Reviews from owners about the Welsh Corgi dog breed: description of features and rules for keeping pets

Breed varieties

It seems that keeping a Corgi at home is not difficult. After all, the dog is small enough and should not cause trouble. However, not everyone knows that corgis are a type of shepherd and herding dog. Therefore, before taking an animal into your home, you should have a good understanding of the characteristics and nuances of this breed.

Cardigan or Pembroke - who to choose

Caring for a corgi and breeding it at home should begin with getting to know the varieties of the breed.

  • Cardigan are quite energetic, agile and hardy dogs. They are distinguished by their elongated body and short legs. At the same time, the animal can make balanced and reasonable decisions. This is due precisely to the fact that previously their duties included looking after the herd. Cardigan is very attentive to his owners, moderately playful. If a person needs a dog, he will always be nearby, but he will not impose himself.
  • Pembroke is a very active and cheerful animal. Loves to walk, run, jump, play with a ball and other equipment. Pembroke gets along well with children, loves his owner and is ready to play with him for hours, but at the same time he will not impose his communication once again.

Important! The correct name of the variety is “Pembroke”, from the English Welsh Corgi Pembroke. A spelling like pembork or pembrok would be incorrect.

Who are fluffies and can you choose them?

Fluffy is a specific breed of standard corgi. This refers to a recessive gene that may appear in some puppies. This is expressed in longer and softer fur (usually corgi fur is coarser and shorter).

This difference, although it stands out against the general background, is not a reason for culling the breed. Therefore, Fluffy puppies can be safely taken home.

Corgi fluffy

Who is better to choose - a boy or a girl?

Welsh Corgis have weakly defined sexual characteristics, although differences are still present. The male is physically stronger and more powerful than the female.

In terms of character, the question is somewhat simpler.

Despite the fact that both dogs are non-aggressive and get along equally well with both children and other pets, the female is easier to control and quickly finds a common language with other cohabitants.

Conflicts often flare up on the part of male dogs, and animals are also not averse to “hitting girls.” Especially if nature has endowed the male with love from birth.

The same bitch will tolerate the absence of a groom without any problems and will gladly prefer the company of her owner to the attention of other dogs.

Pros and cons of the breed

Corgis are pets that have many positive qualities. The advantages include:

  • Small sizes. Corgi lives in an apartment without any problems, even if it is a studio.
  • Good nature. They are moderately sociable and love their owners with all their hearts.
  • Devotion to man.
  • They can easily cope with changing places and moving.
  • Smart.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • High price for purebred dogs. This is due to the great interest that has appeared recently.
  • They eat a lot. The owner will have to carefully monitor the dog’s diet, otherwise it will get fat.
  • Barks loudly - echoes of shepherd's work.
  • Caring for a Corgi will require a lot of effort.

Spending time outdoors

Representatives of the Welsh Corgi breed are distinguished by their great love for active walks. Corgi walks as much as his owner can allow him. The owner must be ready to jog with his pet. Corgi to run, play and endlessly.

A dog's outdoor behavior depends on the type of Corgi. Cardigans are more reserved and prefer to walk in the company of their owner. Pembrokes, on the contrary, are sociable and playful, offering their company to other dogs. While walking outdoors, you should spend some time studying. Carrying out commands in a playful way will make it easier for your pet to learn them.

What you need to know about Corgi puppies

Like all newborn babies, in the first 10-15 days they are helpless, after which their eyes open. Externally, the puppies are small in size with slightly elongated, rounded bodies and short legs. The ears are rounded and hanging.

The weight of newborn babies is only 300-600 grams, and the size is 8-12 cm. The main stages of development are as follows:

  • For 1-5 days, the baby corgi just lies, does not see and is completely helpless.
  • 10-15 eyes open. The puppy gains weight and becomes 2 times larger.
  • At 16-18, the corgi is already sitting and trying to take its first steps.
  • 22 days - teeth appear.
  • 23-24 begins to bite and chew.

Newborn puppies

Who is better to choose - a boy or a girl?

Is it worth getting a male corgi or is it better to choose a girl? It all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner. According to breeders, girls are more affectionate and calm, while boys are playful and active.

Important! If breeding dogs is not planned in the future, it is recommended to sterilize the girl when she reaches the specified age. Otherwise, this may lead to unwanted pregnancy or a number of diseases.

Preparing a place for a pet

Keeping a corgi in an apartment requires special attention from the owner. Therefore, before you bring your baby into the house, you will need to arrange his place. What you will need:

  • 2 bowls:
  • toys;
  • bed;
  • everything for walking;
  • care products.

You don’t have to buy a bed; you can make it yourself from an old pillow and fabric. The main thing is that it is moderately soft and located in a warm place without drafts.

