How can you clean a cat's litter box from urinary stones so that there is no smell?

The pungent smell of urine can ruin even the best mood. What to do and how to get rid of the miasma coming from the litter box is a problem that worries almost all pet owners.

If the cat is not neutered, is kept at home and does not walk outside, the tray is washed and cleaned daily. But this does not always save you from “aromas”. Let's look at the features of caring for cat litter and choosing the best products to eliminate odor.

Need for washing

The need to clean a pet's toilet occurs very often, especially when the animal is an adult. It is not enough to simply change the filler; this will lead to rapid deterioration of the material. If the tray is not washed, the following problems arise:

  • an unpleasant odor appears that is absorbed into the material from which the toilet is made;
  • microbes multiply and can contribute to the appearance of diseases in the animal;
  • fleas appear in the room, laying their eggs in the area where the toilet is located;
  • a dirty toilet can lead to animal diseases;
  • the animal refuses to go to the tray.

Failure to wash the tray contributes to the accumulation of urinary stones, which often leads to complete unusability of the container.

Bottom line

A cat tray is one of the main items that must be selected individually for each animal. It is necessary to accustom a cat to the toilet from birth, so the tray changes depending on the age of the animal; adults can use a product with high sides or a closed type. It is also important to promptly remove feces and clean the product from urinary stones, otherwise the cat litter will cause problems for the animal and an unpleasant odor in the home.

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How to wash

If the stone has just begun to form, the cleaning process will not cause difficulties. For advanced stages, some effort is required.


Before starting the cleaning process, it is important to have all the necessary tools ready. This is necessary to reduce contact with a dirty object.

Trash bag

Used to remove filler. The cat litter that is placed in the pot has a distinct unpleasant odor. Therefore, after the filler has been placed in the trash container, the bag must be tied. This will reduce the risk of spreading an unpleasant odor in the room.

Tap water

There should be plenty of water to wash away the remaining stones and completely clean the tray of dirt.


It is very difficult to remove urinary stones without the use of special cleaning products, so before carrying out the cleaning procedure it is necessary to prepare a product that will dissolve the stone and allow it to be quickly removed.

Hard brush

Use a brush with a long handle. This type of brush is used for cleaning without the person encountering dirt too often.

Clean rag

After the tray is cleaned and washed off with water, you need to wipe it using a rag. Only after this is new filler added. It is better to use a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well.

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Gloves and respirator

A prerequisite before starting to clean the tray is to prepare rubber gloves that will protect your hands from harmful microorganisms and household chemicals.

A respirator is necessary to reduce the inhalation of the foul odor that appears in the cat's litter box.

General cleaning of the cat potty

Although using hygienic litter for cats reduces daily cleaning efforts, it requires thorough washing at least once a week. It is necessary to clean the cat litter not only because the smell spreads from it, but also so that the cat does not want to “do business” in the right place, and does not choose a more secluded and clean corner. An attentive owner will not allow a strong odor to appear from the tray, already knowing how often cleaning should be done. What is required for this?

Preparing to clean your cat's litter box

To quickly and effortlessly wash your cat’s weekly litter box, you should prepare the following:

  • rubber gloves and respirator mask;
  • spacious garbage bag;
  • detergent (we will talk about the choice below);
  • sponge or cloth.

Using gloves will help avoid infection with parasites or toxicoplasmosis.

Cleaning process

The old filler needs to be shaken out into a bag, putting it on the tray so as not to spill. The garbage bag must be tied tightly immediately, preventing the smell from leaking out. Check that the bag does not have holes, otherwise there is a high chance of spilling soiled filler throughout the apartment. If you are not using pot filler, this step is of course unnecessary. Next, you need to take the tray to the bathroom, rinse thoroughly under running cold water, and then begin cleaning it with detergent.

Over time, stains may form on the bottom and walls of the cat's litter box, as well as urine stone, which has a persistent unpleasant odor. It is not so easy to wash away the consequences of a cat visiting the toilet, but using proven products, the owner can achieve pristine purity of the plastic. You can use both folk remedies and store-bought ones.

Life hack: some owners specifically buy an inexpensive toilet brush and use it to clean the cat’s litter box. It is very comfortable! After washing the tray, the toilet brush is rinsed with cleaning agent and put into the stand.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods allow you to clean the tray without using harmful household chemicals. We use products that are available in every home.


You can wash your cat's litter using baking soda. To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • clean the pot from the filler;
  • wash off any remaining filler;
  • Apply a thin layer of baking soda and leave for 5-10 minutes;
  • Using a brush, remove the stone and wash the product under running water.

