Purina Van for cats: Features of diets for pets of different ages

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Every owner of a purring pet tries to monitor its diet.

Both long-haired ( Neva Masquerade cat , Kurilian Bobtail , Turkish Van ) and short-haired cat breeds ( Toyger , American Shorthair , Thai and Oriental ) need a balanced diet.

If you want to learn about other popular cat breeds, we recommend that you read the article

When choosing, they are guided not only by reviews from veterinarians, but also by how the animal behaves after eating.

In particular, the choice of many owners is Purina Van cat food.

  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Pros and cons
  • 4 Specifics
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion

Feed overview

More than a hundred years ago, the company began producing food for domestic cats.

For normal development and well-being, an animal must receive a certain amount of nutrients and products.

It is necessary to remember that some felines have their own specific characteristics.

In particular, this is why the manufacturer produces separately Purina Van for adult cats and Purina Van for sterilized cats.

This article will tell you more about sterilization of cats.

This is what a small package of food looks like

Purina Van is a series of products that appeared relatively recently.

Despite this, she has already managed to receive flattering reviews from veterinarians and owners of various cat breeds.

In addition, you can buy it in all pet stores, and the price is quite affordable.

Purina Van food for cats is a dry diet that was developed by a scientific center for domestic cats of different age groups.

For example, products in this series for kittens not only saturate the body with all the necessary beneficial components for the growth and development of the animal, but are also more gentle for an incompletely formed organism.

Important! Kittens and adult pets should not be fed the same diet. A young body simply cannot digest “adult” food.

A distinctive feature of Purina Van food for cats is its high protein content.

It is important for cats at any age, especially if the pet is domestic.

The series includes the following types of feed:

  • for adult cats;
  • for domestic cats;
  • for kittens;
  • for pets over 11 years old;
  • for sterilized pets with beef or salmon;
  • for animals with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as with problematic digestion;
  • to control fur and hairball formation.

Purina Van is great for long-haired breeds

You can buy food in packages of 0.2, 0.75 and 1.5 kg.

Manufacturing companies

Purina combines three companies that produce pet products. These include Friskies, Spillers and Purina itself. Initially, these companies developed separately, but in 1998 they merged, resulting in the creation of the world's largest company, Nestle Purina Pet Care. The company not only produces food, but also takes care of homeless animals and participates in organizing international dog and cat exhibitions.

The company has extensive experience in the production of animal feed and offers a wide selection of its own products. Among the most popular products are the following foods:

  • “Felix” - available in the form of sauces and jellies in several flavors;
  • “Friskies” is represented by a line of products for feeding cats of different ages with different living conditions;
  • “Darling” - enriched with omega fatty acids;
  • “Purina Van” - it is characterized by a large amount of protein content; the assortment includes a medicinal food option;
  • “Cat Chow” - sold in dry form, enriched with proteins;
  • “Pro Plan” is a high-quality food consisting of easily digestible components;
  • “Gourmet” - available in portioned packages, only available wet.


The “Van” series was specially designed in such a way that it is suitable for the complete saturation of domestic cats at all stages of life.

Manufacturers claim that in order to notice an improvement, it is enough to feed the cat with suitable food for three weeks.

At the same time, her internal processes will not just improve or normalize.

The result will be visible externally: shiny fur, activity, playfulness.

Everything is like in the best restaurants

In addition to the optimal ratio of all necessary components, Purina Van food for cats uses a special Actilea formula, which differs in the content of the following substances:

  • prebiotics: responsible for maintaining normal intestinal microflora;
  • yeast: are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, also beta-gluten and protein;
  • Antioxidants: responsible for neutralizing free radicals.


The composition of each food in the line is unique.

For example, the diet of dry food for sterilized cats Purina Van includes:

  • salmon – at least 15%;
  • wheat – 15%;
  • corn gluten;
  • dry poultry protein;
  • animal fat;
  • yeast – 1%;
  • corn;
  • dry fish protein;
  • soy flour;
  • dried beet pulp;
  • dried chicory root;
  • flavoring feed additive;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

In addition to the main composition, the manufacturer adds vitamins A, D, E, C, as well as taurine, iodine, manganese, iron, copper, zinc and selenium to the feed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like most other products, Purina Wang has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages worth highlighting are the following:

  • wide distribution of the product (can be bought in almost any supermarket or pet store);
  • low cost in comparison with dry food from other manufacturers;
  • high percentage of minerals and vitamins;
  • relatively good composition of components.

