Use Delcid for cats correctly! Everything about prevention and treatment with the drug

Delcid is a product that is used to kill fleas and ticks that have settled on cats and dogs. The main feature of the drug is that it can be used not only to treat animals, but also to treat premises and pets’ habitats. A domestic medicine has been developed, which produces veterinary medicines.

Characteristics of the drug Deltsid for cats

Delcid is a product for fighting fleas and other ectoparasites, as well as for disinfestation and decontamination in rooms with cats. The developer of the drug formula is the organization "Agrovetzaschita" (Moscow region). Delcid is used by owners of cats, dogs, poultry and other pets.

NEC "Agrovetzashchita" (AVZ) was founded in 1993. At first there were only 3 people, and the first development of scientists was the drug Azinox. Subsequently, Agrovetzashchita began producing Bars drops in the form of spot-on. Since 2003, company employees began working abroad, which is how the export of medicinal products began. Now the company has more than 250 veterinary products, including insectoacaricidal drugs and cosmetics for animals (shampoos, balms, etc.). In 2005, AVZ took a leading position in the Russian veterinary medicine market.

NVC LLC "Agrovetzashchita" is the leader in Russia in the production of veterinary drugs

Delcid release form

Delcid is a clear, brownish liquid. It looks like an oily substance that, when mixed with water, forms a thick, cloudy emulsion and turns white. The drug is poured into ampoules made of transparent glass or plastic. Ampoules can be 1.25 or 1.5 cm3 in volume, but 2 cm3 packaging is becoming more popular. The outer packaging is a cardboard box in which 5 ampoules are placed.

At the veterinary pharmacy, I was told that such small packages are most often purchased by dog ​​or cat owners, as well as those who simply need to get rid of fleas (for example, those living on the first floor, especially in late spring, when insects are active). But farmers and livestock owners buy a different package of the drug. Bottles made of metal or plastic with a volume of 1 liter, 1.25 or 1.3 liter are also available. The rarest form of release of this drug is canisters of 3, 5 or 20 dm3. In a veterinary pharmacy near my house, Deltsid in 2-ml ampoules costs 165 rubles per pack (5 ampoules), and a liter bottle costs 1,750 rubles. They explained to me that the price may depend on the release date of the batch.

The ampoules themselves indicate the name of the manufacturer, volume and active ingredient, as well as the date and batch number of release. More information is provided on the outer packaging. On the front side of the box there is the manufacturer’s logo and the purpose of the drug is indicated, and on the back side there is detailed information about the manufacturing plant and storage recommendations. Separately indicate the date, production batch number, and barcode. Detailed instructions are placed inside the box. Important: The box may only show a dog, but cat owners should look for a pack with a picture of a cat and a dog.

Deltsid is available in several forms, but cats are given Deltsid in 2 ml ampoules.

Composition of the drug

Delcid contains the following components:

  • pyrethroid deltamethrin - 4.0% (active ingredient);
  • twin 80;
  • neonol;
  • nefras.

Interesting fact: deltamethrin, which is used in modern insecticidal preparations, is a synthetically created analogue of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins (Pirethrum) are extracted from the flowers of Dalmatian chamomile and other perennial plants. Dalmatian grass used to grow only in Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador and Rwanda. By their chemical nature, pyrethrins are water-soluble esters that easily oxidize when exposed to air. All this led scientists to develop a formula for a more stable analogue of these substances, which is also 900 times more effective than natural insecticides.

Tween 80 is used in veterinary drugs and protective products due to its ability to make fats and oils soluble in water. And nefras (interpretation: petroleum solvent) is needed in order to then dissolve these same oils. The surfactant (surfactant) in Deltsid is represented by neonol. Delcid owes its color to this substance.

Deltamethrin is an analogue of natural pyrethrin used in the production of insecticides

Terms and conditions of storage of Deltsid

Delcid, like any veterinary drug, must be stored under conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Firstly, the storage location must be inaccessible to children and animals. The drug should not come into contact with food or animal feed. Secondly, the storage location should be away from heat and moisture, and sunlight should not fall on the packaging. Ideally, this is a first aid kit located in the closet on the top shelf.

It is important not to forget about shelf life. If all the specified conditions are met, then Deltsid will be valid for 2 years from the date of issue. When the expiration date has expired, the ampoules and box must be disposed of. You will have to throw away the drug earlier even if you stored it without following the listed rules.

Deltsid is stored at temperatures from 0°C to 30°C. Most of my friends store such products in the refrigerator, but I have a special first aid kit for this. I store all flea and worm remedies in sealed bags so that they do not come into contact with medications and vitamins. By the way, it is better not to throw away the boxes before the expiration of the possible shelf life. If all the markings on the ampoule are erased, you simply will not be able to check the suitability of the product without outer packaging.

