Nicknames for the Yorkshire Terrier: what you can name your pet and reviews from owners

The Yorkshire Terrier, despite its small stature, is distinguished by its courage and energy.

This is a curious and at the same time very friendly dog ​​with a sense of self-esteem.

And he needs an appropriate nickname: beautiful and sonorous.

Every new Yorkie owner faces a difficult task.

What name can we come up with for this charming creature that is now running around the room with a cheerful bark or getting to know everyone who lives in the house?

How does a nickname affect your character?

Dog handlers have long noticed that the nicknames given by owners to their pets affect both the character of the dog and its fate .

So, for example, if you call an already active puppy Whirlwind or Brawler, then there will simply be no sweetness with him.

And majestic nicknames like Caesar or Duchess will give a Yorkie, especially a show one, an elegant and proud look.

If the owner of a dog wants to use a name to change its character, and, possibly, its destiny, then he can give the pet a name that will either emphasize existing ones or add desirable traits.

Or he can go the other way and give the Yorkie a name that will counterbalance the unwanted characteristics of his character.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A dog’s name, like a person’s name, influences character and destiny. Based on this, experienced breeders always advise, before giving any name to a puppy, to find out its meaning. This is especially true for foreign words, the meaning of which the puppy’s owners are not even aware of. And it turns out that the puppy, named Fire, grows up too active and restless, and Ares barks at all the dogs in the area and abuses the cat at home. If the puppy is given a name in honor of some character in a fashionable film or TV series, then it is also better to find out in advance who, strictly speaking, the nickname is given in honor of: perhaps in honor of some villain? In a word, think first - then give the puppy a name with which he will go for the rest of his life.”


Sometimes, to name a Yorkshire Terrier, owners study popular nicknames.

The following nicknames are suitable for a male dog:

  • Alan, Cupid, Bik, Jack, Garik;
  • Dean, Jean, Ilf, Mario, Martin;
  • Nike, Nathan, Nix, Lex, Opal;
  • Raoul, Rai, Thomas, Sean, Elvis.

For the female:

  • Amina, Aria, Bonya, Vita;
  • Nut, Gladys, Dolka, Jasmine;
  • Zarya, Zvezda, Lama, Monya, Mini;
  • Notka, Nyasha, Pika, Rulya, Sally, Mystery, Elite.

How to choose a name?

If a Yorkie is bought from a nursery, then he most likely already has an official nickname: after all, puppies of this breed are sold at the age of three months, when all breeding and veterinary documents have already been issued for them.

However, even in this case, the puppy’s owner will have to come up with a nickname for him, albeit a home one, for everyday communication with the pet and for his training.

The matter becomes more complicated if a Yorkie puppy is booked without an official nickname and the breeder invites the future owner to come up with one himself. In this case, the breeder will name the letter for which you need to come up with a name for the little Yorkie.

This is not his whim: it is customary that all puppies from the same litter are named after one specific letter.

What to do in this case? You can come up with a beautiful and original name for a show puppy, even a double or triple nickname, which will make him well recognized in the canine world.

It is possible that his name will constantly appear in various cynological catalogs and periodicals, so the owner must make sure that the nickname of the future champion is memorable.

If a puppy is bought for himself, as they say, for the soul, then his name can be absolutely anything - as long as the owner likes it and suits the puppy.

When coming up with a name for a Yorkie, the owner must remember that a dog’s nickname is a call, a sign that he needs to stop all his activities and pay attention to the owner.

Therefore, the pet nickname should be sonorous, short and easy to pronounce in any situation.


Particularly successful are those nicknames that are not invented in advance, but are given after the owner gets to know his pet and his character traits better.

However, if some foreign name has already been chosen as a nickname for the future puppy, for example, or the owner wants to name the pet in honor of some celebrity and cannot imagine another nickname for him, then this approach to choosing a name is not considered reprehensible or frivolous.

What to name the boy?

The nickname for a Yorkshire boy should be beautiful and noble. After all, these brave and active dogs are also distinguished by their elegance and self-esteem.

These are real gentlemen of the dog world, and therefore nicknames are very suitable for them, personifying their external and internal beauty and nobility.

For the good ones:

Babik, Gismo, Jerry, Delmy, Kenny, Larry, Mickey, Ollie, Richie, Rocky, Smiley, Tom, Tony, Yulik, Yarik.

For active:

Als, Bucks, Brandy, Buran, Bushui, Virage, Virs, Western, Wage, Grem, Gunther, Dax, Derick, Impulse, Chris, Life, Lars, Murray, Nambo, Next, Austin, Passat, Pierce, Royce, Stanley, Tris, Urs, Fletcher, Flame, Shast, Storm, Ace, Eugene.

For the brave and courageous:

Anchor, Bart, Blaster, Vivat, Hardy, Ginger, Gerard, Kars, Lance, Leon, Lewis, Monsoon, Olaf, Pard, Ralph, Rochefort, Strike, Time, Ulrik, Furst, Hugo, Sean, Angel, Eustace.

For the elegant and majestic:

Archibald, Bernard, Benefit, Boston, Whitewood, Viscount, Weigel, Harold, Duke, Earl, Dorian, Dominic, Geoffrey, Justine, Image, Ilton, Kaiser, King, Clovis, Limerick, Lawrence, Mikael, Milord, Nigel, Nocturne, Nottingham, Oswald, Paradise, Patrick, Prince, Raymond, Richmond, Salvador, Sylvester, Straz, Clubs, Tristan, Wilfred, Sharman, Sheridan, Chatillon, Chevalier, Edwin, Hercule.

By color:

A standard Yorkie can be called by any suitable name, but what if the pet has an unusual color and you want to emphasize this feature of the dog with its name?

