Features of cats with blue eyes

Cats, like most other mammals, are born with blue eyes. Over time, their irises begin to take on other shades, and the final shade depends on genetic determinants. A very small amount of dye or no dye at all causes the eyes to appear blue. In fact, they have no color, and blue, as we see, appears as a result of the scattering of light when it is reflected from the iris. Cat breeds with blue eyes are not uncommon - we find this type of beauty, however, mainly among the Siamese varieties.

Cat breeds with blue eyes are unique. Their characteristic traits correspond to a genetic predisposition. As a rule, blue irises are found in animals obtained from the Far East, which also have completely white fur. The blue color of a cat's eyes is due to a gene that blocks the production of another dye. Light-colored cats can have a wide variety of irises, however, blue coloring appears only in animals in which melanin deficiency or even partial albinism occurs in the skin. The allele of the C gene is responsible for blue eyes in Siamese cats. Representatives of this breed have a darker coat color, only in the area of ​​the head and paws, as well as on the tail.

Purebred cats with blue eyes

If you want to own a cat with blue eyes, below are the breeds that differ in the color of their iris. As a rule, they have a bright color or a type of color scheme - their light fur color predominates, and the dark areas are localized on the head, as well as in the area of ​​​​the paws and tail. The most popular are white cats with bright eyes. Almost every breed that appears in color is characterized by blue irises. They include: Persian cats, Siberian cats, Norwegian Forest cats, Orientals, short- and long-haired cats, and Sphynx and British shorthair cats. There are almost no black cats with blue eyes. The light iris of kittens with a dark color appears only in the initial period of their life. Below are the cat breeds with blue eyes.

Siamese cat


This is one of the most popular cat breeds. Its first source description is from Thailand and dates back to the 14th century. Siamese cats lived mainly in the courts of kings and aristocratic families. In 1884 they went to Great Britain, and from there to Europe. Since then, their appearance has changed significantly. Siamese cats are the first choice for a person who has not previously had pussies.

They are highly resistant to disease. Their coat is short, without undercoat. Sometimes they are found in a very light color, like white cats with blue eyes. Individuals belonging to this species are cheerful, intelligent and very fond of children. They quickly and strongly become attached to their owners. The Siamese cat can be very jealous if other animals appear in the house. They make better friends with dogs than with representatives of their own species. Moreover, they do not like to be alone, and you should give them a lot of time and attention.

Ragdoll cat

This breed is relatively young because he is only 50 years old. Its name, from the English rag doll, alludes to the unusual physical properties of these animals. A characteristic feature of the ragdoll is its beautiful, almost child-like eyes and bright color with dark markings. These cats have a very friendly character and can negotiate with any family member. They tolerate the presence of other animals well and live in friendship with dogs.

They are excellent companions for children because their patience truly knows no bounds. This breed is not active, so it does not jump on furniture or curtains. As a rule, they like to be lying on their back, on the floor or sofa. They easily become attached to people. They are friendly and trusting, even towards strangers, so it is necessary to keep an eye on them. This breed is great for busy people. Animals are smart, they do not require constant care, and their favorite way to spend their free time is to relax and unwind.

Burmese cat

This is a natural breed from the Middle East. The Burmese cat is considered holy. Legend has it that she is derived from the white cat of the temple who was on duty with the high priest.

Systematic breeding of this species began in 1925 in France, but during the period of world wars the animals stopped breeding. Only in 1955 did the breeding process resume, and in the next few decades Burmese cats gained recognition throughout Europe.

A typical representative of this breed is an incredibly beautiful and elegant life partner. Lives very amicably in the family. He loves the company of other animals and people. The animal is calm, but also curious. It is a pleasure to follow step by step with the person. The most common coat colors are cream, red, lilac and black.

British cat with blue eyes

British cats are the oldest species to emerge from Great Britain. Their professional breeding began approximately 100 years ago. Legend has it that these animals were in England with the Romans and then remained hidden for many years. For this breed, blue eyes are one of many options. Their irises may also be orange or green. The color blue is found in British cats in the color of lilac, cream, silver or gray. The appearance of gray cats with blue eyes is very beautiful and friendly. The animals are sociable, calm and have a moderate character, ideal for living in apartments.

Azules (Blue Eyes)
This is a unique breed because it is the only one with distinct blue eyes (its name means “blue eyes” in Spanish). These animals were discovered among wild cats in New Mexico. They do not have any characteristic features; they can only be recognized by their blue eyes. These animals are unique; it is believed that in 1992 there were only 10 known worldwide. Ojos azules often have eyes of different colors, for example one is blue and the other is green.

Interesting for you:

Why do cats have blue eyes?