Pharmacological properties

The Delcid effect is associated with the ability of deltamethrin to influence the functioning of the nervous system of parasites. It blocks the nerve impulses of ectoparasites, which leads to paralysis. A paralyzed insect becomes immobilized and loses the ability to stay on the animal’s body or other surfaces. This way, it will not be difficult for cat owners to get rid of garbage in the form of parasite corpses. Unlike most insectoacaricidal drugs, Deltsid has not only an intestinal effect, but also a contact one (for example, fleas can die after “inhaling” the fumes).

Delcid causes paralysis and death of ectoparasites

Premises treatment

The use of diluted Deltsid for treating an apartment is permitted in an empty room behind closed windows and doors. For spraying, use a spray bottle into which fresh working solution is poured.

Treatment of an apartment with Deltsid against fleas and other crawling insects is carried out as follows:

  • wear a respirator, gloves and long sleeves;
  • spray the product while holding your arm outstretched;
  • distance from the surface to be treated to the tip of the sprayer – 20 cm;
  • Apply the composition to the floor and walls up to a height of 1.5 m.

Particular attention is paid to pets' resting areas, baseboards and crevices. After completing spraying, leave the room or apartment for 1 hour, closing the door tightly. If necessary, re-treat after 7-10 days.

Indications for use in cats

Deltsid is used for infection with the following types of ectoparasites:

  • sarcoptic and ixodid ticks (including demodex);
  • sexually mature lice and fleas;
  • bed bugs;
  • fluff eaters, lice eaters;
  • flies, horseflies and mosquitoes.

Deltsid is most often prescribed to cats because of ticks or fleas. But in some cases, the cat may remain uninfected, while the parasites live in the apartment or house. For example, this happens on the first floors of old houses. In the spring, insects emerge from basements, and owners of four-legged pets are afraid that their cat will “catch” parasites. In addition, Delcid can be used for preventive purposes.

Waiting period

Slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs for meat is permitted no earlier than 15 days, rabbits - no earlier than 3 days after the last treatment with Deltsid.

In case of forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as animal feed or for processing into meat and bone meal.

Milk from dairy cows treated in regimes against sarcoptic mites and lice is allowed to be used for food purposes no earlier than 3 days after treatment with Deltsid. The milk obtained before the expiration of the specified period can be used after heat treatment as feed for fur-bearing animals.

Milk from dairy cows treated against midges and pasture flies is allowed to be used for food purposes without restrictions.

Instructions for use of Delcid

The manufacturer's instructions indicate 2 methods of use - treating the cat and treating the room. Depending on the method, the methods of use and dosage of the drug differ.

Animal processing

The cat can be bathed (if it has long hair) or sprayed with Delcid solution (if it has short hair). In this case, bathing should be done in a bathtub, and sprinkling should be done with a spray bottle. In this case, you need to avoid getting the solution into the cat’s eyes, mouth and nose. If we are talking about ticks, then you need to treat not only the infected area, but also the area around it with a diameter of 1.5–2 cm. In any case, Deltsid must be dissolved immediately before use, and always in cold tap water. After this, you need to let the fur dry, and it is not recommended to bathe the cat for 3 days after treatment.

The emulsion will dissolve more evenly if it is first mixed with a small amount of water in a separate container, and the resulting solution is then poured into the main amount of water.

Table: dosage and application regimen

Type of parasitesDosageApplication diagram
Lice, lice, fleas2 ml per 1.6 l2–3 times (interval - up to 10 days)1 time
Scabies mites1.25 ml per 1 l2 times (interval - up to 2 weeks)Once every six months
Ixodid ticksUp to 1 ml per 1 l1 time

It is recommended to treat a cat with Delcid solution under the supervision (supervision) of a veterinarian. You also need to remember about the character of the cat - not every animal will allow itself to be smeared or soaked with an incomprehensible solution with an unfamiliar smell.

My cat can calmly respond to bathing (every six months I bathe her with a special shampoo, so she is not afraid of smells). But she doesn’t trust sprays or any atomizers. As soon as you pick up a spray bottle, she runs away and hides. Each owner has his own “tricks” for calming pets. My older cat, for example, behaves calmer when she is “lisped.” She can easily endure having her nails trimmed, putting on a new collar, and even trying on overalls. But my sister’s cat calms down if you show him a treat (but don’t give it). He will sit quietly and endure in the hope that later he will be given a “yummy treat.”