There can be many options for nicknames for Yorkie boys based on color.:

  • For Biewers, Biro and White Yorkies: Ice, Angelo, Blonde, White, Design, Domino, Zephyr, Light, Magic, Nuance, Snow, Souvenir, Phantom.
  • For Goldusts: Gold, Bergamot, Brandy, Doubloon, Leo, Lionel, Buttercup, Cupcake, Muffin, Almond, Pence, Sunlight, Ray, Amber.
  • For Choco Yorkies: Amaretto, Brown, Bruno, Coconut, Truffle, Date, Chocolate.
  • For black Yorkies: Anthracite, Blackie, Darkie, Mist, Nyx, Noir.

What to name the girl?

For girls of the Yorkshire Terrier breed, cute and at the same time graceful and elegant names are suitable, emphasizing the charming appearance and wonderful character of these babies.

For the good ones:

Amelie, Bonita, Vivi, Gabi, Desi, Zaya, Kerry, Kasya, Lilu, Millie, Mia, Nancy, Nyusha, Penny, Sonya, Suzy, Fairy, Shanya, Emily, Yusya.

For active:

Aya, Becky, Vesma, Grace, Guild, Edge, Jumpy, Jessie, Dixie, Sparkle, Krista, Magi, Nika, Algrey, Rona, Sandy, Tessie, Una, Fora, Happy, Chelsea, Skoda, Ashley, Yusta.

For the brave and courageous:

Bianca, Virsa, Garda, Delta, Data, Zena, Cassia, Corsica, Lisa, Lexa, Mackenzie, Martha, Nostra, Neira, Parma, Ronda, Sangri, Stella, Troy, Ursa, Fronda, Shandy, Ellis, Juventa.

For the elegant and majestic:

Anabelle, Beatrice, Bijou, Beauty, Vincent, Violanta, Gabriella, Grace, Dolce Vita, Dauphine, Empire, Infanta, Camellia, Cassiopeia, Leonora, Lausanne, Mabel, Nicoletta, Ophelia, Pallas, Priscilla, Riviera, Rowenna, Silvia, Stephanie, Ursula, Felicita, Francis, Charity, Estelle, Januaria.

By color - if a Yorkie girl has an unusual color, then you can come up with a name for her that is reminiscent of the color of her coat:

  • For Biewers, Biro and White Yorkies: Blondie, Snow White, Gella, Marshmallow, Spark, Drop, Snow, Esther.
  • For Goldusts: Goldie, Toffee, Caramel, Coin, Reggie, Sunny, Tequila, Flamme.
  • For Choco Yorkies: Raisin, Candy, Mocha, Sherry, Chocolate.
  • For black Yorkies: Blackie, Ezhevichka, Crypt, Namibia, Nera, Nikta, Cherry.

Names for Yorkie boys:

(names for girls are below, so at the very bottom of the page there are a couple of tips on how to choose the right name). Archie, Alex, Cupid, Ike, Ice, Arnie, Angel, Altai, Alf, Archik, Diamond, Absinthe, Archibald, Athos, Akela, Agate, Adolf, Archibalt, Ajax, Amigo, Arch, Alan, Axel, Angel, Azar, Altair, Adam, Alai, Arnold, Archie, August, Iron, Archie Black, Akello, Ax, Viola, Akbar, Amurchik, Amadeus, Argon, Ares, Amon, Adik, Ison, Argo, Aron, Anchar, Ares, Ataman, Ache , Scarlet, Argus, Hades, Aragorn, Ars, Asterix, Alakai, Amir, Apollo, Astin, Atay, Iroh, Anri, Areon, Agron, Airan, Achilles, Ali, Antey, Aramis, Art, Atas, Albert, Anchi, Ak Leopard, Alek, Amulet, Antey, Aslan, Ayan, Aktay, Alfred, Arno, Achilles, Aragon, Artik, Atlas, Azor, Akord, Aksai, Orange, Archel, Azart, Aris, Arkan, Artes, Aston Martin, Akay, Askold , Aidan, Akamaru, Anubis de Barbossa, Arsik, Artos, Antonio, Albus, Arman, Arro, Asman, Avatar, Aidar, Aster, Akhtar, Aji, Aiden, Alik, Anubis, Arnush, Altai, Amodey, Archer, Altar, Amadeo , Anto, Peanut, Asteroid, Atila, Achilles.


Baron, Butch, Bonya, Bim, Buddy, Barney, Balu, Bars, Balto, Baksik, Baikal, Boni, Buran, Burn, Boss, Black, Boy, Barsik, Bagel, Boomer, Butch, Bruno, Bonnie, Bosun, Beck, Bandit, Bari, Ben, Barkhan, Black, Bobbik, Byron, Bob, Baxter, Blake, Bima, Borman, Buyan, Bart, Bobi, Buggy, Bass, Benya, Boniface, Barry, Buchi, Blade, Bond, Busik, Bow, Boston, Bingo, Best, Buster, Butler, Bossick, Bunya, Bernard, Batman, Billy, Bobby, Bruce, Ben, Black Jack, Barchi, Burton, Bonik, Bani, Bossick, Bush, Byte, Balthazar, Black Jack, Bard, Bai, Barik, Belyash, Blake, Batman, Beni, Buys, Baysar, Beni, Velvet, Basti, Boltik, Bonus, Banti, Diamond, Bagram, Beckham, Bambi, Basker, Blade, Bright, Bex, BJ, Bimbo, Body , Brian, Butuz, Bugs, Screwtape, Buster.


Volt, Walter, Venya, Wolf, Vulcan, Vegas, Watson, Weiss, Willie, Vinnie, Valli, Wolf, Winchester, Jack, White, Wulf, Woody, Vyke, Viking, Top, Faithful, Veles, Zipper, Wooddy, Varga, Volchek, Valdai, Winston, Will, Voldemar, Vintik, Lucky, Volly, Veniamin, Vincent, Woland, Vax, Valmont, Varg, Volka, Weiss, Veni, William, Wells, West, Vito, Vityaz, Vostok, Vitamin, Volan De Mort, Volt, Whiskey, Veron, Vivat, Williams, Vinch, Valmond, William, Vint, Vinci, Wood, Valtor, Viscount, Wilson, Volday, Woof, Varyag, Vasco, Venni, Vicci, Voltik, Wheels, Vois, Vals, Valdi, Giant, Viy, Wilhelm, Wilson, Viljan, Windy, Welton, Weisse, Waltz, Vander, Wah, Vakhtash, Vesyoly, Wind, Vildan, Voli, Valens, Wald, Valdes, Valyan.


