Moscow dragon dog: standards, history of origin, prices

Moscow dragon breed: history of origin

Biologist Zoya Kostynina began breeding work with this breed back in 1988. From the very beginning, a small number of manufacturers were used. After which, after analyzing the data obtained, it turned out that such dogs are quite often found in the capital of Russia, Moscow, as well as in the region. Very often, owners of the Moscow dragon are persuaded to send their pet to participate in breeding.

There have been cases where representatives of this breed (and very beautiful ones) were picked up on the street. In 1999, an exhibition was held called “Golden Dog-99”. At this event, a dog named Fenya received the title of KRF and took second place in the Best-In-Show judged by A. S. Ivanov. A year later, at the EURASIA-2000 exhibition, the male Barabashka received the first RKF and CAC champion titles in this breed. Soon both dogs became the first Moscow dragons - champions of Russia.

In 2004, the “Moscow Dragon” section of the Kemerovo Kennel Club became members of the National Breed Club.

Where to buy, price

You can buy a Moscow dragon puppy in private nurseries in Russian cities; there are not many of them yet, but the demand for the breed is growing:

  • Novokuznetsk: “Trembling Heart”, “BINFERRIN”;
  • Moscow: “Royal-Puppy”, “MIKHOLESYE”, “DOMOVENOK”.

The price of a puppy in a kennel varies from 4,500 to 10,000 rubles. depending on the exterior and breeding prospects. According to advertisements on the Internet, experts do not advise buying puppies of this breed, because... her phenotype was not fully formed. It would be better to contact a nursery.


This is a small dog with a strong, lean build. Weight ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 kilograms (the best indicator is considered to be a weight of two to three kg). The color of the “dragons” can be any, but spotted and white individuals must have pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids. The coat is straight, well fitting to the animal's body, short according to the gods, and longer and coarser on the tail and along the ridge. A muff forms on the neck of such a dog. The undercoat is present, and it can be either short or long.

The head is slightly rounded, narrow between the ears, with a muzzle that is not downturned or upturned and a developed chin. A fairly deep transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly expressed.

Small, wide-set, oval dark eyes. The ears are thin, long, and can be erect or semi-erect. Very expressive and mobile.

The front legs are small, straight, parallel, the elbows are directed back, and the hind legs are set wide apart, with well-defined articulation angles. The tail is set high in a semi-ring, ring or sickle. It is held above the back or thrown over it.

Interesting Facts

  • In the United States, they refused to use the Dogo Argentino as a police officer, citing “the particular cruelty of the animal when detaining a criminal.” In fact, all the injuries received during the arrest came down to the structure of the dog’s mouth and bite, and not because the dog was disobedient. The capture area is larger, and as a result the bite is more serious. But here we have to think about it, is the dog really to blame? Such an intelligent animal could well learn to grab a criminal by the clothing, or not touch him with its teeth at all. You just had to try and teach him.
  • The prestige of the dog is very high. It is given to politicians, popular personalities, and businessmen as a sign of respect and recognition of strength.
  • The dog's calling card is its snow-white fur. According to the standard, a slight deviation towards a cream or milky tone is allowed. But if you are offered a black dog, know that it is not an Argentinean, but most likely a Corsican or Canarian dog.

Character and content

Since these dogs have a “beard” and “mustache” on their faces, they really resemble little dragons in profile. But this name arose not because of this similarity, but because they have a strong and rather complex character.

This dog is very loyal to its owner. If necessary, the Moscow dragon dog will boldly defend its owner. Although this animal weighs only two kilograms (on average), it, like a dragon, will protect its treasure from everyone who encroaches on it. A representative of this breed is distrustful of strangers. Unlike many other decorative dogs, the Moscow dragon is a dog that is not inclined to bark in vain. Due to the fact that she behaves quietly, she can be kept in city apartments without any problems.

As for relationships with other animals, the Moscow dragon dog can show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs, not paying any attention to the difference in weight categories. Therefore, when walking, your pet should not be let off the leash, for its safety and the peace of mind of the owner.


Despite the small size of the Moscow dragon, like any other breed, it is necessary to educate and train. If you treat him like a doll, pamper him too much, indulge him, then nothing good will come of it. A capricious little furry tyrant will grow up, dictating his will.

The dog is smart and easy to train. As is the case with other individuals, the authority of its owner is important to her. If the owner is inconsistent, too soft, forgets that the dog has a pack instinct, where the rest of its members obey the leader, then the pet is unlikely to obey such an owner. Even so small. And it’s certainly not appropriate to physically punish your pet during training. Authority is earned by an animal through a consistent, strict, but fair and calm approach.

