American Pit Bull Terrier: tips on feeding and keeping

The Pit Bull Terrier is an athletic and powerful dog that requires special treatment. There are separate educational approaches and rules of behavior for this breed. There are also feeding habits of these dogs. Feeding such a dog cannot be left to chance. A pit bull must be strong, agile and energetic.

A healthy dog ​​looks a little lean, has good muscles and is not a bit overweight. His stomach should be pulled in and his lower back should narrow in the area of ​​the ribs. Only proper feeding can provide him with the proper appearance and desired shape. What are the feeding features of the American Pit Bull Terrier?

What is the best way to feed a pitbull puppy?

Peculiarities of feeding a pit bull
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed prone to allergic reactions, which means the dog’s diet should exclude possible allergens. The owner of a pit bull always has a choice whether to feed his pet natural food or give preference to specialized ready-made food. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to feed a pit bull with waste from cooking.

Natural food should consist of meat, grains suitable for feeding dogs, and added vegetables and herbs. Even in the process of acquiring a four-legged friend, you need to ask what the puppy eats, what kind of food he is used to, and in general, get detailed advice on the proper feeding of dogs of this breed. A baby that has just been weaned from its mother is fed cow's milk.

American pit bulls grow quite rapidly (you can read up to what age dogs grow). By the age of eight months they reach the size of an adult dog. After this, intensive muscle gain begins. Based on this developmental feature, nutrition must be clearly regulated and aimed at maintaining certain physiological characteristics. Pit bulls have special skin and coat, due to which the dog has a tendency to form subcutaneous wen. Again, this has a direct connection with the products consumed. As soon as at least one formation is discovered, the pet’s diet should be completely revised. It is recommended to exclude flour products and sweets from the menu, and reduce the consumption of foods containing large amounts of animal fats - butter, sour cream, etc.

The basic rules for feeding pit bulls include the following: - never and under no circumstances should you feed your pet food from your own table; - it is strictly forbidden to overfeed pit bulls, this leads to the dog becoming lazy and gaining excess weight; - you shouldn’t starve a dog either; when undernourished, it becomes irritable and restless; - food for a pit bull should not be very hot, but it is better not to give these dogs cold either; pit bulls, like any other spoiled dog, can refuse food, hoping for more tasty food; in this case, you need to show your pet your character and give the pet the opportunity to fast for a couple of days.

To improve your pet's digestion, it is necessary to provide him with a 30-minute rest before and after meals. It is better to give your dog lighter food in the morning, leaving more nutritious meals for the evening feeding. Any dog ​​is fed according to its age, the number of feedings for pit bull puppies should be as follows: - From one and a half to two months of age - 6 times per knock; -From 2.5 to 3 months – 5 times a day; -From 4 to six months – 4 times a day; -From six months to eight months of age, you can switch to three meals a day; -From 8 months, a pit bull can already be fed like an adult dog - twice a day.

In this mode, there is a clear tendency to reduce the number of feedings, and each time the portion should increase until the puppy approaches the regimen of an adult dog.

It is imperative to follow the regime, the water should be changed twice a day. Only the owners should be responsible for feeding the pet; this task should not be entrusted to other people. If the pit bull has started eating, you should not distract it, try to pet it, comb it, etc. Puppies are fed frequently, food should have high nutritional value, portions should be small, this promotes better absorption. Every day the puppy should eat 100 grams of meat, and once or twice a week a portion of offal - heart (chicken, veal), liver (chicken, beef), or beef lung. Every day a puppy needs 40-50 grams of cottage cheese with 2-4% fat content, 100-150 grams of vegetables (grated carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, turnips), 100 ml of milk. It is advisable to give one boiled egg a couple of times a week. It is recommended to feed pitbull puppies with porridge cooked in milk. The following cereals are suitable for this: - oats flakes; -buckwheat; -rice; -millet. A teenage dog (7-8 months old) needs more meat food than an adult pet - 600 grams per day, later the portion can be reduced to 450 grams. Feeding a pit bull with ready-made food

Feeding a pit bull with ready-made food Pit bulls can eat well on ready-made food. Puppies can be switched to it from the age of two months. But this must be done with caution, carefully monitoring the pet’s condition. When choosing the right food, it is best to give preference to premium products and focus on the age of your small pet. To ensure everything goes smoothly, the pet is initially given a few pellets of food as a treat. Then it is necessary to monitor the dog’s condition for two or three days for the manifestation of an allergic reaction or intestinal disorder.