Gray, Thunder, Count, Grice, Gosha, Gray, Gray, Hector, Gucci, Hans, Guy Julius Caesar, Guy, Gold Cheryl Brown, Gilmore Golden Boy, Gallant Gangster, Harry, Grand, Hollywood Gigalo, Grant, Goofy, Duke, Hermes, Hamlet, Gross, Graham, Garik, Gary, Grave, Grem, Gryzlik, Henry, Greek, Le Havre, Homer, Harold, Gore, Gordon, Greg, Gary, Hardy, Gold, Great, Green, Gunther, Garfield, Huck, Gambit, Gerd, Greik, Garry, Gard, Herald, Herat, Gerry, Grozny, Goodwin, Hertz, Grizzly, Good, Garalt, Grek, Gavchik, Gamber, Georg, Hercules, Gilbert, Gimli, Gluck, Gordey, Grade, Ganj, Garon, Hero, Grian, Grim, Grady, Gaspard, Guiar, Gold, Boy.


Jack, Dick, Joni, Jake, Jackie, Damon, Damon, Dema, Denchik, Joy, Buddy, Den, Jerry, Jim, Denis, Dudley, Diamond, Dobby, Duke, Dark, Damon, Dave, Diesel, Jason, Joker, Django, Dante, Dex, Jerry, Johnny, Dani, Joe, Danube, Dan, Demon, Jay, Dyke, Denny, Dan, Dayman, Doc, Dobie, Dyson, Jimmy, Jasper, Dake, Dexter, Dingo, Dundee, John, Darchi, Dig, Darth Vader, Dave, Jonik, Jackson, Dice, Dar, Jax, Smokey, Danko, Day, Jeff, Watch, Dominic, Denn, James, Dandy, Dix, Dax, Jam, Juice, Diego, Julbars, Dak , Jeri Lee, Dixie, Dake, Jerry Lee, Dug, Dinar, Dantes, Dusty, Jumbo, Joyce, Danae, Dustin, Dale, Jackie, Jimi, Dixon, Diamont, Dollar, Darwin, Das, Dep, Jazz, Dickie, Dodge , Dolph, Doni, David, Dash, Daigo, Derick, Justy, Jerick, Derek, Jordan, Day, Damian, Daco, Jeffrey, Davis, Daisy, Dax, Jet, Duke, Daniel, Deddy, Jak, Jacob, Duncan, Dandy , Jaf, Joseph, Julbas, Jackson, Dickens, Dylan, Deimos, Delgado, Jace, Dino, Friend, Douglas, Devil, Days, Daif, Darik, Jive, Dobson, Dabi, Det, Dakar, Jago, Jado, Jamal, Jan , Jimbo, Jean, Jinx, George, Giuseppe, Dart, Demian, Jeffrey, Dior, Donald, Drago, Dukalis, David, Dec, Dens, Derry.


Evrik, Eroshka, Yenisei, Elai, Ermak, Elisey, Esaul, Eshka, En, Endi, Erik, Ermoshka, Elson, Enai, Erokha, Elik, Emarion, Erji, Erosh, Efim, En-Dake, Eremey, Esson, Jaeger, Elifan, Elmai, Engo, Enson, Epifan, Erofei, Eshko, Ezer, Elvin, Enko, Erdash, Erysh, Evin, Euro, Evsey, Euphrates, Edzherri, Ezhen, Yello, Yemay, Emelyan, Emelya, Eminem.


Zhorik, Jean, Jacques, Rogue, Zhorzhik, Zheka, Zhuzhik, Georges, Zhoni, Zhofrey, Zhigan, Julien, Gerard, Zheis, Jordan, Jasper, Zhivchik, Zhoster, Joinville, Julian, Zhuchi, Zheik, Zherap, Joker, Zhoffrey yes Payrac, Zhastin, Zheri, Jerome, Zhustinian, Zhardan, Zhakan, Jean-Paul, Pearl, Zhoysen, Zhurik, Zhustien, Zhuflik, Zhanik, Zhardon, Hot Pepper, Zhental, Zhergan, Jockey, Zhostik, Julien, Zhey.


Zeus, Zephyr, Zach, Zidan, Zoltan, Zephyrchik, Zold, Zeke, Zorro, Zyuzik, Zabar, Beast, Siegfried, Zenith, Sigmund, Zico, Zig, Zohan, Zuko, Golden, Zag, Zet, Zorgo, Zeyk, Zolotko, Nibbler, Zord, Zaur, Zlatozar, Zolt, Zyu, Zim, Sinister, Zoid, Zolton, Zagir, Sunset, Zaring, Zachary, Gawker, Zeiden, Zane, Zeich, Zembo, Zerg, Zeron, Zulf, Zagrai, Zaman, Zang, Zerri, Zerro, Zigurd, Zimbo, Serpent, Soman, Zoran, Zorg, Zufar.


Eli, Raisin, Emerald, Ichi, Indigo, Irbis, Iris, X, Ilor de Star, Eaton, Ilyusha, Irzhik, Iron, Icarus, Ibis, Frost, Hidalgo, Ingard, Imbo, Invar, Ilya Muromets, Emperor, Imperial, Irken , Irkhan, Eastwood, Ilar, Impulse, Inc. Little Boy, Irtysh, Isay, Ibrahim, Ivyu, Izar.


