Clumber spaniel dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

The Clumber Spaniel is an English breed of hunting dog with French roots. Outwardly, he is very different from other representatives of the large spaniel family, but is not inferior to them in working qualities. He has a calm, balanced character, loyal and obedient. It is unpretentious in terms of maintenance and does not require complex care.

Description and features

The Clumber Spaniel dog is a versatile hunter. He is able to get a bird not only on his own, but also by collaborating with other animals. Suitable for both pack and solitary hunting. Officially, the birthplace of this unusual breed is England.

But some breeders argue that we should thank not only the British, but also the French for its appearance. It is believed that the dog's ancestor was a European aristocrat named Noaille. He experimented with crossing some spaniels with basset hounds. Their result was the birth of a sweet, friendly and very cute dog.

With the outbreak of the French Revolution, Noaille became concerned that his brainchild might be kidnapped, so he decided to transport it to one of the English estates called Clumber. Its owner was the famous hunter throughout Great Britain, the Duke of Newcastle. It was he who gave the breed the name as we know it today.

He himself had never been involved in dog breeding. However, the idea of ​​spreading the dexterous and beautiful animal around the world came to the Duke’s mind. Just a few years after the dog was transported to England, its popularity quickly spread throughout the country.

Every second count or duke dreamed of hunting with him. What about aristocrats, this dog even lived in the royal palace! Her most famous admirer is Prince Albert, who married Queen Victoria. Their children also treated the spaniel with love, using him not only as a hunter, but, first of all, as a friend.

At the end of the 19th century, the breed was recognized by the American Canine Association, after which it quickly spread throughout the world. With the outbreak of World War II, the population of spaniels, like many other dogs, declined significantly.

New attempts by aristocrats to breed hunting dogs helped stabilize their numbers. In modern Great Britain, every 5 families contain this wonderful animal.

The breed has a special feature - an intelligent look. The Clumber Spaniel in the photo is depicted as proud, independent and self-satisfied. This impression is deceptive. The beast quickly becomes attached to people, learning tenderness and humility. Behind his stern gaze lies devotion and love.

Interesting ! Clumber differs from other spaniels in being less mobile. For him to start running around the house and jumping merrily, something very joyful must happen, for example, meeting his owner after a long separation. These dogs like peace.

Representatives of this breed rarely react violently to anything, as they prefer to remain cool. They do not rush around the house like Spitz dogs, do not scour the yard, sniffing out various tracks, like the Weimaraner, and do not rush at strangers behind the fence of the house, like the Alabai.

The peculiarity of the clumber is its tranquility. It seems that nothing in the world can disturb their peace. But there is a category of people that provokes him to emotions - alcoholics. Spaniels do not like drunken subjects whose consciousness is clouded. They bark at them and may even bite them.

The Clumber Spaniel is able to follow the scent of a hunt and bring back prey.

This animal does not need a long walk, like, for example, a shorthaired pointer or a German shepherd. It would prefer to stay at home and bask in the sun than to go with its owner to the city on business.

However, we should not forget about its hunting purpose. Nature has endowed each spaniel with an excellent sense of smell and an agile body. Therefore, at least once a year, it is recommended to go out into forest areas with your dog.

History of the origin of the Clumber Spaniel breed

There is no exact information about the origin of the breed. The first information about such hunting dogs dates back to the end of the 18th century. They were bred by the Duke of Newcastle on the Clumber estate. He was an avid hunter and loved dogs. These massive, hardy spaniels with a good-natured character quickly gained popularity among the nobility. Their lover was Prince Albert and other members of the royal family.

Researchers believe that these spaniels were brought to Great Britain from France, where they were bred by the Duke of Noailles. He crossed Alpine Spaniels and Basset Hounds. That's why the dogs have such an unusual appearance. But during the French Revolution, he took all the dogs to Great Britain.

At the beginning of the 20th century, these spaniels began to be presented at exhibitions. The English Kennel Club officially recognized the breed and developed a standard. Due to the world wars, its numbers have greatly decreased. Fans did not let the breed disappear, but even now it is quite rare.