The benefit of using baking soda is that it removes harmful microorganisms. Also, soda can cope with even the most difficult plaque.

Laundry soap

Using soap will allow you to clean the tray if it is only slightly dirty. Laundry soap does not damage the surface of the tray and forms a protective film that prevents the reappearance of the stone. To use, make a thick foam, apply to the tray and rub thoroughly with a brush. Then rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.

Important. If you cannot remove the urinary stone the first time, you can soak the product overnight in a solution of laundry soap.


You can remove plaque using table vinegar. To do this, dilute a glass of vinegar in a liter of water and fill the tray. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then brush and rinse. To remove the smell, rinse the tray well with running water. Vinegar not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also kills harmful bacteria.

Professional products

Using professional methods allows you to eliminate urinary stones in one procedure. To clean the tray, the product is applied and distributed over the entire surface with a brush. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash off. The following types of drugs can be used:

  • "Line";
  • "Delix Charm";
  • "Liquidator";
  • "Estilodez".

For small cats, preference should be given to products with a mild effect. Fragrance-free preparations with anti-allergenic properties are selected.

Removing cat urine from shoes

As soon as traces of a pet's crime are noticed, it is necessary to place the shoes under cold water, treat the shoes with potassium permanganate and wash them (either in a washing machine or by hand). Then, of course, it is advisable to dry it outside, but if this is not possible, a loggia will do.

You can wash soiled shoes with laundry soap with a high glycerin content, which very easily breaks down cat urine crystals.

If a cat shits in shoes that cannot be washed (boots, shoes), then the first thing you need to do is get rid of the insoles, where most of the liquid has been absorbed. Wipe the remaining internal parts with a vinegar solution or potassium permanganate and leave to dry in the fresh air (street, balcony).

You can also use an alcohol solution of iodine to clean shoes, but this product can only be used on dark shoes; marks may remain on light shoes. It is very simple to prepare such a solution: add 10 drops of iodine to 1 liter of water.

How to remove odor

If the tray stinks even after washing, it is necessary to use special preparations that block the smell. You can also use the proven method and before adding the filler, spread a thin layer of soda on the bottom of the tray. This action will remove the odor and absorb excess liquid.

You can also remove the unpleasant odor using special napkins, which are lined at the bottom of the pot and filler is poured on top. This napkin is effective for a week.

Daily care rules

In order for the urinary stone to be easily cleared, it is necessary to follow the rules of daily cleaning. The rules look like this:

  • Clean up feces daily. Regardless of the state in which the filling is, it is necessary to have a special spatula for comfortable removal of waste.
  • Remove lumps in litter daily.
  • Check the condition of the filler. If it is already dirty, it needs to be replaced.

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The filler must be changed for an adult animal every 3-4 days. Daily replacement is not necessary unless there is an unpleasant odor.

To ensure that the daily cleaning of the toilet does not cause difficulties, general cleaning is carried out every 7-10 days. During cleaning, the following precautions must be observed:

  • change the filler;
  • cleanse urinary stones;
  • disinfect the cat litter;
  • rinse the product well so that the disinfectant does not get on the cat’s mucous membranes;
  • wipe with a napkin;
  • add fresh filler.

The procedure for cleaning the cat litter box is carried out regularly. It is unacceptable to postpone the hygiene procedure until next time.

Important. To quickly remove the litter, simply place a garbage bag on the pot and shake it out.

How to disinfect cat litter?

If the tray is new and cleaned regularly, then it practically does not emit unpleasant odors. But over time, microscratches form in the plastic bottom, into which particles of urine, feces and dust become clogged. The question arises: how to wash the tray without smelling?

Modern means

Household and pet stores sell special products for cleaning cat litter boxes and eliminating unpleasant odors. Why is it better to use them for disinfection purposes?

  • They do not cause allergies in pets and are safe in case of licking.
  • Eliminate stubborn urinary stone stains on the bottom and walls.
  • They have a neutral or pleasant smell for cats, which means that animals will not refuse to go to the tray after cleaning.
  • Does not leave scratches.
  • Eliminates odors of urine and feces.

The only drawback of modern products is the high price (500-800 rubles) compared to ordinary soap or baking soda.

Common Home Remedies

How to disinfect a cat's litter box if your budget is limited or you're just too lazy to go to the store? You can use regular detergents:

  • laundry or baby soap (grate the shavings and dissolve in water);
  • liquid soap;
  • a mild detergent, such as delicates powder;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • baking soda - 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water.

It is important to choose a product without a strong odor, and at the end, thoroughly rinse the cat’s litter box in clean water, preferably several times. Cats especially do not like the scents of citruses and coniferous trees.

