Charming white cats with blue eyes: choosing a breed

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  • Charming white cats with blue eyes: choosing a breed

If a child asks his mother for a white cat with blue eyes, it means that his soul strives for the beautiful, the sublime and is full of good intentions. This is exactly the impression of purity and perfection that the angelic cat gives upon first meeting. Ancient dream books describe a dream with a white cat as a harbinger of success in business, meeting a good person, reconciliation after a quarrel and receiving good news. Beautiful white cats have long been kept in their homes by those who wanted to scare away evil spirits and protect the house from damage.

If a child asks his mother for a white cat with blue eyes, it means that his soul strives for beauty.

If you plan to breed cats or show your purebred pet at exhibitions, then you should take into account that the eye color of all breeds must match the color of the coat, with the exception of those that are allowed to participate in exhibitions with any eye color. These include such recognized breeds as the Manx, Scottish Fold, Rex and some others.

Turkish Angora: characteristics of the breed

There are various breeds of white cats, but perhaps the most famous of them is the Turkish Angora - a harmoniously built, flexible and graceful animal with large, almond-shaped, wide-open eyes, set somewhat obliquely. Originally, this type of cat was only white with blue, orange, green, amber, yellow or different colored eyes.

There are various breeds of white cats, but perhaps the most famous of them is the Turkish Angora.

The tail of this beauty is much longer than that of other breeds, resembles a peacock feather and can reach the shoulders.

This breed was formed in Turkey, where it is still highly valued today. Cats with different eyes are especially valued, despite the fact that white Angoras with different-colored eyes are deaf in the ear on the same side as the blue eye.

The Turkish Angora is considered one of the most valuable cat breeds, and it has a gentle and affectionate character, calm and friendly. A white cat of this breed can cost from 360 to 900 dollars, depending on the place of purchase and the appearance of the animal.

How to care for snow-white fur

There are several nuances in caring for a snow-white pet, because even a small speck of dirt spoils the aristocratic appearance:

  • A white cat will need to be bathed more often than its differently colored counterparts. Choose the right shampoo for your animal. Under no circumstances should it have a tinting effect. It is better to choose a hypoallergenic product. A medicated shampoo should be chosen if your animal has problems with its coat or skin. For white wool, it is necessary to use balms and conditioners, because without a coloring pigment it is very sensitive.
  • After water treatments, “Snow White” must be dried with a hairdryer right down to the heels. Dirt will not stick to dry wool as much.
  • If your animal's eyes begin to leak, do not wash them with tea or chamomile solution. This will not help the animal, and the fur around the eyes will become colored. The veterinarian will help you choose the right treatment.
  • A deaf white cat should not be free-range. The animal cannot react to external stimuli, so it may become a victim of a car collision or an attack by a pack of dogs.
  • Long-haired white pets need to be brushed daily. This will avoid the appearance of tangles.
  • A tray with a low mesh or lattice is not suitable for a white animal. His paws and tail will get dirty from liquid excrement.
  • A cat's diet is reflected in the color of its fur. To avoid yellowness, which turns a royal animal into an unpresentable slob, avoid liver, heart, seaweed or carrot additives in your cat’s diet.
  • Two white cats don't mix!
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland can cause a yellow tint to appear on the fur.

A white cat is not a cat for lazy people. Problematic ones, i.e. Frequently soiled areas are the heels, base of the ears and tail, muzzle and chest. Cosmetics for a snow-white cat should be professional. A cheap “whitening” shampoo can give the coat, for example, an emerald tint.

Before getting a “white cat,” weigh all the pros and cons of bringing such a demanding pet into your home. If there are more advantages, then a white blue-eyed cat will become a worthy decoration for any home!

Gallery: white cats with blue eyes (25 photos)

Scottish lop-eared

A blue-eyed Scottish kitten is the dream of any breeder or just a cat lover. The eye color of kittens is determined primarily by color and, of course, heredity. Celestial blue eyes are a virtue found in both dominant white and albino kittens.

