Properties and features of taking the drug Emicidin for the treatment of dogs

Description of the drug
Release form and storage conditions:2 release options:
Glass injection ampoules 1, 2, 3 and 5 ml. Packaged in cardboard packaging 10 pcs. in each. Inside the ampoule there is a liquid without color or a yellowish tint.

Oblong gelatin capsules, 15 mg or 50 mg each , packaged in plastic blisters of 10 pcs . 1, 2 or 3 are placed in a cardboard box . Also available is packaging in glass jars of 30, 50, 120, 200 units.

In a dry place, at a temperature of 5-25 degrees, excluding access to sunlight. The drug should not be kept near food or feed. The storage period cannot exceed 3 years from the date of issue.

Price:1. Ampoules (10 units/pack): 1 ml – from 220 rubles;
2 ml – from 370 rub.; 3 ml – from 400 rub.; 5 ml – from 630 rub.; 2. Capsules (30 pcs/pack): 15 mg – from 170 rubles; 50 mg – from 250 rub.
Analogues:Analogue in composition – Mexidol-Vet. By action: Emidonol, Apoquel, Ligfol.

The main properties of the drug

The medicine belongs to the group of antioxidant drugs.
The active substances included in the drug, which are inhibitors of free radical processes, pass into the animal’s body. The product also contains obvious antioxidant, antihypoxic and membrane protective properties, and has a preventive and healing effect during developed hypoxia of various origins. The effectiveness of this product is due to its ability to bind free radicals into a single unit, which decrease over time during the oxidation of fats in cell membranes, affect the process of energy metabolism, increase the degree of energization in cells, and also show particular stability in the animal’s body during oxygen deficiency.

Reviews from professional experts say that after preoral consumption of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, absorption occurs into the animal’s stomach, as well as into its duodenum. The release of such a substance occurs along with urine for 5-6 hours.

Indications for taking Emicidin

This drug is used for the purpose of prevention and treatment during chronic, acute cardiovascular or pulmonary failure. In addition, it should be actively used during the recovery of the body after surgery or illness. Also, this remedy can be used in veterinary geriatrics, during the development of early pathologies (this includes wounds, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, frostbite and burns of the skin), pathological conditions that occur together with hypoxia in internal organs, as well as in tissues.

The drug can dissolve very quickly in one medium. Its use is indicated for preventive purposes, but it is also used for therapeutic therapies. The first and most important indication for the use of such a drug is hypoxia of various forms and etiologies. It occurs most often when:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Asthma.
  3. Disorders in the cardiovascular system.
  4. Complications that occur during childbirth.
  5. Increased aggression or emotional turmoil.

In order to support the vital forces of the animal’s body, the medicine should be used during the stage of active training, long travel, participation in competitions or exhibitions, championships and various competitions. Used for the purpose of recovery therapy after suffering severe infections and diseases, Emicidin has proven itself only on the positive side. If you have any chronic forms of disease or skin problems, then this remedy will also cope well with the diseases.

Main contraindications

There are almost no contraindications for use of this product. It is prohibited to use it only during times of high personal sensitivity of the animal to its components.

Features of use

Emicidin in the form of an injection solution is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously. The best solution would be to entrust the procedure to specialists, although subcutaneous and intramuscular injections can be performed independently. Droppers are used only in hospital settings.

Performing an intramuscular injection:

  1. First you should prepare a syringe with a thin needle. This will make the procedure less painful for the cat.
  2. You need to find the femoral muscle and bone so that you don’t accidentally hit it with a needle. The injection is made in the center of the muscle slightly below the joint.
  3. It is advisable to secure the pet firmly to prevent injury to the cat and the owner. The needle should be inserted at an angle of approximately 1 cm.
  4. Smoothly and in one movement squeeze the medicine out of the syringe. But you cannot do this very quickly, as this will significantly increase the pain.

It is advisable to give each subsequent injection to a different paw. You should not inject in the same place, as this increases the pain. Also, syringes must be sterile, that is, new.

The injection under the skin is performed as follows:

  1. Prepare a syringe with a solution.
  2. Pull the cat's skin slightly between the shoulder blades and secure it firmly with your fingers.
  3. Insert the needle parallel to the spine at an angle of 45 degrees for about 1-1.5 cm. If you feel some resistance with your hand, then you need to inject more slowly.
  4. Smoothly squeeze the drug out of the syringe.

