Puli (Hungarian Shepherd) - description, history, characteristics of the breed

An excellent shepherd, a good hunter, a swimmer, an obedient student - all this is about the Puli dog breed. She surprises with her ability to jump on the backs of sheep and drive them to pasture, while sitting on horseback. The dog is calm, easy to train, and its character is perfectly suited for herding livestock. The breed is “pure” - it has not been crossed with others. There was experience of mating a bullet with a German shepherd, but the result did not impress the dog breeders. They believe that the character, appearance and endurance of dogs do not need to be improved, they are ideal.

History of the breed

The first information about Puli shepherd dogs dates back to the second half of the tenth century. People did not take part in its creation. All changes are made by nature, naturally.

Bullets with a white coat are considered to be purebreds. Those with dark coats have ancestors in whose veins the blood flows mixed with other types of shepherd dogs (German, French).

The birthplace of the bullet is Hungary. But there are two versions of how these dogs got to Hungarian lands:

1. Bullets were brought to Hungary in the thirteenth century by the Cumans from Syria and India. 2. The bullets arrived in Hungary from China along with the nomads. There is a possibility that Hungarian Shepherds and Tibetan Terriers have common ancestors.

The development of the breed took place in Hungary. The name “Puli” itself appeared in 1751. Initially, the only purpose of the Hungarian Shepherd was herding, guarding and driving livestock to other pastures.

But the bullets performed their service only during the daytime. Due to their not too large dimensions, the owners did not trust them with their flocks, fearing that at night they would not be able to protect the sheep from large predators. Therefore, at night they were replaced by kuvasz, larger and more powerful dogs.

Over time, when the number of farmers keeping flocks of sheep decreased, Hungarian water dogs began to be used during hunting for fetching and as gun dogs.

The popularity of the bullet is growing not only in its homeland. European countries also appreciated and accepted these amazing animals. Americans have a special attitude towards them, all because of their fur, reminiscent of the hairstyles of Rastafarians. In the mid-twentieth century, Hungarian Shepherds entered the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Hungarian Puli training

The Puli dog needs training and development of the right character, as it can sometimes be stubborn, independent, and disobedient. In addition, these dogs are very inquisitive, they may not obey their owner in the park when they hear an interesting smell, they can bark loudly at night and even howl.

Therefore, pay great attention to cancellation commands, as well as the development of obedience. Sometimes you have to be firm and strict, otherwise progress will not happen. Don't forget about adequacy, patience and kindness.

Breed standard

In 1915, the first standard of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog was adopted officially, at the international level. At first, representatives of the breed were divided into 4 species, which were distinguished by height at the withers:

1. Dwarf - about 24 cm. 2. Small - up to 38 cm. 3. Working - up to 42 cm. 4. Large - at least 47 cm.

Due to the fact that not all varieties could cope with herding work, and because of this they were less in demand, changes were made to the standard in 1924. Now only Hungarian Shepherd dogs of medium height were recognized.

According to the existing standard, the weight of adult bullets is 10-15 kg. , height about 37-45 cm .

A distinctive feature of the water dog is its long cords of wool, like those of the Rastafarians. The eyes are almost completely hidden under the fur, and the lush tail, curled over the back, blends so tightly with the general coat that the rise of the back line (from the withers to the croup) is visually visible.

In general terms, the body type has a square format. The muscles are well developed, although the long coat hides both the muscles and the curves of the body.

A small round head rests on a muscular, not too long neck. The hanging ears are V-shaped.

The dark eyes are not too large, set obliquely. The eyelids are not droopy. The look is lively, indicating the mind and developed intelligence of the bullet.

The muzzle is not sharp. The nose is small and black. Lips are not drooping. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The back line is straight, the loin is short. The chest is deep. The croup is slightly sloping.

The limbs are straight with well-developed muscles. The structure of the front and hind legs is the same. The pads are elastic. The stride is wide, the trot gives way to jumps. The movements are energetic.