Breed standard

The Clumber Spaniel breed is a large breed. The growth of females is up to 48 cm in height, and males are up to 53 cm. A larger individual cannot be considered a purebred. The weight of an animal depends on its diet. Spaniels are prone to obesity, so it is important not to overfeed them.

The normal weight range is 30 to 40 kg. If the weight of a male dog is greater than this mark, the exhibition organizers do not have the right to select him for participation. The owner of such a dog will probably be asked to put him on a diet.

The dog has soft fur of varying lengths. It is shorter on the back, head and sternum than on the paws and abdomen. By the way, in some places the Clumber’s fur is curly. Its color is snow-white. But there are practically no monochromatic individuals. More often they are born with brownish-red spots on the ears and face. Less commonly, such spots are found on the back or stomach.

Dogs have an elongated body shape, strong limbs, a small head in harmony with an elongated neck. The nose is large and red. The cheeks, like all spaniels, droop, covering the jaw. The ears are large, triangular, thin.

A fold of skin hangs over the eye, so it seems that the animal is always squinting. But, in an excited state, she rises and opens a view of round black eyes. According to the standard, the iris can be light. The tail of dogs is short and fluffy. Often stands upright while tracking birds while hunting.

Interesting ! The position of a dog's tail can indicate its mood. For example, if it is lowered down, the dog is upset, and if it stands straight, it is concentrated.

Possible diseases

The animal belongs to the breeds that can adapt to any weather conditions. But there are some anatomical features that are prerequisites for certain diseases. In particular, we are talking about problems of an ophthalmological nature. Clumbers often suffer from entropion of the eyelids - external and internal.

Dry eye syndrome is also possible. In addition, the breed is prone to allergic reactions, which can be to homemade food and plant pollen. Each case is individual and requires close attention of specialists.

Droopy ears are always a risk for otitis media and other infections. Sometimes problems of the musculoskeletal system may occur - dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints. More often the disease is hereditary and can lead to lameness and arthritis.

Among endocrine disorders, hypothyroidism is possible - insufficiency of thyroid function. Any of the diseases requires medical intervention. Timely diagnosis and prevention will help your pet cope with illnesses or avoid them altogether. The average life expectancy is 10-14 years.


The dog rarely barks at people, as he treats them with love. She knows nothing about anger. Nature has not endowed the breed with aggression, suspicion and similar qualities. Even if the Clumber sleeps peacefully at your feet, rest assured, love overwhelms him. By the way, such dogs express this strong feeling through tactile contact, that is, pressing against the body.

How to understand that a dog loves you? Very simple. The animal will accompany the person she likes. But she will share a sleeping place with only one, her owner. Spaniels love to fall asleep in the arms of their owner. Even during sleep, the connection between man and animal is strengthened.

Clumbers also tend to be peaceful. If you watch them for at least half an hour, you will probably think that these animals are in harmony with the whole world. There is little in this life that can awaken a volcano of emotions in them. Even when hunting birds they behave like aristocrats. Proudly, slowly and arrogantly they approach their prey.

In contact with other pets of the owner, they are friendly and compromising. They never conflict or compete. The Clumber Spaniel understands that he is loved in the family, so he does not fight for “pearls.” In addition, he enjoys animal company as well as human company.

However, noisy parties are not at all among his interests. When cheerful people who radiate energy come into the house, the animal will go in search of a quiet corner. He likes living beings that are calm and not prone to aggression.

This is precisely why the dog tries to avoid noisy babies. But he treats older children friendly and with curiosity. A calm Clumber Spaniel will not play tag with them or encourage them to be active, but will happily fetch a ball or stick.

Clumber is the toughest of all spaniels.

Do not think that this dog, because of its passivity, is insensitive. The families in which she lives will confirm that sadness frightens and repels her. As soon as your beloved animal starts to cry, it will immediately come to comfort him. Usually, in such situations, it lowers its muzzle into the lap of the sad owner and tries to take over his pain. Isn't that nice?

