Flea shampoos for cats: choose and use correctly

Not a single decent, sedate and homely cat is immune from flea infestation, not to mention those that like to walk on their own. But these small blood-sucking insects not only cause pets a lot of anxiety and inconvenience, but are also carriers of various diseases and worm eggs. Therefore, the fight against them must begin immediately, as soon as the animal begins to itch intensely and show signs of nervousness and anxiety.

  • 2 Flea shampoos: composition and method of action on parasites
    2.1 Video: how flea shampoos work
  • 3 Types of flea shampoos
  • 4 Table: comparative characteristics of different types of flea shampoos
      4.1 Photo gallery: anti-flea shampoos for cats
  • 5 Flea shampoos for kittens and pregnant animals
      5.1 Photo gallery: anti-flea shampoos for kittens
  • 5.2 Video: how to remove fleas from a small kitten
  • 6 How to properly wash your cat with anti-flea shampoo
      6.1 Video: washing your cat with anti-flea shampoo correctly
  • 7 Advantages and disadvantages of using anti-flea shampoo
  • 8 Contraindications and side effects
  • 9 Safety rules when treating cats with shampoo
      9.1 Video: how to get rid of fleas in the house
  • 10 Reviews from cat owners about anti-flea shampoos
  • The main criteria for choosing flea shampoo for cats

    When choosing an antiparasitic detergent for cats, consider 5 factors:

    1. Age of the animal. Small kittens need specialized products that are less toxic.
    2. Purpose of application. In case of severe infestation, more effective insecticide-based preparations are used for treatment. For preventive purposes, gentle products, which are dominated by natural soft ingredients, will be sufficient.
    3. Pet's condition. Sick or weakened animals, as well as pregnant and lactating cats, require more careful treatment.
    4. Features of the coat. There are special means that take into account the length of the coat or its complete absence.
    5. Shelf life.

    To make an informed decision, it is better to consult a veterinarian who will help you choose the right product.

    For small kittens you need to select a special shampoo

    Flea shampoos: composition and method of action on parasites

    Anti-flea detergents for cats include the following components:

    • foaming agents (surfactants);
    • decoctions of medicinal herbs (plantain, celandine, coltsfoot, etc.);
    • nutritional and caring components;
    • essential vegetable oils (citronella, lavender, cloves, etc.);
    • insecticides that have a detrimental effect on fleas: synthetic pyrethroids (cypermethrin, phenothrin, permethrin, decamethrin, etofenprox and others);
    • natural pyrethroids or similar ones obtained from natural raw materials (pyrethrin contained in the flowers of Caucasian, Persian or Dalmatian chamomile).

    A paralyzed flea dies quickly

    When the active substance enters the insect's body through the protective chitinous cover, the permeability of nerve cell membranes is disrupted. As a result, the passage of the nerve impulse is blocked, and the paralyzed flea dies after a few minutes. The toxic substance is equally effective on adult insects, eggs and larvae.

    Preventive flea shampoos do not contain toxic substances, but are limited to repellent components - extracts of tansy, tea tree, burdock, wormwood and other plants.

    Video: how flea shampoos work

    Types of flea shampoos

    Anti-flea detergents for cats are divided into two groups:

    1. Therapeutic (aggressive). Such shampoos contain active ingredients - insecticides. The products are intended for treating animals to kill parasites.
    2. Preventive (non-aggressive). These shampoos are regularly used to prevent fleas from infesting your pet. They contain non-toxic ingredients.

    According to the form of release, zoo shampoos are:

    • liquid - ordinary detergents of liquid consistency;
    • dry - a fine powder, reminiscent of powder, which is generously sprinkled on the animal’s fur, and then be sure to comb it out thoroughly.

    There are a lot of different flea products and shampoos available in stores.

    Preventive recommendations

    Treatment is always more difficult and more expensive than prevention. To prevent the infection from reoccurring, try to follow simple recommendations:

    • Keep the area where your pet is kept clean;
    • do regular examinations of your pet for the presence of parasites;
    • exclude the kitten from contact with homeless animals.

    Fighting fleas on a pet is a long and burdensome task, so be sure to have love and patience. Let your kitten be healthy and active without parasites and negative consequences from their appearance!