Eye color in almost all cases directly depends on genetics, but there are exceptions, for example, when eye color changes as the cat grows up or this is explained by a lack of melanin. It is these pigments that are responsible not only for the color of the iris, but also for the color of the skin and coat color.

In addition to blue shades, others may be present; heterochromia is also common among such cats. This is one of the pathologies of the color of the iris, when the shade is uneven or the eyes are completely different colors.

There are a lot of cat breeds with blue eyes in the world and here are the most popular ones.

Oriental cat

They look like aliens

Improved breed from Siam (Thailand). Magnificent cats, for a long time, were “closed” from the world, living in the temples of Thailand. Only in the 19th century did the world learn about the “overseas” beauty.

Today, the Oriental cat is one of the most popular in the world. The unusual color and blue eyes give the animal a special cuteness. There is an opinion among people that “Orientals” are evil and aggressive monsters. This is complete absurdity, because representatives of this breed are distinguished by extraordinary devotion to their owner, do not tolerate loneliness well and are easy to train.

As for the supposedly viciousness of the breed, any cat is capable of fighting back for itself if it is pissed off. Orientals don’t like familiarity, that’s all.


The longhaired breed is one of the varieties of domestic cats. By their nature, they are also mischievous, so they should not be left without toys and unattended. They themselves are friendly and affectionate, but despite this they are very stubborn, get used to their owners and have a hard time with separation.

Their health is not the best, they need to be protected and given a lot of attention to care. An interesting feature is the unique structure of the wool, to which people are not allergic. One can note very beautiful eyes, but despite this, strabismus is common among this breed.


Balinese cat

This is also a long-haired domestic breed. They become very attached to their owner, they are loyal, devoted and constantly require attention, but even with such affection they will feel fine alone. Cheerful, active, friendly, easy to get along with children and pets in the house. They need a lot of space to use their energy to the fullest. The physique of such cats is slender and muscular, which can explain their energy. Unfortunately, this breed cannot boast of good health, so they need careful care.

Balinese cat

Breeds of white cats with blue eyes

Each representative is endowed with habits and character inherent in a particular species:

  • Oriental. Snow-white, blue-eyed kittens are common. The look is completed with a pink nose and paws. Incredibly friendly, affectionate animal. It becomes attached to its owner and requires constant attention. They are sociable and therefore suffer from loneliness;
  • Persian. In this breed, a cat with blue eyes is rare. In most cases, heterochromic kittens are born. A distinctive feature is long thick hair and a flattened muzzle. Wayward lazy representative. The look reveals a “noble” origin. Not aggressive;
  • Angora. The long white coat without undercoat is combined with blue almond-shaped eyes. Due to its sociability, it requires constant attention from the owner. Characterized by excessive tenderness;
  • Kao mani. The breed of these white cats with blue eyes is unstable. Work is constantly being carried out to strengthen the species. The fragile creature is very trusting of people, reaching out even to strangers. Individuals are endowed with short, glossy hair without undercoat;
  • British. White blue-eyed representatives are extremely rare. They have soft fur. Friendly to family members. What is important is that the purity of the breed is determined by the absence of shaded tips;
  • Siberian. Snow-white wool is a rare occurrence. In most cases, colored markings are present. The charismatic cat is smart and quick-witted. Endowed with pronounced hunting qualities. Attached to the owner, sociable. If not given due attention, there is a manifestation of pride and independence;
  • Cornish Rex. The unusual species is distinguished by its short, curly coat. Despite its comical appearance, the blue-eyed pet is affectionate, friendly, and playful.

Himalayan cats

This is a breed of long-haired cats with a fairly thick coat. They are sociable, friendly and inquisitive, they get very used to people, they also love attention to their person, but at the same time they are comfortable being alone. By nature, they are not the most active, preferring peace and quiet, so they are great for people with a similar lifestyle, but for active people this is not the best option. The body of representatives of this breed is round in shape, the paws are not long. Unlike the previous ones, these cats have excellent health and rarely get sick.

Himalayan cat

Burmese cat

This is one of the old breeds that appeared back in 1919 in Europe; the cats themselves are small, although they create the illusion of massiveness. They are good-natured, affectionate and get along well with other pets in the house and do not cope well with loneliness. Yes, they are playful, cheerful and curious, but at the same time quite calm. The main feature of this breed is its color, which acquires a different shade with age.

Burmese cat

Thai cat

This breed became famous in history; there are many legends and beliefs about them; it was believed that they drove away evil forces. Pets are relatively small, strong and slender. This breed is distinguished by good health and long life. They become strongly attached to their owners and cannot stand loneliness, and can appear stubborn and independent. They themselves are very smart, cheerful, playful, energetic and never sit still, noisy, they find it easy to communicate with other pets, but only in the role of leader.