If the puppy feels great, then you can start feeding him ready-made food. For a small pet, the daily portion is 110-120 grams, it must be divided into several times.

Initially, the feed granules are soaked in boiled water, whole milk, low-fat kefir or yogurt. With this type of nutrition, it is very important to provide the animal with free access to drinking water. If we talk about adult American pit bulls, they also need to select high-quality food that is suitable for feeding large dogs. There is a special requirement for the composition - the protein content is not higher than 25%. It is extremely important to maintain a balance of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Excess phosphorus in a dog’s body can cause nervous system problems, for example, the pet may suffer from pathological cowardice. Therefore, many breeders of American pit bull terriers do not recommend introducing food into the pet’s diet, where the main component is fish. Even if the chosen food is perfectly balanced, it is still necessary to regularly treat your pet with raw vegetables and cartilaginous bones. This is necessary to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, especially from the formation of tartar. What not to feed a pit bull

History of the origin of the species

The USA is considered the country of origin of the breed. But the history of the pit bull originated in England. The first American pit bull terriers lived in Spain, Ireland, and Holland. English terriers and bulldogs are their ancestors. There is speculation that British laws that prohibited people from keeping large dogs influenced the appearance of the breed.

The restriction did not include terriers suitable for hunting small animals and bulldogs for guarding. Subsequently, crossbreeding resulted in dogs that combine the agility and mobility of the former and the insensitivity to wounds and courage of the latter.

The word "pit bull terrier" stands for "fighting bull terrier" from the English word pit - pit for fights . Dogs of the breed were called pit dogs, bull terriers, and Yankee terriers . The name pit bull terrier has become official; it reflects the purpose and origin of the breed: fighting bulldog - terrier.

American pit bull terriers were first brought to the New World in the mid-18th and 19th centuries. from England and Ireland. They became famous in America thanks to the organizers of dog fights.

Today it is prohibited to import pit bulls into the European Union; owners from Germany must obtain consent to keep the breed. Often used as service dogs.

Basic diet for a pit bull

The diet of a pit bull should consist of protein foods of animal origin:

  • lean meat - beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • offal – heart, tripe, liver, udder.

Protein is one of the most important nutrients for animals. Its deficiency is fraught with stunting and exhaustion of the pit bull, disruption of vital functions in the body, and deterioration of the condition of the skin and coat.

However, excess protein is harmful because it creates additional stress on the kidneys and liver and leads to allergic reactions. Food of animal origin must be supplemented with other healthy products.

If the pit bull's diet is balanced and varied, the dog will have excellent health.

Is it possible


It is not only possible, but also necessary - feeding raw meat is the best thing you can imagine. Moreover, it is precisely this that should form the basis of the “meat” part of the diet. But at the same time, the meat must be of high quality and fresh. If there are concerns, then meat products can be doused with boiling water.


Why can't you feed your animal pork? In fact, contrary to the stereotype, dogs can eat pork. Of course, it is wiser to refuse meat from freshly killed wild boar, but a lean piece of high-quality meat will only benefit the dog:


Which is better: raw or cooked meat? Raw meat is digestible better than boiled meat, it is healthier for dogs and, of course, it should be preferred over boiled meat.

What type of food to choose

There are 2 approaches to feeding pit bulls at home: natural products and ready-made food. Each of them has its supporters.

