love walking and traveling by car or in a backpack behind their owner. Such animals easily tolerate moving and do not become attached to a place. For safety reasons, it is not recommended to let them leave the house unattended and should be used to wearing a harness.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians personify friendliness and loyalty. Cats of this breed will cherish their owner all their lives and will be sad when he is not around.

They are also very mobile, which often creates a problem for households who dreamed of peace and relaxation to the sounds of gentle purring. Unfortunately or fortunately, Abyssinian cats will not lie on their knees for hours and sleep sweetly.

Even more benefits from PetStory

PetStory is not an easy information resource. This is a portal that contains all the most necessary services that can make life easier for pet owners.

In particular, these are:

  • searching for a clinic near your home or the required profile to provide highly specialized care;
  • acquaintance with the cost of services and the opportunity to choose the most optimal option for the price;
  • an online form for making an appointment with a veterinarian, and the user chooses the specialist and time independently;
  • concierge chat, where you can consult with a veterinarian via video conference;
  • pet-friendly map, where all places accessible to pets are marked.

Thanks to PetStory, cat owners will be able not to limit themselves to walks, provide better care to their pets and save enough time

Download the specialized application for IOS and Android Petstory using the link – https://petstory.ru/prilozhenie-konsultacija-veterinar/.

Manx cat

The characters of these tailless creatures combine a lot of pleasant qualities. First of all, they are excellent hunters. Therefore, there will definitely be no mice or rats in the house and its surroundings.

You can safely take them fishing, as they love to fish. Manx are loyal like no other, they love everyone around them, especially children, just for the fact of their existence.

American Curl

Curls are considered one of the most affectionate cats. They have a pleasant character, playful and gentle. In no case will they show arrogance, because they are completely devoid of this quality.

A suitable companion for a person will always support and be there no matter what the owner does. Communication with humans is the highest priority for cats of this breed.

The post Which cats are strongly reminiscent of dogs in character and behavior first appeared on Kot-Pes.

Burmese cat

Another breed that felinologists have nicknamed cat-dog. The Burmese is friendly to everyone and easily becomes attached to people. And if he is nearby, then she will constantly fawn on him.

If a loved one leaves, then she may even become depressed. When a cat does not feel attention, it can begin to commit robbery - throwing objects across the floor or damaging furniture.

Cat breeds with canine personalities

There are quite a few breeds of cats and cats that behave like dogs. The most popular representatives will be discussed below.


The incredibly charming and friendly Ragdoll is often called the “cat-dog”. Unlike the stereotypical "whiskers", this cat considers its owner to be the center of the universe. He loves to follow him around and is very sad when he finds himself alone.


The Ragdoll does not know how to group in flight and land on 4 paws at once. For its safety, anti-cat guards must be installed on all windows.


This handsome mustachioed dog is the closest relative of the ragdoll. He loves to travel and is not at all afraid of moving, provided that his beloved owner is nearby. The Ragamuffin has no fear of strangers due to its innate trust in everyone around it. For this reason, he loves to sit on the hands and laps of not only his family members, but also strangers.

Maine Coon

The furry giant hates familiarity, but with great pleasure huddles at the feet or under the side of his owner. If you know this feature, then gaining the trust of a Maine Coon is very simple. All you have to do is not squeeze him without obtaining the appropriate permission. Among family members, the cat usually chooses one favorite and successfully adapts to its habits.


Regardless of the species, all sphinxes are very mischievous and playful creatures. They do not tolerate loneliness well and easily get used to being in large crowds of people. Sphynxes are especially strongly attached to their owners, never missing an opportunity to sit on their laps.

American Curl

The American Curl is notable not only for its extraordinary appearance, but also for its angelic character. He is completely devoid of arrogance and militant independence - and is truly attached to people. To establish a friendly relationship with this cat, practically nothing is required from you. Curl loves its owners by default - in the absence of harsh treatment on their part.


The spectacular and graceful Bombay cat is completely devoid of aggression. She is very sociable, sociable and loving. The pet shows her tender feelings to all family members without exception, so you should not be afraid that someone will not get her love.


The Abyssinian cat is a breed for extroverts. She loves to be the center of attention and is not at all afraid of strangers. Thanks to her innate curiosity and high activity, the Abyssinian quickly masters the “Fetch” command.


The ticked fur of the Abyssinians gives them a strong resemblance to the wild puma.


A graceful beauty from Asia understands her owner almost perfectly. During a conversation, the Burma continuously and very carefully looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, trying not to miss a single word. Due to its strong attachment to humans, a cat often shows jealousy towards other pets, therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to keep it alone.


These curly-haired cats can seem quite annoying, as they constantly hover around and chat with their owners about various cat matters. Thanks to their high intelligence, rexes can be taught basic dog commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Voice” and even “Give me a paw”.


Manx is that very protective cat, ready to stand up for himself, his family and territory. He is intelligent, unpretentious and loves walking outside. Manx especially loves hunting and fishing.


“Orientals” are sociable and very playful pets, madly in love with their owners. Typical cat arrogance and aloofness are alien to them. Instead, “mustaches” prefer to be near a person 24/7, walk on a harness and fetch the ball on command.

Turkish Angora

She is independent and willful, but passionately loves walks and constantly strives to capture the attention of others. The Turkish Angora chooses only one family member as its pet, and it is with him that she can learn a couple of tricks: turning off the lights and fetching some objects.


All representatives of bobtails are friendly and affable. They find it easy to meet new people and move around. These cats also love to chase the ball and fetch it when ordered by the owner.

Neva Masquerade

The fluffy aristocrat can easily fight back with her clawed paws anyone who decides to pick her up or stroke her without receiving the appropriate consent. The only exception is the owners, including the little ones. The Neva Masquerade Cat takes affection from family members with great pleasure and is always ready to support them with its “massage” or purring.


Despite its serious appearance and large dimensions, the “Siberian” is active and playful. He becomes very attached to his owners and loves to play pranks with children. Unlike the Abyssinian, this cat has a developed sense of tact and does not bother a person if he is busy.


"Siberians" are excellent hunters. If you live in a private house, then with such a pet you will never have rodents.

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Thai breed

Traits of a “dog” character are clearly manifested in cats of the Thai breed. They are distinguished by intelligence and amazing devotion to their owners. It is also interesting that this breed is easy to teach, like a dog, to move near the owner’s leg on command. Smart cats understand people's words very well. They love to play with children. Moreover, the initiator is often the animals, not the children.

By nature, the intelligent Thai cat is quite sociable. She can “talk” with the owner, feeling his mood and intonation. Funny situations arise when people start meowing in response to their pet.

This breed of cat can “read” the owner’s mood. To improve a person’s mood, the furry miracle will cuddle and purr and curl up on its lap. But if you show aggression towards a purr, she will remember this and, on occasion, can take revenge, as some breeds of dogs do.

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