Casper, Cupcake, Kuzya, Kai, Kent, Karat, Clyde, Cox, Handsome, Chris, Castiel, Cupcake, Kyle, Space, Kurt, Prince, Kubik, Cooper, Cap, Cody, Krosh, Kuzka, Knopik, Kiryusha, Fang, King, Klaus, Karai, Colt, Kaiser, Cash, Kaif, Kaysar, Kelvin, Kiko, Clif, Kashtan, Koresh, Kuchum, Korzhik, Kron, Kuzmich, Kazbek, Kevin, Kassik, Kujo, Kenny, Kokosya, Kelvin, Kriks, Christopher, Kusya, Klim, Claude, Cas, Kip, Karo, Quick, Kefir.


Lord, Leo, Like, Larry, Locky, Lucifer, Light, Lars, Lucky Star, Lexus, Lime, Lake, Luke, Buttercup, Lyon, Louis, Lucas, Laric, Loyd, Fierce, Leonardo, Louis, Luntik, Laurel, Lapus , Lax, Eraser, Lace, Lavrik, Luchik, Lapik, Larsik, Lelik, Luther, Life, Lecturer, Lorik, Lais, Leonard, Laid, Lander, Louis Marcel.


Max, Milo, Marcel, Baby, Mike, Murphy, Maxi, Martin, Mickey, Mars, Mukhtar, Motya, Marty, Miki, Mani, Marsik, Michael, Mark, Maxik, Mason, Mikey, Mityai, Mustang, Marik, Mich, Mavrik, Melvin, Marcus, Monty, Mason, Mufaso, Macho, Maximus, Masik, Mikhey, Maybach, Mojo, Matt, Manny, Martik, Major, Milan, Moor, Marshall, Morgan, Tycoon, Majorik, Morris, Mojito, Mitch, Mac, Muffin.


Nike, Nick, Nord, Nice, Nike, Nelson, Knight, Nigel, Nathanya, Norman, Nilsson, Noah, Niko, Nash, Nordic, Nikas, Nix, Napas, Neo, Noise, Newton, Nemo, Nils, Norris, Norton, Nason, Nicholas, Nikos, Nesquik, Nigil, Nikes, Niall, Knox, Nolik, Noir, Nicolas.


Oscar, Austin, Oddie, Oliver, Otis, Ogonyok, Olaf, Otto, Onyx, Orpheus, Osman, Odin, Orlando, ObiWan, Ocean, Oz, Ozik, Olympus, Odik, Odis, Olf, Omon, Orion, Orlik, Odysseus, Oswald, Olympus.


Peach, Pirate, Pike, Patrick, Prince, Polkan, Fluff, Persian, Percy, Prime, Pouf, Pluto, Pumbaa, Perseus, Patron, Porsche, Pride, Pepper, Parker, Pancho, Perry, Pegasus, Pinky, Pooh, Poof, Fawn, Plush, Paris, Peak, Pif, Partos, Plato, Gingerbread, Paki, Potap, Paco, Puff, Pink, Pongo, Pierre, Papi, Pepito, Pie, Porthos.


Rex, Rich, Ray, Ricci, Richie, Ray, Rex, Richard, Ram, Roy, Rem, Ricky, Ricky, Ride, Ramses, Ronnie, Roni, Ron, Rock, Rudy, Raf, Red, Rico, Richik, Rio, Wright, Rai, Reksik, Rav, Rain, Red, Ryder, Rolf, Ralphic, Raphael, Rambo, Ramstein, Rambo, Rufus, Rice, Rife, Royce, Ren, Rhett Butler, Rooney, Remy, Rox, Rubik, Rammy, Raphael , Raymond, Rhage, Remmy, Rocky Balbo, Rudolph, Rat, Richards.


Spike, Scooby Doo, Simon, Spikey, Stitch, Skye, Scooby, Senya, Sultan, Snowball, Sirius, Snoopy, Spartak, Snickers, Skif, Stiff, Seth, Sema, Stefan, Syapa, Silver, Samson, Smile, Stark, Styopa , Snoop Dog, Spice, Sebastian, North, Sparky, Sir, Scoob, Solomon, Lucky, Seth, Sirius Black, Stan, Syava, Sancho, Sarmat, Simon, Smokey, Santa, Severus, Semi, Simbo, Sauron, Smail, Santiago , Snoop, Spock, Sting, Sapphire, Sydney, Dusk, Samuel.


Tyson, Tyson, Tatoshka, Tema, Taishet, Tedy, Temka, Timka, Toshka, Tima, Tishka, Tosha, Timoshka, Timosha, Tim, Thor, Tobik, Tom, Fog, Teddy, Typhoon, Tai, TJ, Tyler, Timon, Thomas, Ted, Tiger, Timokha, Ted, Topik, Timmy, Tomi, Totoshka, Theodor, Teri, Theodor, Taisan, Tiger, Tyaf, Twix, Terry, Tosik, Troy, Theo, Tais, Tamerlane, Tokha, Tyke, Tyrone, Tito, Tikhon, Tony, Tucker, Topaz, Truffle, Tyler, Taicher, Taylor, Tommy, Turbo, Timur, Tigran, Timofey, Talisman, Totosha, Tair, Taigor, Titan, Toffee, Trey, Tarzan, Tod, Tungus, Tofik, Tomos, Tori, Trey, Tweety, Tey, Torik.


Umka, Uranus, White, Ugolek, Wilfred, Urman, Ulan, Ural, Walt, Ulf, Walter, Success, Umnik, Urs, Urri, Ular, Urmas, Uno, Udzher, Ungar, Ugo, Unicum, Urgan.


Fox, Phil, Filya, Funtik, Felix, Fred, Fantik, Fenya, Flash, Filka, Flint, Fly, Freddy, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Flash, Fry, Fredy, Forest, Frankie, Fart, Frank, Fufik, Fedor, Philip, Franz, Fire, Fidel, Faust, Filimon, Fabian, Fire, Figaro, Friend, Frodo, Finn, Phobos, Bassoon, Farhad, Frank, Frey, Floyd.