However, the list of shortcomings is also quite long. It is important for potential buyers to familiarize themselves with it to determine the pros and cons of purchasing this food:

  • increased content of plant proteins;
  • lack of information on the packaging about the quality of meat and fish components, which often indicates the use of processed products in production;
  • poor variety of vitamins;
  • the specific flavorings, preservatives and antioxidants used in the product are not listed;
  • the amount of microelements is less than in premium products.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main, positive aspects of the Purina Van diet line include:

  • compliance with all requirements for the production of food for pets of different ages and with different characteristics;
  • food for cats prone to allergies contains hypoallergenic products;
  • the unpleasant odor from the cat litter box is reduced;
  • the availability of diets for different ages, as well as for those cats that are sterilized;
  • You can buy it not only in pet stores, but also in regular supermarkets;
  • The price for the products of this line is affordable.

This is what I mean by lunch...

But reviews from veterinarians and pet owners are not only positive. The negative aspects include:

  • Only dry food available. Although reviews from veterinarians indicate that pets also need a wet type (canned food, jelly, stew, etc.).
  • In fact, this is an economy-class food, which means it contains most of the chemical additives.


The cost of Purina food ranges over a fairly wide range. Prices will depend on what food was chosen (for example, Purina One can be purchased at a price of 160 rubles per 1 kg in Moscow). Every experienced cat owner knows that there is no need to try to save money when buying cat food, otherwise you can then seriously spend money on treatment.

Tags: feeding, Feed reviews, Nutrition


The specificity of the Purina Van line lies not only in gradation depending on individual physiological characteristics.

These foods are suitable for large Maine Coons and Ragdolls , as well as for medium-sized Egyptian Mau and Jungle cats , as well as small Munchkins .

In addition, each diet is designed for a specific age of the pet.

If you want to find out how old your cat is by human standards, we recommend reading the article

Proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful figure and good health

Gradation by age:

  • From 30 days to 12 months - food for kittens that supports the development of all necessary functions in the body, promotes the proper formation of bone and muscle apparatus and is quickly absorbed.
  • From one to 11 years of age, three products are suitable - for adult cats with beef, regular for adult cats, for domestic cats, and food that prevents the formation of hairballs in the stomach. These diets help reduce the risk of tartar formation, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the urinary system, and strengthen bones and muscles.
  • From the age of 11, cats are recommended to eat special foods that take special care of the pet’s health. These foods contain a large amount of vitamins and mineral components, which help maintain all vital processes in the body, normalize kidney function, and also have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, making it stronger.

Master, what is this? Eat your own vegetables!

Interesting fact! The manufacturer recommends giving cat food from 11 years of age (due to the large amount of vitamins and beneficial components) to animals during pregnancy and after childbirth .

For adult cats, it is also possible to choose products that are suitable if the pet is sterilized or has food allergies.


When you open a pack of Purina Van food for cats, your pet will certainly come running to sniff the new treat.

And what’s more, she will eat it with pleasure.

After a delicious lunch

Cat owners say that after introducing Purina food into the diet, the first thing they notice is that the amount of hair lost decreases significantly.

Moreover, the coat becomes smoother and shiny.

Thus, hair clippers and furminators less often.

Even Persian , Somali and other breeds of long-haired cats experience a significant reduction in hair loss during shedding.

Improved digestion and normalization of stool are also noted.

Others say that compared to veterinary lines, Purina Van is less useful.

It contains low-quality and unwanted components.

Here are some customer reviews:

Alexandra, Moscow: “We tried giving Murzika Van for domestic cats. In general, he eats well: there is nothing left in the bowl. If some people say that once you switch an animal to dry rations, you won’t be able to feed it anything else – this is not true. Ours still enjoys eating homemade food (porridge, soups).”

Maxim, St. Petersburg: “Our cat was constantly spitting up fur. Changed the diet. They began to give a special one against the formation of lumps from the One series. The result, of course, was not noticed immediately. But if you compare the situation now and then, the difference is noticeable. We see practically no regurgitation, and the fur itself has begun to shed less.”

Alisa, Yekaterinburg: “The cat had urolithiasis and was mainly fed an expensive line of food. But it so happened that I had to leave, and left the baby with my old parents. When the food supply ran out, they bought her Purina Van. It’s impossible to say that our Masya turned up her nose - she ate normally, but her condition worsened quite quickly. So if you have diseases, this food does not help much.”