The tail is set high and curled into a ring.

The skin is without folds and highly pigmented.

The coat of mature Hungarian Shepherds is flowing and thick. The guard hair is hard and coarse. There is a thin undercoat. The wool hangs to the ground and spontaneously curls into thick cords 20-30 cm long.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, black bullets were considered the most popular. Then the Hungarian Shepherd Dogs with white coats took the lead. Now the following colors of this breed are allowed according to the standard:

1. Black. 2. White. 3. Gray. 4. Deer (there is a black mask on the face). 5. Black with a gray or rusty red tint.

During exhibition shows, white water dogs are judged separately from representatives of the breed with other coat colors.


The portion of an adult dog depends on its size, age, physique, metabolism, and lifestyle. Optimal daily amount: 1-2 cups of high-quality dry food per day, divided into breakfast and dinner.

A simple test will help determine if you are overweight: look at it from top to bottom - you should see your waist. Then place your hands on your back with your thumbs along your spine, fingers splayed down. When pressing lightly, you should feel but not see the ribs. If not, you need to reduce the portion and add physical activity.

Maintenance and care

Photo source: https://kupi-dog.ru/shenki/shhenok-porody-puli-2018_2_puli/
The water dog is able to perfectly adapt to life outdoors and indoors. So such a pet can be kept in an enclosure, in a private house or in an apartment. If the dog lives in the yard, take care of a high fence. The bullet can jump very high, so it can overcome a low fence with ease. Install the enclosure in a place protected from direct sunlight and not in a draft.

When keeping in an apartment, be sure to allocate a place for your pet. Make sure that your Hungarian Shepherd does not suffer from the heat. In the summer, the apartment should have a cool climate, and it is also important that the dog has clean, fresh water available around the clock.

Daily long walks are vital for a water dog. Ten-minute walks a day are not enough; due to such a boring lifestyle, the dog may even get sick or his character will deteriorate.

You need to walk your shepherd twice a day. This takes at least 2-3 hours. At the same time, provide your pet with physical activity. Favorite pastimes are obstacle course running and chasing games. Daily training contributes to the mental and physical development of the animal.

If you take a walk with a bullet in crowded places, near highways, be sure to keep your dog on a leash and muzzle. The fact is that the Hungarian Shepherd has a highly developed hunting instinct. Having seen the intended target, it is capable of rushing after the “victim”, despite the owner’s commands. The ideal place for training a shepherd is a deserted park or yard.

It is necessary to properly care for your pet. If you carry out timely procedures indicated in the list below, your water dog will be healthy and beautiful:

  • Caring for the Puli's long and unusual coat is not difficult. Brushing consists of untangling the dreadlocks with your hands rather than combing out the fur with a brush. Without such procedures, Hungarian Shepherd dog cords may become tangled. The fur on the face and along the underline requires a little shaping as it grows. The lack of shedding makes caring for your dog easier.
  • We bathe only when necessary. Scheduled bathing is recommended once a year. Puli takes a very long time to dry; using a hair dryer in this case can harm both the coat and skin of the shepherd. “Human” detergents cannot be used; buy only special bullets for bathing, intended for dogs with the specified type of coat. The skin of these animals is very sensitive, take this fact into account when choosing a shampoo.
  • Once every 6-8 days we inspect and clean the ears. If you notice excessive accumulations of ear discharge or inflammation, immediately take your pet to a veterinarian.
  • We examine the eyes regularly for inflammation and injury. Wipe as needed if discharge accumulates.
  • Nails rarely need to be trimmed, since active water dogs themselves grind them down on the road surface during walks.
  • To clean your shepherd's teeth, it is recommended to buy special bones, which are sold at a pet store or pharmacy. Although you can use a brush and toothpaste designed for dogs.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on food for your Hungarian Shepherd. Her dimensions are not miniature, but she does not eat much. You can feed the bullets dry ball or natural products. The main thing is that the food is balanced and of high quality.