    Table: comparative characteristics of different types of flea shampoos

    NameActive substanceAdditional ImpactPurpose of applicationUse for kittensFor pregnant and lactating cats, as well as weakened or sick animalsPrice
    • lavender essential oil (0.3%);
    • costus oil (0.1%);
    • pelargonium extract (0.5%);
    • clove extract (0.5%).
    • heals wounds and cracks;
    • Provides easy combing of fur;
    • activates the protective functions of the skin;
    • eliminates dandruff.
    preventionallowednot intended180–200 rub.
    • natural Persian chamomile extract (3.3%);
    • tea tree oil (4.2%).
    • improves the quality of wool and its appearance;
    • softens the skin.
    preventionfrom 1 monthallowed100–140 rub.
    • permethrin (0.4%);
    • provitamin B5;
    • aloe vera.
    • strengthens hair follicles;
    • heals wounds and damage.
    treatment and preventionfrom 8 weeksnot allowed110–130 rub.
    • third generation pyrethroid - deltamethrin (0.01%);
    • burdock root extract;
    • lanolin;
    • chamomile and plantain extracts.
    • improves metabolism in the skin;
    • relieves irritation and itching;
    • strengthens the structure of wool hair.
    treatment and preventionFrom 12 weeksforbidden160–200 rub.
    Doctor Zoo
    • oils: sage;
    • rosemary;
    • thyme;
    • chamomile;
    • red pepper extract.
    • relieves itching;
    • disinfects bite sites.
    prevention, treatment with repeated useallowedallowed120–140 rub.
    Ms.Kiss (Miss Kiss)permethrin (0.5%)
    • makes combing easier;
    • restores lipid balance of the skin.
    treatmentfrom 4 monthsis not allowed170–210 rub.
    • permethrin (0.3%);
    • decoctions of wormwood (5%) and celandine (5%);
    • bischofite (5%).
    • relieves inflammation and itching;
    • improves the condition of the coat;
    • moisturizes the skin.
    treatment and preventionfrom 2 monthscannot be processed90–120 rub.
    4 with a tailcitronella oil
    • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
    • relieves itching.
    prevention and short-term protectionfrom 1 monthpermitted with caution80–100 rub.
    • pyrethrin;
    • coconut oil;
    • protein;
    • lanolin.
    • prevents dry skin;
    • helps combing;
    • enhances the shine and brightness of the coat.
    prevention and treatmentfrom 12 weeksNot recommended1000–1100 rub.
    Rolf Club
    • permethrin (0.5%);
    • Castor oil.
    • maintains normal lipid balance of the skin;
    • eliminates dryness and irritation.
    treatmentfrom 4 monthsprohibited to use200–300 rub.

    All pet shampoos against parasites belong to the group of low-toxic drugs (group 4) and are not dangerous to humans.

    Photo gallery: anti-flea shampoos for cats

    The series of shampoos Four with a tail has a mild preventive effect

    BIO-GROOM zoo shampoo has a strong healing effect

    Biovax zoo shampoo can be used for kittens from a month of age

    Zoo shampoo Doctor Zoo has a therapeutic effect with repeated use Insecticidal shampoo for cats Lugovoy is very popular

    Ms.Kiss flea shampoo is inexpensive and effective

    Rolf Club flea shampoo is contraindicated for kittens and pregnant cats

    The Phytoelite line includes shampoos for cats with different coat types.

    Phytoelita shampoo is suitable for cats and dogs

    Bars flea shampoo is a preventive product

    Insecticidal shampoo Celandine has a positive effect on the condition of the coat due to the content of aloe vera and provitamin B5

    Rating of the best drugs

    Despite the fact that the assortment is so large, there are also undisputed leaders in popularity.

    After making sure that your pet has blood-sucking insects, you should rid your cat of fleas.

    The product consists exclusively of natural ingredients, so there is no threat to the life and health of your pet.

    Foresto flea collar (Bayer). Suitable for cats aged 7 months and older, valid for up to 8 months, waterproof. This method of getting rid of “unwanted guests” is popular, primarily due to its quick effect and long-term prevention of the reappearance of insects. The effectiveness is determined by the presence of two components: flumethrin and imidacloprid. The drug affects the central nervous system of insects. Effective not only against fleas, but also ticks and lice. A flea collar prevents flea larvae from developing on the animal's body. Judging by the reviews, this is an excellent remedy for treating an infected animal. It has no side effects or unpleasant odor. Can even be used for pregnant cats. The main condition is continuous wearing of the collar.