It is curious that the white color itself is simply the absence of color and the suppression of all the colors of other genes that the animal carries.

A blue-eyed Scottish kitten is the dream of any breeder or just a cat lover

The blue-eyed Scottish Fold cat (Scottish Fold) is highly valued because it is rare and somewhat unique. Her snow-white skin of a surprisingly even shiny color without any yellowness, combined with her hanging ears, evokes associations with innocence and insecurity.

The Scottish Fold cat is white with blue eyes and looks like a small charming child who you want to cherish and protect.

If the kitten had blue or black ancestors in the family, then the Scotsman may have a few dark spots on the head, but with age the fur lightens and eventually becomes completely snow-white. A Scotsman's eyes can also be amber; there are also cats with different eyes. The great advantage of this species is its gentle disposition, lack of conflict, ability to compromise, affection and gentleness, which makes it possible for them to live together with both children and the elderly.

What are the differences between albino cats?

Albino cats have no pigment in their bodies. Such animals' eyes may have a blue tint, but in bright light or in the dark their reflection is only red.

The skin of albinos is an even light pink color, and the fur does not have even minor inclusions of dark hairs.

The health of these pets is usually not much different from ordinary cats. The absence of pigment in the body does not cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and does not increase the tendency to cancer. With proper care, an albino cat will live a full life.

British and Persian

The muscular and squat Briton has the largest palette of eye shades: from blue to dark copper, and in a white cat with different eyes, one eye can be blue and the other gold.

However, blue eyes in representatives of this species are quite rare. The animal is balanced, devoted to its owner and can become a true friend, although it behaves somewhat coldly and does not like encroachments on its freedom. Its plush soft skin and puffy cheeks make it look like a teddy bear.

Persians can also be snow-white and blue-eyed, although standard Persians have the right to 3 eye color options: blue, orange and different, when one eye is blue and the other is orange.

Considering the length of Persian hair and the white color of the coat, you need to understand how long it will take to care for such an animal, and what a labor-intensive process it is. But Persians do not cause any other trouble: they are phlegmatic, even lazy, and lie calmly in one place for hours.

Khao Mani breed: distinctive features

The snow-white cat from Thailand, called Khao Mani, or diamond eye, has a very ancient pedigree. It is easier to care for such a cat than a Persian, because it is a short-haired breed. This species got its name because of the special cut of the eyes - they are brightly outlined and shine like diamonds. Although according to the standard the color of the eyes should be gray-blue, individuals with green and yellow eyes, as well as different colors, are now increasingly appearing.

Very few people will be able to purchase a cat with different eyes of the Khao Mani breed, since its cost is one of the ten most expensive breeds in the world. In addition, the breed itself is very rare, although it is now found not only in Thailand, but also in other countries.

It is better not to get this cat for those people who are rarely at home, because she does not like loneliness and does not tolerate it well. In character, cats of this species are closest to Siamese.


A person who wants to have a snow-white, blue-eyed kitten has plenty of choice. In more than a dozen breeds, you can find this aristocratic combination of iris and coat colors. The most important thing is to choose a specific breed, contact the breeder and communicate your intention to become the owner of a cat or cat of a certain color. If at this time there is no kitten of the desired color, you can stand in line and ask to be notified of the birth of the animal immediately.

Russian white

The Russian white cat first appeared in Australia from crossing a Siberian white cat with a blue cat. The result was a breed of Russian White cat, with velvety dense short hair, a graceful body, excellent health and blue eyes. Russian Whites do not require much attention, unlike Khao Mani, they easily tolerate loneliness, are calm and peaceful.

When choosing a white kitten with blue eyes, rustle a piece of paper behind him to understand whether he hears or not, however, even if the cat’s hearing is not all right, this will not prevent him from enjoying all the joys of life, since nature has endowed him with sight, smell and touch, as well as the highest sensitivity to sound vibrations.

And he will be able to take full advantage of all this if he has a kind and loving owner.

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