Pre-treatment with antiseptic agents is not required. The needle must be sterile. The skin between the shoulder blades in cats is quite thick, so if you insert it quickly, you can bend the needle, which will cause pain to the animal.

Using capsules for treatment is much more convenient and easier than an injection solution. The contents can simply be added to your pet’s food or diluted in water and force-fed. It is better to simply sprinkle it into the food, as this method does not cause stress to the cat. But in this case, the pet may refuse to eat.

You can also give a whole capsule, but this is quite difficult to do. It may stick in the mouth, and then the animal will try to spit it out.

Contraindications and side effects

Although the drug is effectively used to treat blood parasitic diseases, in some cases it should not be used

It should be used with caution in chronic diseases of internal organs - liver, kidneys, heart.

The drug is prohibited for animals with hypersensitivity. Its use should be avoided for Sheltie and Collie breeds. Clinical studies of the effect of the drug on pregnant bitches and young animals have not been conducted, so the doctor determines possible risks and decides on the use of the drug during pregnancy and for puppies in each individual case.

Swelling sometimes occurs at the injection site, which goes away on its own within a few days. In case of an overdose, a dog may experience the following side effects:

  • convulsions;
  • chills;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • muscle spasms;
  • anxiety.

Depending on the condition of the animal, calcium supplements and means for symptomatic treatment can be used.

What is the price?

The price of Emicidin varies depending on the form of release and the content of the active substance:

  • capsules 15 mg, 30 pcs. – about 200 rubles;
  • capsules 50 mg, 30 pcs. – about 300 rubles;
  • solution, ampoules of 2 ml, 10 pcs. – about 430 rubles;
  • solution, 5 ml ampoules, 10 pcs. – about 600 rub.

Prices are taken from online pharmacies; in regular veterinary pharmacies the cost of the medicine may be slightly higher. In some pharmacies, ampoules are sold individually, and capsules are sold in blisters. A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

Instructions for use of Emicidin

We remind you once again that the remedy we are describing is a “serious” drug, and therefore the instructions for using Emicidin must be strictly and clearly followed, otherwise the consequences may be serious.

With capsules it’s easiest:

  • During treatment, they are given twice a day, at 12-hour intervals. The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days.
  • For prevention, the medicine should be given once a day. The duration of the course is up to one and a half months. In the case of prophylactic use, it is repeated after two months in the same doses and with the same frequency.

The capsule form can be given without any reference to feeding time. But there is one important nuance: opening the capsule and mixing its contents with food is strictly prohibited. Since the dog is unlikely to eat the capsule voluntarily, it is placed on the root of the pet’s tongue and the throat is gently massaged to stimulate the swallowing reflex. Since it can be difficult to do this with large pets (and even with aggressive “little things”), it is better to use an injection solution.

The injection solution is used as follows:

It can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously, and veterinarians advise using intravenous infusions (maximum speed and percentage of absorption). It is advisable to make subcutaneous and intramuscular injections in the area of ​​the scapula and gluteal muscles, respectively.

When administered intravenously, the infusion rate recommended by the manufacturer should be strictly observed: exclusively by drip, from 35 to 60 drops per minute. Jet injection is not permitted.

Injections are given up to two times a day (as in the previous case, it depends on the purpose of use). The course of treatment is a maximum of 15 days, in mild cases a week is enough.

If for some reason you had to miss one or more doses, the supply should be resumed at the time closest to the missed 12-hour cycles. Any change in dosage is strictly prohibited, as nothing good will come of it.

Owner reviews

Margarita, the owner of the collie:

“Our dog is already 16 years old. A friend advised me to give Emicidin to maintain health. After the course, the dog clearly came to life, became more active and playful, began to run more, and her appetite improved. I think this is a very good remedy for older dogs. It has no contraindications, so it can be used without restrictions.”

Igor, Rottweiler owner:

“We noticed that in the 7th year of his life, our dog Rocky began to have difficulty running. At the slightest exertion he began to breathe heavily. After examination, doctors diagnosed heart failure. We completed a full course of treatment, after which the dog felt much better. The veterinarian advised the use of Emicidin for prevention. The injections are painful, so we buy capsules. We take the course twice a year. It is impossible to cure Rocky completely, but this drug prolongs his life, so I sincerely thank the developers.”