Important. It is undesirable to mix different types of food - this is fraught with disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. In an emergency, you can give your pit bull dry kibble at one feeding and “natural” kibble at another.

Ready-made dog food

Pit bulls are suitable for premium and super premium food or holistic food containing 25% protein. They have a balanced composition and fully satisfy the needs of the dog’s body.

Feeding a pit bull with economy-class products sold in any supermarket is extremely undesirable. Such foods do not contain natural meat, but contain harmful flavoring and aromatic additives.

Food for a pit bull is chosen in accordance with the age and characteristics of a particular pet. Manufacturers produce separate lines for puppies, sick, elderly, and sterilized dogs.

The following brands of food are suitable for pit bulls:

  • ProPac;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Monge;
  • 1st Choice;
  • Hills;
  • Bosch;
  • Advance;
  • Orijen;
  • Acana;
  • Pro Plan;
  • GO! NATURAL Holistic;
  • Happy Dog.

You can periodically treat your pit bull with canned food from the same manufacturer as dry food. This will add variety to the daily menu.

Using this calculator, you can find out the daily food intake depending on the condition, activity level and weight of your pet. Read more.

Natural products

Some owners feed their pets exclusively home-cooked natural food, which guarantees its freshness and quality.

Porridge is given only to puppies during the period of active growth.

Grains contain a lot of carbohydrates, which cause your pit bull to gain weight quickly. Dog experts advise replacing them with vegetables and dairy products.

Vegetables are rich in nutrients and dietary fiber.

Beets are given in small portions as they can cause diarrhea. White cabbage is pre-stewed or boiled - in its raw form it provokes bloating.

Vegetables are chopped, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil - you get a real vitamin cocktail. It is allowed to give them along with meat.

Fruits are used as a reward. A pit bull will not refuse a tasty piece of apple, pear, banana or peach.

Every day dogs are fed fermented milk products with low fat content:

3-4 times a week the pit bull is fed boiled chicken or quail eggs. These are sources of protein, folic acid, amino acids and minerals.

If there is no allergy, the pit bull is given fillets of sea fish - mackerel, pollock, flounder, capelin - once a week. If the dog has gained excess weight, this product is used to replace meat. The dog is kept on a diet until its condition returns to normal.

For your information. After eating, the animal should not actively move. In order for food to be well digested, the pit bull needs to rest for 30-40 minutes.

Ready-made feed

Not all owners have the opportunity to feed their pet natural homemade food. Pit bulls feel good eating ready-made dry food. But you can’t choose economy class brands – only premium or super premium. Cheap food contains dyes, waste from cutting meat and other harmful substances.

All lines of quality products have a division by age. Choosing the right dry food for a pitbull puppy or adult dog is not a problem. There are also options for pets with special needs. For example, if you decide to spay or neuter your dog, you should choose food that is labeled as such after surgery. There are hypoallergenic options and complexes for pets during lactation.

It is necessary to continue to feed the puppy what the breeder gave him. Gradually, you can switch to a feeding option that is convenient for you. If the pit bull received natural food, it is necessary to introduce ready-made food little by little. This is done after 2 months of life.

First, the puppy is given a few pellets as a treat. If there is no negative reaction, you can gradually replace natural foods with ready-made formulations. They are soaked in water or broth. At 3-4 months you can give dry food in its usual form.

The finished complex should contain no more than 25% protein. It is important to monitor the balance of phosphorus and calcium - both a deficiency and an excess of these substances will negatively affect the dog’s health. Often breeders choose the following foods:

  1. About Pak (USA). Super premium class. There are different options - for healthy dogs, puppies and lactating females, elderly pets, animals with diseases.
  2. Eukanuba (USA). Premium and super premium class. The line includes more than 50 items, including options for different categories of pets.
  3. Royal Canin (France). Super premium class. Foods are divided into lines according to breed, age, activity, and special needs of pets.
  4. Hills (USA). Premium class. Complexes for dogs with diseases are especially famous.
  5. Probalance (Russia). Premium class. There are lines for adult animals, for pets with high energy consumption, for dogs with diseases.
  6. Savara (UK). Super premium class. There is food for puppies and adult dogs of large breeds.
  7. Gou (Canada). Super premium class. Foods for pets with diseases are especially popular.