Video: how to bathe a cat so it doesn't scratch

Treating the premises with Deltsid

Before treating a room, it must first be prepared. Animal food and food must be removed, it is advisable to cover the dishes with waterproof film, etc. Delcid is diluted with water, and the resulting solution is sprayed or washed in the desired room. Some owners call this process “filling” the room (especially if there are a lot of fleas in it). After treating the room, you need to wait 1.5 hours and then ventilate the room. Vents, windows or doors must be open for at least 60 minutes. Insect corpses must be removed so that the cat cannot come into contact with them. The floor can be swept or vacuumed. The cat's dishes, combs and trays should be thoroughly washed, and the bedding should be washed. Only after this can the pet be allowed into the room.

The manufacturer recommends calculating the amount of the finished solution based on the quality of the surface. For 100 m2 of smooth walls and floors you will need 5 liters of emulsion, and to treat 100 m2 of rough surfaces - twice as much.

Table: preparing a solution for surface treatment

Insect speciesRough surfaceSmooth surface
CrawlingUp to 19 ampoules per bucket of waterUp to 2 ampoules per 1 liter of water
FlyingUp to 10 ampoules per 1 liter of waterUp to 10 ampoules per 1 liter of water

To treat the room with Deltsid solution, you can use a special sprayer.

Owner reviews

Artem, owner of the Siberian cat:

“My handsome guy has luxurious fur, but the fleas are just tormenting him. I tried different means - collars, drops, etc. There was either no result, or it was too short-lived. But Deltsid helped get rid of the misfortune. I bathed the cat in the solution once, and there were no more fleas. The use of the product had no effect on the condition of the coat. A good, albeit cheap product."

Victor, owner of a 7-year-old dog:

“We live in a private house. The dog lives in a booth. Recently I noticed that he was constantly itching, and upon examination I noticed fleas. The veterinary pharmacy recommended Deltsid. I diluted the concentrate and treated both the dog and the kennel with it. After 10 days I repeated the procedure. Now nothing reminds us of the unpleasant incident.”

Lyudmila, owner of a 5-year-old cat:

“For a long time we couldn’t get rid of the scabies mite. It was unbearable to watch the cat constantly itching. The medications prescribed by the vet did not help. I accidentally found out about this drug from a friend. One treatment was enough for the cat to stop itching.”

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of Delcid in cats:

  • weakened conditions;
  • exhaustion (including after illness);
  • hypersensitivity to Delcid components;
  • second half of pregnancy.

If you use the emulsion strictly according to the recommendations, there will be no side effects. If the cat is hypersensitive to the components of the drug or an overdose occurs, the following phenomena may occur:

  • lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • swelling, lacrimation, increased salivation;
  • disorientation (disturbed gait, etc.).

In such cases, you need to contact a veterinarian. The specialist will check the animal’s condition; if necessary, the cat may be prescribed symptomatic therapy. The cat owner should remember that this drug is not recommended for further use.

If the cat's behavior/condition changes after using Delcid, its use should be discontinued.


Under no circumstances should you pour any remaining Deltsid solution into the toilet. Reviews recommend treating the container in which the working solution was located with soda and soap solution. The remaining product must be completely neutralized with slaked lime and carefully buried in the ground to a depth of at least one meter.

The choice of a high-quality insecticide largely determines the effectiveness of the room treatment procedure. Therefore, you should approach the issue of choosing it with all seriousness. You should mostly focus on reviews from real consumers who had the opportunity to verify in practice the effectiveness of a particular product. This is exactly the case with the drug "Deltsid". Customers describe it as an incredibly effective insecticide that has helped them completely get rid of bugs that were bothering them.

It is important to remember that the maximum effect can be achieved only if you strictly adhere to all recommendations regarding the preparation of the working emulsion, as well as the process of treating the animal or premises. Strict adherence to the instructions contained in the instructions will help to avoid the occurrence of any adverse reactions from the body to exposure to the substance in question.

It is necessary to treat the room as carefully as possible, without missing any surfaces or crevices. It would also be reasonable to spray the rigid frame of upholstered furniture with the product.

It is important to consider that during the first procedure insect eggs can be preserved, which at a certain stage of development have a durable shell that protects them from any, including chemical, external influence. Therefore, experts recommend that after ten to fourteen days an additional disinfestation procedure is carried out, which will destroy newly born parasites.

In this case, the victory over fleas will be final!

Choose the best quality drugs, take care of yourself and your pets!

