Bobtail Old English Sheepdog: description, character, care, price

History of the breed

The exact history of the origin of the breed is unknown, but it has existed for several centuries. One option is to cross a Briard with a South Russian Shepherd. Bobtail literally means “short tail”. In the old days of England, dogs were used as herding dogs and every peasant had to pay a tax for the dog. The tax was determined by the length of the tail and because of this they were docked. This is how the breed got its name. The first breed club was created in the 19th century in England. The breed came to Russia in the 1970s.

Bobtails are loved in films because they have a good character, are obedient and are considered a “family dog.”

Distinctive features

A strong, muscular dog of a square format, with a thick coat and undercoat. Quite light for its size: 32-46 kg with a height of 54-63 cm. The standard does not separate females and males. Insufficiently strong muscles are a disadvantage.

The standard was defined in 1888 and has remained virtually unchanged since then. In 2004, the latest amendment was made, according to which all individuals that do not meet the criteria for appearance and behavior are discarded and are not allowed for further breeding.

  • The head is proportional to the body. The skull is large, square, with a well-defined stop. The brow ridges are bright, the cheekbones are prominent.
  • The muzzle is square, chopped, of medium length (half the length of the head), straight. The jaws are strong, with even teeth. The bite is scissor-shaped (the upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw), the teeth are vertical. The lips are thin, not jagged, and the color is black.
  • The nose is large, the nostrils are large and open. The pigment is only black.
  • The eyes are small, oval, widely set. The color of the iris is dark brown, perhaps light in some colors. The outline is black, pronounced.
  • The ears are set slightly above the eye line and hang down to the sides. The shape is triangular, the wool is medium length.
  • The body is muscular with strong bones. Format – square. The loin is wide and quite convex. The chest is deep, flat on the sides. The withers are pronounced. The topline is short and straight. The stomach is tucked, but not lean. The neck is set high and long.
  • The tail should be short at birth (3-5cm), otherwise it should be docked.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel, and not long. The hind thighs are rounded, slightly arched. Low hock joints. The paws are round, small, “cat-like”, the toes are collected. The claws are black and strong. Movements are free when running, shuffling when walking.
  • The coat is shaggy (may appear unkempt), long, tangled, wavy, harsh, oily (due to excretions). The longest on the hips, the shortest on the ears. The undercoat lies tightly to the body and is waterproof.
  • The color is blue, grayish, ash, blue merle (in combination with large white spots). The legs are usually wearing boots, and the muzzle is light-colored.

Bobtail character

  • Friendly
  • Smart
  • Balanced
  • Peaceful
  • Calm
  • Reasonable

Bobtails are excellent guide dogs. Due to their character, they are taken into social services to work with children with disabilities, in hospitals for the seriously ill and in nursing homes.

What conditions make up a dog's character? It is widely believed that the character of a four-legged pet is determined at the genetic level. Also, many people close to cynology argue that character traits are nothing more than the consequences of training and daily upbringing of a puppy. The conditions under which the pet is kept also play an important role. You should not expect your pet to be sociable and friendly towards people if he has been shouted at since childhood, waved at with a leash, or with a newspaper.

Experienced dog breeders will certainly say that if you want to achieve mutual understanding with your own pet, then you must match in temperament and in some character traits. To correctly choose the breed that suits you, first study this issue theoretically: consider the exterior of the dogs you like, read the breed standard, pay attention to the description of the temperament and characteristics of the breed's behavior, ask questions to the real owners of the breed you are interested in. If, in theory, you are satisfied with the breed of your future pet, go to a nursery, or to people engaged in private breeding. A competent breeder who cares about his breed will readily respond to your requests for help in selecting a puppy. It is difficult to say with certainty what kind of character your chosen dog will grow up to be in such a short period of time. There are several simple tests with which you can choose a little friend with the qualities you need.


Socialization of an Old English Sheepdog puppy begins immediately after it arrives in the home. It is better to initially choose babies who grew up in close contact with people. Obedience must always be sought from the animal, but physical force must not be used. Bobtails take grievances hard, and emotional comfort is the main condition for their happy life.

The Old English Sheepdog is indifferent to its relatives, does not conflict with other pets, and adores children. The bobtail dog is ready to tinker with the kids, like a four-legged nanny. Reviews from the owners confirm that this is a unique dog in its own way - smart, peaceful, sociable, loyal and selfless.

Bobtail: features of the breed

  • Gets along well with children . The dog endures all the child's pranks.
  • Gets along with pets . He takes all the little ones under his wing.
  • High maintenance requirements . Regular treatments are required to maintain a pleasant appearance.
  • There is no aggression towards people . Previously, dogs were used as shepherds, but nowadays they are excellent social workers. They work in many institutions where they help children with disabilities and in nursing homes.
  • Not security guards . They may warn you of danger, but that’s all. Although sometimes this is enough.
  • They don't like loneliness. Because of idleness and sadness, they can chew through everything they see on their way.
  • Active . They need long walks and moderate exercise.
  • They can live both in an apartment and in a private house.