Indications for use

Emicidin is a preventive and therapeutic agent that is actively used for oxygen deficiency in animals.

  • It can be used as part of complex treatment or as an independent remedy for hypoxia caused by lung diseases, heart and vascular insufficiency, complicated by pregnancy and difficult childbirth, and bronchial asthma.
  • The use of Emicidin is indicated for the treatment of eczema dermatitis, ulcers, wounds, burns and frostbite in animals. The drug is effective as part of complex therapy in the postoperative period.
  • Very often, veterinarians recommend a drug to reduce a dog’s feelings of increased anxiety, fear or aggression during training, during transportation or participation in exhibitions and competitions.
  • Emicidin has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin: eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers.
  • Emicidin is used as a maintenance agent for elderly animals.

Reviews about the drug from dog owners and veterinarians

  • Ivan, bullmastiff owner:

“Archie, 8 years old, began to have trouble withstanding the heat, walking and climbing stairs with shortness of breath, and getting tired quickly. The veterinarian recommended taking Emicidin to maintain health. We took it in capsule form and completed the entire course. Archie has become more active, runs around, and can bear the load more easily.”

  • Irina, veterinarian:

“I often prescribe this drug to animals, including dogs, as part of complex therapy and as a prophylactic agent. It helps return the dog to an active life, awaken interest in play, and is also indispensable for elderly pets and those who have recently suffered serious illnesses.”

  • Karina, Labrador owner:

“After Gera’s heart failure was diagnosed, we had to give her several medications, including Emicidin. I don’t know if this is the case, but the girl’s condition has become much better.”

Reviews from forums:

Emicidin is a good prophylactic for older dogs, as well as those weakened after illness. It is also indispensable for cardiovascular pathologies, the postoperative period, skin lesions and many other problems. Several options for release forms make it possible to choose the one that is suitable for a particular pet.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Composition of the drug

The drug contains the following “ingredients”:

Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

The substance has a very difficult and even scary name, but in fact it is a very useful and even vital compound. This is a powerful antioxidant, as well as an agent that prevents the development of serious hypoxia, even in cases where a sick cat has serious problems with breathing

It is also capable of improving and stabilizing the metabolism of old animals, which can improve the quality of their life and its overall duration. In addition, the compound has a very beneficial effect on the trophism and regenerative abilities of tissues, which allows the medicine to be used to shorten the recovery period of cats after severe surgical interventions.

Gelatin and talc are used as fillers for the capsule form of the drug, and water for injection is used for the liquid form of the drug.

Dosage of the drug

As is the case with many other medications, the dosage of the drug directly depends on the weight and age of the pet, as well as on the purpose of prescribing the drug. Let's start, perhaps, with capsules, and for the convenience of readers, the information will be presented in tabular form. The number of capsules is given per dose.

Pet's breedLive weight of the dog, kgType of capsules (active ingredient in mg), pieces
15 mg50 mg
Small and dwarfTo 101Not given
AverageUp to 302Not given
Large and giganticUp to 50Not given1
From 50 and moreNot givenUp to three pieces or more, as prescribed by a veterinarian

When prescribing a medicine for prophylactic purposes, the drug is given in the same quantities as given above, but once a day. And one more piece of advice. If the dog is more than seven years old, and especially in cases where it belongs to representatives of large or especially large breeds, veterinarians advise giving the medicine in therapeutic doses (i.e., twice a day) for a month in spring and autumn. The drug is given twice a year. This simple event will not only improve the quality of your pet’s life, but also extend its life.

There are no special problems with the injection form either. For every 10 kg of live weight, the veterinarian can prescribe from 1.0 ml to 4.0 ml. Based on the amount of active substance, then for every kilogram of dog there is from 2.5 to 10 mg.

Note that dosing the injectable form is somewhat more complicated, and therefore it is better to entrust the calculation of the dose to a veterinarian. However, we advise you to trust him to perform injections (especially intravenous ones).

When using the medicine to maintain the quality of life of the elderly, the standard dose is 1.0 ml for every 10 kg of live weight (in terms of the active substance - 2.5 mg for each kilogram). As in the case of capsules, the period of such “preventive treatment” is exactly 30 days.

