Animal lovers, in particular owners of various breeds of affectionate and mischievous purrs, know that animals need care.
It is important not only to feed your pet and provide it with basic conditions for a cat’s life, but also to comb out its fur in a timely manner.
This is where the debate arises - which tool is better? Looking at photos of combs for cats, it’s quite difficult to decide. Therefore, you should learn more about the accessories needed in the home of cat lovers.
Types and purpose
Cats and cats are very capricious. They have their own habits, behavior patterns and favorite things. A properly selected comb will evoke pleasant impressions and sensations during the combing process. Therefore, the choice should be taken responsibly.
The modern pet market presents many models: scratchers, flea brushes, slicker brushes, tangle brushes, combs with rotating teeth, a glove-shaped model, a combing device with a blade.But, after reading reviews about combs for cats, remember that each cat is an individual who may not be satisfied with what others like.
Do I need to comb my cat?
In the first weeks and even months after a kitten (especially a short-haired one) appears in the house, few people think about the fact that it needs to be combed. But then the inevitable happens: the baby begins to shed. The carpet in the living room, the furniture, your trousers - everything is covered with an even layer of wool. With disgust, catching another suspicious hair from a bowl of soup, you are thinking about whether to vacuum this little bastard, and with great interest you watch the work of the groomers on the TV screen.
If it's +30° outside in the shade, a short haircut can only benefit your pet. At other times of the year, you can tidy up his coat yourself. You just need to master the basics and accustom your cat to such procedures.
Daily brushing will not only help speed up the shedding process. This is a pleasant massage that causes the animal to purr contentedly. After this procedure, the coat becomes smooth, shiny, and the cat looks healthy and well-groomed.
It is especially important to accustom a long-haired cat to a comb and brush. The tangles in which the deprived fur gets tangled do not at all decorate the animal. This is an excellent nest for fleas, fungi, and various types of infections. Once wet, the mat does not dry for a very long time. The skin underneath becomes inflamed and red. In addition, there is a danger that the mat will get caught on something and, trying to free itself, the animal will cause severe pain to itself. In the future, the cat will be afraid of any touch and will avoid procedures aimed at combing or cutting off the mat. But in order to save your pet from suffering, it is enough to regularly comb his fur coat!
Not all animals are calm about the brushing procedure, especially those who have already had negative experiences with a brush. Their owners do not want to expose their hands to sharp claws; they prefer to vacuum the floor in the apartment once again, leaving the animal to take care of its fur on its own. However, such connivance is fraught with the risk that the cat will sooner or later begin to regurgitate swallowed hair. If the intestines become clogged, you will have to take her to the clinic. You can, of course, offer your cat a paste that is intended to remove hair from the body that accumulates there during daily washing. But it is better to deal with large amounts of shed fur using combs and brushes.
Selection rules
Despite your pet’s individual preferences, there are several important rules to consider when choosing. Of course, the price of cat brushes plays a role. It depends on the brand, the material from which the product is made, the quality and convenience of the combing device itself.
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Next, it’s worth assessing the condition of your pet’s fur – is everything too shabby, are there any problems in the form of tangles and others.
You should definitely take into account the length and thickness of the animal’s fur. For short-haired breeds, some types of combs will simply not be relevant.
The last thing you need to understand is the purpose of this purchase. If the comb is specifically for fleas, but the cat has no trace of them, wasting money will be unnecessary. But a tool that will help a purr care for its fur is a useful acquisition.
What are they?
To make your pet look well-groomed, you need to brush it regularly. During this procedure, dust, dirt and dead hairs are removed from the fur. Combed fur looks much more elegant than uncombed fur, and the procedure itself, if done correctly, is also a massage for the pet’s skin. And during the molting period, combing becomes a necessary procedure, since otherwise the whole house is strewn with fallen hair.
When choosing a comb, you should focus on your pet's coat type.
Based on coat type, dogs are divided into:
- smooth-haired (pug, boxer, great dane, etc.)
- straight-haired (Rottweiler, Labrador, Akita, Beagle and others)
- wirehaired (many terriers, griffins, schnauzers)
- medium-haired (Pekingese, collie, Spitz, Samoyed, Caucasian Shepherd, etc.)
- long-haired (Yorkie, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, etc.)
- long-haired with corded hair (komondor, corded poodle, puli)
- soft-haired (poodle, bichon, bedlington terrier, etc.)
- hairless (hairless Mexican, Chinese crested)
Smooth-haired dachshund
Corded Poodle
Dogs with different coat types require different care: for some, brushing with a massage brush once a day is enough, while others need long and thorough combing, as well as complex haircuts and grooming.
To achieve a good result, you should buy only high-quality combs for dogs, and this is best done in specialized stores.
ATTENTION! You can’t limit yourself to just one comb: to tidy up the coat of a long-haired or wire-haired dog, you use several combs and brushes that differ in shape and size of teeth.
Modern devices
Not so long ago, a device called a furminator comb for cats was invented in America and is now becoming popular almost all over the world. It is a hybrid of a comb and a trimmer.
The furminator is intended for combing out the undercoat. It is recommended to use it 2-3 per month.
Nozzles with blades are different and are selected depending on the length and type of the animal’s fur.What to choose: a comb or a comb
Both the brush and the comb are equally important for caring for your pet’s fur. The difference between them is that the scratcher is attached to the wall, door frame, table leg, that is, in the place where the cat often rubs its face or back. A comb is an object that the owner will use to specifically comb out his pet’s fur.