If the smell remains on the walls, the pet will pass by its toilet and relieve itself somewhere in a corner or on the carpet.

What absolutely cannot be used for disinfection?

  • products containing chlorine - there is a high probability of poisoning when licked and inhaled;
  • vinegar - most likely, due to the pungent smell, the cat will prefer another toilet place to the tray;
  • powders like "Pemolux" - leave scratches on the plastic surface of the bottom.

Don't forget to clean the area around the tray. After relieving itself, the pet often digs into the litter: lumps fly to the floor, and dust rises into the air. Dirt near the toilet may be one of the reasons why a cat has a desire to shit in the apartment.

What to do if your cat refuses to go to the litter box

If the cat refuses to go to the litter box, it is necessary to do an analysis and find out the reason for this refusal. Very often, pets may refuse to go to the toilet for the following reasons:

  • The cat does not accept the litter box. To solve this problem, you need to replace the product with a new one.
  • The cat doesn't like the litter. Many pet owners use clay, but this may not suit the pet. Therefore, you need to try changing to an odorless wood one.
  • The animal's toilet is located in a noisy place; it is necessary to move the tray to a quiet place, if possible to the place where the animal prefers to go to relieve itself.
  • If the cat went to the toilet in the wrong place, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it using special detergents with the addition of chlorine.

Cats are very demanding animals and can sometimes react negatively to any changes. This includes improper placement of the toilet.

Important. If you do not promptly clean the place where the cat has pooped, the animal will go there regularly until a general cleaning is carried out.


Some more useful information is presented in the video below:

Text: Nadezhda Chernobay

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There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Cats are very clean animals who prefer to go to the toilet in the same place. Pets who do not have access to the street choose a litter box for their business. But over time, plaque and urinary stones form on it. Some owners do not attach much importance to this and are in no hurry to clear the tray of urinary stones. But if the plaque is not removed in a timely manner, then a heavy and unpleasant smell will constantly hang in the apartment.

How to choose the right tray

The type of tray for a pet depends on the age of the animal and the preferences of the person. There are various types of products with mesh and simple ones on sale. Toilets in the form of closed houses are gaining popularity.

Dry toilet

It looks like a small product with a lid. The advantage of such a device is that there is no unpleasant odor. The device prevents the filler from spilling and has a special bacterial wipe that removes harmful microorganisms. The upper part of the dry closet is removed, resulting in an open toilet. This function is necessary in order to accustom the animal to this type of toilet. The disadvantage of such a product is the cost.


The device looks like a container with a special door. Such toilets protect the room from unpleasant odors. The device has a special lid that closes after visiting the toilet. Another advantage of this device is that the filler always remains inside and does not scatter. The disadvantage of the product is that not all cats accept such a toilet; some refuse to use it.

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With automatic cleaning

The design involves automatic cleaning of the tray after the animal uses the toilet. The product reacts to the movement of the animal and cleans the tray independently. The used filler is placed in a container. The product is expensive, but the advantage of this type of toilet is that it does not need to be cleaned. Simply remove the filler from the container.

The disadvantage of this device is the noise during cleaning. Many cats refuse to use a litter box that turns on during a visit.


At first glance, it may seem that washing your pet’s litter box to get rid of the smell is an elementary task, but you should approach it with all responsibility and according to all the rules. This ensures that the animal will be comfortable going to the toilet, and no unpleasant odors will appear in the apartment.

The step-by-step preparation is as follows.

  1. There should always be a trash can next to the cat's litter box. The bucket will prevent the floor from getting dirty.
  2. It is advisable to purchase rubber gloves and a protective mask at the pharmacy. It is advisable to wear both each time you need to clean the tray.
  3. To clean your pet's toilet, you will need tools such as a brush, gloves, laundry soap, a trash can, a mask, baking soda, and litter (it can be replaced with sand).

It is important to know: maintaining hygiene will help protect a person from toxoplasmosis. After all, harmful bacteria float in the air and easily enter the human body along with dust.

Why does the cat walk by

If the animal does not walk in the tray, but near it, the following causes of the problem may be:

  • the tray is not selected according to the size of the animal;
  • the filler is not suitable;
  • the pot is dirty.

It is necessary to carefully study the behavior of the animal and only then make a decision.

Auxiliary accessories

In addition to litter and cleaning products, cleaning your cat's litter box can be much easier and faster if you use accessories. Some of them can be made with your own hands, while others can be purchased in specialized stores.


A system for accustoming cats to litter boxes from the first months of life. A convenient universal set for kittens and adult cats, regardless of their gender.


A universal filter for toilets that allows you to neutralize odors and stains in time. Installed directly into the tray itself.