Sometimes you can give your pit bull canned food. They come in classic and gourmet varieties. The former can be given more often, and the latter only in special cases, since they contain more protein and dyes.

What not to feed

Pit bulls are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, so they should not be fed any fatty and fried foods, sweets and fast food.

These products provoke the formation of plaques on the walls of the arteries, which leads to impaired blood circulation and heart rhythm disturbances.

It is also prohibited to feed pit bulls the following foods:

  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • river fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • bakery products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • raisins, grapes, mushrooms, potatoes, citrus fruits;
  • spicy and salty dishes.

Food from the human table is contraindicated for dogs.

Important. The food is not too hot and not too cold. Your pit bull should always have access to fresh water.

What you should absolutely not give to a pit bull

Wishing the pet well and health, a caring owner will not feed it from his table. The animal’s diet should also not contain foods such as bread, buns, sweets, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, grapes, fatty meat (for example, pork), fried and salty foods. It is not recommended to give your dog bones, since chewing them can lead to damage to the oral cavity, broken teeth, and getting into the esophagus, trachea, or stomach.

It is not recommended to give milk to an old pit bull that already has any diseases. Otherwise, problems with the digestive system are possible. It is better to increase the amount of fruits in your diet, which contain vitamin C, and treat a family member to an apple or a piece of cheese.

How many times a day to feed

With moderate physical activity, adult pit bulls are fed once a day in the summer, 2 times a day in the winter. During the cold season, the dog spends a lot of energy to keep warm, so it needs additional calories.

The feeding pattern of puppies is completely different. Babies grow quickly, so they are fed much more often:

  • up to 2 months – 6-7 times a day;
  • from 2 to 4 months – 5 times a day;
  • from 4 to six months – 4 times a day;
  • from 6 to 8 months – 3 times a day.

At 9 months, pit bulls are switched to two meals a day. After a year, you can limit yourself to one feeding.

On a note. The pit bull is fed at the same time - then the dog’s digestive system will work like clockwork.

Hygiene procedures

It is enough to wash a pit bull puppy 2-3 times a year, observing the following rules:

  • You should bathe your pet using a special shampoo designed specifically for puppies.
  • Water temperature is approximately 37-38 degrees.
  • When bathing a puppy, there should be no drafts in the room.
  • After washing, the dog should be rinsed thoroughly to remove any remaining shampoo, then wrapped in a soft towel and dried.
  • If necessary, dry the puppy with a hairdryer.
  • For 2-3 hours, the pet is not taken outside while bathing and is protected from drafts.

Caring for your puppy also includes brushing its teeth. This is done using a special dog brush and dog paste.

The pet's ears are cleaned weekly using a cotton swab and a special lotion. The ears should be examined about once a week for mites and inflammation.

As for the eyes, they should be clean and clear; minor discharge is removed with a cotton swab dipped in tea leaves.

The pit bull's coat does not require special care; it is enough to wipe its paws during walks and bathe it 2-3 times a year.

The pet's nails are trimmed using a special nail clipper, which can be purchased at a pet store.

>When is a puppy separated from its mother?

The approximate age of weaning a puppy from its mother is 8-10 weeks.

What to feed a pit bull

Errors in feeding lead to digestive disorders, decreased activity, dull hair and many chronic diseases.

The period up to a year is especially important. At this time, eating habits and the basis for the harmonious development of the pit bull are laid.

1-2 month

The puppies are breastfed for the first month of life. Mother's milk fully covers the nutritional needs of the baby's body.