All of the above dosage options are approximate and basic. In fact, there are much more dosing options. But only an experienced veterinarian should calculate the amount of the drug in each specific case, based on the results of diagnostic tests.

Side effects

According to the manufacturer, no side effects have been identified while using the product (for all time). And this is true, except for one thing. Since the medicine contains complex organic compounds (and succinate is very complex), there is a possibility of allergic reactions, even if it is minimal. True, such cases are extremely rare, and this happens with pets that are initially predisposed to developing allergies.

Manifestations of pathology (swelling, rhinitis and otitis, itching, etc.) must be stopped using powerful antihistamines. Subsequently, use can be resumed, but in cases where signs of allergy appear again, it is necessary to stop it completely.

Contraindications and precautions

If you use the drug in recommended doses, then no problems or side effects should occur. However, some pets experience an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to a particular substance. Be sure to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your veterinarian for the drug to work as effectively as possible.

The harmlessness of the drug, as well as the absence of side effects, is due to the fact that the active ingredient is a natural substance. Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate is a derivative of succinic acid and vitamin B6. It is also synthesized by the body.

When using the medicine, certain rules must be followed:

  1. The syringe can only be used once. It is best to purchase insulin for injections, as it has a short and very thin needle.
  2. If you do not have any skills, then you should seek help from a specialist to perform the injection.
  3. When mixing the contents of the capsules into food, use a small amount of food. Otherwise, the medicine will not have any effect.
  4. The needle must be inserted no deeper than 1.5 cm.
  5. After performing the injection, you should wash your hands very thoroughly.
  6. Keep the medicine away from children.
  7. You cannot freeze the drug, as it will lose its quality.
  8. Avoid contact of the medication with the eyes. If this happens, you need to rinse with plenty of water.

If an infection occurs during the procedure, there is a possibility of an abscess. Treatment and recovery will be very long and expensive.

Forms of release of the drug

The release forms of this drug are not too diverse:

  • Capsules for oral use of 15 or 50 mg of active ingredient. Packaged in blisters of 10 or 20 pieces made of food foil and plastic. Packed in cardboard boxes of 20, 30 or 60 capsules each. There are options with polymer bottles with a capacity of 30 to 200 capsules.
  • 2.5% solution for parenteral (injection) administration. It is bottled in sealed glass ampoules of 1, 2, 3, as well as 5 or 10 ml. They are placed in plastic containers and placed in cardboard packs of 10 ampoules each.

Regardless of the dosage form, the packaging (as well as blisters and ampoules) must indicate the release date, production batch number and expiration date.

If this information is somehow damaged and cannot be read, use of the drug is prohibited.

Overdose and drug interactions

Signs of an overdose of this drug in animals have not been established. Also, the peculiarities of the action of this medication during its first use were not revealed.

According to the instructions, it is necessary to avoid any violations of the recommended treatment regimen. Otherwise, the therapeutic effectiveness of this medicine will be significantly reduced.

If one or more doses of the medication are missed, the course of treatment should be resumed as soon as possible. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the same dose and the same regimen.

The use of the veterinary drug "Emicidin" does not exclude the use of other drugs for symptomatic and specific therapy. The capsules in question are not intended for use by productive animals.

Analogs and price

You can buy the medicine at a veterinary pharmacy. The cost of 10 ampoules of 2 ml of injection solution is 400-450 rubles, packs of 30 capsules of 15 mg - 200-230 rubles, 30 capsules of 50 mg - 30-350 rubles.

Emicidin is a unique medicine, which has no complete analogues either among Russian or foreign drugs. A medication similar in composition is Mexidol-Vet. It has 2 release forms - tablets and injection solution - and contains some additional components that are not found in Emicidin.

Veterinary drugs with similar effects have been created based on other active ingredients:

  1. Apoquel - tablets;
  2. Emidonol – solution for oral administration or injections;
  3. Ligfol is an injection solution.

How to use

Regardless of whether the dog is given an anthelmintic drug for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to take the drug in the morning. Since the tablets are small in size, they are convenient to hide in food. This can be either the pet’s usual food (minced meat, canned meat or porridge), or a favorite treat, for example, a piece of sausage.