Coal, which is placed under the grate of the plastic base. Absorbs odors and marks without leaving marks on the surface.

Toilet mat

Designed for cats to step on the mat after going to the toilet, leaving traces of litter on it. They do not electrify and do not absorb moisture, so they must be washed every time the pet goes into the tray.

Faeces collection device

Helps to easily clean the toilet from feces by collecting only used parts of the litter. It is not very convenient to do this with a spatula, but the cost is justified by the quality of the tool.

Tray bags

The bags have sides that protect the tray from feces. After collecting the bag, you can only wash the tray under warm water and soap.

Scoop with holes

While a regular scoop collects waste along with unused litter, a perforated scoop allows you to remove only the parts you need.


Created specifically for kittens who need to be toilet trained. They absorb part of the smell, after which the pet can smell the place to relieve itself. Completely safe for small animals.

With the help of this photo selection of accessories, you can easily accustom your cat to the litter box, remove the necessary parts of the litter, and clean the toilet without much effort. Instructions for the materials are included with a detailed description.

All these components, in addition to specialized tools and detergents, will help you quickly flush the toilet, get rid of pungent odors and forget about the hassle forever. Remember that even the most expensive products and trays do not relieve owners from the responsibilities of daily cleaning. General cleaning of such a pet area is also necessary. To help the inexperienced, we suggest watching the video:

to clearly understand how easy it is to wash plastic trays for your pets.

Tips and warnings

In order for the animal not to stop going to the toilet, it is necessary to follow some tips and recommendations depending on the characteristics of the animal.


Neutered cats have more potty requirements. Animals require larger toilets. Preference should be given to toilets with mesh. Since ordinary trays can be uncomfortable for cats.

How to choose a filler

The filler should not contain any foreign odors. The most commonly used filler is wood or clay. In order to choose the right one, you need to try species until the animal determines the most suitable one. You should not skimp on the filler; the better the substance absorbs moisture, the less germs and unpleasant odors are formed. Cheap litters quickly require replacement and often do not absorb urine at all.

How often should you change the tray?

The device must be changed once a year. Even with frequent cleaning, the material absorbs an unpleasant odor and can repel the animal.

Choosing a time to clean

Many cats visit the litter box at certain times. Therefore, it is necessary to change the litter when the animal does not visit the toilet. In the absence of filler, the cat can go anywhere, thereby causing trouble for the owner.


To avoid contracting toxoplasmosis, you must use a respirator. This device is inexpensive, but allows you to protect the respiratory organs. A new respirator must be used before each fill change.

Eliminating cat urine from upholstered furniture

How can you wash cat urine off a soft surface? Many cat owners ask themselves.

This procedure consists of several stages; when working, it is better to use disposable rubber gloves:

  1. It is necessary to prepare disposable towels or napkins, table vinegar, soda, hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing gel, as well as a container for spraying liquid. Use a paper towel or napkins to absorb any remaining liquid on the surface.
  2. A stain that has already dried naturally or unnaturally must be treated with a vinegar solution, based on 1 glass of vinegar and 3 glasses of running water. Spray the solution onto the stain, cover with paper and leave until completely dry. Acetic acid will destroy the urine contained in the urine.
  3. After complete drying, generously sprinkle the contaminated area with baking soda, which perfectly absorbs unnecessary odors.
  4. Pour 300 ml of water, 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 30 ml of dishwashing gel into a container with a spray bottle, mix everything well, shaking the container with liquid. Spray the stain generously with the resulting solution until foam appears. And leave it in this state for several hours. Bad-smelling carpet or upholstered furniture should be completely cleaned and stop smelling.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the wash area with a washing vacuum cleaner or a regular rag soaked in plain water.

You can wash off cat urine in an apartment on hard surfaces in a similar way; it will take much less time and effort.

To remove cat urine, you can use specialized products. But many of them only mask and do not eliminate the odor, enveloping urinary crystals with their chemical elements.

This means that whenever the surface gets wet, the smell will reappear. And even if the owners do not feel it, a cat with a heightened sense of smell will smell its own smell and it is possible that it will repeatedly go to the toilet in the wrong place. It is also worth noting that some chemicals interfere with the removal of the nuisance using peroxide, soda and other substances. That is, it will never be possible to get rid of the smell in this way, and it will be quite problematic to wean the animal from shitting in this place.

To eliminate unpleasant odors from the apartment, you can use fragrances. These can be aroma lamps, air fresheners, coffee and other products. But using this method alone will not solve the problem, and the pleasing result will only be a temporary effect. “Aromatherapy” should be carried out in conjunction with some effective method of removing cat urine.

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