You can call such a dog a phlegmatic person. It is perfect for a sedentary beginner who has never had a dog in the house before. Remember, if a spaniel is watching you, this does not mean that he needs something. The dog often fixates its gaze on its owner and thinks about its own things. This can be considered an indicator of her trust.

The animal's aristocratic manners do not allow it to show fear. If it feels awkward next to a stranger, it will prefer to move away rather than make contact, much less sniff him.

This dog is well suited for diligent people who are indifferent to active recreation. Of course, you can take him with you on an outing, but do not count on the manifestation of his joy in this case.

There is a trait in his character that many would consider negative - uncertainty, harmonizing with slowness. Before deciding to take a specific step, for example, meeting a guest, a Clumber will think several times. This may take a couple of minutes.

Cavalier King Charles

The name itself suggests that the breed is truly royal. These small dogs were favorites at the English court. The dogs' closest relatives and direct ancestors are the King Charles Spaniels (named after the first breeder, Charles the Second), which were bred in Great Britain for hunting work. Their muzzle was elongated, and their size was not suitable for palace chambers. Therefore, breeders mixed the blood of Japanese Chins and Tibetan Spaniels to create small puppies with a round, flat face.

An absolutely calm pet, not aggressive even towards small animals. Suitable for apartment living, gets along well with cats and children. Cavaliers are characterized by real royal poise and poise. They love to be in the spotlight and cope with any competitions and exhibitions. Dogs without a pedigree cost 45-50 thousand, and high-quality puppies cost 60-80 thousand rubles.


There are about 10 varieties of spaniels, and the Clumber is one of them. In addition to him, this group included:

  • Field. Large dogs are brown. Their peculiarity is hanging long ears with wavy hair.
  • English Springer. The best hunter in the group. A small but bright dog with strong legs. The coat is long, slightly curly.
  • American cocker. The most striking representative, who is often shown at exhibitions. The Cocker's coat is delicate and very long, so it is cut and smoothed.
  • English cocker. Loving, inquisitive and nimble dog. An excellent comrade and hunter.

  • Irish merman. The animal's fur resembles a large fur coat that protects from the cold. The dog is an excellent swimmer, easily catching fish even from deep water.
  • Sussex. An ideal dog for pair hunting. It can track prey in the thickets and notify its owner about it with a loud bark.

  • English toy. Very similar to a reduced Clumber. A small but very nimble animal with white and brown fur.

  • Welsh Springer. The friendliest spaniel, trusting his owner infinitely.

  • Tibetan. It has a flattened muzzle and a long bushy tail. The dog's weight is up to 6 kg.

  • Russian hunter. The dog is notable for the fact that in addition to hunting, it also performs guard duty.

American Water Spaniel

The breed is not very widespread in the world, but is popular in its homeland - the USA. Small curly dogs of brown color, reaching 38-46 cm at the withers. There is a version that the animals originated from the Irish Water Spaniel (confirmed by the similarity of appearance) or from the Curly-Coated Retriever. One way or another, this symbol of the state of Wisconsin does an excellent job of hunting hare and waterfowl.

This is an intelligent, perceptive pet with good instincts that is easy to train. Animals quickly become attached to their owner and protect his family and home. Spaniels are good swimmers, fast and agile. The average price for puppies is 55-65 thousand rubles.

Maintenance and care

Since representatives of this breed are slow and inactive, keeping them exclusively in a house with a large plot of land is not necessary. You can make your animal happy even by living with him in a 2-room apartment. But, we must take care of organizing his leisure time.

Important ! The Clumber Spaniel must have comfortable furniture on which it will lie most of the day. It would also be a good idea to put a pillow under his head.

Since the animal is not at all prone to hyperactivity, preferring to lie on a soft lounger for a long time, it is recommended to take some time to create comfortable conditions for it. You should set up your dog’s “home” on the first day of his life with you. She needs to know where to sleep/eat/go to the toilet, etc.