Thai cat

Blue-eyed cats are prone to disease

The price to pay for a noble appearance is not limited to hearing problems. Cats with white fur and blue eyes have sensitive skin. Allergies and dermatosis are constant “companions” of animals. To reduce the risk of exacerbation of congenital diseases, you need to choose the right food.

It is important to exclude human food from your pet's diet. Smoked, sweet, salty foods are detrimental to health. If the owner is inclined to feed at home, you need to discuss the food set with the veterinarian. Snow whites do not tolerate direct sunlight. In hot weather, protect your pet from being outside or create shade.

Minor insect bites, which colorful representatives of the breed tolerate without consequences, aggravate skin diseases of white cats. The owner’s task is to carry out pest control treatment in a timely manner.

Vulnerable immunity is the weak point of white cats. High risk of contracting infectious diseases. To ensure that your unusual pet enjoys health and activity, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations at the veterinary clinic.


Can be considered one of the newest shorthaired breeds. This is the result of crossing bicolor American Shorthairs with Siamese cats. The breed has an amiable character and a pleasant voice, and they do not create noise at all. They are affectionate, curious, friendly, absolutely unobtrusive, and in places they can be independent and proud. They hate loneliness; a long stay in this state contributes to very big changes in behavior.

Cats of this breed interact well with all pets and love children. It may seem strange, but these cats are incredibly fond of water and will never miss the opportunity to take a little swim.


Petersburg Sphinx

Russian beauty

The ancestors of the breed are the Don Sphynx and the Oriental cat. The kittens from this mating, born in Murino (Leningrad region), became the first in the new breed.

Unusual appearance is the calling card of the St. Petersburg sphinxes. Some cats of this breed, depending on their color, can also boast blue eyes.

The St. Petersburg Sphinx is a sophisticated, unusual and positive creature. Cats are more like dogs in character than their own kind. Owners of Peterbalds, as representatives of the breed are also called, assure that their pets are extremely smart and very people-oriented.

By the way, Peterbalds can be either completely hairless or woolly. There are several types of coat of the breed.

And one more fact about the St. Petersburg sphinxes. Hairless kittens are born with open eyes; those with fur open their eyes on the 5th day after birth.


These cats are large (the third largest in the world) and have unparalleled thick and long hair. They differ from others in their passivity and relaxed muscle tone. Their character is quite pleasant, they are friendly, good-natured and affectionate, they are also very smart and incredibly loyal. They can also be considered excellent companions for other pets and children, because they completely lack aggression. The ideal living environment for this breed is peace and quiet, they cannot tolerate noise, but under no circumstances should they be left alone. They also differ in their slow development.


Balinese cat

These eyes are opposite...

The second name of the breed is the Balinese cat. Until the 50s of the last century, “Balinese” were considered a long-haired species of Siamese cat. But there was a breeder of the breed who did not agree with this opinion. Helen Smith - that was the woman's name - declared Balinese cats as an independent breed.

Luxurious, long-haired, with huge deep blue eyes - Balinese cats will not leave anyone indifferent. Beauty, coupled with a sweet character, makes the breed a favorite of “cat lovers”. Well, the Balinese have a charming character: cats are talkative, very smart, trainable and affectionate.

Foreign white

The Shorthair breed is the result of crossing a White British Shorthair and a Siamese cat. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, thanks to this they can even teach and follow commands. They have a very slender and muscular physique, and at the same time they have an inherent grace. They are kind to their owners and get used to them, they get along well with children, but still such a cat needs to be handled carefully. But as for relationships with pets, here it is simply vital for such a cat to take a leadership position. By their nature, they are quite calm and balanced, they will not get underfoot and impose themselves, but it is still not recommended to leave them alone.

Foreign white

White Persian cats

This is one of the most ancient breeds, it appeared in the 16th century. Cats are not the largest, medium-sized, and have thick, long and fluffy hair. By nature they are affectionate, peaceful and friendly, preferring tranquility and a more passive lifestyle, although they also like to play. They treat their owners with special reverence; they become very attached to people, so separation is simply unbearable for them. Persian cats are incredibly peaceful and will thrive in any environment.

The popularity of this breed among European aristocrats was instilled by Queen Victoria, who had more than a dozen of these cats. Now anyone can have such a pet.

White Persian cat

Turkish Angora

A specially bred long-haired cat breed is now actively gaining popularity among lovers of blue-eyed pets. Many years of complex and painstaking work by breeders has led to such a successful result. This breed has many colors, but meeting a snow-white cat, of which there used to be many, is now very rare.

They themselves are small, of medium size, have a slender physique, in which one can notice grace, the limbs and tail are long, supposedly emphasizing the elegance of the silhouette. Smart, sociable, friendly - that's all about them. They do not leave their owner for a second, as they need attention; because of this feature, they have a hard time experiencing loneliness.