Reviews of Purina Van food for cats

In general, the veterinarian advises feeding the cat dry food, especially since she herself suddenly began to eat such food well. Before this I tried Perfect Fit, and then I saw this pack at a discount and decided to buy it. It was sold for 209 rubles, in my opinion. This is cheaper than buying small 200 gram packs for 80 rubles. Judging by the way my cat eats, such a pack may be enough for her for 10-12 days. It's good to eat, although he still asks for meat. I sometimes give, trying to maintain 6 hours between feeding dry food and meat. The veterinarian said that different enzymes are needed for this, and if you wait a while, you will get something like separate nutrition. The body determines what has gotten inside it and already gives a command to produce enzymes. On dry food, the cat must always have fresh water. We have several bowls at home, the cat drinks constantly. But he seems to be feeling good now. She became as cheerful as before before her illness. I started playing sometimes. Appetite is good. And by the way, she eats these “crackers” all the time. There is no such thing as refusing. I like that the packaging is exactly like this, and not cardboard like before. The food is always closed. It does not absorb moisture or odors; if it falls, it will not crumble. In general, it was a convenient idea. Now this food has a promotion for accumulating points until the beginning of July, but I didn’t find any code in the package. Maybe he's at the bottom? We just haven't fed everything yet. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to accumulate points before the end of June. But if anyone has a lot of cats. who eat food decently - you can try it. You can get guaranteed prizes - a bowl or a hammock. The food itself is similar in composition to Perfect Fit, which we bought before. Although there seem to be differences in appearance and smell. Of course, it bothers me a little that after these foods (and Purina One) the cat basically walks around in such a way that you at least need to wear a gas mask. This didn’t happen before on a natural diet. Well, of course, there are smells, that’s natural. But now, it’s somehow too “pretentious.” The cat itself, in horror, tries to bury the source of the smell in record time. If no one is home at that moment, he digs so hard that the filler flies out of the tray. And if we are at home, I clean right away. I don’t know whether this is how it should be or not. It seems that there are no other complaints, and the cat looks healthier, but I don’t really like this moment.



Purina food is somewhere between expensive elite food and Whiskas and Kitekat. Experts say that you need to feed with good food - highly balanced and the best raw materials (which were used in preparing the food). All cat breeders know that dry food is cheaper than pouch bags. Now there is plenty to choose from. I once bought both Kitekat and Whiskas, especially since they are on every corner - they are even sold in Red and White, such aggressive marketing. And they are inexpensive. But if health is more important, it is better to buy more expensive food. Purina is one of the best in economy class. If the animal is no longer young, it is definitely better to choose elite food, especially if there is one or another disease (and these are not uncommon in older animals). We are currently buying Purina for the cat, she eats with pleasure, and a package of dry food lasts for several days. A friend of mine has a whole cat zoo - five cats and cats! So, she says that from Kitekat the Persian cat had terrible dandruff and itching, and they even thought of putting her to sleep. I dissuaded her from doing this, she began to take more expensive food, including Purina, and everything became fine with the cat’s health. Of course, everything is individual, but reactions must be taken into account. By the way, those who are in favor of natural foods like meat and fish should not think that they are always healthy. They contain too much protein, and fish often causes urolithiasis. In my family, when I was at school, there was a Siamese cat, he ate only capelin and pollock, then there was no ready-made food. So, after 10 years he began to develop urolithiasis, alas... And also good food, alas, is for mice - for cats. Veterinarians often advise, if possible, a cat to go to the village and get mice... A friend of mine was cured of a gastrointestinal disorder this way... But I still feel sorry for the mice, so we continue to eat Purina with pleasure...

Good spring


Hello comrades! Our cat eats, as it turns out, almost any kind of food. Not in the sense that we buy her only the cheapest, but in the sense that we buy good food from well-known manufacturers, and the cat eats it and is not picky. Purina One cat food is one of them. It is convenient because it is sold almost everywhere. That is, there will be no problems when the next supply runs out. The expiration date (on an additional sticker) can be found at the bottom of the package. On the back there is a lot of advertising and a mention of a promotion being carried out by the manufacturer. It would be quite nice to win a year's supply of food. Our cat is adult and trimmed. That's why the food is special. The packaging opens conveniently. There is a zipper. The cat tried it and eats it with pleasure. At least it seems so to me. Good luck!



Veterinarian's opinion

The best option among budget feeds. The composition is very simple, useful additives are the bare minimum. But there is the required amount of fiber and prebiotics. The food has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, constipation and diarrhea do not occur. There are no dyes or flavor enhancers in the composition, but there are flavors. Some cats experience a slight degree of addiction, which quickly passes when switching to another food. Most of the animal proteins are replaced with plant proteins, there is too much yeast (a strong potential allergen). The manufacturer chose to leave the exact composition a secret, so it is impossible to talk about balance and complete nutrition without laboratory tests of Purina Van. It seemed like more money was being spent on advertising than on quality ingredients. You can feed Purina, but with constant monitoring of your health. This is especially true for the condition of the kidneys and liver.

Pavlovskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna (veterinarian)


If you do not have the opportunity to provide your pet with high-quality nutrition, then Purina Van food is a completely acceptable option. Relatively cheap and at the same time it provides the pet with the necessary minimum of nutrients. Since the food is not addictive, it can be alternated with similar foods to add variety to your pet’s diet.

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