In addition to a bed with a pillow, be sure to make sure that the dog is comfortable eating. Since spaniels grow quickly, we recommend purchasing bowls for them on a footstool, the height of which can be adjusted manually. If you notice that the animal is uncomfortable during the meal, change the position of the bowls by raising or lowering them.

Clumber coats require daily brushing.

It is also worth purchasing toys for him. The Clumber Spaniel puppy is quite active and inquisitive. He may be interested in bright and soft objects. For educational purposes, assign one or more to him.

The best way is to buy a soft multi-colored ball. Not only dogs, but also cats love to play with him. Therefore, if your house is full of animals, then, with this item, they will be able to occupy themselves. Representatives of the breed do not require a specific approach to care. Traditional things that the owner should systematically do to them:

  1. Wash your face.
  2. Brush your teeth.
  3. Comb the fur.
  4. Bathe.
  5. Give flea medication.
  6. Give medicine for worms.

Regarding the last two points. They are extremely important. Even if your dog has almost no contact with other dogs (potential carriers of parasites), be sure to give him medicine for preventive purposes.

Note! If your dog whines and constantly scratches his ear while tilting his head, he may have picked up a tick. There are a lot of folk remedies to combat them, but we recommend trusting your veterinarian.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

To prevent the Clumber from getting sick, he will have to be vaccinated. A purebred dog, even if there is no pedigree, must be registered with a veterinary clinic. It is also advisable that he have a passport. This document records all the diseases suffered by him, and also notes the vaccinations he received.

To ensure that your pet does not pick up parasites, regularly treat its long fur with special medications. It is better that they are prescribed by your personal veterinarian who vaccinated him.

Due to drooping eyelids, Clumber Spaniels often have eye problems.

An animal suffering from an upset stomach must be shown to this specialist. If a dog's digestive system is disrupted due to overfeeding, it may require intramuscular injection of a stomach stimulating drug.

Note ! It is not always possible to take your dog to the hospital for injections every day, so if they need to be given, you will have to learn how to do it yourself. Administering medicine to a dog is not at all difficult. To do this, without her noticing, pull the withers a little back and inject, but do not insert the needle too deeply. Usually, dogs are not even aware of this manipulation.

Since the animal is quite large, it is susceptible to joint dysplasia. If you notice that it is heavy on its paws and walks strangely, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

To prevent the Clumber from becoming a victim of viruses, he is vaccinated. The first procedure is carried out at the age of 8 weeks. A few days before this, the dog is treated for fleas and helminths. 21 days after the first injection, revaccination is carried out.


The owner of this breed of dog should not forget about its tendency to obesity. Overeating is bad for her. If the dog has not finished what you gave him, you should not leave it unattended. Remove the bowl and offer it to him after a few hours.

One of the Clumber Spaniel's dishes should contain clean water. It should be changed daily. You should not scold an animal for drinking a lot. If you decide to give food, then determine one type of it, that is, dry or canned. Eating both products at the same time can cause your dog to vomit and have diarrhea.

The second method is natural feeding. You can give your pet soups, boiled cereals, chicken and dairy products. All this is well and quickly absorbed by his stomach. But you should not give him too hot or cold foods. It is advisable that they be at room temperature.

Since the dog is inactive, it is recommended to fill his bowl a little at a time. During one meal he should eat no more than 350 grams of food. You should feed him no more than 3 times a day.

How to properly care

It is not difficult to care for these dogs, the main thing is to accustom them to all hygiene procedures from early childhood.

Wool and bathing

The coat should be combed with a massage brush and a furminator every 3-5 days, and during shedding - daily.

You should bathe your dog as needed, on average 1-2 times a month, using shampoo and conditioner for soft coats.


Clean the wax, dust and dirt that have accumulated in them weekly by wiping the inside of the ear with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide or a special lotion.


Wipe daily with a soft cloth or lint-free cloth soaked in chamomile infusion or warm boiled water.


Brush several times a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs - this serves to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar.


In individuals who walk a lot often, they wear off on their own . If this does not happen, they need to be trimmed monthly with a guillotine nail clipper.

Too long claws interfere with the correct placement of the paws.