Important! There is no need to keep your pet on a starvation diet or take other additional actions. The dosage is calculated according to a simple scheme - one tablet per 8 kg of weight

Usually one application is enough to kill helminths, but if the infection is severe, you need to repeat the medication after 10 days. If the drug is used for prevention, then it should be given to the dog once a quarter. For puppies, a different application regimen is used - 10 days before each vaccination.

The dosage is calculated according to a simple scheme - one tablet per 8 kg of weight. Usually one application is enough to kill helminths, but if the infection is severe, you need to repeat the medication after 10 days. If the drug is used for prevention, then it should be given to the dog once a quarter. For puppies, a different application regimen is used - 10 days before each vaccination.

Since the medication helps the worms come out naturally, there is no need to give your pet laxatives. Although it is possible that with severe infestation, intoxication may begin. The body may simply not have time to remove dead parasites from the body. During their decomposition, toxins are formed that poison the animal. In this case, you may need to take hepatoprotectors and other medications.

Pharmacological properties

The active substance of the drug can influence metabolic processes. The drug increases the activity of cell membranes, affects energy metabolism and lipid oxidation processes, which can cause oxygen deficiency. Emicidin has the following properties:

  • binds free radicals and promotes their removal from the body;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • reduces cholesterol and prevents heart pathologies;
  • inhibits the aging process;
  • improves tissue regeneration;
  • reduces intoxication in case of poisoning (food and chemical);
  • stimulates the heart after illnesses;
  • helps to recover from injuries and severe pathologies.

Thanks to the normalization of metabolic processes, the animal’s body develops resistance to negative factors. The drug helps prevent or reduce the negative consequences of stressful situations.

When using injections, the active substance, along with the bloodstream, quickly penetrates all organs and tissues. The effect of Emicidin occurs within 30-60 minutes. When administered orally, the effect of the drug takes a little longer, but after 4-6 hours the concentration of the active substance reaches its maximum value. The drug is excreted through the kidneys along with urine after the metabolic process.

Emidicin is a safe medicine. It does not have a negative effect on the animal’s body, does not affect the development of offspring, and is not capable of accumulating in the body and causing addiction.

Emicidin analogs

There are several antioxidant drugs on sale that are analogues of Emicidin:

  • Emidonol. Available in the form of an injectable sterile solution (5 and 10%) and liquid for oral use (20%). The active ingredient is emidonol. Used as an addition to the main treatment of diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels and lungs. The drug slows down the aging process, improves the well-being of animals, and accelerates the healing process.

  • Mexidol-Vet . The main component is the same as Emicidin - ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. It goes on sale in the form of a sterile injection solution. The concentration of the active substance can be 25 or 50 mg per 1 ml. The drug is also available in the form of tablets of 250 and 300 mg. The effect of the drug Mexidol-Vet is similar to Emicidin.
  • Ligfol. The composition includes the following components: humic acids, NaCl, sodium pyrophosphate and water for injection. It goes on sale in the form of an injection solution. Packaged in sterile glass vials or bottles of 500, 250, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 ml. The drug helps animals cope with stressful situations, increases the body’s ability to resist infections and external influences, and activates the antioxidant protection of cells.

Indications for use

As mentioned above, the medicine helps in the treatment of hypoxia, and can also be used to prevent it. But these are general cases.

If we talk about particulars, the indications for use are as follows:

For the treatment and prevention of pulmonary, cardiovascular, cardiac and vascular insufficiency.

It is indicated to be prescribed in the postoperative period to dogs who have undergone severe surgical interventions. Statistics on the practical use of the drug indicate that with its regular use, the process of complete recovery is accelerated by approximately 30%.

For older dogs, regardless of their health status. The drug normalizes metabolism, improves trophism and oxygenation of body tissues, as a result of which the old cat lives longer and better, reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, etc.

Wounds, ulcerative lesions, frostbite and burns, as well as all other pathologies, as a result of which local or generalized hypoxia develops in one way or another.

What is it used for?

The drug is used as an antioxidant. It is also able to saturate cells with oxygen, improving organ function.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The composition of the drug differs slightly depending on the form of release. A small amount of talc is added to the main active ingredient, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, in capsules, and sterile liquid for injection is added to ampoules.

It is believed that aging and weakening of cells is associated with their damage by free radicals (highly active molecular particles with unpaired electrons on the shell). The active component of the drug has the ability to reduce the concentration of these elements and also prevents their formation.