Turkish Angora

Scottish fold cats

The short-haired cat breed is relatively small in size. They are very fluffy and look like a plush toy. These cats have an unusual feature - they can stand on their hind legs for a long time.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence, good nature and calmness; they are moderately active, but nevertheless cheerful and cheerful. They love peace and silence, and they themselves do not create noise. They are also proud, graceful and certainly will not allow themselves to be offended, which cannot be said by their appearance. Although the cat loves its owners, it will not get in the way, begging for attention, and you won’t be able to squeeze it in your arms for a long time, they don’t really like it.

Scottish cats thrive alone and are ideal for busy people. They don’t know how to get along with children or pets; playfulness and peacefulness towards others is not their thing.

Scottish fold cat

Ojos Azules

Scientists did not spend a single second to create this breed; nature did everything for them. Today, the breed is quite rare, so much so that even in its homeland (New Mexico) it is difficult to meet such a cat, since there are only a few dozen of them left in the whole world. The main feature of pets is their eye color; they are often deep or dark blue; this is an incredibly beautiful sight, one might say, even slightly hypnotic.

Cats themselves can be either medium or large in size and are characterized by a slender and muscular build. Representatives of this breed have a very pleasant character, they are friendly to people from birth. Active, playful and cheerful, you definitely won’t get bored with them. Apart from this, they are smart and have a well-developed intellect. This cat gets along well with children and pets, but still should not be left unattended.

Ojos Azules

Mekong Bobtail

A very interesting breed

Beauty comes from Asia. Initially, Mekong Bobtails were considered “rejected” Siamese cats. This is due to the unusual, short tail of Asian cats.

Despite its enormous popularity in its homeland, the breed was recognized by the WCF only in 1994. Russian breeders played a huge role in the recognition of Mekong Bobtails. They managed to prove that these cats are distinguished from Siamese not only by their short tail. Animals have completely different body types.

Representatives of the breed, for the most part, have rich blue eyes, a mischievous character and affection for the owner.


This breed can be considered legendary, because the history of its creation has passed many years and, as we can see, its demand has not fallen to this day, on the contrary, it is gaining popularity. In her homeland, Thailand, they believe that such a cat brings good luck and prosperity to the house.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by an unusual appearance, especially their eyes, they are like their calling card. Among such cats, heterochromia is widespread, when the color of the iris of the eyes is uneven, and sometimes the eyes can be completely different colors.

They are distinguished by a slender and muscular physique, and the tight-fitting coat seems to emphasize all the advantages of the silhouette. They are also characterized by elegance and grace in all movements.

They are affectionate and friendly, quickly get used to people, so they have a hard time experiencing separation and loneliness. These are excellent companions for both children and a wide variety of pets. By nature they are active, cheerful, playful and curious.


British blue-eyed cats

This breed has taken all the best qualities for itself; they are considered a kind of aristocracy. The cats have a medium, slightly muscular, strong and massive build.

The character is very unique, it contains both kindness and friendliness, as well as pride, independence and courage. Thanks to these character traits, cats of this breed will not beg for attention and get in the way. They love their owners, but they tolerate separation quite well, because they will always find something to do with themselves; this is an excellent pet option for a busy person.

Representatives of this breed get along well with children and pets; their calmness, restraint and non-aggressive behavior are perhaps their biggest plus.

British blue-eyed cat

Blue eyed cat

Piercing gaze

This is how the name of the breed is translated from Spanish. Most “cat lovers” know this cat under the name “Ojos Azules”. The breed was bred in America in the 80s of the last century. Widespread in its homeland, practically nothing is known about Ojos Azules outside its borders.

Representatives of the breed are small (from 2.5 to 5 kg), very calm, with an unusual color and eye color. American breeders claim that the temperament of blue-eyed cats is so calm that the animals can be kept even in the smallest apartments. Ojos Azules are considered one of the most gentle breeds in the world; there is an opinion that these cats will never respond to aggression with aggression, preferring to hide somewhere rather than use their claws and teeth.

Siamese cat

This is one of the most famous and sought-after breeds in the whole world, as well as one of the most ancient. Previously, they were revered as sacred and they believed that such a cat was a powerful amulet against everything bad, namely evil spirits, the belief in which scared people to death.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by their athletic build; they are slender and muscular, while being elegant, graceful and graceful. They can also boast of their coat; their coat, although short, is incredibly silky and soft.

Their character is also quite interesting, they are friendly, affectionate, smart, love people, curious and active. They get too used to their owners and suffer when separated. Such cats need a lot of space, because they love to have fun and literally turn over everything they see on their way. They are also not the quietest pets; they have a loud and deep voice, with which they will not miss the opportunity to attract attention in this way.

Siamese cat

Cat with blue eyes breed

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