Bobtails are not picky eaters, but they need a balanced diet that contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The bobtail menu should include the following products:

  • Dairy products, best of all kefir and fermented baked milk.
  • Lean meat and boiled poultry.
  • By-products, it is best to offer your dog tripe and liver.
  • Fish - it must be without bones.
  • Vegetables – You can give bobtails almost all vegetables.
  • The main ingredients are cereals and flour products.

Care and maintenance

  • Grooming is required. Brush a little bit every day. Basically once a week. This procedure may take about 1-3 hours. Comb with a comb and a stiff brush.
  • A dog's long bangs can be cut or tied with an elastic band.
  • Wash as needed with dry shampoo, anti-tangle lotion, etc.

Basic rules for caring for a dog

  • Dental care. It is enough to examine the bobtail's teeth and oral cavity once a week. As for the care itself, during a thorough examination you should pay attention to: The condition of the gums - if they are red and inflamed, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian who will recommend special medications or remedies;
  • Teeth color – ideally, it should remain normal, without plaque (you can clean it yourself) and purulent formations. To maintain teeth in good condition, special bones and toothpastes for dogs can be very useful;
  • Dental health – check for loose or broken teeth. Between them there should also be no food residues, the accumulation of which causes the animal to develop an unpleasant odor from the mouth and subsequently rot;
  • The presence of tartar - in this case, it is impossible to do without the intervention of a veterinarian and its removal. It should also be noted that an important factor for the health of a bobtail – and in particular its teeth – is proper balanced nutrition.
  • Grooming. If fleas are found in a bobtail's fur, it is important to immediately take the necessary measures to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In order to get rid of them you just need to buy the drug at a pet store. After a couple of weeks, repeat this procedure. However, hair care itself may not be enough if fleas are present. It is also necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the house and, if necessary, use a special anti-flea product: that is, first of all, wipe the pet’s habitat, as well as carpets, floors, baseboards, and wash the bed.
  • Ear care. The bobtail's ears are also the object of close attention - dust always accumulates in them, and during walks they can become clogged with dirt. Subsequently, their contamination can contribute to the appearance of diseases such as fungus. As a rule, caring for a bobtail's ears involves a thorough examination of the ears, cleaning them with cotton swabs or wet wipes, as well as using special liquids or other products sold in pet stores if necessary.
  • Eye care. The bobtail's eyes can also become dirty with dust or secretions after sleeping. All this can serve as a source of infectious inflammation, redness and a number of other problems. Therefore, check your pet's eyes every day.
  • Paw care. Caring for your bobtail's paws includes washing and brushing them after walks, trimming the hair between the nails, and removing any foreign objects or debris. You should also pay attention to the inner surface (cushions) and treat it with a special “vacuum wax” in the winter, when the asphalt is sprinkled with reagents.
  • Claw care. If a bobtail does not wear down its claws naturally, then it is necessary to trim them once a month. But here everything is not so simple - inside the claw there is a pulp where the blood functions. Therefore, it is important to cut them not too short and correctly so that the animal does not get hurt.
  • Remember that all dog grooming procedures help to establish a relationship with the dog and train him to be disciplined. Regular checking of a bobtail puppy will develop into a kind of obligatory and pleasant communication procedure. If you notice any changes in behavior or find any unexplained sores or redness, contact your veterinarian.


    Bobtails are prone to diseases:

    • dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints,
    • anterior cruciate ligament disease,
    • skin diseases,
    • ophthalmological diseases,
    • age-related arthritis/arthrosis.

    Preventive measures to protect your bobtail puppy

    • To keep your bobtail puppy completely safe, you first need to minimize his contact with unfamiliar dogs, especially strays. Therefore, you should not let your dog off the leash, as in this case it will become impossible to control its behavior and communication with other dogs. Since a dog can easily become infected with distemper from simply touching the nose of a sick animal. This disease can be transmitted to a dog through sniffing. Your dog can become infected with trichophytosis from contact with the lichen-affected fur of a sick dog. Naturally, it is impossible to completely exclude a dog’s communication with other dogs, since it must be socialized. Therefore, try to find friends with dog lovers who look after their animals. By adhering to this rule, you can eliminate the risk of pathogen transmission by 80%.
    • You should walk your dog in places where there are no landfills. Since garbage very often attracts rodents, which in turn are very often carriers of various infections. Gray rats are especially dangerous because they carry such a serious disease as leptospirosis.
    • You should not allow your dog to sniff other people's feces, as they are a source of worms.
    • Monitor your bobtail's health. Pay attention to even the most minor changes in his behavior. For example, your dog may appear lethargic, lose his appetite, or have a dry nose. Or you may notice that the dog begins to shed, and this has nothing to do with seasonal shedding. If hair loss becomes excessive, this is the first symptom indicating health problems in your pet. And only you can help him. Therefore, it is important to take the dog to the veterinary clinic in time, where the disease can be overcome for sure. In no case should you ignore the symptoms, since advanced infections are much more difficult to treat, and sometimes even impossible. If you start treating your dog, the disease can lead to his death or he will develop serious complications that will affect his hearing, vision, limbs and much more.