Hachiko, Khan, Heidi, Hunter, Hulk, Happy, Hooch, Hugo, Ponytail, Hammer, Khazar, Hitch, Hart, Hard, Hardy, Hunt, Harley, Hugh, Hank, Houtch, Hasan, Henk, Khaki, Hux, Harley, Harvey, Houston, Haik, Khalif, Hatrico, Hagrid, Harty, Hamer, Hotabych, Humphrey, Hitch, Hacker, Hans, Harris, Hort, Hadi, Hayes.


Caesar, Cerberus, Tsar, Zeiss, Cent, Centurion, Cyclone, Tsukat, Cicero, Cerbi, Caesarion Richard, Cezzi, Cedric, Gypsy, Ceron, Tsakhir, Celer, Cepheus.


Charlie, Chuck, Chip, Chucky, Chester, Charlik, Chucky, Chapik, Chop, Chelsea, Chips, Miracle, Chernysh, Chase, Chopik, Charles, Genghis Khaan, Chaz, Chico, Che Guevara, Genghis, Churchill, Chase, Chief, Chap, Chivas, Charlise, Chao, Chandler, Chapai, Cherkess, Chunya, Champion, Chibik, Cheater, Chavez.


Shtanogryz, Sharik, Sherkhan, Sheldon, Sherlock, Shaman, Shah, Sheriff, Sean, Shukher, Sharkhan, Sherlock Holmes, Schultz, Shaggy, Shelton, Sherry, Shaitan, Shere Khan, Chief, Shepard, Shrek, Skipper, Schwartz, Sheik , Shalun, Shiko, Shustik, Shustrik, Chance, Lace, Shado, Sheikh, Shawnee, Storm, Saffron, Sherman, Shpunya, Shrek, Shedel, Shmonya, Schnapps, Chocolate, Shastik, Shakespeare, Stirlitz, Schweppes, Shirkhan.


E-Ron-Don-Don, Edmond, Elvis, Eric, Eddie, Alvin, Ernie, Edelweiss, Ashton, Andy, Einstein, Ezio, Edgar, Emir, Edward, Aeneas, El Diablo, Elf, Ace Ventura, Eragon, Eskimo , Eclair, Eden, Emil, Edwin, AJ, Alice, Enri, Edwige, Aesop, Air, Angel, Erzas, Early, Everest, Ellord.


Eugene, Eustace, Yurchik, Yukki, Eugene, Julius, Julius Caesar, Jupiter, Juventus, Yuk, Yukon, Yunik, Yuchi, Yugo, Yupik, Yusik, Justus, Yudik, Yuray, Yukan, Yutos, Yugas, Yuz, Yuzef, Yukas , Yukos, Yuran, Yugan, Yuks, Yulik, Yunatan, Yungar, Justin, Yutan, Yugay, Yuzgen, Unite, Yunga, Yunur, Yurhan, Justinian.


Yan-chi, Yarik, Yang, Yasik, Jason, Yakut, Yary, Yar, Yantar, Yanis, Yakhont, Yaksik, Yangul, Yard, Yamal, Yang, Jacob, Yarmak, Iago, Yars, Yasny.

What not to call a dog

Despite the fact that the owner has the right to give his pet any name, there are still nicknames that are extremely undesirable to give to dogs, and some are completely unacceptable:

  • You cannot call a dog abusive and insulting words, even in love, even as a joke. The same can be applied to some foreign names, which in their own country are perceived quite normally, but in Russia they may turn out to be consonant with the same abusive and offensive words.
  • You should not give your Yorkie common human names, no matter how much the owner likes them. It is especially undesirable to name a pet after one of your relatives, friends or neighbors. It is unlikely that these people will be able to understand that the dog was named so as a sign of respect and love, and not out of a desire to laugh at them.
  • The funny names that some owners give to their dogs may amuse owners at first. But it may turn out that the nickname given to the dog for fun will eventually begin to irritate the owners.
  • You should absolutely not give animals names taken from the religious lexicon. In addition to the fact that it is unethical, such names are quite capable of causing bewilderment among strangers who hear them while walking, or even justifiable indignation.

Before calling a pet with a favorite word or name, the owner needs, in addition to the beautiful sound, to also think about what associations this nickname will evoke among others.

Names for Yorkie girls:


Alma, Alpha, Adele, Asya, Achi, Aiza, Agatha, Angel, Aska, Ira, Aurora, Abby, Alice, Ada, Aza, Alba, Athena, Angel, Aika, Orange, Aisi, Aina, Anabella, Aya, Abel, Amelie, Arisha, Quince, Alya, Alexa, Anabel, Anzhi, Assol, Aida, Atika, Aphrodite, Alka, Alta, Adelia, Agnessa, Avi, Iris, Anika, Alisha, Ariel, Agnes, Astra, Ice, Asol, Axi, Amanda, Adelina, Alaska, Aria, Agira, Akira, Ayla, Aisa, Aya, Ava, Amina, Asi, Akela, Asti, Amelia, Aqua, Anfisa, Agni, Alma, Ashli, Adelka, Alexis, Alpa, Arya, Aki.


Bonya, Bagheera, Berta, Busya, Bella, Badi, Boni, Businka, Betty, Basya, Bella, Bonnie, Bonka, Beti, Busya, Betty, Belka, Badi, Bayra, Buffy, Bela, Bafi, Beti, Bonita, Bosya, BulkA, Bassi, Basta, Beki, Bagi, Baxi, Becky, Barcelona, ​​Bessy, Bona, Boska, Becky, Bani, Beta, Bulya, Bela, Bara, Belle, Bassey, Bucky, Berry, Betsy, Barsi, Bonitta, Beta, Barbie, Barty, Brunya.