Special instructions and precautions

When working with Deltsid, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not drink, smoke or eat while preparing and using the solution.
  2. When contacting the drug, you must use personal protective equipment (mask, gloves, overalls, hat, rubber boots, respirator).
  3. You cannot work with the emulsion for more than 6 hours a day.
  4. After using the solution, protective equipment should be removed, the face and hands should be washed with soap, and the mouth should be rinsed with running water.
  5. If the emulsion or its solution gets on the skin, the contaminated area should be immediately washed with water or a soda solution.
  6. Before work, you need to make sure that there is a first aid kit nearby.
  7. If Delcid gets inside, you need to take up to 10 tablets of activated carbon and wash them down with warm water.
  8. If after contact with the drug a person feels dizzy or other symptoms of poisoning, they should immediately go to the hospital.

The dishes in which the emulsion was dissolved cannot simply be thrown into the trash. It needs to be filled with a solution of soda ash (3–5%) and left for 5–6 hours. After this, the soda solution should be poured out and the container should be rinsed under running water.

My son has respiratory allergy. Simply put, he begins to choke when the smells of ethyl alcohol, bleach, chloramine, etc. are in the air. To avoid unpleasant consequences, I use chemicals only in his absence. Friends who used Deltsid also sent their children for a walk until the smell disappeared completely. When the child returns to the room, he should be asked if he smells a foreign odor. If it does, it means the room is not well ventilated.

Respirators of the F-62 (ShM), Astra-2, and Lepestok-40 brands are suitable for working with Deltsid. "Petal-5", etc.

How to detect parasites

The defeat of poultry cannot be ignored. The settlement of ectoparasites in a chicken coop leads to weakening, illness and even death of the chickens. When breeding in large numbers, harmful insects are detected visually. They can be seen on perches and in nests. Upon contact with an affected bird, some of them can spread to the human body. They cannot bite people, but they cause considerable discomfort.

In the early stages, damage is noted by the following signs:

  1. Chickens get nervous and constantly scratch themselves with their beaks or nails.
  2. Laying hens lose their appetite and lose weight accordingly.
  3. Egg production is noticeably reduced.
  4. By using Deltsid at the first manifestations, owners avoid significant problems.

Inspecting the bird will help definitively determine the presence of parasites. Ticks settle on open areas of the body. In chickens these are legs. Lice and fleas live in the “shelter” - under feathers and down.

Advice. It is advisable to install boxes with a mixture of sand, charcoal and chalk in the chicken coop. Laying hens love to “bathe” in such baths, at the same time getting rid of parasites.

Analogs of a veterinary drug

The closest analogues of Deltsid:

  • Frontline Spot On;
  • Rolf Club 3D;
  • Stronghold;
  • Dana;
  • Fiprist.

Table: characteristics of Delcid analogues

NameManufacturerIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsRelease formActive substancePrice
FrontlineMerial (France)Fleas, lice, ticks, liceIntolerance to components, weakened condition, infectious diseases, age up to 2 months, body weight up to 1 kgSkin irritation, drooling, vomiting, trembling, confusionDrops for external use in plastic pipettesFipronilFrom 440 rubles
Rolf ClubVeterinary Bio (Germany)Ticks, lice eaters, mature fleas and their larvae, mosquitoesAge under 3 months, pregnancy and lactation, intolerance to components and weakened conditionsRedness of the skin, watery eyes and droolingFipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfenFrom 230 rubles
StrongholdPfizer Animal Health (USA)Nematodes, fleas and sarcoptoid mitesAge under 1.5 months, wet coat (after bathing)Slight baldness in the withers area (rare)SelamectinFrom 1400 rubles
Dana"API-SAN" (Moscow)Fleas (all phases), lice, lice, ixodid, sarcoptic and demodectic mitesAge younger than 3 months, intolerance to components, weakened conditions, perforation of the eardrum (with ear scabies)Vomiting, muscle tremors, increased salivationFipronilFrom 105 rubles
FipristKRKA (Slovenia)Age younger than 1.5 months, intolerance to components, weakened conditions, perforation of the eardrumFrom 600 rubles

Photo gallery: analogues of Deltsid

Stronghold is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug that is also used for the prevention of dirofilariasis. Frontline is prescribed to cats (including pregnant and lactating cats) for entomosis, otodectosis, tick infestation and in the complex treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas. Rolf Club 3D for cats has a pronounced knockdown effect, the onset time is about 2 minutes, which prevents the suction (bite) of ticks and insects during an attack. The drug Dana Spot-on in the form of drops is one of the cheapest insectoacaricidal agents for cats Spot-on drops from different manufacturers are used by single application of the drug to dry, intact skin, using pipettes of various packaging

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