Parasiticide plus: suspension for dogs against helminths

Description of the drug
Release form and storage conditions:Yellow suspension in 5 ml bottles, store at 10-20°C, shelf life – 3 years
Price:160-180 rubles
Analogues:Pranathan, Drontal, Febtal

Composition and release form

The active substances in the suspension are the following:

  • praziquantel has a detrimental effect on tapeworms and roundworms;
  • pyrantel pamoate destroys parasites and cleanses the body of toxins (waste products of parasites);
  • febantel has a fatal effect on intestinal helminths (included only in Prazicide Plus).

The composition also includes excipients, including purified water, glycerin, flavoring, sweetener, etc.

The medicine is produced in the form of a liquid with a yellowish tint. It does not have a strong odor and has a pleasant sweet taste (as indicated in the instructions), so animals consume it without problems. The suspension is packaged in polymer bottles that are screwed on with a cap. Equipped with child protection. The volume of bottles varies from 5 to 15 ml. Each package of the drug comes with instructions and a dosing syringe, which greatly simplifies measuring the required amount of medicine.

Depending on the concentration and ratio of active ingredients, the medicine is available in several versions:

  1. 1 ml of Prazicide 20 contains 5 mg of praziquantel and 15 mg of pyrantel pamoate. Designed for small breed puppies.
  2. Prazicide 40 contains 10 mg of praziquantel and 30 mg of pyrantel pamoate per milligram of medicinal liquid. Suitable for large and medium sized puppies and small breed pets.
  3. Prazicide 60 is suitable for adult dogs, including large breeds. 1 ml of the drug contains 15 mg of prazikantel and 45 mg of pyrantel pamoate.
  4. Prazicide Plus is different in that it also contains febantel. Contains 15 mg of praziquantel, 45 mg of febantel and pyrantel pamoate. Can be used for adults and large breed puppies.

When purchasing a drug, you should pay attention to the concentration of active substances and purpose.


Anthelmintic drugs from Api-San, similar in action to Prazicide, can be divided into two large groups:

  • for external use;
  • for internal use.

Prazicide complex for dogs and puppies is a medicine in the form of drops, applied to the withers of animals. In addition to the anthelmintic effect, such drops protect against external parasites and have a prolonged effect.

Dirofen, Dirofen plus, Best Friend, Prazicide - anthelmintics, produced in the form of tablets, with a meat flavor.

Prazicide paste - differs in consistency and can be supplied either through a special syringe dispenser or mixed with food.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine is effectively used against various types of worms that parasitize the gastrointestinal tract. The wide spectrum of action of the drug is achieved due to the complex effect of active substances:

  1. Praziquantel has a negative effect on cestodes. Due to increased permeability of cell membranes, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Subsequently, metabolic processes are disrupted, paralysis and death of parasites occurs. The substance affects sexually mature helminths, as well as their larvae and eggs. Helps cleanse the body of worms by removing them out.
  2. Pyrantel pamoate acts on various types of nematodes. Blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which ultimately leads to the death of parasites.
  3. Febantel prevents the absorption of glucose by parasites and the production of tubulin, which causes the death of helminths.

Praziquantel is absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract in a short period of time. After just a couple of hours, the concentration of the substance in the blood plasma reaches its maximum value. It is eliminated from the body within a day. But pyrantel pamoate is absorbed and excreted for a long time, which ensures the effectiveness of the drug for several months.

Composition of the drug

This is a combination drug.

The main active ingredients are:

  • febantel;
  • praziquantel;
  • pyrantel.

The medicine also contains additional components:

  • sucralose;

  • glycerol;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • aspasvit Ts-200;
  • lemon acid;
  • defoamer, etc.

Indications for use

Prazicide plus suspension is prescribed to dogs of small and large breeds for treatment of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • with uncinariasis;
  • with toxocariasis;
  • with hookworm;
  • with toxascariasis;
  • with dipylidia;
  • with taeniasis;
  • with trichocephalosis;
  • with diphyllobithrosis;
  • with mesocestoidosis, etc.

It is also used for the treatment of mixed helminthic infestations. In addition, the medicine is suitable for prophylactic purposes, that is, preventing infection with internal parasites. The drug can also be used for deworming before vaccination.

Directions for use and dosage

How to give Prazicide for cats for preventive purposes

For adult cats

The drug is given once every 3 months according to the schedule recommended by the veterinarian.

The drug is also recommended before vaccination (not a mandatory requirement), when crossing the border, before exhibitions, etc.


For prevention purposes, babies are given a suspension at the age of 3 weeks before vaccination .

How to give Prazicide suspension for cats during treatment

For adult cats

In mild cases of helminthic infestation, the drug is given once and this may be sufficient.

Most often, veterinarians use a standard regimen - 2 times with a break of 10-14 days .

In severe cases of infestation, the drug is given for 3 days . After 2 weeks, re-application is required.


If there is a helminthic infestation in kittens, the treatment regimen includes taking the drug and repeating it every other week . If there are several kittens and they are kept together, then twice the application will be required at a two-week interval.

How to give Prazicide suspension for cats: dosage

For adult cats

For the prevention and treatment of adult cats, the drug Prazicide suspension 7 ml is used. According to the instructions, a single dose in both cases is 1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight .


For the prevention and treatment of kittens, it is recommended to use the drug Prazicide Plus 5 ml, available in the form of a suspension. According to the instructions, a single dose is 1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.

Instructions for use

When using an anthelmintic drug, the dose must be calculated based on the concentration of active substances and the weight of the animal:

  1. For puppies of small breeds, Prazicide 20 should be used. For every kilogram of weight, 1 ml of the drug is needed.
  2. For small and medium-sized pets, as well as large breed puppies, it is best to use Prazicide 40. The dose should be calculated based on the fact that 1 ml of medication will be needed per 2 kilograms of weight.
  3. For dogs of any size it is worth using Prazicide 60 or plus. When calculating the dose per 3 kg of pet weight, take 1 ml of liquid.

The instructions for use indicate that a number of simple recommendations must be followed when using Prazicide suspension for dogs:

  1. If the drug is used for treatment, it is given to pets once. For severe or mixed infestations, the procedure is repeated after 10 days.
  2. If the medicine is used for prophylaxis, the dose should be repeated every three months.
  3. Use the medicine in the morning. It can be mixed with a small amount of food or injected forcibly onto the root of the tongue so that the pet cannot spit it out.
  4. Before measuring the medicine with a dispenser, it is necessary to shake the bottle well, since the suspension tends to separate during long-term storage.
  5. Before using the anthelmintic, no preparatory procedures are required. The dog does not need to be kept on a diet or given an enema.


1. Prazicide for dogs: pharmacological effects 2. Dosage and methods of administration 3. Contraindications and side effects 4. Cost 5. Reviews from veterinarians

The anthelmintic drug is approved by international associations of veterinarians. It belongs to the 3rd safety class and does not have a harmful effect on the body of a dog or cat. Available in the form of tablets or suspension. The tablets have marks for dividing into 4 parts, which is convenient for deworming small puppies and kittens. The porous structure of the medicine smoothes out the corners, so the tablet passes well through the larynx and does not leave any pain.

The syrup has a sweetish taste and can be mixed with water and given to drink from a bowl. If the dog refuses to take the medicine on its own, you must use a syringe without a needle and inject the solution onto the base of the tongue.

Contraindications and side effects

If the recommended doses are followed, Prazicide suspension is considered safe for dogs, but in some cases it is better to avoid using it. It is necessary to postpone the appointment in the following cases:

  • puppies up to 3 weeks old;
  • infectious diseases;
  • postoperative period;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

It is not recommended to use the medicine for weakened animals. Pregnant bitches are not given the suspension 3 weeks before giving birth and 14-20 days after giving birth. During the rest of pregnancy and lactation period, use after consultation with a veterinarian.

If the dose is exceeded, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • increased salivation;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal of food;
  • oppression.

It is necessary to take measures to quickly remove the drug from the body and consult a doctor.

If you do not exceed the dose, side effects do not occur. Sometimes allergic reactions occur. They can manifest themselves in the form of rashes, itching and other symptoms. In this case, the medicine is no longer used; the pet is prescribed antihistamines and medications to relieve symptoms.

The anthelmintic should not be used together with medications containing piperazine.


In case of an overdose of the drug, puppies may experience lethargy, depression, decreased appetite, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting), as well as increased salivation. If severe symptoms persist, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and give the dog antihistamines.

The use of enterosorbents is acceptable. If more than a day has passed since you stopped taking it and there is no noticeable positive dynamics, you should urgently contact a specialist. Since individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

Precautions and storage

When working with a veterinarian, simple precautions should be followed. During the procedure you should not drink, eat or smoke. After the medicine is given to the animal, you need to wash your hands. People who have increased sensitivity need to be especially careful. Components of the composition may cause an allergic reaction.

During storage, the following conditions must be observed:

  • temperature range from 0 to 25°C;
  • lack of ultraviolet radiation and sun;
  • dry place.

The medication should not be stored near food or feed. Children should not have access to the storage area.

Possible side effects

Prazicide is a low-toxic suspension. In most cases, it is tolerated without negative consequences and does not have a negative effect on the fetus during intrauterine development.

However, veterinarians do not recommend giving it in the following cases:

  • first weeks of pregnancy;

  • pets under 3 weeks of age;
  • in case of individual intolerance to active components;
  • with a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

If all recommendations are strictly followed, complications rarely occur.

In some cases, the following side effects may occur while taking the drug:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • foam at the mouth.

Such reactions do not require therapeutic intervention and go away on their own after some time.

Owner reviews

Irina, Chihuahua owner:

“I know very well how important it is to carry out deworming on time, especially if there is a child in the house. I have been using Prazicide suspension for my dogs since they were two months old. I am very pleased with the drug. It does its job well, but the most important thing is that it’s easy to measure the right amount. Owners of small dogs will understand me. Recommended for owners of pets of large and small breeds.”

Victoria, Pekingese owner:

“We have been using this suspension for a long time, we have been tested several times - no worms were found. Among the advantages, I would like to note the affordable price and convenient form of the drug. The fact is that my Quince categorically refuses to take pills. If you really insist, she may chew them a little, but then she will still spit them out. With a suspension of such problems. I mixed it with food and the dog gobbled it up for his dear soul.”

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