Lifespan and reproduction

Large hunting dogs that are regularly supervised by their owner, eat well and do not get sick, live a long life, at least 14 years. The average lifespan of spaniels is 12-14 years. They are allowed to knit after reaching puberty, that is, starting from 2 years.

The male is the receiving party. His owner must give the owner of the bitch a warm welcome and introduce the animals. The male must smell the female's heat and show sexual interest in her. Since spaniels are peace-loving animals, they rarely show aggression towards each other at the time of mating.

Behavior and temperament

This is a hunting dog that was used to retrieve game killed by a hunter. But a hunter and dog lover can live happily and comfortably with him.

A dog of this breed behaves unobtrusively and is sensitive to the slightest manifestations of the owner’s attention to it.


  • smart;
  • non-aggressive;
  • calm;
  • devoted;
  • affectionate;
  • does not like to fuss, behaves with dignity;
  • unobtrusive, but sociable;
  • friendly.

Clumber spaniels have no disadvantages, except for the complete lack of guarding qualities . Nevertheless, the dog is distrustful of strangers.


The Clumber Spaniel is a very rare breed. In Russia there are practically no private owners who raise these dogs on their own. Therefore, you can only buy them in a nursery. The average price of a Clumber Spaniel is $700. In the capital's dog clubs it can exceed $1,000. You can buy this wonderful four-legged friend in the following cities:

  • Magnitogorsk
  • Moscow.
  • Kaliningrad.
  • Ekaterinburg.

It is there that there are nurseries in which the issue of breeding puppies is well controlled.

Interesting Facts

Over the years of the breed’s existence, a lot of interesting things have accumulated:

  • The Clumbers were favorites of crowned heads, including Prince Albert and his son Edward VII. The breed was revived in the 20s of the 20th century by the English King George V.
  • Clumber Spaniels serve as guide dogs for blind and deaf people. They can be trained to read lips, and then they will become indispensable companions for the mute.
  • Clumbers are a small breed. An average of 200 puppies are born in the United States each year.
  • Clumbers are very silent and even when hunting they rarely speak. To determine the location of a spaniel, owners have long hung special bells on the dog.
  • Clumber puppies are born pure white. Lemon or light orange markings appear on their body by 3 months.

Education and training

Remember ! You need to buy an active, playful and curious puppy.

The dog's memory and intelligence are excellent. She grasps everything instantly, from her nickname to complex tricks. Able to distinguish household members not only by smell, but also by leashes and timbre of voice.

The Clumber Spaniel chooses as its owner a self-confident and fearless person who knows how to bear responsibility for himself and others. Usually, it becomes a man. Physical strength is not a parameter of choice in this case.

When an animal clearly understands who its owner is, it becomes controllable. To prove leadership to him, it is necessary to teach obedience. Any time your dog does bad things, such as chewing shoes or urinating on the carpet, he should be scolded.

No, you can’t hit your pet, but you can let him sniff a spoiled object and throw him out of the room, shouting at him. This is a traditional way of reprimanding bad dog behavior in the house.

But education should not be based solely on the stick, because there is also a carrot. When working with your dog, for example, teaching commands, treat it with something tasty, for example, unsweetened cookies (sold in pet stores). By receiving a treat, an intelligent animal connects its obedience and the possibility of reward. Thus, he learns that obeying is good and pleasant.

However, the owner of such a breed should not count on an easy path in training it. The dog often shows stubbornness, but not because it has a proud disposition, but because of laziness. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the Clumber is one of the most sedentary hunters. He is the laziest among spaniels. That is why we recommend using “sweets” that will become a motivator for him.

No matter how the owner treats the dog, it always strives to please him. The desire to please a loved one is another powerful incentive to learn. But, if you are not trying to teach your spaniel the traditional “dog set” of commands, he is unlikely to be upset.

Advice ! If you dream of your pet following complex commands, but you just can’t get him to train, we recommend seeking help from a dog trainer, a specialist in dog behavior. He will select an educational strategy based on the individual character traits of the animal.