The diet with a natural feeding method should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat products, and low-fat dairy products. We feed adults once or twice a day. At the same time, you need to adhere to the norms so as not to overfeed your pet. The fact is that representatives of the Hungarian breed are prone to obesity and diabetes.

It is prohibited to introduce the following foods into a water dog’s diet: tubular bones, fatty meat, milk, and sweets.

Best nicknames

The owner has the right to name his pet whatever he likes, so you can find Mudi with a variety of nicknames. But to emphasize the origin of the dog, it is better to give it a beautiful Hungarian name. For girls the following will sound good:

  • Apra (translated as “baby”);
  • Anka;
  • Bodo;
  • Dorca;
  • Kara.

Excellent nicknames for a Mudi dog would be:

  • Fules (“eared ear”);
  • Alpar ("rude");
  • Hugi;
  • JoJo;
  • Ludas, etc.

Mudi is a breed of dog that is distinguished by its activity and disposition to hard work. Such a pet is also suitable for apartment living, the main thing is to provide it with active activities on the street. Hungarian shepherds excel in the sport of agility.


On average, a Hungarian Shepherd can live 12-13 years. Her health is good, her body’s immune defense is strong. These dogs are hardy and mentally stable. This characteristic of the breed, with regard to health, has remained unchanged for several centuries.

It is worth noting the bullet’s predisposition to the following diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism – occurs due to insufficient amounts of hormones in the thyroid gland.
  • Onychodystrophy is a pathology of the claws.
  • Portosystemic shunt is an anastomosis between the veins of the gastrointestinal tract and the caudal vena cava.
  • Erythematous pemphigus - usually occurs on the front of the head (the bridge of the nose and around the eyes), as well as on the ears.
  • Tail shortening.
  • Missing teeth.
  • Dysplasia – brings severe pain, the dog limps and moves little.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dermatitis is a skin disease that requires long-term treatment.
  • Diabetes.


Excellent health allows you to choose any available feeding method. It is better to choose high-quality food, as for other dogs, simply because they contain enough useful substances. Otherwise, the dog will need expensive vitamin complexes to maintain the immune system, bone strength, and so on.

Homemade food should include a large amount of carbohydrates. It is necessary to feed the dog porridge, meat or meat trimmings, bones, cartilage

It is also important to provide vegetables and fruits. Vitamin supplements should not be neglected; they should be mixed into the food daily.

No matter what food is chosen for your dog, he should always have access to clean, cool water.


The Water Shepherd is very attached to its owner and to all family members. The breed's energy supply seems to never end. Therefore, the owner in the form of a homebody will not suit him. Puli is ready to accompany any member of the household, just to be nearby, run, jump and, of course, protect.

The Hungarian Shepherd makes an excellent watchman. At the slightest noise or when strangers come, this dog barks loudly. If the owner, family members or pets are in danger, the Puli turns from an affectionate, intelligent dog into a fearless, formidable guard.

The Shepherd is gentle and protective towards children at home. But he doesn’t show much friendliness towards children from other families. Unfamiliar adults, their children, animals kept in other houses are strangers.

So the puli instinctively strives to keep them out of its territory, protecting and protecting its family. To avoid problems when guests come, the shepherd dog needs to be properly raised and trained.


  • Prone to barking.
  • They love their family, but do not like strangers. They can attack without warning.
  • They are smart, but do not like tedious and monotonous activities.
  • You need to train a Puli puppy as early as possible, then it will be much more difficult to do.
  • They remain active and lively until old age. And they live up to 15 years.
  • Care is difficult, especially once the cords have formed. It is better to contact grooming professionals.

Training and education

Assertiveness in tandem with food and verbal rewards is the basis of training a Hungarian Shepherd. Rudeness and physical punishment are excluded during training. In response to such an appeal, the bullet may completely refuse to carry out commands.