    Frontline flea spray. The active ingredients are fipronil and S-methoprene. Can be used even for kittens aged 2 months and older. Pet owners speak very highly of this product. It begins to act 24 hours after application and protects against the reappearance of fleas for two months.

    Guaranteed protection against lice eaters – for one month.

    Zoetis flea drops (Pfizer) Stronghold. The main feature of this drug is that it is effective against both mature and immature forms of parasites. A single application is enough, and after a couple of days your pet will forget about all its inconveniences. The active substance is selamectin. The main thing in use is to adhere to the exact dosage. Many cat lovers agree that this is the most effective remedy. Getting rid of insects occurs quickly and without any discomfort for the cat. No side effects were noticed: itching, irritation, etc. Perhaps the only drawback is that the drug is recommended to be used at least from the age of seven weeks.

    The drug has a wide spectrum of action; it is used against scabies, ear mites, ascaris and hookworms.

    Inspector Total drops. The solution for external use is used only if your pet is already 1.5 months old. The main active ingredients are fipronil and moxidectin. These substances are absorbed into the blood through the skin, and their maximum concentration is observed approximately 4 weeks after the procedure.

    Shampoo RolfClub. The composition has a cosmetic and therapeutic-prophylactic effect. Judging by the cost and volume of packaging, the product is quite affordable. Thanks to this shampoo, the coat becomes smooth and silky. It is prevented from falling out. The active substance is permethrin. It has an insecticidal, anti-pediculosis, acaricidal effect. Most often this is the remedy used at home. Disadvantages include a short period of validity - up to one month, as well as the lack of a dispenser, and the fact that the shampoo does not foam well.

    Ultrasonic keychain SITITEK TickLess Pet. This is truly modern technology to protect your pet's health! The keychain is completely safe for cats, there are no odors or harmful toxic compounds. There are no restrictions on the age and weight of your pet. The only caveat is that it will be very uncomfortable for a one and a half month old kitten to wear such an “accessory”. The keychain is most often used for cats prone to allergies, when other means are difficult to use.

    The device generates ultrasonic vibrations, too “loud” for parasites, and invisible to cats and people.

    As you can see, the range of devices and drugs to combat parasites is more than sufficient. Even if your pet is capricious or allergic, you will definitely find a product that is ideal for him. And remember, the best treatment is prevention.

    A veterinarian will help you choose the most effective and safest insecticidal agent, taking into account the physiological state.

    Flea shampoos for kittens and pregnant animals

    Since all antiparasitic pet shampoos are toxic to a certain extent, they can be safely used only for adult and completely healthy animals. Small kittens, sick and weak pets, as well as pregnant and lactating women should not be washed with such preparations. For this category, special gentle and non-toxic anti-flea detergents have been developed:

    • Celandine for puppies and kittens - mild caring insecticidal shampoos with lavender essential oil, their use is recommended for animals from 8 weeks of age;
    • Four with a tail - pet shampoos from this manufacturer are safe for kittens after a month of life, as well as for lactating and pregnant cats;
    • Phytoelita insecticidal for kittens is a safe natural anti-flea detergent based on an extract of celandine and wormwood;
    • Doctor Zoo for kittens is an insecticidal natural well-foaming detergent made using essential oils and herbal extracts, approved for pregnant cats, weak animals and kittens from the third week of life;
    • insecticidal shampoo for kittens Gamma - suitable for babies from 8 weeks.

    Photo gallery: anti-flea shampoos for kittens

    Zooshampoo Gamma can be used for kittens from the third month of life

    Good Cat anti-parasitic shampoo for kittens against fleas will help remove parasites and make the coat soft and silky. Dana shampoo belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations with contact action.

    Doctor Zoo insecticidal shampoo for kittens is made from natural ingredients

    Insecticidal shampoo for kittens Phytoelita is made on the basis of decoctions of celandine and wormwood.

    Zoo shampoo Celandine for kittens and puppies contains lavender oil

    All insecticidal shampoos intended for kittens can be safely washed by pregnant and lactating cats.

    Video: how to remove fleas from a small kitten

    Making your own detergent

    Fleas are a nuisance that needs to be dealt with at the first sign. They not only annoy your pet, but also carry dangerous diseases. These are plague, worms, encephalitis, fungal infections, anthrax. An effective budget remedy can be made at home. Store-bought products are good, but sometimes they pose some danger in some cases.