    Possible diseases of the English bean

    In general, bobtails are not prone to disease and are in excellent health. But still, sometimes problems arise.

    For example, like all large dogs, they can suffer from hip dysplasia. You can reduce the risk of this disease with proper nutrition. Treatment consists of taking painkillers and reducing exercise.

    Sometimes demodicosis causes problems - tiny mites can settle in long hair, damaging the hair follicles, leading to the appearance of bare areas of the body. Treatment takes many months, but with proper hygiene the risk is minimized.

    For reference! The first bobtails were brought to the USSR in the 70s of the last century, but they never gained much popularity.

    Training and education

    When training a bobtail, you need to be persistent and patient. Puppies are very energetic and naughty, but are willing to serve humans. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice or punish them too much; they take this very painfully.

    Teaching a bobtail puppy commands is a very important part of the training process. Through training, the principles of discipline and self-control are instilled in the animal. A well-mannered dog will become safety and pride for every owner. Also, a disciplined pet will help out in case of potential problems during walks; it will not scare passers-by, chew slippers, create a mess in the house in the absence of its owners, etc.

    Why train a bobtail?

    • Firstly, when the dog learns commands, it will become more disciplined. After all, the animal must clearly understand what is allowed and what is strictly prohibited. If a dog lives in a family with children, everyone should feel comfortable being around it.
    • Secondly, the dog must understand its place near the person. Pets come from wolves, where there is always an alpha in the pack, so the owner must become the leader. It is necessary to form an obedient, but at the same time respectful attitude towards the person.
    • Thirdly, a dog often performs some function: watchman, hunter, guide, companion. Therefore, the animal must be trained in special commands in order to be able to perform a particular role. In such cases, the dog should be trained by a professional dog handler. Quite often, a dog is adopted as a friend with whom you can have fun. The animal becomes strongly attached to the person, and a strong friendship bond arises.

    A bobtail puppy has appeared in the family, then help him get used to it faster and survive stress. To do this, it is enough to feed him with your own hands, play with him, communicate and spend time. Such simple actions will help establish a trusting relationship. The more the owner pays attention and care, the more loyal the dog will grow.

    brief information

    Breed nameBobtail, Old English Sheepdog
    Country of originGreat Britain
    Time of appearance of the breedXIX century
    Breed typeGuard dog, companion dog
    Adult dog weight25-45 kg
    Height (height at withers)Up to 61 cm (males), up to 56 cm (females)
    How long do they live?10-12 years
    Popular nicknamesAbba, Isa, Karl, Shelby

    Where to buy a bobtail puppy?

    A specialized nursery is the best place to buy a good bobtail puppy. If pedigree and thoroughbred are important, then it is better to hire an experienced dog breeder to help. If not, then you can trust your heart. On nursery websites, there are customer reviews that will help you navigate. A little secret or life hack: visit a dog show where the desired breed will be presented. Chat with the owners of the breed, ask about the nuances, find out where they purchased the puppies. True dog breeders live for their pets, so they will be happy to answer any question and give valuable advice. Typically, nurseries send their representatives to exhibitions, where there is a chance to meet in person and take a business card.

    How to choose a strong and healthy bobtail puppy

    The day has come to go to the nursery for a cute puppy. Babies should be kept in a clean enclosure, without a specific unpleasant odor, which is very important. First of all, the breeder will demonstrate the numerous awards that his pets have received. Listen carefully, but don’t be easily fooled by all the big titles and championship accolades. If possible, you need to look at the parents of the future pet. The main 10 signs that will help you choose a healthy bobtail puppy:

    • shiny and moist nose;
    • clean ears, pink;
    • lively, clear look;
    • clean eyes, without any discharge;
    • healthy skin, without parasites, sores and acne;
    • silky, shiny coat;
    • lymph nodes of normal size;
    • tail without creases;
    • no bloating.