What you should definitely never do when training a Clumber Spaniel is hit him or raise your voice at him. Aggression is not characteristic of beautiful aristocratic breeds, so its manifestation on the part of a person will be difficult for them to perceive. The anger of a loved one can upset an animal so much that it will forever lose trust in him. Let's look at a few rules for handling a dog at home:

  1. If there is no extra space on the sofa, do not ask household members to move to make room for the dog. He must understand that he occupies the lowest position in this family. This is the only way it will become manageable.
  2. Do not allow guests to treat him with table scraps.
  3. Send your dog to the bed every time you are unhappy with his behavior.
  4. Don't let her sleep with you if she has done something wrong.
  5. Walk your pet several times a day, even if it doesn't want to go to the toilet.
  6. Don't ignore his need to communicate with his own kind.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clumber Spaniels are characterized by calmness and good nature; they are not familiar with aggression and anger. Dogs get along well with children, love to play, but are not intrusive. They get along well with other pets in the house and are not very demanding in their maintenance. Clumbers are very smart, understanding, their upbringing is not difficult, but requires calm and restraint.

These dogs are characterized by slowness and a certain sense of laziness; in addition to their considerable weight, this can affect the dog’s health, so the Clumber needs to be walked regularly and given moderate physical activity in the form of play or training. It is imperative to monitor the condition of the coat, ears and eyes, and control the correct diet and diet.

Nowadays, the popularity of Clumber Spaniels has gradually begun to increase due to the unique positive and attractive qualities of the breed. Interest in dogs is reinforced by the emergence of new specialized nurseries and the organization of exhibitions. The latter are periodically held in different countries, where breeders demonstrate not only the abilities of their pets, but also offer them for mating and the purchase of young individuals.

Write in the comments, leave reviews, impressions, any information about ongoing and planned exhibitions, the location of nurseries, the owners and breeders of these wonderful dogs. Share your experience of keeping and raising your pets.

History of origin

The origins of this breed are not among the brightest. The Clumber Spaniel got its name from the Clumber Park estate, where the breed first appeared in 1875 as a French gift from breeders to the Earl of Newcastle. It was there that the main breeding of spaniels began. In the 1980s, the Clumber Spaniel was one of the breeds that was classified as very rare. After all, even the British noted that seeing a dog of this breed on the street is very rare.

The massiveness and slowness of the spaniel attracted hunters who needed to pave the way during the hunt. These dogs perfectly trampled overgrown terrain, as a result of which hunters were able to get into hard-to-reach places. A new wave of interest in this breed came after 1991, when the Clumber Spaniel won a dog show. This good-natured breed quickly began to expand not only in Belgium, France and England, but also in the rest of Europe, as well as the United States.

Previously, these dogs were used to guard farms, often hunting with the help of specially trained birds of prey, which is why they were nicknamed “bird dogs.” While the ancestors of long-haired hounds were specialists in hunting small game, the ancestors of the spaniel chased hares out of hiding, thereby giving the signal for the release of a hawk. Later, when the bird was replaced by a firearm, the Clumber Spaniel managed to bring the animal as close as possible to the hunter so that he could fire a shot. British hunters did not demand more from these dogs. In order to bring the killed animal, they used other dogs - retrievers.

Characteristics of the Clumber Spaniel

Attachment levelHigh
Child friendlyHigh
Loyalty to other petsHigh
Exercise needsAverage
Energy levelAverage
Learning abilityHigh
Tendency to barkShort
Shedding amountAverage

Hunting Dog Health

All hybrid species have an increased risk of developing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and eyes. An unhealthy diet increases the risk of developing allergies.

Preventive vaccinations will help prevent the situation from developing in a negative way. If a dog actively walks outside, then during the hot season it is treated against ticks. You can use a vaccine or a collar.

The breed has an increased risk of developing dysplasia.

It is necessary to monitor the animal’s weight, because spaniels are prone to obesity. Due to the structure of the ears, otitis media can develop. If the disease is not eliminated in time, it will lead to deafness.