These devices should be used together, since with the help of a comb you can comb the cat in those places where it cannot reach, and with the help of a scratcher the animal can rub itself in those places where it wants it.
Variety of assortment
The range of cat scratchers is varied. The simplest model is a comb intended for daily combing. Cat combs with natural bristles are very popular.
The tool boasts a good antistatic effect and does not harm the animal's skin.
Brushes with two functional sides are convenient and practical. One side is equipped with sparse metal teeth with safely rounded ends for regular preventive combing, and on the other - artificial or natural bristles for combing out wool and undercoat.
Slicker brushes are used for cats with different hair lengths, helping to eliminate dead particles of fur. Combs with a blade are also convenient to use, a simpler version of the furminator.
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Furminator for animal care
Since combing is considered a mandatory procedure, it is important to carry it out efficiently - a furminator can help with this. This is a modern device that is designed to care for medium-haired and long-haired animals. This comb helps get rid of dead particles and loose hair, while easing the general condition of the cat.
As you can see in the photo, the device is a metal plate on which teeth are randomly attached. This tool allows you to effectively capture all dead hairs and then pull them out. The comfortable handle makes combing easier and also helps to comb out fur even in hard-to-reach places.
There is no need to accustom the animal to such care, since it will enjoy the massage - this is considered an undeniable advantage of the brush.
The Furminator, due to its structure, is able to evenly distribute the animal's secretions - this helps the fur to be softer and smoother. Using the tool correctly, you will be able to maintain order in the house, because if you use it regularly, all dead hairs will remain on the teeth.
So, the fuminator is the best comb you can use to comb your cat. However, its price is significantly higher than regular combs and combs, so not everyone can afford such a purchase.
Affection and benefit
The main problem when brushing a pet for the first time is its rejection of the useful procedure. How sophisticated are the owners of four-legged meowing creatures trying to accustom them to such a joint activity!
And here is a good option - a comb glove for cats. It seems like the owner is stroking and caressing the animal, and unnecessary, excess hairs are collected on the soft rubber spikes of the glove.
This device has already been appreciated by many representatives of the cat breed and, of course, purring lovers.
How to use it correctly?
You can only comb dry and clean wool. It is often necessary, before combing long-haired cats or short-haired cats that walk outside on their own, to bathe them and allow them to dry and lick themselves. The tool is not used to remove tangles - they must first be untangled or cut out.
The animal should be combed by running a comb along the hair growth. Movements should be careful and leisurely. Start correctly from the head, then work on the back, and then on the paws, belly, tail and panties between the hind legs.
Dealing with shedding is easy if you have a quality tool. In our online store you can purchase a slicker for your beloved pet:
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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING L anti-shedding attachment for large breed cats (1 pc)
1 PC
1 659 ₽
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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING S anti-shedding attachment for small breed cats (1 pc)
1 PC
1 535 ₽
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If your cat is restless, take a short break, pet it, give it the opportunity to assume a comfortable position, and then gently turn it as you treat one or another area of the body.
Before brushing your pet for the first time, read the instructions for the device - where the manufacturer describes in detail how to use a specific model.
Why is this necessary?
Many factors indicate the benefits of regular brushing of animals.
Firstly, the visual effect - after combing, the fur becomes sparkling, beautiful and smooth.
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Secondly, it is useful for the condition of the cat’s skin - the appearance of tangles is prevented and dead hair is collected.
Thirdly, practicality, because the combed wool is carefully thrown into the trash bin, and does not lie all over the house, clinging to clothes and other objects.
Fourthly, in this way, the person helps the cat not to swallow fur when carrying out the procedure in the form of licking on its own, relieving it of possible troubles with the gastrointestinal tract.
Precautionary measures
In order not to cause discomfort to the cat or damage the skin and fur, the tool should be used in compliance with the following measures:
- do not try to untangle long pile tangles with it;
- use only brushes of the appropriate size;
- Do not use for combing wet and dirty wool;
- do not use if there are wounds, scratches, or inflammatory processes on your pet’s skin - you must first consult a veterinarian and follow his recommendations;
- Do not use for grooming animals of breeds that do not have undercoat.
Before the first combing, you need to understand how the device works and how to use it correctly. After use, the Furminator should be cleaned and capped.
Photos of combs for cats
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How to distinguish an original instrument from a fake?
It is important to know how to choose a good quality furminator. Sometimes stores offer very cheap devices. You won’t be able to save money on such a purchase - the tool practically doesn’t work, which is why negative reviews about furminators often appear.
You can choose an original device and distinguish it from a fake by the following criteria:
- the blades between the teeth should be slightly curved, not straight;
- at the top of the package there should be the inscription “anti-shedding tool” in 4 languages;
- the handle has a metal base with a rubber lining; in cheap counterfeit devices it is most often made entirely of rubber.
Before purchasing in a store, you can select and compare several products - the original ones will have different numbers on the blades, while the fake ones will have the same numbers. You can also see the distributor's sticker on the original packaging.
Article information
This article was co-authored by. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. He has been working at the same animal clinic in his hometown for over 20 years.
Category: Cat Health
In other languages:
Español: cuidar las patas de un gato, Italiano: Prendersi Cura delle Zampe del Gatto, Français: prendre soin des pattes d'un chat, Deutsch: Die Pflege von Katzenpfoten
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