    Medicinal plants are known to repel parasites. Their effect extends not only to animals, but to people, interior items, and bedding. Near the place where your pet sleeps, you can hang a small bush of dried wormwood or mint. When fresh, it can be used for homemade detergent. It is enough to prepare a decoction, cool it, add tansy (optional) and some grated laundry soap.

    Fleas, ticks, and other harmful insects react to strong odors. Here you can use cheap essential oils from any pharmacy. It is recommended to dilute 3-4 drops with warm water, add grated soap without additives (preferably made according to GOST). The procedure can be done 1-2 times a week.

    Advantages and disadvantages of using anti-flea shampoo

    The undoubted advantages of liquid flea products include:

    • versatility - suitable for cats of all breeds;
    • low toxicity;
    • ease of use;
    • efficiency - fleas die on the second day maximum;
    • low cost;
    • no side effects;
    • positive effect on wool quality.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    • the possibility of allergic reactions to some components;
    • short period of protection (no more than 20 days);
    • cheap products are ineffective, and high-quality shampoos are much more expensive;
    • Some cats cannot stand water treatments, so shampoo cannot be used.

    If our cat suddenly has fleas, we always wash her first with a special anti-flea shampoo, and then put on a protective collar to avoid re-infestation.

    Contraindications and side effects

    A clear contraindication to the use of pet flea shampoo would be individual intolerance to any components and the animal’s violent reluctance to undergo water procedures. A side effect may be intoxication caused by the detergent entering the digestive or respiratory tract, as well as the accumulation of toxic substances due to too frequent use.

    If there are strong signs of poisoning (vomiting, weakness, drooling, etc.), you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

    Some cats are categorically against water procedures

    Safety rules when treating cats with shampoo

    When treating an animal with flea shampoo, the following rules must be observed:

    • first carefully study the instructions, act strictly according to them and strictly follow the dosage;
    • to prevent water from entering, the cat’s ears can first be plugged with cotton tubes soaked in vegetable oil;
    • thoroughly rinse the product from the fur and under no circumstances allow the animal to lick itself;
    • do not bathe your pet too often.

    The instructions must be read very carefully and the recommendations in it must be followed exactly.

    Video: how to get rid of fleas in the house

    How to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo

    For regular care of animals, special products are needed. They are less aggressive in composition than regular shampoos. It is best to wash the cat with warm water and beaten egg yolk. If that doesn’t work, you need compounds with PVA.

    In rare cases, you can wash cats with regular shampoo or soap, but it is not advisable to do this often. The animal's skin will begin to peel off.

    Let's discuss what to choose from what is in the bathroom.

    Regular soap

    It is not recommended to bathe a kitten with soap with a strong fruity or floral aroma. Bath, pine, and baby soap are preferable. Experienced veterinarians do not advise excessive soaping of the animal.

    It is enough to pour it with soapy water or apply foam to the wool. If the surfactants (surfactants) don't touch the skin, great.

    You shouldn't bathe your pet too hard. He must have natural protection.

    Baby shampoo

    Products used to wash children under three years of age are hypoallergenic. They contain less of all kinds of synthetic additives and more natural ingredients. But you can’t get carried away with them either.

    The product is pre-diluted 1:3 and foamed well. And then the kitten is treated with foam. You need to carefully clean the face.

    Phrases like “washes without tears” are a marketing ploy. When foam gets into the eyes of animals, conjunctivitis develops. The small pet will become restless. Ears are a no-go area. They are cleaned with ear sticks with water, lotion or saline solution.

    Regular human shampoo

    Some owners use human shampoo to care for their pets, and do this regularly. Veterinarians strictly prohibit doing this. The secretion of fatty glands is disrupted, the skin suffers, and the structure of the hairs changes.

    Allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases are possible. Immunity weakens. After washing, cats get sick more often and can get pneumonia.

    If there are several hair care products, choose the simplest one. It is better if it contains a decoction of herbs, without dyes or thickeners.

    The soap composition is made by diluting the shampoo with water, increasing the volume at least five times. In this case, it will be possible to protect the cat from the consequences and reduce the risk of developing skin diseases.

    Tar shampoo or liquid soap

    Tar is an excellent folk remedy for skin irritation. Liquid soap or tar shampoo is a good insecticidal remedy for blood-sucking insects.

    If your pet constantly scratches itself with its paws or bites something out of its fur, it may have fleas. Try washing it with tar soap. This primitive method is used in folk medicine.

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