The water dog has a sharp mind and quick wit. Based on these characteristics, she is easy to train. She quickly remembers commands and understands her owner perfectly.

But on the other hand, representatives of the breed have innate stubbornness. They are able to make decisions independently. If the lesson seems boring to such a dog, it may refuse to complete the tasks.

Therefore, it is important to train the bullet in a playful way. It is important to interest your pet. As a result, you can quickly achieve excellent results.

Interesting Facts

  • The Hungarian Water Dog leads its flock in a very unique way. She guides the sheep by jumping on their backs and jumping over them.
  • The water dog loves water (hence the name) and is an excellent swimmer. There is only one problem - after water treatments, long strands of wool dry for about 4 days.
  • Rough treatment of a Hungarian Shepherd by its owner can lead it to deep depression and even cardiac arrest due to the resulting stress.
  • In ancient times, a Hungarian Shepherd puppy was compared in price to a cow. It was impossible to get such a pet cheaper.
  • In most cases, the puli were looked after very poorly; the food of the shepherd dogs was often a few pieces of black bread.
  • In ancient times, for any mistake, the owner could hang a water dog over a well. But even such cruel treatment did not “kill” the love for people in the shepherd dogs.

Appearance of the Hungarian Puli

The appearance of Puli dogs is peculiar, they seem like cute dogs with dreadlocks, but to other dogs and to strangers, it appears to be a very serious dog. Outwardly, it resembles a smaller copy of the Komondor, a breed of shepherd dog.

Bullets are usually divided by color into white and other colors.

Any color may have a white spot on the chest up to 3 cm in diameter and white hair between the toes. The longest coat covers the croup, inner thighs and lumbar region. A combed or bristling coat is undesirable.

Ideal height for Puli dog breed:

  • 41-43 cm – males at the withers;
  • 38-40 cm – bitches at the withers.
  • The weight of females is 10-13 kg, males - 13-15 kg.

Pros and cons of the breed

Puli, with its unusual appearance, has gained popularity in many countries. This dog is perfect for large families, for those who lead an active lifestyle and have a lot of free time to pay attention to their Hungarian Shepherd pet.

Like any other breed, the Puli has its pros and cons, which you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing a puppy.


1. Exotic appearance. 2. Devotion. 3. Excellent guard qualities. 4. Love for children. 5. Unpretentiousness in food. 6. Performance.

How to choose a puppy

  • There is a possibility that to buy a purebred Puli puppy you will have to go to Hungary. After all, the number of such nurseries is very small. According to statistics, America registers only up to 150 Puli puppies per year, while the number of Golden Retrievers is about 60,000.
  • After the conditions for purchasing a puppy have been agreed upon, you need to independently verify its abilities. He must be active, inquisitive, have a playful mood, and bark enough, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.
  • When making a sale, the breeder is obliged to provide you with a veterinary passport with vaccinations, a birth certificate, a photocopy of the pedigree and care recommendations.
  • It is recommended to purchase a puppy between 2 and 4 months old. If you are planning to purchase a show bullet, then a dog 6 months or older will be the best. Their bones are already well formed, the quality of their coat is visible, and they have awards for victories in junior competitions.


The price of a Puli dog starts from 12 thousand rubles and depends on the number of titles and awards the parents have and the puppy’s compliance with the specified breed standards.


  • https://DogGav.ru/porody/srednie/puli-sobaka.html
  • https://cesarsway.ru/poroda-sobak-puli.html
  • https://sobaky.info/puli/
  • https://catfishes.ru/puli-sobaka/
  • https://usatiki.ru/puli/
  • https://iape.ru/dom/pitomtsy/poroda-puli.html
  • https://mirsobaki.ru/puli-sobaka/
  • https://DogCentr.ru/porody-sobak/istoriya-vozniknoveniya-sobaki-porody-puli.html
  • https://porody-sobak.ru/puli-poroda-sobak-opisanie-i-foto/


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