Caring for the Moscow dragon

Representatives of the breed are unpretentious and do not require special care.
You just need to clean your eyes, ears and teeth daily. Claws should be trimmed as needed using a special nail clipper. But! This dog needs daily walks, in any weather. Of course, your pet can also be trained to defecate in a tray. Naturally, training must be carried out from childhood, so that there are no “surprises” later.

It is necessary to bathe your dog as soon as it gets dirty. It is also necessary to accustom him to water procedures from puppyhood, so that in the future there will be no problems with this activity.

So that the Moscow dragon dog is not afraid of water, you need to put it in a bath that is not yet filled. When the animal calms down, you need to open the water tap. Since the bath fills gradually, the animal will get used to it without experiencing stress.

When bathing, use a special shampoo for dogs - this product is designed specifically for these animals, it foams perfectly and gently cleanses the hair.

The health of the pets in question is excellent, probably due to their origin from outbred dogs that do not require complex grooming. To keep your dog's coat beautiful, it is enough to brush it once a week. The Moscow dragon dog is unpretentious in its diet and does not suffer from allergies, that is, the animal is devoid of all the disadvantages inherent in many other decorative breeds. Therefore, it is not surprising that these dogs are gradually becoming more and more popular.

Breeding Features

Initially, this breed was bred only in Russia. Now little dogs have appeared outside the country. If the owner decides to breed dragons on his own, you should be prepared for the fact that the dogs produce small offspring (rarely more than 2-3 puppies).

This feature is due to the fact that dragonets were originally street animals. Accordingly, the female gives birth to as many babies as she is actually able to feed. Perhaps this feature will change over time.


Of course, we need to touch on the topic of nutrition.
Some owners feed their dogs from the table, but this is not the best option. It is advisable to purchase canned food for your pets, ready-made dry food, or, if all of the above is unacceptable for you, prepare it separately. Representatives of this breed need a nutritious diet rich in essential minerals and fiber. Therefore, feed your dog cereals, vegetables and fresh meat (it is advisable to buy beef) - all this is necessary for the body of a small creature. And one more important point. If you choose natural food, then the animal needs special vitamins. It is best to consult a veterinarian in this matter.

Characteristics of the Dog

The sign is devoted to its owner, but does not always love him. Relationships are built more on instincts. These people are characterized by self-sacrifice; they often help others selflessly, sometimes even at a loss to themselves. If representatives of the sign manage to find a kind and sympathetic partner, life will turn out well. The only drawback is their wariness; they can feign devotion for years, but they will not trust until they are convinced of their partner’s good intentions.

The guy and girl of this sign are strikingly different from each other. The guy is prone to cheating, even if he loves his partner very much. His mistrust does not allow him to relax in relationships and enjoy them. The lady, on the contrary, tries to please her partner in everything, and faithfully guards the home. She is a good mother and will never hurt her kids.

Legend 10. Ivan the Terrible hated the boyars

Verdict: This is not true.

Oprichniki. Painting by Nikolai Nevrev. 1870s Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aitiev

The boyar of the 16th century is not a special breed of harmful people, but the highest rank among the then elite, the sovereign's court. Members of the Boyar Duma, royal governors, ambassadors, governors - all of them came from several dozen noble families, whose ancestors served the Moscow princes from generation to generation. It was impossible to do without them.

The descendant of legitimate sovereigns, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, could execute this or that boyar, but it could not even occur to him to appoint in their place the most devoted, but simple men or even humble provincial nobles. Therefore, in the oprichnina, the tsar’s new servants were not at all honorable.

The Oprichnina Duma was headed by the Kabardian prince Mikhail Cherkassky, brother of the new Queen Maria, and representatives of ancient families sat there - boyars Alexei Basmanov and Fyodor Umnovo-Kolychev; Princes Nikita Odoevsky, Vasily Tyomkin-Rostovsky, Ivan Shuisky. And among the other guardsmen were the Rurikovichs and Gediminovichs - the princes of Rostov, Pronsky, Khvorostinin, Volkonsky, Trubetskoy, Khovansky. As well as members of other old and honest Moscow families - the Godunovs, Saltykovs, Pushkins, Buturlins, Turgenevs, Nashchokins. Even the chief executioner of the oprichnina, Malyuta Skuratov-Belsky, came from a completely worthy service family.


Since the pet’s weight is very small, it is necessary to approach nutrition issues extremely responsibly. The dog can grab food from your table, but only properly balanced food can give him excellent health and good appearance. The dog itself is quite unpretentious, practically not prone to allergic reactions. A set of products, including vegetables, cereals and meat, can fully satisfy your pet.

See also: Dwarf dachshund - a smaller copy of a hunting dog

Drinking water should be placed in a separate bowl, which should be changed as often as possible and ensure that the water is always fresh.

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