Then small pit bulls begin to be fed with cow's or goat's milk. Other products are gradually being introduced:

After moving to a new home, the pit bull puppy is fed the same foods that it is accustomed to eating from the breeder.

Approximate diet for a 2 month old baby:

  • whole milk with egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • dairy products;
  • rice, buckwheat or oatmeal with milk;
  • vegetable salad;
  • pieces of meat or cooked offal.

For now, it is enough to give the puppy 100 grams of meat per day.

2-4 month

Milk is gradually removed from the diet, since with age dogs stop absorbing it. At 3 months old, your puppy can already be given fish - it is an easily digestible source of nutrients.

  • dairy products;
  • porridge with meat/fish;
  • vegetable salad;
  • meat/offal.

In order for the puppy to develop properly, vitamin and mineral complexes are introduced into the diet, which are chosen together with the veterinarian.

For your information. Puppies older than 4 months can be switched to ready-made food. The transition should be smooth: first, a quarter of the portion is replaced with new food, after a few days a third, etc.

6 months and older

Puppies continue to actively develop - portions should grow with them. But the amount of porridge is kept to a minimum so that the pit bull does not become overweight.

At 8 months, the puppy stops stretching and begins to actively gain muscle mass. Now porridge can be completely eliminated - the dog no longer needs extra carbohydrates.

At this age, a pit bull should be given about 600-700 grams of meat products per day. When growth stops, the norm is reduced to 450 grams per day.

Adult dog

Adult pit bulls are fed all approved foods. However, the breed has characteristics that need to be taken into account when preparing the diet.

Pit bulls are often diagnosed with hip dysplasia. To prevent the onset of the disease, dogs’ diets include foods rich in collagen and calcium:

From time to time, dogs are given chondoprotectors - drugs that protect joints. They contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates, which have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

The dog shouldn't get fat. Excess weight not only puts stress on the skeleton and internal organs, but is also one of the reasons for the appearance of lipomas (lipomas). This is a benign tumor, which is an overgrown fatty tissue. Under unfavorable conditions, it can degenerate into malignant.

Don't follow your dog's lead and feed him only the food he wants. If the pit bull refuses food, the bowl is removed and taken out again after a couple of hours. Most likely, a hungry dog ​​will eat everything that is offered to him.

At most, the animal is naughty for a couple of days - there is nothing wrong with that.

Important. Light foods are best given in the morning, and more nutritious and satisfying foods in the evening.

Development from 1 to 12 months

AgeSize (height)WeightDescription
1 month20-25 cm2.5-4 kgImmediately after birth, the puppy is almost completely dependent on its mother. Of all the reflexes, he only has: sucking, motor, olfactory and tactile. A newborn baby's ears and ears are closed, and there is no thermoregulation. By the end of the first month, the baby's eyes and ears open and he begins to actively explore the world, eat solid food and play with his fellow tribesmen.
2 months25-30 cm6-9 kgThe 2nd month is called the period of first socialization. At this age, puppies are separated from their mother and find new owners.
3 months30-36 cm9-14 kgThe baby is actively growing, gaining weight and changing significantly in appearance. At this age, the dog’s future exterior begins to be visible, the musculoskeletal system is actively developing and teeth begin to change.
4-5 months35-45 cm14-24 kgThe pet grows and develops at a very fast pace, and a relationship between it and the owner begins to be established. At this age, the change of teeth is completed.
6 months40-48 cm23-28 kgEarly adolescence. The puppy learns the meaning of the hierarchy and tries to find its place in it. At this age, pets can become stubborn and disobedient. Growth and development slow down by the end of the 6th month.
7 months45-50 cm28-35 kgThe puppy begins to show sexual activity, and also tries to take the highest possible place in the domestic hierarchy. At this time, females are already in heat, and males become more active and can show aggression.
8 months48-50 cm30-35 kgAt this age, the puppy increasingly takes on the appearance of an adult dog, and also begins to exhibit character traits that will be characteristic of it throughout its life.
9-12 months48-50 cm30-35 kgBy this age, the pet’s body is almost completely formed. The exterior and character are also formed. If before this time it was not possible to teach the puppy the rules of behavior and commands, now it will be much more difficult to do so.