Vesta, Vanessa, Wendy, Vita, Cherry, Vega, Vasilisa, Wendy, Verona, Victoria, Vlada, Vaida, Veta, Venus, Violetta, Vixie, Vanda, Vanilla, Valencia, Vitaminka, Vetta, Viola, Whiskey, Vanesa, Violeta, Vesta, Vella, Valli, Virginia, Wilma, Vi-vi, Vidzhi, Venice, Verta, Vyuga, Vilet, Vicky, Valda, Vivien, Vaxa, Spring, Vilena, Vista, Vendetta, Veya, Valmi, Vaika.


Gerda, Hera, Greta, Gretta, Greta, Gabi, Gabbi, Gerta, Grace, Gadget, Grace, Gadget, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gracie, Goldie, Gloria, Glasha, Gressi, Gracie, Gucci, Gwen, Groza, Gaia, Gabriel, Gamma, Gabriella, Hermione, Gladys, Glory, Goldie, Gaara, Gretta, Ghersi, Gertrude, Golda, Geta, Glafira, Galatea, Gauri, Gita.


Jesy, Jesse, Dina, Dana, Jessica, Daisy, Gina, Jesy, Jess, Jaycee, Jess, Desi, Dora, Dusya, Darcy, Daisy, Julia, Dolly, Doli, Delhi, Dixie, Haze, Dara, Jackie, Daina, Debbie, Deya, Julia, Ducky, Juliet, Judy, Dory, Donya, Danna, Daffy, Dunya, Duggy, Jeska, Dona, Dakota, Jena, Jeta, Daphne, Jenny, Ginna, Dinka, Deya, Deisy, Dinga, Dasya, Julie, Juna, Dasha, Delya, Daxie, Deila, Dolka, Jenna, Diana, Dosya, Danka, Jesa, Diva, Dyusha, Delya, Dessie, Jolie, Daniela, Daria, Demi, Jeremy, Daisy, Jeni, Jennifer, Jeri, Demmi, Jassy, ​​Dinara, Dominica, Danae, Daniella, Delta, Jerry, Julianna, Doris, Jane, Jay, Jesya, Dita, Dussy, Danka, Daphne, Denis, Dicey, Jamila, Share.


Eva, Elza, Elka, Yesenia, Ezhevichka, Evra, Eshka, Esya, Ella, Emma, ​​Esika, Essi, Yesha, Elya, Evestina, Eroshka, Esmi, Ezhevika, Evita, Elma, Era, Elis, Elsi, Elma, Emi, Emmi, Erika, Eta, Eugenica, Elana, Elizabeth, Elika, Emelia, Emira.


Zhuzha, Zhu-zha, Zhulya, Jasmine, Zhuchka, Jacqueline, Zhulka, Pearl, Zhessy, Zhadi, Juliet, Zhanette, Zhesi, Julie, Jessica, Giselle, Josephine, Zhunya, Zhani-Sha-Den, Zhanna, Geneva, Genevieve, Juliette, Josie, Zhudi, Jeanette, Gerry, Zheka, Zhesika.


Zara, Zlata, Bunny, Zosya, Zena, Ziggy, Marshmallow, Zoe, Fun, Zolly, Zarina, Zaya, Zeya, Ziga, Zizi, Zyama, Asterisk, Zyuzya, Zemfira, Zizu, Zita, Zakira, Zarta, Zalta, Zira, Fun, Zenna, Zeta, Zolda, Zaza.


Toffee, Irma, Isabel, Infinity, Ivy, Easy, Indy, Isabella, Ilma, Inga, Ivetta, Ida, Iris, Willow, Ilona, ​​Inda, Iya, Ilana, Spark, Iolanta, Ita, Ilda, Ima, Ipsi, Jiri, Ista, Idzhi, Isabelli, Isis, Illiad, Ilga, Indigo, Irna, Isis, Ilida, Inessa.


Kira, Button, Kayla, Cora, Carrie, Casey, Knopa, Kasya, Caramelka, Klepa, Kara, Katie, Kaira, Cleopatra, Kate, Cassie, Kiara, Kylie, Kamila, Carey, Cassie, Cleo, Kerry, Ketty, Kasandra, Capa, Katie, Chiara, Candy, Button, Korra, Carmen, Keli, Cassia, Krista, Christy, Kiwi, Klepa, Corey, Cuba, Kado, Coco, Carolina, Catherine, Katie, Chris, Kat, Kiki, Karalina, Cassiopeia, Kappa, Kichi, Caramel, Candy, Kapi.


Lucky, Lelya, Lucky, Laima, Linda, Laura, Lexi, Lyalya, Lada, Lola, Lana, Lilu, Lady, Luna, Lassie, Lisa, Lucy, Loya, Lisa, Lassie, Lyuska, Lori, Li-Lu, Lika, Laska, Lesya, Leila, Leah, Lara, Lily, Larchi, Lulu, Li-Li, Lissa, Lapa, Lotta, Letty, Lyra, Lexa, Lacey, Lina, Lota, Lusha, Lizy, Laida, Leah, Lizzie, Lacey, Lesi, Loya, Laxie, Lyalka, Layla, Lynsey, Lorry, Laura, Lyusya, Lindy, Lari, Chanterelle, Locky, Larsi, Laffey, Lelya, Leslie, Lilith, Lisi, Louise, Leona, Leya, Lordi, Lottie, Lavender, Laili, Lapusya, Lensi, Lera, Lila, Lucyena, Laifa, Latifa, Lilo, Lettie, Laisi, Laksi, Latika, Leina, Leska, Loli, Lolo.