This fact helps protect cell membranes from particles and relieves tissues from hypoxia. This property of the medicine is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Effect of the drug

The drug combines free radicals and slows down lipid oxidation in tissues.

This circumstance allows the cells to receive more oxygen, which means it creates conditions for the supply of energy to them, which makes it possible to exhibit high activity.

After injection, the body quickly absorbs the active substance and delivers it to the tissues. Oral administration slows down the rate of distribution; maximum activity occurs only after absorption of the component in the stomach. The drug is excreted in the urine after 4-6 hours.

Indications for use

The drug can be prescribed for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Its main task is to alleviate hypoxia of internal organs and cellular tissues. The main indications when prescribing medication by a veterinarian include:

  • Insufficiency of the cardiovascular and pulmonary spheres (in acute or chronic form);
  • Wounds, including burns, frostbite;
  • Skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers);
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Rehabilitation after surgery, severe health problems;
  • Maintaining the health of older animals (over 7 years);
  • Stressful conditions (moving, exhibition, competitions);
  • Intoxication;
  • Pregnancy, postpartum recovery.

The capsule should be placed at the base of the tongue, close the dog's mouth and allow it to swallow the medicine. If necessary, you can give your pet water. The contents of the capsule may be consumed with food. The dosage depends on the dog’s body weight:

Weight, kgSingle portionNumber of appointments/day
From 5 to 1015 mg2
From 10 to 3030 mg2
From 30 to 5050 mg2
Over 50100 mg2

If emicidin is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, it must be taken once a day. The period of use of the product ranges from 10 to 30 days. The specific period is set by the veterinarian.

The solution can be introduced into the pet's body by drop method, as well as intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The recommended dosage is from 1 to 4 ml of ampoule contents/10 kg (or 2.5-10 mg of active ingredient/1 kg). The frequency of administration is 1-2 times a day for 5-15 days.

For older dogs, when prescribed prophylactically, a single daily dose of 1 ml of solution/10 kg (or 2.5 mg of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate/1 kg) is required. Injections are given twice a year (in autumn and spring), for 10-30 days.

Application for puppies

The drug has no restrictions for use by puppies. The dose of emicidin should be calculated by a veterinarian, depending on the weight of the pet and the existing problem.

Contraindications and side effects for dogs

Emicidin has no contraindications for use. Also, taking it cannot have a negative impact on health.

special instructions

In rare situations, an allergic reaction to the active ingredients of the drug may occur. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking it and provide the animal with an antihistamine.


An analogue in composition is Mexidol-Vet, produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The latter form is completely similar in its constituent substances to Emicidin, and the capsules, in addition to the same main component, contain several additional ones, which are not present in the drug in question.

They have a different composition, but a similar effect:

  • Emidonol is an oral solution or injection version based on 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate-2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine disuccinate;
  • Apoquel is a tablet version, the active ingredient is oclacitinib maleate;
  • Ligfol - the drug contains humic components created as a result of the hydrolysis of wood lignin.

general description

Emicidin is produced in two forms:

  • injection;
  • capsules for oral administration.


The solution for injections is a clear liquid that is colorless. It is packaged in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. They, in turn, are packed in cardboard boxes of 10 pieces. There is no need to observe special storage conditions. The main thing is to place the medicine in a place inaccessible to ultraviolet radiation (sun) and ensure that the air temperature is between 5 and 25 degrees Celsius.

The active component is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, a substance that is a derivative of 3-hydroxypyridine. 1 ml of medicinal liquid contains 25 mg of this substance. The auxiliary component is water for injection. The active substance is of natural origin and has no toxic effect on the body. Since the composition does not contain chemical components, the drug is considered safe for animals.


Dog owners who do not know how to give injections to their pets are better off using Emicidin capsules intended for oral administration. Externally, hard gelatin capsules have an elongated shape. They are usually painted white on one side and blue, green or red on the other. They are packaged in blisters. Each blister usually contains 10 pieces. There are 3 blisters in a cardboard box, that is, 30 capsules.

When purchasing the drug, you should know that capsules may contain 15 mg of the active substance (good for small dogs) and 50 mg each (should be used for large pets). In addition to ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, the composition includes talc and other auxiliary components. The medicine of this form of inlet should be stored under similar conditions.

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