>To what age do they grow?

By 10-12 months, the puppy’s growth stops and weight gain stops. However, the final formation of the exterior is completely completed by 2.5-3 years.

What to feed during pregnancy and after childbirth?

The diet of a pregnant female is changed starting from 4 weeks - until this point, physiological changes in the body are insignificant.

When the fruits increase in size, the portions are slightly reduced, and the number of meals is increased to 3 times a day. The dog is given more meat, fish and cottage cheese.

Be sure to include feed additives containing vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus.

After the 7th week, the pit bull is fed 4 times a day. But the dog should not overeat. Excess weight is fraught with complications during childbirth.

For your information. Bones and tendons are excluded from the diet because they cause constipation.

A couple of days before giving birth, the dog may refuse to eat. But they still place a bowl of food next to her so that she can eat at any time.

After the birth of pit bull terrier puppies, they continue to feed them intensively 5-6 times a day. When babies begin to be fed, the amount of food is gradually reduced. By the end of lactation, the normal diet is returned.

Natural feeding

If you decide to feed your pit bull natural food, then create a detailed menu for him. It should include meat, vegetables, and sour milk.

An adult dog should be given about 400 grams of lean beef per day. You can give lamb and rabbit meat. Don't forget about offal (liver, heart). Cottage cheese and eggs are also useful. Eggs should be given twice a week. Be sure to include fish, vegetables and fruits in your diet. You can pamper yourself with pita and cheese.

When feeding naturally, it is important to know what not to feed your pit bull terrier.


Sergey, 28 years old, Irkutsk

“My pet is already 3 years old, I don’t skimp on his health - I feed only natural food. I give raw chicken bones (wings, necks, backs), because only boiled and fried ones are harmful. A dog is a predator, so it simply needs such food. In all this time, I have never had any problems with this. The basis of the diet is beef, sometimes skinless chicken. Sometimes I give porridge, but more often I stew vegetables without oil.”

Polina, 31 years old, Moscow

“I feed my girl Flatazor food. I tried different brands, gave her natural food, but she likes this food the most. Pitas are not known for being gluttonous, so I bought an automatic feeder and completely trust my girl. She has no problems with excess weight, her appearance is standard.”

Timur, 24 years old, Saratov

“I’ve been keeping pit bulls for several years now. Now I have 3 dogs - 9, 6 and 5 years old. I feed everyone natural food. Of course, you have to spend time on this, but I read that because of feed, even super-premium food, life expectancy is reduced. I give my strong guys beef offal and cook porridge with milk. All three are crazy about apples and fish.”

Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg

Holistic class food without grains, allergic substances. Contains different types of meat, fish - 55%. It contains eggs, medicinal herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermentation products, vitamin and mineral supplements. Does not contain GMOs.

  • Suitable for any dogs;
  • It has useful composition and properties;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Rich in fiber;
  • Has good taste;
  • Has a low glycemic index;
  • Economical.
  • When eating, there are no problems with the skin, vision, joints, or gastrointestinal tract.


Distinctive features

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • The head is wide in the cheek area. This is explained by the fact that there are powerful jaws there.
  • The neck is muscular and clearly defined.
  • The chest is deep, strong and formed.
  • The body is sculpted with a lot of muscles.
  • The front legs are strong.
  • bite .
  • The lower back protrudes slightly.
  • The coat is smooth, short, shiny and without undercoat.
  • The ears are set high. Their docking is done at the request of the owner.
  • The eyes are small, widely spaced and almond-shaped. Color may vary except blue.
  • The nose can be any color that matches the color of the coat.
  • The hips are big.
  • The tail is of medium length.
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