Masya, Monica, Martha, Molly, Monya, Mia, Masyanya, Miley, Mila, Melisa, Musya, Merry, Manya, Maya, Maya, Mira, Michelle, Maya, Matilda, Mary, Mukha, Mickey, Mika, Motya, Margot, Milka, Moli, Maggie, Mia, Maska, Maggie, Mona, Merlin, Malta, Merlin, Marusya, Mulya, Margosha, Marlin, Milana, Mirta, Motilda, Maggie, Maila, Mani, Muse, Muska, Baby, Megi, Mayra, Mili, Marcy, Mimi, Melanie, Miki, Massey, Marcel, Merry, Motka, Mouse, Miranda, Maxi, Marley, Milena, Milky, Monique, Macy, Mallow, Tangerine, Mary-Jane, Mercedes, Milady, Milla, Moni, Monna, May, Melissa, Mella, Mary, Mercy, Melena, Mercy, Messi, Mushka, Madeleine, Malibu, Marquise, Marfa, Meili, Melady, Melody, Milagres, Cutie, Millie, Mini, Maloney, Margaret, Mega, Mikaella, Michi, Monroe, Maidi, Malu, Manyunya, Marmalade, Maisie, Meranda.


Nika, Nyusha, Naida, Nora, Nicole, Niki, Nessie, Nancy, Nikka, Nyashka, Nikki, Neli, Nyushka, Nana, Nyasha, Nellie, Nike, Notka, Nessie, Nyusya, Naya, Nancy, Nancy, Nyuska, Nala, Nabby, Nicoletta, Nikolleta, Nikusya, Nola, Naomi, Naita, Nochka, Nacy, Nellie, Nyura, Naisi, Nagaina, Nixie, Nota, Nelya, Nesi, Nori, Nanni, Natti, Nelka, Neira, Neli, Nyuta, Naisa, Nanya, Nasi, Neva, Neya.


Olivia, Orchid, Oxy, Audrey, O'Malley, Ollie, Orchid, Omega, Orisha, Onika, Osya, Ophelia, Olive, Oddie, Ozzie, Occhi, Orly, Omanda, Oti, Odelia, Audriana, Osti, Orelia, Odette, Olsie, Otti, Olika, Omelia, Onya, Olyssia, Obbi, Olya, Osta, Oiki, Onita.


Pusya, Bullet, Pandora, Plush, Prada, Puma, Peach, Palma, Bun, Party, Polly, Pinky, Ponka, Pepsi, Perry, Penelope, Petty, Pixie, Penny, Patricia, Patti, Poly, Patty, Pamella, Percy, Ponochka, Prima, Button, Puska, Pusha, Panther, Pelageya, Fluffy, Paris, Peggy, Pam, Penny, Peppy, Polina, Paris, Cookie, Princess, Puffy, Paddy, Panochka, Peggy, Pella, Pelmenshka, Pumbaa, Piper, Paula, Paxie, Panda, Pepita, Pixa, Pride, Pulka, Peggi, Paulina, Piggy, Midnight, Pandi, Pansy, Peji, Paige.


Rada, Roxy, Ricky, Richie, Rona, Raida, Ricci, Rexy, Rosie, Runa, Ruby, Ralph, Rick, Rose, Ruta, Rachel, Ressi, Rachel, Rexie, Rusya, Ray, Rina, Roni, Rima, Rooney, Ressi, Rach, Rabi, Raina, Rita, Rossi, Risha, Roxana, Ruffi, Rema, Rainbow, Remy, Rose, Rudi, Regina, Rhea, Raida, Rufi, Lynx, Rebecca, Reisi, Rixie, Riya, Rhonda, Rally, Randy, Raina, Joy, Radochka, Rasta, Rachelle, Rihanna, Raifi, Rummy, Rafaela, Rea, Reda, Reggie, Reina, Reissi, Rigi.


Sonya, Simba, Stella, Sarah, Sandy, Sima, Sophie, Silva, Santa, Cindy, Stesha, Sally, Sali, Snowflake, Sandra, Sofia, Steffi, Suzy, Selena, Stella, Stephanie, Stassie, Simone, Sabrina, Sakura, Snezka, Sandy, Samantha, Sapphira, Sarbona, Stephanie, Suzy, Sunny, Safi, Sabbi, Sparta, Sandy, Steshka, Stacy, Stefi, Stella, Stacy, Sofa, Stessy, Saiga, Stasya, Sidney, Smoli, Sony, Saida, Siona, Sophia, Savannah, Seli, Scarlet, Sorbona, Stasie, Sambuca, Smila, Sorbonne, Sofina, Sparky, Selina, Snezhulya, Strelka, Suri, Susan, Salma, Sanda, Saffi, Seyla, Ciera, Scali, Sofochka, Strela, Stefania, Selma.


Tori, Tosya, Tina, Taiga, Terry, Tiffany, Tyra, Tasya, Tyapa, Teri, Taska, Teya, Terra, Tessie, Tusya, Tequila, Tessa, Teffi, Tera, Tasha, Tiffany, Terry, Tagira, Trisha, Tessie, Tracy, Taya, Tinka, Mystery, Tara, Tuska, Terra, Taffy, Tora, Torrey, Twixie, Tagira, Tosha, Tuchka, Tavi, Tesi, Tima, Tootsie, Tigger, Meatball, Tiana, Tiara, Tyafa, Tappy, Taya, Tezi, Tacy, Thea, Tilda, Troy, Tacy, Tera, Tessa, Tinky.


Umka, Uma, Ursa, Una, Whitney, Ursulla, Ulyana, Umi, Ultra, Ursula, Ulma, Unika, Ulyasha, Luck, Uslada, Ustinya, Ulana, Udjuna, Unga, Winda, Wini, Ulla, Uldina.


Phoebe, Fiona, Fenya, Fanny, Frosya, Fenechka, Foxy, Fiji, Fanya, Faya, Pistachio, Frida, Flora, Fabby, Fairy, Fani, Freya, Fluffy, Fabi, Fleur, Freya, Fanta, Felicia, Feona, Fi- fi, Frutti, Francesca, Violet, Fiesta, Fifa, Fortuna, Fanka, Fimka, Fira, Fifi.


Chloe, Happy, Holly, Hasya, Hannah, Hanni, Heidi, Honda, Hana, Helga, Chloe, Helsey, Helly, Harty, Hillary, Hardy, Happy, Henessy, Haska, Hilda, Hichi, Hanni Sweet Love, Hanty, Henessy, Hayta, Hani, Harsi, Hayley, Helen.