The first vaccination is given to the puppy at 2 months. Next, revaccination is performed in the period from 3 to 4 weeks. There is also a second scheme. It involves four vaccinations, which are given after a year.

How and what to feed

These dogs can snatch food left unattended on counters or tables, and despite their somewhat short stature, these dogs are surprisingly good at negotiating vertical challenges to steal snacks.

Feed your Clumber Spaniel a moderate quality dog ​​food. They are food motivated, so treats can be an effective learning incentive, but don't overfeed these dogs. Especially with a long, low stance, adding weight can put undue stress on your back and lead to problems such as joint strain.


  • Easily adaptable and well suited even for apartments
  • Docile nature with little aggression
  • Easy to learn


  • Drools and sheds heavily
  • Tendency to absorb foreign objects
  • Predisposition to various diseases

Purpose of the breed and training

American Cocker Spaniels have firmly taken their place as pets and companions, but have not lost their hunting instincts. We said above that cockers are a gun breed, the purpose of which is to bring shot game, in particular poultry. The animal easily learns both to bring prey and to raise birds from hiding, but long hair will prevent the cocker spaniel from making its way through grass, bushes or swamps. Therefore, show dogs do not participate in hunting; if a pet is purchased in order to walk under the gun, the owner must provide a comfortable length of fur for it.

American Cocker Spaniel on the hunt

To train an animal to be useful in hunting, it is worth taking special training courses with it. Training cockers includes several stages that are practiced until complete mastery: standing, reaching, intimidating and bringing in game. The dog will also be taught to work with a clicker or whistle, introduced to different types of game, and taught that the bird should be handed over to the owner, and not feasted on alone. But, before you go for training, you need to go through a basic training course with your puppy.

As the name implies, this course includes basic skills for every dog: the ability to walk next to the owner’s leg, come when called, learning the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” and others. Basic training is very important for American Spaniels, because they are restless by nature, and their hunting instincts awaken at the most inopportune moments. A responsible owner who wants to achieve mutual understanding with the dog and learn how to manage it competently will definitely take group or individual classes with a dog handler.

Any active activity will be a joy for a cocker spaniel

If the owner of an American Cocker Spaniel does not intend to take the animal hunting, you can choose other sports where the dog can burn off energy and enjoy movement and working together with the owner.

Thus, American cockers perform well in agility. This is a sport involving the interaction between dog and owner. The pet’s task is to accurately and in the shortest period of time go through a course with obstacles, such as a “snake”, barriers of various configurations, tunnels, logs (booms), swings and the like. At the same time, the dog is in “free flight”; it should not be wearing a collar, much less a leash.

Cockers perform well in frisbee - competitions for catching a flying saucer. Another sport in which a cocker spaniel can warm up and even get tired is coursing. Coursing is fun for dogs with hunting skills. A mechanism is installed in a certain area that moves an artificial hare along a selected trajectory. In this case, the “prey” may unexpectedly change direction, freeze or accelerate. Coursing is good because the animal not only realizes its hunting potential, but also learns to make decisions, not get lost in unexpected situations, and in general gets physical exercise.

American Spaniels are active and energetic dogs.

You can also do tracking work with representatives of the breed - the hunter's instinct greatly helps cockers in this. An excellent sense of smell allows American Cocker Spaniels to be very useful. Dogs of this breed work to search for missing people and help police officers search for drugs. What is especially convenient for operatives is that spaniels are small in size and have a calm, friendly character. This allows dogs to work in crowded places: airports, train stations, without scaring others. Also, with spaniels they check public transport that crosses borders - trains and buses, and their compact size allows the animal to easily work in narrow passages and cramped spaces.

American Cocker Spaniels are worked with by rescue workers and volunteers focused on searching for people. The spaniel works well in both wooded or field areas, as well as rubble (stone and snow). Small size and weight also play an important role in the search abilities of spaniels. Firstly, the animal can maneuver between trees, overcome various obstacles and go through many places without the risk of falling through. Secondly, the handler can carry a small dog for some time in order to deliver it to the right place, avoiding a dangerous area.

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