    A good proof that the animal is healthy is a written document of purchase and sale. If the bobtail puppy develops abnormalities over time, according to the contract, the pet can be returned. Having “insurance” with the buyer will reduce the risk that the seller will slip in a problem animal.

    Age for adoption

    • Professional Russian dog breeders advise buying 8-10 week old puppies. At this age, the baby should already be vaccinated, toilet trained, and receive basic education.
    • An important point: it is not recommended to take a puppy home immediately after separation from its mother. Until 9 weeks of age, the baby learns dog language and learns to communicate with its own kind. He needs to spend several weeks in a doggy daycare.
    • A professional breeder knows that a bobtail puppy less than 6 weeks old should not be given away. A very small puppy can only be given to an experienced owner who knows how to raise it correctly. This option is not suitable for a beginner.
    • Depending on the breed, the puppy can be picked up earlier or later than 10 weeks of age. Large dogs grow more slowly, so it is recommended to remove them from kennels at the age of 3 months. Puppies of such breeds should gradually build up bone and muscle tissue, without sudden jumps, in order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system.
    • For bobtail puppies of show or breeding class, the age of “adoption” can only be 6-9 months. This is a mandatory condition, because it is at this age that the makings of a champion and the distinctive signs of thoroughbred are revealed. You need to have patience to get a future titled champion.

    Note : even the most expensive bobtail puppy cannot be 100% guaranteed to become a champion. The breeder’s job is to assess the potential and make a forecast. Next, you need to raise the puppy and train it for a long time in order to realize the makings of a champion.


    • A bobtail puppy has a mark in the groin area or it may be on the ear, as well as a puppy card (metric). The codes on the card and on the stamp must be identical.
    • Metrica is the primary document that is issued for a puppy when it reaches the age of 45 days. Next, a qualified dog handler examines the babies and notes any defects found. The owner of the dog, if desired, can change the metric to a new document, pedigree, at the age of 6-15 months. This document will allow the pet to participate in breeding.
    • Another document for the puppy is a veterinary passport, with mandatory vaccination and deworming notes.


    Breeding an Old English Sheepdog is not an easy task. The problem is primarily caused by the size and long hair of the dog. For the first time, you need to invite a specialist who will help both dogs and owners.

    Pets are ready for mating by the age of 18-20 months , but they need to be bred only on the third heat, otherwise the bitch will not be able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Males are cradling by the age of 7-8 months ; they should not be scolded, but they are not recommended to be allowed to do so.

    The main signs of readiness in girls appear in the middle of estrus:

    • The loop swells;
    • The discharge becomes transparent (there may be blood impurities);
    • The bitch beckons the male with her tail, hips and spreads her paws wide.

    Dogs are checked for diseases and pathologies, dewormed and introduced. Not all pets are suitable for each other. We need to select complementary individuals.

    Usually the girl is brought to the male's territory, but there should be plenty of space for the partners to be comfortable. The act lasts 6-10 minutes, but the lock can take a long time (some dogs stand for up to 30 minutes) . In this case, you need to choose a comfortable position so that the pets do not injure the genitals. Re-mating occurs after 2-3 days.

    Interesting facts about bobtails

    • The breed has a very characteristic bark, hoarse and also quite loud. At first glance it sounds scary and threatening, it is difficult to confuse it with something else.
    • For 30 years now, the bobtail dog has been serving as the British mascot.
    • The bobtail herding breed is one of the oldest in Britain.
    • Although the dog is quite large, it can live calmly in a small apartment without causing discomfort to its owners.
    • The Bobtail gets along well with children, which is why they are often kept in schools in England. Children with speech impediments are credited with communicating with dogs of this breed.
    • Bobtail always has a good mood, without any changes. Thanks to this, you can engage in active games and sports with the dog at any time the owner wants.

    If you decide to get a dog, then get ready for the following: you will often have to clean up little mistakes after your puppy; investments will be required in annual vaccinations, feeding, toys, ammunition, etc.; any animal requires attention and communication, so if you don’t have time, then there will be no mutual understanding with the bobtail puppy. Big changes are coming in your life. If you can handle this, you will find a loyal friend for life. Character of a bobtail: who is better to take a bitch or a dog?

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    Bobtail color

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    Bobtail diseases

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    Bobtail - Old English Sheepdog


    Outwardly, large and somewhat square dogs seem heavy and clumsy, but their appearance is deceiving. The movements of the bobtail are quite light, slightly springy when running. The head is massive with a square skull. The coat is thick, long and slightly wavy, slightly shorter on the face than on the body. The eyes and nose are small and always dark in color. The ears are miniature and almost completely hidden under the fur.

    The limbs are long and straight. Previously, the tail was docked according to standards, but today dogs with uncut tails are also allowed. Bobtails can be in any shade of gray or white.

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