Ceya, Caesaria, Tsara, Cesi, Cera, Tsatsa, Cerra, Tsarina, Cessa, Ceira, Cephi, Flower, Tsukerka, Caesarina, Centuria, Ceri, Tsilya, Tserona, Tsapa, Cerri, Cercea, Tsimi.


Chelsea, Chara, Chapa, Cherry, Chica, Charlie, Chita, Miracle, Chucha, Cheri, Chili, Chunya, Chucky, Chappie, Chase, Chasey, Chacha, Chernyshka, Miracle, Chapka, Chiquita, China, Chipa, Chupa, Chilly, Blueberry, Chisetta, Chiki, Chelly, Chibi, Chula, Chelbi, Chernushka, Chessa, Czech, Chiba, Chana, Charsi, Chera, Chilita.


Sherry, Chanel, Shelley, Sheri, Sheila, Sherry, Shari, Sheila, Shelby, Shakira, Shanti, Shanya, Shandi, Shani, Charlotte, Shaggy, Chocolate, Sherra, Cher, Shayna, Charlie, Chantal, Shunka, Shelma, Shansi, Shiva, Shuga, Sheily, Shelly, Sheldi, Shana, Charlize, Sheba, Shanni, Shaya, Sheyri, Chablis, Shera, Skoda, Shusha, Sheina, Shirley, Sheltie, Shasti, Shegi, Shella, Shali, Shatti, Sheda, Shannel, Shaula, Shadow, Shoko, Shuma, Sharmel, Shasta.


Elsa, Ashley, Abby, Alice, Amy, Elya, Eli, Emma, ​​Emmy, Ellie, Eva, Angie, Elka, Erica, Elizabeth, Ellis, Effie, Elsie, Ema, Evie, Emily, Esther, Elba, Emilia, Era, Annie, Esme, Ebi, Ava, Elma, Elsa, Eni, Estelle, Efa, Ashmi, Eizi, Elina, Alisson, Ella, Elfa, Esma, Eureka, Ekki, Eleanor, Elite, Amber, Erma, Erna, Ernie, Essie, Ethel, Ethera, Edel, Eyvari, Elicia, Elisen, Errika, Elin, Allison.


Yuta, Yuki, Yutta, Yuna, Yuji, Yukki, Yuka, Juno, Yusya, Yumi, Yusta, Yucca, Yunya, Yusha, Yusi, Yussi, Yuksi, Yuska, Yuzya, Yula, Yugra, Yulka, Yupsi, Yuventa, Yudzhette, Yulsi, Unita, Yubi, Yulata, Yuma, Eugina, Yulika, Yunga, Yunna, Yuchi, Yuvita, Yuga, Yudita, Yumba, Yuteila, Yufa, Yuata, Yuvelina, Yuvelia, Yuzhana, Yukke, Yumina.


Yasya, Yara, Berry, Yanka, Yasmin, Java, Yalta, Yasmina, Yami, Jamaica, Yanesa, Jaffie, Yammy, Yalma, Yasna, Yanga, Jasper, Yala, Yappi, Yancy, Yarel, Yanina, Yadel-vi-Grandi, Yamiya, Yalika, Yamato, Yanzhe, Yargo, Yarka, Yaroslavna, Yaluna, Yanni, Yarda, Yarita, Yafi, Yaki.

Original ideas

Yorkshire terriers, despite their miniature size and cute face, are very brave and intelligent animals. When choosing nicknames for them, it is worth exploring as many options as possible, including considering original, unusual names.

After all, these cuties are original in themselves, and such nicknames suit them very well:

  • Artist, Leader, General;
  • Casper, Cupcake, Commander, Idol, Lacoste, Limit, Othello;
  • Ozzy, Radar, Ramses, Scout;
  • Twist, Twister, Scooter;
  • Patron, Boss, Schumacher, Schukher, Einstein.

Interesting! Don't go too far in terms of originality. The nickname should not only be funny and whimsical, but also harmonious, simple and understandable.

Geographic nicknames

The ancestors of Yorkies lived in England and Scotland. You can name your pet in honor of its historical homeland:

  • Manchester
  • Anglesey
  • Arran
  • White
  • Severn
  • Humber
  • Edinburgh
  • Cardiff
  • Newport
  • Snowdon
  • Mourn
  • Dartmoor
  • Orn
  • Holtwistle
  • Tey
  • Mildsex
  • Bristol
  • Norwich
  • Cantebury
  • Exeter
  • Pool
  • Nottingham
  • Lichfield
  • Worcester
  • Chester
  • Leicestershire
  • Cheshire
  • Surrey

Baby Takara


The following video materials help to evaluate the behavioral skills and external characteristics of Yorkies and determine compliance with nicknames. Thanks to the videos, it will be easier to decide what the representatives of this unique breed should be called.

Choosing a nickname for a pet is a serious task and must be approached responsibly. The pet should easily remember its name, therefore, it should sound clear and easy to pronounce. You also need to study the habits of the animal, take a closer look at the habits, analyze external data, which will allow you to reflect its individual characteristics in the name.


Advice from experienced dog breeders on how to choose a name for a Yorkie puppy.

Olga, Barnaul: “Our beauty’s official name is Felicita. It’s too cumbersome, we thought, and now it’s Chita for everyone. Even my son, at the age of 2, was already pronouncing this nickname.”

Mikhail, Gelendzhik: “Friends gave us a Yorkie as a baby. As soon as I saw him, the name Tofik immediately appeared in my mind. Everyone loved it, it's easy to pronounce and reflects the fun-loving nature of our great dog."

Irina, Volgograd: “Even before buying a puppy, the whole family reviewed all the nicknames for the Yorkie. My passport said Coconut King. And the baby was already reacting vividly to this nickname. Therefore, we cut off the second part for ourselves. And dear Coconut settled at home.”

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