Place for the dog

The nuances of caring for a Corgi puppy

When it comes to caring for Corgi babies, there are certain rules that should not be forgotten:

  • nutrition must be balanced, with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Regular and long walks are required;
  • Hygienic procedures are required: cleaning ears, eyes, combing, and so on;
  • vaccinations and examinations by a veterinarian.

Nature is calling

Want more cute corgis? Corgi jumps into the water - video selection

Dogs of all breeds and sizes are descended from wolves, and they survive by hunting away from the pack's camp. The urge to cover distances and track tracks runs deep in the essence of dogs. And even the cutest, small and harmless ones obey the call of nature.

The dog at the door jumps and spins, this shows instinct. In a pack, wild relatives raise the level of adrenaline. Hunters run in search of prey, follow the trail, attack, and kill.

Experienced breeders advise going outside without eating. The dog fulfills the need to “work off” food.

Dogs mark “their” range. Fresh smells on trees and bushes communicate: “I’m hunting today.” Each blade of grass provides important information about which of the strangers has wandered into the hunting grounds. Droplets of urine inform: the territory is “protected.” While walking, the animal collects information about who ran, maintains physical shape and trains the mind.

Corgi - care and maintenance in the apartment

How to care for a Welsh Corgi? In general, caring for this breed is not as hard work as it might seem. If you follow the basic rules and requirements, gradually the owner himself will get used to taking care of the pet, so that he will no longer have problems.

Hygiene and bathing

It is necessary to accustom your baby to bathing from an early age, so that in the future it does not turn into a real problem. Too often water procedures are not carried out. This is done either as the dog gets dirty, or only 2-3 times a year.

Important! When bathing, you must ensure that water does not get into the animal's eyes, ears and nose. Don't forget about regular teeth brushing and nail trimming.

Bathing a dog at home

Natural food

The breed practically does not suffer from food allergies, but the one that eats a lot is the Corgi. You should follow the diet and feed the animal on time and in moderation. If preference is given to dry food, then it should be premium or super premium.

Homemade food must contain lean meat (beef, poultry), vegetables, vitamins and minerals. Sweets, pickles, smoked foods and flour products are strictly contraindicated.

Walking and exercise

The corgi may be a domestic dog, but it is a very active animal that needs regular walks. They are quite curious and can be distracted by a street cat, so you should carefully monitor the animal and not let it off the leash.

Attention! On average, a pet needs to breathe fresh air at least 1.5-2 hours a day.

Origin story

The dog, a herding breed, is called the Welsh Corgi. Its origins go back to the tenth century. Homeland - Great Britain. They gained popularity during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who loved these dogs very much. Before the queen noticed this breed, they were used as guards for the herd. Moreover, a shepherd was not always required. The dogs did a great job on their own.

They are considered the most loyal and are great for living in a small area. Corgis are easy to keep in a city apartment . Average life expectancy is up to fifteen years. Corgis much . Very sociable animals, they feel free in children's company. Corgis , like children , love to play and indulge.

The nuances of caring for an elderly corgi

Older corgis change their behavior significantly. What the owner should know:

  • With age, it will be possible to reduce the time spent walking, as dogs get tired faster and become less active.
  • It is imperative to add more raw and cooked vegetables and fruits (not sweet) to the diet of an adult dog.
  • Regular examination by a veterinarian will help prolong your pet's life.

Corgis are wonderful creatures that can make a person’s life more interesting and better. Therefore, you need to care for them correctly. How exactly was described above.

Features of junior molt

The junior moulting period begins at approximately one year of age (at 10-15 months of age). In a one-year-old dog, literally kilograms of fluff are combed out; guard hairs come out especially strongly on the sides and collar. At this time, it is advisable to visit a groomer, wash the animal, and “blow out” excess hair.

Junior molt is the most abundant, but it occurs in different ways. Some corgis become “bald” for several months - you can’t look at them without tears; in others, the hair simply comes out in clumps, but quickly grows back. Some owners get scared and start giving the dog all kinds of vitamins and dietary supplements, but veterinarians think that this is unnecessary. After a complete change of the “baby” fur, a new one grows - long, thick.


The veterinarian and the breeder of the kennel where the puppy comes from will help you determine the vaccination schedule. Typically, the first vaccination is given at 9 weeks of age. During this time, the corgi may still be in the kennel, and the breeder is involved in its treatment.

The vaccination is repeated after 4 weeks and another one is given - against rabies. At the age of one year, these procedures are repeated, and the adult dog is revaccinated according to the standard schedule - annually.

It is important that two weeks before vaccinations, the puppy and adult dog must undergo deworming treatment.

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